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House Sigma

Games of Speakin
As the afternoon sun casts its gentle glow, we gather today to engage
in an actitivy to increase our vocabulary.

Through the games of speaking we're diving into the magical world
of conversation, where, if we are lucky, thoughts will collide and
laughter will follow suit. Take it as a chance to showcase your quick
wit, share your incredible stories, and discover the hidden treasures
within each other's minds.

So, grab a seat and let the fun unfold!

Game 1

Shiritori Showdown

The word  shiritori  is Japanese for “chicken’s behind.” Each

participant will use the 2 last letters of the previous word to make a
new one. The first participant to get 5 words on a row wins.


Participant 1: I’ll start. Moist.

Participant 2: Umm… Stamina

Participant 1: Hmm… Nativity.
Participant 2: Ty Ty Ty. Umm…

(Participant 2 is out.)

Repeat until one of the participants get 5 right answers on a row.

Game 2

Word Warm Ups

In this game participants will attempt to use the given English

concept, word, expression or grammar pattern in a sentence quickly
and articulated.

(Participant 1 starts giving the concept, word, expression or

grammar pattern to play with)

Participant 1: Okay, say a sentence using the phrase, “even

though.” Go!
Participant 2: Hmm… I like Canada  even though  it’s very cold.
Now, you say a sentence that includes a conditional. Go!

Participant 1: Okay. If I had more free time, I would travel around

the world and explore different cultures. And now you….

Keep going until the time is over. Count your own sentences.
Sample words, expressions or patterns to play with:

Fancy, get used to, calm down, either way, don’t mind, colleague,
complain about, go with the flow, every other day, qualify as, on
purpose, be praised for, refund, live above your means, use Present
simple, use would, use like + verb ing.

Game 3

Word Formation can be like a captivating game here, a game to

unlock endless possibilities for communication. Let’s explore how
prefixes and suffixes can alter the meaning and function of a word,
while compounds bring together different elements to create
something entirely unique. And conversion allows words to adapt
and function in different grammatical roles, adding versatility to
the English language.

Most common prefixes: un, dis, re, out, pre, sub, mis, de, extra
Most common suffixes: acy, al dom, er, ism, ship, tion, able, ful,
less, ish, ive, esque, ate, en, ize / ise

Some examples of word formation using compounds:

1. Moonlight: Moon + Light

2. Highway: High + Way
3. Raincoat: Rain + Coat
4. Cupcake: Cup + Cake
5. Butterfly: Butter + Fly
6. Breakfast: Break + Fast
7. Airport: Air + Port
8. Firefly: Fire + Fly
9. Bookshelf: Book + Shelf
10. Toothpaste: Tooth + Paste

Some examples of conversion applied to word formation:

1. Noun to Verb:

• He will bottle the sauce.

• She likes to shoe her horse.

2. Adjective to Noun:
• The old building is a classic.

• She loves to wear bright reds.

This game is about challenging your opponent to give you the most
derived words from the original given one. If they say just one is ok,
two is much like it and 3… Yay! That’s home run!
You can play as many turns as possible within the given time.

You can use this list of words:

1. Create

2. Power

3. Play

4. Light

5. Break

6. Time

7. Love

8. Sound

9. Think

10. Connect

Extra exercise.

Fill in the blanks using compound words.

1. She enjoys stargazing during ____________.

2. The ____________ was packed with travelers during

the holiday season.

3. He put on his ____________ to protect himself from

the rain.

4. The children were excited to have a ____________ for

5. The ____________ fluttered gracefully in the garden.

6. They took a scenic drive along the ____________.

7. She wore her favorite _________________ to the


8. The ____________ emitted a soft glow in the night


9. Please place the books back on the ____________.

10. The tropical forest was filled with the sound of a distant

Use these words:

highway, raincoat, cupcake, butterfly, moonlight, bookshelf, firefly,
airport, tracksuit, waterfall.

Game 4


You’ve come to the final stretch, the finish line…. It’s time to play
our last game today, Speaktionary!

Pick a word from your memory and explain it with your own words,
but in less than 30 seconds. Your opponent wins a point every time
they can guess a word, also in no more than 30 seconds :-)

You can play as many turns as possible within the given time.


P a r t i c i p a n t 1 : G u e s s w h a t ’ s a  b o o k  t h a t  l i s t s  w o r d s
with their meanings given in the same or in another language, and
often includes other information.

Participant 2: My mother’s cook book!

Participant 1: Nooooo! It’s a dictionary. Now it’s your turn to play.

Let’s count how many points you’ve got individually

And the winner is……..

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