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Activity 1

Roll, roll, and away!


Calculate the acceleration of the can rolling down an inclined plane, given a
distance vs. time and distance vs. time
2 graph of its motion; and

Describe the motion of an object given a distance vs. time or a distance vs.
2 graph.
Materials Needed:
board/plank (at least 200 cm long)
timing device (stopwatch)
tin can
stack of books
1. Set up an inclined plane by putting one end of the plane on top of stack of
books. Mark the plane for every 40cm and label these as 40 cm, 80 cm,
120 cm, and so on, starting from the lowest end.
2. Measure the base and the height and calculate the angle of inclination.
Use the formula, Ɵ = tan-1(height / base)
3. Roll the tin can from each labeled point starting with 40 cm mark.. Start
the timer as the tin can is released, and stop the timer when the tin can
reached the bottom of the inclined plane.
4. Ask your partner to record the time (t) taken by the tin can to travel each
distance (d) down the plane. Perform three trials from each mark. Use
the table below for your data.
5. Graph d vs. t and then d vs. t2 .

Angle of inclination:___________
Q1. How will you describe the graphs of:
a.distance vs. time?
b.distance vs. time2?
Q2. What is the relationship between distance and time of travel of the rolling can?
Q3. What is the slope of d – t2graph? What quantity does the slope of d – t2 graph
represent? (Refer to the unit of the slope)
Q4. What do the graphs of distance vs. time and distance vs. time2suggest?

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