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Bio-control of leafminer fly using Coenosia exigua

at Bhubing Palace in Chiang Mai, Thailand

25th Regional Training Course on Managing Vegetable Production and Marketing


The pea leafminer fly, Liriomyza huidobrensis, has been a A mixture of the following:
serious pest on various flowers and vegetables over the
years. The pest is known to attack several species of ƒ Compost: 1 part
ƒ Fine soil: 1 part
ornamental plants including major ones such as ƒ Coconut shell: 2 parts
chrysanthemum, dahlia, petunia, gerbera and is also a ƒ Peanut shells: 2 parts
major pest on most important vegetables of the ƒ Rice flakes: 1 kg
Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae families. The larvae tunnel
the leaves and feed on tissues under the epidermis. is prepared in a cement block to allow
growth of fungi which are consumed by
The pest has developed resistance to effective insecticides the larvae of fungus gnat. Coneosia
like chloropyriphos, prothiofos, abamectin and beta- larvae in turn will eat the fungus gnat
cyhalothrin thus farmers were left with no options to larvae for its growth and development.
manage leafminer resulting in reduced production and less
income to farmers.

HISTORY Developing fungus on

the media
Damage caused by a leafminer Life cycle of a leafminer fly (LMF)
In 1994, there was an epidemic of leafminers on 48
species of ornamental flowers like hollyhock, roses,
gerbera and others at Bhubing Palace in Chiang Mai. The
pest created havoc and forced extra attention of even His
Royal Majesty to manage the pest at the Bhubing Palace.

The Royal Project Foundation worked with the Department

of Agriculture in standardizing the methods of mass
multiplication leading to effective management of leafminer
on ornamental flowers in Bhubing Palace.

Thanks are due to the Swiss Agency for Life cycle of Coenosia exigua
Development and Cooperation (SDC) for
supporting the training course and the
Department of Agriculture for facilitating RTC participants prepare the mixture for the development
the visit. Coenosia predates on adult leaf miner fly
of fungus gnat

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