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Policies and Procedures Manual

Title: Employee Referral Incentive Version Number: 1
Document Control Number: Approval Date:

It is the aim of Almana Group of Companies to encourage and reward employees for
identifying other talented potential employees to fill our vacant positions. Employees
know the environment and culture of the organization and can be helpful in
articulating it to other prospective candidates. Our employees are our best resource
for identifying talents like themselves, with similar work ethics, drive and commitment,
for career opportunities with the organization.
I. Scope

This policy applies to all employees of Almana Group of Companies.

II. Policy Guidelines

A. Definition

An employee referral program is a recruiting strategy where current employees

are rewarded for referring qualified candidates for employment. Employee
referral programs are popular due to lower overall recruiting costs and a high
return on investment.

The company will determine the referral incentive according on the difficulty of
the position to be filled. The program may be revised over time to add more
interesting incentives. We also reserve the right to abolish certain rewards if they
prove ineffective or inefficient. Any changes in the policy will be
communicated to employees in clear and timely manner.

We will be incorporating a tiered reward payout system. For example, if an

employee refers a candidate who:

- Gets hired: incentive will be…

- Stays on the job for at least 3 months: incentive will be…
- Passed the Probationary period: incentive will be…

Refer below for the Employee Referral Incentive Scheme:

This document is for the use of Almana Group of Companies. No portion of this document may
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be produced in books, pamphlets, outlines, or notes whether printed, machine copied,
mimeographed, typewritten, or in any other form without the permission of the Human Resources
Reward tiers are different for each level and position. Employees will be
informed beforehand, so they can have an accurate view of our incentive
schemes. Employees will be entitled to the referral incentive of each tier,
regardless of whether the candidate fails in the next tier (For example, a referrer
will get the incentive if the referral gets hired. If that referral failed to pass the
training period, referrer forfeits the next incentive but is allowed to keep the
previous one).

B. Additional Rules for Incentives

- We guarantee that every qualified incentive will be paid within the nearest
payroll cut-off.

- There is no cap on the number of referrals an employee can make. All

incentives will be paid accordingly.

- Referrers are still eligible for incentive even if candidate is hired at a later
time or gets hired for another position.

C. Who can participate in our Employee Referral Program?

All employees are eligible to participate except for the following:

- Recruiters and Human Resources Manager

- Hiring Managers/Leads for positions for which they are hiring.

Note: Hiring Managers/Leads are not eligible to refer anyone for a position for
which they are directly or indirectly responsible. However, they can refer
someone for a position for a different department or function.

D. Who can be referred?

We have two conditions for the candidates who can qualify the referrer to our
incentive program. They should:

- Have not applied to our company for at least six (6) months.
- Be hired as permanent full or part time employees (not as temporary
employee or contractor)

Referrers may use the Employee Referral Form when submitting their referrals.
Information on the data to be provided are made available to all employees. To
ensure accurate record-keeping and timely incentive payout, we urge our employees
to follow our specific instructions.

Periodically, HR Department will be sending to all employees the open positions so

everyone may tap their social and external networks as potential resources for referred

This document is for the use of Almana Group of Companies. No portion of this document may
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be produced in books, pamphlets, outlines, or notes whether printed, machine copied,
mimeographed, typewritten, or in any other form without the permission of the Human Resources
Violations of any of the provisions contained in this policy shall be governed by Almana Group
of Companies’ Policies and current practices on Disciplinary Action Cases and Grievances, if

The Management in the exercise of its sole and exclusive prerogative may add, amend, revise,
and/or abolish this policy.

This policy supersedes all policies, circulars, and/or memoranda inconsistent with those
contained in this document. Policies, circulars, and memoranda not inconsistent herewith shall
supplement this policy.

Any portion of this policy not inconsistent and expressly repealed, amended, and/or modified
by any subsequent policies, circulars, and/or memoranda shall continue to take effect and
serve to supplement the subsequent policies, circulars, and/or memoranda.

In the event that any portion of this policy is repealed by a provision of law, it shall not affect
the remaining provisions not inconsistent with the law.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

Adrian Joseph A. Oñate Melch G. Noynay Jr. Ritchie Neil C. Corpus

HR Associate VP – Human Resources & President/CEO
Corporate Planning

This document is for the use of Almana Group of Companies. No portion of this document may
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be produced in books, pamphlets, outlines, or notes whether printed, machine copied,
mimeographed, typewritten, or in any other form without the permission of the Human Resources

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