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Prepared by:
Engr. Xymel Pearl Sombrio
• After studying these topics, the students
should be able to:
1. Define entrepreneur, technopreneur,
and agrotechnopreneur
2. Know the importance of
3. Understand agrotechnopreneurship
4. Recognize successful Technopreneurs
and AgTech startups

Source: Hayes, 2021 (link in the note section)

• The term technopreneurship is a fusion of two
words, technology, and entrepreneurship.
It is a kind of entrepreneurship in the field of
• There are certain critical areas that a
technopreneur needs to focus on. It can
be the Information and Technology (IT) sector,
electronics, biotechnology, hi-tech products,
technology use in delivering essential services,
and service firms where the primary mission is

Source: GIETU, 2021 (link in the note section)

• Technopreneur are entrepreneurs who start and
manage their own technology business (As
defined by the Collins Dictionary)
• A technopreneur starts with a new idea. This
idea has the potential to change the way society
has been traditionally functioning.
• A technopreneur defies existing practices and
systems and thinks of doing things differently.
• They create a new product or come up with a
solution to some problem using technology.

Source: GIETU, 2021 (link in the note section)

Founders of Uber
Examples of Successful Technopreneurs

• They revolutionized the way people travel by

the use of technology.
• They built a GPS integrated app and completely
changed the economics of the taxi/cab industry.
• Their service is much more convenient for
customers than traditional cab companies.
Source: GIETU, 2021 (link in the note section)
Elon Musk
Examples of Successful Technopreneurs

• the multi-billionaire and the man behind some

fantastic technological start-ups like PayPal,
SpaceX, and Tesla Motors!
• He is the perfect example of a technopreneur
who is a risk-taker, an innovator, a visionary,
who never lets failure define him.
Source: GIETU, 2021 (link in the note section)
Difference between technopreneurship and

Entrepreneurs and technopreneurs are not the same, but similar.

You can say, technopreneurship is a new breed of entrepreneurship.

Source: TheCodeWork, 2020 (link in the note section)

Difference between technopreneurship and

Technopreneurs are the ones who modify a Entrepreneurs are the ones who start
traditional method of an activity, using technology.
Like Uber. Their idea wasn’t a fresh one. They just
with a fresh idea and go on to build it
revolutionize cab calling service, using technology. into a product or service.

Source: TheCodeWork, 2020 (link in the note section)

Is technopreneurship all about technology?
The shortest answer to this is, NO!

• Technology does take the center

stage here, but that’s not all
there is.
• To succeed as a technopreneur,
you don’t have to invent anything,
rather you have to innovate.
• You need to think of solving a
problem that exists, using the
tools that exist – only in a new
and better way.
Source: TheCodeWork, 2020 (link in the note section)
Is technopreneurship all about technology?
The shortest answer to this is, NO!

• It takes year/s for an idea to

become commercially viable.
• Nonetheless, you can use that
time to refine your skills and –
enhance your technical skills,
develop your communication
skills, as well as form new

Source: TheCodeWork, 2020 (link in the note section)

Importance of Creating employment
Technopreneurship creates new
jobs and can help our nation tackle
the unemployment problem to a
significant extent.

Technological advancement:
Along with a pool of employees,
they will strive to improve the
existing technology. It will, in turn,
lead to the effective utilization of
the country’s natural resources.

Source: GIETU, 2021 (link in the note section)

Capital formation:
Importance of investment and funding are integral for
any start-up. Technopreneurs, too,
Technopreneurship need investors who can financially
assist their start-ups. These financers
utilize the public savings that lead to
the economic growth of the country.

Promotion of entrepreneurial mindset:

The young generation gets a chance
to work with these start-ups. It
promotes qualities in them like risk-
taking skills, creativity, a strong work
ethic, and passion. This young
generation of workers can, in the
future, be successful entrepreneurs
Source: GIETU, 2021 (link in the note section)

• It is an technopreneur who is involved in

agrobased industry.
• He/She/They commercializes agro-
based technology or innovative
products for profit.
• A combination of agriculture practices and
technology is now a new uprising trend
in the world, specially in developing

Source: Dardak et al, 2020 (link in the note section)


• The success of an agrotechnopreneur is influenced by the

support (formal and informal) from the ecosystem.
• In general, ecosystem can be defined as a complex network
or interconnected system.
• Business ecosystem is the network between an
organization and others that include its suppliers, distributors,
customers, competitors, and government agencies.

Source: Dardak et al, 2020 (link in the note section)


• Thus, entrepreneurial ecosystem

involved innovative and
entrepreneurial system that linked
• Agrotechnopreneurship ecosystem
is made up of 4 elements:
1. Human Capital
2. Investments in R and D
3. Law and Policies
4. Financial Resource

Source: Dardak et al, 2020 (link in the note section)


Human Capital Development Investment in R and D

• Human capital makes up the • Investment in Research and

workforce of a business organization. Development was done by the
• It is the most challenging components government, business enterprise,
in the technopreneurship ecosystem. higher education institutions and
private non-profit organizations.
• The human capital components in
technopreneurship ecosystem include • Example: DOST- ERDT
researchers or scientist, technical, *ERDT - Engineering Research and Development for
operational and marketing people. Technology

Source: Dardak et al, 2020 (link in the note section)


Laws and Policies Financial Resource

• Republic act no. 10679 or “Youth • For the development of

Entrepreneurship Act” – an act promoting
entrepreneurship and financial education among agrtechnopreneur, many agencies and
Filipino youth financial institutions, both government
• Republic Act 11293, or the Philippine Innovation and private offer financial services and
Act – aims to “remove obstacles to innovation business grants.
by suppressing bureaucratic hurdles” and
“encourage entrepreneurial attitude in order to • The Kapital Access for Young
stimulate growth ambitions in business.” Agripreneurs (KAYA) Loan Program
• The Philippine Innovation Act created the offers zero-interest loans of up to Php
National Innovation Council (NIC), which has
been tasked “to develop the country’s innovation 500,000 (subject to approval of PLC)
goals, priorities, and long-term national strategy. payable up to 5 years.
California Safe Soil
The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups In 2018

The startup with $14.8 million in funding

transforms wasted food from supermarkets into a
low-cost liquid fertilizer that it sells to farmers in
an effort to combat declining arable land

Source: Forbes, 2018 (link in the note section)

The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups In 2018

• Plenty is an indoor farming company utilizing

machine learning, artificial intelligence and crop
science to optimize yields and give produce
exactly what it needs to achieve optimal
freshness and taste.

Source: Forbes, 2018 (link in the note section)

The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups In 2018

• Madison, Wisconsin-based Understory makes weather

sensors for farms that collect hyperlocal weather data,
particularly hail, wind, precipitation, and temperature.
• The company’s sensors have no moving parts and are
• The company also provides a real-time data platform and
an API solution.

Source: Forbes, 2018 (link in the note section)

Toopi Organics

• Toopi Organics is an ecologically-minded French startup specializing

in the unusual market of using human urine for agriculture.
• It is at the origin of a patented process that uses human urine to
grow bacteria with strong agronomic interest.
• The Toopi solution starts by collecting urine through various existing
or non-existing means (mobile or fixed urinal installations),
transforming the urine using a patented (low-tech) process that
hygienizes and depollutes the urine, and finally valorizing the urine by
creating a fertilizer that is much cheaper and as effective as a mineral

Source: ADME, n.d; Tucker, 2020; Toopi Organics, 2019 (link in the note section)

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