16.) 141 SCRA 356, People v. Siyoh

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Case No. 16
People vs. Siyoh, G.R. No. L-57292 February 18, 1986

Julaide Siyoh and Omarkyam Kiram, together with Namli Indanan and Andaw Jamahali were
accused of qualified piracy with triple murder and frustrated murder. On July 10, 1979, Antonio
de Guzman together with his friends who were also travelling merchants like him (Danilo
Hiolen. Rodolfo de Castro and Anastacio de Guzman) were on their way to Pilas Island, Province
of Basilan, to sell goods they received from Alberto Aurea. They left for Pilas Island at 2:00 p.m.
of July 10, 1979 on a pump boat. They took their dinner and slept that night in the house of
Omar-kayam Kiram at Pilas Island. Who also helped them from selling their goods to different
Islands near Pilas. Before the incident happened, Antonio, the lone survivor saw that Kiram was
talking with another two persons that he can only recognize in their faces somewhere near the
house where they were selling the goods On July 14, 1979, when they were heading back to
Pilas Island from Baluk-Baluk Island through riding a pumpboat where Siyoh positioned himself
at the front while Kiram operated the engine. On the way to Pilas Island, Antonio de Guzman
saw another pumpboat painted red and green about 200 meters away from their pumpboat
Shortly after" Kiram turned off the engine of their pumpboat. Thereafter two shots were fired
from the other pumpboat as it moved towards them There were two persons on the other
pumpboat who were armed with armantes. De Guzman recognized them to be the same
persons he saw Kiram conversing with in a house at Baluk-Baluk Island. When the boat came
close to them, Kiram threw a rope to the other pumpboat which towed de Guzman's pumpboat
towards Mataja Island.

On the way to Mataja Island, Antonio de Guzman and his companions were divested of their
money and their goods by Kiram. Thereafter Kiram and his companions ordered the group of de
Guzman to undress. Taking fancy on the pants of Antonio de Guzman, Kiram put it on. With
everybody undressed, Kiram said 'It was good to kill all of you'. After that remark, Siyoh hacked
Danilo Hiolen while Kiram hacked Rodolfo de Castro. Antonio de Guzman jumped into the
water. As he was swimming away from the pumpboat, the two companions of Kiram fired at
him, injuring his back. But he was able to reach a mangrove where he stayed till nightfall.
When he left the mangrove, he saw the dead bodies of Anastacio de Guzman, Danilo Hiolen
and Rodolfo de Castro. He was picked up by a fishing boat and brought to the Philippine Army
station at Maluso where he received first aid treatment. Later he was brought to the J.S. Alano
Memorial Hospital at Isabela, Basilan province.

On July 15, 1979, while waiting for the dead bodies of his companions at the wharf, de Guzman
saw Siyoh and Kiram. He pointed them out to the PC and the two were arrested before they
could run. When arrested, Kiram was wearing the pants he took from de Guzman and de
Guzman had to ask Pat. Bayabas at the Provincial Jail to get back his pants from Kiram.

WON the respondent-appellants are guilty beyond reasonable doubt?
YES. They were said to be guilty beyond reasonable doubt of qualified piracy with triple murder
and frustrated homicide

● Number of persons killed on the occasion of piracy, not material; Piracy, a special
complex crime punishable by death—but the number of persons killed on the occasion
of piracy is not material. PD 532 considers qualified piracy as a special complex crime
punishable by death. Therefore, the guilt of the respondent was proven beyond
reasonable doubt.

● There was no other evidence presented on why the lone survivor told lies and fabricated
stories to apprehend the accused.

● Appellants claim that they were not the assailants but also the victim and that the two
persons they have identified (Namli Indanan and Andaw Jamahali) are baseless as
viewed in the proven conspiracy among the accused. The Conspiracy was established
through the testimony of the lone witness and survivor- De Guzman

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