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5/26/23, 10:34 PM Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??


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OpenText | Content Server IDE

The Content Server IDE Plug-in for Eclipse (CSIDE) is a source code-based development environment that you can use to extend Content

CSIDE provides tools for creating new modules and a run-time environment for testing, and debugging modified functionality. CSIDE must
be installed on the same machine as a Content Server installation. The modifications you develop in CSIDE on one platform can be
deployed in a Content Server installation on any supported operating system.

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Content Server IDE Development Forum  > Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??

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   Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??

Yaron Lulay
Location: Petach
Tikva I am a Newbee to OpenText and trying to create simple module according to the "Content Server IDE Plug-in for Eclipse Quick Start Guide":

My problem is simple:

I want to add an "hello world" line in the root OS file,

but whatever i try, i cant get my breakpoint or my echo statement, get hit.

I know it is probably a trivial issue, but hey.. we've all been NewBees sometime in our career :-)

Can someone give me a simple step by step guidance in addition to the one I have in the link above?



Modified on: 09/24/2019 11:10 AM

Created on: 04/26/2015 03:42 AM

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 Re Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??

eLink 1/4
5/26/23, 10:34 PM Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??
I looked at the material and it is different from its predecessor the "addressbook module”. In that there was a good effort for a new developer who had installed 1) a
working livelink system 2) a installed builder to say spend 1 -2 days and get a "Hello World" out. Actually more than that.If you can get your hands on the old builder
documentation it "may" make more sense. Now CSIDE is a very new thing to Oscript Dev and I am no expert in this but here's how one does this. Where simple
explanations are possible I have tried to indicate.

1.     A working livelink system  //oscript to be seen its output 

2.     A installed cside(eclipse) jar //to see src code

3.     Create a new "OScript" project specifying the OTHOME as the place where your livelink server is.

4.     If all goes well you should see in CSIDE console debug lines and almost at the end "Server starts on port 2099". if livelink was running it would ask
should I stop, you should that is your development mode.

5.     Oscript explorer the raw OS files side these get compiled to a single .oll on the livelink(module explorer) side.

6.     Module Explorer the running compiled oscript usually oll's in windows. Note if this side does not show your working module after you have "installed"
your module then livelink "does not" know your module.

7.     Without further ado create a new "module" and resist the temptation of doing anything substantial to it.If all goes well your module will be seen in
/staging of livelink with a <module>.ini .Perhaps follow the screen shot in the CSIDE documentation.

8.     Now install it by running?func=admin.installmodule you have to re-start the livelink server,CSIDE has a convenient stop /start(Red/Green) on the
module explorer side. Now save this .oll or rather the module itself to a safe location. You will thank me in a later date.

9.     Now see the oscript explorer side and the module explorer side.On the right if your module appears in all its red iconic glory and on the left on the
oscript explorer side your module now looks like Objects. You can know because for e.g. the WebModule will have + uses and you can expand them. They
are your objects.See OT screen shots.

10.   Now if you a write a "Hello World" in your Root object and you "compile" using automatic build or clean build you will see your "Hello World" when the
server starts up or in thread0.out log.

And before OT people reprimand me if the intent of that documentation is to get a new programmer get up to speed in development consider a recorded video for
that. Most of the oscripters in the world including me attended training at some time or the other so if you do not get a full grasp of how livelink programming works it
may cause you to have more doubts.

Things absolutely one must not do experienced or starter

1. 1.     Do not change code in any vended modules whether OT or private Vendor.Create your module and “override” objects properly.Search
"CUSTOMIZATIONS_RT" for a approach.
2. 2.     Always back up the livelink server side on your dev VM ,many times mis compilation will render a  unusable livelink system. CSIDE throws more dump files
than the older environment.
3. 3.     See the screenshots in the OT Document so you can know the Oscript explorer side vs the livelink module explorer side.

4.     Familiarize core concepts like Request Handlers, WebNodes,Its Actions, Subtypes(new node types) etc. above all try to see if you can debug a call from the GUI
to oscript and out.

Awesome new paradigm of oscript dev by Christopher Meyer(

   Simple basic module debugging by the book - how?? 


I am a Newbee to OpenText and trying to create simple module according to the "Content Server IDE Plug-in for Eclipse Quick Start Guide":

My problem is simple:

I want to add an "hello world" line in the root OS file,

but whatever i try, i cant get my breakpoint or my echo statement, get hit.

I know it is probably a trivial issue, but hey.. we've all been NewBees sometime in our career :-) 2/4
5/26/23, 10:34 PM Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??
Can someone give me a simple step by step guidance in addition to the one I have in the link above?



Modified on: 04/26/2015 02:42 AM

..appu appnair appunair

Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?

James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937 

Modified on: 09/24/2019 11:10 AM

Created on: 04/26/2015 10:57 AM

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 Re Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??

Yaron Lulay
Thanks a lot eLink for your detailed and wising answer.
Location: Petach Tikva
I managed to somehow get my env running, and also debugged it in the eclipse debugger. 

but now I have a new "doubt" (as you called it):

The eclipse debugger wont support watch/inspect/reveal value on hovering.

I says all these are not supported.

I tried it with simple Luna eclipse and also with Luna for java EE.

Does anyone know why the debugger is not fully work as it should?


Modified on: 09/24/2019 11:10 AM

Created on: 04/30/2015 07:40 AM

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 Re Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??

Ovchinnikov As far as I know watch\inspect is not supported in CSIDE.

Location: Moscow It woluld be great if someone from cside team can answer if there are plans on implementing expression watches or just watch simple

There is an expressions tab in eclipse on debug perspective but I cant figure out how to use it.

Modified on: 09/24/2019 11:10 AM

Created on: 04/30/2015 09:11 AM

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 RE Re Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??

Darcy 3/4
5/26/23, 10:34 PM Simple basic module debugging by the book - how??
Casselman By "hover", do you mean in the editor, or in some other view, like the Module Explorer or the Variables tab?

If you mean the editor, this is not a feature we've implemented yet.
Location: Waterloo

And you're correct: we haven't implemented the Expressions view either.  That comes with the base Eclipse install.


Modified on: 09/24/2019 11:10 AM

Created on: 04/30/2015 10:13 AM

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