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Air pollution affects the Earth's atmosphere.

The atmosphere of the Earth is like a

blanket of air which protects all life. Without the atmosphere, life would not exist. The
atmosphere protects living organisms from the heat of the Sun during the day, and at
night it prevents the warm air from escaping. Basically, the atmosphere helps keep the
living things on Earth from burning up or freezing.
The pollution in the air, though, may affect this 'blanket' and becomes harmful to life on
Earth. The substances in the air causing the dirty air are called pollutants. These air
pollutants contributes to the heating up of the Earth, which is often called Global Warming.
Fossil fuels are natural fuels found in and on the Earth, such as oil, coal, and natural
gas. When they are burned, the gases released into the atmosphere are added to the
'blanket' that is covering the Earth.
Farming also contributes to the greenhouse effect. Methane gas is released into the
atmosphere when a cow releases its gas - or farts. There are over 1.5 billion cows in the
world releasing methane gas daily, further adding to the 'blanket' covering the Earth.
One of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, is absorbed by the trees and forests
throughout the world, and then released as oxygen. Unfortunately, deforestation, the
cutting down of trees and forests to make way for farms, roads, oil mines, and dams
further leads to the greenhouse effect and a thicker 'blanket'.
A warmer climate can affect the planet negatively. It could lead to heavier precipitation,
unusual season changes, heat waves, etc. Polar animals' natural habitats are melting
because of warmer temperatures, affecting polar bears, and seals. Orangutans in the
rainforests are losing their homes, and sea turtles are losing nesting beaches because of
rising sea levels. Farming in developing countries face increased rain, floods, and
droughts; plus, certain kinds of food items may become scarce, unavailable, or more
expensive for people to purchase.
In summary, there has been climate change before humans began living on Earth, but
the average temperature has increased over the past 200 years. Many scientists believe it
is a result of human behavior, and changing some of those behaviors will have a positive
effect on climate change and global warming.

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