Sound Mind For A Sound Body

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Amparo, Marvin

Aladad, Fe de Mari

Ambuhot, Alleah

Amoguis, Ferly

Araula, Leona Jean

Balabag, Trisha Nicole

Barrera, Angelica

Barili, Shionie Mie

Dr. Catherene B. Perin

Group Dynamics

I. Rationale
According to an article by Freshdesk blog, 87% of call center employees
reported that their call centers have high or extremely high-stress levels. Some
reasons include the tough handling of customers, being under the radar all the time
which pressures employees to maintain excellent quality of calls, working night shifts
and rotational shifts, working on holidays, and even not being allowed to take breaks
due to the queue of calls. These issues take a toll on every employee's mental well-
being; thus, the facilitators are prompted to propose their design, which is all about
promoting a healthy work environment for the employees and ensuring their healthy
lifestyle. Stress can lead to worst-case scenarios, and no one would want that. In
order to prevent such from happening, the workshop will instill and promote the
importance of taking care of one's well-being. The workshop will offer knowledge,
guide, and activities that will educate the employees on how to handle their stress,
how to take care of their well-being, and how to effectively manage their different
regions of living spaces which will ensure the balance between their professional life,
home life, and social life. Through these learnings and activities, not only will awful
things be prevented from happening due to one's stress, but it will also help improve
the well-being of the employees, which, in turn, will increase their productivity and
contribute greatly to the company.

II. Introduction
Team building is an activity that allows people to have improved collaboration,
productivity, planning abilities, employee engagement, and communication. It
integrates the company's whole personnel resources and has employees possess a
better understanding of the company's goals and objectives, as well as their place in
the team.
Centerverse is a call center company, where staff, like any other call center,
operate to address customers' inquiries, cater to the customers' services, and
orders, and address their issues over the phone or through other forms of contact.
Centerverse is situated at Island City Mall, Rajah Sikatuna Ave, Tagbilaran City,
Bohol, which is right in the heart of Central Visayas. The company has one hundred
employees, and they all see the job as rewarding because of the benefits it offers,
the experience that enhances their skill sets, and the ability they get to explore
different work opportunities.
However, despite the said benefits, many employees have spoken about their
frustrations with how tough the work environment is. The amount of work they do is
affecting their mental well-being, which deteriorates their productivity and their
relationship with their co-workers.
Being concerned about the issue, the facilitators are induced to conduct a
team building activity at Centerverse's conference room in Island City Mall, Rajah
Sikatuna Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol, in order to suffice the Centerverse worker's
identified problems.
The main goals of conducting the team building activity are to enhance overall
team effectiveness and support each employee's personal growth, introduce
effective stress management in order to enable the employees to release the
shackles of stress in their lives, which will lead them to a better and healthier life;
introduce a friendly and warm work environment for their professional well-being;
and aid them in managing and finding the balance between their professional life,
home life, and social life.
Project Description
SOUND MIND FOR A SOUND BODY is a workshop to be conducted by the
Third Year Group Process B students of Miss Catherene Bustrillos Perin, for the
employees of Centerverse - Tagbilaran customer service company. This event will
be on October 10, 2023, from 9:45 AM- 3:00 PM. This activity will be done in their
conference room at Island City Mall, Rajah Sikatuna Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol.

Program Objectives

1. The participants will be able to understand the importance of having a
balanced work-life schedule.
2. The participants will be able to recognize and apply healthy stress
management suitable for Call Center agents.

1. The participants will be able to have a positive attitude toward work that would
provide better customer service.
2. The participants will be able to have the motivation to work well when
stressors are being addressed.

1. The participants can apply their knowledge to address stressors and find
solutions to stress management.
2. The participants as co-workers can use what they have learned to empathize
with each other and use the new learnings to find a healthy coping
mechanism to increase productivity.

IV. Program Content

Workshop about mental health promoting a healthy work environment

Time Duration Activity Facilitator

9:45-10:00 15 mins Call time, checking of


10:00-10:15 15 mins Settling the attendees

10:15-10:20 5 mins Opening Prayer

10:20-10:35 15 mins Presenting Objectives

10:35-10:45 10 mins Expectations of the


10:45-11:00 15 mins (SLE) One-word


11:00-11:30 30 mins Short Lecture:

Introduction to mental

11:30-12:00 30 mins Processing

12:00-1:00 1 hour Lunch

1:00-1:30 30 mins Managing Stress

1:30-1:40 10 mins Snacks or coffee


1:40-2:00 20 mins Breakout Session

2:00-2:30 30 mins (SLE) Turn back time

2:30-2:40 10 mins Closing Remarks

2:40-2:50 10 mins Evaluation

2:50-2:55 5 mins Giving of Certificate

2:55-3:00 5 mins Closing Prayer



Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It

affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps to determine how we handle stress,
relate to others, and make choices.



Time required: Twenty (20) minutes

Material Used: Paper, Pen, and Any kind of Gadget


1. To develop specific capacities such as calmness, clarity, and concentration.

2. To promote relaxation by deliberately paying attention to thoughts and sensations

without judgment.


1. To appreciate the importance of mindfulness meditation.

2. To determine how mindfulness meditation decreases emotional reactivity.


1. To allows us to check in with our bodies and get moving in a way that can help us
lower stress.

2. To release stagnant energy and strengthen our mind-body connection.


a. The participants will be divided into Five (5) groups with approximately Ten (10)
members and ask to form a circle.

b. The participants are encouraged to listen and identify any sound or music that
they can hear, and to remain in the present moment.

c. After listening from music, each group will be given enough paper and pen.

d. The participants are asked to write down three (3) things that they are currently
stressed about.

e. When the meditation is over, the participants are asked to tear their piece of
paper up and place it in a bowl in the center of each group.

Processing Questions:

1. Did you encounter any obstacles upon participating in the activity?

2. How where you able to overcome the hindrance you face during the activity?

3. Were you able to give your best in the activity?

4. Was the activity effective?


VIII. Summary and Closing

Title: Turn Back Time (A personal reflective activity)
Instructions: Close your eyes and reminisce about the situation where you felt
stressed, angry, sad, and overwhelmed the most. If it was the proper move, evaluate
your response in light of the information you already knew about the lecture.
Focusing your rage on a piece of paper on which you have written down all of your
thoughts will help. That piece of paper should be folded as little as possible and held
in your fist after writing and reflecting. You can dispose of the crumpled paper when
you're ready.

When you’re in a stressful situation, just remember that;

- “One thing at a time”
- “That too shall pass”
- “I am doing my best, and that is sufficient.”
- "I can tackle problems more successfully when my body and mind relax."
- “I'm allowing myself to accept any negative feelings without categorizing them
as good or evil but rather as a part of the human experience.”
- “Despite how I feel, I realize that both the mood and the circumstance are
- “My mental processes are sluggish.”
- “I am appreciative of the difficulties I have overcome in my life.”
- “Challenges are chances to discover what matters to me.”
- “I merit joy and happiness.”

We can acknowledge and consider our sentiments as we participate in the

activity. It tells us that we are larger than our issues and that they will go away if we
face them head-on and find solutions. For those who find it difficult to manage their
emotions, this practice is quite useful. All of the other work would be a source of
anger for someone who is feeling stuck on a problem. The quality of the work could
suffer if productivity slows down. A person can take charge of his or her life by
learning stress management techniques and putting them to use in daily life.
Effectively managing stress fosters a good mindset. A course of action approach
aids in resolving issues and leading a better life. Additionally, having a purpose aids
in navigating difficult and trying circumstances. Stress exercises enable you to
overcome the grip that stress has on your life and allow you to live a happier and
more productive life. Your sense of purpose gives you a better base that makes it
possible for you to climb out of challenging situations. The ultimate goal is to live a
balanced life with enough time for work, relationships, downtime, and enjoyment—as
well as the fortitude to remain strong under stress and take on difficulties directly.

People that work in dysfunctional environments can become burned out, which
would lower the quality of the services offered, and desensitize, which would prevent
teamwork, which is crucial in a call center environment. A call center representative
should be empathetic and understanding, polite and conversational, smart and
informational, and capable of engaging and persuading a customer throughout a call
or assisting them. Being mentally tired may manifest itself in their activities and
conversational skills. If they are not mentally stable, it may have a negative impact
on their job and their communication skills, which are essential while working as a
call center agent. That is why addressing the mental health of call center agents may
result in their becoming more productive at work, even if their jobs are difficult
because they work mostly at night. By guiding them in organizing their mental
health, they can also plan their time to bond with their family, partner, friends, and
mainly themselves, allowing them to have fun while focusing on their work. Helping
them manage their mind and emotions may provide them with a better approach to
coping with stress and being more mentally healthy. It is important to acknowledge
our work stressors to achieve a SOUND MIND FOR A SOUND BODY.

IX. References
Jones, R. L. (2022, November 24). 25 Positive Affirmations for Stress Relief-

Download Inside. A Solution B, LLC.


Casabianca, S. S. (2022, April 25). 46 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Relief.

Psych Central.

X. Programme Budget
XI. Programme Evaluation
Evaluation sheet
Instruction: Put (√) check whether you Strong Agree, Agree, Strong disagree,
Disagree, Neutral with the following statement. Remember this is personal response,
Don't create a response based upon

5- Strong Agree 4- Agree 3- Strong Disagree 2- Disagree 1-Neutral

Facilitator Stronger Agree Stronger Disagree Neural

Agree Disagree
1. Are they passionate and

2.Is the speaker reliable

impact to the audience?

3. Did the speaker

encourage the audience to
4. Does the speaker
deliver the outcomes the

5.Did the speaker use the

various types of media?
1. How would you rate
their general Mental Well
2. Did the speaker provide
clear recommendation and
solution for Health issue,
specific to the

3.Does the speaker use

appropriate compensatory
mechanisms such as
reminders to aid memory
or audio reinforcement of
visual information?

4. Does the message

address clearly to the
5. Was the activities is
interested or fun?
1. The participants
learned several key pieces
of information that will
greatly improve their
mental well being

2. The participants have

enjoy the program
3. The material presented
will most definitely be
incorporated into the
4. They presented clearly
5. We have free snacks to
the participants

Future Benefits
1. The sound mind for a sound body will reflect that there is a connection between
brain and body
2. It leads to Improve Physical Health
3. It is important to have mind clarity
4. it helps us to boost our ethic and personal stability
5. It Shape Healthier Relationship as a team
Problem to be encountered
1. The participants might not arrive in time
2. The participants will not interested and they might feel boring
3. The participants can't hear the speaker
4. They can hear the an annoying echo
5. The participants might never received email invitation and/or Registration form


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