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University of Khartoum

Faculty of Architecture

Proposed M.Sc. Course

in Architecture

July 2012
 The Faculty of Architecture started as a department within the Faculty
of Engineering in 1957. In 2007, the department was upgraded into a
full-fledged faculty with four departments:
1. Architectural Design
2. Construction Management and Economics
3. Housing Studies
4. Urban Planning and Design

 The current total number of academic staff is 24 and the number of

students is 350 undergraduates and around 30 postgraduates. At
present, the faculty offers one B.Sc. course in Architecture and one
M.Sc. Degree (by courses) in Physical Planning. It also offers Master
and PhD degrees in architecture by research.
Introduction CONT’D

 Aiming to improve the quality of its physical environment and

academic, the faculty recently executed a major renovation project
of its buildings including maintenance, new offices, darkrooms,
laboratories, computer labs, courtyard’s landscape and other
Need for the Course

 With schools of architecture spreading all over the country coupled

with a wide-spreading construction boom, the need for highly
qualified architects is apparent. Their role will be to raise the bar in
architectural practice while at the same time contribute to
promoting up-to-date architectural education and research.

 Therefore, the department proposes a 4-semester M.Sc. programme

in architecture with emphasis on architectural design, sustainability,
technology and professional practice.
Course Objectives

 To raise the bar in architectural practice by injecting into that

market highly qualified architects with up-to-date architectural
knowledge, research and technical skills.

 To strengthen the knowledge-base of its candidates and prepare

them to conduct research in a variety of topics highlighted by
core and elective courses. The graduates of this course will
possess knowledge of advanced design techniques and research
capabilities useful in both academic and professional fields.
Available Resources

1. Staff
Staff Number

The Faculty members Academic Staff

involved in teaching in Professor 1
the proposed M.Sc.
Associate professor 4
programme are as
follows: Assistant professor 4
Part-timers 3
Non-academic Staff

Program coordinator 1
Secretary 1
Available Resources CONT’D

2. Lecture Halls and Studios

 In addition to utilising the renovated facilities of the Faculty, 2
lecture halls (20 students) are devoted to teaching the theoretical
courses of the M.Sc. programme.

3. Library
 The Faculty library occupies 400m2 and is run by a full-time staff of
three. A section of the Faculty library (Prof. Mahmoud Mohamed
Idris’s Library) is devoted to postgraduate students. This section
houses books, journals, 5 workstations, etc. for research purposes. It
also includes valuable references from Prof. Ian Haywood’s donated
Available Resources CONT’D

4. Supporting Facilities
 The faculty has two computer labs with free Internet access
available for the use of undergraduate and postgraduate
students. Moreover, the Faculty has its own wireless Internet

 The Faculty has a well-equipped architectural science lab for

physical environmental design courses with all necessary
instruments for building-related research.
Admission Requirements
1. General Requirements

 Admission and registration for this degree shall be in

accordance with the regulations of the Graduate College and
the Faculty of Architecture Research Board.
 Priority in admission will be given to candidates who have
honours degree from the University of Khartoum or any
equivalent institution.
 Registration for this degree is open during the academic year in
accordance with the Faculty calendar.
Admission Requirements (cont’d)
1. General Requirements (cont’d)
 Duration of the course is four semesters of 15 weeks each.
 Examinations, calendar and research topics follow the general
guidelines of the Faculty’s Research Board.
Admission Requirements CONT’D
2. Special Requirements

 Hold Honours Bachelor degree in Architecture, planning,

landscape architecture or equivalent.
 Cumulative Undergraduate GPA: minimum 7.0/10 for graduates
of Sudanese Universities other than the University of Khartoum
(U. of K.). 6.5/10 for U. of K. graduates or equivalent
 Two letters of recommendation.
 Minimum one-year professional experience in architectural
Admission Requirements CONT’D
2. Special Requirements (Cont’d)

 Evidence of English proficiency (at least 5.5 in IELTS, 500 in TOEFL

or equivalent)
 Portfolio of candidate’s work (upon request)
 In competition, priority is given to candidates of proven long
outstanding professional experience, proficiency in English
language and knowledge of relevant computer applications (in
Instruction Methods

 The course utilizes various instruction techniques depending on the

nature and content of the material delivered. These include: lectures,
seminars, projects, talks by guest speakers, workshops, exercises,
criticism sessions, site visits, formal and informal group discussions
and lab experiments.

Language of Instruction

 The official language of instruction for the proposed M.Sc. course is


 Students should score 50% or higher to pass any course. Upon

satisfactory completion of the course requirements, the University
Council, upon the recommendations of the Graduate College, awards
the candidate the degree of M.Sc. in Architecture.
Assessment CONT’D
 The assessment for the candidates can be through the following:
written exams, coursework, seminars, essays, oral presentations,
journal-format papers, projects and exercises.

 The degree is classified into five categories as follows:

100 – 80 % Distinction
Less than 80 – 70 % Very good
Less than 70 – 60 % Good
Less than 60 – 50 % Pass
Less than 50 – 00 % Fail
Course Outline

The course code has four main components:

1. Core courses

2. Elective Courses

3. Projects

4. Dissertation
Course Outline CONT’D
 The courses are coded as follows:

ARC xyy
ARC is for Architecture
X = Year (6 first year and 7 second year)
yy = Course number (odd numbers for first semester – even numbers
for second semester)

 e.g. ARC 605 – Is a course delivered in the first year – first semester
whereas ARC 606 is in the second semester of the same year.
Similarly, ARC 703 – is a course delivered in the second year – first
Course Outline CONT’D

(a) Core Courses

 ARC 601 Theory of Architecture I

 ARC 602 Theory of Architecture II
 ARC 603 Environmental Design in Architecture
 ARC 605 Design and Research Methods
 ARC 606 Professional Practice
 ARC 703 Urban Design
 ARC 604 Technology and Architectural Design I
 ARC 701 Technology and Architectural design II
Course Outline CONT’D

(a) Elective Courses

 ARC 607 Architectural Design and Computation

 ARC 609 Architecture and Housing
 ARC 608 Vernacular Architecture: Appreciation and Development
 ARC 610 Green Architecture: Concepts and Applications
 ARC 705 Aesthetics
 ARC 707 Landscape Architecture
 ARC 709 Construction Management
 ARC 711 Emerging Topics in Architectural Research/Discourse
Course Outline CONT’D
(c) Projects
 ARC 611 Project I: Philosophy and Critique

 ARC 612 Project II: Applying Technology

(c) Research Project

 ARC 713 Research Project I (Preparation)

 ARC 702 Research Project II (Thesis)

Course Outline CONT’D

Year 1:

Semester 1 Credit Semester 2 Credit

Hrs Hrs
Subject Subject
1 ARC 601 History & Theory of Architecture I 2 1 ARC 602 History & Theory of Architecture II 2

2 ARC 603 Environmental Design in Arch. 2 2 ARC 604 Technology & Arch. Design I 2

3 ARC 605 Design and Research Methods 2 3 ARC 606 Professional Practice 2

4 ARC 607/609 Elective Course 2 4 ARC 608/610 Elective Course 2

5 ARC 611 Project I 4 5 ARC 612 Project II 4

Total Credit Hours 12 Total Credit Hours 12

Course Outline CONT’D

Year 2:

Semester 3 Semester 4
Credit Credit
Subject Hrs Subject Hrs

1 ARC 701 Technology and Arch. Design II 2

2 ARC 703 Urban Design 3

ARC 702
3 ARC 705/707 Elective Course 2 1 12
Research Project II
4 ARC 709/711 Elective Course 2

5 ARC 713 Research Project I (Preparation) 3

Total Credit Hours 12 Total Credit Hours 12

Course Outline CONT’D
 The diagram below illustrates how knowledge gained from theoretical subjects
is applied in projects 1 & 2. The tasks start simple and conceptual gaining
complexity as the students gain more knowledge until it reaches the level of
detailed assignments and computer simulation by the end of semester two.

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