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Persoonia 27, 2011: 20 – 45 RESEARCH ARTICLE

Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae

P.W. Crous 1,3,8, B.A. Summerell 2, L. Swart 3, S. Denman 4, J.E. Taylor 5,
C.M. Bezuidenhout 6, M.E. Palm 7, S. Marincowitz 8, J.Z. Groenewald 1

Key words Abstract   Species of Leucadendron, Leucospermum and Protea (Proteaceae) are in high demand for the interna-
tional floriculture market due to their brightly coloured and textured flowers or bracts. Fungal pathogens, however,
create a serious problem in cultivating flawless blooms. The aim of the present study was to characterise several
cut-flower industry
of these pathogens using morphology, culture characteristics, and DNA sequence data of the rRNA-ITS and LSU
fungal pathogens
genes. In some cases additional genes such as TEF 1-α and CHS were also sequenced. Based on the results of
this study, several novel species and genera are described. Brunneosphaerella leaf blight is shown to be caused by
three species, namely B. jonkershoekensis on Protea repens, B. nitidae sp. nov. on Protea nitida and B. protearum
on a wide host range of Protea spp. (South Africa). Coniothyrium-like species associated with Coniothyrium leaf
spot are allocated to other genera, namely Curreya grandicipis on Protea grandiceps, and Microsphaeropsis proteae
on P. nitida (South Africa). Diaporthe leucospermi is described on Leucospermum sp. (Australia), and Diplodina
microsperma newly reported on Protea sp. (New Zealand). Pyrenophora blight is caused by a novel species,
Pyrenophora leucospermi, and not Drechslera biseptata or D. dematoidea as previously reported. Fusicladium
proteae is described on Protea sp. (South Africa), Pestalotiopsis protearum on Leucospermum cuneiforme (Zim-
babwe), Ramularia vizellae and R. stellenboschensis on Protea spp. (South Africa), and Teratosphaeria capensis
on Protea spp. (Portugal, South Africa). Aureobasidium leaf spot is shown to be caused by two species, namely
A. proteae comb. nov. on Protea spp. (South Africa), and A. leucospermi sp. nov. on Leucospermum spp. (Indonesia,
Portugal, South Africa). Novel genera and species elucidated in this study include Gordonomyces mucovaginatus
and Pseudopassalora gouriqua (hyphomycetes), and Xenoconiothyrium catenata (coelomycete), all on Protea
spp. (South Africa).

Article info   Received: 9 August 2011; Accepted: 25 September 2011; Published: 7 October 2011.

Introduction exceptional in its natural diversity of Proteaceae, and also in

their associated fungi (Crous et al. 2006a). The Fynbos biome
Proteaceae is one of the Southern Hemisphere’s most promi- is a major part of the Cape Floral Kingdom and the Proteaceae
nent flowering plant families and is amongst the oldest groups of forms one of the main components of the Cape Floristic Re-
flowering plants. Records show that they existed in Gondwana­ gion along with ericoids, restioids and geophytes (Cowling &
land at least 300 million years ago (Vogts 1982). Today, long Richardson 1995).
after the movement of continental plates caused Gondwanaland
The South African Proteaceae comprises 14 genera, of which 7
to break up these plants still survive. The highest degree of
genera are commercially utilised (Vogts 1982, Littlejohn 1999,
species richness occurs in eastern and western Australia, and
Paterson-Jones 2000, Rebelo 2001). Three of these, Leuca-
the Western Cape of South Africa with the greatest diversity of
dendron, Leucospermum and Protea are of the greatest com-
Proteaceae, occurring in Australia, which has representatives
mercial value and are grown for their exotic, brightly coloured
of all seven subfamilies. More than 800 species representing
and textured flowers or bracts, which are in high demand on the
45 genera are found in Australia, of which 550 species are
world floriculture market (Coetzee & Littlejohn 2001). Fungal
found mainly in the south-western part of that country (Re-
belo 2001). Africa, the second most species-rich continent, pathogens, however, create a serious problem in cultivating
has members of only two of the subfamilies (Paterson-Jones flawless blooms. Several groups of fungal pathogens of Pro-
2000). Approximately 330 species (representing 14 genera) are teaceae have in recent years been characterised phylogeneti-
confined to the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), making this area cally, e.g. Botryosphaeria stem cankers (Denman et al. 1999,
2000, 2003, Crous et al. 2006b, Marincowitz et al. 2008b),
CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584 CT Utrecht, The Nether- Armillaria and Cylindrocladium root rot (Schoch et al. 1999,
lands; corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]. Coetzee et al. 2003, Lombard et al. 2010a–c), Elsinoë scab
Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Mrs. Macquaries Road, Sydney,
disease (Swart et al. 2001) Phomopsis cankers (Mostert et al.
NSW 2000, Australia.
Department of Plant Pathology, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag 2001a, b), and leaf spots caused by species of Mycosphaerella
X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa. and Teratosphaeria (Crous et al. 2008, 2009a, b, 2011b). Sev-
Forest Research, Alice Holt Lodge, Farnham, Surrey, G10 4LH, UK. eral other pathogenic fungi on Proteaceae however, have never
Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, 20 Inverlieth Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR, been studied from a phylogenetic perspective based on DNA
Agricultural Research Council, Horticulture Division, Private Bag X5026, analyses, and in light of new knowledge are now suspected to
Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa. represent species complexes.
USDA-APHIS-PPQ, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, Beltsville, MD 20705,
The aim of the present study, therefore, was to recollect and
Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), University of culture as many of the fungi associated with diseases of Pro-
Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa. teaceae as possible, to facilitate DNA phylogenetic studies and

© 2011 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures

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P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 21

characterisation based on DNA analyses, culture characteristics PDA at 25 °C in the dark for different periods as stated below,
and morphology. using the colour charts of Rayner (1970).

Materials and Methods Results

Isolates DNA phylogeny

Leaves and stems of Proteaceae with cankers or leaf spots 28S nrDNA generic overview
were chosen for study. Single conidial colonies were established
Amplicons of approximately 1 700 bases were obtained ITS
from sporulating conidiomata on Petri dishes containing 2 %
(including the first approximately 900 bp of LSU) for the isolates
malt extract agar (MEA; Crous et al. 2009c) as described earlier listed in Table 1. The LSU sequences were used to obtain addi-
(Crous et al. 1991). Excised lesions containing ascomata were tional sequences from GenBank, which were added to the align-
soaked in water for approximately 2 h, after which they were ment (Fig. 1) and the ITS to determine species identification
placed on the underside of Petri dish lids, with the top half of (not shown; discussed in species notes where applicable). The
the dish containing MEA, allowing spores to be deposited on the manually adjusted LSU alignment contained 136 sequences
MEA in the dish above. Ascospore germination patterns were (including the outgroup sequence) and 759 characters including
examined after 24 h, and single ascospore cultures established alignment gaps (available in TreeBASE) were used in the phylo­-
as described by Crous (1998). Colonies were subcultured onto genetic analysis; 326 of these were parsimony-informative,
2 % potato-dextrose agar (PDA), synthetic nutrient-poor agar 35 were variable and parsimony-uninformative, and 398 were
(SNA), MEA, and oatmeal agar (OA) (Crous et al. 2009c), and constant. Neighbour-joining analyses using three substitution
incubated under continuous near-ultraviolet light at 25 °C to models on the sequence alignment yielded trees with identi-
promote sporulation. Reference strains are maintained in the cal topologies to one another and support the same clades
CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS) Utrecht, The as obtained from the parsimony analysis. Only the first 1 000
Netherlands (Table 1). Nomenclatural novelties and descrip- equally most parsimonious trees were saved (TL = 1567 steps;
tions were deposited in MycoBank (Crous et al. 2004b). CI = 0.419; RI = 0.911; RC = 0.381). The phylogenetic results
obtained (Fig. 1) are discussed where applicable in the descrip-
DNA phylogeny tive notes below.
Genomic DNA was extracted from fungal colonies growing on
MEA using the UltraCleanTM Microbial DNA Isolation Kit (MoBio Brunneosphaerella combined ITS, TEF and CHS
Laboratories, Inc., Solana Beach, CA, USA) according to the Amplicons of approximately 1 700 bases were obtained ITS
manufacturer’s protocol. The primers V9G (de Hoog & Gerrits (including the first approximately 900 bp of LSU), 560–630 bp
van den Ende 1998) and LR5 (Vilgalys & Hester 1990) were for TEF and 300 bp for CHS for the isolates listed in Table 1.
used to amplify part (ITS) of the nuclear rDNA operon spanning The manually adjusted combined alignment contained 16 se-
the 3’ end of the 18S rRNA gene, the first internal transcribed quences (including the outgroup sequence) and 1 305 (510,
spacer (ITS1), the 5.8S rRNA gene, the second ITS region and 534 and 261 for ITS, TEF and CHS, respectively) characters
the 5’ end of the 28S rRNA gene. The primers ITS4 (White et al. including alignment gaps (available in TreeBASE) were used
1990) and LSU1Fd (Crous et al. 2009a) were used as internal in the phylogenetic analysis; 61 of these were parsimony-
sequence primers to ensure good quality sequences over the informative, 545 were variable and parsimony-uninformative,
entire length of the amplicon. and 699 were constant. Neighbour-joining analyses using three
For the genera Drechslera and Brunneosphaerella, the partial substitution models on the sequence alignment yielded trees
gene sequences for translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF) with identical topologies to one another and support the same
were determined using the primers EF1-728F (Carbone & clades as obtained from the parsimony analysis. The parsimony
Kohn 1999) and EF1-986R (Carbone & Kohn 1999) or EF-2 analysis yielded a single most parsimonious tree (TL = 640
(O’Donnell et al. 1998) as described by Crous et al. (2006b) steps; CI = 0.988; RI = 0.962; RC = 0.950). All three species
and Bensch et al. (2010). In addition sequences of the chitin treated can be identified by unique sequence differences in
synthase (CHS) gene were obtained using the primers CHS- all three sequenced loci (data not shown). The phylogenetic
79F and CHS-354R (Carbone & Kohn 1999) following the results obtained (Fig. 2) are discussed where applicable in the
above amplification protocol. For Diplodina microsperma, TEF descriptive notes below. A partition homogeneity test indicated
was amplified and sequenced as described above; in addition that all three loci were combinable (P value = 0.222).
beta-tubulin was amplified and sequenced using the primers Pyrenophora combined ITS, TEF and CHS
T1 (O’Donnell & Cigelnik 1997) and Bt-2b (Glass & Donaldson
Amplicons of approximately 1 700 bases were obtained ITS
(including the first approximately 900 bp of LSU), 660–750 bp
The sequence alignment and subsequent phylogenetic analy- for TEF and 300 bp for CHS for the isolates listed in Table 1.
ses for all the above were carried out using methods described The manually adjusted combined alignment contained 23 se-
by Crous et al. (2006b). Gaps longer than 10 bases were coded quences (including the outgroup sequence) and 1 374 (566,
as single events for the phylogenetic analyses; the remaining 534 and 274 for ITS, TEF and CHS, respectively) characters
gaps were treated as ‘fifth state’ data. Sequence data were including alignment gaps (available in TreeBASE) were used
deposited in GenBank (Table 1) and the alignment and trees in the phylogenetic analysis; 133 of these were parsimony-
in TreeBASE ( informative, 550 were variable and parsimony-uninformative,
and 691 were constant. Neighbour-joining analyses using three
Taxonomy substitution models on the sequence alignment yielded trees
A minimum of 30 measurements (× 1 000 magnification) were with identical topologies to one another and support the same
made of conidia and ascospores mounted in lactic acid, with clades as obtained from the parsimony analysis. The parsimony
the extremes of spore measurements given in parentheses. analysis yielded a single most parsimonious tree (TL = 792
Ranges of the dimensions of other characters are given. Colony steps; CI = 0.992; RI = 0.972; RC = 0.964). The TEF alignment
colours (surface and reverse) were assessed on MEA, OA and was found to provide the highest resolution, followed by CHS.
Table 1   Collection details and GenBank accession numbers of isolates for which novel sequences were generated in this study. 22

Species Strain no.1 Country Substrate Collector(s) GenBank Accession number2


Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 13902 South Africa Leaves of Protea repens P.W. Crous JN712439 JN712503 JN712571 JN712609 –
CPC 13905 South Africa Leaves of Protea repens P.W. Crous GU214623 GU214394 JN712572 JN712610 –
CPC 13908 South Africa Leaves of Protea repens P.W. Crous JN712440 JN712504 JN712573 JN712611 –
CPC 13911; CBS 130594 South Africa Leaves of Protea repens P.W. Crous JN712441 JN712505 JN712574 JN712612 –
CPC 15237 South Africa Protea nitida L. Mostert JN712442 JN712506 JN712575 JN712613 –
CPC 16850 South Africa Protea repens J.E. Taylor JN712443 JN712507 JN712576 JN712614 –
CPC 16851 South Africa Protea repens J.E. Taylor JN712444 JN712508 JN712577 JN712615 –
CPC 18297 South Africa Living leaves of Protea repens P.W. Crous JN712445 JN712509 JN712578 JN712616 –
CPC 18301 South Africa Living leaves of Protea repens P.W. Crous JN712446 JN712510 JN712579 JN712617 –
Brunneosphaerella nitidae CPC 13914; CBS 130596 South Africa Protea nitida P.W. Crous GU214624 GU214395 JN712580 JN712618 –
CPC 15231; CBS 130595 South Africa Leaf litter of Protea nitida L. Mostert GU214625 GU214396 JN712581 JN712619 –
Brunneosphaerella protearum CPC 16338; CBS 130597 South Africa Leaves of Protea sp. P.W. Crous GU214626 GU214397 JN712582 JN712620 –
CPC 16849 South Africa Living leaves of Protea magnifica J.E. Taylor JN712447 JN712511 JN712583 JN712621 –
CPC 18308; CBS 130598 South Africa Leaves of Protea coronata P.W. Crous JN712448 JN712512 JN712584 JN712622 –
CPC 18328 South Africa Leaves of Protea mundii P.W. Crous JN712449 JN712513 JN712585 JN712623 –
Coccomyces proteae CPC 1727; CBS 111704 South Africa Leaves of Protea sp. S. Denman JN712450 JN712514 – – –
CPC 1730; CBS 111703 South Africa Leaves of Protea sp. S. Denman JN712451 JN712515 – – –
Coniothyrium nitidae CPC 1476; CBS 111322 South Africa Leaves of Protea nitida S. Denman JN712452 JN712516 – – –
CPC 1477; CBS 111321 South Africa Leaves of Protea nitida S. Denman JN712453 JN712517 – – JN712647
CPC 1478; CBS 111302 South Africa Leaves of Protea nitida S. Denman JN712454 JN712518 – – –
CPC 1532; CBS 111380 South Africa Leaves of Protea nitida S. Denman JN712455 JN712519 – – –
Curreya grandicipis CPC 1852; CBS 114272 South Africa Leaves of Protea grandiceps J.E. Taylor & S. Denman JN712456 JN712520 – – –
CPC 1853; CBS 111702 South Africa Leaves of Protea grandiceps J.E. Taylor & S. Denman JN712457 JN712521 – – –
Curvularia trifolii CPC 2941; CBS 114135 Australia Leucospermum sp. P.W. Crous JN712458 JN712522 – – –
CPC 2995; CBS 111997 Australia Leucospermum sp. P.W. Crous JN712459 JN712523 – – –
Diaporthe leucospermi CPC 2956; CBS 111980 Australia Leaves of Leucospermum sp. P.W. Crous & B. Summerell JN712460 JN712524 – – –
Diplodina microsperma CPC 2336; CBS 114545 New Zealand Leaves of Protea sp. (intercepted specimen M.A. Abdelshife & M.E. Palm JN712461 JN712525 JN712586 – JN712648
of flowers exported to California, USA)
Drechslera biseptata CBS 307.69 Germany Lolium multiflorum U.G. Schlösser – JN712526 – – –
CBS 599.71 Netherlands Leaf of Zea mays H.A. van Kesteren – JN712527 – – –
CBS 205.60 – – W.B. Kendrick JN712462 JN712528 – JN712624 –
CBS 306.69 Germany Lolium multiflorum U.G. Schlösser JN712463 JN712529 JN712587 JN712625 –
CBS 308.69 Germany Lolium sp. U.G. Schlösser JN712464 JN712530 JN712588 JN712626 –
Drechslera dematioidea CBS 108962 British Columbia Overwintered grass G. Zhang JN712465 JN712531 JN712589 JN712627 –
CBS 108963 British Columbia Overwintered grass G. Zhang JN712466 JN712532 JN712590 JN712628 –
Pyrenophora leucospermi CPC 1293; CBS 111083 South Africa Leaves of Leucospermum cordifolium L. Swart JN712467 JN712533 JN712591 JN712629 –
CPC 1294; CBS 111084 South Africa Leaves of Leucospermum cordifolium L. Swart JN712468 JN712534 JN712592 JN712630 –
CPC 1295; CBS 111085 South Africa Leaves of Leucospermum cordifolium L. Swart JN712469 JN712535 JN712593 JN712631 –
CPC 1296; CBS 111180 South Africa Leaves of Leucospermum cordifolium L. Swart JN712470 JN712536 JN712594 JN712632 –
CPC 1297; CBS 111086 South Africa Leaves of Leucospermum cordifolium L. Swart JN712471 JN712537 JN712595 JN712633 –
CPC 1298; CBS 111087 South Africa Leaves of Leucospermum cordifolium L. Swart JN712472 JN712538 JN712596 JN712634 –
CPC 13777 Spain: Tenerife Leucospermum sp. P.W. Crous JN712473 JN712539 JN712597 JN712635 –
CPC 13786 Spain: Tenerife Leucospermum sp. P.W. Crous JN712474 JN712540 JN712598 JN712636 –
CPC 16268 Portugal Leucadendron succeisus J.J. Morais JN712475 JN712541 JN712599 JN712637 –
CPC 1785; CBS 111505 South Africa Leucospermum cordifolium S. Denman JN712476 JN712542 JN712600 JN712638 –
CPC 2195; CBS 111862 USA Leucospermum sp., cloud bunk P.W. Crous JN712477 JN712543 JN712601 JN712639 –
CPC 2196; CBS 111863 USA Leucospermum sp., cloud bunk P.W. Crous JN712478 JN712544 JN712602 JN712640 –
CPC 2200; CBS 114493 USA Leucospermum sp. P.W. Crous JN712479 JN712545 JN712603 JN712641 –
CPC 2836; CBS 114131 South Africa Leucospermum sp. L. Swart JN712480 JN712546 JN712604 JN712642 –
CPC 2837; CBS 114033 South Africa Leucospermum sp. L. Swart JN712481 JN712547 JN712605 JN712643 –
CPC 2839; CBS 114032 South Africa Leucospermum sp. L. Swart JN712482 JN712548 JN712606 JN712644 –
CPC 5215; CBS 115178 Spain Leucadendron sp. S. Denman JN712483 JN712549 JN712607 JN712645 –
CPC 5238; CBS 115397 – Leucadendron sp. S. Denman JN712484 JN712550 JN712608 JN712646 –
Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 23

On ITS, it was not possible to distinguish between Drechslera

– JN712649
– JN712650

biseptata and Pyrenophora leucospermi (data not shown). The
phylogenetic results obtained (Fig. 3) are discussed where ap-
plicable in the descriptive notes below. A partition homogeneity

test indicated that all three loci were combinable (P value =


During the course of the present study several previously de-
scribed species were either newly collected, or found to repre-
sent new species. These taxa are subsequently treated below.

JN712486 JN712552
JN712487 JN712553
JN712488 JN712554
JN712489 JN712555





– JN712565
JN712499 JN712566
JN712500 JN712567

EU707887 JN712568
JN712501 JN712569
JN712502 JN712570
Aureobasidium leaf spot

Although species of the genus Aureobasidium are generally






regarded as saprobes, several taxa have the ability to form

ITS: Internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 together with 5.8S nrDNA; LSU: partial 28S nrDNA; TEF: partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene; CHS: partial chitin synthase gene; TUB: partial beta-tubulin gene.
Kabatiella synanamorphs that generally cause leaf spots,
and are considered plant pathogens (Taylor & Crous 2000,
Zalar et al. 2008). Aureobasidium is an important pathogen
of Proteaceae, and has (as Kabatiella synanamorph) been
reported from South African material intercepted by the USDA
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in the USA
CBS: CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands; CMW: Culture collection of FABI, University of Pretoria, South Africa; CPC: Culture collection of P.W. Crous, housed at CBS.

(Taylor 2001). Kabatiella proteae has recently been recorded

S. Marincowitz

S. Marincowitz
S. Denman

S. Denman

S. Denman

S. Denman
S. Denman
S. Denman

M.F. Moura
P.W. Crous

P.W. Crous
P.W. Crous

P.W. Crous

P.W. Crous
P.W. Crous

P.W. Crous

from Protea in Australia (Crous et al. 2000), and a Kabatiella

L. Swart
F. Roets

L. Dryer

state of a species of Aureobasidium is quite abundant as a leaf

spot pathogen on Leucospermum spp. in the Canary Islands

and Portugal (P.W. Crous, unpubl. data). In accordance with

the Amsterdam Declaration to integrating different morphs of
Protea sp., intercepted in the Netherlands

Leaves of Protea sp., in association with

Leaves of Protea sp., in association with

pleomorphic fungi into a single generic name (Hawksworth

Leaf litter of Leucadendron laureolum
Leaves of Leucospermum cv. ‘Tango’

et al. 2011), preference is given to the older generic name

(Protea eximia × Protea susannae)

(Protea eximia × Protea susannae)

(Protea eximia × Protea susannae)

Aureobasidium (1891), rather than the younger, lesser-known

Living leaves of Leucospermum
Leaves of Leucospermum cono-

Vizella interrupta (secondary?)

Kabatiella (1907).
Twig litter of Protea laurifolia
Living leaves of Protea sp.
Leaves of Protea susanne

Leaves of Protea repens

cuneiforme cv. ‘Sunbird’
Leaves of Protea nitida
Leaves of Protea nitida
Leaves of Protea nitida
Leaves of Protea sp.

Leaves of Protea sp.

Aureobasidium leucospermi Crous, sp. nov. — MycoBank

Leucospermum sp.

Protea cv. ‘Sylvia’

Protea cv. ‘Sylvia’

Protea cv. ‘Sylvia’

MB560556; Fig. 4
Vizella interrupta


Aureobasidium proteae morphologice similis, sed conidiis majoribus, 6 –15

× 4 – 8 µm.

Etymology. Named after the host genus on which it occurs, Leucosper-


Leaf spots subcircular irregular, amphigenous, necrotic, sunken,

South Africa

CMW 22212; CBS 127273; CPC 18172 South Africa

South Africa

South Africa

South Africa

South Africa

South Africa

South Africa
South Africa
South Africa

South Africa
South Africa
South Africa

South Africa

pale to medium brown with a raised, dark brown margin.



Mycelium immersed. Conidiomata acervular to sporodochial,

amphigenous, substomatal, subepidermal, pulvinate, dry or

crystaline in appearance, pale brown, discrete, 60 –100 µm

diam. Stroma visible in substomatal cavity, dark brown, mainly
consisting of elongated pseudo-parenchymatous cells with
large lumina, becoming hyaline, thinner-walled at the apex,
80–130 × 50–100 µm. Conidiogenous cells cylindrical, clavate
CMW 22113; CBS 128994
CPC 18282; CBS 130599

CPC 15180; CBS 130593

CPC 18294; CBS 130600

CPC 18283; CBS 130601

CPC 18299; CBS 130602

CPC 2824; CBS 114273

CPC 3712; CBS 116307

CPC 1765; CBS 114178

CPC 1811; CBS 101954

CPC 2825; CBS 111973

CPC 2826; CBS 111970

CPC 1423; CBS 111303

CPC 1424; CBS 111320
CPC 1425; CBS 111319

or globose, integrated, terminal, conidial ontogeny holoblastic,

with numerous synchronously produced conidia, 15–30 × 4–11
µm. Conidia in vitro solitary, aseptate, ellipsoidal to spherical,
occasionally with a slightly truncate base, hyaline, thin-walled,
CPC 15081
CPC 15099

CPC 13701

CPC 13981

smooth, (6–)8–11(–15) × 4–5(–8) µm.

Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, lacking
aerial mycelium, with feathery margins, covering the dish in
3 wk. On MEA rosy-buff, reverse buff; on OA surface buff; on
PDA sectors of leaden-black, with patches of buff, similar in
Gordonomyces mucovaginatus

Ramularia stellenboschensis
Aureobasidium leucospermi

Xenoconiothyrium catenata
Pseudopassalora gouriqua
Microsphaeropsis proteae
Leptosphaerulina australis

Specimens examined. Indonesia, on leaves of Leucospermum sp., 16

Pestalotiopsis protearum

Teratosphaeria capensis
Aureobasidium proteae

Apr. 2008, P.W. Crous, CPC 15099 –15101. – Portugal, on leaves of Leuco-
Fusicladium proteae

spermum cv. ‘Tango’, 1 Mar. 2008, P.W. Crous, CPC 15081–15083. – South
Ramularia vizellae

Africa, Western Cape Province, Stellenbosch, J.S. Marais Garden, on leaves

of Leucospermum conocarpodendron, 20 Apr. 2008, F. Roets, holotype CBS
H-20669, culture ex-type CPC 15180 –15182 = CBS 130593.

24 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Z73326

Discosphaerina fagi AY016359
Kabatiella microsticta EU167608
100 Aureobasidium proteae CPC 13701
Aureobasidium proteae CBS 111973
100 Aureobasidium proteae CBS 111970
Aureobasidium proteae CBS 114273
Selenophoma mahoniae EU754213
Aureobasidium pullulans AF050239
Aureobasidium pullulans AB217520
91 Aureobasidium leucospermi CPC 15180
Aureobasidium leucospermi CPC 15081
Aureobasidium leucospermi CPC 15099
Phaeothecoidea melaleuca HQ599595
Xenoconiothyrium catenata CBS 128994
99 Xenophacidiella pseudocatenata JF499870
100 Xenophacidiella pseudocatenata JF499871
Penidiella columbiana EU019274
Teratosphaeria encephalarti FJ372414
Catenulostroma protearum GU214402
56 Readeriella brunneotingens EU019286
97 Teratosphaeria dimorpha FJ493215
100 100 Teratosphaeria capensis CPC 13981
98 Teratosphaeria capensis CPC 18299
100 78
Passalora sp. GQ852622
Devriesia hilliana GU214414
Devriesia lagerstroemiae GU214415
Teratosphaeria knoxdaviesii EU707865
63 Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii EF114698
Ramularia pratensis var. pratensis EU019284
51 100
Ramularia vizellae CPC 18283
97 Ramularia stellenboschensis CPC 18294
98 Ramularia proteae EU707899
99 Brunneosphaerella protearum CPC 18328
25 changes Brunneosphaerella protearum CPC 16849
63 Brunneosphaerella protearum CPC 18308
Brunneosphaerella protearum GU214397
Brunneosphaerella nitidae GU214395
Brunneosphaerella nitidae GU214396
Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 18301
100 Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 16850
Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 16851
Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 13911
55 63 Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 13902
Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 18297
Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 13908
Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 15237
Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis GU214394
89 Naemacyclus minor FJ176868
Naemacyclus fimbriatus FJ176867
92 Coccomyces proteae CBS 111703 Helotiales
100 Coccomyces proteae CBS 111704
Diplodina microsperma CBS 114545
100 Cryptodiaporthe salicella AF408345
Plagiostoma rhododendri EU255187
100 Diplodina microsperma EU754159 Diaporthales
100 Diaporthe leucospermi CBS 111980
Diaporthe angelicae AY196781
100 95 Phomopsis sp. DQ377926
Taeniolella alta DQ377938
Seimatosporium leptospermi AF382373
100 100 Pestalotiopsis disseminata DQ195794
Pestalotiopsis funerea AF382358
Pestalotiopsis maculiformans EU552146
Pestalotiopsis protearum CBS 114178
92 Pestalotiopsis millettiae DQ657871
Pestalotiopsis paeoniicola DQ657875
61 Pestalotiopsis aff. palmarum FJ890415
Pestalotiopsis versicolor AF382357
Pestalotia vaccinii AF382362
Pestalotia photiniae AF382363
Fig. 1   The first of 1 000 equally most parsimonious trees obtained from a heuristic search with 100 random taxon additions of the LSU sequence alignment. The
scale bar shows 25 changes, and bootstrap support values from 1 000 replicates are shown at the nodes. Orders are indicated to the right of the tree. Branches
present in the strict consensus tree are thickened and the tree was rooted to a sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (GenBank accession Z73326).
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 25

Fusicladium proteae CPC 18282
Venturia fraxini EU035457
Pleosporales I
Heleiosa barbatula GU479787
87 Pseudopassalora gouriqua CBS 101954
97 Hysterium vermiforme GQ221897
51 Hysterium pulicare EU552137 Hysteriales
93 Hysterium angustatum GQ221908
100 Gordonomyces mucovaginatus CMW 22212
Fusculina eucalypti DQ923531
97 Lophiotrema nucula FJ795446
Phoma cf. nebulosa EU552150
Massarina corticola FJ795448
84 Preussia dubia GQ203736
52 Preussia longisporopsis GQ203742
Sporormiella pulchella GQ203747
Misturatosphaeria minima GU385195
52 Misturatosphaeria uniseptata GU385167
Misturatosphaeria claviformis GU385212
69 Curreya austroafricana EU552116
86 Curreya proteae EU552117
95 100
Curreya grandicipis CBS 114272
96 Curreya grandicipis CBS 111702
Coniothyrium nitidae EU552112
Pyrenophora seminiperda AY849961
Curvularia brachyspora AF279380
84 Cochliobolus hawaiiensis AF163979
100 Curvularia trifolii CBS 111997
Curvularia trifolii CBS 114135
100 78 Bipolaris papendorfii AF163980
90 73 Cochliobolus pallescens AY849941
Drechslera erythrospila EU552124 Pleosporales II
Drechslera biseptata CBS 306.69
Drechslera biseptata CBS 308.69
Drechslera dematioidea CBS 108962
98 Drechslera dematioidea CBS 108963
86 Pyrenophora leucospermi CBS 111083
Pyrenophora leucospermi CBS 111084
Pyrenophora tetrarrhenae AY849962
Peyronellaea glomerata GU238009
Peyronellaea aurea GU237999
Coniothyrium nitidae CBS 111322
99 Coniothyrium nitidae CBS 111380
Coniothyrium nitidae CBS 111321
Coniothyrium nitidae CBS 111302
Didymella adianticola GU238036
Microsphaeropsis olivacea GU237988
Phoma selaginellicola GU238142
Phoma putaminum GU238138
Phoma versabilis GU238152
Microsphaeropsis proteae CBS 111303
Microsphaeropsis proteae CBS 111320
Microsphaeropsis proteae CBS 111319
60 Macroventuria anomochaeta GU237985
Macroventuria anomochaeta GU456315
Peyronellaea anserina GU237994
Didymella pisi GU237969
Didymella fabae GU237965
Phoma plurivora GU238132
Leptosphaerulina australis CBS 116307
66 Phoma anigozanthi GU238039
Leptosphaerulina arachidicola GU237983
Leptosphaerulina australis EU754167
Ampelomyces quercinus EU754127
Phoma huancayensis GU238084
Phoma draconis GU238070 25 changes

Fig. 1   (cont.)
26 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

Drechslera dematioidea CBS 108963

CPC 18308

CPC 18328
100 Brunneosphaerella protearum
CPC 16849

CPC 16338
5X CPC 15231
99 Brunneosphaerella nitidae
CPC 13914

CPC 13908
20 changes
CPC 16851

CPC 13911

CPC 16850
CPC 18297 Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis
CPC 18301
Fig. 2   The single most parsimonious tree obtained from a heuristic
CPC 13902
search with 100 random taxon additions of the combined ITS, TEF
and CHS Brunneosphaerella sequence alignment. The scale bar
shows 20 changes, and bootstrap support values from 1 000 rep- 62 CPC 13905
licates are shown at the nodes. The tree was rooted to sequences
of Drechslera dematioidea (Culture accession CBS 108963). CPC 15237

Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis CPC 13908

CBS 108962
Drechslera dematioidea
CBS 108963

CBS 306.69
Drechslera biseptata
CBS 308.69
CBS 111083

CBS 111084
20 changes
CBS 111085

CBS 111086
CPC 13777

CPC 13786

CPC 16268

CBS 111505

CBS 111862
Pyrenophora leucospermi
CBS 114493

CBS 114131

CBS 114033

CBS 114032

CBS 115178

CBS 115397
Fig. 3   The single most parsimonious tree obtained from a heuristic search
with 100 random taxon additions of the combined ITS, TEF and CHS CBS 111180
Drechslera sequence alignment. The scale bar shows 20 changes, and
bootstrap support values from 1 000 replicates are shown at the nodes. CBS 111087
The tree was rooted to sequences of Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis
(Culture accession CPC 13908). CBS 111863
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 27

a b c d
Fig. 4   Aureobasidium leucospermi (CBS H-20669). a. Leaf spot with sporulating conidiomata; b, c. conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; d. hyaline
conidia. — Scale bars = 10 µm.

a b d f
Fig. 5   Aureobasidium proteae (CBS 114273). a. Sporulating conidiomata in leaf tissue; c – e. conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; f. hyaline conidia.
— Scale bars = 10 µm.

Aureobasidium proteae (Joanne E. Taylor & Crous) Joanne olivaceous-grey to iron-grey, radial striations appearing in the
E. Taylor & Crous, comb. nov. — MycoBank MB560557; agar and visible from underneath.
Fig. 5
Specimens examined. South Africa, Somerset West, Hilly Lands Farm,
Basionym. Kabatiella proteae Joanne E. Taylor & Crous, Mycol. Res. 104: on a leaf of a Protea cynaroides seedling, 21 July 1998, S. Denman & J.E.
619. 2000.  Taylor, JT338 (holotype PREM 56192); on leaves of Protea cv. ‘Sylvia’
(P. eximia × P. susannae), 19 July 1999, S. Denman, epitype designated
Leaf spots irregular, occurring on the petiole and base of lamina, here as CBS H-20668, cultures ex-epitype CPC 2824 = CBS 114273, CPC
extending up the leaf, necrotic, sunken, pale to medium brown 2825 = CBS 111973, CPC 2826 = CBS 111970, CPC 2827. – Unknown origin,
with a raised, dark brown margin; areas where sporodochia oc- on leaves of Protea sp., intercepted in the Netherlands, 24 Feb. 2006, P.W.
cur often darkened. Mycelium immersed. Conidiomata acervu- Crous, CPC 13701–13703.
lar to sporodochial, amphigenous, substomatal, subepidermal, Notes — Leaf spots caused by A. leucospermi appear very
pulvinate, dry or crystaline in appearance, pale brown, discrete,
similar to those of A. proteae, except that the former is so far
60–100 µm diam. Stroma visible in substomatal cavity, dark
only known from species of Leucospermum. The two species
brown, mainly consisting of elongated pseudo-parenchyma-
are also morphologically similar and phylogenetically closely
tous cells with large lumina, becoming hyaline, thinner-walled
related (Fig. 1). They can be distinguished morphologically,
at the apex, (80 –)101–121(–125) × (50 –)72 – 92(–100) µm.
however, in that conidia of A. leucospermi (6–15 × 4–8 µm)
Conidiogenous cells cylindrical, clavate or globose, integrated,
are larger than those of A. proteae (4–9 × 2–3.5 µm).
terminal, conidial ontogeny holoblastic, with numerous synchro-
nously produced conidia, (13 –)16 – 20(– 27) × (4 –)6 –8(–11)
µm. Conidia in vivo solitary, aseptate, ellipsoidal to spheri- Brunneosphaerella leaf blight
cal, occasionally with a slightly truncate base, hyaline, thin-
walled, smooth, often with small guttules, (5 –)6.5 –7.5(–10) Crous et al. (2009a) recently introduced the genus Brunneo­
× (2–)2.5 – 3(– 3.5) µm; conidia in vitro similar, (4 –)6 –7(–9) × sphaerella to accommodate Leptosphaeria protearum, which
(2–)2.5 – 3(– 3.5) µm. is a major leaf spot and blight pathogen of Protea spp. (Knox-
Culture characteristics — Colonies with moderate to sparse Davies et al. 1987). This pathogen occurs naturally on native
aerial mycelium on MEA, surface olivaceous-grey, reverse protea in South Africa and is damaging to commercially cul-
28 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

tivated crops there, but it also causes severe losses in other slightly bigger than lower, at times slightly curved, 3-septate,
countries where South African proteas are cultivated (Taylor smooth, guttulate, with each cell containing a large central gut-
& Crous 2000, Taylor et al. 2001a, b, d, Crous et al. 2004a). tule, prominently constricted at median septum, with globose
Although Brunneosphaerella was recognised as distinct from mucoid caps up to 3 µm diam at each end; ascospores widest
Leptosphaeria, additional collections and molecular data were in second cell from apex.
required to resolve the species complex represented by isolates Culture characteristics — After 2 mo on OA flat, spreading
identified as B. protearum. Based on their distinct phylogeny with moderate to sparse aerial mycelium; surface olivaceous-
(Fig. 2), morphology and host ranges, three species of Brun- grey with patches of iron-grey and pale olivaceous-grey and
neosphaerella are now recognised and described below. smoke-grey; margins lobate, smooth, reaching 35 mm diam. On
Although highly similar in ITS, the three Brunneosphaerella PDA flat, spreading, with moderate aerial mycelium and uneven
species treated in this study can be resolved easily based on surface and feathery, lobate margins; surface olivaceous-grey
their diagnostic TEF and CHS sequences (Fig. 2). with patches of pale olivaceous-grey to smoke-grey; reverse
iron-grey, reaching 35 mm diam. On MEA flat, spreading, with
sparse aerial mycelium and even, lobate margins; surface dirty
Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis (Marinc., M.J. Wingf.
white with patches of smoke-grey; reverse iron-grey, reaching
& Crous) Crous, Stud. Mycol. 64: 31. 2009 — Fig. 6
35 mm diam.
Basionym. Leptosphaeria jonkershoekensis Marinc., M.J. Wingf. & Crous,
Specimens examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Jonkers­
in Marincowitz et al., Microfungi occurring on Proteaceae in the fynbos: 62.
hoek Nature Reserve, on leaf litter of Protea repens, 6 June 2000, S. Marin-
cowitz, holotype PREM 59447; Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, S33°59'11.2"
Leaf spots amphigenous, up to 15 mm diam, pale brown, with a E18°57'14.7", on leaves of P. repens, 1 Apr. 2007, P.W. Crous, epitype des­
ignated here as CBS H-20333, cultures ex-epitype CPC 13902–13907; CBS
raised, red-brown border. Ascomata perithecioid, subepidermal,
H-20332, cultures CPC 13908 –13910; CBS H-20331, cultures CPC 13911–
amphigenous, remaining immersed, obpyriform in section, 180– 13913 = CBS 130594; Stellenbosch, J.S. Marais Garden, S33°55'59.3"
205 × 160–235 μm, with a papillate ostiole. Peridium 20–30 μm E18°52'22.5", on living leaves of P. repens, 6 May 2010, P.W. Crous, CBS
thick, composed of relatively large cells, 11–15 × 2.5 –5.5 μm, H-20670, culture CPC 18297; CBS H-20671, CPC 18301; Jonkershoek Na-
cells arranged in three strata; outer stratum consisting of 3–5 ture Reserve, on leaves of P. nitida, 12 Apr. 2008, L. Mostert, CBS H-20672,
layers of dark brown, very thick-walled cells; middle stratum culture CPC 15237; Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, on leaves of P. repens,
28 Jan. 1999, J.E. Taylor, CPC 16850, 16851.
transient, consisting a few layers of pale brown, thick-walled,
compressed cells; inner stratum consisting of 1–2 layers of thin- Notes — Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis was originally
walled, very compressed cells. Hamathecium not observed in described from leaf litter of Protea repens collected in Jonkers­
mature ascomata. Asci bitunicate, inflated cylindrical to clavate, hoek (Marincowitz et al. 2008a), but no cultures were available
70–95 × 12 –15 μm, ocular chamber dome-shaped, indistinct. for study until now. Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis ap-
Ascospores pale brown, finely verruculose, fusoid to ellipsoid, pears to be a serious pathogen, particularly of P. repens, but
tapering towards the base, (25 –)27– 34(– 37) × (5 –)6–7(–9) is presently only known from the Stellenbosch-Jonkershoek
μm (av. 31 × 6.7 μm), apical cell the shortest, upper hemispore area of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This spe-

a b d e f

g h i j
Fig. 6   Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis (CBS H-20333). a, b. Leaf spots; c. globose ascomata visible on lesion surface; d. substomatal ascoma with
central ostiole; e. vertical section through ascoma wall of textura angularis; f. germinating ascospore; g – i. asci; j. ascospores. — Scale bars = 10 µm.
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 29

cies has been largely overlooked and incorrectly identified as grey. On MEA surface smoke-grey; reverse iron-grey. Colonies
B. protearum. Brunneosphaerella jonkershoekensis is morpho- reach 20 mm diam after 2 mo on all three media.
logically similar to B. protearum, but distinct in having much Specimens examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Jonkers­
larger ascospores (Marincowitz et al. 2008a). hoek Nature Reserve, on leaf litter of Protea nitida, 12 Apr. 2008, L. Mostert,
holotype CBS H-20334, culture ex-type CPC 15231 = CBS 130595; Jonkers­
Brunneosphaerella nitidae Crous, sp. nov. — MycoBank hoek Nature Reserve, on leaves of P. nitida, 1 Apr. 2007, P.W. Crous, CBS
H-20330, culture CPC 13914 = CBS 130596.
MB560558; Fig. 7
Brunneosphaerellae protearum similis, sed ascosporis longioribus et angus-
Notes — Brunneosphaerella nitidae is only known from the
tioribus, (20 –)24–28(–30) × (3 –)5 – 6(–7) µm. Jonkershoek Valley in South Africa, where it occurs on P. nitida.
It is morphologically similar to B. protearum (ascospores av.
Etymology. Named after the host on which it was collected, Protea nitida.
24.5 × 6.5 µm), but can be distinguished in that on average
Leaf spots circular to irregular, discrete to confluent, variable in it has longer and narrower ascospores (av. 26 × 5.5 µm). In
size, up to 2 cm diam, medium brown, with a raised, red-brown culture (on MEA and PDA) ascomatal initials developed after
border. Ascomata amphigenous, immersed to semi-immersed, 2–3 mo that formed a few asci and ascospores, suggesting
becoming erumpent when mature, black, single, gregarious, that this species is homothallic. Additionally, this species can
180–300 µm diam; in section, substomatal, subepidermal, pyri- be differentiated from the other species of Brunneosphaerella
form or globose with a papillate, periphysate ostiole, frequently by comparison of their TEF and CHS sequences.
opening by means of irregular rupture when mature. Peridium
consisting of three strata of slightly compressed textura angula- Brunneosphaerella protearum (Syd. & P. Syd.) Crous, Stud.
ris, an outer stratum of dark brown, thick-walled cells, becoming Mycol. 64: 31. 2009 — Fig. 8
paler in the central stratum, and hyaline, thin-walled in the inner
Anamorph. ‘Coniothyrium’ protearum Joanne E. Taylor & Crous, IMI Des­
stratum, altogether (20 –)24.5 – 30(– 40) µm thick. Asci clavate criptions of Fungi and Bacteria No. 1343. 1998.
to cylindro-clavate, often curved, tapering to a pedicel, narrow-
ing slightly to a rounded apex with an indistinct ocular chamber, Basionym. Leptosphaeria protearum Syd. & P. Syd., Ann. Mycol. 10: 441.
8-spored, bitunicate with fissitunicate dehiscense, 65 – 80 ×
13–15 µm. Ascospores biseriate, fusiform, broader at the api- Leaf spots circular to irregular, discrete to confluent, variable in
cal end, initially hyaline and 1-septate, becoming yellow-brown size, under conditions favourable to disease symptoms more
and 3-septate at maturity, slightly constricted at median septum, similar to a blight than a leaf spot, necrotic, sunken with a raised
with large central guttule per cell, widest in second cell from the dark brown margin and with conspicuous black ascomata in
apex, and having terminal globose mucoid caps, 3 µm diam, the dead tissue, 4 – 30 mm diam. Ascomata amphigenous,
(20–)24 – 28(– 30) × (3 –)5 – 6(–7) µm (av. 26 × 5.5 µm). immersed to semi-immersed, not erumpent, black, single, gre­
Culture characteristics — On PDA and OA spreading, flat garious, 180–320 µm diam; in section, substomatal, subepider-
with moderate aerial mycelium; margins lobate, smooth; surface mal, pyriform or globose with a papillate, periphysate ostiole,
smoke-grey with submerged, iron-grey margin; reverse iron- immersed in a stroma consisting of deteriorated host mesophyll

a b d e f

g h i j k
Fig. 7   Brunneosphaerella nitidae (CBS H-20334). a, b. Leaf spots; c, d. ascomata visible on lesion surface (note rupture in central ostiole); e, f. germinating
ascospores; g –j. asci; k. ascospores. — Scale bars = 10 µm.
30 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

a b d e f

g h i j k
Fig. 8   Brunneosphaerella protearum (CBS H-20335). a, b. Leaf spots; c, d. globose ascomata visible on lesion surface (note rupture in central ostiole); e, f. ger-
minating ascospores; g –j. asci; k. ascospores. — Scale bars = 10 µm.

cells filled with fungal hyphae, (210–)230–264(–288) µm high, Specimens examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Wellington,
(180–)200 – 255(– 300) µm diam. Peridium consisting of three on leaves of Protea lepidocarpodendron (as P. melaleuca), 22 Feb. 1912,
E.M. Doidge, holotype PREM 2061; Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, on
strata of slightly compressed textura angularis, an outer stratum
leaves of Protea sp., 13 Jan. 2009, P.W. Crous, epitype designated here as
of dark brown, thick-walled cells, becoming paler in the central
CBS H-20335, culture ex-epitype CPC 16338 = CBS 130597; Kirstenbosch
stratum, and hyaline, thin-walled in the inner stratum, altogether Botanical Garden, on leaves of P. coronata, 8 May 2010, P.W. Crous, CBS
(20–)24.5–37.5(–50) µm thick. Asci clavate to cylindro-clavate, H-20673, culture CPC 18308 = CBS 130598; Harold Porter Botanical Garden,
often curved, tapering to a pedicel, narrowing slightly to a Betties Bay, on leaves of P. mundii, 4 May 2010, P.W. Crous, CBS H-20683,
rounded apex with an indistinct ocular chamber, 8-spored, culture CPC 18328; Stellenbosch, J.S. Marais Garden, S33°55'59.3"
bitunicate with fissitunicate dehiscense, (70 –)80 – 87.5(–105) E18°52'22.5", on living leaves of P. magnifica, 1 Apr. 1998, J.E. Taylor, cul­
× (13.5 –)14.5 –16(– 21.5) µm. Ascospores biseriate, fusiform, ture CPC 16849.
broader at the apical end, initially hyaline and 1-septate, becom- Notes — Brunneosphaerella protearum appears to have
ing yellow-brown and 3-septate at maturity, slightly constricted a broad host range, and is widely distributed on Protea hosts
at median to supra-median septum, with large central guttule in South Africa (Crous et al. 2004a). Although highly similar in
per cell, widest in second cell from the apex, and having globose ITS, the three Brunneosphaerella species treated in this study
mucoid caps, 2 µm diam, (20–)23–26(–30) × (5–)6–7(–8) µm can be resolved easily based on their diagnostic TEF and CHS
(av. 24.5 × 6.5 µm). Conidiomata barely visible and interspersed gene sequences (Fig. 2).
between ascomata, pycnidial, subepidermal, substomatal, sepa-
rate, globose to pyriform, occasionally with well-developed
papilla, dark brown, < 200 µm diam. Conidiophores reduced Coniothyrium leaf spot
to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells discrete, smooth,
hyaline, doliiform to ampulliform, holoblastic, proliferating Coniothyrium-like species are commonly associated with ne-
1–2 times percurrently, 4 – 6 × 3 – 4 µm. Conidia pale brown crotic spots at the tips or margins of leaves of Proteaceae
to medium brown, thick-walled on maturity, smooth to finely (Swart et al. 1998). As such, they are regularly intercepted dur-
verruculose, eguttulate, ellipsoidal to globose, often truncate ing phytosanitary inspections. Many of these species have no
at one end, 5 –10 × 3 –7 µm. known teleomorph, or are anamorphs of Teratosphaeriaceae,
Culture characteristics — On OA spreading, flat with moder- or other species belonging to Dothideomycetes (Schoch et al.
ate aerial mycelium; margins lobate, smooth; surface smoke- 2006, 2009, Crous et al. 2007a, 2009a, b, Zhang et al. 2009).
grey with submerged, iron-grey margin. On PDA similar, surface Recent studies have shown that many species of Phoma pro-
smoke-grey with broad, iron-grey margin; reverse iron-grey. On duce conidia that become dark and thick-walled with age, ap-
MEA surface folded, smoke-grey with patches of dirty white pearing Coniothyrium-like in morphology (Aveskamp et al.
and olivaceous-grey and submerged iron-grey margin; reverse 2009, 2010, de Gruyter et al. 2009, 2010). For that reason
iron-grey. Colonies reach 35 mm diam after 2 mo on all three the taxonomy of the Coniothyrium-like species occurring on
media. Proteaceae was reevaluated.
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 31

a c

b d e f
Fig. 9   Coniothyrium nitidae (CBS 111322). a, b. Colonies sporulating on MEA; c – e. conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; f. pigmented, verruculose,
1-septate conidia. — Scale bars = 10 µm.

Coniothyrium nitidae Crous & Denman, S. African J. Bot. 64: Notes — Coniothyrium nitidae is not a member of Conio­
138. 1998 — Fig. 9 thyrium s.str in the Leptosphaeriaceae (Zhang et al. 2009),
but clusters in Didymellaceae. However, given the nature of its
Specimen examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Hermanus,
on leaves of Protea nitida, 29 Aug. 1996, S. Denman, holotype PREM 55346, conidia, becoming 1-septate, dark brown and verruculose with
cultures ex-type CPC 1476 = CBS 111322, CPC 1477 = CBS 111321, CPC age, it does not fit into any genus within the family as discussed
1478 = CBS 111302, CPC 1532 = CBS 111380. by Aveskamp et al. (2010). We thus retain this species under
its current name until this generic complex has been better

a b c d

f g

e h i j
Fig. 10   Curreya grandicipis (CBS 114272). a, b. Colonies sporulating on OA; c, d. vertical sections through conidiomata; e. conidiomatal wall of textura
angularis; f–i. conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; j. pigmented conidia. — Scale bars: b, c = 150 µm, all others = 10 µm.
32 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

Curreya grandicipis (Joanne E. Taylor & Crous) Joanne E. Taylor associated with Proteaceae exist, for example the Phomopsis
& Crous, comb. nov. — MycoBank MB560559; Fig. 10 state of a Diaporthe sp. was recorded in South Africa by Benic
Basionym. Coniothyrium grandicipis Joanne E. Taylor & Crous, In Crous
(1986) on dead P. repens mistbed cuttings showing basal and
et al., Cultivation and diseases of Proteaceae: Leucadendron, Leucospermum tip dieback and necrosis of leaves, as well as on seeds of differ-
and Protea: 60. 2004. ent species of Proteaceae. A Diaporthe shoot and stem canker
of Protea spp. was recorded in Queensland, Australia, and
Specimen examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Elgin, on
leaves of Protea grandiceps, 20 July 1998, J.E. Taylor & S. Denman, holotype
that fungus was reported to enter through wounds and cause
PREM 56616, cultures ex-type CPC 1852 = CBS 114272, CPC 1853 = CBS sunken lesions which result in death of branches and entire
111702. plants (Greenhalgh 1981). Moura & Rodrigues (2001) reported
a Diaporthe sp. on stems of Protea cynaroides in Madeira,
Notes — The type species of Coniothyrium, C. palmarum, is
Portugal. Diaporthe/Phomopsis spp. have also been recorded
allied to Leptosphaeriaceae (Zhang et al. 2009). The generic
as endophytes on Proteaceae (Swart et al. 2000, Taylor et al.
type of Curreya is C. conorum (Cucurbitariaceae), which is
2001c), but until now the significance of this occurrence has
reported to have a Coniothyrium-like anamorph (von Arx & van
not been given context on Proteaceae. In accordance with the
der Aa 1983). Marincowitz et al. (2008a) also induced Coni-
Amsterdam Declaration for pleomorphic fungi (Hawksworth
othyrium-like anamorphs for species of Curreya in culture, and
et al. 2011), preference is given to the older generic name
according to Fig. 1 it appears that ‘Coniothyrium’ grandicipis is
Diaporthe (1870), rather than the younger Phomopsis (1905)
best placed in Curreya, though the distinction between Curreya
(see Crous et al. 2011a).
and Misturatosphaeria (Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009) is less
clear at this stage (Fig. 1). Furthermore, von Arx & van der Aa
(1983) list several Curreya-like teleomorph genera that have Diaporthe leucospermi Crous & Summerell, sp. nov. — Myco­
Coniothyrium-like anamorphs, revealing this generic complex Bank MB560561; Fig. 12
to be in need of urgent taxonomic revision. Alpha conidia aseptata, guttulata, ellipsoidea, (6 –)7(– 8) × (2.5 –)3 µm. Beta
conidia aseptata, fusiformia, (20 –)25 – 30(– 35) × (1–)1.5 µm.
Microsphaeropsis proteae (Crous & Denman) Crous & Den- Etymology. Named after the host on which it occurs, Leucospermum.
man, comb. nov. — MycoBank MB560560; Fig. 11
On OA. Conidiomata pycnidial, dark brown, imbedded, solitary
Basionym. Coniothyrium proteae Crous & Denman, S. African J. Bot. 64:
to aggregated, opening via a central ostiole, exuding a creamy
139. 1998.
white conidial cirrhus; pycnidia up to 300 µm diam; wall consist-
Specimen examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Hermanus, ing of several layers of dark brown textura angularis. Conidio­
on leaves of Protea nitida, S. Denman, 29 Aug. 1996, holotype PREM 55347, phores lining the inner cavity, subcylindrical, hyaline (though
cultures ex-type CPC 1423 = CBS 111303, CPC 1424 = CBS 111320, CPC
pale brown at base), smooth, reduced to conidiogenous cells,
1425 = CBS 111319.
or 1–3-septate, 15–30 × 2–3 µm. Conidiogenous cells phialidic,
Notes — Coniothyrium proteae produces thin-walled conidia, apical or lateral, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical with apical
5–8 × 3.5 – 4 µm in vivo, 3 – 4 × 2 – 2.5 µm in vitro (Swart et al. taper, 10–15 × 2–3 µm; apex with visible periclinal thickening
1998), that become brown with age, and phialidic conidiogenous and flaring collarette, 1 µm long. Alpha conidia hyaline, smooth,
cells that proliferate with periclinal thickening or with percurrent aseptate, with two prominent guttules, ellipsoid, tapering to
proliferation on conidiogenous cells (in old conidiomata), ap- acutely rounded apex and obtuse to truncate base, (6–)7(–8) ×
pearing Coniothyrium-like. Phylogenetically it is closely allied (2.5–)3 µm; hilum with flattened scar, 1 µm diam. Beta conidia
to species in the M. olivacea complex. hyaline, smooth, aseptate, spindle-shaped, prominently hooked
in apical part, apex acute, base truncate, (20–)25– 30(–35) ×
Diaporthe and Diplodina leaf spots and cankers (1–)1.5 µm.
Culture characteristics — Colonies spreading, flat, with
To date Phomopsis saccharata has been the only species of sparse to moderate aerial mycelium, covering dish in 2 wk; on
Phomopsis (teleomorph: Diaporthe) described from Proteaceae. OA growing with concentric zones, middle olivaceous-grey, with
The fungus causes a severe canker and dieback disease on alternating zones of smoke-grey and olivaceous-buff; on PDA
Protea repens both in natural and cultivated stands in the West- pale olivaceous-grey to smoke-grey, reverse olivaceous-grey;
ern and Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (Orffer & Knox- on MEA surface dirty white with patches of olivaceous-buff to
Davies 1989). However a number of other records of Diaporthe smoke-grey, reverse olivaceous.

a b c d
Fig. 11   Microsphaeropsis proteae (CBS 111303). a. Colonies sporulating on OA; b. central ostiole with oozing conidia; c. conidiogenous cells giving rise to
conidia; d. pigmented conidia. — Scale bars = 10 µm.
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 33

a b c e
Fig. 12   Diaporthe leucospermi (CBS 111980). a. Colonies sporulating on PDA; b. conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; c. alpha and beta conidia; d. beta
conidia; e. alpha conidia. — Scale bars = 10 µm.

Specimen examined. Australia, New South Wales, the Blue Mountains on PNA, opening by means of irregular rupture. Conidiophores
Botanic Gardens, Mount Tomah, on leaves of Leucospermum sp., Aug. 1999, lining the cavity, base pale brown, becoming hyaline towards
P.W. Crous & B. Summerell, CBS H-20674 holotype, culture ex-type CPC
apex, smooth, densely aggregated, irregularly branched, 1–3-
2956 = CBS 111980.
septate, subcylindrical, 10–25 × 2–3 µm. Conidio­genous cells
Notes — The ITS sequence of this species is 100 % identi- phialidic, pale brown to hyaline, smooth, terminal or lateral, dolii-
cal to Diaporthe sp. (GenBank GQ250223) from Hydrangea form to ampulliform, tapering towards a truncate apex with vis-
macrophylla in Portugal, Diaporthe sp. (GenBank EU002916) ible periclinal thickening, 5–12 × 2–2.5 µm. Conidia hyaline,
isolated as a fruit endophyte from Coffea arabica in Hawaii and smooth, guttulate, thick-walled when mature, fusiform, straight
Diaporthe sp. (GenBank GQ250207) from Acer negundo in to curved, medianly 1-septate, apex acutely rounded, base
Portugal. Whether this species represents an endophyte with truncate, (10–)12–14(–17) × (2–)3–3.5(–4) µm.
a broader host range remains to be tested. Culture characteristics — Colonies on MEA and OA covering
the plate within 1 mo; colonies on MEA with abundant aerial
Diplodina microsperma (Johnst.) B. Sutton, Mycol. Pap. 141: mycelium, cream to dirty white with patches of sienna and um-
69. 1977 — Fig. 13 ber; similar on OA, but also with patches of olivaceous-grey.
Basionym. Stilbospora microsperma Johnst., in Johnston, A Flora of Specimen examined. New Zealand, on leaves of Protea sp., intercepted
Berwick-upon-Tweed 2: 192. 1831. specimen of flowers exported to California, USA, LA143956, carrier UA 842,
= Sphaeria apiculata Wallr., Fl. Crypt. Germ. 2: 778. 1833. 11 Mar. 1999, M.A. Abdelshife & M.E. Palm, CBS H-20675, culture CPC 2336
≡ Metasphaeria apiculata (Wallr.) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 2: 166. 1883. = CBS 114545.
≡ Gnomonia apiculata (Wallr.) G. Winter, Rabenh., Kryptog.- Fl., ed. 2,
vol. 1, 2: 589. 1887.
Notes — The genus Diplodina has Plagiostoma (= Crypto­
≡ Diaporthe spina Fuckel var. apiculata (Wallr.) Rehm, Ann. Mycol. 7: diaporthe) teleomorphs (Mejía et al. 2011). The ITS, partial beta-
404. 1909. tubulin, and TEF sequences of the isolate from Protea is identi-
≡ Cryptodiaporthe apiculata (Wallr.) Petr., Ann. Mycol. 19: 177. 1921. cal to Diplodina microsperma (= Plagiostoma apiculatum) from
≡ Plagiostoma apiculatum (Wallr.) L.C. Mejía, Stud. Mycol. 68: 219. Salix dasyclados in France (Sogonov et al. 2008, Mejía et al.
2011) (GenBank ITS: GU367068, Cryptodiaporthe apiculata)
Associated with leaf spots, and initially suspected to represent a and Salix sitchensis from Washington, USA (GenBank ITS:
species of Diaporthe. Conidiomata brown, multilocular, up to 400 GU367066, as Cryptodiaporthe apiculata; GenBank TUB:
µm diam, globose to depressed, immersed on MEA, superficial GU367009, as Cryptodiaporthe apiculata; GenBank TEF:

a b c

d e f
Fig. 13   Diplodina microsperma (CBS 114545). a. Colonies sporulating on sterile pine needles; b, c. conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; d. conidiomata
forming on OA; e. conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; f. 0 –1-septate conidia. — Scale bars = 10 µm.
34 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

GU353991, as Cryptodiaporthe apiculata). The ITS is also Notes — No other species of Fusicladium has thus far been
identical to Cryptodiaporthe salicella from Salix sp. in Austria reported from Proteaceae (Schubert et al. 2003). DNA se-
(GenBank ITS: DQ323529), but differs on TUB (GenBank quence data (ITS) of Fusicladium proteae are not identical
GU367008; identities = 718/725 (99 %), Gaps = 6/725 (1 %)) to any other species of Fusicladium presently in GenBank.
and TEF (GenBank EU221916; very little identity). Diplodina Although the genus Fusicladium (1851) is older than its tele-
microsperma is a pathogen of Salix, thus it is unusual to find omorph, Venturia (1882), the latter is far more commonly used,
this species occurring on Proteaceae. Although conidia of the and a proposal will have to be prepared to conserve Venturia
present isolate appear somewhat smaller than that known for over Fusicladium.
D. microsperma (Sogonov et al. 2008, Mejía et al. 2011), more
collections are required, and cross pathogenicity trials will need Pestalotiopsis leaf spot
to be conducted to determine if this is simply a chance occur-
rence, or a real pathogen of Proteaceae. Two species of Pestalotiopsis have been described from
Pro­teaceae. Pestalotiopsis montellicoides was isolated from
Fusicladium leaf spot Protea cynaroides leaves from South Africa (Mordue 1986),
and a Pesta­lotiopsis sp., the anamorph of Pestalosphaeria
Fusicladium proteae Crous, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB560562; leucospermi, was described from living leaves of a Leucosper-
Fig. 14 mum sp. in New Zealand (Samuels et al. 1987). In Zimbabwe,
a species of Pestalotiopsis was recorded causing leaf spots on
Conidiophora solitaria, erecta, subcylindrica, recta vel curvata, 1– 6-septata,
20 –70 × 3–4 µm. Cellulae conidiogenae integratae, terminales, 15 – 40 ×
several Protea and Leucospermum hosts (Swart et al. 1999),
(3 –)4 –5 µm, cicatricibus conidialibus in parte apicali, marginaliter fuscatis and has subsequently been intercepted at quarantine inspec-
et incrassatis, 1.5–2 µm diam. Conidia solitaria, obpyriformia, inequaliter tion points (Taylor 2001). This species is named as new below.
1-septatis, (13–)17– 22(–30) × 4(– 5) µm. The ana­morph genus Pestalotiopsis (1949) is more commonly
used, and older than the teleomorph genus Pestalosphaeria
Etymology. Named after the host genus on which it was collected, Pro-
(1975), and hence has precedence.

Mycelium consisting of smooth to finely verruculose, medium

Pestalotiopsis protearum Crous & L. Swart, sp. nov. — Myco­
brown, septate, branched, 2.5 – 4 µm diam hyphae. Conidio­
Bank MB560563; Fig. 15
phores medium brown, smooth, solitary, erect, subcylindrical,
straight to curved, or once geniculate, 1– 6-septate, 20–70 × Pestalotiopsis montellicoidis similis, sed conidiis minoribus, in medio tricel-
3–4 µm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal on medium lularibus, cellulis (14 –)16 –17(–18) × (6.5 –)8 – 9(–10) µm.
brown, smooth, subcylindrical, straight to geniculate-sinuous,
Etymology. Named after its occurrence on Proteaceae.
15–40 × (3–)4–5 µm; scars aggregated in apical part, darkened
and thickened along the rim, 1.5 – 2 µm diam. Conidia solitary, Leaf spots irregular, necrotic, associated with leaf margins or
pale to medium brown, smooth, guttulate, obpyriform, widest at causing tip dieback; slightly sunken, pale brown with red-brown
obconically truncate base, that tapers abruptly to a darkened, margins that are mostly raised and distinct, rarely diffuse, 2–35
thickened hilum, 1.5–2.5 µm; unequally 1-septate, with septum mm diam. Conidiomata amphigenous, pycnidioid to acervular,
in lower third of the conidium (6 – 9 µm from base), tapering to immersed, becoming erumpent, unilocular, dark brown to black,
an acutely rounded apex, (13 –)17– 22(– 30) × 4(– 5) µm. dehiscing by irregular splits in the apical wall and the overlying
Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with mod- host tissue, scattered, (100–)195 –240(–400) µm; in section
erate aerial mycelium (on PDA and MEA, sparse on OA), with pyri­form or conical, with applanate base, intra-epidermal in ori-
even, lobate margins, reaching 40 mm diam after 2 mo. On OA gin (125–)138–165(–180) µm wide, and (125–)138–165(–180)
olivaceous-grey with patches of smoke-grey; on PDA smoke- µm diam. Peridium comprising two strata of textura angularis, an
grey with patches of olivaceous-grey; on MEA surface with outer stratum of pale brown, thick-walled cells becoming hyaline
patches of smoke-grey and iron-grey, reverse iron-grey with in the inner layer, apical and lateral walls composed of slightly
smoke-grey in outer region. compressed, thinner-walled cells; basal wall (13–)17–21(–23)
µm, apical wall (7–)11–17(–19) µm thick. Conidiophores peri­
Specimen examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Hermanus,
pheral, reduced to conidiogenous cells, invested in mucus. Coni-
Fernkloof Nature Reserve, on leaves of Protea sp., in association with Vizella
interrupta, 5 May 2010, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS H-20677, culture ex-type diogenous cells discrete, ampulliform, hyaline, smooth, (4–)5.5–
CBS 130599 = CPC 18282. 6.5(–8) × (2–)4–5(–6) µm; conidiogenesis initially holoblastic,

a b c d e
Fig. 14   Fusicladium proteae (CBS H-20677). a–d. Conidiophores with conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; e. 1-septate conidia. — Scale bar = 10 µm.
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 35

a b c d e

f g h i
Fig. 15   Pestalotiopsis protearum (CBS 114178). a. Leaf spot on Leucospermum cuneiforme; b. colony sporulating on PDA; c – g. conidiogenous cells giving
rise to conidia; h, i. appendaged conidia. — Scale bars = 10 µm.

with up to two enteroblastic, percurrent proliferations to produce Culture characteristics — Colonies circular with undulate
additional conidia at slightly higher levels. Conidia ellipsoidal margins; mycelium of medium density, woolly, with white aerial
to obovoid, 4-euseptate, the second and third septa often mycelium, white in reverse; 69 mm diam after 7 d at 25 °C.
darkened and indistinct, cells unequal, without constrictions Conidiomata fertile after 12 d at 25 °C under white light, with
at the septa, versicoloured, bearing appendages; basal cell conidiomata developing over the entire surface of the colony
obconic with a truncate base, bearing minute marginal frills, and producing black, wet spore masses.
hyaline below, thin-walled, (3.5 –)5 – 6(–7.5) × 4 – 4.5(–5) µm; Specimen examined. Zimbabwe, Harare, Aveley Farm, on living leaves of
second cell from base subcylindrical, pale brown, verruculose, Leucospermum cuneiforme cv. ‘Sunbird’, 6 Mar. 1998, L. Swart, holotype
(4–)5 – 5.5(– 6) µm, third and fourth cells doliiform to subcy- PREM 56186, culture ex-type CPC 1765 = CBS 114178.
lindrical, dark red-brown, verruculose, (4 –)5 – 6(–7) µm and
Notes — Pestalotiopsis montellicoides differs from P. pro-
(4–)5.5–6(–7) µm long, respectively, combined dimensions of 3
tearum from Zimbabwe in the larger dimensions of the conidia of
median cells (14–)16–17(–18) × (6.5–)8–9(–10) µm; apical cell
the former, specifically the size of three median cells (26–35 ×
subconical, hyaline, collapsed at maturity, thin-walled, smooth,
7.5–10.5 µm). The Pestalotiopsis anamorph of Pestalosphaeria
(3–)3.5–4.5(–6) × (3–)3.5–4(–5) µm; 2–4 appendages arising
leucospermi from Leucospermum (Samuels et al. 1987) how-
apically, tubular, branched or not, straight to flexuous, tip round-
ever, has conidia of similar dimensions to P. protearum, but
ed, (15 –)26 – 32(– 43) µm long; basal appendage occasionally the conidia of the former have concolorous median cells and
absent, filiform, flexuous, slender, centric, (2 –)4.5 – 6(–9) µm. more cylindrical conidiogenous cells (11–18 × 2–2.5 µm). In
Conidia in vitro ellipsoidal to obovoid, 4(– 6)-euseptate, the culture, Pestalosphaeria leucospermi becomes green-yellow
second and third septa often darkened and indistinct, cells un- (also noted for some Zimbabwean isolates, e.g. CPC 1783),
equal, without constrictions at the septa, versicoloured, bearing and produces conidiomata in distinct concentric rings all over
appendages; basal cell obconic with a truncate base, bearing the surface of the colony. The combination of these features
minute marginal frills, hyaline below, thin-walled, (4 –)5–6(–8) indicates that the collections in the present study represent a
× 4–4.5(– 5) µm; second cell subcylindrical, pale brown, faintly distinct species. When compared to the Pestalotiopsis species
verruculose, third and fourth cells doliiform to subcylindrical, in the key provided by Nag Raj (1993), the species from Zim­
medium brown, verruculose, combined lengths of median cells babwe does not correspond to any previously described spe-
(14.5–)16 –17(–19) × (6 –)7–7.5(– 8) µm [length of second cell cies, although it is most similar in dimensions and morphology
from base (5 –)5.5 – 6(–7) µm; central cell, (4 –)5 – 5.5(–7) µm; to P. macrospora. In a recent study of Pestalotiopsis and allied
fourth cell, (4.5–)5–5.5(–6) µm] apical cell subconical, hyaline, genera (Jeewon 2002), several isolates from Proteaceae were
collapsed at maturity, thin-walled, smooth, (3.5 –)4 – 4.5(–5) × included and identified as follows: Pestalotiopsis longisetula,
3.5–4(–5) µm; appendages tubular, branched, straight to flexu- Leucospermum sp., (CPC 1771) (Sicily); Pestalotiopsis aquati-
ous; (1–)2 – 4(– 5) appendages arising apically, tip rounded but ca, Leucospermum sp., (JT 615) (USA, Hawaii); Pestalotiopsis
often absent due to frequent breakage of appendage, (10–)15– leucothoës, Telopea sp., (JT 551) (USA, Hawaii); Pestalotiopsis
17(–22) µm long; basal appendage occasionally absent, fili­ sydowiana, endophyte from P. neriifolia, (JT 258) (South Africa);
form, flexuous, slender, centric, (2 –)3 – 3.5(– 5) µm. Pestalotiopsis theae, endophyte from Protea neriifolia, (JT 258)
36 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

(South Africa); Pestalotiopsis vismiae, Leucospermum sp., (JT Conidiophores on host material erect, medium yellow-brown,
694) (USA, Hawaii). Attempts to use the ITS sequences of these base slightly enlarged, 7–9(–15) µm, stalk nearly straight, septa
isolates in a blast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide data- approximately 15 µm apart, scars few (1–5), close and dark
base were inconclusive with regard to species identification as brown, apex truncate, 22–135 × 4–8 µm. Conidiogenous cells
several species with near identical sequences were obtained. tretic, integrated, terminal, proliferating sympodially, cylindrical,
Also, studying the GenBank ITS sequences of strains associ- cicatrised. Conidia mostly obovoid to nearly cylindrical, finely
ated with the obtained species names did not yield a conclusive verruculose, if 4-septate, widest at the third cell from the base,
barcode representative of each of those species. The genus with hemi-spherical apex, hemi-ellipsoidal base, pale to medium
Pestalotiopsis requires major revision, incorporating type stud- yellow-brown, but the basal cell paler brown, 3–4(–7)-septate,
ies with multi-locus DNA sequence data and cultures. slightly constricted at the basal septum, with non-protruding
scar, (1.5–)3 µm wide, (27–)30–38(–50) × (10–)11–13(–15) µm
Pyrenophora blight on SNA.
Culture characteristics — Colonies on MEA after 1 mo at 25 °C
Two Drechslera morphs of Pyrenophora species have been in the dark spreading, flat, with patches of scarlet and olivaceous-
reported from Proteaceae, namely D. biseptata and D. dematioi­ grey (surface), and iron-grey in reverse. On OA iron-grey with
dea. Shoemaker (1998) placed D. biseptata and D. dematioi­dea olivaceous-grey aerial mycelium.
in a new genus, Marielliottia, based on their unusual coni- Specimens examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Stellen-
dial morphology, while a phylogenetic study by Zhang & Ber- bosch, Elsenburg Farm, on leaves of Leucospermum cordifolium, 7 Mar.
bee (2001) concluded that Marielliottia was best retained in 1996, L. Swart, CBS H-20676 holotype, cultures ex-type CPC 1293 = CBS
Drechslera. In accordance with the Amsterdam Declaration for 111083, CPC 1294 = CBS 111084, CPC 1295 = CBS 111085, CPC 1296 =
pleomorphic fungi (Hawksworth et al. 2011), preference is given CBS 111080, CPC 1297 = CBS 111086, CPC 1298 = CBS 111087.
to the older generic name Pyrenophora (1849), rather than Notes — Pyrenophora blight is the most important disease
the younger Drechslera (1930). of commercially cultivated Leucospermum, particularly the cul­
In spite of published reports, the present study revealed the tivars developed from Lsp. cordifolium. Some Leucadendron
disease to be mainly associated with a single species, de­scribed and Mimetes spp. are also susceptible to blight (von Broemb­sen
here as Pyrenophora leucospermi. This pathogen causes 1989). Although ‘D.’ biseptata is reported as the main cause
a severe blight of current-season leaves, stems, and flower of disease of Leucospermum in the southern states of Aus-
heads, particularly during growth flushes. The disease is char­ tralia and Queensland, both ‘D.’ biseptata and ‘D.’ dematoidea
acterised by discrete leaf lesions and slowly expanding stem are reported to cause blight on Leucospermum in Hawaii
cankers that result in death of young shoot tips, or as mod- (Boesewinkel 1986, Forsberg 1993). A different Pyrenophora
erately expanding lesions that are restricted to a few leaves sp. that causes leaf spot and blight was reported from the North
or to leaf tips only. The leaf lesions are yellow, grey or brown Island of New Zealand (Soteros 1986), while Shoemaker (1998)
and irregularly shaped with distinct red margins, which rapidly also found material of the Bipolaris anamorph of Cochliobolus
enlarge, often covering the entire leaf (von Broembsen, 1986, australiensis to be present in Pyrenophora-like lesions, and
1989, Forsberg 1993). The presence of Neofusicoccum spp., concluded that more species were involved in this disease
which act as important secondary pathogens of the stem can- complex. In spite of several collections investigated in the
kers caused by P. leucospermi, results in significantly larger present study (Table 1), no authentic cultures of ‘D.’ biseptata
lesions than with either alone. or ‘D.’ dematoidea were obtained from symptomatic Proteaceae
in South Africa (Fig. 2). Furthermore, the species commonly
Pyrenophora leucospermi Crous & L. Swart, sp. nov. — Myco­ associated with Pyrenophora blight in South Africa, which was
Bank MB560564; Fig. 16 also collected in Europe, appeared to represent a novel spe-
cies, described here as P. leucospermi (Fig. 2). Pyrenophora
Drechslerae dematoideae similis, sed conidiis 3 – 4(–7)-septatis.
leucospermi can be distinguished from ‘D.’ biseptata and ‘D.’
Etymology. Named after its occurrence on Leucospermum. dematoidea by having conidia that are 3–4(–7)-septate, and

b c

a d e f
Fig. 16   Pyrenophora leucospermi (CBS 111083). a. Leaf spot on Leucospermum cordifolium; b. close-up of leaf spot with red-brown margin; c – e. conidio­
genous cells giving rise to conidia; f. conidia. — Scale bars = 10 µm.
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 37

a b c d
Fig. 17   Curvularia trifolii (CBS 111997). a – d. Conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia on SNA. — Scale bar = 10 µm.

by differences in the TEF region (Fig. 2). Furthermore, collec- surface pale vinaceous-grey, reverse iron-grey. On OA white
tions from leaf spots of Leucospermum spp. in Australia (CBS in centre due to profuse sporulation, vinaceous-grey in outer
111997, 114135), resulted in Curvularia trifolii (CPC 2941 = CBS region. Colonies reach 10–15 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C on
114135 and CPC 2995 = CBS 111997; Fig. 17) being newly all media tested.
reported from Proteaceae in the present study.
Specimen examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Stellen-
bosch, J.S. Marais Botanical Garden, on leaves of Protea sp., associated
Ramularia leaf spot with leaf spots of Vizella interrupta, 6 May 2010, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS
H-20678, cultures ex-type CPC 18294 = CBS 130600.
Species of Ramularia represent anamorphs of Mycosphaerella
(Mycosphaerellaceae) (Verkley et al. 2004, Crous et al. 2009b,
Ramularia vizellae Crous, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB560566;
Koike et al. 2011), and most are assumed to be host specific
Fig. 19
(Braun 1998). Presently only a single species, R. proteae, has
been reported associated with a leaf spot disease on P. longi­ Ramulariae pratensis var. pratensis morphologice similis, sed conidiis mi-
folia in Tasmania (Crous et al. 2000). The newly described spe- noribus et subcylindraceis-obclavatis vel ellipsoideis.
cies below represent the first species of Ramularia described Etymology. Named after the fungal genus Vizella, from whose lesions it
from Proteaceae in South Africa. The generic name Ramularia was isolated as potential secondary coloniser.
(1833) predates that of Mycosphaerella (1884), and should be
used for this genus, as the latter is a confused concept that has On SNA: Mycelium consisting of septate, branched, smooth,
been incorrectly applied to numerous genera (Crous et al. hyaline, 1.5 – 2.5 µm diam hyphae. Conidiophores solitary,
2009b). erect on hyphae, terminal and lateral, smooth, hyaline, 1–4-
septate, or reduced to conidiogenous cells, 2–100 × 1.5–2
µm, cylindrical, straight to curved. Conidiogenous cells smooth,
Ramularia stellenboschensis Crous, sp. nov. — MycoBank hyaline, terminal and lateral on conidiophores, 2–25 × 1.5–2
MB560565; Fig. 18 µm; scars thickened, darkened, refractive, 0.5 –1 µm diam.
Ramulariae proteae morphologice similis, sed conidiis subcylindraceis et Ramoconidia subcylindrical to obclavate or ellipsoid, 0(–1)-
majoribus, (12 –)15–17(– 20) × (2 –)2.5 – 3(– 3.5) µm. septate, hyaline, smooth to finely verruculose, (8–)10–12(–23)
Etymology. Named after the town of Stellenbosch, where this fungus was × (2.5–)3–3.5(–5) µm, with 1–3 apical loci. Intercalary conidia
collected. hyaline, smooth, aseptate, ellipsoid, smooth to finely verrucu-
lose, (5–)6–7 × (2.5–)3(–3.5) µm. Terminal conidia in branched
On SNA: Mycelium consisting of septate, branched, smooth, chains of up to 6, hyaline, smooth, aseptate, ellipsoid, smooth to
hyaline, 1.5 – 2 µm diam hyphae. Conidiophores solitary on hy- finely verruculose, 4–5(–5.5) × (2–)3(–3.5) µm; hila thickened,
phae, erect, smooth, hyaline, subcylindrical, straight to flexuous, darkened, refractive, 0.5 –1 µm diam.
terminal or intercalary on hyphae, reduced to conidiogenous Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, sur-
cells, or up to 3-septate, 3 – 60 × 2 – 2.5 µm. Conidiogenous face folded, with moderate aerial mycelium; margins smooth,
cells terminal or lateral, subcylindrical, smooth, hyaline, 3–20 lobate. On PDA surface dirty cream, reverse apricot. On MEA
× 1.5– 2 µm, smooth, hyaline; scars thickened, darkened, re- surface pale olivaceous-grey, with patches of scarlet; reverse
fractive, 0.5 –1 µm diam. Ramoconidia 0(–1)-septate, hyaline, olivaceous-grey with patches of apricot. On OA surface pale
smooth to finely verruculose, subcylindrical, (12 –)15 –17(– 20) olivaceous-grey to dirty cream, with patches of apricot. Colonies
× (2–)2.5 – 3(– 3.5) µm. Intercalary conidia in branched chains reach 12 –15 mm diam after 2 wk on all media tested.
of up to 6, hyaline, smooth to finely verruculose, subcylindrical
to narrowly ellipsoid-fusoid, (6 –)7– 9(–10) × (2 –)2.5(–3) µm. Specimen examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Hermanus,
Fernkloof Nature Reserve, on leaves of Protea sp., in association with Vizella
Terminal conidia narrowly ellipsoid-fusoid, hyaline, smooth to
interrupta (secondary?), 2 May 2010, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS H-20679,
finely verruculose, aseptate, 5 – 6(–7) × (1.5 –)2 µm; hila thick- cultures ex-type CPC 18283 = CBS 130601.
ened, darkened, refractive, 0.5 –1 µm diam.
Culture characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading, Notes — Ramularia vizellae, obtained from leaves of Protea
surface folded, with sparse aerial mycelium, and smooth, lobate sp. infected with Vizella interrupta, appears to be genetically
margins. On PDA surface pale vinaceous-grey (centre), vina- related to Ramularia pratensis var. pratensis (on Polygonaceae;
ceous-grey in outer region, purplish grey underneath. On MEA Braun 1998). This could have been a chance encounter on the
38 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

a d f

b c e g
Fig. 18   Ramularia stellenboschensis (CBS H-20678). a. Colony sporulating on OA; b. colony sporulating on PDA; c – g. branched conidial chains formed on
SNA. — Scale bars = 10 µm.

a b c d

e f g h i
Fig. 19   Ramularia vizellae (CBS H-20679). a. Colony sporulating on OA; e. colony sporulating on MEA; b – d, f – i. branched conidial chains formed on SNA.
— Scale bars = 10 µm.

Protea leaf, as no sporulation was observed on the leaf itself. species have been described from this host family (Crous et
Morphologically, however, conidia of R. pratensis var. pratensis al. 2007a, 2008, 2009b). Species of Teratosphaeria are com-
are somewhat larger, ellipsoid-ovoid, subcylindrical-fusoid, monly associated with leaf spots and blotches on Proteaceae,
(6 –)8 – 25(– 35) × (1.5 –)2 – 4(– 5) µm. The ITS sequence of though not much is known about their host specificity (Crous
R. vizellae is not identical to that of R. pratensis var. pratensis & Groenewald 2005).
(GenBank EU019284.2; Identities = 564/583 (97 %), Gaps =
6/583 (1 %)). Teratosphaeria capensis Crous, sp. nov. — MycoBank
The three species of Ramularia occurring on Proteaceae can MB560567; Fig. 20
easily be distinguished based on conidial size, with conidia of
Teratosphaeriae bellulae similis, sed ascosporis sine vagina gelatinosa, asco-
R. proteae being the smallest, subcylindrical-fusoid, 5–8(–10) sporis quidem in asco brunnescentibus.
× 1–1.5(–2) µm, while the subcylindrical conidia of R. stellen-
boschensis are larger, (12–)15–17(–20) × (2–)2.5–3(–3.5) µm. Etymology. Named after the Cape Province, South Africa, where this
Finally, conidia of R. vizellae are more subcylindrical to obclavate species was collected.
or ellipsoid in shape, (8–)10–12(–23) × (2.5–)3–3.5(–5) µm. Leaf spots amphigenous, subcircular to circular, up to 2.5 cm
diam, medium brown with a raised, dark brown border. Ascoma-
Teratosphaeria leaf spot ta amphigenous, black, immersed, substomatal, up to 100 µm
diam, along the margins of leaf spots, with Brunneosphaerella
Crous et al. (2004a) listed 13 species of Mycosphaerella (incl. protearum ascomata in the centre (which is probably the primary
Teratosphaeria) and 18 associated anamorph species occurring pathogen). This suggests that T. capensis was either endophytic
on Proteaceae. Since this date, however, numerous additional or opportunistic. The ascomatal wall consists of 2–3 layers
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 39

b c d e

a f g h
Fig. 20   Teratosphaeria capensis (CBS H-20680). a. Leaf spot of Brunneosphaerella protearum (prominent, large, semi-erumpent ascomata), surrounded by
inconspicuous, substomatal ascomata of T. capensis; b – f. asci; g. germinating ascospores on MEA; h. ascospores. — Scale bars = 10 µm.

of medium brown textura angularis. Ostiole central, 5 –10 µm Coccomyces proteae Marinc., M.J. Wingf. & Crous, in Marin­co-
diam, lined with hyaline, 0 –1-septate periphyses, up to 10 µm witz et al., Microfungi occurring on Proteaceae in the fynbos:
long, 2 µm diam. Asci aparaphysate, fasciculate, bitunicate, 32. 2008.
subsessile, obovoid, straight to curved, 8-spored, 35 – 50 ×
Specimens examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Jonkers­
8–12 µm. Ascospores tri- to multiseriate, overlapping, hyaline, hoek Nature Reserve, on leaf litter of Protea nitida, S. Marincowitz, 6 June
prominently guttulate, thick-walled, straight, fusoid-ellipsoidal 2000, holotype PREM 59439; KwaZulu-Natal, Drakensberg Mountains, on
with obtuse ends, widest in middle of apical cell, prominently leaves of Protea sp., 21 Mar. 1998, S. Denman, epitype designated here as
constricted at the septum, tapering towards both ends, but CBS H-20681, cultures ex-epitype CBS 111703 = CPC 1730, CBS 111704
more prominently towards the lower end, (8 –)10 –11(–13) × = CPC 1727.
3.5–4 µm. Germinating ascospores on MEA become brown, Notes — Both collections of this fungus have been from leaf
verruculose and distorted, with one to several germ tubes that litter, and thus far nothing is known about its potential role as
grow at irregular angles to the long axis of the spore, which pathogen of Proteaceae, though this seems unlikely.
becomes up to 8 µm wide.
Cultural characteristics — Colonies erumpent, spreading,
with moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margins, Gordonomyces Crous & Marinc., gen. nov. — MycoBank
reaching 15 mm diam after 1 mo at 25 °C in the dark on all MB560568
media tested. On MEA olivaceous-grey, reverse iron-grey; on Phaeophleosporae morphologice similis, sed conidiomatibus erumpentibus,
OA olivaceous-grey; on PDA olivaceous-grey, reverse iron- pariete externo laevi et nigro, conidiis juvenilibus cum vagina mucosa.
grey; colonies sporulating on MEA after 2 mo, homothallic,
Type species. Gordonomyces mucovaginatus Crous & Marinc.
ascospores 10 –16 × 3 – 5 µm.
Etymology. Named after Gordon’s Bay, a harbour town in the Western
Specimens examined. Portugal, on leaves of P. repens, 1 Jan. 2007, M.F. Cape Province of South Africa, which was in turn named after Robert Jacob
Moura, CPC 13981. – South Africa, Western Cape Province, Stellenbosch, Gordon (1743 –1795), the Dutch explorer of Scottish descent.
J.S. Marais Garden, S33°55'59.3" E18°52'22.5", on living leaves of Protea
sp., 6 May 2010, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS H-20680, culture ex-type CPC Conidiomata up to 600 µm diam, globose, separate to ag-
18299 = CBS 130602. gregated in clusters, black, outer wall smooth; wall of textura
Notes — Teratosphaeria capensis generally is found on angularis, up to 60 µm thick, outer region of 3 – 8 layers of
necrotic leaf spots of Brunneosphaerella protearum in South Af- dark brown cells, inner region of 3–7 layers of thick-walled,
rica. However, it was the sole pathogen associated with necrotic hyaline cells. Paraphyses intermingled among conidiogenous
leaf spots of a P. repens in Portugal (CPC 13981) (Crous et al. cells, cylindrical, branched below, septate; at times becoming
2008). The varying niche ecology demonstrated by this species fertile. Conidiogenous cells subcylindrical to ampulliform, mostly
suggests that it is adaptive to its host in different environments. reduced to single cells, with apical percurrent proliferation.
Since P. repens was brought to Portugal this fungus may Conidia medium to golden-brown, verruculose, obovoid to semi-
well have been introduced as an endophyte. Morphologically clavate, medianly 1-euseptate, apex obtuse, base subtruncate,
T. capensis is similar to several species occurring on Proteaceae conidia covered in mucoid sheath, 2 –3 µm wide.
based on its ascospore dimensions and germination patterns,
and would be difficult to distinguish without DNA sequence data. Gordonomyces mucovaginatus Crous & Marinc., sp. nov. —
Presently this is the only species of Teratosphaeria known to MycoBank MB560559; Fig. 21
be homothallic and form fertile ascomata in culture.
Conidia (12–)13–15(–17) × (4–)4.5–5 µm, medio- vel aureobrunnea, verru­
culosa, ovoidea, in medio 1-euseptata, cum vagina mucosa, 2 – 3 µm lata.
Etymology. Named after the prominent mucoid sheath that surrounds the
apices of its conidia.
Several species were encountered during this study that ap-
peared to be saprobic rather than plant pathogenic. These taxa Sporulating on PDA. Conidiomata up to 600 µm diam, globose,
are thus treated in the addendum below. erumpent on agar, separate to aggregated in clusters, black,
40 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

a c d e

f g h i
Fig. 21   Gordonomyces mucovaginatus (PREM 59592). a. Colony sporulating on PDA; b – d, g. conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidia; e, f. paraphyses;
h. conidia with mucoid appendages (arrows); i. mature conidia. — Scale bars = 10 µm.

outer wall smooth; conidiomata filled with a brown-black mucoid Leptosphaerulina australis McAlpine, in McAlpine, Fungus di-
mass containing numerous conidia; wall of textura angularis, seases of stone-fruit trees in Australia and their treatment:
up to 60 µm thick, outer region of 3 – 8 layers of dark brown 103. 1902 — Fig. 22
cells, inner region of 3 –7 layers of thick-walled, hyaline cells.
For synonyms see MycoBank.
Paraphyses intermingled among conidiogenous cells, cylindri-
cal, branched below, 1–6-septate, 30–70 × 3–4 µm, with obtuse On SNA: Ascomata pseudothecial, solitary to aggregated in
ends, but at times becoming fertile, giving rise to conidia, termi- clusters, brown, superficial on agar medium, obpyriform to
nal and lateral, by means of inconspicuous percurrent prolifera- subglobose, 100–150 × 150–200 µm; ostiole central, up to 30
tion. Conidiogenous cells subcylindrical to ampulliform, mostly µm diam; outer wall covered with short, brown hyphal setae,
reduced to single cells, with apical percurrent proliferation, 5–15 5–15 × 3–5 µm, with obtuse ends. Asci 100–120 × 35–45 µm,
× 3.5 – 4 µm. Conidia medium to golden-brown, verruculose, 8-spored, hyaline, obovoid, bitunicate with strongly developed
obovoid to semi-clavate, medianly 1-euseptate, apex obtuse, apical chamber, 5 –7 × 2 – 3 µm. Ascospores multiseriate in
base subtruncate, conidia covered in mucoid sheath, 2–3 µm asci, hyaline, smooth, with mucoid sheath, 4 transverse septa,
wide, (12 –)13 –15(–17) × (4 –)4.5 – 5 µm. and 2–3 vertical, and 1–2 oblique septa, constricted at second
Culture characteristics — Colonies on PDA spreading, with vertical septum from apex, ellipsoid to obovoid, tapering from
smooth, lobed margins, and moderate aerial mycelium; surface middle of upper part of ascospore (widest point) to an acutely
sepia (middle), fuscous-black in outer region and underneath, rounded apex, base obtusely rounded; hamathecial tissue
up to 30 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On OA spreading, flat, dissolving among asci, and pseudoparaphyses not observed,
with smooth margin, lacking aerial mycelium, rosy-buff, up to (32–)33–27(–40) × (12–)13–14(–15) µm.
40 µm diam after 2 wk. On MEA spreading, with smooth, lobed Culture characteristics — Colonies spreading, flat, with
margin and moderate aerial mycelium; surface iron-grey with sparse aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate margins, reaching
patches of white; reverse fuscous-black; colonies reaching 22 mm diam after 1 wk at 25 °C. On MEA centre dirty white,
40 mm diam after 2 wk. outer region sienna, reverse sienna; on PDA centre dirty white,
outer region olivaceous-grey, reverse iron-grey; on OA centre
Specimen examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Gordon’s
Bay, on leaf litter of Leucadendron laureolum, 26 June 2000, S. Marincowitz, dirty white, outer region olivaceous-grey to iron-grey.
holotype PREM 59592, culture ex-type CMW 22212 = CBS 127273 = CPC Specimen examined. Kenya, on leaves of Protea sp., 1999, culture CPC
18172. 3712 = CBS 116307.
Notes — Gordonomyces is Phaeophleospora-Kirramyces- Notes — The ITS sequence data and morphology of this
like in morphology (Crous et al. 1997, Andjic et al. 2007), but isolate matches that of other isolates of the species. Lepto­
distinct in having erumpent conidiomata with a smooth, black sphaerulina australis was isolated from leaf spots of a Protea
outer wall, and juvenile conidia that are encased in a mucoid sp. collected in Kenya, and as such is the first record from Pro-
sheath. teaceae. Although species of Leptosphaerulina are well-known
plant pathogens (Graham & Luttrell 1961), the pathogenicity
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 41

a b c d

f g h i
Fig. 22   Leptosphaerulina australis (CBS 116307). a. Colony sporulating on PDA; b. ascomata forming on SNA; c, d. ascomata showing ostiolar region; e–h; asci;
i. muriformly septate, hyaline ascospores with mucoid sheath. — Scale bars: a, c = 200 µm, d = 30 µm, all others = 10 µm.

status of L. australis is uncertain (Mitkowski & Browning 2004). Etymology. Named after the location where it was collected. The word
Notwithstanding this, the fungus has been intercepted on ex- ‘Gouriqua’ stems from the Khoi-Khoi, who lived in this area about five hundred
years ago.
ported agricultural produce, namely on leaf spots of Brassica
oleracea var. capitata from China (Hyun et al. 2005), and could Mycelium consisting of smooth, hyaline, septate, branched, 2–3
be relevant to trade in agricultural produce. µm diam hyphae. Conidiophores solitary on hyphae, microne-
matous, reduced to conidiogenous loci, 1 × 1.5 µm, or erect,
Pseudopassalora Crous, gen. nov. — MycoBank MB560570 cylindrical, straight to flexuous, hyaline, smooth, 1– 2-septate,
10–35 × 2–3 µm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, reduced to
Passalorae similis, sed hyphis et cellulis conidiogenis hyalinis, conidiis loci on hyphae, or terminal on short conidiophores, cylindrical,
vetustis verrucosis.
hyaline, smooth, 1–20 × (1.5–)2–3 µm; conidiogenous cells
Type species. Pseudopassalora gouriqua Crous. containing a solitary terminal, truncate locus, 1.5–3 µm diam,
Etymology. Named after its morphological similarity to Passalora.
or at times conidiogenous cell polyblastic with 1–3 loci that are
thickened along the rim, 0.5–1 µm diam. Conidia solitary, fusoid-
Mycelium consisting of smooth, hyaline, septate, branched ellipsoidal, brown, verruculose to warty, widest in the middle
hyphae. Conidiophores solitary on hyphae, micronematous, of the upper third, tapering to a subobtose apex, aseptate or
reduced to conidiogenous loci, or erect, cylindrical, straight medianly 1-septate, (14–)20–25(–35) × (3–)3.5–4(–4.5) µm;
to flexuous, hyaline, smooth, 1– 2-septate. Conidiogenous base truncate, at times slightly thickened along the rim.
cells integrated, reduced to loci on hyphae, or terminal on Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with
short conidiophores, cylindrical, hyaline, smooth, containing sparse aerial mycelium, and even, smooth margins, reaching
a solitary terminal, truncate locus, or at times polyblastic with 20 mm diam after 2 mo on all media tested. On OA sepia, with
1– 3 phialidic loci that are thickened along the rim. Conidia margins concolorous with agar medium; on PDA surface cin-
solitary, fusoid-ellipsoidal, brown, verruculose to warty, widest namon, reverse honey; on MEA surface dirty white, with patches
in the middle of the upper third, tapering to a subobtose apex, of greyish sepia, cinnamon and honey, reverse cinnamon.
aseptate or medianly 1-septate; base truncate, at times slightly
Specimen examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Mossel Bay,
thickened along the rim. Gouriqua, Rein’s Coastal Nature Reserve, on leaves of Protea susannae, 1 Apr.
1998, L. Dryer, holotype CBS H-20682, cultures ex-type CBS 101954 =
CPC 1811.
Pseudopassalora gouriqua Crous, sp. nov. — MycoBank
MB560571; Fig. 23 Notes — Pseudopassalora resembles Retroconis, but is dis-
Conidia solitaria, fusoida-ellipsoidea, brunnea, verruculosa vel verrucosa, tinct in producing solitary conidia (Seifert et al. 2011). It is some-
aseptata vel in medio 1-septata, (14 –)20 – 25(– 35) × (3 –)3.5 – 4(– 4.5) µm; what reminiscent of Fusicladium (Venturia) (Beck et al. 2005,
basi truncata, interdum marginaliter leviter incrassata. Crous et al. 2007b), but clusters apart from this genus, and
42 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

a b d e f g
Fig. 23   Pseudopassalora gouriqua (CBS 101954). a – g. Conidiogenous cells on superficial hyphae giving rise to brown, warty, 1-septate conidia. — Scale
bars = 10 µm.

has somewhat thickened loci, and hyaline hyphae. It also Xenoconiothyrium catenata Crous & Marinc., sp. nov. — Myco-
resembles Passalora in having somewhat thickened loci, but Bank MB560573; Fig. 24
is again distinct in having hyaline hyphae and conidiogenous
Conidia ellipsoidea-subcylindracea, crassitunicata, primo hyaline, laevia,
cells, and conidia that become warty with age. deinde verrucolosa, atrobrunnea, 0(–1)-septata, (7–)8 –10(–12) × (4 –)5
Presently very little is known of the ecology of P. gouriqua. µm, primo brevicatenata, 3(– 4), adherentia per locum parvum, ad 0.5 µm
Although occurring on leaves of P. susanne, it was at the time diam.
of isolation suspected to be a possible saprobe. Etymology. Named after its conidia, which occur in chains.

Mycelium consisting of septate, branched, olivaceous-brown

Xenoconiothyrium Crous & Marinc., gen. nov. — MycoBank to brown, thick-walled, warty, 3–5 µm diam hyphae, covered in
MB560572 a mucoid layer, giving rise to pycnidial conidiomata up to 250
Coniothyrio morphologice simile, sed conidiis primo brevicatenatis, cum poris µm diam. Conidiophores reduced to phialidic conidiogenous
conspicuis ad extremum singulum vel ad extrema. cells that line the cavity, ampulliform, hyaline, 8 –15 × 5 – 6
Type species. Xenoconiothyrium catenata Crous & Marinc.
µm, tapering to an abrupt apex, locus 0.5 µm diam. Conidia
(7–)8–10(–12) × (4–)5 µm, initially in short chains, 3(–4), at-
Etymology. Mature conidia resembling that of the genus Coniothyrium, tached via a small locus up to 0.5 µm diam, eventually break-
but distinct when young, thus (Xeno-) Coniothyrium.
ing free, with minute loci visible on conidial ends, ellipsoid
Mycelium consisting of septate, branched, olivaceous-brown to to subcylindrical, thick-walled (1 µm diam), initially hyaline,
brown, thick-walled, warty hyphae, covered in a mucoid layer, smooth, becoming verruculose, dark brown, 0(–1)-septate,
giving rise to pycnidial conidiomata. Conidiophores reduced to not or constricted at septum, apex obtuse, widest at septum,
phialidic conidiogenous cells that line the cavity, ampulliform, tapering abruptly to truncate hilum (when viewed directly from
hyaline, tapering to an abrupt apex. Conidia initially in short above, it appears to have a central pore, which can be basal,
chains 3(– 4), attached via a small locus, eventually break- or present at both conidial ends), 0.5 µm diam; not thickened
ing free, with minute loci visible on conidial ends, ellipsoid to nor darkened. Spermatia at times formed in same conidioma,
subcylindrical, thick-walled, initially hyaline, smooth, becoming hyaline, bacilliform, 3 –7 × 3–4 µm.
verruculose, dark brown, 0(–1)-septate, not or constricted at Culture characteristics — Colonies spreading, erumpent with
septum, apex obtuse, widest at septum, tapering abruptly to sparse aerial mycelium and even margin; surface folded, reach-
truncate hilum (when viewed directly from above, it appears ing 25 mm diam after 2 mo on all media tested; on MEA surface
to have a central pore, which can be basal, or present at both olivaceous-grey, reverse iron-grey; on OA surface iron-grey.
conidial ends); not thickened nor darkened. Spermatia at times
formed in same conidioma, hyaline, bacilliform.

a b c e
Fig. 24   Xenoconiothyrium catenata (CBS 128994). a, b. Conidiogenous cells giving rise to conidial chains; c. conidia forming in short chains; d, e. mature,
brown, verruculose, 1-septate conidia with basal and/or apical attachment loci (apical, basal, or both). — Scale bar = 10 µm.
P.W. Crous et al.: Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae 43

Specimen examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Helderberg Acknowledgements   The University of Stellenbosch is thanked for financial
Nature Reserve, on twig litter of Protea laurifolia, 14 Aug. 2000, S. Marinco­ support to P.W. Crous during a recent collecting trip to the fynbos region in
witz, holotype PREM 59486, culture ex-type CMW 22113 = CBS 128994. South Africa. Prof. dr U. Braun (Martin-Luther-Univ., Halle, Germany) is thanked
for providing the Latin diagnoses. We thank the technical staff, Arien van
Notes — Based on the dimensions of its septate, brown Iperen (cultures), Marjan Vermaas (photographic plates), and Mieke Starink-
conidia, this fungus was originally identified as Coniothyrium Willemse (DNA isolation, amplification and sequencing) for their invaluable
septatum by Marincowitz et al. (2008a). It is distinct from the assistance.
genus Coniothyrium, however, in that conidia occur in short
chains when young, and have pores visible at one or either REFERENCES
end. Based on its LSU sequence it is closest to Xenophacidiella
pseudocatenata (GenBank JF499870; Crous & Groenewald Andjic V, Barber PA, Carnegie AJ, Hardy GEStJ, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI.
2011) and Phaeothecoidea melaleuca (GenBank HQ599595; 2007. Phylogenetic reassessment supports accommodation of Phaeo-
Crous et al. 2010) in Teratosphaeriaceae. It was originally col- phleospora and Colletogloeopsis from eucalypts in Kirramyces. Mycological
lected from twig litter of Protea laurifolia, and nothing is thus Research 111: 1184 –1198.
known about its potential role as pathogen of Proteaceae. Arx JA von, Aa HA van der. 1983. Notes on Curreya (Ascomycetes, Dothi­
deales). Sydowia 36: 1– 5.
Aveskamp M, Gruyter H de, Woudenberg J, Verkley G, Crous PW. 2010. High-
Discussion lights of the Didymellaceae: A polyphasic approach to characterise Phoma
and related pleosporalean genera. Studies in Mycology 65: 1– 60.
The Cape Floristic Region (CFR) is located in the south-western Aveskamp MM, Verkley GJM, Gruyter J de, Murace MA, Perelló A, et al.
part of South Africa, and includes 42 % of the vascular plants 2009. DNA phylogeny reveals polyphyly of Phoma section Peyronellaea
occurring in the Southern African subcontinent (Goldblatt & and multiple taxonomic novelties. Mycologia 101: 363 – 382.
Beck A, Ritschel A, Schubert K, Braun U, Triebel D. 2005. Phylogenetic
Manning 2000, Rouget et al. 2003). The CFR comprises com-
relationships of the anamorphic genus Fusicladium as inferred by
ponents of fynbos and five other biomes (Cowling & Holms ITS nrDNA data. Mycological Progress 4: 111–116.
1992). As a shrub land, the fynbos has four different plant Benic LM. 1986. Pathological problems associated with propagation material
growth forms. These are tall Protea shrubs with large leaves in nurseries in South Africa. Acta Horticulturae 185: 229 – 237.
(proteoids), heath-like shrubs (ericoids), wiry reed-like plants Bensch K, Groenewald JZ, Dijksterhuis J, Starink-Willemse M, Andersen B,
(restioids) and bulbous herbs (geophytes) (Cowling & Richard- et al. 2010. Species and ecological diversity within the Cladosporium clado-
son 1995, Rebelo 2001). sporioides complex (Davidiellaceae, Capnodiales). Studies in Mycology
67: 1– 94.
Very little is known, however, about the fungi occurring in the Boesewinkel HJ. 1986. New plant disease records from New Zealand.
CFR, and recent studies have highlighted the unusual diver- Australasian Plant Pathology 15: 18 – 21.
sity that occur in saprobic (Schubert et al. 2007, Visagie et al. Braun U. 1998. A monograph of Cercosporella, Ramularia and allied genera
2009, Bensch et al. 2010), and plant pathogenic fungi (Crous (Phytopathogenic Hyphomycetes). Vol. 2. IHW-Verlag, Eching.
et al. 2009a, 2011b). Mycological exploration in South Africa Broembsen SL von. 1986. Blight of pincushions (Leucospermum spp.)
commenced in the late 1700s, and thus later than plant collec- caused by Drechslera dematioidea. Plant Disease 70: 33 – 36.
tions, which began in the 1600s (Eicker & Baxter 1999, Rong Broembsen SL von. 1989. Handbook of diseases of cut-flower Proteas.
International Protea Association, Victoria, Australia.
& Baxter 2006). For more than a century, both collections and
Carbone I, Kohn LM. 1999. A method for designing primer sets for speciation
studies on fungi were largely conducted by European visiting studies in filamentous ascomycetes. Mycologia 91: 553 – 556.
scientists. It was only in the late 1800s that the first resident Coetzee JH, Littlejohn GM. 2001. Protea: A floriculture crop from the Cape
mycologists were appointed in South Africa. A third generation Floristic Kingdom. Horticultural Reviews 26: 1– 48.
mycologist, Dr Ethel M. Doidge, compiled the list of fungi and Coetzee MPA, Wingfield BD, Roux J, Crous PW, Denman S, Wingfield MJ.
lichens collected in South Africa to the end of 1945. In this 2003. Discovery of two northern hemisphere Armillaria species on Protea-
compilation, about 30 fungi are listed associated with members ceae in South Africa. Plant Pathology 52: 604 – 612.
of Proteaceae (Doidge 1950), while based on the known plant Cooke MC. 1883. Some exotic fungi. Grevillea 12: 37– 39.
Cowling RM, Holms PM. 1992. Flora and vegetation. In: Cowling RM (ed), The
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ecology of fynbos: Nutrients, fire and diversity: 23 – 61. Oxford University
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many of which would occur on Proteaceae. Cowling RM, Richardson D. 1995. Fynbos: South Africa’s unique floral
The first fungus described from Proteaceae in the Western kingdom. Fernwood Press, Vlaeberg, South Africa.
Cape was Pseudocercospora protearum (as Cercospora pro- Crous PW. 1998. Mycosphaerella spp. and their anamorphs associated with
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tearum) (Cooke 1883). After many decades of work, the plant
Crous PW, Braun U, Groenewald JZ. 2007a. Mycosphaerella is polyphyletic.
pathogenic fungi associated with the family, especially on Pro-
Studies in Mycology 58: 1– 32.
tea, Leucospermum and Leucadendron was published (Crous Crous PW, Denman S, Taylor JE, Swart L, Palm ME. 2004a. Cultivation
et al. 2004a), as well as the common saprobic fungi occurring and diseases of Proteaceae: Leucadendron, Leucospermum and Protea.
on twig and leaf litter (Marincowitz et al. 2008a). CBS Biodiversity Series 2: 1–228. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre,
We now have a fragmentary amount of information about Utrecht, Netherlands.
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fungi in the fynbos, which clearly shows that a unique, en-
Phaeophleospora and Kirramyces (coelomycetes). South African Journal
demic mycoflora exists. Nevertheless, the fact that the present of Botany 63: 111–115.
study can add an additional 12 species and three genera to Crous PW, Gams W, Stalpers JA, Robert V, Stegehuis G. 2004b. MycoBank:
the number of known taxa occurring on Proteaceae, many of an online initiative to launch mycology into the 21st century. Studies in
them obvious and clearly plant pathogenic, underlines the fact Mycology 50: 19 – 22.
that more attention needs to be directed towards studying the Crous PW, Groenewald JZ. 2005. Hosts, species and genotypes: opinions
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an important part of natural resource-based ecotourism, that Crous PW, Groenewald JZ. 2011. Why everlastings don’t last. Persoonia
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also generates thousands of jobs for the local community,
Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Shivas RG. 2010. Phaeothecoidea melaleuca.
many involved with the sale and export of cut-flowers, but is Fungal Planet 61. Persoonia 25: 142 –143.
also a key biogeographic region that is the focus of intensive Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Shivas RG, Edwards J, Seifert KA, et al. 2011a.
study to better understand evolutionary processes. Adding a Fungal Planet Description Sheets: 69 – 91. Persoonia 26: 108 –156.
mycological component to these studies will greatly benefit our Crous PW, Rong IH, Wood A, Lee S, Glen H, et al. 2006a. How many species
understanding of evolutionary processes in fungi. of fungi are there at the tip of Africa? Studies in Mycology 55: 13 – 33.
44 Persoonia – Volume 27, 2011

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Crous PW, Schubert K, Braun U, Hoog GS de, Hocking AD, et al. 2007b. IMA Fungus 2: 7–12.
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Crous PW, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Rheeder J, Marasas WFO, et al. 2006b. cepts in Calonectria (Cylindrocladium). Studies in Mycology 66: 1–14.
Phylogenetic lineages in the Botryosphaeriaceae. Studies in Mycology Lombard L, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. 2010b. Multigene phy-
55: 235–253. logeny and mating tests reveal three cryptic species related to Calonectria
Crous PW, Summerell BA, Carnegie AJ, Wingfield MJ, Hunter GC, et al. pauciramosa. Studies in Mycology 66: 15 – 30.
2009b. Unravelling Mycosphaerella: do you believe in genera? Persoonia Lombard L, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. 2010c. Phylogeny and
23: 99–118. systematics of the genus Calonectria. Studies in Mycology 66: 31– 69.
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and speciation of Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria species associated occurring on Proteaceae in the fynbos. CBS Biodiversity Series 7: 1–166.
with leaf spots of Proteaceae. Persoonia 20: 59 – 86. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Crous PW, Summerell BA, Taylor JE, Bullock S. 2000. Fungi occurring on Marincowitz S, Groenewald JZ, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. 2008b. Species of
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