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Integrating with Oracle Commerce

October 2022
Integrating with Oracle Commerce,


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1 Integrate with Oracle CPQ

Introduction to Integrating with Oracle CPQ 1-1
Set Up OIC Integrations 1-2
Download the integration packages 1-2
Import the integration package 1-2
Configure Oracle Configure, Price, Quote connections 1-4
Generate security token for Commerce connections 1-4
Configure the Commerce connection 1-5
Activate the OIC integrations 1-5
Create Sync Quote Action in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote 1-6
Set up OIC integration on Oracle Configure, Price, Quote site 1-6
Create the Sync Quote Integration 1-7
Set Sync Quote Action to run Advanced Modify 1-7
Configure Commerce webhooks 1-8
Configure the Commerce server-side extensions 1-10
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote 1-16
Understand general set up for Oracle Configure, Price, Quote 1-16
Understand Oracle Commerce set up 1-21
Understand Oracle Configure, Price, Quote configuration set up 1-28
Set Up Subscription Ordering in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote 1-31
Create an authentication certificate integration type 1-31
Work with in-flight cancellations 1-32
Upgrade an asset 1-33
Enable Integrations in Commerce 1-34
Enable Oracle Configure, Price, Quote configuration integration 1-35
Identify configurable products in the product catalog 1-35
Add Customize Button to the Product Details widget 1-36
Enable Oracle Configure, Price, Quote quoting integration 1-37
Add Quote Button to Checkout and Order Details pages 1-37
Enable Asset Based Ordering 1-38
Enable Subscription Cloud integration 1-38
Appendix A: Understand the Configurator Flow 1-38
Appendix B: Understand the Request for Quote Flow 1-39

Appendix C: Understand the OIC Integration Mappings 1-39
Appendix D: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations (19C and Earlier) 1-43
Appendix E: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations and Multi-Site Set
Up (19D and Later) 1-48
Appendix F: Understand the SyncQuote BML 1-53
Appendix G: AddToCartPayload-Cloud 1-54

2 Use Oracle CPQ Cloud Features

Introduction 2-1
Objective 2-2
Audience 2-2
Prerequisites 2-3
Additional Resources 2-3
Configure the Integration 2-3
Configure the Integration Package 2-4
Configure the Oracle Commerce Connection 2-5
Activate the Integrations 2-7
Configure the Commerce Webhooks 2-7
Configure the Server Side Extensions 2-9
Enable the Integrations 2-19
Use the Integration Functionality 2-22
Configure an item 2-22
Request a Quote 2-23
Use account-specific pricing for configured items 2-25
Use multi-level items 2-31
Assign shipping groups to sub-items 2-34
Understand tax calculation and shipping charges when assigning shipping groups to
sub-items 2-37
Understand shipping charge and tax calculation when assigning costs to items sold as
a package 2-39
Understand how promotion discounts are applied to multi-level items 2-40
Add payment details to customer billing profile 2-40
Understand the Customer Account Model 2-45
Use Recurring Charge Items 2-46
Use Asset Based Ordering 2-48
Customize configurations in Commerce using the CPQ Configuration API 2-58
Implement configuration customization via the CPQ Configuration API. 2-63
Control user interface look and feel using the CPQ Configuration API 2-68
Customize and reconfigure a product by direct use of the CPQ Configuration API 2-74
Appendix A: Configurator Flow 2-78

Appendix B: Request for Quote Flow 2-79

3 Integrate with Oracle Content Management

Enable the integration with Oracle Content Management 3-1
Configure Storefront Classic to display content items 3-2
Configure an OSF storefront to display content items 3-3

4 Integrate with Customer Data Management

Integrate with Customer Data Management 4-1

5 Integrate with Oracle Eloqua

Configure the Commerce Connector 5-1
Use Commerce actions in Eloqua campaigns 5-6
Use Infinity to trigger Eloqua campaign actions 5-9
Configure Eloqua Campaign Attribution 5-14
Create an Abandoned Carts Email Campaign 5-18

6 Integrate with an External Product Configurator

Enable the integration 6-1
Mark products as configurable 6-1
Add Customize button to Product Details widget 6-2
Configure the webhooks 6-2

7 Integrate with Oracle Infinity to collect data

Integrate Commerce with Infinity 7-1
Understand the role of the Infinity platform in data ingestion 7-2
Tag site pages to use the Infinity data ingestion feature 7-3
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping 7-3

8 Integrate with Oracle Order Management Cloud

Introduction 8-1
Audience 8-1
Features 8-1
Architectural overview 8-2
Additional documentation 8-2
Prerequisites 8-2

Access rights 8-2
Assumptions 8-2
Configure Oracle Commerce for Oracle Management Cloud 8-3
Submit Order webhook 8-3
Return Order webhook 8-4
Configure the Oracle Integration Cloud Adapter 8-4
Connections 8-4
Lookup configuration 8-5
Integrations 8-5
XSL location 8-5
Configure Order Management Cloud 8-6
Create the source system 8-6
Create defaulting rules 8-8
Create the orchestration process 8-10
Create the connector 8-13
Order creation 8-14
SKUs 8-14
Payment 8-15
Order types 8-15
Pricing and tax 8-15
Shipping methods 8-15
Mapping of attributes 8-16
Order Status 8-16
Map attributes for order status 8-17
Returns 8-17
Map attributes for returns 8-17
Exchanges 8-18

9 Manage Page Tags

Understand page tags 9-1
Create and edit page tags 9-1

10 Integrate with Oracle Maxymiser

Create a Maxymiser Site 10-3
Enable Commerce to Work with Maxymiser 10-3
Create a Maxymiser Campaign 10-4
Create Maxymiser Campaign Variants in Commerce 10-7
Preview Your Changes in Commerce 10-9
Capture Reporting Metrics 10-9

Publish Your Changes in Both Commerce and Maxymiser 10-11
Work with Maxymiser Campaign Results 10-12

11 Integrate with Oracle Product Hub Cloud

Understand the Product Hub integration 11-1
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Product Hub 11-3
Configure Oracle Product Hub 11-4
Install and Configure the Integration in OIC 11-5
Understand the integration flows 11-8

12 Integrate with Oracle Responsys

Understand the Oracle Responsys Integration 12-1
Objective 12-1
Audience 12-2
Prerequisites 12-2
Configuring the Integration 12-2
Configure the Integration Package 12-2
Download the integration package 12-3
Import the integration package 12-3
Configure the Oracle Responsys Connection 12-3
Configure the Oracle Responsys Connection 12-4
Configure the Oracle Responsys Database Tables 12-4
Configure the Oracle Commerce Connection 12-6
Generate a Security Token 12-7
Activate the Integration 12-7
Configure the Oracle Commerce Webhooks 12-8
Using the integration 12-9
Create an Abandoned Cart Program 12-9

13 Integrate with Oracle Retail Order Management System

Introduction 13-1
Audience 13-1
Features 13-1
Architectural Overview 13-1
Additional Documentation 13-2
Prerequisites 13-2
Access Rights 13-2
Data Configuration 13-3
Setting Up the Integration 13-4

Commerce Configuration 13-5
Accessing the Oracle Integrations Console 13-5
Configuring the Integration 13-5

14 Integrate with Oracle Subscription Management

Understand the Subscription Management integration 14-1
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Subscription Management 14-2
Install and Configure the Integration in OIC 14-9
Customize Storefront Widgets 14-12
Integration Flows 14-25

15 Integrate with Oracle Unity

Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce 15-1
Configure Commerce for Oracle Unity 15-18
Configure Commerce Audiences with Unity Data 15-22


Integrate with Oracle CPQ
Integrate Oracle CPQ with Oracle Commerce.
When you integrate Oracle CPQ with Commerce enable a number of features that your
shoppers can use, including allowing a shopper to configure products, request quotes, or
purchase configurable services.

Introduction to Integrating with Oracle CPQ

The Oracle Commerce/Oracle Configure, Price, Quote integration lets you configure complex
products for purchase in Commerce by using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote configurator.
Self-service users in Oracle Commerce (formerly Oracle Commerce Cloud) can configure
complex products for purchase in Commerce using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
They can also request an Oracle Configure, Price, Quote quote, thereby initiating an Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Transaction a sales specialist can modify, reconfigure, or discount.
Once finalized in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, the quote returns to Commerce for
acceptance and ordering by the self-service user. For additional information, refer to
Appendix A: Configurator Flow and Appendix B: Request for Quote Flow.
Note: The integration of Commerce with Oracle Configure, Price, Quote uses the Oracle
Integration Cloud Service (OIC) to provide pre-built integrations for the two user flows.

The purpose of this implementation guide is to provide the steps that administrators must
complete in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, OIC, and Oracle Commerce to prepare for a
Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote integration.

This implementation guide is for administrators who are setting up and configuring the
integration. The guide assumes administrators have prior Commerce, Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote, and OIC administration experience.

The following is a list of integration prerequisites:
• A Commerce 19D or later site setup as described in this implementation guide.
• An Oracle Configure, Price, Quote 19C or later Base Ref App site set up as described in
this implementation guide. The integration between Commerce and Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote adds attributes to the Base Ref App site that correspond to required
Commerce order data.
• A synchronized product catalog to ensure that products in the Commerce catalog map to
corresponding items in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote catalog.
• Oracle Integration Cloud Service (OIC) 18.3.5 or later.

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

Note: For information about how to obtain any of the above prerequisites, contact an
Oracle sales representative.

Set Up OIC Integrations

To begin setting up your integration, you must first import an OIC Integration Package
to the OIC environment that connects Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
through a common configuration.
You must import an OIC Integration Package to an OIC environment that connects
Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote through a common configuration.
The OIC Integration Package creates web service connections that allow users to
adjust order and quote details in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, approve or reject
changes in Commerce, and complete or cancel orders in Commerce. This section
contains the steps you must complete to set up and activate the OIC integrations.

Download the integration packages

To begin the OIC set up portion of the integration, you need to download the OIC
Integration Package.
Complete the following procedure to download the OIC Integration Package.
1. Go to the Integrating Oracle CX and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote article on My
Oracle Support.
2. If you want to implement the integration between Commerce and the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Configurator, download OCCS-
CPQ_CONFIGURATION_INTEGRATION_X.X.par to a location where it is
accessible from OIC.
Note: OCCS_CPQ_GETCONFIGBOM_X.X.par is only needed if you are enabling
Asset Based ordering.
3. If you want to implement the integration between Commerce and Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Quoting, download OCCS-
CPQ_QUOTE_INTEGRATION_X.X.par to a location that is accessible from OIC.
4. If you want to enable Asset Based Ordering (ABO) through the integration
between Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, download
OCC_CPQ_Get_Asset_Upgrade_Options_X.X.par, and
OCCS_CPQ_GETCONFIGBOM_1.0.par to a location that is accessible from OIC.
Note: OCCS_CPQ_GETCONFIGBOM_X.X.par is only needed if you are enabling
Asset Based ordering.

Import the integration package

You must import the OIC Integration Package into OIC to create an integration
between Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
To import the OIC Integration Package:
1. Log in to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click the Packages icon.

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

3. Click the Import button.

4. Click Browse.
5. Select the integration package archive (PAR) file you want to import.
6. Click Import. The package is added to the Packages list.
Configurations integration flow. This flow is invoked for retrieving a list of configurationIds
fromOracle Configure, Price, Quote of regular configured items (non-ABO items) and ABO
items with actionCodes other than Suspend and Terminate. This integration is required for the
configuration flow and is available to import into OIC. The name of the target connection for
this integration is Oracle Configure, Price, Quote. The target connection identifier is Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote, and the target connection description is Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote ICS Adapter Connection.
The OCCS-CPQ_QUOTE_INTEGRATION package includes the following three integration
flows: OCCS-CPQ Create Quote, OCCS-CPQ Update Quote, and OCCS-CPQ Sync Quote.
• The OCCS-CPQ Create Quote integration sends quote request information to Oracle
• The OCCS-CPQ Sync Quote integration allows Oracle Configure, Price, Quote to send
information to Commerce at the end of the quoting process and synchronize this
information in Commerce. This ensures that the order information in Commerce matches
the related order information in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
• The OCCS-CPQ Update Quote integration sends information to Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote related to accepting, rejecting, or re-requesting a quote.
The OCCS-CPQ_ASSET_INTEGRATION package includes two integration flows: OCCS-CPQ
Get Assets and OCCS-CPQ Asset Actions. This integration is required for Asset Based
• The OCCS-CPQ Get Assets integration returns information about assets and services
associated with the shopper’s account(s)
• The OCCS-CPQ Asset Actions integration enables Commerce to modify, renew, and
terminate actions on assets and services associated with the shopper’s account(s).
The OCC_CPQ_Get_Asset_Upgrade_Options package is needed to retrieve all upgrade
options that are available for an asset. If you want to show upgrade options to an assets
shopper, this integration needs to be configured. When a call is made for the GetService(s)
endpoint, this integration is called from the Services SSE to get all upgrade options. This call
can only be made if expand=occ_upgradeOptions is passed as a queryparam for the
GetService(s) endpoint.
The OCCS_CPQ_GETCONFIGBOM package contains the following OIC integration flow which is
also used in Asset Based ordering:
• GetConfigBom - If an item is an ABO item with actionCode of Terminate or Suspend,
getConfigBom calls are required to be made for each configuratorID of these filtered
items to retrieve a saved Configuration BOM Instance of the item on Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote.
Note: Importing and setting up the OIC Integration Package is a prerequisite to completing
the Sync Quote action in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote. After all setup procedures are
completed, regenerate the OCCS-CPQ Create Quote integration to ensure it accurately
reflects the current state of the Oracle Quote to Order process.

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

Configure Oracle Configure, Price, Quote connections

You must configure Oracle Configure, Price, Quote connections to correspond to
different SOAP or REST APIs for Oracle Configure, Price, Quote web services used in
the integration.
Administrators must configure connections from the integrations referenced in the
previous section to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
The following Oracle Configure, Price, Quote connections are part of the integrations:
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, Oracle Commerce, Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
getConfigurations, Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Quote, Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote Get Assets, and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Asset Actions. Each connection
corresponds to different SOAP or REST APIs for Oracle Configure, Price, Quote web
services. Setting a connection to use the wrong API will cause the integrations to fail.
To configure the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote connections:
1. Log in to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click the Connections icon.
3. Click the Oracle CPQ connection.
4. Click Configure Connectivity.
5. Add the WSDL or REST metadata URL for the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
getConfigurations API.
Note: The Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Asset Actions, Get Assets, and
GetConfigBom connections are REST based and use the REST Catalog URL. The
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote getConfigurations and Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote SOAP connections are SOAP based and use WSDL URLs. The WSDL
endpoint for getConfigurations is /v2_0/receiver/configuration?wsdl and the
endpoint for Oracle Configure, Price, Quote SOAP varies by Commerce Process.
For example, the Oracle Quotes and Orders endpoint is /v2_0/receiver/commerce/
6. Click OK.
7. Click Configure Security. The Oracle Configure, Price, Quote connection uses
the Basic security policy, so you must enter the login details for your Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote account.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Test to test the connection.
10. Click Save.
The Oracle Configure, Price, Quote connection is now configured for the
integration. Repeat steps 1-10 for each of the remaining Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote connections.

Generate security token for Commerce connections

A security token must be generated to support the Commerce REST web service APIs
used to access Commerce data.
You must generate a security token to support the Commerce REST web service APIs
used to access Commerce data in the integration. Use the following steps:

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

1. Log in to Commerce.
2. Click the Menu icon.
3. Select Settings from the menu.
4. Click Web APIs from the sidebar menu.
5. Click Registered Applications from the Web APIs panel.
6. Click Register Application.
7. Enter a name for the integration. Since you are registering OIC, choose a meaningful
name that reflects the integration.
8. Click Save. The Application ID and Application Key are automatically generated. The
application displays on the Registered Applications page.
9. Click the name of the application you created.
10. Select Click to reveal to display the application key.

Note: You need the application key when configuring the Commerce connection in OIC. Copy
the registration key, so that it is available when you complete the Configure the Commerce
Connection procedure.

Configure the Commerce connection

You must configure the connection from the OIC integrations to Commerce for the integration
to run successfully.
An administrator must complete the following steps to configure the connection from the OIC
integrations to Commerce. Use the following steps to do this:
1. Log in to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click the Connections icon.
3. Click the Oracle Commerce connection.
4. Click Configure Connectivity.
5. Enter the Connection base URL, which is derived using the below structure, where
<siteURL> is the base URL of the Commerce site that integrates with OIC.

Connection base URL: https://<hostname>:<port>/ccadmin/v1

6. Click Configure Security. The Commerce connection uses the OAuth security policy, so
you must enter the security token for the connection. The security token was generated in
the Generate Security Token section.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Test.
9. Click Save.
Your Commerce connection is now configured for the integration.

Activate the OIC integrations

Once your integrations are configured, you must activate them using the OIC admin user

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

Once the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, Commerce, Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Quote, Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configure, and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
getConfigurations connections are configured, you must activate these integrations.
To activate the OIC (Oracle Integration Cloud) integrations:
1. Log in to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click the Integrations icon to display the Integrations List.
3. Use the Activate slide switch to activate the integrations.
4. Decide whether you want to switch on detailed tracing, which collects information
about messages processed by the integration flow. Administrators may find
detailed tracing helpful when troubleshooting issues with the integration flow, but it
may impact performance.
To switch on detailed tracing, select the Enable detailed tracing check box.
Note: Once an integration flow is active, administrators must deactivate and then
reactivate the flow to switch detailed tracing on or off.
5. Click Activate.

Create Sync Quote Action in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

The Sync Quote Action needs to be created for the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote/
Commerce integration to work successfully.
Use the following code to create the following Commerce action at the Commerce
quote level:

Label(Sync Quote), Variable Name(syncQuote), Action Type(Modify).

Set up OIC integration on Oracle Configure, Price, Quote site

You must complete some preliminary OIC integration setup steps on the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote site for the integration to run successfully.
You must set up the OIC integration on the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote site by
completing the following steps:
1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home page.
2. Navigate to Integration Platform > Integration Center. The Integration Center
3. From the Type drop-down menu, select Integration Cloud Service.
4. In the Name field, enter Sync Quote integration. The Variable Name field will auto-
5. In the Discovery URL field, enter the OIC domain.
6. In the Username field, enter a valid username.
7. In the Password field, enter a valid password.
8. Click Create Integration.

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

Create the Sync Quote Integration

You must configure the integration of the Sync Quote system.
Administrators must create the Sync Quote integration by completing the following steps:
1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home page.
2. Under the Navigation dropdown, select Integrations and click List.
3. Click Add.
4. For Select Integration Types, select Integration Cloud Service.
5. Click Next.
6. Name the action "Sync Quote" (varname:syncQuote)
7. Set timeout as 60000.
8. set Action as Import.
9. For Services, choose OCCS-CPQ Sync Quote from the dropdown.
10. Click Apply/Update.

Set Sync Quote Action to run Advanced Modify

You must set the Sync Quote action to run Advanced Modify for the integration to run
Complete the following steps to set the Sync Quote action to run Advanced Modify:
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Navigate to Process and Documents > Process Definition. The Processes page
opens with Documents displaying by default in the Navigation drop-down menu.
3. Click List. The Document List page opens.
4. From the Navigation drop-down menu, select Actions for the Transaction or Transaction
5. Click List. The Action List page opens.
6. Click the syncQuote link. The Admin Action page opens.
7. Under the General Tab > Advanced Modify > Before Formulas >, select Define
Advanced Modify - Before Formulas.
8. Click Define Function.
9. Select the attributes shown in the following tables:

Variable Name for Type Description

cC_LineItem_Data String CC_LineItem_Data

Variable Name for Type Description

(Transaction Line)
_document_number String Document Number

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

Variable Name for Type Description

(Transaction Line)
_model_variable_name String Model Variable Name
cC_ProductId_l String Product ID
cC_CommerceItemId_l String Commerce Item ID

10. Insert the sample BML provided in Appendix F: Understand the SyncQuote BML.

11. Update and click Save.

12. Navigate to the Integration tab and move Sync quote above Modify Functions.

13. Update and click Save.

14. Place the “syncQuote” action on the layout.

Configure Commerce webhooks

You must configure webhooks in Commerce Administration in order to support the
REST API generated by the activation of the OIC integration.
The REST API generated by the activation of the OIC integration can be configured as
webhooks in Commerce Administration. These include the following:
• Request Quote: This webhook is triggered when a request or a re-request for a
quote is submitted by a Commerce self-service user. The webhook pushes
notifications using the OCCS-CPQ Create Quote integration flow.
• Update Quote: This webhook is triggered when a response to a requested quote
is accepted or rejected or the quote order is canceled by the Commerce self-
service user. This webhook pushes notifications using the OCCS-CPQ Update
Quote integration flow.
• External Price Validation: This webhook is triggered at check out when the order
contains one or more items configured by Oracle Configure, Price, Quote. The
webhook validates the configuration and the price provided for configured items.
• Contact Accounts Retrieval: This webhook returns a list of service account IDs
for the shopper.
Note: This webhook has been deprecated.
• Services Retrieval: This webhook returns information about a service or asset
associated with the shopper and uses the OCCS-CPQ Get Assets integration flow.
This webhook calls the Contact Accounts Retrieval webhook, so that webhook
must also be configured for the Services Retrieval webhook to function correctly.
Note: This webhook has been deprecated.
Note: Administrators must configure the Production and Preview versions of the
webhooks to ensure they work in all environments. The Production webhooks send
information from the live Commerce store to the production environments of your live
systems. The Preview webhooks send information from the preview environment to
the test or sandbox environments of external systems.
To configure Request Quote, Update Quote, External Price Validation, Services
Retrieval (deprecated), or Services (deprecated) webhooks:
1. Log in to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click the Integrations icon.
3. Click the Integration Details icon to display information about the integration flow.

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

• If configuring the Request Quote webhook, display information for the OCCS-CPQ
Create Quote integration flow.
• If configuring the Update Quote webhook, display information for the OCCS-CPQ
Update Quote integration flow.
• If configuring the External Price Validation webhook, display information for the
OCCS-CPQ GetConfigurations integration flow.
• If configuring the Services Retrieval webhook, display information for the OCCS-
CPQ Get Assets integration flow.
Note: This webhook has been deprecated.
• If configuring the Services webhook, display information for the OCCS-CPQ Asset
Actions integration flow.
Note: This webhook has been deprecated.
4. Copy the Endpoint URL for the integration.
5. Log in to Commerce.
6. Click on the Menu icon.
7. Select Settings from the menu.
8. Select Web APIs from the sidebar menu.
9. Click the webhook you want to configure.
10. Paste the Endpoint URL that was copied into the URL field for the webhook.

11. Remove the “metadata” text from the end of the URL.

12. Enter your OIC user name and password.

13. Click Save.

The webhook is now configured and is triggered each time the relevant event occurs, which
in turn triggers the relevant integration flow.
Note: It is not possible to edit webhooks differently for different sites. Updating webhooks
applies changes regardless of the site selected.

Understand the Services SSE

The Services SSE enables integration with third party asset management systems to retrieve
and execute operations available to a shopper. This SSE also serves as the API for the
integration with Oracle Configure, Price, Quote asset management.
The Modify, Renew, Terminate, Suspend, Resume, and Upgrade actions performed on a
service or asset are done using the Services SSEs (server side extensions); one set for
Storefront and one for Agent.
The Services SSEs call the integrations in OCCS_CPQ_ASSET_INTEGRATION_X.X.par and
OCC_CPQ_Get_Asset_Upgrade_Options_X.X.par for the asset Upgrade feature.

See the section Configure the Commerce Server Side Extensions in this document for more
information on these actions.
For more information about Commerce webhooks, refer to the Use Webhooks chapter of the
Extending Oracle Commerce book.

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

For more information on understanding and using the asset Upgrade feature, refer to
the Use Asset Based Ordering section of the Using Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Features with Oracle Commerce book.
Note: You can also customize configurations of complex assets in Commerce without
being redirected to an Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame which may have
a separate and distinct user interface look and feel that creates a disjointed user
experience. This capability is known as the Direct API Configuration feature and can
be used as another option for the Modify and Upgrade actions. For more information
on the Direct API configuration feature, refer to the Customize configurations in
Commerce using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API section of Use
Oracle CPQ Cloud Features.

Configure the Commerce server-side extensions

To perform specific functions relating to asset-based orders, you need to install and
configure the related Commerce server-side extensions (SSEs).
Commerce includes some server-side extensions (SSEs) that you can configure to
perform specific functions relating to asset-based orders.
For more complete information on server-side extensions and how to develop them for
use with Commerce, refer to Develop server-side extensions section in the Extending
Oracle Commerce book found in the Commerce Help Library.
The next sections in this topic explain the purpose and configuration of each available
SSE as well as provide information on the inputs required for their respective
Note: Address information is something used extensively in Commerce transactions.
For all procedures and SSEs that require address information for endpoint inputs, in
addition to using Commerce's default address formats, you can also use the REST
API to create multi-country custom address formats. This lets you create country-
specific address formats to ensure that your address formats align with the
requirements of any external service that you might use. This means that addresses
appearing in profiles, accounts, registration requests, order addresses and more can
be customized. For more complete information on creating custom addresses and
understanding how to use custom address formatting, refer to the following:
• Customize Address Formats using the API in Extending Oracle Commerce
• Work with address types in Extending Oracle Commerce
• Account Details in Using Oracle Commerce
• Work with account addresses in Using Oracle Commerce
• Work with account registration requests in Using Oracle Commerce

Configure the Credit Check SSE

Since Commerce does not provide a pre-built integration with any particular credit
checking system, the Credit Check SSE is used to connect to a third-party credit check
system so that you can perform a credit check on the logged-in shopper.
As written, this SSE generates outbound calls to a master credit checking system. This
means that the Credit Check SSE calls out to an external system to perform the credit
check. In order to use this SSE to connect to the external checking of your choice, you

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

must modify the SSE code to provide the specific calls needed to connect to the correct credit
checking system.
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by
first downloading the SSE packages.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to Understanding the general procedure
for installing and configuring the integration SSEs.

Understand the Check Credit endpoint

The Check Credit endpoint is triggered whenever a credit check is requested by Commerce.
The inputs for this endpoint are:
• Amount information
• Recurring amount frequency
• Recurring amount duration
• Recurring amount
• Contact information
– First Name
– Last Name
– Email Address
– Telephone Number
• Address information
– Address line 1
– Address line 2
– City
– State
– Country
– Postal code
The return for this endpoint is either a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether the
shopper passed the credit check or not.

Configure the Customer Account Model SSE

This SSE is used to return information about the customer account model for a registered
shopper or to update the customer account model when required.
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by first downloading the SSE package.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to Understanding the general procedure
for installing and configuring the integration SSEs.
The subsection(s) that follows describe the relevant endpoint(s) for this SSE.
Understand the Create Accounts endpoint
This endpoint is triggered if the Query Accounts endpoint does not return any accounts for
the shopper.

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

The inputs for this endpoint are:

• User Token for the logged-in shopper.
• Account Type
• Account Name
• Primary Contact
• Billing Profile(s)
• Address(es)
• Contact ID(s)
• Contact Role(s)
The returns for this endpoint are the accounts, roles, addresses, and business profiles
now associated with the shopper.
Understand the Create Contact endpoint
This endpoint is triggered when a shopper logs in to Commerce.
The input for this endpoint is the User Token for the logged-in shopper.
The return for this endpoint is the new External Contact ID created for the shopper.
Understand the Query Accounts endpoint
This endpoint is triggered when a shopper logs in to Commerce and when they go to
Checkout for an order that contains service items.
The input for this endpoint is the User Token for the logged-in shopper.
The returns for this endpoint are the accounts, roles, addresses, and business profiles
associated with the shopper.
Understand the Query Contacts endpoint
This endpoint is triggered when a shopper logs in to Commerce.
The input for this endpoint is the User Token for the logged-in shopper.
The return for this endpoint is the External Contact ID for the shopper.
Understand the Update Accounts endpoint
This endpoint is triggered when a shopper saves an account address.
The inputs for this endpoint are:
• User Token for the logged-in shopper.
• The Account ID of the account to which the billing profile is linked.
• The new address as provided by the shopper.
The returns for this endpoint are the accounts, roles, addresses, and business profiles
associated with the shopper.
Configure the Order Qualification SSE
This SSE is used to perform any final checks on an order before payment is
authorized and the order is submitted to downstream systems for processing and

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

It also validates that for any item in the order which is based on a SKU where the
configurable property is TRUE and the assetable property is TRUE the quantity must be 1
and, if not, return an error indicating that this item can only be purchased one at a time. This
check is done by looking to see if the root item has an assetKey value. For more information,
refer to Use Asset Based Ordering.
You can configure the available SSEs, and OrderQualification-, by first downloading the SSE package.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to Understanding the general procedure
for installing and configuring the integration SSEs.
The subsection(s) that follows describe the relevant endpoint(s) for this SSE.
Understand the Order Qualification endpoint
This endpoint is triggered by the Order Validation webhook when any order containing a
configured item is submitted.
The input for this endpoint is the order containing the configured item.
The return for this endpoint is either a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether the order
passed the validation check or not. If the value is FALSE the return also includes information
about which item(s) in the order failed validation.
Configure the Order Qualification Pipeline SSE
This SSE is used to ensure that an order is valid. It enables an order qualification step in the
purchasing process that can be invoked via the Order Qualification webhook. The extension
can be configured to execute custom order qualification processes such as checking whether
the shopper is eligible to purchase the items in the cart. It contains a pre-built algorithm to
validate that the Customer, Billing, and Service accounts as well as the Billing Profile
assigned to the items in the cart are valid for the logged in shopper.
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by first downloading the SSE package.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to Understanding the general procedure
for installing and configuring the integration SSEs.
The subsection(s) that follows describe the relevant endpoint(s) for this SSE.
Understand the Order Qualification Pipeline endpoint
This endpoint is triggered when a shopper goes to checkout for an order that contains
configured items.
The inputs for this endpoint are:
• Contact record for the shopper
• Order containing configured items.
The return for this endpoint is either a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether the order
passed the validation check or not. If the value is FALSE the return also includes information
about which item(s) in the order failed validation.
Configure the Order Validation Pipeline SSE
This SSE enables an order qualification step in the purchasing process that can be invoked
via the Order Validation webhook. The extension can be configured to execute any final

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

checks particular to the purchasing model before the order payment is authorized and
the order is submitted to the downstream systems for fulfillment and provisioning.
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by first downloading the SSE package.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to Understanding the general
procedure for installing and configuring the integration SSEs.
Configure the Services SSE
The Services SSE enables integration with third party asset management systems to
retrieve and execute operations available to a shopper. This SSE also serves as the
API for the integration with Oracle Configure, Price, Quote asset management. It can
be used to retrieve all the services/assets linked to a shopper’s profile or it can also be
used to retrieve details of just one asset at a time.
The Modify, Renew, Terminate, Suspend, Resume, and Upgrade actions on a service
or asset are performed using the Services SSEs (server side extensions), one set for
Storefront and one for Agent.
The Services SSEs call the integrations in
OCC_CPQ_Get_Asset_Upgrade_Options_1.0.par for the asset Upgrade feature.

You can configure the available SSEs, and Services-, by first downloading the SSE package.

To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to Understanding the general
procedure for installing and configuring the integration SSEs.
The subsection(s) that follows describe the relevant endpoint(s) for this SSE.
Understand the Services SSE endpoints
The endpoints for the Services SSE are the following:
• getServices - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile OIC flow (to retrieve
the account model for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS
(6.0) OIC flow, and OCC_CPQ_Get_Asset_Upgrade_Options_1.0 OIC Flow. This
endpoint returns the list of services for the shopper based on their service
account(s) and any upgrade options available for those services.
• getService - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile OIC flow (to retrieve
the account model for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS
(6.0) OIC flow, and OCC_CPQ_Get_Asset_Upgrade_Options_1.0 OIC Flow. This
endpoint returns the details for a single service for the shopper based on their
services account(s) and any upgrade options available for that service.
• Terminate - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile (to retrieve the
account model for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS (6.0)
OIC flow, and OCCS_CPQ_ASSET_ACTIONS (5.0) OIC flow.
• Renew - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile (to retrieve the account
model for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS (6.0) OIC flow,
• Suspend - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile (to retrieve the account
model for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS (6.0) OIC flow,

Chapter 1
Set Up OIC Integrations

• Resume - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile (to retrieve the account model
for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS (6.0) OIC flow, and
• Modify - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile (to retrieve the account model
for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS (6.0) OIC flow, retrieves
iFrame URL from CPQ, and loads the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame.
• Upgrade - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile (to retrieve the account model
for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS (6.0) OIC flow, retrieves
iFrame URL from CPQ, and loads the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame.
• Modify (v2) - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile (to retrieve the account
model for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS (6.0) OIC flow, and
CPQ /rest/v9/config{prodFamVarName}.{prodLineVarName}.{modelVarName}/actions/
_configure. This endpoint supports a directOracle Configure, Price, Quote API Modify
action and lets you bypass the use of an iFrame.
• Upgrade (v2) - Calls Get OEC Account Details for OCC Profile (to retrieve the account
model for the shoppers OCC Profile), OCCS_CPQ_GET_ASSETS (6.0) OIC flow, and
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote /rest/v9/config{prodFamVarName}.{prodLineVarName}.
{modelVarName}/actions/_configure. This endpoint supports a direct Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote API Upgrade action and lets you bypass the use of an iFrame.
These endpoints are triggered when a shopper performs an operation on an asset.
Note: You can customize configurations of complex assets in Commerce without being
redirected to a an Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame which may have a separate
and distinct user interface look and feel that creates a disjointed user experience. This
capability is known as the Direct API Configuration feature and can be used as another
option for the Modify and Upgrade actions. For more information on the Direct API
configuration feature, refer to Customize configurations in Commerce using the CPQ
Configuration API.
The inputs for these endpoints are:
• Logged in User Token.
• AssetKey, the unique ID for the asset for this operation. This may be a root, branch or
leaf asset.
The returns for the endpoints are a BOM (Bill of Materials) or an Error.
Note: For more information about C endpoints, refer to the Use the REST APIs chapter of the
Extending Oracle Commerce book.
For more information about Commerce webhooks, refer to the Use Webhooks chapter of the
Extending Oracle Commerce book.
For more information on understanding and using the asset Upgrade feature, refer to Use
Asset Based Ordering.
Configure the Configuration Validation SSE
The Configuration Validation SSE (cpq-config-validation-app) plays an important role in Asset
Based Ordering and validating asset configuration. This specific SSE performs a
configuration validation between items in a shopper's cart and the items captured in response
to configuration validation end points. For more complete information on Asset Based
Ordering, refer to the Using the Integration Functionality section of this document.

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

To use this SSE, you should first have the External Pricing webhook set to /ccstorex/
custom/v1/validateCPQConfigurations. This is done on the Settings page of the
Administration user interface.
You should also have the following endpoints configured:
• GET_CONFIGBOM_URI – This is available when
• GET_CONFIG_URI - This is available when OCCS-
The GET_CONFIGBOM_URI URL gets triggered for the Suspend and Terminate
Services. The GET_CONFIG_URI URL gets triggered for the Renew, Modify, and
Resume Services. The SSE does validation between items in cart and items captured
in the response of these two end points.
The SSE package is named cpq-config-validation-app and is downloadable by this
name from the Commerce Administration user interface.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to Understanding the general
procedure for installing and configuring the integration SSEs.

Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

You must complete some general, configuration, and Commerce steps in Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote to begin working with your integration.
This section contains the general, configuration, and Commerce steps you must
complete in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.

Understand general set up for Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Some general set up procedures for Oracle Configure, Price, Quote need to be
completed for the integration to run successfully.
You must complete the following Oracle Configure, Price, Quote general set up
• Enable Guest Access to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
• Add Template Dependencies to File Manger
• Make Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Stylesheet Edits
• Synchronize Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Parts with Commerce SKUs

Enable Guest Access to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Administrators can allow multiple self-service users in Commerce to access an Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote site as a guest user from an iFrame displaying within
Commerce. When Commerce punches in to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote for
configuring items, the system uses sessions for unregistered users (i.e. guest users).
When self-service users access an Oracle Configure, Price, Quote site, their session
parameters pass from Commerce to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote. This provides a
seamless user experience and eliminates the need for Commerce self-service users to
enter login credentials when entering an Oracle Configure, Price, Quote site from

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Note: You can now customize the configurations of complex products in Commerce without
being redirected to an Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame. This capability, known
as the Direct API Configuration feature, builds out support in Commerce for direct API driven
product configurations where the user interface experience is controlled instead by
Commerce and can be customized by Commerce partners rather than relying on the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame. Refer to the Using Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Features with Oracle Commerce guide in the Oracle Commerce Doc Library for complete
Session parameters include currency, language, and locale preferences such as number
format, units, and date format. For example: If a Commerce self-service user’s language
preference is set to German, the text in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote interface displays
in German when the user accesses Oracle Configure, Price, Quote. The user’s currency and
locale preferences are also passed from Commerce and display in Oracle Configure, Price,
To enable guest access to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote:
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Under General, select General Site Options. The Options – General page opens.
3. Under Options – Login, set Allow Guest Access to Yes.
This setting allows Commerce to punch in to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
4. If multi-currency support from Commerce is required, set Allow Direct Login [Deprecated:
Please use SSO feature] to Yes.

5. Under Options – General, set Occupy entire window when the site is inside a frame to
No. This setting improves usability when punching in to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
from Commerce.

Add Template Dependencies to File Manager

The “Add to Cart” action sends items to a Commerce cart via an Add to Cart button, which
displays on the Commerce integrated Oracle Configure, Price, Quote site following
configuration. Use the information provided in this section to add payload template files to
File Manager. If Commerce requires additional information from Oracle Configure, Price,

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Quote during the “Add to Cart” action, administrators can add the information by
creating configurable attributes and modifying the payload templates. Administrators
can then export the configurable attributes as key-value pairs from Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote to Commerce.
Payload template files (i.e. Recommended_Items_Payload-Cloud.txt and
AddToCartPayload-Cloud.txt) form the payload structure for sending a
configured item to the Commerce shopping cart. The template files support the “Add to
Cart” action and include configuration information such as config id, quantity, and BOM
items. BML reads the template files and replaces the values in brackets, such as
{{bomitems}}, with dynamic values.
Complete the following steps to add the payload template files to File Manager:
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Navigate to Utilities > File Manager. File Manager opens.
3. Create a new folder named CommerceCloud.
4. Under Add Files, click Browse. The Choose File to Upload dialog opens.
5. Navigate to the Recommended_Items_Payload-Cloud.txt file and click Open.
6. Click Add File. The Recommended_Items_Payload-Cloud.txt file displays in
File Manager.
7. Complete steps 1-6 for AddToCartPayload-Cloud.txt.
Shown below is the content of each of the payload template files.

"quantity": "{{quantity}}",
"catalogRefId": "{{part}}",
"price": "{{price}}",
"recurringCharge": { "amount":"{{recurringPrice}}",
"duration":"{{duration}}" }


"messageType": "Configuration_Details",
"quantity": "1",
"catalogRefId": "{{model}}",
"amount": "{{totalPrice}}",
"price": "{{basePrice}}",
"currencyCode": "{{currency}}",
"configurationId": "{{ConfigId}}",
"childItems": [
"bomItems": [

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote


For an example of an AddToCartPayload-Cloud.txt file, refer to Appendix G.

Make Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Stylesheet Edits

Oracle recommends administrators hide Oracle Configure, Price, Quote navigation options
outside the scope of the integration from Commerce self-service users.
Hide the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Home Button
By hiding the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Home button, the Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote configurator opens whenever users access Oracle Configure, Price, Quote. Users
cannot navigate away from the original model that opens in the configurator, which prevents
them from configuring a different model or adding a different model to Commerce.
To hide the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Home button:
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Under Style and Templates, select Stylesheet. The Stylesheet Manager page opens.
3. Select Download Alternate Stylesheet next to Click to Download Alternate CSS from
the CSS Upload/Download Center.

4. When the alternate CSS file opens, update the CSS to include the following CSS snippet
to hide the Home button within the iFrame.

.nav-links>a img[title="Home"]{
display: none;

Note: If the Home button shows both a label and an icon, administrators cannot hide the
label using only CSS. From the Admin Home page, navigate to Style and Templates >
Navigation Menus > Subheader > Home > Edit. Choose Icon for Display. The Home
button is then hidden with the CSS change.
Hide Price Books
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote uses PriceBooks as a way to associate parts with a price.
Oracle recommends hiding Price Book information from users.
To hide Price Books:
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Under Products, select Catalog Definition.The Supported Products page opens.

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

3. From the Navigation drop-down menu, select Stylesheets.

4. Click List. The RegularStylesheets List page opens.
5. Download the DefaultRegular Stylesheet.

6. Copy the contents of the DefaultRegular Stylesheet.

7. Create a new stylesheet with a name indicative of the stylesheet’s purpose. For
example: Hide Price Books
8. Paste the contents of the Default Regular Stylesheet into the new stylesheet and
add the following CSS:

.pricebook-container {

9. Save the stylesheet.

10. On the Regular Stylesheets List page, click Add Alternate. The Configuration
Stylesheet Editor opens.
11. Click Browse.

12. Use the File Upload dialog to locate and select the new stylesheet.

13. Click Open. The stylesheet displays in the Regular Stylesheets List page under
the list of Alternate Stylesheets.

Synchronize Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Parts with Commerce SKUs

In Commerce, SKUs represent a purchasable instance of a product on a Commerce
storefront. Administrators must synchronize Oracle Configure, Price, Quote parts with
Commerce SKUs to ensure the pricing information associated with a part is the same
in both Oracle Configure, Price, Quote and Commerce.
To synchronize Oracle Configure, Price, Quote parts with Commerce SKUs:
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Under Products, select Parts. The Part Administration page opens.
3. Add new parts in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote with part numbers that match
SKUs in Commerce.
4. Add Part Custom fields for recurring charge price type, frequency, duration, and
• The client-side BML sample included in the Configure Client-Side Integration, Add
To Cart Button, and JSON Response section of this implementation guide

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

assumes part custom fields 4, 5, 6, and 8 represent recurring period, cost, duration, and
type respectively. In order to use other part custom fields, the Add to Cart BML and OIC
mappings will have to be adjusted accordingly.
• If a non-configurable SKU is later added to Commerce and intended for use by the
Oracle Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote integration, repeat the above
procedure to add the corresponding part in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
• In addition toOracle Configure, Price, Quote parts, configurable models must also have a
corresponding SKU in Commerce. The SKU number in Commerce should match the
model’s label and variable name.

Understand Oracle Commerce set up

You must complete preliminary Commerce set up steps in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote for
the integration to run successfully.
This topic contains the Commerce set up steps that you must complete in Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote.
Note: Request for Quote and Sync Quote flows do not currently support Asset/Subscription
based orders.

Create Commerce Attributes at the Transaction Level

You must create the Commerce attributes shown in the following table at the Transaction
level and can adjust the attribute labels, as desired.
Note: An asterisk (*) next to the attribute label indicates the attribute should already exist as
part of the Base Reference Application.

Attribute Label Variable Name Attribute Type Additional Settings

CC Order Id cC_OrderId_t Text Field none
Discount Info cC_DiscountInfo_t Text Field none
Requestor Note cC_RequesterNote_t Text Area none
Request Date cC_RequestDate_t Date Default Value:
System Variable:
Current Date
Customer* customer_t Additional Address Set none
Reject Explanation* rejectExplanation_t Text Area none
Rejection Date cC_RejectionDate_t Date none
Provider Note cC_ProviderNote_t Text Field none
Price Expiration Date* priceExpirationDate_t Date none
CC External Id cC_ExternalId_t Text Field none
CC External Order Price cC_ExternalOrderPrice_ Currency Auto Update: Yes
t Modify: Revert to
Default Value: Use the
formula provided in the
Apply Formulas section.
CC External Order Price cC_ExternalOrderPrice Integer none
Quantity Quantity_t
CC Expiration Date cC_ExpirationDate_t Date none
CC Agent Id cC_AgentId_t Text Field none

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Attribute Label Variable Name Attribute Type Additional Settings

CC Subtotal cC_Subtotal_t Currency none
CC Order Discount cC_OrderDiscount_t Float Auto Update: Yes
Default Value:
Enter a non-blank
default value to ensure
the value sent to
Commerce during Sync
Quote (i.e.
externalOrderPrice) is
CC Order Discount Type cC_OrderDiscountType_ Menu Auto Update: Yes
t Menu Options: Percent
Off, Amount Off, Price
Default Value: Enter a
non-blank default value
to ensure the value sent
to Commerce during
Sync Quote (i.e.
externalOrderPrice) is
CC_LineItem_Data cC_LineItem_Data_t Text Area none
CC Total Net Price cC_TotalNetPrice_t Currency Auto Update: Yes
Modify: Revert to
Document View: Hide
Default Value: Use the
formula provided in the
Apply Formulas section.
Order Discount Total cC_OrderDiscountTotal_ Currency Auto Update: Yes
t Document View: Hide
Default Value: Use the
formula provided in the
Apply Formulas section.
Total (Net)* totalOneTimeNetAmoun Currency Default Value: Use the
t_t formula provided in the
Apply Formulas section.
Total Discount* totalOneTimeDiscount_t Currency Default Value: Use the
formula provided in the
Apply Formulas section.
CC Order Total cC_Order_Total_t Currency none
CC Organization Id cC_OrgId_t Text Field none
CC Site Id cC_SiteId_t Text Field none
CC Site name cC_SiteName_t Text Field none
Ship To Attributes* shipTo_t Additional Address Set none
Invoice To Attributes* invoiceTo_t Additional Address Set none

Note: For all procedures and SSEs that require address information for endpoint
inputs, in addition to usingCommerce's default address formats, you can also use the
Commerce REST API to create multi-country custom address formats. Refer to the

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Configure the Commerce Server-Side Extensions topic in this guide for more information on
address formatting.

Modify the Existing “Status” Transaction Level Attribute

The Status (“status_t”) attribute is an existing Transaction-level attribute that should already
exist on Base Ref App environments. You must modify this attribute as described below.
• Add the following options:
– Rejected [REJECTED]
– Synced [SYNCED]
• Under Modify, set the attribute to "Use Specified Value" for the following actions:
– Create Order: ORDERED
– Customer Rejection: REJECTED
– Sync Quote: SYNCED
– Cancel Transaction: CANCELED

Create Attributes at the Commerce Line Level and Add Them to the Commerce Layout
Create the Commerce attributes shown below at the Commerce line level. Once created, add
the attributes to the Commerce layout.

Attribute Label Variable Name Attribute Type Additional Settings

Commerce Item Id cC_CommerceItemId_l Text Field none
Product Id cC_ProductId_l Text Field none
Catalog Ref Id cC_CatalogRefId_l Text Field Default Value: Function
e <> ""){
return _part_number;
Note: When creating
the Default value
e and _part_number
need to be selected
from the Variable Name
for that Transaction Line
External Price cC_ExternalPrice_l Currency none
External Price Quantity cC_ExternalPriceQuanti Integer none
CC Net Price cC_NetPrice_l Currency none
Quantity* requestedQuantity_l Currency none
Price (List)* listPrice_l Currency Default Value: Use the
formula provided in the
Apply Formulas section.

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Attribute Label Variable Name Attribute Type Additional Settings

n/a oRCL_ABO_ActionCod Single Select Menu This menu attribute
e_l comes from the ABO
installation package
and is a requirement
for the Sync Quote

Apply Formulas
The following Commerce attributes should already exist on Base Ref App
environments. Apply the listed formulas to the attributes.

Table 1-1 Attributes for Base Ref App environments

Variable Name Formula

cC_ExternalOrderPrice_t if( ( cC_OrderDiscountType_t = "amountOff" ),
( cC_TotalNetPrice_t - cC_OrderDiscount_t ),
if( ( cC_OrderDiscountType_t = "percentOff" ),
( cC_TotalNetPrice_t - ( cC_TotalNetPrice_t *
( cC_OrderDiscount_t / 100 ) ) ),
if( ( cC_OrderDiscountType_t =
"priceOverride" ),
totalOneTimeNetAmount_t* cC_ExternalOrderPrice_t
totalOneTimeDiscount_t* sumIf( ( priceType_l NOT= "Recurring" ),
discountAmount_l) + cC_OrderDiscountTotal_t
cC_OrderDiscountTotal_t if( ( cC_OrderDiscountType_t = "amountOff" ),
cC_OrderDiscount_t,if( ( cC_OrderDiscountTy
pe_t = "percentOff" ),
( cC_ExternalOrderPrice_t -
( cC_OrderDiscount_t / 100 ) ),
if( ( cC_OrderDiscountType_t =
"priceOverride" ), ( cC_ExternalOrderPrice_t -
cC_OrderDiscount_t ), 0 )))
cC_TotalNetPrice_t sumIf( ( priceType_l NOT= "Recurring" ),
listPrice_l* if( ( _model_base_price NOT= 0 ),
if( ( _model_base_price NOT= 0 ),
_model_base_price,if( ( _pricing_rule_price_e
ach NOT= 0 ),

Note: An asterisk (*) next to the variable name indicates that a formula for the attribute
already exists on Base Ref App environments. You must update the existing formulas
as opposed to creating new formulas.

Set Up Commerce Actions

Complete the following steps to set up Commerce actions.
1. Create the following Commerce action at the Transaction level.

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Table 1-2 Commerce action

Label Variable Name Action Type Integration Advanced

Modify (Before
Sync Quote cC_syncQuote Modify CPQ-OCCS Sync Transaction
Quote Attribute:CC_Lin
Transaction Line
BML: Refer to
Appendix F:
Understand the
SyncQuote BML

2. Place the Sync Quote action on the Commerce layout.

3. Set the quote level actions “cleanSave_t" and " _remove_transactionLine" to define the
following attributes based on their formula definitions:
• Quote Level Attributes:
– Total Contract Value
– Total Discount Per Month
– Total (List) Per Month
– Total (Net) Per Month
– Total Discount
– Total (List)
– Total (Net)
– Annual Contract Value
– Transaction Total
– Total Contract Discount
– Annual Contract Discount
– CC External Order Price
• Line Level Attributes
– Actual Amount
– Annual Value
– Contract Value
– Amount (List)
– Amount (Net)
– Price (Net)

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

– Quantity
4. Set the line level action “save_l" to define the following line level attributes based
on their formula definitions:
• Actual Amount
• Annual Value
• Contract Value
• Amount (List)
• Amount (Net)
• Price (Net)
• Quantity
• The “Save” action is already setup to use formulas for a majority of these attributes
in the Base Ref Application.
• The Request for Quote and Sync Quote flows do not support the “Copy Line
Items” action. The action is not accessible for Commerce integrated Transactions.

(Optional) Create Commerce Validation Rule

You have the option of creating a Commerce validation rule that blocks users from
editing the quantity of child items.
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Under Commerce and Documents, click Process Definition. The Processes
page opens with Documents displaying by default in the Navigation drop-down
3. Click List next to the Oracle Quote to Order Commerce process. The Document
List page opens.
4. At the Transaction Line level, select Rules from the Navigation drop-down menu.
5. Click List.
6. From the Add menu, select Validation. The Validation: New Rule page opens.
7. In the Name field, enter a name for the validation rule.
8. Click in the Variable Name field to auto-populate the field.
9. For the Condition Type, select Advanced.
10. Click Define Function. The Select Attributes dialog opens.

11. Select the attributes shown in the following tables.

System Variable Name Type Description

_system_current_document_ String Current Document Number

Variable Name for Type Description

(Transaction Line)
_model_variable_name String Model Variable Name

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Variable Name for Type Description

(Transaction Line)
_price_quantity Integer Quantity

12. Click Next.

13. Enter the following BML:

oldvalue = getoldvalue("_price_quantity",

if((_model_variable_name == "") AND (_price_quantity <> atoi(oldvalue)))


return true;

return false;

14. Click Save and Close.

15. On the Validation: New Rule page, select Advanced as the Action Type.

16. Click Define Function. The Select Attributes dialog opens.

17. Select the Variable Name for (Transaction Line) tab.

18. Select the "_price_quantity" attribute.

19. Click Next.

20. Enter the following BML.

attributeDict = dict("dict<string>");

// inner dictionary for attr2

attr2ActionDict = dict("string");
// assembling the constraint action
put(attr2ActionDict, BM_CM_RULES_MESSAGE, "Please re-configure the
item to change quantity of sub-item");

// put the inner dictionary into the outer dictionary

put(attributeDict, "_price_quantity", attr2ActionDict);

// return the outer dictionary

return attributeDict;

21. Click Save and Close

22. In the Components list add the Quantity (_price_quantity) attribute.

23. Click Save to save the Validation Rule.

Set Up Steps
You must use Oracle Configure, Price, Quote to create a Synced step as well as step
1. Create a new “Synced” step.

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

2. Create a step transition for the "Sync Quote" action to move from the "In Progress"
step to the "Synced" step.
3. Create a step transition for the “Save" action to move from the "Synced" step to
the "In Progress" step.
4. Create a step transition for the "Customer Rejection" action to move from the
"Synced" step to the "Rejected by Customer" step.
5. Create a step transition for the “Create Order” action to move from the “Synced”
step to the “Ordered” step.
6. Create a step transition for the “Cancel Transaction” action to move from the
“Synced” step to the “Canceled” step.
7. Hide the "Sync Quote" action from the following steps:
• Fulfilled
• Canceled
• Rejected By Customer
8. Hide all Modify actions from the “Synced” step EXCEPT the following:
• Save
• Customer Rejection
• Create Order
• Cancel Transaction
• Make sure all of the attributes used in the Request for Quote flow have read/write
access at the Start step.
• For instructions on how to create Commerce attributes, actions, and step
transitions, refer to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Administration Help.

Modify Process Manager View

You must complete the following procedure to modify a process manager view.
1. Add a data column named "CC Order Id".
2. Map the data column to the "CC Order Id" quote level attribute.
3. Add a Process Manager column using the "CC Order Id" data column.

Understand Oracle Configure, Price, Quote configuration set up

Specific set up procedures must be completed for the Commerce/Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Configuration integration to run successfully.
This topic contains the configuration set up procedures that you must complete in
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.

Configure Client-Side Integration, Add To Cart Button, and JSON Payload

You must configure a client-side integration to add the Add to Cart button on a
Commerce site. The client-side integration enables the sharing of data between Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote and Commerce.

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Note: Ensure the appropriate Commerce Product Families and Product Lines are created in
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote prior to starting the Client-Side Integration. Refer to the
Configuration > Product Families articles within the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Online
Help for instructions.
To configure a client-side integration:
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Under Products, click Catalog Definition. The Supported Products page opens.
Product Families displays by default in the Navigation drop-down menu.
3. Click List. The Supported Product Families page opens.
4. Click Integrations from the Navigation drop-down menu for the product of the
Commerce product family.
5. Click List. The Edit Integration page opens.
6. Use the Edit Integration page to create a “Client-side” integration using the following
• Name: Add To Cart
• Integration Type: Client-side
• Hide in Reconfiguration: No
• Action: Define Advanced Function
7. Click Define Function for the Action and use the sample BML from one of the following
to add the Add to Cart button to the Commerce site:
• Appendix D: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations (19C and
Earlier) - this sample BML is for legacy integration sites who have previously
customized their Add to Cart BML. This sample includes site-specific reference file
• Appendix E: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations and Multi-
Site Set Up (19D and Later) – this sample BML is for new integrations and in cases
where the setup needs to be duplicated on multiple sites. This sample does not
reference site-specific file locations.
8. Select Simple for the End-Point URL.
Enter the URL of the Commerce site to integrate with Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
The value entered should include the basic URL or Commerce’s storefront and
administration pages. You can add multiple Commerce sites for a single integration by
listing each site delimited by the pipe delimiter (|) character.
For example:||http://|
9. Click Apply.
Note: Ensure that all partner site lists of allowed URLs are properly addressed within Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote. These include domains that are allowed to load the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote in an iFrame and domains that Oracle Configure, Price, Quote is
allowed to connect to in the Integration Center. You may need to file a Service Request (SR)
on My Oracle Support to include these domains on the site list of allowed URLs.

Chapter 1
Set Up Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Configure Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Models Corresponding to Products in

You must create Oracle Configure, Price, Quote models corresponding to SKUs in
To configure models corresponding to products in Commerce:
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Under Products, select Catalog Definition. The Supported Products page
opens with Product Families displaying by default in the Navigation drop-down
3. Click List. The Supported Product Families page opens with Product Lines
displaying by default in the Navigation drop-down menu.
4. Click List. The Product Line Administration List page opens with Models
displaying by default in the Navigation drop-down menu.
5. Click List. The Model Administration List page opens.
6. Click Add.
7. Use the Model Administration page to create a new model with both the variable
name and label matching the configurable root SKU in Commerce.
8. Create a pricing rule on the model with a price matching the root SKU in

Configure Child Line Items Corresponding to SKUs in Commerce

For information about setting up BOM Mapping items for a model, refer to the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Administrator Online Help.
Note: Quantity for the root BOM should use a configurable integer attribute in BOM
Attribute Mapping. Otherwise, incorrect quantities may be populated during

Create Configurable Attributes

Configurable attributes define the characteristics of product families. Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote uses configurable attributes in search flows, Configuration flows, and
every type of Configuration rule.
To create configurable attributes:
1. While you can create the following configurable attributes at any level, Oracle
recommends creating the attributes at the Product Family level.

Label Variable Name Attribute Type Additional Settings

Currency Code currencyCode Text Field none
CC Site ID cC_SiteId_t Text Field none
Quantity quantity Integer Required, Default =
1, Positive Number

2. Create a recommendation rule configured as follows:

Chapter 1
Set Up Subscription Ordering in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Condition Apply Rule To Action Type Action Values to Set Set Type
Always True Configuration Standard currencyCode Edit Function: Forced Set


3. Create any additional attributes that suit your organization’s needs and place them on the
Configuration flow layout.
• You must place “currencyCode”, “cC_SiteId_t”, and “quantity” on the layout, but they
do not need to display them.
• For information about configurable attributes and the steps to create them, refer to
the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Administration Help.
4. Create a hiding rule configured as follows:

Condition Action Attribute

Advanced: quantity

if (_transaction_id == "-1")
{ return true;}
return false;

Set Up Subscription Ordering in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

The subscription ordering feature requires some set up when integrating Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote and Commerce.
The following features require specific attention when integrating Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote and Commerce and running the subscription ordering feature.
For information about setting up Subscription or asset based orders within Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote, refer to the ABO implementation guide and the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Administrator Online Help.

Create an authentication certificate integration type

You need to create an Authentication Certificate integration type in the Integration Center to
support access token-based authentication in the Commerce/Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote provides an Authentication Certificate integration type in the
Integration Center to support access token-based authentication. This integration type allows
Oracle Commerce self-service users to securely access Oracle Configure, Price, Quote to
modify or reconfigure a Subscription Ordering asset-based Configuration without an Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote user session.
When administrators create a new integration of type Authentication Certificate, they provide
a name and variable name for the authentication certificate and upload the Commerce

Chapter 1
Set Up Subscription Ordering in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

authentication certificate. A temporary session is created for the Commerce self-

service user, allowing the user to access theModel Configuration page via an iFrame
within Commerce to modify or reconfigure a specific asset.
To create an Authentication Certificate integration type, perform the following steps:
1. Open the Admin Home page.
2. Select Integration Center under Integration Platform. The Integration Center
3. Click Create Integration.
4. From the Type drop-down, select Authentication Certificate.
5. In the Name field, enter a name that describes the authentication certificate. For
example: Commerce
6. The Variable Name field auto-populates upon clicking in or tabbing to the field.
7. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the authentication
8. Click Browse next to the Authentication Certificate label.
9. Select the Oracle Commerce authentication certificate and click Open.
10. ClickSave. The Authentication Certificate integration appears in the left pane of
the Integration Center.

• The Save button is disabled upon successfully saving the integration. If the
changes are made after the save is performed, the button is enabled.
• Administrators can modify the name of the integration but not the variable name.
They can also replace the authentication certificate but cannot remove it.
• A single Oracle Configure, Price, Quote site can have any number of
Authentication Certificate integrations. There is no limit.

Work with in-flight cancellations

Custom asset fields must be created in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote to support in-
flight cancellations of orders.

Chapter 1
Set Up Subscription Ordering in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

In order to support in-flight cancellations of orders, the following custom asset fields must be
created in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Note: Refer to the Custom Asset Attributes article within the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Online Help for instructions on adding a custom asset.

Label Variable Name Data Type

Order Id _asset_custom_orderId String
Line Id _asset_custom_lineId String
Source Site _asset_custom_source String

Upgrade an asset
With Asset Based Ordering, the ability to upgrade an existing asset is supported when you
complete some preliminary set up work.
With Asset Based Ordering, the ability to upgrade an existing asset is supported.
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote maintains a custom upgrade options table for Commerce to
query in order to know which upgrades are available for a given asset. The sections that
follow in this topic provide information on how to set up the required tables and how to
complete some basic Oracle Configure, Price, Quote configuration steps to support asset
based ordering.

Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Data Table Set Up

Create a data table named "INT_UPGRADE_OPTIONS" with the following schema:

Column Name Data Type

currentOffer String
currentModel String
upgradeName String
upgradeProductId String

The data table column mapping information for this data table is as follows:
• currentModel – Maps to the variable name of the root config model in Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote which the upgrade offer applies to.
• currentOffer – Maps to a configurable attribute on the root config model in Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote. This needs to be stored as an attribute mapping onto the root
asset as well. This value is sent from Oracle Commerce while retrieving the upgrade
• upgradeName – Maps to the _config_upgrade_name that is passed from Oracle
Commerce to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, which drives recommendation rules on the
upgrade. Not used by Commerce for any other purpose.
• upgradeProductID – Maps to the Product Id of the upgrade offer in Commerce. Used to
show upgrade details (for example, product display name, description, images, etc.) to
the shopper.
Note: We recommend you index the currentModel and/or currentOffer columns.

Chapter 1
Enable Integrations in Commerce

The INT_UPGRADE_OPTIONS data table is queried by Oracle Commerce to help

identify what upgrades are available for a given asset and present those upgrade
options to the shopper.
For example:

currentOffer currentModel upgradeName upgradeProductId

4ForUDeal nPlay 4ForUDealPlus prod102

Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Upgrade Asset Configuration Set Up

1. Create a configurable text attribute named "currentOffer". This attribute should
have either a default value set or have its value recommended based on specific
criteria on the configuration; however, the value should not be editable directly by
the user. The value of the "currentOffer" attribute is used in the
INT_UPGRADE_OPTIONS data table that Commerce queries.
2. Use (Bulk) Recommendation Rules that run when the value of the
"_config_upgrade_name" attribute matches the value of the "upgradeName"
column in the "INT_UPGRADE_OPTIONS" data table. Part of the rule should update
the "currentOffer" attribute from its previous value to the "upgradeName" as well.
Unlike normal configurable attributes, the value of "_config_upgrade_name"
persists within all models of a system, so inter-model rules are not required to
reference "_config_upgrade_name" and use them in Recommendation Rules on
child models. The value of "_config_upgrade_name" also does not persist on the
configurations, like other attributes do, so whether "_config_upgrade_name" has a
value or not distinguishes asset upgrades from a typical asset modify.
Note: For more information on understanding and using the asset Upgrade feature in
Commerce, refer to Use asset-based ordering.
You can also customize configurations of complex assets in Commerce without being
redirected to an Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame which may have a
separate and distinct user interface look and feel that creates a disjointed user
experience. This capability is known as the Direct API Configuration feature and can
be used as another option for the Modify and Upgrade actions. For more information
on the Direct API configuration feature, refer to Customize configurations in
Commerce using the CPQ Configuration API.

Enable Integrations in Commerce

To enable the features of this integration, you must configure some settings and
storefront widgets in Commerce.
You must complete the procedures in this section to enable the Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Configurator integration, the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Request For
Quote integration, and the Asset Based Ordering (ABO) integration in Commerce.
This section describes how to configure Storefront Classic widgets to support the
integration. To learn how to configure Open Storefront Framework widgets instead,
see Design Configure-Price Components.
For additional information about these integrations, refer to Appendix A: Configurator
Flow and Appendix B: Request for Quote Flow.

Chapter 1
Enable Integrations in Commerce

Enable Oracle Configure, Price, Quote configuration integration

Some feature configuration procedures must be completed to enable the Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Configuration integration.
To enable the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration integration, do the following:
1. Log in to Commerce.
2. Navigate to the Settings icons from the sidebar menu.
3. Select Oracle Integrations from the sidebar menu.
4. Select CPQ Configuration from the drop-down menu.
5. Select the Enable Integration check box.
6. Click Preview Confirmation. You need to do this to display the URL fields.
7. Enter the Configuration URL using the following structure: https://<cpq_domain>/
8. Enter the Reconfiguration URL using the following structure: https://<cpq_domain>/
9. Enter the Modification URL using the following structure: https://<cpq_domain>/
10. Click Product Configuration. You need to do this to display the URL fields.

11. Enter the Configuration URL using the following structure: https://<cpq_domain>/
12. Enter the Reconfiguration URL using the following structure: https://
13. Enter the Modification URL using the following structure: https://<cpq_domain>/
Note: Enter the Configuration URL and the Reconfiguration URL for both the Production
and Preview environments.
14. Click Save. If you are using a multisite environment you must follow these instructions for
each site that uses the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration integration.

Identify configurable products in the product catalog

It is important to understand which products are configurable in the product catalog to use
this integration..
Before a Commerce self-service user can use the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Configurator to configure complex products for purchase in Commerce, you must identify the
products as configurable in the product catalog.
Before doing so, it is important to have a synchronized product catalog to ensure that
products in the Commerce catalog map to corresponding items in the Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote catalog.
To identify a product as configurable:
1. Log in to Commerce.

Chapter 1
Enable Integrations in Commerce

2. Click on the Menu icon.

3. Select the product you wish to identify as configurable from the Catalog Settings
icon in the sidebar menu.
4. Click on the SKUs tab of the product detail pop-up frame.
5. Click on the SKU link of the product you wish to identify as configurable. You need
to do this in order to select the SKU and see the SKU details.
6. Check the Externally Configurable SKU checkbox. This displays three further
fields you must complete.
7. Enter the Model variable name. This should match the Model variable name of a
configurable product in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote catalog.
8. Enter the Product Line variable name. This should match the Product Line
variable name of a configurable product in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
9. Enter the Product Family variable name. This should match the Product Family
variable name of a configurable product in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
10. Click Save. This returns you to the SKU frame where the SKU you updated should
be marked with an asterisk to identify it as a configurable SKU.
Note: Administrators can also perform the above setup steps in bulk by using the SKU
import program. From the Catalog tab in Commerce, click Manage Catalog and
select Import. In the Import dialog, click Browse and locate the CSV file to import.
Click Upload File, click Validate, and then click Import.

Add Customize Button to the Product Details widget

A Customize button must be added to the Product details widget to allow product
You must add a Customize button to the Product Details widget so that the button is
visible to Commerce self-service users from the Product Details page for a
customizable product.
To add a Customize button to the Product Details widget:
1. Log in to Commerce.
2. Click on the Menu icon.
3. Select Design from the menu.
4. Select Product Layout from the layout list.
5. Delete the Product Details widget from the layout.
6. Place a new product details widget on the layout.
7. Click the Settings icon for the new Product Details widget.
8. From the Element Library, place a Customize button on the new Product
Details widget.
9. Publish the changes.

Chapter 1
Enable Integrations in Commerce

Enable Oracle Configure, Price, Quote quoting integration

Some feature configuration procedures must be completed to enable the Oracle CPQ
Quoting integration.
To enable the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote quoting integration, do the following
1. Log in to Commerce.
2. Click on the Menu icon.
3. Select Settings from the menu.
4. Select Oracle Integrations from the sidebar menu.
5. Select CPQ Quoting from the drop-down menu.
6. Select the Enable Integration check box.
If you are using a multi-site environment you must follow these instructions for each site that
uses the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Quoting integration.

Add Quote Button to Checkout and Order Details pages

You must add a Quote button to the Checkout layout and the Quote Details widget to make
quoting capability available.
To make the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote quoting capability available to Commerce self-
service users, you must add the Request Quote widget to the Checkout layout and the Quote
Details widget to the Order Details layout.
The Request Quote widget adds a Quote Notes text box and a Request Quote button to
the Checkout layout.
The Quote Details widget adds a Quote Notes text box populated with any notes associated
with the order to the Order Detail layout. The widget also adds a Reject Quote, Request
Re-Quote, and Accept Quote buttons to the to the Order Detail layout.
The Quote Details and Request Quote widgets do not display on the layouts by default. The
administrator must first make the widgets available and then place them on the Checkout
and Order Detail pages.
To add quote buttons to the Checkout and Order Details pages:
1. Log in to Commerce.
2. Click the Menu icon.
3. Select Design from the menu.
4. Select the Components tab on the Design page.
5. Click Show Hidden.
6. Click the Show icon for the Quote Details Widget and the Request Quote Widget.
7. Within the Design page, select the Layouts tab.
8. From the layout list, select Checkout Layout.
9. Drag and drop the Request Quote widget from the Components menu to the desired
location on the Checkout layout.

Chapter 1
Appendix A: Understand the Configurator Flow

10. From the layout list, select Order Details.

11. Drag and drop the Quote Details widget from the Components menu to the
desired location on the Order Details layout.
12. Publish the changes.

Enable Asset Based Ordering

The asset based ordering feature of the integration needs to be enabled before it can
be used.
To enable Asset Based Ordering, you must make sure that you have set up the right
integration webhooks and/or SSEs mentioned in the Configure the Commerce
Webhooks and Configure the Commerce Server Side Extensions sections of this

Enable Subscription Cloud integration

Information about the integration of Oracle Commerce and Subscription Cloud using
CPQ which supports Self-Service subscriptions for configurable products.
Integration includes using CPQ, OSS and OCC Support complex OCC-CPQ-OSS
subscription flows such as:
• Create Subscription
• View A Subscription
• Modify/Upgrade/Downgrade a Subscription
• Cancel/Termination a Subscription
• Renew Subscription - this feature is dependent on subscription management
system to provide the renewal details of the subscription products
For the above integration with Subscription Cloud, a Store user must be available in
Customer Data Management System (CDM). The reference which is PrimaryPartyId
would be shared with Subscription System in all functional conversations as
mentioned above. The primary party id is stored as a dynamic property in user profile.
Only the configured product, which has external recurring charge details is considered
as a subscription line items in OIC layer and the rest of the items in the order are
filtered out.

Appendix A: Understand the Configurator Flow

A Configurator process flow occurs between Oracle Configure, Price, Quote and
Commerce during the integration.
The following presents a diagram of the integration Configurator Flow:

Chapter 1
Appendix B: Understand the Request for Quote Flow

Appendix B: Understand the Request for Quote Flow

A Request for Quote process flow occurs between Oracle Configure, Price, Quote and
Commerce during the integration.
The following presents a diagram of the integration Request for Quote flow:

Appendix C: Understand the OIC Integration Mappings

You must be able to understand the variable mappings for each integration as a requirement
to complete the Sync Quote action in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
Importing and setting up the OIC package is a prerequisite to completing the Sync Quote
action in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
After all Oracle Configure, Price, Quote setup is completed, regenerate the OIC integration
flows to ensure they accurately reflect the current state of the Oracle Quote to Order
Commerce process.
Note: Mappings in bold indicate complex, conditional mappings. Mappings in italics indicate
the mappings are a static text value instead of a source attribute.

Integration Flow Target Variable Name Mapping Comments

OCCS-CPQ Create Quote > New_Transaction - None
- cC_RequesterNote_t requesterNote None

Chapter 1
Appendix C: Understand the OIC Integration Mappings

Integration Flow Target Variable Name Mapping Comments

- cC_OrgId_t organizationId None
- cC_OrderId_t id None
- cC_SiteId_t siteId None
- cC_RequesterNote_t requesterNote None
- currencyCode currencyCode None
- _customer_t_address shippingGroups None
- _customer_t_state shippingGroups > None
- _customer_t_address shippingGroups > None
_2 address2
- _customer_t_company shippingGroups > None
_name companyName
- _customer_t_country shippingGroups > None
- _customer_t_city shippingGroups > None
- _customer_t_zip shippingGroups > None
- _customer_t_phone shippingGroups > None
- _customer_t_email email None
- _customer_t_last_na lastName None
- _customer_t_first_n firstName None
- items commerceItems None
- _price_book_var_name _default_price_book None
- _configuration_id configuratorId None
- cC_CommerceItemId_l id None
- _part_number catalogRefId None
- cC_CatalogRefId_l catalogRefId None
- _price_quantity quantity None
- cC_ProductId_l productId None
- cC_NetPrice_l > priceInfo > amount > None
value quantity
- cC_NetPrice_l > priceInfo > None
currency currencyCode
- _modify_action cleanSave_t None
OCCS-CPQ Create Quote > Update_Quote - None
- id id None
- externalId bs_id None
OCCS-CPQ Create Quote > Re-Request_Quote - None
- cC_RequesterNote_t requesterNote None
- id externalId None
OCCS-CPQ Sync - - None

Chapter 1
Appendix C: Understand the OIC Integration Mappings

Integration Flow Target Variable Name Mapping Comments

- id cC_OrderId_t None
- providerNote cC_ProviderNote_t None
- agentId cC_AgentId_t None
- externalId id None
- expirationDate cC_ExpirationDate_t None
- externalPrice totalOneTimeNetAmoun None
line-item - - None
- productId cC_ProductId_l None
- catalogRefId cC_CatalogRefId_l None
- configuratorId _configuration_id None
- externalPrice netPrice_l None
- externalPriceQuanti -1 None
- id cC_CommerceItemId_l None
- actionCode oRCL_ABO_ActionCode None
- quantity requestedQuantity_l None
- externalData configattrinfo XSL manipulations to
feed config attributes
as an array of maps.

< externalData>
</ externalData>

Chapter 1
Appendix C: Understand the OIC Integration Mappings

Integration Flow Target Variable Name Mapping Comments

OCCS-CPQ Update Quote > Accept Quote - None
- id externalId None
- cC_AgentId_t agentId None
OCCS-CPQ Update Quote > Reject Quote - None
- id externalId None
- cC_AgentId_t agentId None
- cC_RejectionDate_t date None
- rejectExplanation_t note None
OCCS-CPQ Update Quote > Cancel Quote - None
- id externalId None
- cC_AgentId_t agentId None
- cC_RejectionDate_t date None
- rejectExplanation_t note None
OCCS-CPQ Get Configurations - None
- locale locale None
- currency currencyCode None
- configurationId configuratorId None
- price true None
- spare true None
- bomMapping true None
OCCS-CPQ Get Assets
- limit limit None
- offset offset None
- q for-each(id), for- None
each(id), for-
"{id:{$eq: "",
recordId, ""}}",
""}},", "]}", ",",
"{$and:[", "{$or:
[", "{customer:
{$eq:"", id, ""}}",
""}},", "]}", ",",
{$eq:"", id, ""}}",
""}},", "]}", "]}"
- expand descendantAssets None
OCCS-CPQ Asset Actions (for all flows)
- id recordId None
- sourceIdentifier sourceIdentifier None
- transactionDate transactionDate None
- transactionId transactionId None
OCCS-CPQ Asset Actions (CpqModifyAsset flow)
- productLine product_line None

Chapter 1
Appendix D: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations (19C and Earlier)

Integration Flow Target Variable Name Mapping Comments

- configContextKey configContextKey None
- configuratorUrl configuratorURL None
- bomKey bomkey None
- segment segment None
- model model None
OCCS-CPQ Asset Actions (CpqRenewAsset, CpqTerminateAsset, CpqSuspendAsset,
CpqResumeAsset flows)
- configId lineId None
- serviceAccountId serviceAccount None
- deactivationDate endDate None
- amount amount None
- quantity quantity None
- parentServiceId parentId None
- externalRecurringCh field5 Corresponds to part
arge custom field 5 in
Oracle CPQ
- externalData attributes None
- billingAccountId billingAccount None
- externalRecurringCh field4 Corresponds to part
argeFrequency custom field 4 in
Oracle Configure, Price,
- childItems for-each(children), None
- catalogRefId partNumber None
- configuratorId lineId None
- externalRecurringDu field6 Corresponds to part
ration custom field 6 in Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote
- externalPrice _price_unit_price_e None
- assetId id None
- actionCode oRCL_ABO_ActionCode None
- serviceId id None
- activationDate startDate None

Appendix D: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized

Integrations (19C and Earlier)
Users with legacy integration sites (19C and earlier) who have previously customized their
Add to Cart BML need to modify their BML to include site-specific reference file locations.

Chapter 1
Appendix D: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations (19C and Earlier)

The following provides the Add to Cart BML for Customized Integrations 19C and

// Rec Item Properties

part = String[1];
quantity = String[1];
price = String[1];
selected = String[1];
sparepaths = String[1];
sparepaths[0] = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/
sparepaths[1] = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/
sparepaths[2] = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/
sparepaths[3] = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/

// BOM Item Properties

bomItem = String[1];
bomItem[0] = "/configuration/configureResponse/bomItem";

// Model/Price Properties
models = string[1];
configIdSearch = string[1];
currpath = String[1];
totalPrices = string[1];
bomTotals = string[1];
models[0] = "/configuration/configureResponse/item/model";
configIdSearch[0] = "/configuration/configureResponse/item/
currpath[0] = "/configuration/configureResponse/attributes/
totalPrices[0] = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/totalPrice";
bomTotals[0] = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/bomPrice";
priceTotal = 0.0;
baseModelPrice = 0.0;
recurringSubtotal = 0.0;

// Extract data from configXML

outputModel = readxmlsingle(configXML, models);
outputConfigIds = readxmlsingle(configXML, configIdSearch);
currXML = readxmlsingle(configXML, currpath);
currency = get(currXML, currpath[0]);
outputPrices = readxmlsingle(configXML, totalPrices);
bomPrices = readxmlsingle(configXML, bomTotals);
output1 = readxmlmultiple(configXML, sparepaths);
bomItemXMLDict = readxmlsingle(configXML, bomItem);
bomItemString = get(bomItemXMLDict, "/configuration/configureResponse/

payloadTemplate = urldatabyget("
slc10xgj/image/CommerceCloud/AddToCartPayload-Cloud.txt", "", "");
model1 = "";
totalPrice1 = "";

Chapter 1
Appendix D: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations (19C and Earlier)

// Get Model data

for model in models {
model1 = get(outputModel, model);

// Get Price data

for totalPrice in totalPrices {
totalPrice1 = get(outputPrices, totalPrice);
totalPrice0 = replace(totalPrice1, ",", "");
if (isnumber(substring(totalPrice0, 1))) {
totalPrice2 = getcurrencyvalue(totalPrice1, currency);
priceTotal = priceTotal + totalPrice2;
baseModelPrice = priceTotal;

// Add BOM total price

if (containskey(bomPrices, bomTotals[0])) {
for bomPrice in bomTotals {
bomTotal = get(bomPrices, bomPrice);
bomTotalReplace = replace(bomTotal, ",", "");
if (isnumber(substring(bomTotalReplace, 1))) {
bomTotalPrice = getcurrencyvalue(bomTotal, currency);
priceTotal = bomTotalPrice + priceTotal;

// Get ConfigID
configId = "";
for id in configIdSearch {
configId = get(outputConfigIds, id);

// Get Recommended Items

for sparepath in sparepaths {
if (find(sparepath, "part") < > -1) {
part = get(output1, sparepath);
elif(find(sparepath, "quantity") < > -1) {
quantity = get(output1, sparepath);
elif(find(sparepath, "price") < > -1) {
price = get(output1, sparepath);
elif(find(sparepath, "selected") < > -1) {
selected = get(output1, sparepath);

// Format Rec Items payload

recItemList = "";
if (isnull(part)) {
print("No Recommended Items");

Chapter 1
Appendix D: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations (19C and Earlier)

} else {
recItems = sizeofarray(part);
recItemsInt = integer[recItems];

i = 0;
for recItem in recItemsInt {
if (selected[i] == "true") {
//recurring price from parts BMQL
part_num = part[i];
partCustomFields = bmql("SELECT part_number, custom_field5,
custom_field4, custom_field6, custom_field8 FROM _parts WHERE
part_number = $part_num");
recItemPayloadTemplate = urldatabyget("https://
Recommended_Items_Payload-Cloud.txt", "", "");
recItemPayloadTemplate = replace(recItemPayloadTemplate,
"{{quantity}}", quantity[i]);
recItemPayloadTemplate = replace(recItemPayloadTemplate,
"{{part}}", part[i]);

for each in partCustomFields {

if (get(each, "custom_field8") == "Recurring") {
recItemPayloadTemplate = replace(recItemPayloadTemplate,
"{{pricePeriod}}", get(each, "custom_field4"));
recItemPayloadTemplate = replace(recItemPayloadTemplate,
"{{recurringPrice}}", get(each, "custom_field5"));
recItemPayloadTemplate = replace(recItemPayloadTemplate,
"{{duration}}", get(each, "custom_field6"));
//recurringSubtotal = recurringSubtotal + get(each,
} else {
childPayloadJson = json(recItemPayloadTemplate);
jsonremove(childPayloadJson, "recurringCharge");
recItemPayloadTemplate = jsontostr(childPayloadJson);

//remove region specific formatting for price

sPrice0 = substring(price[i], 1);
sPrice0 = replace(sPrice0, ",", "");

if (isnumber(sPrice0)) {
priceTotal = priceTotal + atof(sPrice0);
recItemPayloadTemplate = replace(recItemPayloadTemplate,
"{{price}}", sPrice0);
} else {
recItemPayloadTemplate = replace(recItemPayloadTemplate,
"{{price}}", "0");
if (recItemList == "") {
recItemList = recItemPayloadTemplate;
} else {
recItemList = recItemList + "," + recItemPayloadTemplate;

Chapter 1
Appendix D: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations (19C and Earlier)

i = i + 1;

// Get the BOM Items

if (isnull(bomItemString)) {
print "No BOM Items";
bomItemString = "";
payloadTemplate = replace(payloadTemplate, "{{BomItems}}", bomItemString);
} else {
// Get part numbers for each BOM item, convert to string array for bmql
bomJson = json(bomItemString);

// Remove extraneous BOM fields (may have to revert if CC was expecting to

use them)
jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..variableName");
jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..definition");
jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..category");

// Replacing all 0 prices with actual number 0

bomPriceArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson, "$.._price_unit_price_each");
replace_lookup = boolean[];
bomPricesString = jsonarraytostr(bomPriceArray);
bomPricesString = replace(replace(replace(bomPricesString, "\"", ""), "[",
""), "]", "");
bomPricesStringArray = split(bomPricesString, ",");

i = 0;
for each in bomPricesStringArray {
append(replace_lookup, isnumber(each));
i = i + 1;

i = 0;
for each in replace_lookup {
if (i == 0 and each == false) {
jsonpathset(bomJson, "$.fields._price_unit_price_each", "0");
elif(each == false) {
str = "$.children[" + string(i - 1) +
jsonpathset(bomJson, str, "0");

i = i + 1;

bomItemString = jsontostr(bomJson);
bomPartsArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson, "$..partNumber");
bomPartsString = jsonarraytostr(bomPartsArray);
bomPartsString = replace(replace(replace(bomPartsString, "\"", ""), "[",
""), "]", "");
bomPartsStringArray = split(bomPartsString, ",");
bomParts = bmql("SELECT part_number, custom_field5, custom_field4,
custom_field6, custom_field8 FROM _parts WHERE part_number

Chapter 1
Appendix E: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations and Multi-Site Set Up (19D and Later)

IN $bomPartsStringArray");

// Get path for each part, add recurringCharge to them all

for each in bomParts {
partField = "\"partNumber\":\"" + get(each, "part_number") + "\",";
recurringTemplate = "\"recurringCharge\":
{ \"amount\":,\"frequency\":,\"duration\":},";

if (get(each, "custom_field8") == "Recurring") {

recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "frequency\":",
"frequency\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field4") + "\"");
recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "amount\":",
"amount\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field5") + "\"");
recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "duration\":",
"duration\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field6") + "\"");
} else {
recurringTemplate = "";
bomItemString = replace(bomItemString, partField, partField +

// Unflatten
bomItemString = replace(bomItemString, "\"partNumber\":",
bomItemString = replace(bomItemString, "On Request", "0"); // This
may only fix English users
bomJson = convertbomtohier(json(bomItemString));
payloadTemplate = replace(payloadTemplate, "{{BomItems}}",

// Format main template with subcomponents and properties

payloadTemplate = replace(payloadTemplate, "{{commerceItemId}}", "");
payloadTemplate = replace(payloadTemplate, "{{ConfigId}}", configId);
payloadTemplate = replace(payloadTemplate, "{{model}}", model1);
payloadTemplate = replace(payloadTemplate, "{{totalPrice}}",
payloadTemplate = replace(payloadTemplate, "{{basePrice}}",
payloadTemplate = replace(payloadTemplate, "{{currency}}", currency);
payloadTemplate = replace(payloadTemplate, "{{ChildItems}}",
return payloadTemplate;

Appendix E: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized

Integrations and Multi-Site Set Up (19D and Later)
Users with customized integrations and multi-site set ups (19D and later) who have
previously customized their Add to Cart BML need to modify and update their BML.

Chapter 1
Appendix E: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations and Multi-Site Set Up (19D and Later)

The following provides the Add to Cart BML for Customized Integrations and Multi-Site Set
Up 19D and later:

// Initialize variables
MODEL_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/item/model";
CONFIG_ID_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/item/@configurationId";
CURRENCY_CODE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/attributes/
TOTAL_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/totalPrice";
SPARE_PART_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/part";
SPARE_QUANTITY_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/
SPARE_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/price";
SPARE_SELECTED_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/
BOM_ITEM_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/bomItem";
BOM_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/bomPrice";

CART_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = "$BASE_PATH$/CommerceCloud/AddToCartPayload-

payload = "";
sparesList = "";
priceTotal = 0.0;
baseModelPrice = 0.0;
sparePart = String[1];
spareQuantity = String[1];
sparePrice = String[1];
spareSelected = String[1];
singleSpareDict = dict("string");
configDict = dict("string");

// Create array of XML paths:

pathArray = string[];
sparePathArray = string[];

// For Model/Price Properties

append(pathArray, MODEL_PATH);
append(pathArray, CONFIG_ID_PATH);
append(pathArray, CURRENCY_CODE_PATH);
append(pathArray, TOTAL_PRICE_PATH);

// For BOM Item Property

append(pathArray, BOM_ITEM_PATH);
append(pathArray, BOM_PRICE_PATH);

// For Rec Item Properties (needs its own array)

append(sparePathArray, SPARE_PART_PATH);
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_QUANTITY_PATH);
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_PRICE_PATH);
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_SELECTED_PATH);

// Extract data from configXML

Chapter 1
Appendix E: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations and Multi-Site Set Up (19D and Later)

pathDict = readxmlsingle(configXML, pathArray);

spareDict = readxmlmultiple(configXML, sparePathArray);

model = get(pathDict, MODEL_PATH);

configId = get(pathDict, CONFIG_ID_PATH);
currency = get(pathDict, CURRENCY_CODE_PATH);
totalPrice = get(pathDict, TOTAL_PRICE_PATH);
bomPrice = get(pathDict, BOM_PRICE_PATH);
bomItem = get(pathDict, BOM_ITEM_PATH);

// Convert totalPrice (which is a misleading name) to numeric value,

set as baseModelPrice
totalPrice = replace(totalPrice, ",", "");
if (isnumber(substring(totalPrice, 1))) {
totalPriceNum = getcurrencyvalue(totalPrice, currency);
priceTotal = priceTotal + totalPriceNum;
baseModelPrice = priceTotal;

// Add BOM total price to priceTotal (which is the REAL total price),
with the same conversion as the base price
if (NOT(isnull(bomPrice))) {
bomPrice = replace(bomPrice, ",", "");
if (isnumber(substring(bomPrice, 1))) {
bomPriceNum = getcurrencyvalue(bomPrice, currency);
priceTotal = bomPriceNum + priceTotal;

// Get Recommended Items

for sparepath in sparePathArray {
if (find(sparepath, "part") <> -1) {
sparePart = get(spareDict, sparepath);
elif(find(sparepath, "quantity") <> -1) {
spareQuantity = get(spareDict, sparepath);
elif(find(sparepath, "price") <> -1) {
sparePrice = get(spareDict, sparepath);
elif(find(sparepath, "selected") <> -1) {
spareSelected = get(spareDict, sparepath);

// Format Rec Items payload

if (isnull(sparePart)) {
print "No Recommended Items";
} else {
spareListSize = sizeofarray(sparePart);
spareArray = integer[spareListSize];

i = 0;
for eachSpare in spareArray {
if (spareSelected[i] == "true") {

Chapter 1
Appendix E: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations and Multi-Site Set Up (19D and Later)

//Convert price, similar to Base and BOM prices above

priceString = substring(sparePrice[i], 1);
priceString = replace(priceString, ",", "");
if (isnumber(priceString)) {
sparePrice[i] = string(getcurrencyvalue(priceString,
priceTotal = priceTotal + atof(sparePrice[i]);
} else {
sparePrice[i] = "0";

// Add basic part fields to dictionary from array dictionary

put(singleSpareDict, "part", sparePart[i]);
put(singleSpareDict, "quantity", spareQuantity[i]);
put(singleSpareDict, "price", sparePrice[i]);

// Generate template and set values from dictionary

singleSparePayload = applytemplate(SPARE_TEMPLATE_LOCATION,

// Get Recurring Charge fields

part_num = sparePart[i];
partCustomFieldsDict = bmql("SELECT part_number, custom_field5,
custom_field4, custom_field6, custom_field8 FROM _parts WHERE part_number
= $part_num");

for each in partCustomFieldsDict {

if (get(each, "custom_field8") == "Recurring") {
singleSparePayload = replace(singleSparePayload,
"{{pricePeriod}}", get(each, "custom_field4"));
singleSparePayload = replace(singleSparePayload,
"{{recurringPrice}}", get(each, "custom_field5"));
singleSparePayload = replace(singleSparePayload,
"{{duration}}", get(each, "custom_field6"));
} else {
childPayloadJson = json(singleSparePayload);
jsonremove(childPayloadJson, "recurringCharge");
singleSparePayload = jsontostr(childPayloadJson);

// Add Item to List

if (sparesList == "") {
sparesList = singleSparePayload;
} else {
sparesList = sparesList + "," + singleSparePayload;
i = i + 1;

// Get the BOM Items

if (isnull(bomItem)) {
print "No BOM Items";

Chapter 1
Appendix E: Understand the Add to Cart BML – Customized Integrations and Multi-Site Set Up (19D and Later)

bomItem = "";
} else {
// Get part numbers for each BOM item, convert to string array for
bomJson = json(bomItem);

// Remove extraneous BOM fields (may have to revert if CC was

expecting to use them)
jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..variableName");
jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..definition");
jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..category");

// Replacing all 0 prices with actual number 0

bomPriceArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson,
replace_lookup = boolean[];
bomPricesString = jsonarraytostr(bomPriceArray);
bomPricesString = replace(replace(replace(bomPricesString, "\"",
""), "[", ""), "]", "");
bomPricesStringArray = split(bomPricesString, ",");

i = 0;
for each in bomPricesStringArray {
append(replace_lookup, isnumber(each));
i = i + 1;

i = 0;
for each in replace_lookup {
if (i == 0 and each == false) {
jsonpathset(bomJson, "$.fields._price_unit_price_each",
elif(each == false) {
str = "$.children[" + string(i - 1) +
jsonpathset(bomJson, str, "0");

i = i + 1;

bomItem = jsontostr(bomJson);
bomPartsArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson, "$..partNumber");
bomPartsString = jsonarraytostr(bomPartsArray);
bomPartsString = replace(replace(replace(bomPartsString, "\"",
""), "[", ""), "]", "");
bomPartsStringArray = split(bomPartsString, ",");
bomParts = bmql("SELECT part_number, custom_field5, custom_field4,
custom_field6, custom_field8 FROM _parts WHERE part_number
IN $bomPartsStringArray");

// Get path for each part, add recurringCharge to them all

for each in bomParts {
partField = "\"partNumber\":\"" + get(each, "part_number") +

Chapter 1
Appendix F: Understand the SyncQuote BML

recurringTemplate = "\"recurringCharge\":
{ \"amount\":,\"frequency\":,\"duration\":},";

if (get(each, "custom_field8") == "Recurring") {

recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "frequency\":",
"frequency\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field4") + "\"");
recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "amount\":",
"amount\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field5") + "\"");
recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "duration\":",
"duration\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field6") + "\"");
} else {
recurringTemplate = "";
bomItem = replace(bomItem, partField, partField + recurringTemplate);

// Handle 0 prices in configuration (this may only fix English users)

bomItem = replace(bomItem, "\"partNumber\":", "\"catalogRefId\":");
bomItem = replace(bomItem, "On Request", "0");

// Unflatten
bomJson = convertbomtohier(json(bomItem));
bomItem = jsontostr(bomJson);

// Format main template with subcomponents and properties

put(configDict, "commerceItemId", "");
put(configDict, "model", model);
put(configDict, "ConfigId", configId);
put(configDict, "currency", currency);
put(configDict, "totalPrice", string(priceTotal));
put(configDict, "basePrice", string(baseModelPrice));
put(configDict, "ChildItems", sparesList);
put(configDict, "BomItems", bomItem);
payload = applytemplate(CART_TEMPLATE_LOCATION, configDict);
payload = replace(payload, "&quot;", "\""); // encoding bug on applytemplate

return payload;

Appendix F: Understand the SyncQuote BML

You must modify the function BML to set the Sync Quote action to run Advanced Modify for
the integration.
The following provides the SyncQuote BML used in the integration:

str = "";

for each in transactionLine{

if (each._model_variable_name <> ""){
lineItem_array = split(cC_LineItem_Data_t, "|");
for lineItem in lineItem_array {
row = split(lineItem, "~");

Chapter 1
Appendix G: AddToCartPayload-Cloud

if(row[0] == each._document_number){
str = str + each._document_number +
"~cC_CommerceItemId_l~" + row[1]+"|";
str = str + each._document_number + "~cC_ProductId_l~"
+ row[2]+"|";

return str;

Appendix G: AddToCartPayload-Cloud
Example of the AddToCartPayload-Cloud.txt file.

The following is an example of the AddToCartPayload-Cloud.txt file.

// Initialize variables
MODEL_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/item/model";
CONFIG_ID_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/item/
CURRENCY_CODE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/attributes/
TOTAL_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/totalPrice";
SPARE_PART_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/
SPARE_QUANTITY_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/
SPARE_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/
SPARE_SELECTED_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/
BOM_ITEM_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/bomItem";
BOM_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/bomPrice";
DELTA_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/deltaPrice";

CART_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = "$BASE_PATH$/CommerceCloud/AddToCartPayload-

payload = "";
sparesList = "";
priceTotal = 0.0;
baseModelPrice = 0.0;
totalDeltaPrice = 0.0;
sparePart = String[1];
spareQuantity = String[1];
sparePrice = String[1];
spareSelected = String[1];
singleSpareDict = dict("string");
configDict = dict("string");

Chapter 1
Appendix G: AddToCartPayload-Cloud

// Create array of XML paths:

pathArray = string[];
sparePathArray = string[];

// For Model/Price Properties

append(pathArray, MODEL_PATH);
append(pathArray, CONFIG_ID_PATH);
append(pathArray, CURRENCY_CODE_PATH);
append(pathArray, TOTAL_PRICE_PATH);
append(pathArray, DELTA_PRICE_PATH);

// For BOM Item Property

append(pathArray, BOM_ITEM_PATH);
append(pathArray, BOM_PRICE_PATH);

// For Rec Item Properties (needs its own array)

append(sparePathArray, SPARE_PART_PATH);
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_QUANTITY_PATH);
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_PRICE_PATH);
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_SELECTED_PATH);

// Extract data from configXML

pathDict = readxmlsingle(configXML, pathArray);
spareDict = readxmlmultiple(configXML, sparePathArray);

model = get(pathDict, MODEL_PATH);

configId = get(pathDict, CONFIG_ID_PATH);
currency = get(pathDict, CURRENCY_CODE_PATH);
totalPrice = get(pathDict, TOTAL_PRICE_PATH);
bomPrice = get(pathDict, BOM_PRICE_PATH);
deltaPrice = get(pathDict, DELTA_PRICE_PATH);
bomItem = get(pathDict, BOM_ITEM_PATH);

// Convert totalPrice (which is a misleading name) to numeric value, set as

totalPrice = replace(totalPrice, ",", "");
if (isnumber(substring(totalPrice, 1))) {
totalPriceNum = getcurrencyvalue(totalPrice, currency);
priceTotal = priceTotal + totalPriceNum;
baseModelPrice = priceTotal;

// Convert deltaPrice to numeric value, set as totalDeltaPrice

if (NOT(isnull(deltaPrice))) {
deltaPrice = replace(deltaPrice, ",", "");
if (isnumber(substring(deltaPrice, 1))) {
totalDeltaPrice = getcurrencyvalue(deltaPrice, currency);

// Add BOM total price to priceTotal (which is the REAL total price), with
the same conversion as the base price
if (NOT(isnull(bomPrice))) {
bomPrice = replace(bomPrice, ",", "");
if (isnumber(substring(bomPrice, 1))) {

Chapter 1
Appendix G: AddToCartPayload-Cloud

bomPriceNum = getcurrencyvalue(bomPrice, currency);

priceTotal = bomPriceNum + priceTotal;

// Get Recommended Items

for sparepath in sparePathArray {
if (find(sparepath, "part") <> -1) {
sparePart = get(spareDict, sparepath);
elif(find(sparepath, "quantity") <> -1) {
spareQuantity = get(spareDict, sparepath);
elif(find(sparepath, "price") <> -1) {
sparePrice = get(spareDict, sparepath);
elif(find(sparepath, "selected") <> -1) {
spareSelected = get(spareDict, sparepath);

// Format Rec Items payload

if (isnull(sparePart)) {
print("No Recommended Items");
} else {
spareListSize = sizeofarray(sparePart);
spareArray = integer[spareListSize];

i = 0;
for eachSpare in spareArray {
if (spareSelected[i] == "true") {
//Convert price, similar to Base and BOM prices above
priceString = substring(sparePrice[i], 1);
priceString = replace(priceString, ",", "");
if (isnumber(priceString)) {
sparePrice[i] = string(getcurrencyvalue(priceString,
priceTotal = priceTotal + atof(sparePrice[i]);
} else {
sparePrice[i] = "0";

// Add basic part fields to dictionary from array

put(singleSpareDict, "part", sparePart[i]);
put(singleSpareDict, "quantity", spareQuantity[i]);
put(singleSpareDict, "price", sparePrice[i]);

// Generate template and set values from dictionary

singleSparePayload =
applytemplate(SPARE_TEMPLATE_LOCATION, singleSpareDict);

// Get Recurring Charge fields

part_num = sparePart[i];
partCustomFieldsDict = bmql("SELECT part_number,

Chapter 1
Appendix G: AddToCartPayload-Cloud

custom_field5, custom_field4, custom_field6, custom_field8 FROM _parts WHERE

part_number = $part_num");

for each in partCustomFieldsDict {

if (get(each, "custom_field8") == "Recurring") {
singleSparePayload = replace(singleSparePayload,
"{{pricePeriod}}", get(each, "custom_field4"));
singleSparePayload = replace(singleSparePayload,
"{{recurringPrice}}", get(each, "custom_field5"));
singleSparePayload = replace(singleSparePayload,
"{{duration}}", get(each, "custom_field6"));
} else {
childPayloadJson = json(singleSparePayload);
jsonremove(childPayloadJson, "recurringCharge");
singleSparePayload = jsontostr(childPayloadJson);

// Add Item to List

if (sparesList == "") {
sparesList = singleSparePayload;
} else {
sparesList = sparesList + "," + singleSparePayload;
i = i + 1;

// Get the BOM Items

if (isnull(bomItem)) {
print "No BOM Items";
bomItem = "";
} else {
// Get part numbers for each BOM item, convert to string array for bmql
bomJson = json(bomItem);

// Remove extraneous BOM fields (may have to revert if CC was expecting

to use them)
jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..variableName");
jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..definition");
jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..category");

// Replacing all 0 prices with actual number 0

bomPriceArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson,
replace_lookup = boolean[];
bomPricesString = jsonarraytostr(bomPriceArray);
bomPricesString = replace(replace(replace(bomPricesString, "\"", ""),
"[", ""), "]", "");
bomPricesStringArray = split(bomPricesString, ",");

i = 0;
for each in bomPricesStringArray {
append(replace_lookup, isnumber(each));

Chapter 1
Appendix G: AddToCartPayload-Cloud

i = i + 1;

i = 0;
for each in replace_lookup {
if (i == 0 and each == false) {
jsonpathset(bomJson, "$.fields._price_unit_price_each",
elif(each == false) {
str = "$.children[" + string(i - 1) +
jsonpathset(bomJson, str, "0");

i = i + 1;

// Replacing all 0 delta with actual number 0

bomDeltaArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson, "$.._delta_price");
replace_lookupDelta = boolean[];
bomDeltaString = jsonarraytostr(bomDeltaArray);
bomDeltaString = replace(replace(replace(bomDeltaString, "\"",
""), "[", ""), "]", "");
bomDeltaStringArray = split(bomDeltaString, ",");

i = 0;
for each in bomDeltaStringArray {
append(replace_lookupDelta, isnumber(each));
i = i + 1;

i = 0;
for each in replace_lookupDelta {
if (i == 0 and each == false) {
jsonpathset(bomJson, "$.fields._delta_price", "0");
elif(each == false) {
str = "$.children[" + string(i - 1) +
jsonpathset(bomJson, str, "0");

i = i + 1;

bomItem = jsontostr(bomJson);
bomPartsArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson, "$..partNumber");
bomPartsString = jsonarraytostr(bomPartsArray);
bomPartsString = replace(replace(replace(bomPartsString, "\"",
""), "[", ""), "]", "");
bomPartsStringArray = split(bomPartsString, ",");
bomParts = bmql("SELECT part_number, custom_field5, custom_field4,

Chapter 1
Appendix G: AddToCartPayload-Cloud

custom_field6, custom_field8 FROM _parts WHERE part_number

IN $bomPartsStringArray");

// Get path for each part, add recurringCharge to them all

for each in bomParts {
partField = "\"partNumber\":\"" + get(each, "part_number") + "\",";
recurringTemplate = "\"recurringCharge\":
{ \"amount\":,\"frequency\":,\"duration\":},";

if (get(each, "custom_field8") == "Recurring") {

recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "frequency\":",
"frequency\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field4") + "\"");
recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "amount\":",
"amount\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field5") + "\"");
recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "duration\":",
"duration\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field6") + "\"");
} else {
recurringTemplate = "";
bomItem = replace(bomItem, partField, partField + recurringTemplate);

// Handle 0 prices in configuration (this may only fix English users)

bomItem = replace(bomItem, "\"partNumber\":", "\"catalogRefId\":");
bomItem = replace(bomItem, "On Request", "0");

// Unflatten
bomJson = convertbomtohier(json(bomItem));
bomItem = jsontostr(bomJson);

// Format main template with subcomponents and properties

put(configDict, "commerceItemId", "");
put(configDict, "model", model);
put(configDict, "ConfigId", configId);
put(configDict, "currency", currency);
put(configDict, "totalPrice", string(priceTotal));
put(configDict, "basePrice", string(baseModelPrice));
put(configDict, "deltaPrice", string(totalDeltaPrice));
put(configDict, "ChildItems", sparesList);
put(configDict, "BomItems", bomItem);

payload = applytemplate(CART_TEMPLATE_LOCATION, configDict);

payload = replace(payload, "&quot;", "\""); // encoding bug on

return payload;

Use Oracle CPQ Cloud Features
Use Oracle CPQ features in conjunction with Oracle Commerce.
Oracle CPQ allows you to create quote-to-cash processes, and guides users towards product
options and configurations. Integrating these features with Commerce allows you to offer
shoppers a method to successfully interact with your business, improving their contact
experience and increasing shopper satisfaction.

Many important Oracle Configure, Price, Quote features are available via an integration
solution between Oracle Configure, Price, Quote andOracle Commerce.
This document is intended to provide the instructions on how to use Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote features with Oracle Commerce - via an integration supported by the two solutions.
Oracle Commerce is an eCommerce solution designed specifically to run in the Oracle Cloud.
The service provides you with a range of powerful tools to build a flexible, feature-rich
storefront for your shoppers.
Activities you can perform with Oracle Commerce include the following:
• Customize the design and layout of your storefront pages and preview your changes
• Display your store content in different languages
• Create or import catalog items
• Manage inventory
• Offer promotions
• Manage shopper accounts
• Allow shoppers to set up wish lists
• View reports about your store
• Test the visual elements of your store to determine which design shoppers prefer
• Develop custom features for your store through the Oracle Commerce web services API
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote is the only cloud solution to support the complete quote-to-
cash process - from shopper inquiry to order fulfillment. It guides users to optimal product
options and configurations from simple to complex, automatically applying discounts and
relevant up-sell and cross-sell opportunities.
Integrating these solutions brings together the capabilities of Oracle Commerce and Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote to provide a unified solution that enables businesses to offer
shoppers a method of interacting meaningfully with the business during the purchasing
process, and to provide agents with the means to be flexible with shoppers, improving their
contact experience and maximizing shopper satisfaction.

Chapter 2

By integrating Oracle Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, you increase the
number of supported available commerce shopper features.
The integration of Oracle Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote targets
support for the following shopper commerce activity:
• Product configuration: The shopper or agent can configure any product that has
been identified as configurable in the product catalog.
• Shopper quote request: The shopper can request a quote for an order.
• Agent quote request: An agent dealing with a shopper contact can request a
quote for a discount on behalf of the shopper.
• Asset Based Ordering - Asset based ordering (ABO) allows you to sell tangible
assets or subscription services delivered over a period of time; for example mobile
phone call and data plans, television and broadband packages, cloud storage
service, music streaming service, etc.
This document provides instructions on how to set up an integration between Oracle
Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote so that relevant Commerce information
is automatically passed to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, ensuring that the decision
process has all the required information and increasing the speed at which a reply is
delivered to the shopper or agent.
This document describes the setup tasks that must be performed in Oracle Commerce
and Oracle Integration Cloud in order to use this integration flow. There are additional
setup tasks that must be performed in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote so that the
integration works as expected. Full information about these tasks that must be
performed in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote can be found in the Integrating Oracle CX
Commerce with Oracle Configure, Price, Quote article on My Oracle Support.
Chapter 2 – Configuring the Integration: provides technical instructions on the
following topics:
• How to download the Oracle Integration Cloud Integration Flows.
• How to configure the Oracle Integration Cloud Integration Flows.
• How to setup the connection to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
• How to setup the connection to Oracle Commerce.
• How to configure the webhooks to trigger the integration flows.
• How to configure the SSEs (Side-Server Extension) necessary for the integration
Chapter 3 – Using the Integration Functionality: provides instructions on how to use
the functionality supported by this integration.

You must follow product-provided documentation to set up and configure the
integration between Oracle Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote systems.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

This document is written for Oracle Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
administrators who need to set up and configure the integration between these two systems.
Readers of this document should have experience with Oracle Commerce, Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote and Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) administration. This document does not
provide instructions on configuring aspects other than the integration for Oracle Commerce
and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.

In order to configure and use the Oracle Commerce/Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
integration, there are specific software, account, and data prerequisites that must be met.
For the purposes of this document, it is assumed that you already have:
• An Oracle Commerce account and access to the Oracle Commerce 19.1 or later with
necessary SSEs enabled (see sections that follow).
• An Oracle Configure, Price, Quote account and access to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
19.1 or later.
• An Oracle Integration Cloud account and access to Oracle Integration Cloud Service
18.4.5 or later.
• A synchronized product catalog to ensure that products in the Commerce catalog map to
corresponding items in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote catalog.
• Pricing Base pricing data which is synchronized from the primary PIM (Product
Information Management)/ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning system to both Oracle
Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
• Profiles Shopper/Account data which is synchronized from the primary CRM (Customer
Relationship Management) system to both Oracle Commerce and Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote.
• An extension server to support any required Serve-Side Extensions for the integration.
If you do not have one or more of these, please contact an Oracle sales representative for
information on how to acquire one:

Additional Resources
Addition information about Oracle Commerce can be found through the Oracle Help Center
page for Oracle Commerce.
If you require further information regarding Oracle Commerce, you can access the latest
product documentation and training videos through the Oracle Help Center page for Oracle
If you require further information regarding Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, you can access
the latest product documentation through the for Oracle Help Center page Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote.
The documentation mentioned contains links to blogs, developer communities, and Support.
(Please note that some of these resources require an account for access.)

Configure the Integration

Several stages are required to configure this integration.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

Five stages are required to configure the integration between Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote and Commerce. Each stage is covered in this chapter.

Configure the Integration Package

In order to use this integration, you must first download the integration package(s) and
then import the package(s) into Oracle Integration Cloud.
This section provides detail about where the integration package(s) can be
downloaded and how to import the integration package.
Importing the integration package in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) creates
connections between Oracle Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote in OIC. It
also creates an integration between Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
with some default mappings in place.

Download the integration package

Follow these steps to download the integration package:
1. Go to the Integrating Oracle Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote with
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote article on My Oracle Support.
2. If you want to implement the integration between Commerce and the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Configurator, download OCCS-
CPQ_CONFIGURATION_INTEGRATION_X.X.par to a location where it is
accessible from OIC.
Note: _X.X.par refers to the most recent version of all downloadable files
3. If you want to implement the integration between Commerce and Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Quoting, download OCCS-
CPQ_QUOTE_INTEGRATION_X.X.par to a location that is accessible from OIC.
4. If you want to enable Asset Based Ordering (ABO) through the integration
between Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, download the following
packages to a location that is accessible from OIC:
• OCC_CPQ_Get_Asset_Upgrade_Options_X.X.par

Import the integration package(s)

Import the OIC Integration Package into OIC to create an integration between
Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote through OIC.
To import the OIC Integration Package:
1. Log on to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click the Packages icon.
3. Click the Import button.
4. Click Browse to open a navigation pane.
5. Select the integration package archive (.PAR) file you want to import.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

6. Click Import. The package is added to the Packages list.

Configurations integration flow. The GetConfigurations integration flow is used for the
following Asset Based Ordering operations:
• Modify
• Upgrade
• Renew
• Resume
This integration is required for the configuration flow. The name of the target connection for
this integration is “Oracle CPQ”. The target connection identifier is “Oracle_CPQ”, and the
target connection description is “Oracle CPQ ICS Adapter Connection.”
The OCCS-CPQ_QUOTE_INTEGRATION package includes the following three integration
flows: OCCS-CPQ Create Quote, OCCS-CPQ Update Quote, and OCCS-CPQ Sync Quote.
• The OCCS-CPQ Create Quote integration sends quote request information to Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote.
• The OCCS-CPQ Update Quote integration sends information to Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote related to accepting, rejecting, or re-requesting a quote.
• The OCCS-CPQ Sync Quote integration allows Oracle Configure, Price, Quote to send
information to Commerce at the end of the quoting process and synchronize this
information in Commerce. This ensures that the order information in Commerce matches
the related order information in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
The OCCS_CPQ_ASSET_INTEGRATION package includes two integration flows: OCCS-CPQ
Get Assets and OCCS-CPQ Asset Actions. This integration is required for Asset Based
ordering. The name of the target connection for this integration is “Oracle CPQ”. The target
connection identifier is “Oracle_CPQ”, and the target connection description is “Oracle CPQ
ICS Adapter Connection.”
Note: The OCCS-CPQ Get Assets integration returns information about assets and services
associated with the shopper’s account(s).
The OCCS_CPQ_GETCONFIGBOM package contains the following OIC integration flow which is
also used in Asset Based ordering:
• GetConfigBom - This flow is invoked for the following Asset Based Ordering operation
– Suspend
– Terminate
GetConfigBom calls are required to be made for each configuratorID of these filtered items
to retrieve a saved Configuration BOM Instance of the item on Oracle Configure, Price,
The name of the target connection for this integration is “Oracle CPQ”. The target connection
identifier is “Oracle_CPQ”, and the target connection description is “Oracle CPQ ICS Adapter

Configure the Oracle Commerce Connection

For the integration to run successful, you need to configure the connection from the
integrations imported to OIC to Commerce.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

You must complete the following steps to configure the connection from the OIC
integrations to Commerce.
1. Log on to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click the Connections icon.
3. Click the Oracle Commerce connection.
4. Click the Configure Connectivity button.
5. Enter the Connection base URL. The Connection base URL is derived using the
following structure where <siteURL> is the base URL and port number of the
Oracle Commerce site that integrates with OIC. For example:

Connection base URL: https://<siteURL>/ccadmin/v1

6. Click the Configure Security button.

7. The Oracle Commerce connection uses the OAuth security policy, so you must
enter a Security token for the connection. This token is generated in Oracle
Commerce. Instructions on generating the token can be found in the next
Generate a Security Token section of this document.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Test to test that the connection is working.
10. Click Save.

Your Oracle Commerce connection is now configured for the integration.

Generate a Security Token

This integration uses the Oracle Commerce REST web services APIs to access
Oracle Commerce data. You must register the integration within Oracle Commerce
and generate a security token in order for the integration to be granted access to the
Follow these instructions in order to generate a security token:
1. Log onto Oracle Commerce.
2. Click the Menu icon.
3. Select Settings from the menu.
4. Click Web APIs from the sidebar menu.
5. Click Registered Applications from the Web APIs panel.
6. Click the Register Application button.
7. Enter a name for the integration. The application you are registering is OIC, so you
should choose a meaningful name that reflects this.
8. Click Save. The Application ID and Application Key are automatically generated
and the application is added to the Registered Applications page.
9. Click on the name of the application you created.
10. Click on Click to reveal to display the application key. You can copy the
application key to use as the security token for the Oracle Commerce connection.
For more information on managing an application within Oracle Commerce, please
refer to Register applications.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

Activate the Integrations

Once your integrations are configured, you must activate them using the OIC admin user
Once the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, Commerce, Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Quote,
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configure, and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
getConfigurations connections are configured, you must activate these integrations.
Follow these instructions to activate the OIC integrations:
1. Log on to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click on the Integrations icon to display the Integrations list.
3. Click on the Activate button for the integration you wish to activate.
4. Decide whether you want to switch on detailed tracing, which collects information about
messages processed by the integration flow. Administrators may find detailed tracing
helpful when troubleshooting issues with the integration flow, but it may impact
To switch on detailed tracing, select the Enable detailed tracing check box.
Note: Once an integration flow is active, administrators must deactivate it and activate it
again to switch detailed tracing on or off.
5. Click Activate.

Configure the Commerce Webhooks

You must configure webhooks in Commerce Administration in order to support the REST API
generated by the activation of the OIC integration.
The REST API generated by activating the OIC integration can be configured as a Webhook
in Commerce Administration. These webhooks include the following:
• Request Quote: This webhook is triggered when a request or re-request for a quote is
submitted by a Commerce self-service user. This webhook pushes notifications using the
OCCS-CPQ Create Quote integration flow.
• Update Quote: This webhook is triggered when a response to a requested quote is
accepted, rejected, or the quote is canceled by a Commerce self-service user. This
webhook pushes notifications using the OCCS-CPQ Update Quote integration flow.
• External Price Validation: This webhook is triggered at checkout when the order
contains one or more items configured by Oracle Configure, Price, Quote. This webhook
should point to the SSE app URL configured later. The webhook validates the
configuration and price provided for the configured items. It also includes the commerce
item ID data in the request payload and updates the external price information of the
commerce items. Finally, it invokes a re-pricing operation at order checkout.
• Contact Accounts Retrieval: This webhook has been deprecated. The corresponding
SSE endpoints are invoked from the widget. It returns a list of service account IDs for the
shopper. Formerly, this webhook called the Contact Accounts Retrieval webhook, so that
webhook also had to be configured for the Services Retrieval webhook to function
• Services Retrieval: This webhook has been deprecated. The corresponding SSE
endpoints are invoked from the corresponding widget. Formerly, this webhook returned

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

information about a service or asset associated with the shopper and used the
OCCS-CPQ Get Assets integration flow. This webhook called the Contact
Accounts Retrieval webhook, so that webhook also had to be configured for the
Services Retrieval webhook to function correctly.
You must configure the Production and Preview version of these webhooks to ensure
that they work in all environments. The Production webhooks send information from
your live store to production environments of your live systems, while preview
webhooks send information from your preview environment to the test or sandbox
environments of your external systems.
Follow these instructions to configure the Request Quote, Update Quote, External
Price Validation, Services Retrieval, and Services webhooks:
1. Log on to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click on the Integrations icon.
3. Click on the Integration Details icon to display information about the integration
• If you are configuring the Request Quote webhook, you should display
information for the OCCS-CPQ Create Quote integration flow.
• If you are configuring the Update Quote webhook, you should display
information for the OCCS-CPQ Update Quote integration flow.
• If you are configuring the External Price Validation webhook, you should
display information for the OCCS-CPQ External Pricing integration flow. For
this webhook, you to configure the SSE app endpoint.
• If you are configuring the Services Retrieval webhook, you should display
information for the OCCS-CPQ Get Assets integration flow. This OIC flows
requires the Services SSE to be set up and invoked from there.
• If you are configuring the Services webhook, you should display information
for the OCCS-CPQ Asset Actions integration flow. This OIC flows requires the
Services SSE to be set up and invoked from there.
4. Copy the Endpoint URL for the integration.
5. Log into Commerce.
6. Click the Menu icon.
7. Select Settings from the menu.
8. Select Web APIs from the sidebar menu.
9. Click the webhook you wish to configure.
10. Paste the Endpoint URL you copied into the URL field for the webhook.

11. Remove the “metadata” text from the end of the URL.

12. Enter the user name and Password for your OIC account.

13. Click the Save button.

The webhook is now configured and is triggered each time the relevant event occurs,
which in turn triggers the relevant integration flow.
Note: It is not possible to edit webhooks differently for different sites. Updating
webhooks applies changes regardless of the site selected.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

For more information on Oracle Commerce webhooks, please refer to Configure webhooks.

Understand the Services SSE

Modify, renew, terminate, suspend, and resume actions performed on a service or asset are
done using the Services server side extensions, one set for Storefront and one for Agent. Get
Assets and Get Asset details are also performed using the endpoints in the Services SSE.
See the topic Use developer tools to customize your store for information.

Configure the Server Side Extensions

To perform specific functions relating to asset-based orders, you need to install and configure
the related Commerce server-side extensions (SSEs).
Available Commerce server-side extensions (SSEs) can be installed and configured to
perform specific functions relating to asset-based orders.
For more complete information on server-side extensions and how to develop them for use
with Commerce, refer to Develop server-side extensions in Extending Oracle Commerce
found in the Commerce Help Library.
The next sections in this topic explain the purpose and configuration of each available SSE
as well as provide information on the inputs required for their respective endpoints. Finally the
last section of this topic, Understand the general procedure for installing and configuring
the integration SSEs , provides general instruction on downloading, installing, and
configuring the available SSEs.
Note: Address information is something used extensively in Commerce transactions. For all
procedures and SSEs that require address information for endpoint inputs, in addition to
using Commerce's default address formats, you can also use the REST API to create multi-
country custom address formats. This lets you create country-specific address formats to
ensure that your address formats align with the requirements of any external service that you
might use. This means that addresses appearing in profiles, accounts, registration requests,
order addresses and more can be customized. For more complete information on creating
custom addresses and understanding how to use custom address formatting, refer to the
• Customize Address Formats using the API in Extending Oracle Commerce
• Work with address types in Extending Oracle Commerce
• Account Details in Using Oracle Commerce
• Work with account addresses in Using Oracle Commerce
• Work with account registration requests in Using Oracle Commerce

Configure the Credit Check SSE

Since Commerce does not provide a pre-built integration with any particular credit checking
system, the Credit Check SSE is used to connect to a third-party credit check system so that
you can perform a credit check on the logged-in shopper.
Note: This SSE is optional and can be used if you want a credit check to be done as part of
an order submit task.
You can configure the available SSEs, and,
by first downloading the SSE packages.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

Note: As written, this SSE generates outbound calls to an external credit checking
system. This means that the Credit Check SSE calls out to an external system to
perform the credit check. In order to use this SSE to connect to the external checking
of your choice, you must modify the SSE code to provide the specific calls needed to
connect to the correct credit checking system.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to the Understand the general
procedure for installing and configuring the integration SSEs section at the end of
this topic.
The subsection(s) that follows describe the relevant endpoint(s) for this SSE.
Understand the Check Credit endpoint
The Check Credit endpoint is triggered whenever a credit check is requested by
The inputs for this endpoint are:
• Amount information
• Recurring amount frequency
• Recurring amount duration
• Recurring amount
• Contact information
• First Name
• Last Name
• Email Address
• Telephone Number
• Address information
• Address line 1
• Address line 2
• City
• State
• Country
• Postal code
The return for this endpoint is either a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether
the shopper passed the credit check or not.

Configure the Customer Account Model SSE

This SSE is used to return information about the customer account model for a
registered shopper or to update the customer account model when required. In detail,
this SSE is meant to get account details from CDM masters like OEC Communications
and is required in Telco kind of installations
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by first downloading the SSE package.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to the Understand the general
procedure for installing and configuring the integration SSEs section at the end of this
The subsection(s) that follows describe the relevant endpoint(s) for this SSE.
Understand the Create Accounts endpoint
This endpoint is triggered if the Query Accounts endpoint does not return any accounts for
the shopper.
The inputs for this endpoint are:
• User Token for the logged-in shopper.
• Account Type
• Account Name
• Primary Contact
• Billing Profile(s)
• Address(es)
• Contact ID(s)
• Contact Role(s)
The returns for this endpoint are the accounts, roles, addresses, and business profiles now
associated with the shopper.
Understand the Create Contact endpoint
This endpoint is triggered when a shopper logs in to Commerce.
The input for this endpoint is the User Token for the logged-in shopper.
The return for this endpoint is the new External Contact ID created for the shopper.
Understand the Query Accounts endpoint
This endpoint is triggered when a shopper logs in to Commerce and when they go to
Checkout for an order that contains service items.
The input for this endpoint is the User Token for the logged-in shopper.
The returns for this endpoint are the accounts, roles, addresses, and business profiles
associated with the shopper.
Understand the Query Contacts endpoint
This endpoint is triggered when a shopper logs in to Commerce.
The input for this endpoint is the User Token for the logged-in shopper.
The return for this endpoint is the External Contact ID for the shopper.
Understand the Update Accounts endpoint
This endpoint is triggered when a shopper saves an account address.
The inputs for this endpoint are:
• User Token for the logged-in shopper.
• The Account ID of the account to which the billing profile is linked.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

• The new address as provided by the shopper.

The returns for this endpoint are the accounts, roles, addresses, and business profiles
associated with the shopper.

Configure the Order Qualification SSE

This SSE is used to perform any final checks on an order before payment is
authorized and the order is submitted to downstream systems for processing and
It also validates that for any item in the order which is based on a SKU where the
configurable property is TRUE and the assetable property is TRUE the quantity must
be 1 and, if not, return an error indicating that this item can only be purchased one at a
time. This check is done by looking to see if the root item has an assetKey value. For
more information, see the Use Asset Based Ordering section of this guide.
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by first downloading the SSE package.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to the Understand the general
procedure for installing and configuring integration SSEs section at the end of this
The subsection(s) that follows describe the relevant endpoint(s) for this SSE.
Understand the Order Qualification endpoint
This endpoint is triggered by the Order Qualification webhook when any order
containing a configured item is submitted.
The input for this endpoint is the order containing the configured item.
The return for this endpoint is either a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether
the order passed the validation check or not. If the value is FALSE the return also
includes information about which item(s) in the order failed validation.

Configure the Order Qualification Pipeline SSE

This SSE is used to ensure that an order is valid. It enables an order qualification step
in the purchasing process that can be invoked via the Order Qualification webhook.
The extension can be configured to execute custom order qualification processes such
as checking whether the shopper is eligible to purchase the items in the cart. It
contains a pre-built algorithm to validate that the Customer, Billing, and Service
accounts as well as the Billing Profile assigned to the items in the cart are valid for the
logged in shopper. It also contains a module to check if the cancel in-flight is allowed
for a given order.
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by first downloading the SSE package.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to the Understand the general
procedure for installing and configuring the integration SSEs section at the end of
this topic.
The subsection(s) that follows describe the relevant endpoint(s) for this SSE.
Understand the Order Qualification Pipeline endpoint

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

This endpoint is triggered when a shopper goes to checkout for an order that contains
configured items.
The inputs for this endpoint are:
• Contact record for the shopper
• Order containing configured items.
The return for this endpoint is either a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether the order
passed the validation check or not. If the value is FALSE the return also includes information
about which item(s) in the order failed validation.

Configure the Order Validation Pipeline SSE

This SSE enables an order qualification step in the purchasing process that can be invoked
via the Order Validation webhook. The extension can be configured to execute any final
checks particular to the purchasing model before the order payment is authorized and the
order is submitted to the downstream systems for fulfillment and provisioning.
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by first downloading the SSE package.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to the Understand the general
procedure for installing and configuring the integration SSEs section at the end of this

Configure the Services SSE

The Services SSE is used to perform modify, renew, terminate, suspend, and resume actions
on a service or asset - one SSE for Storefront and one for Agent. The SSE also contains a
module to check if the cancel in-flight feature is allowed for a given order and is also used to
retrieve the assets and asset details
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by first
downloading the SSE package.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to the Understand the general
procedure for installing and configuring the integration SSEs section at the end of this
The subsection(s) that follows describe the relevant endpoint(s) for this SSE.
Understand the Services SSE endpoints
The Server Side Extension Endpoints for the Services SSE are the following:
• Modify
• Renew
• Terminate
• Suspend
• Resume
These endpoints are triggered when a user performs an operation on an asset.
The inputs for these endpoints are:
• Logged in User Token

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

• AssetKey, the unique ID for the asset for this operation. This may be a root, branch
or leaf asset.
The returns for this endpoint are BOM (Bill of Materials) and Error.

Configure the Configuration Validation SSE

The Configuration Validation SSE plays an important role in Asset Based Ordering and
validating asset configuration. This specific SSE performs a configuration validation
between items in a shopper's cart and the items captured in response to configuration
validation end points. For more complete information on Asset Based Ordering, refer
to the Using the Integration Functionality section of this document.
To use this SSE, you should first have the External Pricing webhook set to /
ccstorex/custom/v1/validateCPQConfigurations. This is done on the Settings page
of the Administration user interface.
You should also have the following endpoints configured:

The GET_CONFIGBOM_URI URL gets triggered for the Suspend and Terminate Services.
The GET_CONFIG_URI URL gets triggered for the Renew, Modify, and Resume Services.
The SSE does validation between items in cart and items captured in the response of
these two end points
You can configure the available SSEs, and, by
first downloading the SSE package.
To complete installing and configuring the SSE, refer to the Understand the general
procedure for installing and configuring the integration SSEs section at the end of
this topic.

Understand the general procedure for installing and configuring the integration
To use this integration, you need to install and configure the integration server-side
extensions (SSEs). The SSE code logic allows communication between Commerce
and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote - via Oracle Integration Cloud as part of the data
flow. The Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote integration functionality/
communication is provided through the configuration of these server-side extensions.
In addition to providing REST APIs and webhooks for integrating with external systems
(as well as widgets for extending your storefront), Commerce also includes support for
developing server-side extensions written in JavaScript. For more information, refer to
Working with Commerce Server-Side Extensions
The general installation and configuration procedure for the integration SSEs uses the
following steps:
• Before you configure and install the integration server-side extensions, first make
sure your custom Node.js server is associated with your Commerce environment.
• Download the integration server-side extension (SSE) files locally, so that you can
install and configure them. Select and remember the desired location where you
want the SSE .ZIP file(s) to be downloaded. See Integrating Oracle CX Commerce
and Oracle CPQ (Doc ID 2214316.1) on the My Oracle Support site for more

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

information on the required integration SSE .ZIP files and for the links that let you
download these files.
• After downloading the required files, you need to install them. Use the POST /
ccadmin/v1/serverExtensions endpoint to do this. Specify the Content-Type as
multipart/form-data and include a reference to the file in the body of the request. For
example, your request header might look like the following:

POST /ccadmin/v1/serverExtensions HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

• The request body should consist of the <YOUR_SSE_NAME>.zip file, uploaded as

multipart/form data. The response to the request should look similar to this:

"result": {
"unzipped": false,
"failedImages": 0,
"allImagesFailed": false,
"failedImagesReasons": {},
"modifiedImages": 0,
"newImages": 1,
"assignedImages": 0
"success": true,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "
"token": "d63c663af7f15_cd3d"

• Make changes to each server-side extension’s config.json file by providing the correct
URLs to complete the SSE configuration portion of that integration. The typical steps
used for working with the SSE code and making changes to the config.json file include
the following:
– Obtain and download the correct SSE .ZIP file.
– Extract the SSE .ZIP file.
– Edit and save the config.json file.
– Zip the files using the original .ZIP file name as the original.
The following example shows some configuration information (in bold) that must be
added to the config.json file for both the store and agent models of the SSE:

"hostname": "",
"port": "7003",
"timeout": 50000,
"username_env_var": "YOUR_USERNAME",
"password_env_var": "YOUR_PASSWORD",

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

"QUERY_CONTACTS": "/ic/api/integration/v1/flows/rest/
"CREATE_CONTACT": "/ic/api/integration/v1/flows/rest/
"QUERY_ACCOUNTS": "/ic/api/integration/v1/flows/rest/
"CREATE_ACCOUNTS": "/ic/api/integration/v1/flows/rest/
"UPDATE_ACCOUNT": "/ic/api/integration/v1/flows/rest/

All of the example endpoint URLs (paths) specified in the example, starting from
the "QUERY_CONTACTS" to the “UPDATE_ACCOUNT" keys, are coming from Oracle
Integration Cloud and are necessary for a successful integration activation
between Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote. The paths that you would
use when editing your config.json files would be the ones specific to your SSE
endpoints. The ones shown here are for example purposes only. Refer to each
specific SSE section in this topic to obtain the correct SSE and endpoint
• Upload the modified SSE .ZIP file. To upload the file, click Settings then
Extensions. On the Extensions page, click Installed and then Upload Extension.
Select the location and name of the ZIP file.

Understand the environment variables supported by the integration SSEs

When communicating with Commerce via its REST APIs, you need to authenticate
your requests using confidential information. The need to authenticate is not just
limited to Commerce as many 3rd party services require the same. It is recommended
that you do not store confidential information in extension files but that you use
environment variables to maintain value confidentiality. In the previous example
config.json file, environment variables are used to make username and password
information confidential. Commerce SSEs include the nconf package which provides a
hierarchical node.js configuration with files, environment variables, command-line
arguments, and atomic object merging. Use the hierarchy provided by nconf to
manage your configuration values and maintain different values for different
environments used in your integration. You can also use environment variables to pass
through API information you want protected. Refer to "REST API authentication" in the
Commerce REST API documentation for more info on how to authenticate Commerce
API calls.
The specific environment variables supported by the integration SSEs are the

Table 2-1 Integration SSE environment variables

SSE name Supported variable name Description

CustomerAccountModel- CRM_USERNAME Specifies the basic
Store authentication username for
the accounts integration. In
this case, for Oracle
Integration Cloud (OIC) which
integrates OEC Comms.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Integration SSE environment variables

SSE name Supported variable name Description

CustomerAccountModel-Store CRM_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
accounts integration. In this
case, for OIC which integrates
OEC Comms.
CustomerAccountModel- CRM_USERNAME Specifies the basic
Agent authentication username. In
this case, for Oracle
Integration Cloud (OIC) which
integrates OEC Comms.
CustomerAccountModel-Agent CRM_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
accounts integration. In this
case, for OIC which integrates
OEC Comms.
Services-Store OIC_USERNAME Specifies the basic
authentication username for
the accounts integration and
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
integration that proxies via
Services-Store OIC_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
the accounts integration and
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
integration that proxies via
Services-Store CPQ_USERNAME Specifies the basic
authentication username for
requests that go directly to
Oracle Configure, Price,
Services-Store CPQ_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
requests that go directly to
Oracle Configure, Price,
Services - Agent OIC_USERNAME Specifies the basic
authentication username for
the accounts integration and
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
integration that proxies via
Services-Agent OIC_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
the accounts integration and
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
integration that proxies via

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Integration SSE environment variables

SSE name Supported variable name Description

Services-Agent CPQ_USERNAME Specifies the basic
authentication username for
requests that go directly to
Oracle Configure, Price,
Services-Agent CPQ_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
requests that go directly to
Oracle Configure, Price,
Order Qualification Pipeline ORDER_QUALIFICATION_PI Specifies the basic
PELINE_USERNAME authentication username for
securing the /v1/
orderQualification route.
Order Qualification Pipeline ORDER_QUALIFICATION_PI Specifies the basic
PELINE_PASSWORD authentication password for
securing the /v1/
orderQualification route.
Order Qualification Pipeline VALIDATION_USERNAME Specifies the basic
authentication username for
accessing the /v1/crm/
accounts route in the
Customer Account Model to
retrieve accounts data.
Order Qualification Pipeline VALIDATION_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
accessing the /v1/crm/
accounts route in the
Customer Account Model to
retrieve accounts data.
Order Qualification Pipeline OIC_USER_NAME Specifies the basic
authentication username for
accessing the services
integration that integrates with
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
to retrieve asset/services data.
Order Qualification Pipeline OIC_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
accessing the services
integration that integrates with
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
to retrieve asset/services data.
Order Validation Pipeline ORDER_VALIDATION_PIPELI Specifies the basic
NE_USERNAME authentication username for
securing the /v1/
orderValidation route.
Order Validation Pipeline ORDER_VALIDATION_PIPELI Specifies the basic
NE_PASSWORD authentication password for
the /v1/orderValidation

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Integration SSE environment variables

SSE name Supported variable name Description

cpq-configurator-app-store CPQ_USERNAME Specifies the basic
authentication username for
requests that go directly to
Oracle Configure, Price,
cpq-configurator-app-store CPQ_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
requests that go directly to
Oracle Configure, Price,
cpq-configurator-app-agent CPQ_USERNAME Specifies the basic
authentication username for
requests that go directly to
Oracle Configure, Price,
cpq-configurator-app-agent CPQ_PASSWORD Specifies the basic
authentication password for
requests that go directly to
Oracle Configure, Price,

Note: Commerce provides the admin endpoint that can be used to set an environment
variable on the Commerce server. For additional information on each SSE's supported
environment variables, a README.TXT file is provided along with the config.json file that has
additional usage information.

Enable the Integrations

You need to enable the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator integration, the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Request For Quote integration, and the Asset Based Ordering (ABO)
integration in Commerce for the complete integration to work successfully.
You must complete the procedures in this section to enable the Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote Configurator integration, the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Request For Quote
integration, and the Asset Based Ordering (ABO) integration in Commerce.
For additional information, refer to Appendix A: Configurator Flow and Appendix B: Request
for Quote Flow.

Enable Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration Integration

Follow these steps to enable the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration Integration
within Oracle Commerce:
1. Log on to Commerce.
2. Click on the Menu icon.
3. Select Settings from the menu.
4. Select Oracle Integrations from the sidebar menu.
5. Select CPQ Configuration from the dropdown menu.

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

6. Check the Enable Integration checkbox.

7. Enter the Configuration URL using the following structure:


8. Enter the Reconfiguration URL using the following structure. You must enter these
values for your production and preview environments.


9. Enter the Modification URL using the following structure. You must enter these
values for your production and preview environments.


10. Click the Save button.

If you are using multiple sites you must follow these instructions for each site that you
operate that uses the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration integration.

Identify Configurable Products in the Product Catalog

Before a Commerce self-service user can use the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
configurator to configure complex products for purchase in Commerce, you must
identify the products as configurable in the product catalog. Before doing so, it is
important to have a synchronized product catalog to ensure that products in the
Commerce catalog map to corresponding items in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
To identify a product as configurable:
1. Log in to Commerce.
2. Click on the Menu icon.
3. Select Catalog from the menu.
4. Select the product you wish to identify as configurable.
5. Click on the SKUs tab of the product detail pop-up frame.
6. Select the SKU you wish to identify as configurable.
7. Check the Configurable checkbox. This displays three further fields you must
8. Enter the Model information. This should match the Model information of a
configurable product in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote catalog.
9. Enter the Product Line information. This should match the Product Line
information of a configurable product in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
10. Enter the Product Family information. This should match the Product Family
information of a configurable product in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote

Chapter 2
Configure the Integration

11. Click Save. This returns you to the SKU frame where the SKU you updated should be
marked with an asterisk to identify it as a configurable SKU.
Note: Administrators can also perform the above setup steps in bulk by using the SKU import
program. From the Catalog page in Commerce, click Manage Catalog and select Import. In
the Import dialog, click Browse and locate the CSV file to import. Click Upload File, click
Validate, and then click Import.

Add Customize button to the Product Details Widget

Administrators must add a Customize button to the Product Details widget, so the button is
visible to Commerce self-service users from the Product Details page for a customizable
To add a Customize button to the Product Details widget:
1. Log in to Commerce.
2. Click on the Menu icon.
3. Select Design from the menu.
4. Select Product Layout from the layout list.
5. Delete the Product Details widget from the layout.
6. Place a new product details widget on the layout.
7. Click the Settings icon for the new Product Details widget.
8. From the Element Library, place a Customize button on the new Product Details widget.
9. Publish the changes.

Enable Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Quoting Integration

Follow these steps to enable the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Quoting Integration within
Oracle Commerce:
1. Log on to Commerce.
2. Click the Menu icon.
3. Select Settings from the menu.
4. Select Oracle Integrations from the sidebar menu.
5. Select CPQ Quoting from the dropdown box.
6. Check the Enable Integration checkbox.

Add Quote Buttons to the Checkout and Order Details Pages

To make the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote quoting capability available to Commerce self-
service users, you must add the Request Quote widget to the Checkout layout and the Quote
Details widget to the Order Details layout.
The Request Quote widget adds a Quote Notes text box and a Request Quote button to the
Checkout layout.
The Quote Details widget adds a Quote Notes text box populated with any notes associated
with the order to the Order Detail layout. The widget also adds a Reject Quote, Request Re-
Quote, and Accept Quote buttons to the to the Order Detail layout.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

The Quote Details and Request Quote widgets do not display on the layouts by
default. You must first make the widgets available and then place them on the
Checkout and Order Detail pages.
To add quote buttons to the Checkout and Order Details pages:
1. Log in to Commerce.
2. Click the Menu icon.
3. Select Design from the menu.
4. Select the Components tab on the Design page.
5. Click the Show Hidden button.
6. Click the Show icon for the Quote Details Widget and the Request Quote Widget.
7. Within the Design page, select the Layouts tab.
8. From the layout list, select Checkout Layout.
9. Drag and drop the Request Quote widget from the Components menu to the
desired location on the Checkout layout.
10. From the layout list, select Order Details.

11. Drag and drop the Quote Details widget from the Components menu to the
desired location on the Order Details layout.
12. Publish the changes.

Enable Asset Based Ordering

To enable Asset Based Ordering, you must make sure that you have set up the right
integration webhooks and/or SSEs mentioned in the Extending Oracle Commerce.

Use the Integration Functionality

Oracle Configure, Price, Quote provides greater pricing and price quoting features for
Oracle Commerce when the two are used together in an integration.
This chapter provides the instructions on how to use this functionality in Oracle
Commerce that is supported by the integration with Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.

Configure an item
Items marked as configurable in your catalog can be configured either by an agent via
the Commerce Agent Console or by a shopper via the Commerce Storefront.
Items that have been marked as configurable in your catalog may be configured either
by an agent via the Commerce Agent Console, or by a shopper via the Commerce
Storefront. This section provides instructions for both methods of configuring an item.

Configure an Item by an Agent

These instructions detail how an agent can configure an item via the Agent Console.
1. Log onto Commerce.
2. Using Agent Console, search for the shopper for whom you wish to create a new

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

3. Click New to create a new order.

4. Select a configurable product from the catalog.
5. Click on the Configure button to open the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote iFrame.
Note: The Oracle Configure, Price, Quote iFrame is optimized for desktop, laptop, or
tablet-size devices and is not recommended for mobile devices. If you need to display on
mobile devices, please contact your Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Implementation team
and inquire about the CPQ Mobile Layout.
6. Select the configuration options required for the order.
7. Click Add to Cart.
Once the configured item has been added to the cart, the agent can complete the order by
going through the normal checkout process.
There is a validation check before the order is processed to ensure that the configuration
options selected are valid. If they are valid, the order process completes and the order is
placed. If they are not valid, an error message is displayed to the agent telling them that the
configuration is invalid and that the order cannot be placed.

Configure an Item by a Shopper

These instructions detail how a shopper can configure an item via Commerce Storefront.
1. Shopper selects a configurable item from the product catalog.
2. Shopper clicks on the Customize button which opens the CPQ iFrame.
3. Shopper selects their desired configuration options for the item.
4. Shopper adds customized item to their cart.
5. Shopper goes to checkout and provides shipping and payment details.
There is a validation before the order is processed to ensure that the configuration options
selected are valid. If they are valid, the order process completes and the order is placed. If
they are not valid, an error message is displayed to the shopper telling them that the
configuration is invalid and that the order cannot be place. The shopper is then unable to
place the order until the configuration options have been changed and the configured item
passes the validation check.

Request a Quote
With Oracle Configure, Price, Quote enabled in the integration price quotes may be
requested for one or more items.
Quotes may be requested for one or more items on an order either by an agent from within
the Agent Console, or by a shopper from the checkout page for their order. If you are also
using Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration functionality, the order may contain a
combination of configured and non-configured items.

Request a Quote by an Agent

An agent can request a quote on one or more items in an order from the Commerce Agent
Console. The agent must follow these instructions to request a quote:
1. Log onto the Commerce Agent Console.
2. Search for the shopper for whom you wish to generate a new quote.
3. Click New to create a new order, or select an existing unfulfilled order for the shopper.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

4. Once you have an order with items in the cart, click on the Request Quote link in
the order edit page. You can switch between the Request Quote page and the
Create Order page by clicking on the appropriate link.
5. Add text to the Quote Notes text box as desired.
6. Click on the Request Quote button.
Once the agent has submitted the quote request, the Request Quote webhook is
triggered and all relevant information is passed to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
for a decision on the quote. The order status is changed to “Pending quote”. When
an order is in Pending status, the agent cannot perform any operations on the
A confirmation email is sent to the shopper informing them of the status of their
7. Once a response is received, the order status changes to “This order is a quote”,
and the agent then has a number of options about how to proceed. The agent can:
The agent can:
• Accept the quote: If the shopper is satisfied with the quoted price returned
from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, the agent can accept the quote on their
behalf by clicking on the Accept button and proceeding with the order as
Once payment information has been entered and the order placed the order
status changes to “Submitted for fulfillment”. At this point the Update Quote
webhook is triggered and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote is informed that the
quote has been accepted.
At this stage the agent can click on the Edit Order button, but the only edits
allowed to the quote are changes to the shipping group, or the application of
shipping discounts or promotions. The agent may not add or remove items
from the cart, or change the quantities of items included in the order. The order
status changes to “Order being amended” until the agent clicks on the
Complete Order button.
• Request a requote: If desired, the agent can enter more details in the
Request Quote textbox and click on the Request Requote button to request an
updated quote. When the agent requests a requote the order status changes
to “Pending quote”. When an order is in Pending status, the agent cannot
perform any operations on the order.
• Reject the quote: The agent can click on the Reject Quote button to reject the
quote. This cancels the shopper’s order and the order status changes to “this
quote has been rejected”.
Note: The response to a quote request includes provision for an expiry date
for the quote. If the quote has expired the Accept Quote and Reject Quote
buttons are disabled, but an agent can request a requote for the order.
Once the agent responds to the quote a confirmation email is sent to the
shopper informing them of the status of their quote.
Order statuses relating to quotes are included in the dropdown list of order statuses in
the Order Details section of the Order Search page.

Request a Quote by a Shopper

A shopper can request a quote on one or more items in an order from the checkout
page. The shopper must follow these instructions to request a quote.
1. Add the desired items to the shopping cart.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

2. Proceed to the checkout page.

3. On the checkout page, enter supporting details in the Request a Quote text box.
4. Click the Request Quote button.
Once the shopper has submitted their quote request, the Request Quote webhook is
triggered and all relevant information is passed to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote for a
decision on the quote.
When a decision is made about the quote, the order is updated and the shopper then has
three options about how to proceed.
They can:
• Accept the quote: This means the shopper is satisfied with the quote and they may
continue through the purchase process with the prices provided. The checkout page is
displayed and the shopper may enter their shipping details and proceed with payment.
• Reject the quote: This means that the shopper has rejected the quote provided by CPQ
Cloud, and the order is canceled.
• Request a requote: The shopper can use the Request Requote text box to provide
further information and request an updated quote.

Use account-specific pricing for configured items

Account-specific prices configured on Oracle Configure, Price, Quote can be displayed in
Account-based shoppers can obtain account-specific prices configured on Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote and display these prices in Commerce. This topic explains the concepts behind
this feature.
Formerly, the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote iFrame would open in an item configuration as
part of anonymous session. All details in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote page, then, were
independent of the logged in shopper/contact/account. Account-based shoppers can now
obtain account-specific prices configured on Oracle Configure, Price, Quote and display
these prices in Commerce. This is possible because the iFrame displayed on Commerce
obtains the context of the related account as well the contacts associated with it so that the
correct account-based pricing information is returned to Commerce.
For example, consider that an account-based shopper logs in and selects to purchase a
configurable computer package. The prices that Oracle Configure, Price, Quote returns to the
shopper are specific and unique to that shopper's account. The pricing that is specific for one
shopper is not visible to another shopper. The shopper then changes the configuration of the
computer package as needed, enters the quantities needed, and finally submits the order. In
the case of an Agent configuring the package, the agent also sees the account-specific
details when configuring a price.
With the Commerce/Oracle Configure, Price, Quote configuration integration enabled,
Commerce sends different criteria to determine and obtain the account-based price of the
configuration maintained on Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.

Understand a user case as well as the workflow used to obtain correct account-based
An example of a user case where a shopper (or agent) would want to obtain account-based
pricing could go something like this:

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• The shopper selects a commerce site and browses through the items in the
• The shopper selects a configurable item and clicks on the Customize button,
which opens an iFrame allowing them to customize/reconfigure the item.
• The shopper configures the item and expects to see the prices for the items which
only that customer would be allowed to see for that account.
• The shopper places the order with the customer-specific pricing. The shopper,
after submitting the order and within the designated remorse period, is able to
update the configurations of the items as well as receive the customer specific
pricing for those items.
• The shopper can cancel this order containing customer specific priced items
(within the remorse period).
• The shopper can carry out returns and refunds.
• The shopper can exchange within the same configured item(s).
Some variations to this use case could include:
• The shopper gets the account specific pricing but when shopper account details
change, the adjusted price specific to that account would appear.
• An agent placing an order for an account based shopper gets the account specific
pricing specific to that shopper.
The workflow used to obtain the correct account-specific pricing is the following:
• The store sends the Account ID(Customer ID, Customer Name) through the
Configure Product iFrame. The shopper's accountId has been encrypted using
the SSE and the encrypted details are what is sent to the Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote iFrame. Other properties like model, product line, locale, currency are not
• The calls made to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote at this point internally call the
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Price API.
• The iFrame shows the account specific pricing for the account based on the
• The Price API looks for any customer pricing rules defined in Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote and returns the correct account-specific pricing for that customer
based on the accountId. If there are no prices configured specifically for the
customer, then they are presented with the default prices.
• A sample widget can be customized by implementers to encrypt and pass
additional properties along with the accountId. The re-configuration flow works as
it already exists.
The main purpose of this workflow is to pass the customer account/organization
details to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote system and calculate the customer-
specific price (if any pricing rules are defined).
The existing integration components should retain their existing functionality (i.e. the
customer/system implementer should be able to switch as to whether they are using
anonymous or customer specific pricing).
With this workflow, it is assumed that there is data synchronization of Customers
(Commerce account-based customer accounts) across Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
and Commerce. Oracle Configure, Price, Quote is the mechanism that has the ability

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

to set up rule-based pricing which can be customer specific. The customer specific pricing
rule(s) should be the source for the account-based pricing of the item. Finally, there is a
check done that is part of the integration which makes sure that the logged-in user is
Note: A customer can use Oracle CDM (Oracle Customer Data Management) to maintain
that the accounts (organizations) are synchronized between Commerce and Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote or they can just use the Commerce accounts. The accountId that is
passed in the integration flow varies based on the implementation model.

Understand how Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote support account-
specific pricing
To be able to obtain account-specific prices configured on Oracle Configure, Price, Quote and
display it on Commerce via the returned iFrame, you need the iFrame to be extended to
handle various attributes as part of getting the price from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote. By
extending these attributes, you can then display the account specific pricing given by the
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote system.
The cpq-config-validation-app SSE now validates the additional accountID from the
getConfiguration call made to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote to find the profile associated
with the order before calling the Submit Order endpoint. An appropriate error message is
returned if the accountId does not match the values of the orgId of the profile in order.json.
By passing these parameters from Commerce to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote during the
Configuration Page launch, the Pricing logic in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote can be
triggered within the Configuration user interface. Commerce provides the initial ability to pass
the Account ID, but an implementer can extend this to pass any other parameters from
Commerce that Oracle Configure, Price, Quote can understand.
The integration takes an Access Token Based security approach to ensure that prices meant
for users of one account are not visible to users of a different account. The key features of
using this approach are the following:
• The authentication into Oracle Configure, Price, Quote continues to be an anonymous/
guest user method as it is today.
• There is no need for user mapping between the Commerce user and Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote user as well as no need for additional user maintenance between
Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
• The approach follows an established approach based on Assets Modify Punch-In.

SSE flow for Store and Agent

The following describes the SSE flow for Store and Agent
• When an account-based customer clicks on Customize for a product, the SSE endpoint
gets triggered.
• The accountId of the account-based user and other configurable details like model,
product_line, product_family, etc. get passed to the SSE.
• The validation of the accountId takes place first whether the logged in customer is
associated with the accountId being passed or not.
• If the validation is successful, accessTokenData is generated containing the accountId
and the expiration time which is then encrypted and signed with the private key to form
the accessToken.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• A query string is formed using accessToken and another configurable list of

parameters. This is then appended to the base URL and the Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote iFrame that is launched with the account-based prices.
• The accountId is decrypted by Oracle Configure, Price, Quote using the Public
key. The true accountId is then determined and prices are shown as per the
pricing rule setup for this accountId.
The following illustrates a sample request:

"accountId" : "or-100001",
"configurableSkuDetails" : {
"currency" : "USD",
"locale" : "en",
"model" : "sku50001",
"product_line" : "laptopConfiguration",
"product_family" : "Laptop"

The following illustrates a sample response to that request:

{ "queryString":
PAczACuLhn1XrmDjjYMD6T26ey2d%2BQbKlzGgMIsg%3D%3D" }

SSE flow for validating the account ID

The cpq-config-validation-lib SSE has the functionality to validate the accountId
(part of External Data) from the getConfiguration call to Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote with the organization ID of the account-based profile associated with the order
before calling the Submit Order endpoint.

Understand best practices for using account-specific pricing

Although the integration allows for account-specific pricing, it does not, however, allow
for re-pricing of configured items, when any of the following conditions occur:
• The price list group (currency) is changed by the shopper
• An anonymous user logs in which results in a change of price list group (for
example, an anonymous shopper logs in as an account-based shopper)
• The account based shopper changes the current account in context
Simple (i.e., non-configured) items are re-priced but configured items are not. A
shopper cannot even re-configure the item to get the updated price. This is because
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote does not accept secure punch-in attributes during the

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

process of re-configuring an item. Unfortunately, the only available option is to delete the
configured item and add it again as a fresh configuration.
To avoid inconvenience to the shopper, it is recommended that you add an information
message to your custom widgets. The message should be seen when an anonymous
shopper tries to add a configured item to cart, (for example, when they click the Customize
button or when they are on the Product Details page. The message should suggest that the
shopper first login and then do the configuration.

Set up and configure Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote for account-
specific pricing
Use the following procedures to set up and configure Commerce and Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote for the account-specific pricing feature:
Configure Oracle Integration for account-specific pricing
Use the following steps to configure Oracle Integration for account-specific pricing while using
the Commerce/Oracle Configure, Price, Quote integration:
• Download the Oracle Integration packages found in the OCCS-
CPQ_CONFIGURATION_INTEGRATION_4.0.par package file from Oracle Marketplace or My
Oracle Support.
• Import the package into the OIC Environment
• Configure the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Connection in OIC.
• getConfigurations (4.0) is used to validate configuration and pricing from Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote.
For more information on using Oracle Integration, refer to the product Help Library.
The next steps you need to complete are downloading and configuring the required Server
Side Extensions (SSEs) used for account-specific pricing. There are three SSEs used by the
integration to support this. These are the following:
The information that follows describes how to download and configure these SSEs.
Download and configure

Use the following steps to download and configure the

Server Side Extension for account-specific pricing while using the Commerce/Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote integration:
• Login as Administrator to Commerce
• From the Admin interface, download the Server Side Extension (SSE) cpq-config- by clicking Design - Developer - Server-Side Extensions. This
SSE triggers the Configuration integration just setup on Oracle Integration.
• Unzip the file.
• Update the config.json file with the Oracle Integration Hostname and Port information.
• Also, a the dd extension environment variables for OIC_USERNAME and OIC_PASSWORD
using the Admin endpoint

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Run the Node Package Manager to install in the .ZIP contents in the root folder
• Zip the contents in the root folder.
• Upload to the Extension Server using the serverExtension endpoint
Download and configure and cpq-config-

Use the following steps to download and configure the cpq-config-punchin- and Server Side Extensions for account-
specific pricing while using the Commerce/Oracle CPQ integration:
• From the Commerce Admin interface, download the cpq-config-punchin- and Server Side Extensions by
clicking Design - Developer - Server-Side Extensions. These use the CPQ
Punchin Lib to generate a query string with an encrypted accountID that is
passed to the CPQ iFrame. This enables CPQ to show account specific prices.
• Unzip the files.
• Generate a public and private key using the OpenSSL utility.
• Place the private key file in the Keystore folders.
• Specify the public key in the config.json files.
• The public key is also added to the CPQ Integration Center under Authentication
• Run NMP to install the .ZIP files contents in the root folder
• Zip the contents in the root folder
• Upload to the Extension Server.
Configure Commerce for account-specific pricing with Oracle Configure, Price,
Use the following steps configure Commerce for account-specific pricing while using
the Commerce/Oracle Configure, Price, Quote integration:
• Set up the external pricing validation webhook in Commerce: /ccstorex/
Do this by going to Settings - Web APIS - Webhook in the Admin user interface.
Choose the External Price Validation function API and enter the requested
• Enable and configure the Commerce/Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration
Integration by going to Settings - Oracle Integrations in the Admin user interface.
Select the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote integration from the list.
• Modify widgets in the following layouts:
– Store layout: Product Details page
– Agent layout: B2B Checkout Layout - Accordion element: Search and Add
Items to Cart popup stack
These take the accountIDs of the user and display the appropriate prices for that
You also need to have synchronized product catalogs between Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote and Commerce. The models available in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
need to have a corresponding externally configurable SKU in Commerce. Also, make

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

sure you have set up the accounts and desired users in Commerce and have set up the
proper pricing rules in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote (since it is the provider of the prices to
sent to Commerce).
Finally, double check that you have setup pricing rules on Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
based on a parameter (for example, Account Id) and have also added the public key to the
Integration Center - Authentication Certificate in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.

Use multi-level items

This integration features support for a hierarchical structure for items available to shoppers
for purchase.
This integration provides support for a hierarchical structure for items available for shoppers
to purchase. Commerce supports an “n-level” hierarchical configuration model. This means
that a configured item can contain sub-items that are also configurable items and that can in
turn contain sub-items that are configurable items.
An example of this would be a bundled package for a cellphone. The bundle itself would be
the top-level item. The cellphone would be a configurable sub-item, but this could then itself
have configurable sub-items, such as an SD card. Commerce can provide a top-level price
for the bundle, but can also provide a price breakdown for each configurable item within the
If a shopper adds a multi-level item to their cart, Commerce works with Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote to display the information about the multi-level item in the shopper’s cart. The
cart displays a total price and an item price for any configurable sub-items. If the shopper
changes any of the configurable sub-items, the price displayed for that sub-item changes and
the total price is also amended accordingly.
When a shopper clicks on the Place Order button a validation check is carried out to ensure
that the prices displayed for the configured items is still applicable. If it is then the order can
proceed. If it is not, a message explaining this is displayed to the shopper and the cart is
reloaded with up-to-date price information included for the configured items.
You can create a multi-level hierarchy in your catalog using either a recommended items
model or a bill of materials model. You must refer to the relevant Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote documentation for instructions on how to do this.

Use Quadplay/NPlay items

A standard, or single play, configured item represents a single service, such as Mobile Phone
or IPTV that has a single set of configuration information, i.e. is based on a single
configuration model in Oracle Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
A Quadplay or NPlay configured item represents a package or bundle that combines multiple
services in a single purchase and contains multiple sets of configuration information, i.e. is
based on a single configuration model that also contains other configuration models in Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote.
As an example, consider a case where the configured bundle contains 4 separate services
(or ‘plays’) such as Landline, Internet, Mobile and IPTV. In this example, the bundle is called
the Get4 Bundle. Unlike a standard configured item, the Get4 Bundle, as a Quadplay or
NPlay configured item has configuration information at the following levels:
• Root level - in this example, the Get4 Bundle level.
• Branch level - in this example, the Landline, Internet, Mobile and IPTV levels.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

With the support of Quadplay/NPlay configured items, the shopper adds the Get4
Bundle to the Oracle Commerce cart as a standard multi-level hierarchical configured
item. This item also has the ability to be reconfigured if needed. The item is then
validated and checked out as usual. For more detailed information working with
Quadplay and NPlay items, refer to CX Communications - How to Customize and
Extend – Configure NPlay Bundles with Oracle Configure, Price, Quote System
Configuration white paper on the My Oracle Support site.

Understand Commerce Cloud Administration support for configuration metadata

In Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, a single model is also able to support multiple
NPlay offers and additional versions of those offers. For example the same Model,
Product Line, and Product Family might contain 3 variations on the same NPlay
bundle such as the following:
• Starter Home Bundle
• Total Home Bundle
• Friends and Family Bundle
The same model might also support multiple versions of those bundle variations such
• Starter Home Bundle
• Starter Home Bundle 2017
• Starter Home Bundle 2018
• Total Home Bundle
• Total Home Bundle 2017
• Total Home Bundle 2018
• Friends and Family Bundle
• Friends and Family Bundle 2017
• Friends and Family Bundle 2018
To work with these types of variations, when the shopper selects a version of a bundle
in Commerce and chooses to configure it, the configuration request needs to include
extra information to allow the configurator to load the correct version of the
configuration model. This extra information is provided in what is called configuration
metadata. This data is passed along as a collection of key value pairs and aid in
helping to identify the correct bundle.
Understand configuration metadata details
Where a Oracle Configure, Price, Quote configuration model supports multiple
products and product variations, this information may not be sufficient to pre-load the
order iframe with the correct starting point. In such cases extra information (i.e.,
configuration metadata) can included in the iframe URL created by Commerce.
Again, think of configuration metadata as a collection of one or more key value pairs
that identifies the correct starting point for the configuration model. Configuration
metadata can be static or dynamic. Static configuration metadata is manually entered
by the Commerce Cloud Administrator and stored on the SKU record in Commerce.
Dynamic configuration metadata can be captured by the PDP UI widget and can be
entirely implementation specific.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Note: Dynamic configuration metadata is not restricted to being captured on the PDP UI
widget. The dynamic configuration can be derived from any relevant information such as
shopper profile.
This means that merchants can decide what dynamic key value pair data they want to
capture and pass in the configuration request for any SKU. Dynamic configuration metadata
can be mandatory or optional (i.e., in some cases the shopper MUST enter a value for a key
and in some cases they may optionally enter a value for a key).
Configuration metadata lets merchants define a single model for all variants of a configurable
product and at purchase time pre-load the configuration model at the appropriate starting
point based on the shopper’s selection in Commerce.
The configuration metadata feature builds on the already existing support of the NPlay
feature. Earlier there was support of the purchase of NPlay products but only where there is a
one-to-one relationship between product and model (i.e., each NPlay product had to have its
own unique corresponding configuration model in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote).
Enter configuration metadata via the administration user interface
To provide the configuration metadata needed for processing an order, the
configurationMetadata property is exposed so that you can enter the information in the
Commerce Cloud Administration interface. To get there click Catalogue then Product and
finally SKU. This Administration panel lets you view, add, delete, and edit the Configuration
Metadata values as required. Any request from Commerce to configure an item will include
configuration metadata where it is available.
An example of using configuration metadata might be a case where a Commerce Cloud
Administrator receives an email from a colleague in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote to advise
them that the configuration model with the correct configuration metadata for the Family Plan
products SKUs is now complete. The email contains the information to further configure the
SKU. The SKU is called sku_fp_001 and the information provided is the following:
• Product Family – mobile
• Product Line - bundles
• Model - sku_fp_001
• Bundle Version - 18.1
• Region - EMEA
The process for entering the configuration metadata via the Admin interface would go
something like the following:
1. Navigate to the Commerce Cloud administration user interface panel and select Catalog.
2. Select the Family Plan product and select the SKU sku_fp_001 which is currently
flagged as inactive.
3. Click on Externally Configurable SKU. You see the text “Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
can configure this as a part of a complex product.”
Note: For any SKU where you want to add configuration metadata, you must make sure
that Externally Configurable SKU is checked when you first begin entering data. A new
input property will be displayed which will allow you to begin to enter one or more key
value pairs of data.
4. Slide the panel down until you see the Product Family, Product Line, and Model fields
appear on the panel. Enter all of the correct metadata details (the ones sent to you in the
email from your Oracle Configure, Price, Quote colleague) manually.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

5. Slide the panel down to see the Configuration Metadata table, click the Add button
to add a row.
6. Add Bundle Version to the Name field. In the field next to Bundle Version, add 18.1
(as the bundle version number). You can press Tab or Enter to create a value
entry. Click the Add button when done. A new row in the metadata value table
7. Add Region to the Name field. In the field next to Region, add EMEA. You can
press Tab or Enter to create the value entry.
8. Slide the panel back up to the top of the SKU ID panel, click Active, and then click
At this point, you have entered all of the details received from your Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote contact. This information must be entered correctly. The details that are
entered are not seen by the customer. The information is designed to populate the
config iframe window with the correct information. As a final step you activate the SKU
and save the details.
Note: Since the configuration metadata must be entered manually via the Commerce
administration console, keep in mind the following rules:
1. There is no support for versioning of configuration metadata so when an SKU
record is imported, make sure it does not contain any configuration metadata that
should replace any existing configuration metadata assigned to that SKU.
2. If the imported SKU record includes configuration metadata (columns present in
the import file) but there are no values included then any existing configuration
metadata will be deleted.
3. If the import SKU record does not include configuration metadata (no columns
present in the import file), then any existing configuration metadata should be
A Commerce administrator can view, delete, edit, or add Configuration Metadata key
value pairs for any SKU where the _Externally Configurable SKU_ property is
selected. A Configuration request from Commerce to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
always includes the configuration metadata set in Commerce for that SKU.
To work with configuration metadata you must have the following prerequisites:
• Oracle Commerce account
• Oracle Integration Cloud account
• Oracle Configure, Price, Quote account

Assign shipping groups to sub-items

You can assign different shipping groups to product configuration sub-items and more.
With a configurable item, you have the ability to assign different shipping groups to
product configuration sub-items. Different shipping groups can be assigned to different
levels in a multi-level configurable item.
Previously, you could only assign a shipping group at the root level. Now, with a
configurable item you have the ability to assign different shipping groups to sub-items
of the root item. Different shipping groups can now be assigned to the following levels
in a multi-level configurable item:
• An item contained as the root item

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• An item that may be contained at one or more branch items of the root item
• An item that may be contained at one or more of leaf items of a specific branch
Formerly, you assigned a shipping group at the root item level. The assumption was that the
integration layer managed updates to the "shipping group" relationship object. The result of
this was something where "if all sub-items are shipped then set the shippingGroupItem
status on the root item to the status SHIPPED."
The original method did not work if you sold configured items that are a combination of goods
and services and the services that needed to be assigned to separate shipping groups. It is
important that customers selling nPlay bundles be able to assign each "play" to its own
shipping group. As an example, you should reasonably expect to be able to assign separate
shipping groups to, say, a handset (shipped to your office via priority mail), a router (shipped
to your home via standard mail) and set top box (shipped to your vacation House via
standard mail).
The ability to assign different shipping groups at different levels is also important for the
Cancel In-flight order feature which lets you cancel In-Flight orders. An order which has been
submitted but not fulfilled is considered to be In-Flight. When an In-Flight order is canceled,
the process results in the creation of a new Cancel Order and may also result in the creation
of a Return Request for items that may have already shipped to the shopper and must be
returned, or at least refunded. In order to determine which items have to be returned, the
system must be able to determine the shipping status of each item in the configuration.
In summary, all items in a multi-item configuration hierarchy from the root to the leaf level are
assigned to a shipping group. You must also be aware that the assignment of shipping
groups is also dependent on other key Commerce product features that directly impact the
assignment of shipping groups.
For customers that are migrating to a release of Commerce that has this shipping group
feature, the assignment of the shipping group logic is not adapted automatically. They will
have to modify their ClientConfiguration settings. For first time users of the new release,
the logic is adapted automatically.
Finally, logic changes are adapted only when the customer is using the Commerce user
interface for all front-end behavior. If the customer is making endpoint calls directly, then they
can call the orders endpoint with the required payloads without worrying about modifying

Understand the details of assigning separate shipping groups to sub-items

When assigning shipping groups to sub-items, keep in mind the following:
• A shippable product property is provided and should be set to indicate that a product,
whether a hard good or service, can be physically shipped to a purchase. When the
shippable product property for a product is set to FALSE, it can be assigned to a Virtual
Shipping Group so that Oracle Commerce does not attempt to calculate shipping charges
for this product..
• If a product is a service then the physical address where the service is to be provided is
provided by the fulfillment system based on the service account assigned to the item.
This information is also provided by the client. Address information is mandatory for
virtual shipping groups as it is required for tax calculations.
• If the product is a non-shippable good, (for example, a movie download, extended
warranty etc.), address information is again mandatory as it is required for tax

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Note: Address information is something used extensively in Commerce transactions.

For all procedures and SSEs that require address information for endpoint inputs, in
addition to using Commerce's default address formats, you can also use the REST
API to create multi-country custom address formats. This lets you create country-
specific address formats to ensure that your address formats align with the
requirements of any external service that you might use. This means that addresses
appearing in profiles, accounts, registration requests, order addresses and more can
be customized. For more complete information on creating custom addresses and
understanding how to use custom address formatting, refer to the following:
• Customize Address Formats using the API in Extending Oracle Commerce
• Work with address types in Extending Oracle Commerce
• Account Details in Using Oracle Commerce
• Work with account addresses in Using Oracle Commerce
• Work with account registration requests in Using Oracle Commerce
An assetable product property is provided which identifies those products that are
sold as a service or subscription (for example a mobile phone tariff, magazine
subscription etc). Assetable products must be assigned to the following when
• Customer Account
• Service Account
• Billing Account
• Billing Profile
These type of products are then assigned to a Virtual Shipping Group. Even if the
product is a good (for example, a physical product), it must be assigned to a virtual
shipping group This is because in these circumstances the Commerce purchasing
process is not responsible for calculating shipping charges and the physical address
where the item must be shipped but will be based on the service account assigned to
the item.
The onlineOnly property is provided to identify products that can be purchased online
but cannot be picked up in store. This means that an item can only be assigned an
inStorePickupShippingGroup value if the onlineOnly property value for that product

In summary, configured item shipping groups are assigned at all of the following levels
of the configured item:
• Root item of type configurableCommerceItem
• Branch items of type configurableSubSkuCommerceItem
• Leaf items of type subSkuCommerceItem

The assignment of shipping groups to configured items is then dependent on whether

individual products are one of (or a combination of) the following types:
• Shippable
• Assetable
• Available for purchase online only

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Being sold as a package (soldAsPackage SKU property). The soldAsPackage property

default is set to TRUE. Setting soldAsPackage = FALSE should only be considered for
SKUs that have their configurable value set to TRUE. If the configurable value of a SKU is
set to FALSE, the soldAsPackage property must be set to TRUE.

Understand the store features related to assigning shipping groups to sub-items

The following store features are provided to support the assigning of shipping groups to sub-
• The ability to assign all items in a configuration hierarchy to an appropriate shipping
group type.
• The ability to change the assignment of shipping groups at all levels in a configuration
• The ability to update the tax calculation process to support shipping group assignment at
all levels of a configuration hierarchy.
• The ability to update the shipping charge calculation process to support shipping group
assignment at all levels of a configuration hierarchy.
• The ability to update to the proportional application of promotion discounts to all items in
a configuration hierarchy
See the rest of the topics in this section for more information.

Understand tax calculation and shipping charges when assigning shipping

groups to sub-items
When assigning taxes and shipping charges for shipping groups assigned to sub-items, you
assign different calculating processes from normal customer calculation processes.

Understand the tax calculation process when assigning shipping groups to sub-items
The processes for calculating taxes and shipping charges for shipping groups assigned to
sub-items differ slightly than the normal customer calculation process. In summary, the
method used is that if sub-items are shipped separately, then the root item and the child items
are sent as different items to the taxation system which contains the cost of that item alone
and no additional item in the package.
This means that there are two ways that tax calculation occurs with a shipping group. The
first way is that the price of the fully configured package is sent to the taxation system as all
the items in the product configuration have to be delivered to a single place.
In determining the correct amount of tax payable on a product, the four key parameters
passed to the tax calculator are the following:
• amount - the amount paid by the shopper
• quantity - the quantity of the item being purchases
• shipping charge - the shipping charge that has been calculated for the item
• taxCode - the tax code assigned to the product

For configured items, tax is calculated for each line item in the configuration hierarchy but the
amount passed to the tax calculator is always be the external price returned from the
configurator for that item, in the context of the overall configuration.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

For any configured item, the price of a sub-item may be included in the price of the
root item, so that the amount passed to the tax calculator would be zero.
The net result of this is that, although tax will be calculated for each item in the
configuration hierarchy, all of the appropriate data will be passed to the tax calculator.
It is possible, however, that the amount of tax paid by the shopper may be skewed in
circumstances where the configured item contains products with different tax codes.

Understand the shipping charge calculation process when assigning shipping

groups to sub-items
To determine the correct shipping charges payable on a product, the key parameters
passed to the shipping calculator are the following:
• shippingMethod - the shipping method selected for the item.
• quantity- the quantity of the item being shipped.
• amount - the amount paid by the shopper for the item.

For configured items, shipping charges are calculated for each line item in the
configuration hierarchy. The amount passed to the shipping calculator, however, will
always be the external price returned from the configurator for that item, in the context
of the overall configuration.
For any configured item, the price of a sub-item may be included in the price of the
root item, so that the amount passed to the shipping calculator would be zero.
The net result of this is the following:
• Shipping charges are calculated for each item in the configuration hierarchy and
all of the appropriate data is passed to the shipping calculator. It is possible,
however, that the amount of shipping charges paid by the shopper may be skewed
in circumstances where the configured item price does not accurately reflect the
actual proportional amount paid for an item in the configuration hierarchy.
• Shipping surcharges are included for any item in the hierarchy where such
surcharges have been assigned to that product in Commerce.
Note: The charges are only included for the root item if the whole configuration is
sold as a package
• A merchant can always choose to apply a shipping surcharge for any item where
there is a risk that the shopper will be undercharged for shipping when a particular
product is purchased as part of a configured item.
• Shipping surcharges are not considered if any item presents itself in a virtual
shipping group as those items are non-shippable and are not required to have
shipping surcharges.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Understand shipping charge and tax calculation when assigning costs to

items sold as a package
When assigning costs to items sold as a package, you assign processes for calculating
shipping charges and taxes that differ slightly from normal customer calculation processes.

Understand the shipping charge calculation process when assigning costs to items
sold as a package
The processes for calculating shipping charges and taxes when assigning costs to items sold
as a package differ slightly from normal customer calculation processes. To determine the
correct amount of shipping charges payable on an item configured as a package, the
following key parameters are passed to the shipping calculator:
• shippingMethod - the shipping method selected for the item
• quantity - the quantity of the item being shipped
• amount - the amount paid by the shopper for the item
For items sold as a single item (root item) configured as a package, the following occurs:
• The amount passed to the shipping calculator is always the total price for the configured
• The shippingMethod passed to the shipping calculator will always be the shipping
method assigned to the root item.
• The quantity passed to the shipping calculator is always be the quantity of the root item.

Shipping charges will be calculated accurately, given that you have decided that the
configured item must be shipped as a unit. Any shipping surcharges assigned to a sub-item
in the configuration hierarchy will not be included in the total shipping charges.

Understand the tax calculation process when assigning costs to items sold as a
In summary, the way that tax calculation occurs with a shipping group sold as a package is
that the price of the fully configured package is sent to the taxation system as all the items in
the product configuration have to be delivered to a single place.
To determine the correct amount of taxes payable on an item configured as a package, the
following key parameters are passed to the tax calculator:
• amount - the amount paid by the shopper
• quantity - the quantity of the item being purchased
• shipping charge - the shipping charge that has been calculated for the package item
• taxCode - the tax code assigned to the product.

For configured items sold as a package (i.e., where the soldAsPackage value for the root item
= TRUE), taxes are calculated based on the root item only. For configured items sold as a
package, the following occurs:
• The amount passed to the tax calculator is always the total price for the configured item.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• The taxCode passed to the tax calculator is always the tax code for the root item.
This means that although taxes are calculated for the configured item, the amount
is based only on the tax code of the root item.

Understand how promotion discounts are applied to multi-level items

Promotional discounts can be applied proportionally to multi-level items.
For a multi-level configured item, promotion discounts must be applied proportionally
across the root and all of the sub-items in the hierarchy.
In Commerce, order level discounts are applied proportionally across all items in the
order (unless an item is specifically excluded from benefiting from such a discount).
For a configured item, a proportional discount must be applied to all items in the
configuration hierarchy. For example if an order level promotion applies a 10%
discount then that 10% discount must be applied to any configured item in the order.
For a multi-level configured item, however, the promotion discount must be applied
proportionally across the root and all of the sub-items in the hierarchy. This applies
only to configured items that are not sold as a package (i.e. where the soldAsPackage
value on the root item = FALSE).

Add payment details to customer billing profile

You must add payment details to customer billing profiles so that this information is
passed downstream to fulfillment and provisioning systems.
In Telco transactions there is critical contact information that must be passed
downstream to fulfillment and provisioning systems. Based on the Customer Account
Model, this information is the following:
• Customer Account
• Service Account
• Billing Account
• Billing Profile
This topic covers the processes involved in the updating of payment details in a Billing

Understand how billing profiles are handled

A Contact (that is a user, shopper, or customer) may have the following information in
Oracle Commerce transactions:
• A Customer Account (Account of type “Customer”).
• A link to other Customer Accounts. This would occur where the merchant supports
account models such as “Family Account,” “Household,” or “Family and Friends.”
• A link to one or more Service Accounts (Accounts of type “Service”).
• A link to one or more Billing Accounts (Accounts of type “Billing”).
• A link to one or more Billing Profiles.
In this type of transaction model, Commerce has the important ability to create or
update a billing profile with payment details. This is important because the payment
information for the billing profile needs to be captured and passed on to the primary

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system in a PCI compliant manner. For the
Oracle Telco CX Solution, the primary CRM system is Oracle Engagement Cloud (OEC).
Note: In an integration like this, transaction payment details that are stored in the CRM
system are used for recurring payments. This info is pulled by the billing system from CRM.
To compare this with Commerce, Commerce handles one time/upfront payments by
interacting with payment gateways.
At this point in time, Commerce is PCI compliant whereas Oracle Integration Cloud and
Oracle Engagement Cloud are not. Commerce supports the storing of credit cards against a
shopper profile. The card details are captured, however, in the store as part of the checkout
flow and subsequently a tokenized version of the card is obtained from an integrated
payment system as part of the payment authorization process. This token, along with a
masked version of card number and the expiration date are then stored against the shopper’s
profile so that the shopper can easily use the same card for future purchases.
A feature is now supported that offers a generic horizontal benefit to Commerce and
contributes to the Telco specific vertical requirement. This feature uses a store API endpoint
that allows a shopper to store credit cards as part of their profile without actually purchasing
an order. This endpoint can then be used to enable Commerce to pass credit card
information to Oracle Engagement Cloud as part of the shopper billing profile when creating
or for updating accounts in OEC.

Understand the Update Profile endpoint and Generic Payment webhook

As mentioned, Commerce provides an Admin and Agent Update Profile store API endpoint
that lets you add and store customer credit cards as part of a shopper Billing Profile without
actually purchasing an order.
The name of the endpoint is addCreditCard. The Admin URI for the endpoint is POST /
ccstoreui/v1/current/creditCards/. The Agent URI for the endpoint is POST /

The endpoint can be used to invoke Add Card requests multiple times to let you add more
than one card to a shopper Profile. Each new card is then stored against the profile. The
inputs of this endpoint are:
• cardType
• nameOnCard
• cardNumber
• expiryMonth
• expiryYear
Both versions of this endpoint trigger the Generic Payment webhook for a Tokenize operation
on the payment system. The payment system is expected to return a tokenized value of the
card which is then saved against the billing profile. The endpoint then returns back a stored
card ID.
The Admin Get Profile endpoint can then be used to get the token value of the card using the
stored card ID. See Configure Payment Processing and Create a Generic Payment Gateway
Integration for more complete information on this subject.

Add and update a Billing Profile to include a card token

There are two processes/flows that Commerce uses to capture the billing profile information
that can be passed on to the primary CRM system. These are the following:

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Commerce creates an account(s) for a contact which includes creating one or

more billing profiles.
• Commerce updates an existing billing profile.
To assist in these processes, Commerce provides a Customer Account Model Server
Side Extension (SSE). The sections that follow provide the details on the various
processes and flows that this SSE supports
Understand the OCC to OEC Account Create flow
The basic information on this flow is the following:
• SSE Name: Customer Account Model
• Endpoint Name: Create Accounts
• Flow Name: OCC to OEC Account Create flow
In this process, the SSE first identifies the payment type. If the payment type is Card, a
check is done to see if the token for the card has been passed in (i.e., an existing card
stored on the shopper’s Commerce profile). If the token has been passed in, then a
check is done to see that the basic card information has also been passed in the form
of maskedCardNumber and expiryMonth. If the token has not been passed in (i.e., a
new card is being introduced), then a check is made to look for the following “full card”
information being passed in:
• Card Type
• Name on Card
• Card Number
• CVN (card verification number)
• Expiry Month
• Expiry Year
There is also a step in the SSE execution whereby an API call can be made to the
storefront Profiles/Update Profile endpoint to retrieve a tokenized version of the card.
The billing profile information passed to the OCC to OEC Account Create flow
• Payment Method=Card
• Masked Card Number
• Card Expiry Date
• Tokenized representation of the card
The next section provides details on an update process/flow that the SSE handles.
Understand the OCC to OEC Account Update flow
The basic information on this flow is the following:
• SSE: Customer Account Model
• Endpoint Name: Update Accounts
• Flow Name: OCC to OEC Account Update flow
In this process, the SSE first identifies the payment type. If the payment type is Card, a
check is made to see if the token for the card has been passed in (i.e., there is an
existing card stored on the shopper’s Commerce profile). If the token has been passed

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

in, then a check is made that the basic card information has also been passed in the form of
maskedCardNumber and expiryMonth.

If the token has not been passed in (i.e., a new card has been introduced), then a check is
made to look for the following “full card” information:
• Card Type
• Name on Card
• Card Number
• CVN (card verification number)
• Expiry Month
• Expiry Year
The billing profile information passed to the OCC to OEC Account Update flow includes:
• Payment Method=Card
• Masked Card Number
• Card Expiry Date
• Tokenized representation of the card
Note: Keep in mind the following additional details regarding the OCC OEC Comms: Account
Update flow:
• A check is made to verify that the payment type is credit card/debit card. If it is credit
card/debit card, then a check is made to verify whether creditCardNumber is masked or
• If creditCardNumber is masked, an additional check is made to verify that the masked
creditCardNumber and creditCardId values provided are valid. If both are valid, then
only creditCardNickname is allowed to update. All other fields/properties are not allowed
to update.
• If creditCardNumber is unmasked, then the card is considered a new card. Tokenization
occurs with the provided card details is similar to the Create Account flow. The process
ends with the new card and token details stored in CDM.
Understand fields and properties supported by the billing profile
For the credit card or debit card payment type, the following fields/properties are supported:
• paymentMethod: “debitcard”/”creditcard”
• creditCardNumber (mandatory field)
• creditCardExpiryMonth (mandatory field)
• creditCardExpiryYear (mandatory field)
• creditCardContactName (mandatory field)
• creditCardType (mandatory field)
• creditCardSecurityCode
• creditCardNickname
• creditCardIin
For the bank transfer payment type, the following fields/properties are supported:

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• paymentMethod: “bankTransfer”
• bankAccountNumber (This is the only mandatory field for bankTransfer payment
• bankRoutingNumber
• bankAccountType
• bankAccountName
• bankSortCode
• bankName
• bankAddress
• bankIban
• bankSwiftCode

Understand the process changes as seen in the store interface

With a standard checkout flow where the shopper does not yet have a customer
account model and is purchasing a service, the store interface captures the payment
card details. This includes the following:
• The shopper is prompted to identify the payment type. If the payment type is
“Credit/DebitCard,” the shopper is prompted to select either an existing card or
enter new card details.
• If it is a new card the user interface captures the following required card
– Card Type
– Name on Card
– Card Number
– CVN (card verification number)
– Expiry Month
– Expiry Year
For a billing profile update checkout flow where the shopper, who does not have a
customer account model and is purchasing a service, the store interface captures the
payment card details. These details include the following:
• The shopper is prompted to identify payment type.
• If the payment type is “Credit/DebitCard,” the user interface captures the following
the required card information:
– Card Type
– Name on Card
– Card Number
– CVN (card verification number)
– Expiry Month
– Expiry Year

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Understand the Customer Account Model

For customers using the Customer Account Model SSE, there are a number of different
account types that can be associated with a shopper within the Oracle Commerce/Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote integration.
If you are using the Customer Account Model SSE, there are a number of different account
types that can be associated with a shopper within Oracle Commerce. To configure the
Customer Account model, use the provided SSE. To do this, click the Design icon in the
Administration user interface. Then click Developer and Server-Side Extensions. Select the
CustomerAccountModel-store SSE and/or the CustomerAccountModel-agent SSE.
Both SSEs enable integration with an external CRM system to retrieve and update the
• Contacts
• Accounts (Customer Billing and Service accounts)
• Account Roles (Admin, Buyer and User)
• Billing Profiles
Finally, the SSEs serve as the API for the pre-built integration with Oracle Engagement
There are three account types available within Commerce relating to billable services,
Customer account, Service account, and Billing account.
The details for these three accounts are captured when an order is placed and their
relationship with the service is maintained after an order has been fulfilled.
In many instances these three accounts may all refer to the same person or organization, but
there may also be instances when they differ, and it is important to understand the
relationship between the different types of account.
In addition to the three account types, there is a Billing Profile, which includes information
such as billing preferences.
All of the information required for the Customer, Service, and Billing accounts, and for the
Billing Profile is captured during the order process in Commerce.

Customer Account
This type of account represents the person or organization that owns the service. It includes
basic customer information, such as name and address and can receive both services and
Customer accounts are the highest level in the account hierarchy and can perform all
customer, service, or billing functions.

Service Account
This type of account represents the person or organization that receives the service.
The address associated with the Service account defines the physical location where the
service must be delivered. This address is used to verify service and ordering eligibility.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Service accounts are required when the location and/or party receiving the service
differ from the Customer account. If a Service account is required, it is always a child
of a Customer account. There can be multiple Service accounts associated with a
single Customer account.
A Service account cannot be used to perform any of the functions of a Customer or
Billing account.

Billing Account
This type of account represents the person or organization that pays for the service.
Billing accounts are required when the location and/or party paying for a service differ
from the Customer account. If a Billing account is required, it is always a child of a
Customer account. There can be multiple Billing accounts associated with a single
Customer account.
A Billing account cannot be used to perform any of the functions of a Customer or
Service account.

Billing Profile
A billing profile may be associated with either a Customer account or a Billing account.
It captures information such as billing preferences, method of payment, and contact
details. There may be more than one billing profile associated with a Customer or
Billing account, and the shopper must choose which billing profile to use when placing
an order for a service.
Note: Address information is something used extensively in Commerce transactions.
For all procedures and SSEs that require address information for endpoint inputs, in
addition to using Commerce's default address formats, you can also use the REST
API to create multi-country custom address formats. This lets you create country-
specific address formats to ensure that your address formats align with the
requirements of any external service that you might use. This means that addresses
appearing in profiles, accounts, registration requests, order addresses and more can
be customized. For more complete information on creating custom addresses and
understanding how to use custom address formatting, refer to the following:
• Customize Address Formats using the API in Extending Oracle Commerce
• Work with address types in Extending Oracle Commerce
• Account Details in Using Oracle Commerce
• Work with account addresses in Using Oracle Commerce
• Work with account registration requests in Using Oracle Commerce

Use Recurring Charge Items

This integration provides you with the ability to configure items with a recurring charge
that can be passed on in purchase.
This integration enables you to provide items that come with a recurring charge
available for shoppers to purchase. Examples of items that include a recurring charge
include a service such as a data/call minutes/ text message bundle for a cellphone, or
a subscription charge for a cable television package.
Items that include a recurring charge may have just a recurring charge or may have a
recurring charge and a price. If an item has a price and a recurring charge, it is

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

assumed that the item is not a service or subscription item. In this case the price represents
an upfront payment and the recurring charge is the means by which the outstanding balance
is paid.
Identification of items that include a recurring charge must be carried out through your Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Admin account. Please refer to the Synchronize Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Cloud Parts with Commerce SKUs section of the Implementation Guide
contained in the Integrating Oracle CX Commerce with Oracle Configure, Price, Quote article
on My Oracle Support.
If a shopper adds a recurring charge item to their cart, Commerce works with Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote to display full information about the recurring charges associated with
the order. This includes how much the recurring charge is for, the frequency of the recurring
charge, and the duration for which the recurring charge will be made.
Note: The default value for frequency is monthly and the default value for duration is open-
ended. If either of these is not the right value for the item they must be corrected in the
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Part for the item.
Items with a recurring charge are not included in order sub-total passed to the shipping
calculator. If a cart contains only recurring charge items the order sub-total passed to the
shipping calculator is zero, which means that no shipping charge is applied to the order.

Configure payment for recurring charge items

Commerce includes several built-in integrations with payment gateways that let your store
accept credit cards, debit cards, gift cards, and PayPal payments. However, these
integrations do not currently support recurring charges. If you wish to sell items with recurring
charges you must use one of the methods set out below to configure Commerce payment
processing to support recurring charges.
Configure credit card payments
Follow these instructions to configure your credit card payment processing to handle
recurring charges:
1. Create a custom credit card payment extension.
For detailed instructions about performing this step, refer to Create a credit card
2. Install the custom credit card payment extension.
For detailed instructions about performing this step, refer to Install the extension and
configure the gateway.
3. Enable the payment gateway.
For detailed instructions about performing this task, refer to Create a Credit Card
Payment Gateway Integration and Create a Generic Payment Gateway Integration, .
4. Add custom properties to the Credit Card Payment webhook.
For detailed instructions about performing this task, refer to Install the extension and
configure the gateway .
Note: This webhook is not site-specific. If you are running multiple sites on your
Commerce instance, the configuration you supply applies to all sites that use this
Configure non-credit card payments
Follow these instructions to configure your generic gateway payment processing to handle
recurring charges:

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

1. Create a custom generic payment extension.

For detailed instructions on performing this task refer to the Supported payment
methods and transaction types section of Create a Generic Payment Gateway
2. Install the generic payment extension.
For detailed instructions about performing this step, refer to the Install the
extension section of Create a Generic Payment Gateway Integration.
3. Enable the payment gateway.
For detailed instructions about performing this task, refer to Create a Credit Card
Payment Gateway Integration and Create a Generic Payment Gateway
4. Customize the payment details widget to capture payment information other than
card details.
5. Add custom properties to the Generic Payment webhook.
For detailed instructions about performing this task, refer to Send custom
properties to a payment gateway.
Note: This webhook is not site-specific. If you are running multiple sites on your
Commerce instance, the configuration you supply applies to all sites that use this

Use Asset Based Ordering

The Commerce/Oracle Configure, Price, Quote integration features asset based
ordering (ABO).

Understand asset definition and related properties

This integration supports an asset based ordering (ABO) model. Asset based ordering
lets you sell tangible assets or subscription services delivered over a period of time; for
example, mobile phone call and data plans, television and broadband packages.
When these orders are subsequently fulfilled, the fulfillment system notifies Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote via an asset API, and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote then
creates an asset in the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote asset repository. To better
understand asset based ordering and its related services, it is important that you first
understand asset definition and the related properties.
In the Commerce/Oracle Configure, Price, Quote integration, Commerce acts as the
first point of contact for registered and account-based shoppers. Commerce lets a
shopper review and select their purchases as needed.
In Telco-related purchases, Oracle Configure, Price, Quote acts as the primary Asset
system. Commerce makes a call to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote to retrieve the
assets for a particular profile or account. Oracle Configure, Price, Quote then manages
the retrieval of assets from multiple systems if necessary.
One of the underlying features of any Telco solution is the ability for a self-service
channel (in this case, Commerce) to retrieve and display the complete set of assets
owned by the shopper and then to allow the shopper to trigger operations on those
assets. In order for this to happen, Oracle Commercesupports the following asset-
related information properties at the order item level:
• Asset Key - the assetKey property (formerly assetID) is a unique identifier that is
assigned to potential assets when adding items to a cart. This value is used
throughout the asset life cycle by fulfillment, asset management, and order capture

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

systems. In this case, the term "potential" is used meaning that not every item added to a
cart gets completely fulfilled, a provisioning system may fail, etc. For configured items,
the assetKey value is assigned as part of the asset configuration process in Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote.
• Parent Asset Key - Some configured items in an order may be many levels deep in a
BOM structure. In order to ensure that the BOM hierarchy is consistent throughout the
asset life cycle, each item in the BOM hierarchy must be able to identify its direct parent.
The parentAssetKey property makes this possible. For root items in a BOM hierarchy,
the parentAssetKey value is NULL.
• Root Asset Key - Again, some configured items in an order may be many levels deep in a
BOM structure. In order to ensure that the BOM hierarchy is consistent throughout the
asset life cycle, each item in the BOM hierarchy must be able to identify its root asset.
The rootAssetKey property makes this possible. For root items in a BOM hierarchy, the
assetKey and the rootAssetKey value is the same.

Understand the mapping of an asset key to an item

In Oracle Commerce, a configurable SKU may be flagged as "non-assetable" which means
that when this item is configured and purchased it will not be assigned a customer, billing, or
service account and will not become an asset for the shopper. When this item is configured,
however, Oracle Configure, Price, Quote returns asset key values for each item in the BOM
by default.
Note: The flag name is assetable and the default value is False.

Commerce only maps asset key values to commerce items that are actually "assetable." The
rules used in this process are the following:
• If the SKU selected for configuration is based on a product where the property value for
assetable = TRUE, map the asset key data.
• If the SKU selected for configuration is based on a product where the property value for
assetable = FALSE do not map the asset key data.
Understand the Asset Root
It is also important to point out that when a shopper chooses to configure a SKU in
Commerce, the root item of the BOM returned from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote may not
always be that same SKU, that is, the root item part number may not map directly to the
selected configurable SKU.
Say, for example, a mobile product bundle that is represented by the "Red Bundle" SKU in
Commerce is configured several ways. At the initial step of the configuration process, the
shopper may be asked to select either the Standard Package, Student Package, or Value
Package. Depending on the selection made, the root item of the configuration will be
So, based on this example, it is possible that the SKU selected by the shopper to configure
the item will be based on a product where _assetable _= TRUE but the root item for the
resulting configuration may be based on a product where _assetable _= FALSE.

The rule that decides whether a configured item should be assigned _assetKey _ property
is based on whether the SKU that corresponds to the root item of the configuration is
"assetable" and not on whether the item that the shopper selected to be configured in
Commerce is "assetable".

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Understand asset based ordering and related service operations

As already discussed, asset based ordering lets you sell assets or subscription
services delivered over a period of time. When these orders are subsequently fulfilled,
the fulfillment system notifies Oracle Configure, Price, Quote via an asset API, and
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote then creates an asset in the Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote asset repository.
Once created, assets can subsequently be reviewed by shoppers in the My Services
management area within the shopper account. The shopper can then administer an
asset by creating and placing new commerce orders to perform a number of actions
on the asset. These include the following:
• Modify
• Renew
• Terminate
• Suspend
• Resume
• Upgrade
A Services-store SSE and the Services-agent SSE can be configured from the
administrator’s user interface. To do this, click the Design icon in the Administration
user interface. Then click Developer and Server-Side Extensions. Select the name
of the SSE. Both SSEs enable integration with 3rd party asset management systems
to retrieve and execute operations and services on assets available to the shopper.
They also serve as the API for the pre-built integration with Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote asset management.
For each of these operations the operation flow is basically the following:
• The shopper views their list of assets.
• The shopper selects an asset.
• The shopper selects the desired operation:
– For a Modify operation, the system loads the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
hosted iFrame, the shopper makes their modifications, and selects to add to
cart. This is the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame presented to
the shopper when they configure a new purchase prior to adding it the cart,
reconfigure a new purchase prior to checking out, or modify an existing asset.
– For an Upgrade operation, all available upgrade options are displayed on the
Storefront Asset list and then the specific Asset Details pages. After you have
selected a specific Asset, you can select the Upgrade option to view its
upgrade details. When you click on an upgrade option, an iFrame is returned
and opens up in the context of the available upgrade options. You can then
choose your asset upgrade(s) and add them to your cart.
– For all other operations, the system only makes a call to Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote to execute the operation.
• Oracle Configure, Price, Quote asset records are updated.
• Oracle Configure, Price, Quote returns the required JSON representation of the
terminated/renewed/suspended/resumed/modified/upgraded asset.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Commerce transforms the JSON returned to a commerce item and adds it the cart.
– For the Modify and Upgrade operations, the transformation is executed in the
Commerce client layer.
– For all other operations the transformation occurs in the Services SSE which uses
the Asset Action OIC flow.
• The shopper continues shopping.
• When the shopper places the order, the cpq-config-validation-app SSE is triggered
through the External Pricing Webhook. This SSE invokes getConfiguration for every
flow except when the asset actions are Terminate and Suspend. The response received
from OIC gets transformed from the cpq-config-validation-app SSE as the OIC flows,
getConfigurations, and getConfigBom return a flat structure of items which is converted
to a hierarchical structure. Validation is then done in the cpq-config-validation-app
SSE to verify that data is not manipulated on client-side.
• The order items representing Asset Based Ordering operations are submitted
downstream and contain all of the information required to ensure that the operation is
The specific Services actions are described in more detail later in this section. These actions
are important for maintaining an efficient self-service channel. When a shopper performs any
one of these actions on an asset, the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote asset repository is
updated accordingly.
Since Commerce serves as the first point of contact for shoppers, it allows shoppers to
review and select their purchases. In the case of a Telco commerce solution, the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote asset repository acts as the primary Asset system in which
Commerce makes a call to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote to retrieve the assets for a
particular profile or account. Oracle Configure, Price, Quote manages the retrieval of assets
from multiple systems.
The Commerce Telco solution gives the shopper the ability to retrieve and display the
complete set of Assets owned by the shopper/account as well as carry out the mentioned
administration operations that can be performed on those assets.
When a shopper opens the My Services management area within their account they are
presented with a list of the assets linked to their account. From here they can select an asset
and click on the Details button next to the desired asset to see the detailed view of the
It is at this point that the shopper can choose between the Modify, Renew, Terminate,
Suspend, Resume, and Upgrade actions.

If the shopper chooses Modify, Commerce loads the current configuration for the service in
question and opens a screen that allows the shopper to modify the service as required. The
new monthly charge for the service is updated automatically as the shopper makes their
selections. The shopper can then add the modified service to their cart.
When the shopper goes through checkout and completes their order, Commerce submits a
service modification request to the fulfillment system.
As mentioned, earlier the steps in this operation are typically the following:
• The shopper views their list of assets.
• The shopper selects an asset.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• The shopper selects a Modify operation. For a Modify operation, the system loads
an Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame. The shopper makes their asset
modifications and selects to add it to cart.
• Oracle Configure, Price, Quote asset records are updated and Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote returns the required JSON representation the terminated/renewed/
suspended/resumed/modified asset.
• Commercetransforms the required JSON returned to a commerce item and adds it
the cart. This transformation is executed in the Commerce client layer.
• The shopper continues shopping and then checks out.
The order items representing ABO operations are submitted downstream and contain
all of the information required to ensure that the operation is fulfilled.

If the shopper chooses Renew, Commerce determines the configuration ID that
represents a renewal of the service in its current configuration and then adds a
renewal instruction to the shopping cart and opens the Shopping Cart Details page.
When the shopper goes through checkout and completes their order, Commerce
submits a service renewal request to the fulfillment system. This is handled and
invoked via the Services SSE endpoint /services/{id}/renewService and the SSE
invokes the OIC flow.

Terminate a service
If the shopper chooses Terminate, a configuration ID is sent back by Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote that represents the termination of the service in question. A termination
instruction is added to the shopping cart and the Shopping Cart Details page is then
When the shopper goes through checkout and completes their order, Commerce then
submits the service termination request to the fulfillment system. This is handled and
invoked via the Services SSE endpoint /services/{id}/terminateService which
invokes the OIC flow.

Suspend a service
If the shopper chooses Suspend, it allows them to suspend a service. Commerce
provides an endpoint that is used to suspend a service. When a shopper selects to
suspend a service, they choose the Suspend action and then enter a valid suspend
By clicking on the Suspend button, Commerce determines the configuration ID that
represents the suspension of the service in question, adds a suspension instruction to
the shopping cart, and opens the Shopping Cart Details page. When the shopper goes
through checkout and completes their order, Commerce submits a service suspension
request to the fulfillment system. Also, when the Suspend action is chosen from the
store user interface, the transaction date is set to current date (i.e., the date that the
shopper suspended the service. This suspension may be indefinite or for set for a
specific period of time by entering a date. A specific shopper use case example might
be letting a shopper suspend a data plan for 30 days.
The Services SSEs support the Suspend operation which returns either a Configured
Item or an Error. Services is part of the Oracle Integrated Cloud flow.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

The Services API has an endpoint called Suspend Service. The endpoint can be triggered
when a shopper selects to suspend a service, enters a valid suspend date and time, and
selects to proceed. Inputs include the following:
• Asset Key
• Action - Suspend
• Transaction Date - The valid suspend date and time information that the shopper entered.
The Suspend date is not equal to or later than the asset end date.
The API returns either a Configured Item or an Error.

Resume a Service
If the shopper chooses Resume, it allows them to resume a service that was previously
suspended. Commerce provides an endpoint that is used to resume a service. When a
shopper selects to resume a service, they choose the Resume action and then enter a valid
resume date and time to resume the service.
By clicking on the Resume button, Commerce determines the configuration ID that
represents the service in question that is to be resumed, adds a resume instruction to the
shopping cart, and opens the Shopping Cart Details page. When the shopper goes through
checkout and completes their order, Commerce submits a resume service request to the
fulfillment system. Also, when the Resume action is chosen from the store user interface, the
transaction date is set to current date (i.e., the date that the shopper resumed the service).
The Services SSEs also support this Resume operation which returns either a Configured
Item or an Error. Services is part of the Oracle Integrated Cloud flow.
The Services API has an endpoint called Resume Service. The endpoint can be triggered
when a shopper selects to resume a service, enters a valid resume date and time and selects
to proceed. Inputs include the following:
• AssetKey
• Action: Resume
• Transaction Date: The valid Resume date and time that the shopper entered. The
Resume date is not equal to or later than the asset end date.
The API returns either a Configured Item or an Error.
Note: An action code of Renew, Terminate, Suspend, and Resume is assigned to an item
when that respective operation has been applied to that item.

Upgrade an Asset
With Asset Based Ordering, you have the ability to upgrade an existing asset. If a shopper
chooses the Upgrade operation, they can upgrade an asset to one of the upgrades available
for the product. Any Root asset may have one or more upgrade options available at any time.
Commerce SSE endpoints getServices and getServices/{id} return the upgrade options
for each of the asset if the query param "expand=occ_upgradeOptions" is passed. Once the
shopper selects the Upgrade action and clicks the Upgrade button, this action invokes the
upgradeService SSE endpoint which gets the upgrade name as input and returns the query
string that is to be used as punchin URL to launch the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote iFrame.
From the user interface point of view, a shopper selects to upgrade an asset, choose the
Upgrade action in the Asset Details view and then select the asset upgrade that they desire.
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote maintains a custom upgrade options table for Commerce to
query in order to know which upgrades are available for a given asset. The key parameter
controlling the operation is the SKU of one or more items that are part of a current asset

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

bundle. The response received after initiating this operation includes all of the eligible
SKUs that an asset can be upgraded to.
Commerce has an Upgrade endpoint to fetch all available upgrade options. The input
for this endpoint is currentModel and currentOffer. The following presents the
details on the information needed to retrieve the upgrade options table from Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote:
• Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Table Name: INT_UPGRADE_OPTIONS
• Input (via URL parameter): occ_Upgrade_options query parameter which is a list
of currentSku plus currentModel for the assets. Type: String. This query
parameter is passed from Commerce to the SSE endpoint (described further in
this section). After a getAssets call, you then pick the currentModel and
currentOffer from each asset and invoke the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
upgrade options table.
• Output: upgradeName, upgradeProductId(OCC)

The following presents the details on the basic schema of the upgrade options table
maintained by Oracle Configure, Price, Quote that contains the specified upgrade

Table 2-2 Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Upgrade Table

Column Name Data Type and Description

currentSku String. This value defines the current offer.
This needs to be stored as an attribute of an
asset record. This value is sent from
Commerce while retrieving the upgrade
currentModel String. The model name for which the upgrade
offer is valid.
upgradeName String. This value is passed to he Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote iFrame while
upgrading and is used by Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote to default and render the upgrade
options. This is not be used by Commerce for
any purpose.
upgradeProductId String. This is used by Commerce to identify
the product corresponding to upgrade option.
The product display name, description,
images, etc. can be used to show upgrade
details to the shopper.

Note: A combination of currentSku and currentModel is used as the parameter to find

the matching upgrade options
The Oracle Configure, Price, Quote upgrade table is queried by Commerce to help
identify the upgrades that are available for a given asset. These upgrade options are
then presented to the shopper. An example of what the upgrade information would
contain includes the following:

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Table 2-3 Example of upgrade options returned to Commerce

currentSku currentModel upgradeName upgradeProductID

4ForUDeal nPlay 4ForUDeal prod102

It is recommended that the currentSku column is indexed. The following presents additional
details on each returned upgrade option:
• currentOffer - Maps to a configurable attribute on the root config model in Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote. This needs to be stored as an attribute mapping onto the root
asset as well. This value is sent from Commerce while retrieving the upgrade options.
• currentModel - Maps to the variable name of the root config model in Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote which the upgrade offer applies to.
• upgradeName - Maps to the _config_upgrade_name that is passed from Commerceto
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, which drives recommendation rules on the upgrade. This
is not used by Commerce for any other purpose.
• upgradeProductId - Maps to the Product Id of the upgrade offer in Commerce. This is
used to show upgrade details (product display name, description, images, etc) to the
As mentioned, Commerce provides an Upgrade endpoint that is used in the operation to
upgrade the asset. This endpoint is part of the Services SSE which works to complete
multiple service operations (already mentioned in the above sections) via the Services API.
For this operation, the Services API has an endpoint called Upgrade. The following
information provides more detail on what is required by the API to upgrade an asset using
this endpoint:
• SSE name: Services
• Endpoint name: Upgrade
• Endpoint trigger: The endpoint is triggered when the user clicks Upgrade against an
upgrade option
• Inputs:
– Logged in User Token
– AssetID
– upgradeName (returned from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote)
• Returns: Upgrade URL Query String. This is the string of data that is appended to the
base Modify URL to ensure that the upgrade iFrame is correctly pre-populated based on
the product that the shopper is upgrading from and the product that they are upgrading
The activity that occurs at the store user interface level during the Upgrade operation is the
• Select the Asset List view. This lets you view information about all of your assets/
services. This view will also show the upgrade options (if available) for the asset. You
cannot trigger an Upgrade operation from this view as the actual upgrade URL is not yet
determined until the asset details are retrieved.
• Select the asset you wish to view and click the Details button so that you can view the
asset details and as well as possible upgrade details.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• When you click the Details button of any asset, the asset details page is displayed
which shows all of the details associated with that asset along with available asset
action options.
• The asset details page also has a section showing the upgrade options available
for that asset. When you display the asset details page, the product details of that
SKU/Product are displayed. The Upgrade button is displayed next to any upgrade
available for that asset.
• Click the Upgrade button in the Asset view of the asset that you want upgraded.
Your upgrade option details are then displayed in the Asset Details view. You can
also get the same results by clicking the link for the available upgrade from the
Service list.
• Click Upgrade. When the Upgrade operation is initiated, the following occurs:
– If there are upgrades available for the asset, the SSE endpoint returns an
Upgrade URL Query String and creates the upgrade punch-in URL to load the
iFrame containing the information about the available upgrades.
– When you select to upgrade you are finally presented with a pre-configured
modification to your asset bundle.
– If the SSE endpoint returns an error, this means there are no upgrades
available for this asset and an appropriate error message is displayed.
• Add the upgrade to your cart and submit the order to complete the upgrading
Finally, each of the Asset Based Ordering services operations described earlier may
be carried out by a shopper or by an agent acting on the shopper’s behalf.

Additional information related to using the Upgrade feature with Commerce

The following additional details should be kept in mind when using the Upgrade
• In Commerce you can start a configuration upgrade from a configurable SKU (for
example, "4ForU Deal") which in turn maps to a model "nPlay" in Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote.
• Configuration metadata is set with key "offer" and value "4ForU Deal" for the
above SKU and is passed to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
• After the configuration upgrade is completed, the BOM returned from the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote for that configuration may have a different rootSKU (i.e.,
"nPlay") and that is what is added to cart. "4ForUDeal" may be a child of "nPlay".
• In Commerce, there is another SKU for "nPlay" that is configurable and maps to
the same model "nPlay" in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
• After the order is submitted, an asset with "nPlay" is created which has an asset
attribute of Offer. Offer then has a value of 4ForUDeal.
Also, via the CommerceAdmin, you can create products with an upgradeProductId as
the productId value, and mark them as 'notForIndividualSale.' This lets you do the
• Have a unique name for each upgrade that can be displayed in the store
• Have a unique description to describe what the upgrade is
• Support locale specific translations

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Have the ability to upload images related to the upgradeOption.

Handle further upgrades to an asset that has already been upgraded

In some use cases, you may have a situation where you have an asset with
currentOffer=sku1234 that is being upgraded to Upgrade 101. When you then visit the
Asset Details page again you are presented with the same upgrade option of Upgrade101.
This can occur because the upgrade does not modify the currentOffer and it is still sku1234
and its corresponding upgrade options are being fetched during the getAssets/getAsset flow.
The following details show how you can solve this type of situation:

Table 2-4 Example of how to handle further upgrades to an asset

currentOffer currentModel upgradeName upgradeProductID

4ForUDeal nPlay 4ForUDealPlus 4ForUDealPlus

• Let's say a shopper starts an upgrade configuration from the SKU "4ForUDeal" by
passing the configuration metadata offer=4ForUDeal.
• After upgrading the configuration, the BOM sent from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote may
have a different root SKU id such as "nPlay." "4ForUDeal" may be a child of it. It will also
contain an attribute "offer" with value "4ForUDeal"
• An asset with "nPlay" as the currentModel gets created and the getAssets/getAsset flows
return the asset details along with asset attribute offer=4ForUDeal.
• The offer attribute is sent as the currentOffer to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote while
retrieving the upgrade option 4ForUDealPlus.
• Once the upgrade has been performed by passing the upgrade name 4ForUDealPlus to
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote in the queryString, the BOM returned from Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote will have the attribute "offer" with value "4ForUDealPlus".
• After submitting the order and updating the asset, the asset attribute "offer" value now
gets updated to "4ForUDealPlus".
• In subsequent getAssets and getAsset calls the asset attribute offer value will be returned
as "4ForUDealPlus", so that there are no matching records for that currentOffer in
upgrade options table in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.

Understand the Disable Reconfiguration feature

Regarding these operations, the Oracle Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
integration also has the ability to prevent shoppers from attempting to reconfigure items in
their cart that have been added by any of the following operations:
• Renew
• Terminate
• Suspend
• Resume
To assist in disabling reconfiguration on already configured items added by any of these
actions, an action code of Renew, Terminate, Suspend, and Resume is assigned to an item
when that respective operation has been applied to that item.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

This code is assigned to make sure that shoppers are prevented from attempting to
reconfigure an asset. The purpose of the code is to make sure the reconfigure
session(s) fails, either at reconfiguration or order validation time.

Differentiate between new order items and ABO order items

To identify items in an order that are the result of an operation on an existing asset
(Terminate, Renew, Suspend, Resume, Modify, Upgrade), Commerce has checked to
see if there was an assetId value. If there was, Commerce assumed that the item is
the result of an ABO and not a net new purchase. This approach worked on the
assumption that an asset identifier would only be assigned when the asset record was
created in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
Asset identifier values are now assigned at the time when a shopper adds an item to
the cart. To ensure that Commerce can always reliably differentiate between new order
items and ABO order items when an ABO item is added to the cart, a lineType
property for each item in the configuration hierarchy is set to ASSET.
The rule used to differentiate between new order items and ABO order items is the
following: If assetKey value is present and _lineType = NULL then the item is a new
purchase and not an operation on an existing asset.

Retrieve assets for an order with an asset key

For the cancel in-flight feature, Commerceneeds a mechanism for retrieving all of the
assets derived from a particular order. Commerce used to retrieve the assets for a
particular order based on assetID (stored on the asset record in Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote). Commerce now uses the assetKey value.

For any given order Commerce queries the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote assets API
to retrieve the assets for the order based on the collection of assetKey values. This
query is limited to the assetKey values for the root items in the order only

Understand restricting the quantity of assetable items

A shopper used to be able to increase the item quantity for a configured item in the
cart in the same way as any other purchase. This action does not work where an asset
key value has been assigned.
Asset keys are assigned to net new purchases as part of the configuration process.
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote assigns an assetKey for the root and all child items in
the configuration. If an item has been assigned an asset key then this asset key is
used to identity a single instance of this asset throughout the fulfillment, provisioning
and asset management processes. As a result, the quantity of an item cannot be
greater than one.

Customize configurations in Commerce using the CPQ Configuration

You can customize the configurations of complex products in Oracle Commerce by
using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API to avoid being redirected
to a Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame.
You can now customize the configurations of complex products in Oracle Commerce
without being redirected to a Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

You can now customize the configurations of complex products in Commerce without being
redirected to a Oracle Configure, Price, Quote hosted iFrame which may have a separate
and distinct user interface look and feel that creates a disjointed user experience. This
capability, known as the Direct API Configuration feature, is provided to build out support in
Commerce for API driven product configurations where the user interface experience is
controlled by Commerce and can be customized by Commerce partners. At a high level, this
feature lets you do the following:
• Create brand specific configuration user interfaces and controls at the global level.
• Create a specific user interface experience for individual customizable products at the
product level.
The goal of this feature is to provide full support of the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Configuration API on Commerce Storefront frameworks. This includes providing a
mechanism to dynamically create user interface elements that let shoppers select
customizable products. It then presents them with the appropriate user interface elements to
complete the customization process and add the each item to the cart. These user interface
elements are generated dynamically in response to the selections made by the shopper at
each step of the customization. The functionality of this feature is fully compliant with current
Commerce Storefront frameworks.
The principal benefits of the Direct API Configuration feature are the following:
• iFrame is not required - The current functionality requires that the configuration system
(Oracle Configure, Price, Quote) perform all of the configuration tasks. This means that
the shopper's user interface experience is managed in 2 separate applications. Up to the
point where the shopper selects a customizable product, their user interface experience
is driven by Commerce. On the other hand, the configuration user experience is
managed by Oracle Configure, Price, Quote and when the shopper adds the configured
item to the cart the user experience reverts back to the control of Commerce. The
addition of this feature means that customers will not be required to execute product
configuration via an iFrame. This lets shoppers experience a consistent user interface
with common look and feel across their storefront.
• Decoupling of the user interface and the configuration process - This feature ensures that
the user interface framework is decoupled from the configuration process. This lets
customers do the following:
– Build configuration user interface components using the Commerce Design Page
based on the Store Front 1.0 Framework.
– Build configuration user interface components using a non-Commerce design user
interface framework.
• Performance improvements - The use of the iFrame pattern also creates a performance
concern. The former integration with Oracle Configure, Price, Quote functions well and
the disjointed user experience can be managed to some extent with user interface
customization. However, there is also no reliable evidence that this design pattern
performs at the levels required for high volume customer-based Telco implementations,
where hundreds of thousands of shoppers may be configuring complex Telco bundles at
the same time. This feature attempts to address this concern.
The roles that Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote now take with this feature are
the following:
• Oracle Configure, Price, Quote remains the primary configurator and controls the
– What needs to be configured

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

– The sequence in which components/attributes are presented

– The configuration values that are required or accepted
• The Commerce client is responsible for how the configurator is displayed (without
an iFrame).
Additional topics in the current chapter provide you with detailed use cases for this

Understand the support of the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration

This feature provides a downloadable extension to the Commerce application
component that provides a collection of endpoints which lets the Storefront UI
(regardless of which user interface framework you are using) do the following:
• Retrieve the end to end UI flow for a given Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Configuration Model
• Retrieve sufficient metadata to identify the user interface elements required for
each attribute of the model. These elements include the following:
– Input Controls (Radio Buttons, List Boxes, Toggles, Date/Time Pickers etc.)
– Navigational Components (Breadcrumbs, Sliders, Image Carousels etc.)
– Information Components (Progress Bars, Tool Tips etc.)
– Containers such as accordion elements
• Retrieve data required to correctly populate each user interface element. This
includes Label Names, Selectable Options, and more
• Create a product configuration
• Update a product configuration
• Update user interface flow
• Update a user interface elements
• Modify a product configuration
• Upgrade a product configuration
• Save a product configuration
• Transform a BOM (bill of materials) to a Commerce cart item
• Reconfigure a saved product configuration
This extension also handles the following management tasks:
• Maintains the state of the configuration until such time as it is saved.
• Makes sure that calls made from the user interface framework to the Commerce
Extension are authorized.
• Makes sure that calls made from the Commerce Extension to Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Configuration REST APIs are authorized.
• Ensures that connections are made from the user interface framework to
extension to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote REST APIs without OAIC (Oracle
Integration) integration flows.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Manages BOM (Bill of Materials) data objects returned from Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote when the configuration is saved.
This Commerce Extension supports any user interface client, including those built on
Commerce Storefront 1.0.

Understand supported integration-specific configuration APIs

The Oracle Configure, Price, Quote (Configure, Price and Quote) Cloud solution supports the
complete quote-to-cash process from customer inquiry to order fulfillment. It guides users to
optimal product options and configurations from simple to complex, automatically applying
discounts and relevant up-sell and cross-sell opportunities. Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
exposes objects and data through REST APIs. By exposing objects and data through REST
APIs, Oracle Configure, Price, Quote promotes simpler API calls and more robust integration
using HTTP standards. For the Direct API Configuration feature and current Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Integration support, the following configuration APIs are mostly used:
• Configuration Run-Time Data Services APIs - These endpoints expose information and
perform an action for a configuration model. All Configuration Run-Time Data REST APIs
follow a required product hierarchy starting with the product family then product line
followed by the model. A variable name for the product entity is required. For example, /
config{prodFamVarName}.(prodLineVarName}.{modelVarName}/ is the standard
Configuration Run-Time Data product path for an endpoint URL.
• Configuration Administration REST APIs - These APIs provide product configuration
endpoints that expose configuration definition information for Configuration Product
Families, Product Lines, Models, attributes, array sets, menu items, and translations. The
information for these items is organized in a hierarchical structure. The Configuration
Administration REST API query parameters are supported to include and exclude child
resources in a given resource. The response for each level in the hierarchy can include
the details of the sub resources based on the query parameter passed in the request.
Customer Configuration flows dictate how users go through the site pages and the options
available as they create a Transaction. Configuration flow rules consist of a condition and
flow attributes. Actions display based on which node in the flow that the user has available
based on defined criteria. Beginning in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Release 18D,Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote transformed the current configuration definition as REST endpoints
to support UI interfaces. These services are available v7 and higher RESTful services.
Refer to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote REST API documentation for more complete

Understand how the Direct API Configuration feature enhances Asset Operations
As mentioned, this feature provides Commerce with support of the Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote Configuration API Layer while using the Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote integration. This means providing functionality that lets customers, using any user
interface framework, configure and/or reconfigure customizable products by invoking the
following from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote:
• Configuration Run-Time Data Services APIs
• Configuration Administration REST APIs
Building on this foundation, the feature further supports some asset-based operations
whereby the configuration model retrieved from Oracle CPQ represents an existing asset.
This lets the shopper execute the following configuration-related Asset Operations via direct
API calls to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API:

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Modify
• Upgrade
Available Storefront and Agent endpoints for this feature let you modify and upgrade
assets via direct API calls to Oracle Configure, Price, Quote thus removing the need to
include an iFrame in this part of the shopping experience as well. This feature is
limited to API only and customers will need to build their own UI elements to invoke
these new endpoints.
By creating your own Modify and Upgrade user interface elements, you can deliver a
seamless and consistent user experience even when modifying or upgrading complex
products or services. The shopper user interface experience while modifying or
upgrading a service can then be consistent with the rest of the site navigation
experience as configuration user interface controls can be created in compliance with
the Site Theme and CSS being used.
To fully implement the Asset Operations portion of this feature you must:
• Download and install the CpqConfiguratorStoreApp and
CpqConfiguratorAgentApp SSEs
• Create a ‘Modify’ user interface element which can be coded into the Asset Details
widget (which is not elementized)
• Create an ‘Upgrade’ user interface element which can also be coded into the
Asset Details widget
The creation of the user interface elements should be a straightforward process for
any developer partner with a working knowledge of Commerce development and

Refer to Use Asset Based Ordering for more information on these Asset Operations.

Understand Sys Config model support via Commerce and the Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Configuration API
In Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, certain parts of customizable (configurable)
products are based on "Sys Config" models that are accessible via the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API. The "Sys Config" model consists of a
hierarchy of components and associated classes that are used to model the
hierarchical nature of the Product and Promotion structure of that configurable product.
When products in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote are structured hierarchically, Product
Families are created first. Families provide the broad classifications of products. The
next parts created are Product Lines which are used to describe more specific product
areas of Product Families. Finally, Models are created to provide detail about the most
specific product traits.
Note: In a "Sys Config" model, an attribute of a model can also be another model so it
is important that you fully understand the structured hierarchy of each product family.
Examples of the product hierarchies just described might look something like the
• Product Family: "Business Laptop"
– Product Line: “EZCompute”
* Model: "EZ"
* Model: "EZ Pro"

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Product Family: ""Gamer Laptop""

– Product Line: "Avenger"
* Model: "Novice"
* Model: "EZ Pro"
Note: In a "Sys Config" model, an attribute of a model can also be another model so it is
important that you fully understand the structured hierarchy of each configured product family.
For example, the "Novice" model in the "Gamer Laptop" product family could have its own
"sub-model" that had a variation of the features (more memory, better graphics card, and so
on) offered in the basic configuration of the parent "Novice" model. To summarize, this feature
lets you reload the configurator with a model which can be an attribute of the root/parent.
For more complete information on models and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote REST APIs,
refer to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote documentation.
In the Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Integration, Commerce works with the
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API to let you execute the configuration of
complex "Sys Config" models via API calls to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Configuration API. The Commerce support of the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Configuration API lets you open and customize desired models within a bundle configuration.
An example of this might be a product bundle consisting of a Mobile service attribute as well
as a Cable TV service attribute. In this example, each service attribute (Mobile and Cable TV)
is its own model. Commerce support of the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API
lets you open a product configurator directly on either of those service models.
Note: Keep in mind that a shopper can only interact with a model starting from the root asset
of the configured product. Every Configure, Reconfigure, Modify, or Upgrade operation is an
operation carried out on the root asset. Having retrieved the root asset (the complete product
model), the shopper may then navigate to any attributes of the root. In some cases, an
attribute may well be an attribute that is a sub-model.
As far as user cases go, this feature lets you (the developer) build out specific user interface
experiences dealing with the configuration of customizable products from a desired catalog.
In doing so, it lets you apply global, site, or even product-specific user interface template
changes as well as control the user interface flow of the configuration process for each
product. For customers, this feature lets them enjoy a seamless product customization
experience without any indication that multiple applications are working together as part of an
integration to handle the product configuration.

Implement configuration customization via the CPQ Configuration API.

You need to complete some initial tasks to implement the functionality that directly
customizes configurations using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API for the
first time on a customer storefront.
The Direct API Configuration feature lets you directly customize configurations using the
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API. This topic describes the tasks which a
developer and designer would work together to implement this functionality for the first time
for a customer storefront.
This feature lets you directly customize configurations using the Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote Configuration API. This topic describes the tasks which a developer and designer
would work together to implement this functionality for the first time for a customer storefront.
This would be the set of tasks that would be carried out first to allow you to use the feature.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

In this case, the customer does not want to use the hosted iFrame model for executing
product customization on their site but would prefer customization via the Direct API
Configuration feature. The specific reasons the customer is requesting the
implementation of this feature are the following:
• The customer wants the customization user experience to be as seamless as
• The customer wants their merchandising team to have as much control over the
customization user interface "look and feel" as possible.
• The customer would prefer that the merchandising team manage the user
interface experience in their design tools as much as possible.
The details for implementing and using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Configuration API feature are described in the sections that follow. In these
descriptions, it is assumed that the Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Integration is already configured and enabled.

Understand the role of the Commerce Configurator SSE in the Direct API
Configuration feature
The Direct API Configuration feature uses a Commerce server-side extension (SSE) to
provide a collection of endpoints which lets the storefront UI (regardless of the UI
framework used) to configure products and services. The SSE accepts a configurator
request, invokes the corresponding requests in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, and
processes the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote response before returning an optimized
The SSE performs the following configurator actions:
• Configure - This action corresponds to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
_configure endpoint and is the starting point for configuring a model. It returns all
the necessary layout data, attribute, and configuration state data for a user
interface to display a configurator model. Also, where a layout contains Pick Lists
and/or Array Sets, it returns all data required for those components to be
• Update - This action corresponds to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote _update
endpoint. It will accept an updated configuration state from the client and return an
new configuration state based on the changes made.
• Next - This action corresponds to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote _next
endpoint. This action is available when the model configuration is spanned across
multiple nodes/configuration flow layouts. It works similarly to the initial configure
action as it also returns all the necessary layout data, attributes, configuration
state, and pick list/array set data to display the particular layout for a stage in the
• Previous - This action corresponds to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote _next
endpoint. This action is available when the model configuration is spanned across
multiple nodes/configuration flow layouts. It works similarly to the initial configure
action as it also returns all the necessary layout data, attributes, configuration
state, and pick list/array set data to display the particular layout for a stage in the
• Add to Cart - This action corresponds to the Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote_integration_addToCart endpoint. This action returns a Commerce
commerce item (cart item). It transforms a Configuration_Details response

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

(returned from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote) to a Commerce commerce item (cart
item). With the embedded configurator, approach the Configuration_Details response
is returned to Commerce and it is the responsibility of the Commerce client to transform
the response to a Commerce commerce item.
• Reconfigure - This action corresponds to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
_reconfigureClient endpoint. It is similar to the Configure action but rather than starting
a brand new configuration, it returns all the necessary layout data, attributes,
configuration state, and pick list/array set data for a user interface to display a
configurator model for an existing configuration. A configId parameter is used to identify
the existing configuration.
• Interact - This action corresponds to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote _interact
endpoint. It is typically triggered by the user interface in response to a change to an
attribute value when ajaxEnabled has been set to true for the user interface component.
It takes the value for the attribute that has changed and returns a new configuration state
based on the change made.
• Array Set - The action supports the following:
– Add Row - This action corresponds to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
_set<arraySetVarName>/actions/_add endpoint. It accepts a cacheInstanceId and
adds a row to the arraySet.
– Delete Row - This action corresponds to the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
_set<arraySetVarName>/actions/_delete endpoint. It accepts a cacheInstanceId
and removeIndex and removes the row from the supplied index in the arraySet.
• Layout - This action retrieves the full layoutCache for a particular product and flow.
• Pick Lists - This action retrieves all options available for a particular pick list.
• UI Settings - This action retrieves all general/base user interface configuration settings
from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
• Templates - The action retrieves configuration templates that are to be used for rendering
a BOM table and a recommended parts table.

Implement the Direct API Configuration feature

To implement the Direct API Configuration feature in Commerce you must:
• Download and install the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator (Storefront/Agent)
Server-Side Extension in Commerce.
• Create a "Customize Button for Direct API" user interface element for direct API
• Create a "Reconfigure Button for Direct API" user interface element for direct API
• Create a JavaScript Library of user interface components that will be used to render the
Layout response from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote (this could be Knockout
Components, React, Commerce elements etc.).
• Include the "Customize Button for Direct API" element (button) in the Product Details
widget in order to trigger a customization session.
• Include the "Reconfigure Button for Direct API" element (button) in the Shopping Cart
widget in order to trigger a reconfigure session.
• Bundle the user interface elements and JavaScript library into a single extension that can
be uploaded in a single step.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Log in to Commerce Admin and navigate to Settings → Extensions.

• Upload the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator server-side extension.
• Upload the new extension containing the user interface elements and JavaScript

Implement the Direct API Configuration feature for Configure

If you decide to implement the Direct API Configuration feature for Configure do the
• Log in to Commerce Admin and navigate to Design → Layout → Product Layout
→ Layout Settings.
• Select Product Layout → Grid View and then select the Product Details widget.
• Select the Element Library. You should see three "Customize Button" user
elements available. These include the following:
– Customize Button - Supports the iFrame customization flow by using the
iFrame URL stored in Commerce Admin and appending values for Product
Line, Product Family and Model to load the iFrame and kick off the
configuration process.
– Customize Button with Configuration Metadata - Supports the iFrame
customization flow by using the iFrame URL stored in Commerce Admin and
appending values for Product Line, Product Family, Model and a collection of
one or more static or dynamic key value pairs of configuration metadata to
load the iFrame in the correct state and kick off the configuration process.
– Customize Button for Direct API - Supports the API driven customization flow.
Note: You created this as directed in the previous section as the "Customize
Button for Direct API" element.
• Add the Customize Button for Direct API to the Product Details widget.
• Save your changes.
• Navigate back to Layout → Product Layout → Layout Settings.
• Set the Layout Preview Product ID for 4ForU Deal offer. This is a configurable
product that lets you buy services for Landline, Mobile, Internet and TV in a single
bundle at a steep discount.
• Save your changes. Select Product Layout → Preview. You are presented with a
preview of the product layout for the 4ForU Deal offer.
• Select to customize the offer. You are presented with the customizable options for
the offer in a combination of user interface components including the following:
– Panels
– Tabs
– Input fields
– Radio buttons
– Checkboxes
– Multi-select lists
– Single select lists
– Date pickers

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

– Pick Lists
These components are presented as the default mapping for the corresponding Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote model attributes and layout.
• Publish your changes.

Implement the Direct API Configuration feature for Reconfigure

If you decide to implement the Direct API Configuration feature for Reconfigure do the
• Select Layout → Cart Layout → Grid View and select the Shopping Cart widget.
• Select Go to widget code.
• Add the Reconfigure Button for Direct API to the Shopping Cart widget.
Note: You created this as directed in the earlier section as the "Reconfigure Button for
Direct API" element.
• Save your changes.
• Navigate back to Layout → Cart Layout → Layout Settings.
• Set the Layout Preview Product ID for the 4ForU Deal offer with a quantity of 1. This is a
configurable product which lets you buy services for Landline, Mobile, Internet and TV in
a single bundle at a steep discount.
• Save your changes.
• Select Product Layout → Preview. You are presented with a preview of the product
layout for the 4ForU Deal offer.
• Select to customize the offer and add it to the cart.
• Select the cart and choose to edit the configurable item.
• You are presented with customizable options for the offer in a combination of user
interface components including the following:
– Panels
– Tabs
– Input fields
– Radio buttons
– Checkboxes
– Multi-select lists
– Single select lists
– Date pickers
– Pick Lists
These components are presented as per the default mapping for the corresponding
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote model attributes and layout.
• Publish your changes.
Commerce is now configured to use the direct API configuration process for customizable

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Control user interface look and feel using the CPQ Configuration API
The Direct API Configuration feature lets you control user interface "look and feel"
using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API.
You can use the Direct API Configuration feature to control user interface "look and
feel" using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API. This ability lets you
do things like the following:
• Apply a site-specific "Look and Feel" product customization to the user interface
• Apply site-specific user interface components for a custom user interface
• Add a new UI component to the configuration flow.
• Remove tabs from the product customization user interface experience.
• Apply a product type specific set of user interface components to the configuration
Before you can accomplish these tasks, you must first make sure that the API driven
configuration feature has been implemented (described in the previous topic). Also, it
is assumed that the Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Integration has
already been configured and enabled.
In the sections that follow, you are provided with details for using this feature to carry
out these customization tasks.

Apply a site-specific "Look and Feel" product customization to the user

interface experience
Consider this situation. Say a customer wants a new custom user interface look and
feel for their site. The customer's in-house design and brand management team have
provided specifications as to:
• Color Schemes
• Style Header and Footer
• Navigation
• Buttons, input fields, check boxes, Multi-select Lists, single select Lists, date
pickers, pick lists
• Component Sizes
• Component Styles
• Component Colors
• Component Fonts
You are instructed to change the user site interface look and feel so that it reflects the
customer product customization changes. This is done by completing the following
• Refer to the Customizing your store layouts section on the Oracle Help Center.
You can see that it is possible to apply the required user in look and feel by cloning
and customizing a Commerce theme.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Note: The included version of the JavaScript Library of Knockout UI Components used to
render the Layout response from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote uses OOTB theme/
styles, (i.e., Bootstrap Forms and Components). Also, by making changes at the provided
Theme level, you can change the look and feel of the configuration UI experience without
making any changes directly to the UI elements or JS Library.
• Clone the provided the theme and apply the required specifications for:
– Backgrounds
– Buttons
– Navigation Menu
– Menu
– Typography
This is done directly in the Design page.
• Use the Design page to access the theme's CSS and apply all of the remaining UI
• Save all your changes.
• Navigate to Layout → Product Layout → Layout Settings.
• Set the Layout Preview Product ID for 4ForU Deal offer, this is a configurable product
which allows shoppers to buy services for Landline, Mobile, Internet and TV in a single
bundle at a steep discount.
• Save your changes.
• Select Product Layout → Preview. You are presented with a preview of the product
layout for the 4ForU Deal offer.
• The system displays the configurable options available in a combination of UI
components such as the following:
– Panels
– Tabs
– Input fields
– Radio buttons
– Checkboxes
– Multi -select lists
– Single select lists
– Date pickers
– Pick Lists
You can now see that all of the user interface components are displayed in accordance with
the new theme that you have created and are in accordance with the rest of the site.

Apply site-specific user interface components for a custom user interface experience
A case may arise where a customer wants the customization user interface experience to be
slightly different from the rest of the site to convey the feeling of personal design when they
are building their tailored product.
The customer's in-house design and brand management team has provided specifications to
make changes to the following user interface elements:

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Buttons - Primary Buttons should contain an icon

• Input Fields - Should all have labels
• Check boxes - Should be rendered as sliders
• Multi-select lists - Should be displayed as a collection of check boxes
• Single select lists - Should be displayed as drop down lists
• Date pickers - Should be displayed as Tumbler Scrolls
• Color pick list - Should be displayed as a swatch matrix with a tone slider
As a member of the SI user interface design team, you are instructed to implement the
new product customization user interface look and feel. You see that in order to
change how the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote model user interface components are
rendered inCommerce, changes must be made to the JavaScript Library of Knockout
user interface components used to render the Layout response from Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote. This JavaScript Library is part of the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Configurator user interface extension which was uploaded at feature implementation
To implement the new product customization user interface look and feel, complete the
following tasks:
• Log in to Commerce Admin and navigate to Settings → Extensions.
• Deactivate the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface
• Delete the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface extension.
This extension includes the Direct API versions of the Configure and Reconfigure
user interface elements as well as a common JavaScript Library that defines the
mapping of Oracle Configure, Price, Quote user interface components to
Commerce Knockout Components.
• Create new versions of the following:
– Configure element (if you want the button to appear differently or launch the
configuration in a new widget)
– Reconfigure element (if you want the button to appear differently or launch the
configuration in a new widget)
– JavaScript Library (In the JavaScript library for each component that is to be
rendered differently modify the HTML, JavaScript and define new styles which
must also be added to the global stylesheet).
• Bundle the user interface elements and JavaScript library into a single extension
that can be uploaded in a single step.
• Navigate to Settings → Extensions and upload the new version of Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface extension.
• Reapply the "Customize via direct API" for Configure by doing the following:
– Navigate to Design → Layout → Product Layout → Layout Settings.
– Select Product Layout → Grid View and select the Product Details widget.
– Select the Element Library.
– Add the Customize Button for Direct API to the Product Details Widget.
– Save your changes.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

– Navigate back to Layout → Product Layout → Layout Settings.

– Set the Layout Preview Product ID for 4ForU Deal offer. This is a configurable
product which allows shoppers to buy services for Landline, Mobile, Internet, and TV
in a single bundle at a steep discount.
– Save your changes.
– Select Product Layout → Preview. You are presented with a preview of the product
layout for the 4ForU Deal offer.
– Select to customize the offer. You are presented with the customizable options for the
offer in a combination of user interface components including the following. These
are presented as per the new Knockout user interface components.
* Buttons
* Input Fields
* Checkboxes
* Multi-select lists
* Single select list
* Date pickers
* Color pick list
• Add the customized offer to the cart.
• Select the cart and chooses to edit the configure item. You are presented with the
customizable options for the offer in a combination of user interface components. These
are presented as per the new Knockout user interface components. These include the
– Buttons
– Input Fields
– Checkboxes
– Multi-select lists
– Single select list
– Date pickers
– Color pick list
• Publish your changes.
Upon completing these tasks, you will see that the product customization user interface look
and feel and components are now distinct from the store design theme and in accordance
with the customer's specifications.

Add a new user interface component to the configuration user interface flow
Sometimes a customer may want new to add a new user interface component that shoppers
will use to select an image that will be imprinted on the shopper's mobile phone case.
In this example, the customer's in-house design and brand management team have
developed a new "Image Carousel" user interface component that shoppers will use to select
the image to be imprinted. This new user interface component is used as the user interface
control for Oracle Configure, Price, Quote model attributes which require the shopper to
select an image.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

As a member of the SI user interface design team, you are instructed to ensure that
this new user interface component is displayed correctly in Commerce. To add the new
user interface component to the configuration user interface experience via direct API,
complete the following tasks:
• Log in to Commerce Admin and navigate to Settings → Extensions and do the
– Deactivate the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface
– Delete the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface
extension. This extension includes the direct API versions of the Configure
and Reconfigure user interface elements as well as a common JavaScript
Library of user interface Components used to render the Layout response from
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote.
• Create new versions of the JavaScript Library to include the new 'Image Carousel'
user interface component, including HTML, JavaScript and Style Definitions which
must also be added to the global stylesheet.
• Bundle the user interface elements and new JavaScript library into a single
extension that can be uploaded in a single step.
• Navigate to Settings → Extensions and upload the edited version of the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface extension.
• Reapply the '"Customize via direct API" for Configure.
• Preview the product layout and make sure that the new image carousel user
interface component renders correctly when customizing a product.
• Preview product layout and make sure that the new image carousel user interface
component renders correctly when reconfiguring a product.
• Publish your changes.
Upon completing these tasks, you should see that the product customization user
interface now includes a new user interface component in accordance with the
customer's specifications.

Remove tabs from the product customization user interface experience

In this case, the customer's in-house design and brand management team have
requested that all tabs be removed from the product customization user interface as
they have received feedback from customers that they are confusing.
As a member of the user interface design team, you are instructed to remove all tabs
from the customization user interfaces. To remove all tabs, complete the following
• Login to Commerce Admin and navigate to Settings → Extensions.
• Deactivate the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface
• Delete the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface extension.
This extension includes the direct API versions of the Configure and Reconfigure
user interface elements as well as the JavaScript Library of user interface
• Edit the JavaScript Library to change how tabs are rendered (stacked, side by side

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Navigate to Settings → Extensions and upload the edited version of Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Configurator user interface Extension.
• Reapply the "Customize via direct API" for Configure Preview the product layout and
make sure that there are no tabs displayed when customizing a product.
• Preview the product layout and make sure that there are no tabs displayed when
reconfiguring a product.
• Publish you changes.
Upon completion of these tasks, you will note that the product customization user interface no
longer displays any tabbed layout in accordance with the customer's specifications.

Apply a product type specific set of user interface components to the configuration
In this case the, the customer's in-house design and brand management team want the
shopper's configuration experience to be different when they customize shippable goods (for
example, "Build your own laptop") and when they customize services such as the Phones4All
For this, a new set of "Service Configuration user interface Components" has been developed
by the in-house design and brand management team for the following:
• Buttons
• Input Fields
• Checkboxes
• Multi-select lists
• Single select list
• Date pickers
• Color pick list
As a member of the user interface design team, you are instructed to ensure that when a
shopper is customizing a service these new user interface components will be displayed. This
is done by completing the following tasks:
• Log in to Commerce Admin.
• Navigate to Settings → Extensions.
• Deactivate the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface extension.
• Delete the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configurator user interface Extension. This
extension includes the direct API versions of the Configure and Reconfigure user
interface elements as well as the common JavaScript Library.
• Edit the JavaScript Library by adding conditional IF statements that map the Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote user interface components to the new "Service Configuration
user interface Components" where Product Type = Service.
• Navigate to Settings → Extensions and upload the edited version of Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Configurator user interface extension.
• Reapply the "Customize via direct API" for Configure.
• Publish your changes.
• Create a new "Services Product Layout" for products where Product Type = Service.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• Create a new "Service Product Details Widget."

• Add the "Customize Button for direct API" user interface element to the Product
Details Widget.
• Add the "Service Product Details Widget" to the "Services Product Layout."
• Save your changes.
• Navigate back to Layout → Services Product Layout → Layout Settings.
• Set the Layout Preview Product ID for 4ForU Deal offer.
• Select Product Layout → Preview. You are presented with a preview of the
product layout for the 4ForU Deal offer.
• Select to customize the offer. You are presented with the customizable options for
the offer in a combination of user interface components. This includes each of the
new "Service Configuration user interface Components." This includes the
– Buttons
– Input Fields
– Checkboxes
– Multi-select lists
– Single select list
– Date pickers
– Color pick list
These are now presented correctly.
• Publish your changes.
Upon completing these tasks, the product customization user interface now displays
the new product type specific user interface components in the configuration flow.

Customize and reconfigure a product by direct use of the CPQ

Configuration API
You can customize and reconfigure a product by directly using of the Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Configuration API.
You can use the Direct API Configuration feature to customize a product by
implementing and using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API. This
feature give you the ability to do the following:
• Customize a product where the "Customize via direct API" feature has
implemented in Commerce
• Reconfigure a product before checking out
Before you can accomplish these tasks, you must first make sure that the Direct API
Configuration feature has been implemented (described in a previous topic of this
section of the guide). Also, it is assumed that the Commerce and Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote Integration is already configured and enabled. In the section that follows,
you are provided with details for using the feature to carry out these specific
customization tasks as just described.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

Apply customizations to a product by directly using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Configuration API
The list of tasks that follow describe a situation where a shopper customizes a product where
the Direct API Configuration feature has been implemented in Commerce.
In this case, a System Integration Partner has already implemented the feature and the SI
user interface design team may have already done some user interface customizations by
directly using the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote Configuration API.
For this example, it is assumed that the Commerce and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote
Integration is already configured and enabled.
Use the following guidelines to accomplish the specified goals.
• As an example, let us say that the shopper has noticed a lot of web advertising by their
cell phone service for their new Phones4All offer which allows them to buy a single deal
with phones and plans for up to 6 people at huge savings on handsets, accessories and
monthly bills.
• The shopper navigates to their cell phone service and selects the Phones4All offer. The
shopper selects to customize the offer. The UI element Customize Button for Direct
API invokes the .../v1/configurations SSE endpoint passing the following
– productFamily
– productLine
– model
– locale
– currency
– configurationMetadata
• The .../v1/configurations SSE endpoint triggers the following Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote API endpoints:
– GET_configUISettings
– GET_pageTemplates
– POST_config
– GET_Layout_ Cache
• The .../v1/configurations SSE collates the data returned from Oracle Configure, Price,
Quote, strips out all extraneous information, and returns a "combined configuration data
• The shopper is presented with a set of customization options that they can use to tailor
the offer to their specific needs.
• The first option the shopper is presented with is the number of lines required.
• The shopper selects 4 lines.
• The shopper selects Next.
• The UI element Customize Button for Direct API invokes the .../v1/configurations/
{cacheInstanceId}/page SSE endpoint (where cacheInstanceId represents the current

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

reconfiguration instance in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote) by passing the

following parameters:
– productFamily
– productLine
– model
– locale
– currency
– op: next
• The .../v1/configurations/{cacheInstanceId}/page SSE endpoint triggers the
following Oracle Configure, Price, Quote API endpoints:
– POST_next
– GET_Layout_ Cache
• The .../v1/configurations/{cacheInstanceId}/page SSE collates the data
returned from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, strips out all extraneous information,
and returns a "combined configuration data response."
• The shopper is presented with the configuration options for Handset and Plan for
Line 1 including:
– Handset - including Capacity, Color, Tablet, and Watch
– Plan - Silver or Gold
• The shopper selects the "Samsung S10" handset
• The UI element Customize Button for Direct API checks the isUpdatable
property for the handset attribute.
• The isUpdatable property value is TRUE (this means that when an option is
selected for this attribute, the configuration model must be updated as this
selection impacts other model attributes).
• The UI element Customize Button for Direct API invokes the .../v1/
configurations/{cacheInstanceId} SSE endpoint (where cacheInstanceId
represents the current reconfiguration instance in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote)
passing the following parameters:
– productFamily
– productLine
– model
– locale
• The .../v1/configurations/{cacheInstanceId} SSE endpoint triggers the
POST_update Oracle Configure, Price, Quote API endpoint.
• The .../v1/configurations/{cacheInstanceId} SSE collates the data returned
from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, strips out all extraneous information and
returns a "combined configuration data response."
• The shopper sees that some of the options that were previously available for
capacity, color, table and watch have been updated and that they are now limited
to those compatible with their selected Samsung S10 handset.

Chapter 2
Use the Integration Functionality

• The shopper selects the 256GB capacity option for the handset.
• The UI element Customize Button for Direct API checks the isUpdatable property for
the handset attribute. The isUpdatable property value is FALSE (this means that when
an option is selected for this attribute the configuration model need not be updated as this
selection does not impact other model attributes).
• The shopper completes the customization for Line 1 and moves on to line 2.
• When the shopper is part way through the customization of Line 2, they decide that they
may need to make a change to the handset capacity for Line 1.
• The shopper selects Previous.
• The UI element Customize Button for Direct API invokes the .../v1/configurations/
{cacheInstanceId}/page SSE endpoint (where cacheInstanceId represents the current
reconfiguration instance in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote) passing the following
– productFamily
– productLine
– model
– locale
– currency
– op: previous
• The .../v1/configurations/{cacheInstanceId}/page SSE endpoint triggers the
POST_previous and GET_Layout_ Cache Oracle Configure, Price, Quote API endpoints.
• The .../v1/configurations/{cacheInstanceId}/page SSE collates the data returned
from Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, strips out all extraneous information, and returns a
"combined configuration data response."
• The shopper is presented with the configuration options that they selected for Line 1.
• The shopper changes the capacity for the Line 1 handset and continues to customize the
rest of the lines.
• The shopper completes the customization of their Phones4All offer.
• The shopper selects Add to Cart.
• The UI element Customize Button for Direct API invokes the .../v1/configurations/
{cacheInstanceId}/add-to-cart SSE endpoint (where cacheInstanceId represents the
current reconfiguration instance in Oracle Configure, Price, Quote) passing the following
– productFamily
– productLine
– model
• The .../v1/configurations/{cacheInstanceId}/add-to-cart SSE endpoint triggers
the POST_integration_add_to_cart Oracle Configure, Price, Quote API endpoint.
• The .../v1/configurations/{cacheInstanceId}/add-to-cart SSE transforms the
Oracle Configure, Price, Quote response to a Commerce cart item and adds the
configured item to the Commerce cart.
• The shopper proceeds to checkout.

Chapter 2
Appendix A: Configurator Flow

When all of this has completed, a multi-level configured item is added to Commerce

Reconfigure a customized product before checking out

In this situation, a shopper decides to make a change to a customized product after
adding it to the cart but before checking out.
Say, for example, the customer has customized their Phones4All offer and has added
it to the cart. Before checking out, however, the shopper reviews their choices and
realizes that by including the Apple Watch with Line 4 the offer is more than $200 over
their budget. The following details illustrate what occurs if a typical shopper wishes to
reconfigure an already customized product before checking out:
• The shopper selects to edit the Phones4All item in her cart.
• The user interface Shopping Cart widget with a Reconfigure Button for Direct API
invokes the .../v1/configurations SSE endpoint passing the following
– productFamily
– productLine
– model
– locale
– currency
– configId (identifies the specific instance of configuration in Oracle Configure,
Price, Quote which is to be reconfigured)
• The .../v1/configurations SSE endpoint triggers the following Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote API endpoints:
– GET_configUISettings
– GET_pageTemplates
– POST_config
– GET_Layout_ Cache
• The .../v1/configurations SSE collates the data returned from Oracle
Configure, Price, Quote, strips out all extraneous information, and returns a
"combined configuration data response."
• The shopper is presented with all of the customization options and selections that
they have made.
• The shopper navigates to Line 4 and removes the Apple Watch selection.
• The shopper selects to save and their cart is updated.
The Commerce cart is now updated with the newly reconfigured item.

Appendix A: Configurator Flow

A Configurator process flow occurs between Oracle Configure, Price, Quote and
Commerce during the integration.
The following presents a diagram of the integration Configurator Flow:

Chapter 2
Appendix B: Request for Quote Flow

Appendix B: Request for Quote Flow

A Request for Quote process flow occurs between Oracle Configure, Price, Quote and
Commerce during the Quote integration.
The following presents a diagram of the Request for Quote integration flow between
Commerce, OIC, and Oracle CPQ Cloud when using theOracle Commerce-Oracle CPQ
Quote integration

Integrate with Oracle Content Management
Oracle Commerce provides an integration with Oracle Content Management that you can use
to display content items such as blog posts and articles on your storefront.
Oracle Content Management is a cloud-based hub for managing your content and other
digital assets. The integration enables you to create and manage a wide range of content,
and make it available on your Commerce sites. Possible uses include:
• Creating a blog or article template so any content published is automatically available
and is formatted correctly for access by shoppers and by search engines.
• Creating pages to dynamically display lists of content targeted to specific focus areas; for
example, items that mention boots.
The Oracle Content Management features you can access, and the UIs you can view,
depend on your assigned role. For more information, see the Oracle Content Management
documentation available in the Oracle Help Center.

Enable the integration with Oracle Content Management

You can enable the integration with Oracle Content Management using the Settings page in
the administration interface.
To enable the integration, perform the following steps:
1. Open the Settings page and select Oracle Integrations.
2. Choose Content and Experience from the dropdown list.
3. Check the Enable Integration checkbox, and expand the Product Configuration
4. Enter the Server URL, Channel Token, and Channel ID, the details of which you can
locate within your content management system.
A channel ID and a channel token are assigned to a channel when it is created within
Oracle Content Management. Refer to the Oracle Content Management documentation
for further details.
5. Click Add User and enter the username and password of the Oracle Content
Management user you want to add.
Note: These user credentials are provided within Oracle Content Management along with
the appropriate permissions for the dedicated integration user. The username must be
entered exactly as provided within Oracle Content Management; it is not the same as the
user's email address.
6. Click Save.
Once the configuration is saved, a newly created webhook enables communication between
Oracle Commerce and your content management system, and retrieves all content items
from the specified channel. Each channel can contain a variety of different content types. (An
example of a content type might be a blog or an article.) These content types and items are
available in storefronts built using either the Open Storefront Framework or the Storefront

Chapter 3
Configure Storefront Classic to display content items

Classic framework. The next two sections describe how to use the Design page in the
administration interface to enable access to this content from each storefront

Configure Storefront Classic to display content items

You use layouts and widgets to configure pages for selecting and displaying content
items in Storefront Classic.
You can find more information about configuring and customizing layouts and widgets
in Design Your Store Layout.

Create UI controls for selecting content items

You use the Content Listing widget to display a dropdown menu for shoppers to select
individual items to display detailed information about.
Note that you can associate only one content type with an instance of the Content
Listing widget. If you want to allow shoppers to select different content types, you will
need to create multiple instances of this widget. For example, if you have a blog
content type and a recipe content type, you need separate widget instances for listing
the items of each type.
To configure a page containing an instance of the Content Listing widget, perform the
following steps:
1. Open the Design page and select Storefront (Classic) from the dropdown menu at
the top of the page.
2. Select the layout you want to clone.
3. Configure the settings for the newly cloned layout, and click Save.
4. Open grid view and drag the Content Listing widget to the layout.
5. Open the Content Listing widget’s settings and select the content type from the
dropdown list.
6. Click Save.
You can now edit the widget’s code to ensure that the content item fields match
those on your own content management system, and to tailor the look of the list as
7. Open the About tab and click Go to widget code, which enables you to go
directly to the widget’s template. From here you can update the code references
for the content item fields. Note: You must ensure the content identifier is up to
date so it matches your own fields.
8. Click Save.
9. Publish the changes in order to see the content pages, containing links to the
content details, displayed on the storefront.

Display content items on the storefront

When a shopper selects a content item from a Content Listing dropdown, the item
details are displayed on the Content Item Layout page. The page URL for the content
item corresponds to the content mapping in Oracle Content Management. If you make
updates to the content and then publish the changes, the new mappings are
automatically sent to Commerce.

Chapter 3
Configure an OSF storefront to display content items

By default, all content items are rendered using the default Content Item Layout. However,
you can create another version of that layout for specific content types by cloning the Content
Item Layout and configuring the cloned layout to associate it with a specific content type. You
may need to modify the instance of the Content Item widget in the cloned layout to ensure
content items are displayed properly on the page.

Configure an OSF storefront to display content items

If your storefront is built using the Open Storefront Framework (OSF), the integration with
Oracle Content Management provides additional features not available in Storefront Classic.
These features include:
• The ability to use search queries to tailor content listings and to show the same content
types in different combinations.
• Dynamic metadata for improving SEO results.
• A product-aware mode for the Content Item widget that enables you to enrich products by
including additional content, media, and documentation.
This section describes how to configure your OSF storefront to access these features.
You can find more information about configuring and customizing OSF layouts and widgets in
Developing Open Storefront Framework Applications for Oracle Commerce.

Create UI controls for selecting content items

You use the Content Listing widget to display a dropdown menu for shoppers to select
individual items to display detailed information about.
Note that you can associate only one content type with an instance of the Content Listing
widget. If you want to allow shoppers to select different content types, you will need to create
multiple instances of this widget. For example, if you have a blog content type and a recipe
content type, you need separate widget instances for listing the items of each type.
To configure a page containing an instance of the Content Listing widget, perform the
following steps:
1. Open the Design page and select your OSF application from the dropdown menu at the
top of the page.
2. Select the layout you want to clone.
3. Configure the settings for the newly cloned layout, and click Save.
4. Open grid view and drag the Content Listing widget to the layout.
5. Open the Content Listing widget’s settings and select the content type from the dropdown
6. Click Save.
7. Publish the changes in order to see the content pages, containing links to the content
details, displayed on the storefront.
Query-driven content listing
You can tailor content listings by specifying one or more queries to apply when populating the
list. When you configure your Content Listing widget, after you select the content type, click
Add New Parameter. A dialog box displays controls for constructing the query:

Chapter 3
Configure an OSF storefront to display content items

1. In the Content Field dropdown, select the field to use in the query. (The values in
the dropdown are taken directly from the item type.)
2. In the Operator dropdown, select the operator to use. (The operators listed are
ones that are appropriate for the type of data in the field.)
3. In the Value input, enter the value to apply the operator to.
4. Click Save.
For example, if the content type is Article, you might select the Title field, then select
the Contains operator, and enter the value baseball. If this query is applied, the items
listed by the widget will be articles whose title contains "baseball."
You can create multiple queries for a single Content Listing widget instance. If you do
this, a toggle switch appears for specifying how to combine them. Click All to list only
those items that match all of the queries, or Any to list all items that match any of the

Display content items on the storefront

When a shopper selects a content item from a Content Listing dropdown, the item
details are displayed on the Content Item page. The page URL for the content item
corresponds to the content mapping in Oracle Content Management. If you make
updates to the content and then publish the changes, the new mappings are
automatically sent to Commerce.
By default, all content items are rendered using the default Content Item page.
However, you can create another version of that layout for specific content types by
cloning the Content Item page and configuring the cloned layout to associate it with a
specific content type. You may need to modify the instance of the Content Item widget
in the cloned layout to ensure content items are displayed properly on the page.
SEO configuration
The Content Item page configuration include item-specific settings you can use to
improve the ranking of pages with web search engines:
1. Use the Page Title Field dropdown to specify the content item field whose value
will be displayed as the title of the rendered page.
2. Click Add Meta Tags to construct SEO meta tags that incorporate data from
content item fields you specify.

Content Item widget

The Content Item widget is a container with content field widgets that you can arrange
on a layout. Each content field widget is named for the type of data it can display:
• Content Text
• Content Date
• Content Image
You can use these content field widgets in any combination. For example, a page
might have a Content Image widget to display an image associated with the content
item, and several Content Text widgets for displaying different text fields from the item.
The Content Item container has configuration for specifying the source of the data. You
select one of these options from the Widget Type dropdown:

Chapter 3
Configure an OSF storefront to display content items

• Layout – The data is derived from the layout. (See below.)

• Static – The data is a specific item that you select from the Asset Name dropdown that
appears if you select this option.
• Product Aware – Enrich product detail pages with additional content from Oracle Content
Management. (See below.)
Content Item layout mode
The Layout setting is intended for use with a Content Item container that is placed on a
Content Item page. The Content Item page is accessed in the storefront using the URL slug.
You can also create a content-type specific layout by cloning the Content Item layout and
selecting a content type.
Product-aware mode
The Product Aware setting is intended for use with a Content Item container that is placed on
a Product page. When you select this option from the Widget Type dropdown, controls
appear that you use to associate the Commerce product on the page with a corresponding
item in Oracle Content Management, enabling the product details to be enhanced with
additional content:
1. Use the Content Type dropdown to specify the type of content item to associate with the
Commerce product.
2. Use the Content Field dropdown to specify the field in the content item that represents
the product ID in Oracle Content Management.

Integrate with Customer Data Management
Integrate Oracle Customer Data Management with Oracle Commerce.
You can configure your Commerce environment to integrate with Oracle Customer Data
Management (CDM), a cloud-based application for managing organizations and contacts.

Integrate with Customer Data Management

Integrate your Oracle Commerce environment with Oracle Customer Data Management.
Oracle Commerce can be configured to integrate with Oracle Customer Data Management
(CDM), a cloud-based application for managing organizations and contacts. (CDM is also
referred to as Oracle Engagement Manager or OEM.) CDM can store organization and
contact records that are consolidated from several different applications deployed throughout
your environment. You can use CDM to identify potential duplicate records and take the
necessary actions to edit, remove or validate your data. For information on obtaining,
installing and configuring CDM, refer to

Accounts, contacts and their relationships and addresses can be synchronized from CDM to
Oracle Commerce. Similarly, accounts and contacts that are created either through self-
registration or a delegated administrator can be synchronized with CDM in real time. The
integration between Oracle Commerce and CDM occurs by both applications communicating
through Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC), a cloud-based communication platform.
For information on obtaining, installing and configuring OIC, refer to https://

Integrating between CDM and Oracle Commerce allows you to create scheduled jobs that
identify changes to data and then perform the following actions:
• Synchronize in bulk or individually accounts that have been created or updated in
Commerce to CDM in real time.
• Synchronize in bulk or individually contacts and profiles that have been created or
updated in Commerce to CDM in real time. Additionally, you can associated contacts to
an account during the synchronization process.
• Maintain organization hierarchy between synchronizations.
Steps and requirements for the integration
Before you can configure the integration, ensure that you have the following:
• An Oracle Commerce account and access to Oracle CX Commerce 21A or later.
• An Oracle Customer Data Management account and access to CDM 21A or later.
• An Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) account and access to the Oracle Integration Cloud
If you require one or more of these applications, please contact your Oracle sales

Chapter 4
Integrate with Customer Data Management

The integration is delivered as a .par file. To download and import the integration,
perform the following:
1. Open the integration package OCC-OEC_Integration.
2. Import the package by logging into OIC as an admin user.
3. Click the Packages button.
4. Click the Import button.
5. Click Browse to open the navigation pane.
6. Select the OCC-OEC_Integrations package.
7. Click Import.
The package is added to the packages list.
Understand integrations
The OCC-OEC_Integrations package contains three connections and six integrations.

The connections used are:

• Oracle Customer Data Management (CDM), also known as Oracle Engagement
Cloud (OEC) - You must provide a CDM Services Catalog URL and an Interface
Catalog URL. You must also provide the Username and Password for access to the
• Oracle Export Download - This connection is a REST API Base URL that requires
a connection URL that points to the Bulk Export Activities resource. You must also
provide the CDM Username and Password for access to CDM.
• Oracle Commerce Cloud - This requires a connection to a Base URL as well as a
security token.
The six integrations configured within the package are:
Bulk Profile Sync from OEC to Commerce
This scheduled flow synchronizes profiles in bulk from CDM to Commerce. The

When OEC encounters a file that contains more than 50 thousand records, it splits the
records into multiple CSV files. However, the OIC integration does not support the
conversion of multiple CSV files into JSON files. Should your export file contain more
than 50 thousand records, it will be divided into multiple files, however these files will
not be converted. To prevent this from occurring, ensure that you do not export more
than 50 thousand records at a time.
You should also ensure that CDM is configured to store states using the abbreviated
state format, such as CA or VT. This is required because Commerce stores the state
values in the abbreviated format.
The following diagram shows the flow of the integration:

Chapter 4
Integrate with Customer Data Management

Bulk Account Sync from OEC to Commerce

This scheduled flow synchronizes account data in bulk from CDM to Commerce. Its identifier
is BULK_ACCOUNT_SYNC_OEC_TO_OCC. When you are synchronizing addresses, the primary
address in CDM is marked as the default shipping address in Commerce.
Note that OEC supports multiple accounts with the same name. If a CSV file has to account
records with the same name or email address, only the first instance will create a record, the
second instance will then update the record. Therefore it is important that you define the
appropriate restrictions in CDM to ensure that account names and profile email addresses
are unique.
The following diagram shows the flow of the integration:

Chapter 4
Integrate with Customer Data Management

Create Account From Commerce to OEC

The following integrations perform individual synchronizations of things such as
profiles, accounts and addresses. This event flow is triggered whenever an account is
created in Commerce. It synchronizes the new account data with CDM. Its identifier is

Note that when synchronizing account and contact data from Commerce to CDM, the
default shipping address in Commerce is marked as the primary shipping address in
CDM. Additionally, accounts that are synchronized from Commerce to OEC are
marked as type = CUSTOMER in OEC.

Inherited attribute values are not synchronized to OEC. If an account is a sub-account

and it inherits the Tax and DUNs values from its parent, these values are not
synchronized, and the Tax and DUNs values will be set to NULL. This occurs because
inheritance is not recognized in CDM. The integration uses the following architecture:

Create Profile sync from Commerce to OEC

This even flow is triggered whenever a profile is created in Commerce. It synchronizes
the new profile data with CDM. Its identifier is CREA_PROF_SYNC_FOM_OCC_TO_OEC.

This integration uses the following architecture:

Chapter 4
Integrate with Customer Data Management

Update Account From Commerce to OEC

This event flow is triggered whenever an account is updated in Commerce. It synchronizes
the new account data with CDM. Its identifier is UPDATE_ACCOUNTS_OCC_TO_OEC.

Note that when synchronizing account and contact data from Commerce to CDM, the default
shipping address in Commerce is marked as the primary shipping address in CDM.
Additionally, accounts that are synchronized from Commerce to OEC are marked as type =

Update Profile sync from Commerce to OEC

This event flow is triggered whenever a profile is updated in CDM. It synchronizes the new
profile data with Commerce. Its identifier is UPDA_PROF_SYNC_FROM_OCC_TO_OEC.

Understand account-based contact address synchronization

Commerce supports roles at the account-contact relationship level. However, CDM does not
provide such a dynamic use of roles. Whenever an account or contact is synchronized from
CDM to Commerce, the default role of Buyer is assigned to all relationships. Because of this,
Commerce is unable to assign the Address Manager role and cannot assign addresses to
account-based contacts who only have the role of Buyer.
Register the integration with Commerce and generate a security token
This integration uses the Commerce REST APIs to access Commerce data. You must
register the integration within Commerce and generate a security token in order for the
integration to be granted access to the data.
To generate a security token:
• Log into the Commerce administration interface.
• Click the Settings menu and select Web APIs.

Chapter 4
Integrate with Customer Data Management

• Click Registered Applications from the Web APIs panel.

• Click the Register Application button.
• Enter a name for the integration application. Create a meaningful name that
reflects the purpose of the application.
• Click Save. The Application ID and Application Key are automatically generated
and the application is added to the Registered Applications page.
• Click on the name of the application you created.
• Click on Reveal link to display application key. You can copy the application key to
use as the security token for the Oracle Commerce Cloud connection.
For more information on managing an application within Commerce, refer to Register
Configure the source system reference
Whenever contacts are synchronized from Commerce to CDM, a source system
reference is required in CDM. Source system references allow you to identify the
source of the data. When you create a source system code, ensure that it has a
unique identifier.
Configure the source system code in OIC to pass the value to CDM as part of the
integration flow. For information on setting up OIC mappings, refer to the OIC
To configure a Commerce system, log into your CDM application and perform the
following steps:
• Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance tab.
• Select Customer Data Management from the Setup options.
• Select Trading Community Foundation. From there, select the Manage Trading
Community Source Systems.
• Create a Commerce Cloud system with the code COMMERCE_CLOUD. The Type of the
code is Spoke. Provide a full name in the Name field, such as Oracle Commerce
Cloud. Enable the code for Trading Community Members.
• When you have finished, save your changes by publishing the sandbox by using
the drop down menu to select Manage Sandboxes. Select the currently active
sandbox and click Publish.
Configure the Commerce webhook
When an account or profile is created in Commerce, it is synced to OEC. These
synchronizations are triggered by the account, shopper and CreateAnUpdate
webhooks. The webhooks then trigger the integration workflows. You must configure
the profile and account webhook to point to the correct URLs. Follow these steps to
configure the webhooks in the Commerce administration interface:
• Log into the Commerce administration interface.
• Click the Settings icon.
• Click Web APIs and then click the Webhook tab.
• Click the production-updateProfile webhook. Provide the endpoint URL for the

Chapter 4
Integrate with Customer Data Management


• Update the OIC username and password under Basic Authorization.

• Click the production-registerProfile webhook. Enter the integration endpoint URL in
the URL box:

• Update the OIC username and password under Basic Authorization.

• Click the production-createAccount webhook. Enter the integration endpoint URL in the
URL box:

• Update the OIC username and password under Basic Authorization.

• Click the production-updateAccount webhook. Enter the integration endpoint URL in the
URL box:

• Update the OIC username and password under Basic Authorization.

• Click Save.
Configure the connections
Once you have installed the package, you must configure the connections used in the
• Log in to OIC as an admin user.
• Select Integration and then Connections.
• Select Oracle Engagement Cloud. The Connection Properties dialog appears.
Enter the OEC Services Catalog URL and an Interface Catalog URL. The OEC Services
Catalog URL is:

The Interface Catalog URL is:


• Enter the Username and Password for access to the OEC.

• Enter the security token value, which you can find in the Commerce administration
settings and click OK.
• Select OEC Export Download. The Connection Properties dialog appears.
• The connection type for this property is restUrl.
Enter the connection URL that points to the Bulk Export Activities resource. For example, the
URL would be:


Chapter 4
Integrate with Customer Data Management

• Select Oracle Commerce Cloud.

– Enter the Connection base URL, which would be https://
– The security token is the application key created in Register the application
and Create a security key.
Activate the integration flows
After you configure the Oracle CDM and Commerce connections, you must activate
the integrations that were created when the integration package was imported to
Oracle Integration Cloud. To do this, follow these steps:
• Log in to Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) as an admin user.
• Click the Integrations icon to display the Integrations list.
• Click the Activate button for each of the following integrations:
– Bulk Profile Sync from OEC to OCC
– Bulk Account Sync from OEC to OCC – Note that activating both of these
bulk integrations also requires creating a schedule that then runs the
– Update Account From OEC to OCC
– Update Profile sync from OEC to OCC
– Create Account From OCC to OEC
– Create Profile sync from OCC to OEC
OIC displays a message to indicate that the integration flow was successfully
Mapping for CDM and Commerce
The following table shows the relationships between the CDM properties and the
Commerce properties. For details on the properties, refer to each product's

Property in CDM Property in Commerce

Account Account
Address Address
Address ID Id
Address Line 1 address1
Address Line 2 address2
City city
Country country
DateOfBirth dateOfBirth
DoNotEmailFlag not(receiveEmail)
emailAddress email
FirstName firstName
LastName lastName
MiddleName middleName

Chapter 4
Integrate with Customer Data Management

Property in CDM Property in Commerce

Party Number Whenever an account, contact or address
entity is synchronized between CDM and
Commerce, the Party Number information is
stored in externalOrganizationId
property. The Party Number property also
maps to the customerContactId and the
externalAddressId properties.
PartyId (Generated automatically by CDM) None
Person Profile
Postal Code postalCode
Primary address Default shipping address
Primary contact Commerce accounts can have multiple
contacts, and do not recognize a primary
Province None
Relationship (account-account) Parent Organization
Relationship (account-person of type Contact, or Secondary Contact (There is
contact) no distinction between contact or secondary
contact in CDM.)
SourceSystemReferenceValue profileId
State state

Integrate with Oracle Eloqua
The Eloqua Integration with Oracle Commerce enables merchants to market their products
and services by creating campaigns that seamlessly incorporate Commerce actions and
These campaigns allow merchants to react quickly to market trends and customer behaviors.
They make it possible to deliver conversion and incentive-based actions, such as granting a
Commerce promotion upon shopper registration and providing special offers to registered
The integration is implemented as a Commerce Connector that runs within Eloqua and
facilitates movement of data and actions between the two platforms. The connector provides
an import process for Account and Contact data attributes, based on default mappings and
merchant modifications. Detailed reports enable monitoring the import process and correcting
issues. The integration adds campaign actions to Eloqua that create profiles in Commerce for
existing Eloqua contacts and that grant Commerce promotions to contacts, thus enabling
these contacts to purchase products and services.
This chapter describes how to install and configure the connector, and how to use the
Commerce actions it makes available to Eloqua. The chapter assumes you are already
familiar with creating campaigns in the Eloqua user interface. Note that many of the steps
described in this chapter, including installing integration apps such as the Commerce
Connector, are also described in the Eloqua documentation.
Note: To use the Eloqua Integration, you must be running Oracle Commerce version 22A
Revision 8 (22.1.8) or later.

Configure the Commerce Connector

You configure the connector in the App Configuration for Commerce Connector frame that
you access from the Commerce Connector page in Eloqua.
This section describes how to configure the connector to enable sharing of data between
Oracle Eloqua and Oracle Commerce. It includes the following topics:
• Install the Commerce Connector
• Configure the connection from Eloqua to Commerce
• Map attributes between Eloqua and Commerce
• Import Commerce data to Eloqua
• View reports

Install the Commerce Connector

To install the connector, access the Oracle Cloud Marketplace by clicking the Get more apps
at the marketplace link on the Eloqua AppCloud Catalog page. Use the search facility to find
the Commerce Connector, and click on the entry for it in the search results. On the screen
that appears, click Get App. Then accept the agreement and click Next to install the app.

Chapter 5
Configure the Commerce Connector

After you install the Commerce Connector, it will appear on the AppCloud Catalog
page under My Apps. Clicking on the connector takes you to a page for managing the
app. On this page, click on the Configure icon:

Clicking the Configure icon opens a frame with options for configuring the app:

Notice that the frame has four tabs on the left for performing the various configuration
steps. The remainder of this section describes these tabs.
You can learn more about the options for managing apps here:

Configure the connection from Eloqua to Commerce

Your connector is preconfigured as a Commerce application. To enable Eloqua to
access Commerce, select the Connection tab on the left side of the App Configuration
frame. This tab has two fields, URL and Application Key.

Chapter 5
Configure the Commerce Connector

In the URL field, enter the URL for accessing the administration interface of your Commerce
instance. Do not include a slash at the end. The URL format should be similar to the

In the Application Key field, supply the application key that has been created for you in
Commerce. In the Commerce administration interface, go to Settings > Web APIs >
Registered Applications:

Click on Oracle Marketing Connector. In the frame that opens, click the button to reveal the
application key, then select and copy it. Paste the application key into the Application Key
field in Eloqua and click Save.
For more information about using application keys for authentication in Commerce, see
REST API authentication.

Map attributes between Eloqua and Commerce

To ensure that data can be synced between Eloqua and Commerce, you map Commerce
properties to the equivalent Eloqua attributes. To configure the mappings, select the Mapping
tab on the left side of the App Configuration frame:

Chapter 5
Configure the Commerce Connector

There are two entities you need to configure, Account and Contact, which you can
select from the Eloqua dropdown. When you select an entity, the current mappings for
that entity are displayed. The recommended mappings are configured by default, but
you can optionally modify these mappings by selecting different Commerce attributes
from the dropdowns on the right. Each entity includes a custom Eloqua attribute
(Oracle Commerce Account ID and Oracle Commerce Contact ID) that is created
by the Commerce Connector. Each of these Eloqua attributes is mapped to the ID
attribute of the corresponding Commerce entity.
Notice that a toggle labeled Sync Commerce Contact Events appears below the
Eloqua dropdown when Contact is selected. If this setting is enabled, the connector
detects when a contact is created or modified in Commerce and automatically imports
the contact into Eloqua. (There is also a Sync Commerce Account Events toggle
that appears when Account is selected.) You can also perform bulk imports of
contacts and accounts using the Import tab, as described below. Bulk import can be
used for initial syncing of the data, while event-based syncing can be enabled for
ongoing updates.
After you finish configuring the mappings, click Save.
Note that you can also map custom properties between Commerce and Eloqua.
Custom properties that are string, number, Boolean or date can be mapped to Eloqua
properties of the same type. If the Commerce property data type is not one of these
four types, it is mapped to Eloqua as a string type.

Import data from Commerce to Eloqua

To perform an initial bulk data sync, you can use the Import tab to export data from
Commerce and import it into Eloqua:

Chapter 5
Configure the Commerce Connector

The configuration from the Mapping tab specifies the Commerce properties that are used to
update equivalent Eloqua attributes. To specify the import parameters, do the following:
• Select the checkboxes for the entities whose data you want to import. You can select
Account, Contact, or both.
• You can optionally use the calendar UI control to specify a date. If you do this, only
Commerce data that has been created or modified since the specified date will be
imported. If you do not specify a date, all of the data for the mapped properties will be
imported. You may want to specify a date in order to test your attribute mapping with a
smaller dataset before syncing all records.
Click Import to initiate the import process. A report about the progress of the import will be
generated for each entity selected. You can view these reports on the Reports tab.

View reports
The Reports tab displays tables listing recent reports that can be selected for viewing. There
are three subtabs available:
• Bulk Import – Lists reports of bulk imports of contacts and accounts from Commerce to
• Event – Reports errors from Commerce events tracked by Eloqua. Supported events
include New Contact, Update Contact, New Account, Update Account, and Abandoned
• Action – Reports errors from Commerce actions triggered in Eloqua campaigns.
Supported actions include Register Shopper and Grant Promotion.
For example, the Bulk Import subtab displays a table that contains information about each
bulk import job, including its status:

Chapter 5
Use Commerce actions in Eloqua campaigns

To view a report, click the associated ellipsis icon (. . .) on the right, and select View
Report from the dropdown. The report contains information about each stage of the

If an import is currently running, the ellipsis dropdown for that job includes an Abort
option that you can use to cancel the import. Note that if any data has already been
imported into Eloqua, canceling the job will not delete the data. You may need to purge
the records manually.

Use Commerce actions in Eloqua campaigns

Once you have configured the Commerce Connector, the Commerce Actions element
appears in the campaign elements toolbar on your campaign canvas. You can use this
element to add Commerce actions to your Eloqua campaigns.

Chapter 5
Use Commerce actions in Eloqua campaigns

The campaign elements toolbar should look similar to the following. Note the Commerce
Actions element at the bottom:

The Commerce Actions element supports two Commerce actions, Register Shopper and
Grant Promotion, which you can use in Eloqua campaigns. For example, you could create a
campaign that, when a new contact is created in Eloqua, automatically creates a Commerce
profile for that user and grants a promotion to them.
To add a Commerce action to a campaign, drag the Commerce Actions icon from the toolbar
onto the canvas, then double-click on the new action. The following dialog box appears:

Chapter 5
Use Commerce actions in Eloqua campaigns

To configure a Register Shopper action, perform the following steps:

1. Change the step name to something more descriptive, such as Create Commerce
2. Click the pencil icon. The Cloud Action Configuration frame displays:

3. From the Action dropdown, select Register Shopper.

4. Click Save.
To configure a Grant Promotion action, perform the following steps:
1. Change the step name to something more descriptive, such as Grant Welcome
2. Click the pencil icon to display the Cloud Action Configuration frame.

Chapter 5
Use Infinity to trigger Eloqua campaign actions

3. From the Action dropdown, select Grant Promotion. Two new fields appear, Commerce
Site and Promotion:

4. From the Commerce Site dropdown, select the Commerce site the promotion is
associated with. If you select an individual site, the Promotion dropdown will show only
the promotions associated with that site. If you choose Select All, the Promotion
dropdown will show all available Commerce promotions.
5. From the Promotion dropdown, select the promotion to grant.
6. Click Save.
You can modify a Commerce action by double-clicking on it and changing the current values.
Note, however, that you cannot change the action type.
Notes about granting promotions
The Promotion dropdown lists both published and unpublished promotions, but only
published promotions can be granted. If you select an unpublished promotion, you must be
sure to publish it to enable the campaign to grant it.
If the selected promotion has an associated coupon, the shopper will not need to provide a
coupon code at checkout in order for the promotion to be applied. Note, however, that
granting a promotion only makes the shopper eligible to receive the promotion; it does not
automatically mean it will be applied. Many factors determine whether or not a promotion is
applied, including the conditions of the promotion, its priority relative to other promotions, and
promotion stacking rules.
If the selected promotion does not have an associated coupon, the promotion will not be
Promotions can be granted to an unregistered shopper, for if a profile ID is not found, the
system will use the email ID received from Eloqua.

Use Infinity to trigger Eloqua campaign actions

The power of the Oracle Commerce integration with Oracle Eloqua can be enhanced by
integrating with Oracle Infinity as well.
When you integrate Commerce with both Infinity and Eloqua, Commerce embeds tags in site
pages that send data to Infinity to track shopper behavior. Infinity can then use this data to
trigger steps in Eloqua campaigns, such as sending email to shoppers.

Chapter 5
Use Infinity to trigger Eloqua campaign actions

This section describes how to use Infinity, Eloqua, and Commerce together. Note that
you must have licenses for all three products to do this.
For further information about the Commerce integration with Infinity, see Integrate with
Oracle Infinity to collect data.

Configure the integration

Using Infinity, Eloqua, and Commerce together requires some configuration in each
Install and configure the Commerce Connector for Eloqua
To enable the integration between Commerce and Eloqua, you must install and
configure the Commerce Connector app in Eloqua. This is described in Configure the
Commerce Connector.
In addition, you must create two contact fields in Eloqua to use to pass the Commerce
product name and product URL from Infinity. Adding contact fields is described in this
section of the Eloqua documentation:
Enable the Infinity integration in Commerce
To enable the Infinity integration in Commerce, go to Settings > Oracle Integrations
in the administration interface and do the following:
1. From the dropdown, select Infinity Tag.
2. Select Enable Integration, and under Production Configuration, paste in the tag
URL for your Infinity account.
3. Click Save.
If you do not already have an Infinity tag, you can create one in the Data Collection
area of the Infinity user interface, as described in this section of the Infinity
Install and configure the Infinity Action Center Feeder for Eloqua
To enable the integration between Infinity and Eloqua, you must install and configure
the Infinity Action Center app in Eloqua. This app enables Eloqua to receive data from
Infinity and use it in campaigns, and adds the Infinity Feeder to the Eloqua campaign
elements toolbar. Configuring the app is described in the following section of the
Eloqua documentation:
Note that setting up the app requires configuration in both Infinity and Eloqua, as
described in the section:
• In Eloqua, you supply the Infinity credentials you have been provided to enable
Eloqua to receive data from Infinity.
• In Infinity, you configure a connection for sending data to Eloqua, and define a
stream to monitor the data received from Commerce in real time.

Chapter 5
Use Infinity to trigger Eloqua campaign actions

To define a stream, you specify a query in Infinity Streams. This query determines what data
fields are monitored. Infinity Streams are described here:
This topic and the ones that follow it describe what streams are, the query syntax for streams,
and how to use the Streams UI to create and monitor streams that track events during visitor
sessions on your sites.
In this integration, the data in the streams should include properties that are sent to Infinity
from a Commerce site. (Commerce embeds the Infinity tag in pages to execute calls that
pass the data via query parameters that Infinity recognizes.) The query you create in Infinity
Streams specifies the parameters to monitor and associates them with the corresponding
Commerce properties.
For example, you could use the following query to monitor Commerce data sent to Infinity:

*, LATEST(data.wt.pn_sku) AS 'skuIds',
LATEST(data.wt.pn_name) AS 'productName',
LATEST( AS 'productUrl',
LATEST(data.wt.oss) AS 'search',
data.wt.z_email AS 'email'
WHERE session.closed='true'
AND EXISTS(data.wt.z_email)
AND ANY(data.e='v')
AND ALL(data.wt.tx_e!='a')
AND ALL(data.wt.tx_e!='p')
HAVING data.wt.cg_n like '*'
AND data.wt.pn_sku like '*'
AND data.wt.tx_e='v'

Note that Commerce sends some of these parameters only from Open Storefront Framework
(OSF) storefronts:
• wt.pn_name – the name of the Commerce product
• – the URL of the product detail page for the Commerce product
• wt.z_email – the shopper’s email address

Define an Infinity action and use it in a campaign

Once you have performed all of the configuration shown above, Infinity can monitor
Commerce shopper behavior in real time. You can now define actions in Infinity and
incorporate them in Eloqua campaigns.
The following example illustrates this process. The Infinity action (Abandoned Browse)
detects when a shopper on a Commerce site views or searches for products and then leaves
the site without putting anything into the shopping cart. It is used in an Eloqua campaign to
trigger sending an email to the shopper encouraging them to return to the site.
The example includes:
• Defining an Abandoned Browse action.
• Using the Eloqua email Design Editor to create an email to send when an Abandoned
Browse is detected in Infinity.

Chapter 5
Use Infinity to trigger Eloqua campaign actions

• Creating a campaign that uses the Infinity Feeder to trigger the Eloqua Email
campaign step when the Abandoned Browse is detected.
Create an Abandoned Browse action
For this example, an Abandoned Browse is determined to occur when all of the
following conditions are met:
• The shopper has logged in and has a known email address. This is necessary so
an email can be sent to the shopper.
• The shopper has viewed a product they navigated to or searched for.
• The session has ended (either by logging out or timing out) without the shopper
putting anything in the shopping cart.
You define the action in the Infinity Action Center and map the Infinity parameters to
Eloqua fields so they can be used in campaigns. The following section describes this
Use the stream that you created to track Commerce activity.
Create an Abandoned Browse email
Next, create an email to be sent to the shopper when an Abandoned Browse is
detected. You do this in the Eloqua email Design Editor, as described here:
The following graphic illustrates creating an Abandoned Browse email in the Design

Notice that the Field Merge Browser enables you to embed a number of Eloqua fields
in your email, including fields that have been imported from Commerce. This capability
enables you to include Commerce data in the email, such as the name and URL of the
product the shopper was viewing before abandoning browsing.
Create a campaign that sends the email

Chapter 5
Use Infinity to trigger Eloqua campaign actions

Now create an Eloqua campaign that uses the Infinity Feeder to trigger the Email campaign
step when an Abandoned Browse is detected. This sequence can be a standalone campaign
or part of a larger campaign.
In Eloqua, the Infinity Feeder will appear in the toolbar on the campaign canvas. Drag the
icon onto the canvas, then double-click on the icon to configure the feeder:

Click the pencil icon to open a dialog where you can select an Infinity action. Select the
Abandoned Browse action, and then click Save:

Now drag the Email icon onto the canvas, then double-click it and select the Abandoned
Browse Mail:

Chapter 5
Configure Eloqua Campaign Attribution

Now connect the Infinity Feeder icon to the Email icon, so that when you run the
campaign, an email will be sent whenever an Abandoned Browse is detected:

Configure Eloqua Campaign Attribution

When using the Eloqua integration, you can integrate, configure and run an Eloqua
campaign to register or grant promotions to Commerce shoppers.
You can configure your Eloqua integration to track campaign information so that you
can track the success of campaigns in Commerce. When an Eloqua campaign
identifies a user and sends a marketing email, the Commerce shopper opens the
marketing email and clicks on the enclosed link. This link contains campaign
information. Once the shopper logs into your storefront, the campaign information is
mapped to the shopper's profile in Commerce. If the shopper places an order, the
system attaches the campaign information to their order and sends it with the order
submission response payload. The ORDER_SUMISSION_SUCCESS event identifies the
campaign information from the response and sends it to Oracle Infinity, allowing you to
generate reports on the Eloqua's campaign effectiveness. Campaign conversion with
Commerce refers to the association of one or multiple campaigns to a given order. The
attribution of campaign data to a Commerce order provides you with data to measure
the success or failure of a campaign.

Chapter 5
Configure Eloqua Campaign Attribution

Add a custom parameter to Eloqua email

To allow both Eloqua and Commerce to track and access Eloqua campaign information, you
need to add a custom parameter in both the Eloqua email configuration and the Commerce
Eloqua Integration. The values that you provide in the Eloqua email configuration must be
identical to those that you provide in the Commerce Integration. Note that when you create a
custom parameter, do not name it elqCampaignId, which is a parameter name that is used
specifically by Eloqua. Use a name such as eloquaCampaignId instead.

To configure your Eloqua email, perform the following steps:

1. Using the Eloqua administration interface, select Assets, then Email Setup and then
Email Defaults.
2. Use the Advanced Options drop-down and select Manage External Tracking.
3. Use the Details section to provide the Configuration Name and the Suffix to use during
the tracking. This is a key-value pair That you select using the drop-down selections. For
example, you could use eloquaCampaignId, which is obtained from the Campaign
System Fields and the Campaign ID.
4. Save and Close the window.
5. Enable External Tracking in the Email Settings section and choose the configuration
that you created in Step 3.
6. Click Update Email Settings to save your changes.

For additional information on configuring Eloqua email, refer to your Eloqua documentation.

Configure Commerce Eloqua Integration for campaign tracking

Once you have identified a custom parameter that identifies the Eloqua Campaign ID, you
must add it to the Commerce Eloqua Integration. To do so, perform the following steps:
1. Use the Settings tab to access Oracle Integrations. From there, select Eloqua.
2. Enter the Eloqua Campaign Query Parameter. This is the same parameter that you
created and entered in the Eloqua Manage External Tracking window, for example
eloquaCampaignId. Note that it is recommended that you use only one parameter name
for tracking campaign IDs across all campaign emails from Eloqua.
3. Select the Enable Integrations checkbox and Save you changes.

Chapter 5
Configure Eloqua Campaign Attribution

This allows Eloqua and Commerce to track campaign information whenever a recipient
of an Eloqua email access your storefront and places an order.

Custom Commerce widgets and campaign tracking

If you have created any custom widgets that handles payment methods and publishes
an ORDER_SUBMISSION_SUCCESS event when the order state becomes SUBMITTED, you
must ensure that Eloqua campaign data is also published in the event. This allows the
ORDER_SUBMISSION_SUCCESS event to be passed onto the Infinity reporting system, as
described in Work with reporting for Eloqua campaigns in Oracle Infinity.
The following is an example of the widget modifications made to a split payments
widget that must interact with Eloqua campaign data. Extract the campaign markers
from the order data in the OrderSuccessCallBack function using the following code:

widget.createOrderSuccessCallBack = function(data) {
var campaigns = (data.markers && data.markers.length) ?
widget.order().getCampaigns(data.markers) : [];

Once the order has moved to the SUBMITTED state, publish the Eloqua campaign data
using the following code:

if (data.state == CCConstants.SUBMITTED ) {
widget.publishOrderSubmission(, data.uuid, cartItems,

Now modify the widget publishOrderSubmission function's order submission success

event with the Eloqua campaign data:

widget.publishOrderSubmission = function(orderId, orderUuid,

cartItems, campaigns) {
$.Topic(pubsub.topicNames.ORDER_SUBMISSION_SUCCESS).publish([ {
message : "success", id : id, uuid : uuid, items : cartItems,
campaigns: campaigns } ]);

Work with reporting for Eloqua campaigns in Oracle Infinity

Because orders can be attributed to multiple campaigns, multiple Eloqua campaign
IDs and related Eloqua campaign resources are identified in Infinity. The following
events are received by Infinity:
• wt.z_campaignId
• wt.x_campaignSource
For detailed information on parameter mapping, refer to the Infinity documentation in
the Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping section.

Chapter 5
Configure Eloqua Campaign Attribution

To use the campaign IDs and sources for reporting purposes, you must split the campaign ID
and the campaign source in Infinity and then co-relate them. To do this:
1. Log into the Infinity server that is integrated with both Commerce and Eloqua.
2. From Settings, select Parameters.
3. Select Named parameters from the drop-down list.
4. Search for Campaign ID or wt.z_campaignId.
5. Click on the Campaign ID parameter and select Edit from the Settings menu.
6. Use the Advanced Options link to click the + drop-down and select Add Split on
Character rule.
7. Enter a semicolon (;) in the Split parameter on section.
8. In the Co-relate to section, add the Campaign source, or the wt.z_campaignSource
parameter name.
9. Save your changes.
You must repeat these steps for the Campaign source parameter. Note that the Co-relate to
section is filled with the Campaign ID.
This allows Infinity to report an order attributed to different campaigns.
Create a report for Eloqua campaign conversions
You can use the Funnel for campaign conversion to create a report in Infinity:
1. Log into the Infinity server that is integrated with both Commerce and Eloqua.
2. Go to the Analytics section and choose one of the report spaces.
3. Click on New and Select Funnel.
4. Once the Funnel dialog opens, enter the Name, Permission, Category and
Visibility and then click Save.
5. On the funnel report, click Add Funnel Steps.
6. For Step 1, provide the following information: Step Name is Email Send. Parameter is
Event Type and Parameter Value is EmailSend.
7. For Step 2, provide the following information: Step Name is Email Open. Parameter is
Event Type and Parameter Value is EmailOpen.
8. For Step 3, provide the following information: Step Name is Submit Order. Parameter
is Page Views and Parameter Value is Order Submission Success.
9. Click on Segment, then Add Segment and then Create Segment.
10. Search for Eloqua's Campaign ID parameter and drag it to the Drop parameters here
section. Note that the Eloqua Campaign ID equals Campaign ID, which is the campaign
ID for which the report is generated.
11. Search for Commerce's Campaign ID parameter and drag it to the Drop parameters
here section. Note that the Commerce Campaign ID equals the Campaign ID, which is
the campaign ID for which the report is generated.
12. Join the two clauses using the OR operator from the drop-down menu.

13. Enter the Segment name and description and click Save.

Chapter 5
Create an Abandoned Carts Email Campaign

Create an Abandoned Carts Email Campaign

In conjunction with the Abandoned Cart function in Commerce, you can configure
Oracle Eloqua to send out promotion emails whenever a shopper abandons their cart.
Once you have configured the Commerce and Eloqua integration, you can create a
campaign that sends an email when it is triggered by an abandoned cart event in
Commerce. Eloqua uses a Feeder Service to obtain and manage information coming
from Commerce to recognize abandoned cart events. Use this Feeder Service when
creating a campaign to indicate when the abandoned email should be sent.
Create an Eloqua Campaign
Create an Eloqua multi-step campaign as described in the Eloqua documentation.
Once you have created the campaign, do the following:
1. Add the Commerce Abandoned Cart Feeder Service by dragging the Feeder
Service to the design area.
2. Add the email that you created by dragging the Email step to the design area and
then connecting it to the Feeder Service.
3. You can add additional steps based on your requirements, for example, a wait
step, which allows you to add a determined amount of time that the campaign
waits until it moves to the next step. Once you have activated the campaign,
whenever an idle cart even occurs in Commerce, the campaign is executed.
Note that errors, if any, can be monitored using the Reports section under App

Chapter 5
Create an Abandoned Carts Email Campaign

Configure Commerce abandoned order settings

Once you have configured the Eloqua campaign, use the Commerce administration interface
to set the Order Settings Abandoned Cart settings.
1. From the Administration interface, select Settings.
2. Select Order Settings to see the Abandoned Cart Settings page.
3. Set the Minimum amount field to indicate the minimum amount that the abandoned cart
should contain to trigger the email.
4. Set the Minutes until webhook is triggered field to indicate how many minutes to wait
until the webhook is triggered.
For additional information on working with Abandoned Carts, refer to Configure Abandoned
Cart settings.
Create an Abandoned Cart Eloqua email
Use the Eloqua Design Editor to create an email to send to the shopper. Refer to the Eloqua
documentation for information on creating email. The following is an example of an email that
you could create.

Chapter 5
Create an Abandoned Carts Email Campaign

Integrate with an External Product
Integrate an external product configurator with Oracle Commerce.
When your store is configured to sell configurable products, you may want to integrate with
an external product configurator. The recommended configuration is to integrate with Oracle
CPQ, however, you can also integrate with a third-party configurator application.

Enable the integration

This topic shows how to enable the integration with the third-party configurator within Oracle
1. In the Commerce administration interface, select Settings.
2. Select Oracle Integrations from the sidebar menu.
3. Select your configurator from the dropdown menu.
4. Check the Enable Integration checkbox.
5. Enter the Configuration URL.
6. Enter the Reconfiguration URL.
Note: You must enter these values for your production and preview environments.
7. Click Save.
If you are using multiple sites, you must follow these instructions for each site that you

Mark products as configurable

To identify a product as configurable:
1. In the Commerce administration interface, select Catalog.
2. Select the product you wish to identify as configurable.
3. Click on the SKUs tab of the product detail pop-up frame.
4. Select the SKU you wish to identify as configurable.
5. Check the Configurable checkbox. This displays three further fields you must complete.
6. Enter the Model information. This should match the Model information of a configurable
product in the catalog on your configurator.
7. Enter the Product Line information. This should match the Product Line information of a
configurable product in the catalog on your configurator.
8. Enter the Product Family information. This should match the Product Family information
of a configurable product in the catalog on your configurator.

Chapter 6
Add Customize button to Product Details widget

9. Click Save. This returns you to the SKU frame, where the SKU you updated
should be marked with an asterisk to identify it as a configurable SKU.
Note: Administrators can also perform the above setup steps in bulk by using the
SKU import program. From the Catalog page in Commerce, click Manage Catalog
and select Import. In the Import dialog, click Browse and locate the CSV file to
import. Click Upload File, click Validate, and then click Import.

Add Customize button to Product Details widget

Add a Customize button to the Product Details widget so the button is visible to
Commerce self-service users from the Product Details page for a customizable
To add a Customize button to the Product Details widget:
1. In the Commerce administration interface, Select Design.
2. Select Product Layout from the layout list.
3. Delete the Product Details widget from the layout.
4. Place a new product details widget on the layout.
5. Click the Settings icon for the new Product Details widget.
6. From the Element Library, place a Customize button on the new Product Details
7. Publish the changes.

Configure the webhooks

A number of webhooks within Commerce provide support for configured items. These
must be set up appropriately for your external configurator.
The following webhooks support configuration:
• Approval
• Cart Idle
• External Price Validation
• Order Submit
• Order Submit for PCI Compliant Target Systems
• Quote Request
• Quote Update
• Return Request Update
Ensure that each of these webhooks is configured to work with your external
configurator. This means providing appropriate URLs, usernames, and passwords to
each of these webhooks.

Integrate with Oracle Infinity to collect data
Through an integration between Oracle Commerce and Oracle Infinity, the Commerce Data
Ingestion feature lets you use a Universal JavaScript tag that ingests all Commerce
Storefront events and sends the data to the Infinity data repository for analytic purposes.
By using this feature, Oracle provides the Customer Data Platform (CDP) system with data
that lets marketers dynamically generate audience segments based on current and past
behaviors and data attributes.
As a critical part and foundation of the CDP, the Oracle Management Cloud (OMC) Universal
Data Ingestion Framework (DIF), by integrating with the Oracle Infinity technologies,
establishes the common data ingestion framework for collecting Commerce product
behavioral data.

Integrate Commerce with Infinity

This integration establishes a common data ingestion framework for collecting product
behavioral data.
This topic explains how the Commerce and Infinity integration establishes a common data
ingestion framework for collecting product behavioral data.
To integrate Oracle Infinity with Commerce, events are used as starting point. There are a lot
of events which are published from the current store front framework whenever an event
takes place in the store user interface. The events used in the integration revolve around
actions such as Registration, Login, Cart events, Search, Products viewed, Order placement,
and others. These events are subscribed to and are used to send data to Infinity whenever
they occur. Specific examples of the data that can be collected include the following:
• Page analytics data (URL, referrer, time on page, browser, device operating system, etc.)
• Commerce specific data
• Products viewed
• Products added to cart
• Categories viewed
• Search terms used
• Order data
• Wish list data
Note: The integration collects data for both account-based and anonymous shoppers.
To collect this data, the presence of an Infinity tag in a site page initiates the download of an
Infinity JavaScript. For that to occur, the Infinity tag has to be in a "require" dependency.
Infinity provides a long list of event parameters which can accept Commerce data and send it
to the Infinity API. Commerce then subscribes to a particular set of these events and provides
the mappings to send the data to Infinity.
In summary, the integration works as follows:

Chapter 7
Understand the role of the Infinity platform in data ingestion

• Commerce loads Infinity JavaScript to site pages through a "require" dependency

from the Infinity viewmodel.
• Commerce subscribes to particular Infinity events. These are then tracked and
bound with methods.
• Commerce data is mapped with Infinity parameters in the methods and this is sent
to Infinity for collection.
A new setting for the Infinity integration is provided under the Integrations tab available
to Commerce Administrators. After enabling this setting, you must provide the Infinity
tag in the Production URL field required for this setting.
A new viewmodel, infinity.js, is also provided. The Infinity viewmodel loads the
Infinity script into the browser. Subscriptions to the events to be tracked are added in
this viewmodel along with their corresponding methods for correct data mapping. The
methods are kept as prototype methods which makes them extendable if you want to
add more parameters apart from the provided mappings.
For more complete details on using Infinity and its capabilities, refer to the Oracle
Infinity documentation.

Understand the role of the Infinity platform in data ingestion

Infinity provides a platform for data ingestion when integrated with Commerce.
With the Commerce data ingestion feature enabled, the Oracle Infinity Tag used in
Commerce site pages initiates the collection of data from online systems capable of
executing JavaScript. This data is then saved in the Oracle Infinity data repository.
Though initial configuration is very simple (by using the Infinity tag features), complex
behaviors and site content can be tracked and delivered to the Oracle Infinity reporting
environment. Data collected by using the tag can then be used to drive marketing
activities of any conceivable type, and integrations with Oracle Marketing Cloud
Oracle Infinity provides the following capabilities:
• Data collection - Collects web and mobile app activity data that interests you. As
data is collected, it is organized in sessions, augmented, and evaluated to identify
if someone is a previously known user or a new user. All data is collected quickly,
processed, and made available for analysis using Infinity's reporting user interface
and APIs. This lets you get immediate feedback on campaigns or new content you
just launched on your site.
• Reports - Analyzes your data and prepares reports immediately. Unlimited
swappable dimensions reduce the need for one-off reports.
• Streams - Gains real-time insights into a continuous flow of visitor activity data.
• Action Center - Integrates in-session, customer-level data with action systems
such as email service providers, CRM systems, and marketing automation
platforms. Action Center enables creation, monitoring, stopping, and starting of
• Integrations - Provides APIs that let you integrate with your business and
marketing applications.
• Account settings - Defines roles, groups, user privileges, and more.

Chapter 7
Tag site pages to use the Infinity data ingestion feature

• Library - The Library application provides you with a way to administer reports, measures,
dimensions, segments, and any other objects that you can administer.
You may encounter the following Infinity terminology when trying to work with the Commerce
and Infinity integration to successfully collect the data that best works for you:
• Account GUID – A unique value used to identify your account. All collected data is stored
in one place for an account. All tags on an account use the same account GUID.
• Tag Id – Tag identifier used to put your tags into a hierarchical format. Each tag has a
unique ID that may be set at creation time.
• Context – A Context tag is a unique tag configuration selectable by query parameter. You
may only have one active context at a time for a tag, though you may have multiple
contexts configured for an individual tag.
• Plugin – An add-on to the tag that enables tracking libraries for functions outside of what
the base tag tracks.
For more complete details on using Infinity and its capabilities, refer to the Oracle Infinity

Tag site pages to use the Infinity data ingestion feature

The presence of an Infinity tag in site pages initiates data collection from online systems
capable of executing JavaScript.
As mentioned, complex behaviors and site content can be tracked and delivered to the
Oracle Infinity reporting environment by using the special Commerce Infinity tag in your store
pages. This data is ingested and sent to the Infinity data repository for analysis.
To use this tag in your store site pages, contact your Oracle account representative to obtain
a base tag for your site. A tag URL will be returned to you that looks something like this:

A setting for Infinity is available in Commerce Admin application under the Integrations tab.
After enabling the setting, provide the Infinity Tag URL obtained from Infinity in the
Production URL field.
Note: The GUID and tagID are unique strings for your site and tag.

For more complete details on using Infinity and its capabilities, refer to the Oracle Infinity

Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

Commerce subscribes to particular events in the Storefront which are then tracked and
bound with related methods. Infinity parameters are mapped in these related prototype
methods with Commerce data.
A site page containing the Infinity tag loads an Infinity script through a "require" dependency.
Commerce then subscribes to particular Infinity events to be tracked and bound with specific
methods. The Commerce data is then mapped with Infinity parameters in the methods and
this is sent to Infinity for collection. The available Commerce/Infinity parameter mappings are
the following:
Note: If for some data field a provided parameter is not available in Infinity, you can create
custom parameters as "wt.z_<yourName>."

Chapter 7
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

Table 7-1 Commerce/Infinity parameter mappings

Event Event Details Data tracked Infinity Parameters

USER_PROFILE_UPDA Published when the • page URI page-uri
TE_SUCCESSFUL user profile is • user-id wt.dcsvid
updated. When the • content-group
REST call for profile wt.cg_n
name ("User
update is a success, it Profile") wt.si_p
publishes an event. • step name
USER_PROFILE_UPDA Published from • page URI page-uri
TE_SUBMIT order.js while • user-id wt.dcsvid
placing an order, • content-group
before placing an wt.cg_n
name ("User
order it validates Profile") wt.si_p
registered user. • step name
Published from ("Update Submit")
user.js when the
user locale is updated
if it's not part of
supported locales. On
successful update to
profile, this event is
Published from the
Customer Profile
widget via the widget's
s when the user
profile is updated.
Published from
Header widget via the
widget's element.js
when user locale is
Published from the
Checkout Registration
widget via the widget's
ion.js, when a place
order button is clicked
and it publishes a
_NOW event. If the user
login is not valid, it
publishes an event to
this topic.

Chapter 7
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Commerce/Infinity parameter mappings

Event Event Details Data tracked Infinity Parameters

USER_LOGOUT_SUBMI Published from the • page URI page-uri
T Logon Registration • user-id wt.dcsvid
widget (Login- • content-group
Registration-v2 -> wt.cg_n
name ("User
element.js) when Profile") wt.si_p
the user clicks logout • step name ("User
or clicks Cancel on Logged Out")
USER_LOGIN_SUCCES Published from • page URI page-uri
SFUL user.js when a user • user-id wt.dcsvid
login is successful or a • GDPR cookie
SAML callback is wt.ce
successful. • content-group wt.cg_n
name wt.si_p
• ("User Profile")
step name
("Logged In")
USER_LOGIN_SUBMIT Published from Login- • page URI page-uri
Registration-v2 -> • content-group wt.cg_n
element.js (header) name ("User
widget and Checkout- Profile")
Registration -> • step name ("Log
checkoutRegistrat In Submit")
ion.js (checkout
page), while the user
logs in.
USER_AUTO_LOGIN_S Published from • page URI page-uri
UCCESSFUL user.js when the • user-id wt.dcsvid
user autologin is • GDPR cookie
successful. wt.vt_f
• content-group wt.ce
name ("User wt.cg_n
Profile") wt.si_p
• step name
SEARCH_RESULTS_UP Published from • page URI page-uri
DATED search.js page • user-id wt.dcsvid
layout after a search • content-group
request is completed. wt.cg_n
name ("Search")
If the search request • search text total wt.oss
is a success then it • records found wt.oss_r
publishes with the • search facet wt.z_selectedSear
search results selected (sent as chFacet
otherwise it publishes <facet name>-
with an error <facet value>)

Chapter 7
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Commerce/Infinity parameter mappings

Event Event Details Data tracked Infinity Parameters

PRODUCT_VIEWED Published from the • page URI page-uri
Product Details widget • user-id wt.dcsvid
when a product is • content-group
viewed from PDP or wt.cg_n
name ("Purchase
quick view. List") wt.si_p
• step name ("Add wt.pn_sku
to Purchase List") wt.tx_u
• product id
• SKU id
• quantity wt.pn_fa
• price wt.pn_ma
• product type wt.tx_e
• brand wt.z_currency
• transaction event
• currency
PRODUCT_ADDED_TO_ Published from • page URI page-uri
PURCHASE_LIST_SUC Purchase Lists widget • user-id wt.dcsvid
CESS (add-to-purchase-list - • content-group
> element.js) wt.cg_n
name ("Purchase
when an item is added List") wt.si_p
to the purchase list. • step name ("Add wt.pn_sku
to Purchase List") wt.tx_u
product id
• SKU id wt.tx_s
• quantity wt.pn_fa
• price wt.pn_ma
• product type wt.tx_e
• brand transaction
event ("w")
• currency
PAYMENT_AUTH_SUCC Published from • page URI page-uri
ESS payment-auth- • user-id wt.dcsvid
response view model • content-group
when the response wt.cg_n
name ("Payment")
from the • step name wt.si_p
paymentAuthRespons ("Payment
e endpoint returns the Success")
state of payment
accepted and the
order status has not

Chapter 7
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Commerce/Infinity parameter mappings

Event Event Details Data tracked Infinity Parameters

PAYMENT_AUTH_DECL Published from • page URI page-uri
INED payment-auth- • user-id wt.dcsvid
response view model • content-group
when the response wt.cg_n
name ("Payment")
from • step name wt.si_p
paymentAuthRespons ("Payment Fail")
e endpoint returns a
state like "removed" or
when a payment is
authorized but the
order failed.
PAGE_CHANGED Published from • page URI page-uri
layout- • user-id wt.cg_n
container.js after • page id
the layout is loaded.
• wt-dcsvid
It publishes with wt.z_shippingMeth
• In the case of the
pageEventData such of a confirmation od
as page, pageId, path, page, the wt.z_shippingChar
pageRepositoryId, etc. following is ges
published: wt.z_gatewayName
• shipping method
• shipping cost
• payment gateway
• gateway
• content-group
on the page)

Chapter 7
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Commerce/Infinity parameter mappings

Event Event Details Data tracked Infinity Parameters

ORDER_SUBMISSION_ Published from the • page URI page-uri
SUCCESS order.js view model • user-id wt.dcsvid
when the order details • content-group
of the initial order wt.cg_n
name ("Order")
created during • step name wt.si_p
checkout with PayPal/ ("Order wt.pn_sku
PayU is fetched. Submission
If the transaction is wt.pn_fa
done via PayU and the
• SKU id wt.pn_ma
status is settled/
• product type wt.tx_u
approved, this event is
published. • brand wt.tx_s
Published from the • quantity wt.tx_e
order.js view model • price
when an order is • transaction event
("p") wt.tx_it
created or updated
successfully and the • invoice date wt.tx_i
status is submitted or • invoice time wt.tx_cartid
is pending approval • invoice number
then this event is
published. • order id
Published from the • conversion wt.z_campaignSour
order.js view model ("Purchase") ce
when the payment is • campaign id
authorized. This is • campaign source
triggered when it
receives a
CCESS event.
ORDER_SUBMISSION_ Published from the • page URI page-uri
FAIL order.js view model • user-id wt.dcsvid
when order • content-group
submission fails due to wt.cg_n
name ("Order")
any of these reasons: • step name wt.si_p
Payment Auth timeout, ("Order
Payment declined, Submission Fail")
and/or order creation/
update failure.
Published from the
CyberSource Payment
Authorization widget if
there is an error while
generating the
signature in a payment

Chapter 7
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Commerce/Infinity parameter mappings

Event Event Details Data tracked Infinity Parameters

ORDER_COMPLETED Published from the • page URI page-uri
payment-auth- • user-id wt.dcsvid
response.js view • content-group
model when a
name ("Order")
payment authorization • step name wt.si_p
is accepted. ("Order
Published from the Completed")
order.js view model
when the order status
is either submitted or
pending approval.
Published from the
Split Payments widget
when the order state
is either pending
approval or a template
(i.e., the order is a
scheduled order) or
pending scheduled
order approval.
COUPON_APPLY_SUCC Published from the • page URI page-uri
ESSFUL cart view model when • user-id wt.dcsvid
a cart is updated from • content-group
the server after a wt.cg_n
name ("Coupon")
coupon is applied • coupon id wt.mc_id
CHECKOUT_SHIPPING Published from the • page URI page-uri
_METHOD cart.js view model • user-id wt.dcsvid
with shippingOption • content-group
when the shipping wt.cg_n
name ("Shipping
methods are loaded. Method") wt.si_p
Published from the • step name
Cart Shipping widget ("Shipping
when a shipping Method
option is reset or if a Selected")
shipping address and
shipping method has
CHECKOUT_SAVE_SHI Published from • page URI page-uri
PPING_ADDRESS order.js view model • user-id wt.dcsvid
with the shipping • content-group
address when the wt.cg_n
name ("Address")
Place Order button is • country wt.z_country
clicked. wt.z_region
• state
• city wt.z_city
• postal code wt.z_zip

Chapter 7
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Commerce/Infinity parameter mappings

Event Event Details Data tracked Infinity Parameters

CHECKOUT_REGISTER Published from the • page URI page-uri
_USER Checkout Order • user-id wt.dcsvid
Details widget when • content-group
all validations for wt.cg_n
name ("User
creating the order Profile") wt.si_p
have passed. • step name wt.ce
• GDPR cookie
CART_UPDATE_QUANT Published in the • page URI page-uri
ITY Shopping Cart widget • user-id wt.dcsvid
with the • content-group
commerceItemId wt.cg_n
name ("Cart")
when the Quantity • step name wt.si_p
Update button is ("Update Cart") wt.pn_id
• product id wt.pn_sku
• SKU id
• updated quantity
• price
• product type wt.pn_fa
• brand transaction wt.pn_ma
event ("a") wt.tx_e
• currency
CART_REMOVE_SUCCE Published from • page URI page-uri
SS cart.js when an • user-id wt.dcsvid
item is removed from • content-group
the cart view model. It wt.cg_n
name ("Cart")
is also published with • step name wt.si_p
a product commerce ("Remove from wt.pn_sku
id. Cart")
Published from wt.tx_u
• product id
cart.js when a wt.tx_s
• SKU id
place holder item is wt.pn_fa
removed from the cart. • removed quantity
• price wt.pn_ma
• product type wt.tx_e
• brand wt.z_currency
• transaction event
• currency

Chapter 7
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Commerce/Infinity parameter mappings

Event Event Details Data tracked Infinity Parameters

CART_ADD_SUCCESS Published from • page URI page-uri
cart.js when a cart • user-id wt.dcsvid
is updated and the last • content-group
cart event is cart-add- wt.cg_n
name ("Cart")
item. • step name ("Add wt.si_p
The cart is updated to Cart") wt.pn_id
when the REST call is • product id wt.pn_sku
made to fetch the • SKU id
current profile order wt.tx_u
• quantity
and price information wt.tx_s
to refresh the cart • price
• product type wt.pn_fa
• brand wt.pn_ma
• transaction event wt.tx_e
• currency
ADD_TO_QUICK_ORDE Published from the • page URI page-uri
R product-add-to-quick- • user-id wt.dcsvid
order element when • content-group
adding to a quick wt.cg_n
name ("Quick
order and the button is Order") wt.si_p
clicked. • step name ("Add wt.pn_sku
to Quick Order") wt.tx_u
• product id
• SKU id
• quantity wt.pn_fa
• price wt.pn_ma
• product type wt.tx_e
• brand wt.z_currency
• transaction event
• currency

Keep in mind the following about the integration parameters:

• All methods are prototypes, so, if you want to add more parameters, you can extend
• If for some reason a data field is not provided in Infinity, you can create custom
parameters in the following format so that : wt.z_<yourParameterName> the Oracle
Infinity platform will start to record it.
• Some events are published from provided widgets which earlier did not publish any
relevant data. These have since been changed to publish relevant information. If you are
not using the provided widgets in any case, you must publish similar data in the events.
These widgets include ORDER_SUBMISSION_SUCCESS (Split Payments widget),
USER_PROFILE_UPDATE_SUBMIT (Shopper Details, Address Book, and Update
Password widget), and CART_REMOVE_SUCCESS. It is necessary, then, to take the
latest changes accordingly. If you are publishing any of the events listed in the table and
not publishing relevant data similar to the ones provided, you need to provide updates to
correct this.

Chapter 7
Understand Infinity integration parameter mapping

• The Infinity viewmodel.js depends on the ORA_ANALYTICS_READY event on DOM

(published by the Infinity JS) to initialize the Infinity API. Refer to your Infinity
Administrator to turn on the READY EVENT the tag for the same.

For more complete details on using Infinity and its capabilities, refer to the Oracle
Infinity documentation.

Integrate with Oracle Order Management
Integration Oracle Order Management Cloud with Oracle Commerce.
Oracle Order Management Cloud can improve order handling when working with order-to-
cash processes. You can configure fulfillment monitoring, global availability and enterprise-
wide policies that increase your shopper's satisfaction.

Oracle Commerce and Oracle Order Management Cloud can be combined through Oracle
Integration Cloud to provide a robust architecture for capturing and fulfilling orders placed in
your online store.
Oracle Commerce is an industry-leading commerce platform re-designed for the modern
cloud. Oracle Order Management Cloud is tightly integrated with Oracle Global Order
Promising Cloud. It can improve order handling across the order-to-cash process. Pre-
integration, centrally-managed orchestration policies, global availability, and fulfillment
monitoring can lead to increased customer satisfaction and order profitability.
This document describes how to integrate these two services.

This document is written for Commerce and Order Management Cloud administrators who
are setting up and configuring the integration between these two systems.
Readers of this document should have experience with both Commerce and Order
Management Cloud. See Additional documentation for links to comprehensive information on
these services.

The integration of Commerce with Order Management Cloud combines the capabilities of
these two services into a single solution.
This solution provides support for the following:
• Pushing completed Commerce orders to Order Management Cloud for fulfillment.
• Retrieving and updating the status of the order from Oracle Order Management in
Commerce real time for the orders created using Commerce.
• Furnishing returns and exchanges created on Commerce to Order Management Cloud
for fulfillment.
• Retrieving the status of the returns from Order Management into Commerce.
The default integration assumes that the orders and returns are created using Commerce

Chapter 8

Architectural overview
The message flow of business entities from Commerce to Order Management Cloud
happens through Oracle Integration Cloud.
Commerce includes an Oracle Integration Cloud adapter (the Commerce adapter) that
is used for the integration. The Order Management Cloud part of the integration uses
the generic SOAP adapter of Oracle Integration Cloud to manage the integration. Data
from the Commerce store is transmitted using webhooks through Oracle Integration
Cloud to reach Order Management Cloud. The data from Order Management Cloud
reaches Commerce through Oracle Integration Cloud as well.

Additional documentation
For information about Commerce, and the Oracle Order Management Cloud, refer to
the following Oracle Help Center pages:
Oracle Commerce documentation: First Steps.
Documentation of Oracle Order Management Cloud is available through Oracle
Applications Help: Oracle Order Management Cloud documentation.
For information about Oracle Integration Cloud and the Commerce adapter, refer to
Using the Oracle Commerce Adapter in the Oracle Help Center at this URL: Getting
Started with the Oracle CX Commerce Adapter.

Prerequisites for a successful integration include specific access rights to both
systems. In addition, certain assumptions exist about the way each service is used.
This section provides details about the prerequisites.

Access rights
To configure this integration, you need administrator access to the following systems:
• The Oracle Commerce administration interface, which enables you to configure
the webhook settings.
• Oracle Integration Cloud, which enables you to map the attributes between
Commerce and Order Management Cloud. Note that in earlier releases, Oracle
Integration Cloud is referred to as Integration Cloud Service (ICS). The instructions
in this guide, as well as the integration itself, apply to both cases.
• Order Management Cloud, which enables you to set up the fulfillment and
configure the products and the activities associated with fulfillment.

This integration makes the following functional assumptions:
• Orders can be created only on Commerce channels. Orders created on non-
commerce channels are not within the scope of this integration.

Chapter 8
Configure Oracle Commerce for Oracle Management Cloud

• The Returns and exchange orders are initiated from Commerce. The cases where the
returns and exchanges are created on Order Management Cloud are not synched back
to Commerce.
• Commerce does not capture any credit card settlement information. It is assumed that
the merchant updates the card settlement information about Commerce.
• Purchase Order status payment groups are updated as settled/No Pending Action after
the payment processing is complete.
• The inventory and product SKU information is assumed to be in synch across both the
• Commerce acts as the pricing and the promotions engine.
• The tax calculation for an order is performed in Commerce.
• The scope of this integration is restricted to simple products. Configurable products are
out of its scope.
This integration is extensible: additional attributes can be mapped on both systems without
interfering with the merchant’s use cases.

Configure Oracle Commerce for Oracle Management Cloud

The integration is configured on the Commerce side by setting up specific web APIs to use
Oracle Integration Cloud endpoints.
Web APIs enable you to subscribe to events for your products and orders by creating
webhooks that push notifications to a specified URL. (For additional information about
webhooks, see Use Webhooks.)
You update the Commerce web APIs through the administration interface to use the
appropriate Oracle Integration Cloud endpoints. The web APIs send order information to
Oracle Integration Cloud, and the orders go to Order Management for fulfillment.
To ensure compliance with PCI requirements, Commerce uses a webhook for order
submission (Order Submit without Payment Details) that discards credit card information and
sends the rest of the Order to external systems. Use of the Order Submit without Payment
Details webhook is recommended in cases where the merchant wants to send the token
details of the credit card.
The topics in this section describe how to make the necessary changes to the Commerce
web APIs.

Submit Order webhook

Configuring the Order Submission webhook makes the order information created in
Commerce available to the Oracle Integration Cloud system.
To configure the Order Submit for Non-PCI Compliant Target Systems Event API, follow
these steps:
1. In the Commerce administration interface, display the Settings page.
2. Select Web APIs and display the Webhook tab.
3. Select the Order Submit without Payment Details event API.
4. Provide the Oracle Integration Cloud URL that receives the order message. Include the
server name and port used.

Chapter 8
Configure the Oracle Integration Cloud Adapter

5. Provide a user name and password for accessing the server.

6. Click Save.

Return Order webhook

Configuring the Return Request Update for Non-PCI Compliant Target Systems event
API displays the returns workflow.
To configure the Return Request Update for Non-PCI Compliant Target Systems event
API, follow these steps:
1. In the Commerce administration interface, display the Settings page.
2. Select Web APIs and display the Webhook tab.
3. Select the Return Request Update without Payment Details event API.
4. Provide the Oracle Integration Cloud URL that receives the order message.
Include the server name and port used.
5. Provide a user name and password for accessing the server.
6. Click Save.

Configure the Oracle Integration Cloud Adapter

The integration mappings and the associated files you configure for Oracle Integration
Cloud are available in the form of packages. These packages are ready for you to use
as soon as they are imported into the Oracle Integration Cloud infrastructure.
The Commerce team already has a Commerce adapter available for Oracle
Integration Cloud. The generic SOAP adapter is a generic adapter provided by Oracle
Integration Cloud for processing the SOAP-based messages. This adapter is used
when Order Management Cloud sends messages in SOAP format.
The integration package, OracleCommerce-
OrderManagementIntegration.par, is available on My Oracle Support. The
contents of this package are described in the sections that follow.

The integration package includes the required connections for the servers and events
used by the integration.
• Oracle Commerce: The connection to the Commerce admin server
• Oracle Commerce Agent: The connection to Commerce agent server
• Oracle Order Management Cloud: The connection to Order Management Order
synch service
• Oracle Order Management Cloud Events: The connection to Order Management
• Oracle Order Management Cloud Order Information Service: The connection to
the Order Management order retrieval service

Chapter 8
Configure the Oracle Integration Cloud Adapter

Lookup configuration
The mappings for the return status, carrier information, and shipping information are updated
as part of the lookup configuration.
You should modify these as required and as configured in your order management system.
Refer to the integration settings to view the lookups used.

The package includes integrations for order synch, return synch, and order and return status
• Order synch from Commerceto Order Management
• Return synch from Commerce to Order Management
• Order and Return status synch from Order Management to Commerce
Unpack the OracleCommerce-OrderManagementIntegration.par package. It
unpacks into three inventory archives (IARs). Unpack each IAR and update the constants as
shown in the following sections. Update the following constants for order synch from
Commerce to the Order Management flow and import using the Oracle Integration Cloud
mapper in Oracle Integration Cloud.

XSL location
XSL location is described in the following section.

<xsl:variable name="SOURCE_SYSTEM" select="'ATG'"
<xsl:variable name="BUSINESS_UNIT_IDENTIFIER"
select="'204'" xml:id="id_2077"/>
<xsl:variable name="LEGAL_UNIT_IDENTIFIER"
select="'204'" xml:id="id_2078"/>
select="'207'" xml:id="id_2079"/>
<xsl:variable name="INVENTORY_ORG_IDENTIFIER"
select="'207'" xml:id="id_2080"/>
<xsl:variable name="UOM_CODE" select="'Ea'"

Update the following constant for the return synch from Commerce to the Order Management
flow and import using the Oracle Integration Cloud mapper in Oracle Integration Cloud.

<xsl:variable name="SOURCE_SYSTEM" select="'ATG'"

Chapter 8
Configure Order Management Cloud

<xsl:variable name="BUSINESS_UNIT_IDENTIFIER"
select="'204'" xml:id="id_2077"/>
<xsl:variable name="LEGAL_UNIT_IDENTIFIER"
select="'204'" xml:id="id_2078"/>
select="'207'" xml:id="id_2079"/>
<xsl:variable name="INVENTORY_ORG_IDENTIFIER"
select="'207'" xml:id="id_2080"/>
<xsl:variable name="UOM_CODE" select="'Ea'"

Note: The connection details that come as part of the integration package are empty.
You provide the details of the connections and test them. You can then enable the

Configure Order Management Cloud

Configuring Order Management Cloud for the integration involves creating the source
system, the default rules, the orchestration process, and the required connectors.
The topics in this section describe how to perform these Order Management Cloud
configuration tasks.

Create the source system

This section describes the steps you follow to create a source system for the
1. Go to the FSM link
TaskListManagerTop and search for Manage Planning Source Systems.

2. Display the Actions tab.

Chapter 8
Configure Order Management Cloud

3. Create a source system for Commerce. If necessary, create a new code entry for
4. Select the time zone as required.

5. Disable the cross-references between Commerce and Order Management as the cross-
references are handled by Oracle Integration Cloud.

6. When you have finished entering the setup details, the final screen for the source system

Chapter 8
Configure Order Management Cloud

Create defaulting rules

Defaulting rules must be created for this integration in the Order Management system
to ensure that the shipping and scheduling rules cover Commerce as a channel.
The following rules must be defined:
• Shipping Method Defaulting Rule1
• Scheduling Related Rule
• Shipping Method Defaulting Rule2

Note: Ideas for rules to create are provided here; you can configure these as
necessary for your business requirements.
This process ensures that the shipping and scheduling rules cover Commerce as a

Chapter 8
Configure Order Management Cloud

Shipping Method Defaulting Rule1

Scheduling Related Rule

Chapter 8
Configure Order Management Cloud

Shipping Method Defaulting Rule2

Create the orchestration process

This topic describes how to create the orchestration process for the integration.
1. Go to the FSM link
TaskListManagerTop and create the orchestration process:

Chapter 8
Configure Order Management Cloud

2. Search for Commerce in the Process Name field.

A predefined process, CCATGBusinessEvents, appears.

The process can be created if necessary.
The following screens show the orchestration details:

Chapter 8
Configure Order Management Cloud

3. Click Edit Status Rule Set.

4. Save the details.

Chapter 8
Configure Order Management Cloud

5. On the Actions menu, click Release.

Create the connector

Creating a connector with the Oracle Integration Cloud URL is a required step for the
1. Go to the FSM link
and search for Manage Business Event Trigger Points.

Chapter 8
Order creation

2. Ensure that the fulfillment tabs are enabled.

3. Pick the connector to enable.

4. Create a name for the connector and provide the Oracle Integration Cloud
integration details in the connector URL.

5. Verify.

Order creation
Order creation in Commerce requires no change in the functional flow with respect to
this integration. In general, orders created in Commerce are sent to Order
Management Cloud for fulfillment. Several special cases are listed in this section.
The mechanism used to send the orders created in Commerce is webhooks.
Note: Commerce provides a remorse period during which shoppers can edit their
orders. The orders are sent to Order Management Cloud for fulfillment as soon as the
remorse period ends.

Commerce supports simple SKUs. It can also support configurable SKUs through an
integration with Oracle CPQ.
As part of this integration, simple SKUs are sent to the fulfillment system. Configurable
SKUs are not sent to the integration workflows. However, configurable SKUs are
available to the webhook and can map to Order Management Cloud attributes if
required. A separate integration exists for Oracle CPQ and Order Management Cloud.

Chapter 8
Order creation

Order pricing and payment authorization happen in Oracle Commerce. The payment
attributes are not mapped to any attribute in Order Management Cloud because the order
management system does not need the payment information for fulfillment. With account-
based (B2B) shopping, the order does have a purchase order number that is passed on to
the order management system.
Note: The scope of this integration is restricted to Order Management Cloud. Other Oracle
services can perform additional order processing. For example, Order Management Cloud
can integrate with Account Receivables post fulfillment; this functionality is outside the scope
of this integration.
Commerce currently expects the payment capture information to be updated by an external
system. This assumption holds true for this integration as well. The order payment is
authorized by Commerce via the payment gateways before the order is sent to Order
Management for fulfillment.
It is recommended that you verify that the order is ready to be shipped in Order Management
and capture the money against the authorization. This can be done by integrating with the
payment gateways and sending the updated status back to Commerce as captured/settled.
The payment group status would have to be updated once the transaction is captured in the
Commerce repository. This status unavailability hinders return processing against an order.

Order types
Orders in Commerce can be placed for consumer-based (B2C) and account-based (B2B)
These orders, when triggered from Commerce, need to be fed to the order management
system. This integration handles both types of order and maps the attributes of Commerce
and Order Management Cloud accordingly.

Pricing and tax

Pricing and tax calculations are done in Commerce and the order is passed to the order
management system. The orders created in Order Management Cloud are not synched into
The order creation integration workflow can pass the order created in Commerce to Order
Management Cloud for fulfillment using the Order Submit without Payment Details webhook,
which is triggered after the remorse period in Commerce.

Shipping methods
Commerce shipping methods are mapped to Oracle Order Management Cloud shipping
methods. The mappings are made using the Lookup service of Oracle Integration Cloud.
The shipping methods are sent to Order Management Cloud as part of order creation. If you
create a new shipping method in Commerce, map it to a shipping method in Order
Management Cloud. These mappings ensure that the orders created in Oracle Commerce
always use the shipping method chosen by the customer.

Chapter 8
Order Status

Shipping methods are creating in the Shipping Methods tab, which is described in
Work with accounts. For information about Order Management Cloud shipping
methods, refer to the Oracle Order Management Cloud documentation.

Mapping of attributes
The attribute mapping of Commerce and Order Management Cloud is done through
Oracle Integration Cloud. There could be some additional processing that is needed
on the attributes before pushing the order to Order Management Cloud.
This additional processing of attributes can be can be built into the integration layer
without a need to modify Commerce. You can build an XSLT which acts on top of the
Oracle Integration Cloud UI and provides additional flexibility. A sample XSLT is also
provided as part of the integration package. The XSLT can be uploaded into any
integration in Oracle Integration Cloud as soon as the integration has been
The location of the XSLT for order creation is ICSpackage9a47f2ae-5f90-4cf7-

The following figure illustrates the order creation workflow from Commerce to Order
Management Cloud:

Order Status
The status of an order is updated in Commerce by Order Management Cloud. Order
Management Cloud provides notifications on the status changes of the order.
As part of this integration, the shipment group status is updated for the order as No
Pending Action as soon as the shipment is closed in Order Management. The tracking
details of the order are also updated in Commerce as and when they are available in
Order Management. The payment group status for the order is set to Authorized.

Chapter 8

The order in Commerce is set to Submitted for fulfillment. You should update the payment
group status details based on your integrations with payment gateways or using the
capabilities of products such as Oracle Fusion Payments.

Map attributes for order status

The following is the location of the XSL transformation:

The following diagram illustrates the status workflow:

The returns created in Commerce are passed to Order Management Cloud for fulfillment.
Note: All the prerequisites needed for submitting a return on Commerce are valid for this
As soon as a return is created by Commerce, a new endpoint is created for processing the
return and submitting the return order to Order Management Cloud. Because the reason
code is mandatory when the return is created in Order Management Cloud, as part of the
return submission process, the disposition code of Commerce is mapped to Return with
As soon as the return is processed by the Order Management Cloud, the disposition code is
updated with the correct value as sent by Order Management Cloud.

Map attributes for returns

The following is the location of the XSL transformation for order returns:

Chapter 8

The following diagram illustrates the workflow for returns:

This topic describes exchange processing for this integration.
• The exchange request is created along with a new order for the exchange.
• The exchange and the order are submitted to Order Management Cloud as part of
this integration.
• The exchange request is submitted to Order Management Cloud for receiving the
• When the status of the exchange is set to Received, the new order created as part
of the exchange is submitted to Order Management Cloud for fulfillment.
The flows for the return and the order creation are the same as described in the
previous sections. The order is submitted to Order Management only when the return
information is available in Commerce. The flows for the exchange are the same as
previously described.

Manage Page Tags
Oracle Commerce lets you create script tags and embed them in each page on a site.
Business users can create, manage, and place tags without the need for a developer to make
code changes to the storefront.
Page tags are HTML script tags that are embedded in every storefront page. They let you
add both Oracle and third-party plug-in services (such as analytics, chat services, or A/B
testing) to your storefront.

Understand page tags

Oracle Commerce lets you create page tags and embed them in each page on a site.
Business users can create, manage, and decide where to place tags without the need for a
developer to make code changes to the storefront.
Page tags are HTML <script> tags that are embedded in every storefront page. They let you
add both Oracle and third-party plug-in services to your storefront. For example, you can use
page tags to add analytics services, like Google Analytics, or A/B testing services, like Oracle
Maxymiser Testing and Optimization.
Using page tags to embed content in storefront pages can improve performance vs. adding
the content with global widgets.
Note that there is no need to configure CORS support in Commerce for page tags. Page tags
allow the shopper's browser to make calls to other domains like Oracle Maxymiser when the
browser is displaying content loaded from a Commerce domain. You only need to configure
CORS support in Commerce when the shopper's browser accesses your Commerce site
after displaying a page loaded from the external domain. You may, however, need to
configure CORS support in the service whose plug-ins you are adding to your Commerce
To learn how to use the administration interface to add and manage the page tags for a site,
see Create and edit page tags.

Create and edit page tags

Use the administration interface to create, edit, delete, and enable page tags.
You can access the Page Tags page only if your profile has privileges assigned that let you
access Settings pages in the administration interface.

Create a page tag

To create a page tag in the administration interface:
1. Click the Settings icon, then select Page Tags.
2. Click the New Script Tag button for the section where you want to embed the tag on
each page (Head, Beginning of Body, or End of Body).
3. Enter a name for the tag.

Chapter 9
Create and edit page tags

The name is used internally by Commerce and is never displayed on the

The name must be unique and can be up to 50 characters long.
4. Enter the script content. You will usually get this content from the application you
are integrating with and simply paste it in here. Keep the following in mind when
you add the script:
The script can be up to 3,000 characters long.
The Script Tag Editor validates the structure of a tag but it does not validate the
actual content of the tag.
5. Tags are not enabled by default. To enable the tag, click the Enable checkbox.
You do not have to publish tags.
6. Click Save.
7. Once a tag is successfully created, it appears in a list below the section where you
created it. You can edit a tag by clicking its name in the list. You can change its
name and content, and enable or disable it. Click Save when you finish your

Reorder tags in a section

You can reorder tags within each section (head, beginning of body, and end of body) to
control the order of insertion of the tag content. To move a tag to the top of a section's
list, click the tag's Move to Top arrow. To move a tag, click its Drag and Drop icon
and drag it to a new position in the section.

Delete a tag
Deleting a tag removes it from the system. To keep a tag but stop using it, simply edit
the tag and uncheck its Enable checkbox. To delete a tag, click its Delete icon and
then confirm that you want to delete the tag.

Integrate with Oracle Maxymiser
The Oracle Commerce and Oracle Maxymiser integration allows you to run Maxymiser
campaigns against any of your Commerce sites.
Oracle Maxymiser Campaigns support custom A/B testing, allowing you to create specific
campaign targeting and analysis. Maxymiser campaigns are grouped under Maxymiser sites.
Please note, Maxymiser sites are different than Commerce sites. You should create one
Maxymiser site to use when defining all of your Maxymiser campaigns for Commerce, even if
those campaigns are used on different Commerce sites.

A/B testing lets you experiment with the user experience on your site in a controlled way,
testing alternatives against each other to see which one produces the best results for your
business. This allows you to test and optimize aspects of your site to drive improvements in
key metrics.
To run a test, you generally create a control variant that presents your existing experience,
then define one or more new variants that present alternative experiences.
By allocating equal groups of shoppers between all of the different variants, you can measure
key outcomes for each group of shoppers to see how the different experiences affect shopper
behavior. Once you have determined the "winning" experience you can modify your storefront
Once you have set up and built your Commerce environment to integrate with Maxymiser,
you can:
• Create a Maxymiser campaign that contains variants and actions.
• Define the user experience for each group of shoppers that participate in the campaign.
To do this, you use Commerce Maxymiser Campaign Variation Slots with your Maxymiser
server-side campaigns. For information on performing this task, refer to Create
Maxymiser Campaign Variants in Commerce.
• Send behavioral data to Maxymiser where you can compare the behavior of each group
of shoppers. This allows you to track the following data:
– Commerce Page View data filtered by URL, product or collection IDs, or by matching
on default and custom Commerce product or collection properties.
– Shopper registrations.
– Orders that have been submitted. Maxymiser tracks both the number of orders, as
well as the number of units sold, allowing you to compare conversion rates, revenue,
and average order value for each group of shoppers.
• Once you have determined that your Maxymiser campaign is over you can refer to the
Maxymiser Performance Report and determine which Maxymiser variant performed the
Enabling the Maxymiser integration with Commerce allows you to determine how to optimize
shopping experience for your customers. Maxymiser offers feature beyond A/B testing,
including site personalization for non-Commerce sites. When using Commerce you should

Chapter 10

use the built-in audience-based personalization features rather than using Maxymiser
for personalization. The built-in personalization in Commerce is more deeply
integrated into your commerce storefront and offers features not available in
Maxymiser. To personalize your site, use Commerce Audiences, as described in
Define Audiences.

Integration between Maxymiser and Commerce

The following is a diagram of the steps you need to perform the integration. Refer to
the steps below for additional information.

To set up the integration, you will need to perform the following:

1. Use your Maxymiser account administration login to create a shared Maxymiser
Admin login as described in the User roles and permissions section of the
Maxymiser documentation.
2. Within Maxymiser, create or select a Maxymiser site that will contain all the server-
side campaigns used by your Commerce sites, as described in Creating a site in
the Maxymiser documentation. Maxymiser campaigns are grouped under sites.
Please note, Maxymiser sites are different than Commerce sites, in that they are
more like tenants.
3. Log into your Maxymiser account using your Maxymiser administrator login and
generate a client ID and client secret to call Maxymiser REST APIs. You will need
this client ID and secret to construct the Maxymiser integration in Commerce.
Refer to the Application Registration section of your Maxymiser documentation for
information on generating the client ID and secret.
4. Within Commerce, enable the Maxymiser integration as described in Enable
Commerce to Work with Maxymiser.
5. Use Maxymiser to create a server-side Maxymiser campaign. Create the
campaign with as many variants as you need to represent the alternatives you
want to test, and add actions for each of the shopper behaviors you want to
measure and compare between variants. Refer to Creating a Server-side
campaign in your Maxymiser documentation for additional information. Refer to the
Maxymiser documentation on Adding an Oracle Maxymiser site for information on
creating a Maxymiser site.
6. In Commerce, edit the Maxymiser campaign in the administration interface and
map any page view actions to the pages, product or collections in the Maxymiser
campaign administration interface.

Chapter 10
Create a Maxymiser Site

7. Define the experience you want to present to shoppers in each variant of the campaign.
Use the Campaign Variation Slot in Design Studio to create the user experience for each
variant. Refer to Create Maxymiser Campaign Variants in Commerce for additional
8. Use the Commerce Storefront Preview capability to preview the Maxymiser variants.
Refer to Preview your changes for additional information.
9. Publish your Campaign Variation Slots, custom content, and campaign mappings in
Commerce and publish your Maxymiser campaign in Maxymiser, as described in Publish
Your Changes in Both Commerce and Maxymiser.
10. Determine which variant performed the best and then finalize the changes to your site’s
UI by copying the best performing variant slot experience into your UI and then deleting
the slot. Refer to Work with Maxymiser Campaign Results for additional information.

Create a Maxymiser Site

Create a single Maxymiser site that works with Commerce by accessing the Maxymiser Site
Administration page. When setting up your site, ensure that you enable Server-side testing
using the drop-down menu. For detailed information on creating a site using the Maxymiser
administration interface, refer to the Maxymiser documentation.
Note: Do not use Maxymiser Campaign Generation Confirmations when setting up your
Maxymiser site administration. Refer to the Maxymiser documentation on Adding an Oracle
Maxymiser site for additional information.
Once you have created a Maxymiser site, you must prepare the site administrations settings.
Refer to the Maxymiser documentation for detailed information on creating Maxymiser site

Enable Commerce to Work with Maxymiser

To integrate Oracle Maxymiser with Commerce, you must provide the following information.
Before Commerce can work with Maxymiser, it needs to have the following information:
• The URL of your Maxymiser administrative interface
• An Admin user name
• An Admin password
• Your Maxymiser Client ID
• Your Maxymiser Client Secret
• Your Maxymiser Site ID. Note that you can find your Site ID on the Maxymiser Campaign
Page in the upper right corner of the page.
Once you have this information, use the Commerce administration interface to do the
1. Select Settings then Oracle Integrations.
2. Select and expand the Maxymiser Configuration from the drop-down menu. click
Enable Integration to access the configuration page.
3. Enter the information you obtained earlier, including your Maxymiser Client ID, Secret
and Site ID.

Chapter 10
Create a Maxymiser Campaign

4. Click Save to save your configuration.

Once you have created the Maxymiser integration you will see two new features in the
Commerce administration interface:
• The Campaign Variation Slot will become available in Design Studio so that you
can create experiences for each variant in the campaign.
• A new section called Maxymiser Campaigns will appear in the Marketing area of
the administration interface. The Maxymiser Campaigns page lets you map
shopper behaviors on the Commerce storefront to Maxymiser campaign actions
for reporting.

Create a Maxymiser Campaign

Oracle Maxymiser allows you to create Maxymiser campaigns, under which you can
define variants, manage the assignment of shoppers to variants, and track actions to
compare the performance of each variant. This information is provided for the test
Once you have set up your Maxymiser site, you must create a server-side Maxymiser
campaign. For detailed information on creating server-side Maxymiser campaigns,
refer to the Maxymiser documentation.
The Commerce Maxymiser Integration works with Maxymiser campaigns that define
Campaign Content, which identifies the elements and variants that are used within the
Maxymiser campaign and actions. This allows you to identify specific tasks that are
tracked as part of your Maxymiser campaign when your shopper performs them while
on your site.
Note: The other configurations used by Maxymiser Campaigns, including Campaign
URLs, Targeting (with the exception of traffic allocation configuration) and Devices are
not supported with the Commerce integration.
Create your Maxymiser Campaign by doing the following:
1. Configure the Maxymiser campaign content, which includes elements and
variants. An element represents a part of a website or page, such as a banner or a
landing page. A variant is a different version of an element to be tested.
2. Create actions. An action is performed by a visitor to your website. Provide the
Action name. For example, you could create page view, sales quantity and sales
amount actions so that when a shopper views a page or makes an order on the
site, those actions are tracked in the campaign.
3. Once you have created your campaign, publish it by pressing the Publish
Campaign button. Publishing a Maxymiser campaign transfers the campaign to
your production environment where the campaign's content is made available for
Commerce to use with your site visitors. You must have permissions to publish a
Maxymiser campaign. For detailed information on publishing Maxymiser
campaigns, refer to the Maxymiser documentation for Publishing a campaign.

Track shopper registration and orders

Shopper registration and order tracking are performed using actions in Maxymiser
campaigns. The following is an example of a Maxymiser campaign that has Page
Views, Sales Quantity, Sign Up and Sales Amount actions:

Chapter 10
Create a Maxymiser Campaign

When you set up shopper registration tracking in your Maxymiser campaign, Commerce
sends the Sign Up event to Maxymiser for any shoppers in the current campaign.
To add a shopper registration Sign Up action:
1. Use the Maxymiser administration interface to access a Maxymiser campaign.
2. In the Actions panel, select the plus sign (+) to add an action.
3. From the drop-down menu, select Track Sign Up.
4. Add a Description. You can also make this action the primary action.
5. Once you have added all the information, click Done to save your changes.
If you want to rename the Sign Up action, double click Sign Up under the Sign Up drop-
down. The name becomes editable.
When you set up Sales Amount tracking in your Maxymiser campaign, Commerce will send
the order monetary value to Maxymiser for all shoppers in the campaign for all orders that
match the currency specified in the action.
To track orders using a Sales Amount action:
1. Use the Maxymiser administration interface to access a Maxymiser campaign.
2. In the Actions panel, select the plus sign (+) to add an action.
3. From the drop-down menu, select Track Sales Amount.
4. Use the Currency drop-down to select a currency.

Chapter 10
Create a Maxymiser Campaign

Note that if you set a Sales Amount action to use Currency=None, Commerce will
only track order amounts that are in the site's default currency. If you set a Sales
Amount action to use a specific currency, Commerce will only track order amounts that
are in that currency. If you have a campaign with a Sales Amount action with
Currency=None, do not use this campaign on multiple sites with different default site
currencies. If you do, the order amounts in multiple currencies will be combined
incorrectly without any kind of conversion. Order Quantity Actions will always be
tracked regardless of the currency.
After you have associated the currency with this action, do not change the currency
once the Maxymiser campaign has gone live.

1. Provide a multiplier. A multiplier is used when storing the action value as an

The currency multiplier converts the currency into a whole number. For example, if
your currency is set to US dollars, to ensure that you capture the currency after the
decimal point, you would select the .01 multiplier. If you are working with a
currency that contains more than two digits after the decimal point, select the
0.00001 multiplier. If you do not want to identify currency fractions, such as cents,
use the 1 multiplier.
2. Add a Description. You can also make this action the primary action. The primary
action is the main metric used to measure the effectiveness of your Maxymiser
campaign, for example the Sales Amount.
3. Once you have added all the information, click Done to save your changes.

Chapter 10
Create Maxymiser Campaign Variants in Commerce

If you want to rename the Sales Amount action, double click the name of the action under the
Sales Amount drop-down. The name becomes editable.
Work with Sales Quantities
When you select a Sales Quantity action, Maxymiser captures the total number of units sold
across all line items within the order.

Maxymiser Campaign States

Maxymiser Campaigns states are set when you publish campaigns in Maxymiser. Maxymiser
campaigns can be in the following states:
• Implementing - Maxymiser campaigns in this state have never been published. They can
be accessed by Commerce but they are not started during runtime. This is the initial state
of a campaign when you create one.
• Live - When a Maxymiser campaign is live, it is being displayed to shoppers and is
collecting data. Any changes that you make may impact the campaign.
• Paused - Maxymiser campaigns in this state were previously live but are no longer
displayed to visitors and are not collecting any data. You can work with Maxymiser
campaigns in the Paused state with the Commerce administration interface, but the
Maxymiser campaign will not run in the Storefront.
• Serving - A Maxymiser campaign in this state is serving specific experiences to your
shoppers, but is not collecting any data. You can use Maxymiser campaigns in this state
in the administration interface and in runtime for slots, but there is no action tracking
occurring. You might want to set your campaign to this state once your campaign has
ended but you have not yet finalized the UI changes and want Maxymiser to direct all of
your shoppers into the winning variant.
• Completed - These Maxymiser campaigns have concluded and are no longer being
displayed to shoppers or collecting any data.
For detailed information on creating server-side Maxymiser campaigns, refer to the
Maxymiser documentation.

Create Maxymiser Campaign Variants in Commerce

Maxymiser campaigns allow you to serve variants and track the associated actions. The
following information is geared towards a front-end developer in Commerce.
Once you have set up the Maxymiser integration, you can view Maxymiser campaigns in

Define UI variant experiences for you Maxymiser campaign

To create your A/B test campaign, you need to modify your existing UI using the Maxymiser
campaign and its variants. Each variant that you create needs to be assigned to an
experience in a slot. Note that multiple variants can share the same experience. First, you
must set up a layout that contains a Maxymiser Campaign Variation Slot.
Add the Maxymiser Campaign Variation Slot and provide the Maxymiser Campaign and the
Maxymiser Campaign Element that you created in Maxymiser. The following shows an
example of a Maxymiser Campaign Variation Slot that identifies a Server-side Maxymiser
campaign that uses the Banners element.

Chapter 10
Create Maxymiser Campaign Variants in Commerce

After configuring the Maxymiser Campaign Variation Slot, you must create the slot
experiences and target them to the Maxymiser campaign variants. To do this, add new
experiences and then click on the targeting icon. Select the Variant Audience picker
and select the variants for each experience. Once you have provided the slot
information, your layout will contain a Maxymiser Campaign Variation Slot:

The following shows an experience targeted to the Maxymiser campaign variant that
identifies the Right Side variant we defined in Maxymiser:

Your default experience should contain your standard UI, and each additional
experience should contain modified versions of that UI.

Chapter 10
Preview Your Changes in Commerce

Preview Your Changes in Commerce

Once you have customized your variants using slots, you can preview your changes in

Preview layout changes

After customizing the slots, preview your slot configuration by clicking the storefront preview
setting gear icon and selecting a campaign variant. Note that storefront preview does not
support multivariate campaigns. You can preview a variant for one single element at a time
when you have a multi-element Maxymiser campaign, but you will not see multiple variants
across multiple elements as you would on your live site. If necessary, update your UI
modifications until you are satisfied.
To launch a preview session, click the Preview button. The preview session launches in a
new browser tab or window. To end the preview session, close the browser tab or window.
For additional information on working with Preview in the Commerce storefront, refer to
Preview your changes.

Capture Reporting Metrics

Once you have set up your integration, you need to identify the information that you want to

Construct Page View Actions

To see Maxymiser campaigns use the administration interface and select Marketing and then
Maxymiser Campaigns. Maxymiser campaigns are displayed by their name, status, type
and the last update. Note that campaigns with the type “CD campaign” are client-side
campaigns and are not supported by this integration. This page displays both published and
unpublished campaigns.
When you create a Maxymiser campaign that uses Page View actions in Commerce, you
must map page view actions to pages, products or collections. This identifies which pages
are tracked for each page view action.
Select the campaign you want to edit and map any page view tracking actions using the
following six tracking types:
• Not Mapped
• Page URL - This type allows you to identify a page URL. It contains qualifiers that
include equals, is not equal to, starts with, ends with and contains that
enable you to identify a specific URL.
• Product or Collection Page - These two types allows you to identify specific
products or collection pages by its ID.
• Product Page or Collection Page Conditions - These two types allow you to
select a product or collections by matching their default and custom properties. You can
also select product subtype properties by setting the product type and selecting the
appropriate property. The qualifiers for the conditions are equals, is not equal to,
starts with, ends with, contains, exists and does not exist.

Chapter 10
Capture Reporting Metrics

Track Page Views by URL

To track page views by URL, do the following:
1. Select Page URL from the View Page drop-down.
2. Identify the qualifier to use. These include equals, is not equal to, starts
with, ends with or contains.
3. Enter the criteria to match and click Save.
For example, you could select a page URL that starts with a specific site by entering:

Page URL starts with

Or any page whose URL contains the string “camera”:

Page URL contains camera

Track Product or Collection Views by ID

To track page views by Product or Collection page, do the following:
1. Select Product Page or Collection Page from the View Page drop-down.
2. Click Edit List to select the product or collection.
3. Enter name or ID of the product or collection.
4. Select the product or collection and use the arrow or double click the item to move
it to the selection list.
5. Click Done when you have added all of the selections.
For example, you could select a specific cable product by entering cable in the name
field. When the search results appear, select the appropriate cable and move it to the
Selections list. Click Done when you have added all of the cables you want.
You could add specific movie collections by searching for a specific collection ID.
When the collection is displayed, select the collection and add it to the Selections list.
Click Done when you have added the collection.

Track Product or Collection Views by Property Values

You can identify the product page to be tracked using your own custom product
properties or the following supported property values:
• Product ID
• Ancestor Collections
• Arrival Date
• Brand
• Country of origin
• Description
• Parent Collections

Chapter 10
Publish Your Changes in Both Commerce and Maxymiser

You can identify collection pages for tracking using your own custom category properties or
the following supported property values:
• Name
• Collection ID
• Ancestor Collections
• Description
• Parent Collections
To track page views by Product or Collection page conditions, do the following:
1. Select Product Page Conditions or Collection Page Conditions from the View Page
2. For Product Page Conditions, optionally select the Product Type if using subtype
3. Click Add condition and select the appropriate property for either your product page or
your collection page.
4. Add the qualifier, which can be equals, is not equal to, starts with, ends
with, contains, exists and does not exist.
5. Enter the value to match in that property.
For example, you could create a Product Page Condition that occurs whenever a shopper
views a product that is your own house brand in a campaign that promotes sales of your
house brands.
Or you could create a Collection Page Condition that occurs whenever a shopper accesses a
collection whose name contains the string “movie”.

Track New Customer Registration

Capturing new customer registrations happens automatically and you do not need to perform
any additional steps.

Capturing Order Revenue

Note that this happens automatically. Refer to Create a Maxymiser Campaign for information
on working with currency.

Publish Your Changes in Both Commerce and Maxymiser

Once you have previewed your changes, you must publish them to make them live. This
section is aimed at a Test Designer who understands Commerce.
Once you are satisfied with the result in Preview, publish the new campaigns and variants,
the custom content and the Maxymiser integration settings in Commerce. Make sure that
your Maxymiser campaign is published in both Commerce and Maxymiser. When you make
modifications in Maxymiser that may require changes in Commerce, you will see a
notification in the Commerce Campaign Editor that there are unpublished changes in
Maxymiser that require your attention.

Understand Publishing with Maxymiser and Commerce

The publishing process involves both Maxymiser and Commerce publishing.

Chapter 10
Work with Maxymiser Campaign Results

When you publish a campaign in Maxymiser and any related changes in Commerce,
you need to ensure that you publish in both Commerce and Maxymiser. Note that after
publishing some of the changes may not be available on the Storefront for 15 minutes.
Any time you modify a layout, slot or campaign mapping in Commerce, you should
ensure that you publish your changes. Whenever you set up Commerce to use a
Maxymiser campaign, the Maxymiser campaign and variant objects may appear in
your publishing queue and will need to be published. Conversely, changes that you
make in Maxymiser should be published in Maxymiser. It is a best practice to publish
in both Commerce and Maxymiser when you make changes to your configurations,
campaigns or layouts.
If you are seeing the expected behavior when working on your storefront, access the
Campaign Editor in the administration interface and see if there is an unpublished
changes message displayed. If you find this message, publish the necessary changes
on Maxymiser and return to the storefront.
If shoppers do not appear to be added to campaign variants, verify that the Campaign
Generation Confirmation site setting in Maxymiser is disabled.
For detailed information on publishing a Maxymiser campaign in Maxymiser, refer to
Publishing a campaign. For detailed information on publishing in Commerce, refer to
Understand publishing.

Work with Maxymiser Campaign Results

Once you have determined a winning variant, you can copy it to your Storefront.

Use Maxymiser Campaign Results

Once your Maxymiser campaign has completed, you can refer to the Maxymiser
Performance report and determine which variant was more successful. The Maxymiser
performance report link is only present in the campaign editor for campaigns that have
enough data to generate a performance report. Refer to the Maxymiser documentation
for Maxymiser Campaign Performance Reports.
Once you have decided which UI variant performed the best, manually copy the UI for
that variant from the Commerce slot into your main page and delete the Maxymiser
Campaign Variation Slot.

Integrate with Oracle Product Hub Cloud
Oracle Commerce provides an integration with Oracle Product Hub Cloud (PHC) that you can
use to provide a robust commerce architecture for order capture and product management.
Oracle Cloud Product Hub, part of Oracle Cloud PLM suite, is an enterprise-class product
master data management (PMDM) software, delivered via cloud for lower cost and faster

Understand the Product Hub integration

Read this section to learn concepts that are important to know before you configure and use
the integration between Oracle Commerce and Oracle Product Hub Cloud.
This section describes concepts to know before you configure and use the integration
between Commerce and Oracle Product Hub Cloud. It includes the following topics:
• Audience
• Overview
• Prerequisites
• Assumptions

This section is written for Commerce and Product Hub administrators who want to set up and
configure the integration between these two systems. To use this documentation, you should
have experience with Commerce, Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC), and Product Hub. This
section does not provide any instructions for configuring any other aspects of these systems
beyond those required for the integration. For information on other configurations, refer to
each product’s documentation, available on the Oracle Help Center.

This integration provides the following features:
• Syncs products created in Product Hub to Commerce
• Associate collections created in Commerce to the products
• Optionally trigger a publish event in Commerce when import is complete
• Upload images from Product Hub to Commerce and associate them with products
Sync products and SKUs: This integration assumes that products and SKUs are created
and maintained in Product Hub. The integration syncs them to Commerce and make them
available on the storefront, as described by the following process:
• The item publication job can be scheduled in Product Hub with a required frequency, for
example once per day or once every six hours. It exports new and updated items based
on the defined filter criteria. The job runs as specified by the schedule, and on
completion, it posts the exported files to Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM)
and triggers the item-publication job event.

Chapter 11
Understand the Product Hub integration

• The item publication job event triggers the OIC flow. It checks if a publish event is
currently running in Commerce. If Commerce is publishing or if another import or
export job is active, then it cannot accept new requests for import. In these cases,
the integration execution stops and is moved to a queue to be retried at a later
time. When publishing completes, the integration is resumed from the queue.
• The integration downloads the exported file from UCM. The archive file may
contain multiple XML files, which are transformed into Commerce JSON format.
The integration archives the JSON files and uploads them to Commerce. It then
triggers the bulk product import process to load the data into the Commerce Admin
Publish imported items: After the import is successful, the integration flow checks if
auto-publish is enabled in the OIC lookup. If enabled, it gets the total number of
records pending publishing in Commerce for the user/application configured in the OIC
Commerce connection. If it finds any such record and the number of such records is
less than the threshold configured in OIC lookup, it publishes those records. Note that
the publish operation includes all the records for the user, not only the ones imported
as part of the current integration flow. If the threshold exceeds 10 MB, it sends an
email notification to the administrator to inform that publish was not initiated
automatically. A Commerce admin user can manually start a publish in this case.
Upload images: If Media Sync is enabled (that is, if CXCommerceMediaSyncEnabled is
set to true in OIC lookups), then media items are also synced along with the items/
products from Product Hub to Commerce. Supporting formats for images to be linked
with products in Commerce are JPG, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Separate ZIP file will be
created with all the images of supported formats and then uploaded to Commerce. For
more information about the rules Commerce enforces for images, see Manage Media
for Your Store in Using Oracle Commerce.

Configuring and using this integration requires the following. If you require one or more
of these, please contact an Oracle sales representative.
• A Commerce account and access to Commerce 20D or later.
• An Oracle Fusion Product Hub account and access to Product Hub Cloud 20B or
• An Oracle Integration Cloud account and access to Oracle Integration Cloud

This integration makes the following functional assumptions. These assumptions
require a functional understanding of both Commerce and Product Hub.
• Catalogs, collections, and product types are created in Commerce before the
products are imported into Commerce by the integration.
• Products and SKUs data is always managed in Oracle Product Hub and is
imported into Commerce. This means that Product Hub is the only source of
products and SKUs for Commerce.
• By default, Commerce list prices are mapped to Product Hub's purchase list
prices. It's recommended to create an Extensible Flexfield (EFF) attribute for sale
list price and override the mapping.
• All changes are published on Commerce, once the products are imported.

Chapter 11
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Product Hub

• Configurable SKUs, add-on products, related SKUs, services and subscriptions are not
supported by default in this integration. You will need to extend the integration if you wish
to support these components.
• PDH Item Number is mapped to Commerce Product ID and SKU ID. While Item Number
can include spaces and have a maximum length of 256 characters, Commerce IDs do
not support spaces and can have a maximum length of 165 characters. Therefore,
appropriate rules must be set in PDH to conform data to Commerce requirements. Also,
the Item Number must not be modified in PDH.
• Translations to secondary locales are not supported by default in this integration. If your
Commerce environment requires translations, this requires multiple exports to be
triggered in PDH in different locales, and any extension to this integration must handle
them accordingly in the integration flow.
• You can customize this integration to link Images to SKUs and to map an image’s path
and name under SKUs. Before you can do this, make sure that the productType is
mapped to a Commerce product type for which Allow product images at the variant
property value level is enabled in the Variant properties.

Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Product Hub

This section describes tasks you must perform to configure Commerce for the integration.
You perform these tasks in the Commerce administration interface and with the Commerce

Register the application and generate a security token

This integration uses the Commerce REST APIs to access Commerce data. You must
register the integration within Commerce and generate a security token in order for the
integration to be granted access to the data.
To generate a security token:
1. Log into the Commerce administration interface.
2. Click the Settings menu and select Web APIs.
3. Click Registered Applications from the Web APIs panel.
4. Click the Register Application button.
5. Enter a name for the integration application. Create a meaningful name that reflects the
purpose of the application.
6. Click Save. The Application ID and Application Key are automatically generated and the
application is added to the Registered Applications page.
7. Click on the name of the application you created.
8. Click to reveal link to display the application key. You can copy the application key to use
as the security token for the Oracle Commerce connection.
For more information on managing an application within Commerce, see Register

Configure the Commerce webhooks

You must configure the Publish Complete and Import Complete webhooks.. Follow these
steps to configure the webhooks in the Commerce administration interface:

Chapter 11
Configure Oracle Product Hub

1. Log into the Commerce administration interface.

2. Click the Settings icon.
3. Click Web APIs and then click the Webhook tab.
4. Click the Publish Complete (Production) webhook. Enter the integration (Oracle
Commerce OIC ProductHubInt Resubmit Webhook) endpoint URL in the URL box
and enter the OIC username and password, under Basic Authorization.
5. Click the Import Complete (Production) webhook. Enter the integration (Oracle
Commerce OIC ImportComplete Post Processing) endpoint URL in the URL box
and enter the OIC username and password under Basic Authorization.
6. Click Save.

Attribute mappings
The following table shows the relationships between Product Hub product Item
properties and Commerce product properties.

Commerce product property Product Hub product item field

id ItemNumber
displayName ItemDescription
nonreturnable ReturnableFlag
orderLimit MaximumOrderQuantity
description LongDescription
shippable ShippableFlag
taxCode OutputTaxClassificationCodeValue
active ItemStatusValue
listPrice ListPrice

The following table shows the relationships between Product Hub product Item
properties and Commerce SKU properties.

Commerce SKU property Product Hub product item field

id ItemNumber
productId ItemNumber of parent style Item
displayName ItemDescription
nonreturnable ReturnableFlag
active ItemStatusValue
listPrice ListPrice

Configure Oracle Product Hub

This chapter describes tasks you perform in Oracle Fusion Product Hub to support the
Before you configure the integration, you should also plan the following tasks in
Product Hub:
• Create a Spoke system in Product Hub for which item-publication jobs can be

Chapter 11
Install and Configure the Integration in OIC

• Configure the item-publication criteria, select entities Attributes and Item Category
Assignments. You can select a date filter in criteria to filter out items, for example, items
updated within the past day, if the publication job is scheduled for a daily frequency.
• Configure the size of exported zip file. Remember that OIC will not accept ZIP files larger
than 1GB.
The exported zip files contains ITEM_*.xml files. Configure the size of XML by providing
an optimal number of records an XML file can have, so that the size of the XML doesn't
exceed 10 MB. This is to match OIC restrictions in place for performance considerations.
• Create a schedule for the publication job.

Install and Configure the Integration in OIC

This section describes how to install the integration package in Oracle Integration Cloud
The OIC Home Page is the starting point for these tasks.

Install the recipe and configure the connections

This integration is provided as a recipe, which is a pre-assembled solutions to help jump-start
your integration development.
First, log into an Oracle Integration instance to display the OIC Home Page. Find the
integration recipe Oracle Product Hub — Oracle CX Commerce | Product Sync from the OIC
home page. and install the recipe by hovering over the card and clicking the + sign icon.
Once the recipe is installed, hover over the card again to display options to configure,
activate, and delete. Select Configure and then configure the connections used by the
1. Log in to OIC as an admin user.
2. Select Integration->Connections.
3. Select Oracle CX Commerce. The Connection Properties dialog appears.
• Enter the URL to connect to Commerce as the value of the Connection Base URL
property (https://<hostname>/ccadmin/v1).
• Enter the security token value, which you can find in the Commerce administration
settings and click OK. The security token is the application key in the
OracleCommerce Interface found under Registered Applications Settings. Contact
your Commerce Administrator to get this application key.
4. Select Oracle Integration Connection. The Connection Properties dialog appears.
• Select the connection type (REST API Base URL) and enter the OIC connection URL
• Under Security, select Basic Authentication and provide login credentials to
access the endpoint.
5. Select Oracle Product Hub Connection. The Connection Properties dialog appears.
• Enter the ERP Services Catalog WSDL URL. For example: https://
• Enter the ERP Events Catalog URL. For example: https://{productHub-

Chapter 11
Install and Configure the Integration in OIC

• Under Security Policy, select Username Password Token and enter the
login credentials to access the endpoint.
6. Select Oracle UCM Connection, The Connection Properties dialog appears.
• Enter the WSDL URL. For example: https://{productHub-server}/
• Under Security Policy, select Basic Authentication and enter the login
credentials to access the endpoint.

Update mapping for prices for products and SKUs

Update the mapping in the integration flow Oracle PRODUCT HUB COMMERCE
ItemToProductSync to map the EFF attribute representing List Price in Product Hub to
List Price in Commerce. By default Product Hub's Purchase List Price is mapped, but
this must be updated to be mapped to the correct EFF attribute. Additionally, since List
Price is required for creating a product in Commerce, the EFF attribute must be
configured as required in Product Hub.

Customize mapping for additional custom fields

If you include additional custom fields in either Commerce products and SKUs or
Product Hub Items, you will need to update the mapping in the integration flow Oracle

To include additional fields in Product Hub Items:

1. Once you have added new fields, generate the XSD in Product Hub using Item
Publication job. The XSD will include any new fields you added.
2. Open the integration flow Oracle PRODUCTHUB COMMERCE
ItemToProductSync to edit.
3. Navigate to DownloadItemsAndProcess (Scope) > readItemFile (stage
Edit the stage operation node.
Upload the latest XSD ZIP file.
Select the definition for publication items (.../commmon/
4. Click Next, then click Done.
5. The mapper should show the new fields for Product Hub item.
To include additional fields in Commerce Products and SKUs
1. Once you have added new fields, export a product from Commerce. The exported
data will contain the new fields.
2. Open the integration flow Oracle PRODUCTHUB COMMERCE
ItemToProductSync to edit.
3. Navigate to DownloadItemsAndProcess (Scope) > writeCommerceJsonFile
(stage operation).
• Edit the stage operation.
• Upload the exported sample JSON.
4. Click Next, then click Done.

Chapter 11
Install and Configure the Integration in OIC

5. The mapper should show the new fields for Commerce product and SKU.

Configure lookups
You must update the lookup values in the lookup table Oracle-PDH_Comm_Int_Settings:
• PDHSpokeSystem : Spoke system created in Product Hub for performing item-publication
job. The integration will process the exported file for this spoke system.
• PDHCatalogsForCategory-ProductsLinks : Comma-separated list of catalogs. Configure
if the product in Commerce will be associated with specific collections and catalogs. If
this is not provided, the integration flow will link the product to all the collections specified
by the exported data received from Product Hub. If no collection or catalog associations
are required then configure this variable as NULL.
• ToEmailAddresses: Recipient email addresses to send error notifications. If an import
fails in Commerce, an email message containing a link to failed records is sent to this ID.
• FromEmailAddress: Sender email address for the error notifications.
• OICMaximumRetryCount: Maximum number of retry counts for resubmitting failed
instances. There are a number of reasons for integration instance failure, for example,
when publishing is running in Commerce, or if there is a network failure.
• CXCommerceAutoPublishEnabled – Set this to true if all the records imported to
Commerce through specific registered App ID (CXCommerceRegisteredAppId) needs to be
published automatically; otherwise, configure this variable as false.
• CXCommerceRegisteredAppId - Registered Commerce Application ID of the user for which
the all the data in the publishing queue will be published, if automatic publishing
(CXCommerceAutoPublishEnabled) is enabled.
• CXCommerceAutoPublishThreshold - Maximum number of records for which automatic
publishing will be triggered. Otherwise, the integration will send email to the administrator
so they can manually publish.
• CXCommerceMediaSyncEnabled – Set this to true if media items from Product Hub need to
be synced with Commerce; otherwise set to false.
The following example shows sample lookup values in the lookup table Oracle-

FromEmailAddress - [email protected]
PDHCatalogsForCategory-ProductsLinks – NULL
PDHSpokeSystem – CXCommerce
OICMaximumRetryCount – 5
CXCommerceRegisteredAppId – EnterYourRegisteredAppId
CXCommerceAutoPublishEnabled – false
CXCommerceAutoPublishThreshold – 1000000
CXCommerceMediaSyncEnabled - true

Configure email notifications

The integration includes the ability to send emails that notify administrators of the following
• Record imports fail
• The number of items to automatically publish exceeds the specified threshold

Chapter 11
Understand the integration flows

• Exported XML/image size exceeds 10 MB

You specify the email address that notifications are sent to with the ToEmailAddresses
lookup value and the email address that notifications are sent from with the
FromEmailAddress lookup value. See Configure lookups for more information.

To learn how to customize and send email with OIC, see the following Oracle blog
• An Advanced Guide to OIC Notification via Emails
• How to send email with attachments in OIC

Activate the integration flows

After you configure the Oracle Product Hub and Commerce connections, you must
activate the integrations that were created when the integration package was imported
to Oracle Integration Cloud. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Log in to Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) as an admin user.
2. Click the Integrations icon to display the Integrations list.
3. Click the Activate button for each of the following integrations:
• Oracle Commerce Product Import
• Oracle Product Hub Oracle CX Commerce Products Int
• Oracle Commerce Integration Resubmit
• CX Commerce Product ImportComplete Post Processing
• Oracle Commerce Product Hub Int Resubmit Publish
• Oracle Commerce Product Hub Int Resubmit Schedule
OIC displays a message to indicate that the integration flow was successfully

Understand the integration flows

This section describes the out-of-the-box integration flows and includes a diagram that
illustrates the overall integration flow.
The Product Hub integration includes the following flows:
• Oracle PRODUCT HUB COMMERCE ItemToProductSync
Syncs the products, SKUs, and images (if images are enabled in lookup) data
from Product Hub to Commerce. This flow is triggered by the Product Hub item-
publication event.
• Oracle OIC COMMERCE ImportStart
Issues the command to start the import on a file to Commerce.
• Oracle Commerce OIC ImportComplete Post Processing
Includes the flow for automatically publishing the records in Commerce. If the
number of imported records exceeds the limit, sends a notification so publishing
can be manually started in Commerce. This flow is triggered by the Commerce
Import Complete Webhook .It sends a notification to the configured email address
if the import has any failed records.
• Commerce OIC Product HubInt Resubmit Webhook

Chapter 11
Understand the integration flows

Listens for the Commerce Publish Complete webhook‘s POST request and re submits
the failed integrations run of Oracle PRODUCT HUB COMMERCE ItemToProductSync which
fails because of publishing is running in Commerce.
Fetches the failed integrations for the input integration name and resubmit the first entry
in the failed integration.
• Oracle SCHEDULE OIC Product HubInt Resubmit
The schedule integration, which resubmits the failed integrations run of failed Oracle
PRODUCT HUB COMMERCE ItemToProductSync. Failures may occur because there was a
processing error with the exported file in the integration or upload and import of the
products file to Commerce was not successful.
The following diagram shows an overview of the integration flows:

Chapter 11
Understand the integration flows

Integrate with Oracle Responsys
Integrating Oracle Responsys and Oracle Commerce.
When you integrate Commerce and Oracle Responsys you create a unified solution for your
customers as well as the ability to communicate with those customers in a relevant and
structured dialogue based on their commerce activity.

Understand the Oracle Responsys Integration

This information provides instructions on how to implement the integration between Oracle
Commerce and Oracle Responsys.
Oracle Responsys is an application within the Oracle Marketing Cloud suite of products that
empowers data-driven marketing teams with the tools to deliver the relevant, engaging
experiences their customers demand across devices, channels, and lifecycles. It is easy to
make data from disparate sources useful, create precisely targeted audiences, and then
empower customers to determine their own next experience by interacting with them in near
Commerce provides the overall customer experience allowing merchants to provide the most
relevant content to shoppers at all times and, by integrating Commerce and Responsys,
retailers can connect online behaviors in near real time to immediately respond to customer’s
actions and trigger personalized communications.
In addition, Commerce data can be used to create a more complete user profile which allows
retailers to deliver a more personalized and engaging experiences to drive conversions and

The integration of Oracle Commerce and Oracle Responsys targets support for the following
customer commerce activity:
• Welcome: Communicate with newly registered customers to enhance their relationship
with the merchant.
• Win Back: Communicate with customers who have not created any new orders in a
significant period of time. The message to the customer can be tailored to include a
Commerce promotion to encourage them to return to the website.
• Milestone: Using Commerce profile data, communicate with customers based on
personal milestones such as their birthday or the anniversary of their registration date.
• Abandoned Cart: Communicate with customers who added items to their shopping cart
and then left the website without purchasing the items they placed in the cart. The
message to the customer can be tailored to include aCommerce promotion to encourage
them to return to the website.
This document provides instructions on how to set up an integration between Commerce and
Responsys so that Commerce information is automatically passed to Responsys ensuring

Chapter 12
Configuring the Integration

that the supported marketing campaigns are always based on current shopper activity.
This document provides instructions on the following topics:
• How to download the Oracle Integration Cloud Integration Flows.
• How to configure and set up the Oracle Integration Cloud Integration Flows.
• How to setup the connection to Responsys.
• How to set up the required data tables in Responsys.
• How to setup the connection to Oracle Commerce.
• How to configure the webhooks to trigger the integration flows.
• How to use the abandoned cart functionality supported by the integration.

This document is written for Oracle Commerce and Oracle Responsys administrators
who need to set up and configure the integration between these two systems.
Readers of this document should have experience with Commerce, Responsys, and
Oracle Integration Cloud administration.

For the purposes of this document, it is assumed that you already have:
• An Oracle Commerce account and access to Oracle Commerce 16.6 or later.
• An Oracle Responsys account and access to Oracle Responsys 6.31 or later.
• An Oracle Integration Cloud account and access to Oracle Integration Cloud
Service 16.4.5 or later.
If you do not have one or more of these, please contact an Oracle sales representative
for information on how to acquire one:

Configuring the Integration

There are four stages to configuring the integration that are covered in this chapter.
This chapter will provide information on each of the stages to assist you in configuring
your integration.

Configure the Integration Package

This section provides detail about where the integration package can be downloaded
and how to import the integration package.
Importing the integration package in Oracle Integration Cloud creates connections to
Oracle Commerce and Oracle Responsys in Oracle Integration Cloud. It also creates
an integration between Commerce and Responsys with some default mappings in

Chapter 12
Configuring the Integration

Download the integration package

Follow these steps to download the integration package:
1. Log on to My Oracle Support at
2. Search for OCCS-OMC_Integration.
3. Download the OCCS-OMC_Integration_3.0.par file. You should save it to a location
where you can access it from Oracle Integration Cloud.

Import the integration package

Follow these steps to import the integration package on Oracle Integration Cloud.
1. Log on to Oracle Integration Cloud as an administrator.
2. Click the Packages icon.
3. Click the Import Package button.
4. Click Browse to open a navigation pane.
5. Browse for and select the packages archive (PAR) file when prompted.
6. Click Import. The package should be added to the Packages list.
Clicking on the name of the package in the Package list displays the integrations that are
included in the package. This package includes three integrations. These are:
• OCCS-OMC Integration Order
• OCCS-OMC Integration Profile
• OCCS-OMC Idle Cart.
The OCCS-OMC Integration Order integration flow is responsible for sending information
about submitted orders from Commerce to Responsys.
The OCCS-OMC Integration Profile integration flow is responsible for sending information
about customer profiles from Commerce to Responsys.
The OCCS-OMC Idle Cart integration flow is responsible for sending information about a cart
that has been abandoned and adds the visitor to the OMC Abandoned Cart orchestration
You can now configure connections for these integrations.

Configure the Oracle Responsys Connection

This section provides instructions on configuring the connection from the integrations to
Oracle Responsys. Follow these instructions to configure the Responsys connection:
1. Log on to Oracle Integration Cloud as an administrator.
2. Click the Connections icon.
3. Click the Oracle Marketing Cloud connection.
4. Click the Configure Connectivity button.
5. Add the Responsys Login URL.

Chapter 12
Configuring the Integration

Note: This is not the URL you use to connect to Responsys. You can get the URL
required here from your Responsys administrator.
6. Click OK.
7. Click on the Configure Security button.
8. Select Custom Security Policy in the Security policy list.
9. Complete the Username, Password, and Confirm Password fields. These are
the credentials required to access your Responsys account.
10. Click OK.

11. Click Test to test your connection.

12. Click Save.

Your Responsys connection is now configured for the integration.

Configure the Oracle Responsys Connection

This section provides instructions on configuring the connection from the integrations
to Oracle Responsys.
Follow these instructions to configure the Responsys connection:
1. Log on to Oracle Integration Cloud as an admin user.
2. Click the Connections icon.
3. Click the Oracle Marketing Cloud connection.
4. Click the Configure Connectivity button.
5. Add the Responsys Login URL.
Note: This is not the URL you use to connect to Responsys. You can get the URL
required here from your Responsys administrator.
6. Click OK.
7. Click on the Configure Security button.
8. Select Custom Security Policy in the Security policy list.
9. Complete the Username, Password, and Confirm Password fields. These are
the credentials required to access your Responsys account.
10. Click OK.

11. Click Test to test your connection.

12. Click Save.

Your Responsys connection is now configured for the integration.

Configure the Oracle Responsys Database Tables

Once you have configured the Oracle Responsys connection, you need to create two
tables to store the information created by the integration. These tables are

Chapter 12
Configuring the Integration

CC_Master_User_List and CC_Submit_Order. These tables should be created in a folder

called CC in Responsys.
Note: These are the default names of the tables that are populated by this integration. If you
create tables with different names or in a different folder then you must also modify the
adapter configuration to point to the different tables.
This section shows the structure for each of these tables.

CC_Master_User_List Table
The following is a list of fields that must be included in a table called CC_Master_User_List
created in a folder called /CC in Responsys. The first list is the system fields for the table,
and the second list is the custom fields for the table.

Field Name Field Type

RIID_ Integer Field
CREATED_SOURCE_IP_ Text Field (to 255 chars)
CUSTOMER_ID_ Text Field (to 255 chars)
EMAIL_ADDRESS_ Text Field (to 500 chars)
EMAIL_DOMAIN_ Text Field (to 255 chars)
EMAIL_ISP_ Text Field (to 255 chars)
EMAIL_FORMAT_ Single character field
EMAIL_PERMISSION_STATUS_ Single character field
EMAIL_PERMISSION_REASON_ Text Field (to 255 chars)
EMAIL_MD5_HASH_ Text Field (to 50 chars)
EMAIL_SHA256_HASH_ Text Field (to 100 chars)
MOBILE_NUMBER_ Text Field (to 50 chars)
MOBILE_COUNTRY_ Text Field (to 25 chars)
MOBILE_PERMISSION_STATUS_ Single character field
MOBILE_PERMISSION_REASON_ Text Field (to 255 chars)
POSTAL_STREET_1_ Text Field (to 255 chars)
POSTAL_STREET_2_ Text Field (to 255 chars)
CITY_ Text Field (to 50 chars)
STATE_ Text Field (to 50 chars)
POSTAL_CODE_ Text Field (to 25 chars)
COUNTRY_ Text Field (to 50 chars)
POSTAL_PERMISSION_STATUS_ Single character field
POSTAL_PERMISSION_REASON_ Text Field (to 255 chars)
CREATED_DATE_ Time Stamp Field (date + time)
MODIFIED_DATE_ Time Stamp Field (date + time)
LOCALE Text Field (to 25 chars)
FIRST_NAME Text Field (to 100 chars)
LAST_NAME Text Field (to 100 chars)
COMMERCE_REGISTRATION_DATE Time Stamp Field (date + time)
COMMERCE_LAST_ACTIVITY Time Stamp Field (date + time)

Chapter 12
Configuring the Integration

Field Name Field Type

AGE Number Field
PROFILEATTRIBUTE Text Field (to 100 chars)

CC_Submit_Order Table
The following is a list of fields that must be included in a list extension table called
CC_Submit_Order created in a folder called CC in Responsys.

Field Name Field Type

RIID_ Integer Field
ORDER_ID Text Field (to 25 chars)
ORDER_DETAILS_URL Text Field (to 100 chars)
ORDER_CURRENCY Text Field (to 25 chars)
ORDER_SUBMIT_TIME Time Stamp Field (date + time)
ORDER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1 Text Field (to 100 chars)
ORDER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2 Text Field (to 100 chars)
ORDER_SHIPPING_CITY Text Field (to 25 chars)
ORDER_SHIPPING_STATE Text Field (to 25 chars)
ORDER_SHIPPING_COUNTRY Text Field (to 25 chars)
ORDER_SHIPPING_POSTAL Text Field (to 25 chars)
ORDER_TOTAL Text Field (to 25 chars)
ORDER_SHIPPING_MOBILE Text Field (to 25 chars)
ORDER_ITEM_NAMES Text Field (to 50 chars)
CREATED_DATE_ Time Stamp Field (date + time)
MODIFIED_DATE_ Time Stamp Field (date + time)
SITE_ID Text Field (to 25 chars)
SITE_NAME Text Field (to 500 chars)

Configure the Oracle Commerce Connection

This section provides instructions on configuring the connection from the integrations
to Oracle Commerce.
Follow these instructions to configure the Oracle Commerce connection:
1. Log on to Oracle Integration Cloud as an administrator.
2. Click the Connections icon.
3. Click the Oracle Commerce connection.
4. Click the Configure Connectivity button.
5. Enter the Connection base URL. The Connection base URL is derived using the
following structure:
Connection base URL: https://<siteURL>/ccadmin/v1
where <siteURL> is the base URL of the Commerce site that integrates with
Oracle Integration Cloud.

Chapter 12
Configuring the Integration

6. Click the Configure Security button.

7. The Commerce connection uses the OAuth security policy, so you must enter a Security
token for the connection. This token is generated in Commerce. Instructions on
generating the token can be found in the Generate a Security Token section of this
8. Click OK.
9. Click Test to test that the connection is working.
10. Click Save.

Your Commerce connection is now configured for the integration.

Generate a Security Token

This integration uses the Oracle Commerce REST web services APIs to access Commerce
data. You must register the integration within Commerce and generate a security token in
order for the integration to be granted access to the data.
Follow these instructions in order to generate a security token:
1. Log onto Commerce.
2. Click the Settings icon.
3. Click Web APIs from the sidebar menu.
4. Click Registered Applications from the Web APIs panel.
5. Click the Register Application button.
6. Enter a name for the integration. The application you are registering is Oracle Integration
Cloud, so you should choose a name that is meaningful and reflects this.
7. Click Save.
The Application ID and Application Key are automatically generated and the application is
added to the Registered Applications page.
8. Click on the name of the application you created.
9. Click on Click to reveal to display the application key. You can copy the application key
to use as the security token for the Commerce connection.
For more information on managing an application within Commerce, please refer to the
Register Applications section of the Using Oracle Commerce document.

Activate the Integration

Once you have configured the Oracle Responsys and Oracle Commerce connections you
can activate the integrations that were created when the integration package was imported to
Oracle Integration Cloud.
Follow these instructions to activate the integrations:
1. Log on to Oracle Integration Cloud as an admin user.
2. Click on the Integrations icon to display the Integrations list.
3. Click on the Activate button for the integration you wish to activate.

Chapter 12
Configuring the Integration

4. You can choose here whether to switch on detailed tracing. Detailed tracing
collects information about messages processed by the integration flow. This may
assist in troubleshooting issues with the integration flow, but it may impact
To switch on detailed tracing, check the Enable detailed tracing checkbox.
Note: Once an integration flow is active you must deactivate it and activate it again
to switch detailed tracing on or off.
5. Click Activate.
A message should be displayed to indicate that the integration flow has been
successfully activated.

Configure the Oracle Commerce Webhooks

When the integration flows have been activated you must configure the webhooks in
Oracle Commerce. These webhooks push a JSON notification to a URL that you
provide to the webhook. The URL you provide maps to the specific integration
workflow set up in Oracle Integration Cloud.
For the integration flows covered by this document there are four webhooks that must
be configured. These are:
• Shopper Registration: This sends a notification when a new user account is
created by a visitor to your website. This webhook pushes notifications using the
OCCS-OMS Integration Profile integration flow.
• ShopperAccount Update: This sends a notification when an already existing user
account is modified by a visitor to your website. This webhook pushes notifications
using the OCCS-OMS Integration Profile integration flow.
• Order Submit: This sends a notification when a registered shopper submits an
order on your website. This webhook pushes notifications using the OCCS-OMS
Integration Order integration flow.
• Cart Idle: This sends a notification when a registered shopper leaves your site
without purchasing items that were added to their cart. This webhook pushes
notifications using the OCCS-OMS Idle Cart integration flow.
You must configure the Production and Preview version of these webhooks to ensure
that they work in all environments. The Production webhooks send information from
your live store to production environments of your live systems, while preview
webhooks send information from your preview environment to the test or sandbox
environments of your external systems.
You can configure these webhooks through Commerce. Follow these instructions to
configure a webhook:
1. Log on to Oracle Integration Cloud as an admin user.
2. Click on the Integrations icon.
3. Click on the Integration Details icon to display information about the integration
If you are configuring the Shopper Registration or Shopper Account Update
webhooks then you should display information for the OCCS-OMC Integration
Profile integration.

Chapter 12
Using the integration

If you are configuring the Order Submit webhook then you should display information for
the OCCS-OMC Integration Order integration.
If you are configuring the Cart Idle webhook then you should display information for the
OCCS-OMC Idle Cart integration.
4. Copy the Endpoint URL for the integration.
5. Log on to Oracle Commerce.
6. Click on the Settings icon.
7. Select Web APIs from the sidebar menu.
8. Click on the webhook you wish to configure.
9. Paste the Endpoint URL you copied into the URL field for the webhook.
10. Remove the “metadata” text from the end of the URL.
11. Enter the Username and Password for your Oracle Integration Cloud account.

12. Click the Save button.

The webhook is now configured and is triggered each time the relevant event occurs, which
in turn triggers the relevant integration flow.
For more information on Commerce webhooks, please refer to the Configure Webhooks
chapter of the Using Oracle Commerce document.

Using the integration

This chapter provides instruction on how to use the functionality supported by the integration.
This chapter includes information on creating new custom events and Oracle Responsys

Create an Abandoned Cart Program

Oracle Commerce monitors the shopping cart activities of visitors to your website and can
detect if a shopper has added items to a cart and then abandoned the cart.
When Commerce detects an abandoned cart it triggers a program that is defined in your
Oracle Responsys account. Commerce passes information about the items in the abandoned
cart to Responsys.
This section provides instruction on how to create a new custom event and how to create a
new program that runs when the new custom event occurs.

Create a New Custom Event

Follow these steps to create a new custom event on Oracle Responsys:
1. Log on to Oracle Responsys as an account administrator.
2. Select the Account icon.
3. Click on the Define custom event types link. This link is in the Account Customization
section, under the Global Settings heading.
4. Click on the Add new type link, which can be found under the table of custom event

Chapter 12
Using the integration

5. Enter “CC_Abandoned_Cart” as the Custom Event Type Name, and enter a

meaningful description in the Description field.
6. Click on the Save button.
7. Click on the Done button.

Create a New Program

You can create a new Oracle Responsys program by selecting the profile list used for
the Oracle Commerce integration. This program must start with a custom event
followed by an email campaign that leads to the end of the program. You can see how
the program should be configured in this illustration:

The abandon custom event must listen to a specific event name that is passed by
Commerce in the API call that triggers this program. You must select
CC_Abandoned_Cart from the Listen for custom event type dropdown menu.

Commerce passes a set of dynamic variables to the program through the API call.
These dynamic variables must be specified for the program using the Settings
configuration options.

Chapter 12
Using the integration

You must then associate a specific email campaign with the Send email campaign activity.

You should use the Email Message Designer to specify the personalization rules used by the
email campaign associated with the email widget. You can do this using Responsys
Personalization Language (RPL).
The following figure shows a sample HTML code using RPL to personalize the email
message based on the dynamic variables passed by Commerce to the abandoned cart
Note: This sample code is provided for guidance only and should not be directly copied as it
will not work with your integration.

Chapter 12
Using the integration

When you create the email using RPL you can see a preview of the email message
rendered with some default personalization values.
For more information on using the Email Message Designer functionality, please refer
to your Oracle Responsys documentation.

Integrate with Oracle Retail Order
Management System
Integrate Oracle Retail Order Management System with Oracle Commerce.
Oracle Order Management Cloud is integrated with the Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud.
Together with Commerce they allow you to provide fulfillment monitoring and global
availability for your customers.

Oracle Retail Order Management System Cloud Service (OROMS) is an order management
system that supports retail transactions, including fulfillment, warehousing/inventory control,
customer service, merchandising, marketing and finance.
Commerce and Oracle Retail Order Management can be used together to provide a robust
commerce architecture.

This document is written for Commerce and Oracle Retail Order Management administrators
who need to set up and configure the integration between these two systems.
Readers of this document should have experience with both Commerce and Oracle Retail
Order Management administration. This document does not provide instructions on
configuring aspects other than integration for Commerce and Oracle Retail Order
Management. For that information, refer to the product documentation.

The integration between Commerceand Oracle Retail Order Management provides a solution
that combines the capabilities of these two products.
This integration provides the following features:
• Turning integration on and off using the Commerce administration interface
• Providing configuration based on your environment
• Pushing completed Commerce orders to Oracle Retail Order Management for fulfillment
• Retrieving and displaying Oracle Retail Order Management order status in Commerce
This integration provides retailers with an opportunity to manage order and fulfillment

Architectural Overview
Shoppers use the Commerce storefront to place an order.

Chapter 13

When a retailer enables integration, the order created in the storefront is sent to
Oracle Retail Order Management where it is fulfilled. Commerce can obtain the details
of the order from Oracle Retail Order Management and display the status in the
customer storefront or the Agent Console of Commerce.
Commerce manages the promotions and discounts for the order and passes the final
price of the order to Oracle Retail Order Management. The shipping methods in both
systems are synchronized, ensuring that the customer is choosing from shipping
methods that are available from Oracle Retail Order Management.
To perform data synchronization, Commerce communicates with Oracle Retail Order
Management using REST. Commerce provides data output in JSON, while Oracle
Retail Order Management exposes REST services that accept XML. Integration
services take the JSON data from Commerce, convert it to XML using XSLT
transformers, and send it to all Oracle Retail Order Management systems. In turn,
XML data sent from Oracle Retail Order Management is read by the integration
service and converted to JSON. The webhook target that communicates with Oracle
Retail Order Management is set using the administration interface. If the integration is
disabled, the transformation logic is skipped and the webhook behaves as a standard
Webhooks submit JSON, however, Serenade accepts only XML. When an order is
submit, it is converted from JSON to XML. Webhooks support multiple target orders,
and if the target contains
Integration services are configured using the Commerce administration interface.
When an order or order detail is queried in Commerce, a service call is made to Oracle
Retail Order Management to get the latest status for that order. Orders that are
created in Commerce are synchronized to Oracle Retail Order Management, and
order status updates regarding fulfillment from Oracle Retail Order Management are
requested by Commerce on demand.

Additional Documentation
For additional information on Commerce:
For additional information on using Commerce, see the Oracle Commerce

This section contains information on prerequisites needed before configuring the
Before you begin the integration process, you must ensure that you have met the
following conditions.

Access Rights
To configure integration, you need to have administrator access to Commerce.
This allows you to configure the integration settings using the administration interface.

Chapter 13

Data Configuration
The product and SKU information should be in sync on both the Commerce and Oracle Retail
Order Management servers.
The following describes the Item and SKU fields and the mapping between them:

Item Configuration
Oracle Retail Order Management allows the ITEM_ID field to contain a maximum of 12
alphanumeric characters. Therefore, items created with Commerce should contain no more
than 12 alphanumeric characters, for example, Item001, wallet, etc.

SKU ID Configuration
The Oracle Retail Order Management system generated short_sku_number number is
unique for a company as well as a site. As such, the Commerce SKU ID should also have a
unique ID for the site. Note that the SKU ID must be numeric and limited to 7 characters.

Variant Configuration
Oracle Retail Order Management allows a maximum of three SKU attributes, for example,
color, size and collar. Note that all items will have the same elements. For example, both
the shirts and the shoe SKUs will contain the same variants, for example, color, size, and
Commerce allows more than three variants, for example, color, size, collar, and sleeve.
However, Oracle Retail Order Management cannot recognize more than three variants. If the
SKU attribute in Oracle Retail Order Management and the SKU variant in Commerce both
contain fewer than three entries, the SKU attribute will be the same.
While creating items and SKUs in Commerce and Oracle Retail Order Management, consider
the following:
• When creating SKUs, limit variants to less than three
• Create SKUS in Oracle Retail Order Management. The same SKUs with the
short_sku_number field can be manually exported and created in Commerce
• Create variants that are as general as possible so that they can be shared across items
• Before the integration process begins, the Commerce and Oracle Retail Order
Management inventories should be synchronized
For detailed information on configuring and managing catalogs and SKUs, refer to the Oracle
Commerce documentation.
Working with More Than Three Variants
Commerce allows you to configure SKUs so that they contain variants, such as color, size,
collar, etc. However, Oracle Retail Order Management can accept only up to three of these
variants. In the following example, the SKU for a shirt, as it is defined in Commerce, contains
the variants for color, size, sleeve and collar. Because Oracle Retail Order Management
can only accept three of these variants to be part of the SKU, the SKU is could be modified.
Note: If a Commerce SKU contains three or less variants, it is converted into the Oracle
Retail Order Management system without any changes.

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

In the following example, the Commerce Shirt 1234 item contains the following
variants: color, size, collar, and sleeve. A SKU with the sku_id 1234567 is a
Shirt1234 item that has the variants values of black, small, crew, half.

Because the Commerce SKU has more variants than Oracle Retail Order
Management can accept, you might configure your SKU so that the last variant,
sleeve, is removed, creating three separate items: Shirt1234 Full, Shirt 1234 Half and
Shirt 1234 3/4. The Commerce SKU now matches the Oracle Retail Order
Management Shirt1234 Half item. The SKU with the Commerce sku_id 1234567
receives the system-generated short_sku_number 1234567.

The above diagram shows how the Commerce item Shirt 1234 can be converted into
three separate Oracle Retail Order Management items based on the fourth variant,
sleeve. The diagram also shows how the Commerce SKU Shirt1234 relates to the
Oracle Retail Order Management SKU 1234567.

Setting Up the Integration

The following section provides information on configuring and accessing integration.
This includes configuring both the Oracle Commerce and the Production Integration.

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

Commerce Configuration
Before you set up the Oracle Retail Order Management integration with Oracle Commerce
ensure that the necessary integration software is running on your server.

Configuring Webhooks
As described in the Architectural Overview section, the integration service is based on the
Web API settings in Commerce.
Web APIs allow you to subscribe to events for your products and orders by creating
webhooks that push JSON notifications to a URL you specify. For additional information on
webhooks, refer to Use Webhooks.
Before you can configure the integration settings, the webhook must be configured. To do
this, ensure that the Order Submit Event API has been configured with the URL necessary to
connect to the Oracle Retail Order Management server.
To Configure the Order Submit Event API
1. From the Commerce administration interface, select the Settings menu.
2. Open the Web API page and select the Webhook tab.
3. Open the Order Submit Event API.
4. Provide the URL of the server that will be accepting the order, including the server name
and port used for the CWOrderIn service. For example:
5. Provide a user name and password for accessing the server.
6. If you are using HMAC authentication, you can view or reset the key.
7. Click Save to save your changes.

Accessing the Oracle Integrations Console

The Oracle Integrations page is accessed through the Commerce administration interface.
1. In the Commerce administration interface, click the Settings icon.
2. Click Oracle Integrations in the left navigation pane.
3. Select OROMS (Oracle Retail Order Management) from the Oracle Integrations menu.
4. To enable the integration, select the Enable integration checkbox.

Configuring the Integration

The following sections describe how to configure components of the integration procedure.

Production Configuration
The Production Configuration section configures a number of details as well as the mappings
for payment types and shipping methods. These values are passed to Oracle Retail Order
Management allowing the orders to be identified.
Note: These settings are duplicated in the other Oracle Retail Order Management Integration
setting, Preview Configuration.

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

The following properties are set in the fields provided by the Production Configuration
page. Note that all fields are required unless otherwise noted.

Field Description
XSLT Path Name of the custom XSLT file to load.
Source Identifies the source of the XML message. The
source should default to IDC.
Target Identifies the target of the XML message. The
target should default to RDC.
If multiple webhooks are specified in the Target
field, all of the systems receive the same data.
Transformation for specific URLs can be
performed by adding the URLs to both the
webhook and integration settings.
Company Code Identifies the company for the order. The
company code is validated against the
Company table.
Source Code Updates the source code field in the Order
Header table. The source code provides
information about the currency code. You must
provide the Commerce currency code to the
Oracle Retail Order Management System
source code mapping using the Currency
Code mapping table.
Order Type Updates the order type field in the Order
Header table.
URL The URL path to the Oracle Retail Order
Management Web Service CWMessageIn. For
Note: Use the same hostname and port
number that you provided for the Order Submit
URL on the Web APIs Webhook page.
User Name The name of the user who should have access
to the Web Service.
Password The password associated with the user name.
To see the password, click the Reveal button to
display the password.

Orders and multiple site configurations

The Commerce currency codes are mapped to the Oracle Retail Order Management
Source Code. For example:

Commerce Currency Code Oracle Retail Order Management Source


In an environment with multiple sites, you could configure the settings like this:

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

Site Commerce Currency Code Oracle Retail Order

Management Source Code

Select the site with the site picker and select the appropriate Oracle Retail Order
Management source code. Each source code points to a single offer record, which contains
the currency code. This is how the offer record can provide the currency representation for an

Using XSLT
You can use the customized XSLT capability to extend the default integration. The system
contains an internal XSLT file that maps all attributes. The merchant does not have access to
this XSLT file; however, you can provide a path to the XSLT. The XSLT should contain the
logic that customizes the Oracle Retail Order Management createOrder payload so that it
includes dynamic properties or makes mapping changes.
This XSLT workflow is active only when the Oracle Retail Order Management integration is
enabled. The merchant must upload the XSLT using Oracle Commerce’s file upload
endpoints. If no customized XSLT file is uploaded, the system uses the default XSLT file to
pass orders, ignoring any custom attributes.
When creating a custom XSLT file:
• The default mapping can be overridden and mapped to other attributes as necessary.
• The merchant can use dynamic attributes created with Oracle Commerce to map
attributes of the Oracle Retail Order Management.
• Because mapping is configured in the customized XSLT file, the merchant can map
custom attributes that were created for an Order header level in Commerce to an order
header or order line status in Oracle Retail Order Management.
To use a customized XSLT file, do the following:
1. Create a new XSLT file mapping.
2. Upload the XSLT file to Commerce using the file endpoints.
3. Use the Oracle Retail Order Management Integration Settings to provide the name of the
uploaded XSLT.
The following illustration defines the way that the merchant’s transformation is applied when
the XSLT path is provided.

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

XSLT Example
The following is an example of an XSLT file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
xmlns:str="" xmlns:exsl="
exclude-result-prefixes="str exsl">
<xsl:output indent="yes" method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="vOrder" select="request/atgResponse/order" />
<xsl:copy-of select="request/Message/@*" />
<xsl:copy-of select="request/Message/Header/@*" />
<xsl:for-each select="request/Message/Header/Payments/
<xsl:copy-of select="@*" />

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

<xsl:for-each select="request/Message/Header/ShipTos/ShipTo">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*" />
<xsl:for-each select="Items/Item">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*" />
<!-- **************************************************
Updating an existing mapping
******************************************************** -->
<!-- To change the mapping of an existing OROMS attribute, comment the line
(<xsl:copy-of select="@*" />) and uncomment below line and replace
<oroms_attribute> with the attribute name required in output and
with attribute name in occ XML map an attribute in oroms XML to a different
comment the above line and uncomment below line and replace
<oroms_attribute> with
the attribute name required in output and the <occ_attribute> with attribute
in occ XML -->

<!-- <xsl:copy-of select="@*[name()!='<oroms_attribute>']" /> <xsl:attribute

name="tax_override"> <xsl:value-of select="//request/atgResponse/order/
<occ_attribute>" /> </xsl:attribute> -->

<!-- *********************************************************
Mapping a dynamic attribute of OCC to a new attribute in OROMS
*********************************************************** -->
<!-- To add a new attribute "category" at item level in oroms XML, which
reads the
data from the dynamic attribute shopperCategory. Replace <occ_attribute>
with the
dynamic attribute name in occ. -->

<!-- <xsl:attribute name="category"> <xsl:value-of select="//request/

order/<occ_attribute>" /> </xsl:attribute> -->

<!-- *******************************************************
Mapping a dynamic attribute of OCC with comma separated item level
data to a new attribute in OROMS
************************************************************** -->
<!-- To map a dynamic attribute in occ in format skuId1-value1,skuId2-value2.
Replace <occ_attribute> with the dynamic attribute name in occ and
<oroms_attribute> with oroms attribute name. -->

<!-- <xsl:variable name="vOromsAttribute" select="@short_sku_number"/>

<xsl:for-each select="str:tokenize($vOrder/<occ_attribute>,',')">
<xsl:variable name="temp" select="str:tokenize(.,'-')"/>
<xsl:if test="$temp[1]=$vOromsAttribute">
<xsl:attribute name="<oroms_attribute>"> <xsl:value-of select="$temp[2]" />

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration


</xsl:for-each> -->

Mapping a dynamic attribute of OCC in JSON with a new attribute in
******************************************************************** --
<!-- To map a dynamic attribute in occ in json format (sample json
format is given
below ). Replace <occ_attribute> with the dynamic attribute name in
<oroms_attribute> with oroms attribute name and
<dynamicAttributeFieldName> with
specific field name in the dynamic attribute json -->

<!-- Sample JSON:

"giftWrapSkuDescription":"Gift Wrap Product",
"skuDescription":"Opal Innocence Silver 8\" Salad Plate",
"giftWrapSkuDescription":"Gift Wrap Product",
"skuDescription":"Bald Eagle Figurine",

<!-- <xsl:variable name="vOromsAttribute" select="@short_sku_number" />

<xsl:attribute name="<oroms_attribute>">
<xsl:call-template name="readCustomProperty">
<xsl:with-param name="json" select="$vOrder/<occ_attribute>" />
<xsl:with-param name="skuId" select="$vOromsAttribute" />
<xsl:with-param name="dynamicAttributeName" select="
<dynamicAttributeFieldName>" />

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration


<xsl:variable name="quot" select="'&quot;'" />

<xsl:variable name="skuIdWithQuots" select="concat('skuId\', $quot, ':\'
$quot)" />

<xsl:template name="readCustomProperty">
<xsl:param name="json" />
<xsl:param name="skuId" />
<xsl:param name="dynamicAttributeName" />

<xsl:variable name="temp" select="normalize-space

(substring-after($json,'{'))" />
<xsl:variable name="fullSkuJson" select="normalize-space
(substring-before($temp,'}'))" />
<xsl:variable name="remainingJson" select="normalize-space
(substring-after($temp,'}'))" />

<xsl:call-template name="readCustomPropertyBySkuId">
<xsl:with-param name="fullSkuJson" select="$fullSkuJson" />
<xsl:with-param name="remainingJson" select="$remainingJson" />
<xsl:with-param name="skuId" select="$skuId" />
<xsl:with-param name="dynamicAttributeName" select=
"$dynamicAttributeName" />

<xsl:template name="readCustomPropertyBySkuId">
<xsl:param name="fullSkuJson" />
<xsl:param name="remainingJson" />
<xsl:param name="dynamicAttributeName" />
<xsl:param name="skuId" />
<xsl:variable name="temp" select="normalize-space
(substring-after($fullSkuJson,$skuIdWithQuots))" />
<xsl:variable name="skuIdValue" select="normalize-space
(substring-before($temp,'\'))" />

<xsl:if test='$remainingJson'>
<xsl:variable name="temp1" select="normalize-space
(substring-after($remainingJson,'{'))" />
<xsl:variable name="fullSkuJson1" select="normalize-space
(substring-before($temp1,'}'))" />
<xsl:variable name="remainingJson1" select="normalize-space
(substring-after($temp1,'}'))" />
<xsl:call-template name="readCustomPropertyBySkuId">
<xsl:with-param name="fullSkuJson" select="$fullSkuJson1" />
<xsl:with-param name="remainingJson" select="$remainingJson1" />
<xsl:with-param name="skuId" select="$skuId" />
<xsl:with-param name="dynamicAttributeName"
select="$dynamicAttributeName" />

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration


<xsl:if test='$skuId = $skuIdValue'>

<xsl:variable name="attributeNameWithQuots"
select="concat($dynamicAttributeName, '\', $quot,
':\' , $quot)" />
<xsl:variable name="temp2" select="normalize-space
(substring-after($fullSkuJson,$attributeNameWithQuots))" />
<xsl:variable name="attributeValue" select="normalize-space
(substring-before($temp2,'\'))" />
<xsl:value-of select="$attributeValue" />

Order Creation
Orders created in Commerce are sent to Oracle Retail Order Management using the
Submit Order webhook.
Note that the Oracle Retail Order Management webhook overrides the Submit Order
Webhook to send XML messages that contain the entire XML payload. If the webhook
is configured to send to multiple destinations, all of the destinations will receive this
XML payload.
The following is an XML example of an order creation message received by Oracle
Retail Order Management.
Sample Order Creation Message

<Message source="IDC" target="RDC" type="CWOrderIn">

<Header order_number="o60412" order_type="Y" company_code="51"
source_code="A123_USD" payment_only="N" response_type="E"
sold_to_prefix=""sold_to_fname="Kim" sold_to_lname="Anderson"
sold_to_suffix=""sold_to_busres="R" sold_to_address1="21 Cedar Ave"
sold_to_address2=""sold_to_address3="" sold_to_address4=""
sold_to_city="Syracuse" sold_to_state="NY" sold_to_zip="13202"
bill_to_prefix=""bill_to_fname="Kim" bill_to_lname="Anderson"
bill_to_suffix=""bill_to_address1="21 Cedar Ave"
bill_to_address3=""bill_to_address4="" bill_to_city="Syracuse"
bill_to_state="NY"bill_to_zip="13202" bill_to_country="US"
bill_to_day_phone="212-555-1977" bill_to_eve_phone="212-555-1977"
bill_to_fax_phone=""bill_to_email="[email protected]"
ind_number=""order_email="[email protected]"
<Payment payment_type=""cc_number="9997000108950573"

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

cc_exp_year="2018" auth_amount="75.88" auth_date="01011970"
ecommerce_indicator="Y" already_tokenized="Y"
transaction_id="1ni4eg211lj6iqt6097hopidv7" vendor_response="100"/>
<ShipTo shipping_method="01" freight_tax_override="Y"
freight_tax_amount="4.22" calc_frt="N" ship_to_fax_phone=""
ship_to_evening_phone="212-555-1977" ship_to_day_phone="212-555-1977"
[email protected] ship_to_zip="13202" ship_to_state="NY"
ship_to_country="US" ship_to_city="Syracuse" ship_to_address3=""
ship_to_address2="" ship_to_address1="21 Cedar Ave" ship_to_company=""
ship_to_suffix=""ship_to_lname="Anderson" ship_to_fname="Kim"
ship_to_prefix="" freight="50"contact_name="KimAnderson">
<Item tax_override="Y" price_override="Y" short_sku_number="130"
item_id="LAPTOP" actual_price="6.67" tax_amount="1.11"
<Item tax_override="Y" price_override="Y" short_sku_number="130"
item_id="LAPTOP" actual_price="6.66" tax_amount="0.55"

Order Status Updates

Commerce retrieves the order status and tracking information from the Oracle Retail Order
Management System to display in the client. The status, which is obtained when an order
detail is queried, will not be persisted or updated in the repository.
Promotions and offers are handled by Commerce with the corresponding discount price sent
as part of the order.
Returns and Exchanges
By default, the Oracle Retail Order Management integration does not support returns and
Configurable Product Support
By default, the Oracle Retail Order Management integration does not support configurable

Payment Methods
Oracle Retail Order Management uses payment methods that are identified with unique
integers. For integration, Commerce Payment Methods are mapped to Oracle Retail Order
Management numeric payment methods.
You can obtain a list of the payment methods available by calling the following endpoint:
GET /ccadmin/v1/merchant/paymentGateways

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

This returns a list of available payment methods. The response also includes the ID of
the merchant, whether the method has been enabled, and the repository ID of the
payment method. The repository ID identifies the payment method code to use. The
following example displays a partial response that identifies a CyberSource payment

"paymentGateways": [
"sopCredentials": {
"storefront": {
"sopURL": "
"expirationDate": "2019-01-28T11:54:30.207Z",
"profileId": "Admin",
"applicationName": "storefront",
"hasSecretKey": true,
"hasAccessKey": true,
"repositoryId": "SOP-A"

In an environment with multiple sites, you need to pass the siteId value in header to
get payment gateway details for the site. To fetch payment gateways specific to a site,
you need to pass x-ccsite header. For example, to fetch payment gateways for
siteUS site, the header should include x-ccsite: siteUS.

You can find information about individual endpoints in the REST API documentation
that is available through the Oracle Help Center.
Note that this documentation reflects the most recent version of Commerce. If you are
currently using an earlier version of Commerce, the API documentation on the Oracle
Help Center may include endpoints that are not available on your version.
Once you have obtained the repository ID, use it to map the payment method as

As orders are created in Commerce and passed to Oracle Retail Order Management,
the payment mappings are passed to Oracle Retail Order Management for fulfillment
and settlement with the required payment gateways.
Note: To ensure PCI compliance, no credit card or gift card numbers are sent to
Oracle Retail Order Management. The transaction reference and the authorization ID
are sent with the order.
Payment Gateways

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

Commerce has preconfigured integrations with Chase and CyberSource payment gateways.
By default, the CyberSource payment gateway is selected for the integration. The Oracle
Retail Order Management System requires a credit card to be provided when using the
Chase gateway, however, Commerce does not store credit cards and cannot provide them.
As such, Chase credit cards are not supported with this integration. Oracle Retail Order
Management supports CyberSource and PayPal gateways by default.
Note: When using the CyberSource payment gateway, you must provide the AuthNumber for
reauthorization and settlement. Because Commerce does not store the AuthNumber, the field
is set to NA by default. You must update this field with the AuthNumber values for the
CyberSource gateway.
To configure integrations with other order processing systems, use the Generic Payment
Framework, as described in the Oracle Commerce documentation. Generic payment is not
supported by default; however, Oracle Retail Order Management APIs can support sending
payment details separately for an order. Whenever a generic payment is used in Commerce,
payment details are not sent and the order is put into an error state. Once you update the
payment details for the order, the Oracle Retail Order Management System changes the
order to an open state.
External Pricing
Note that this integration does not support external pricing. If you are using a combination of
external prices and sale prices from Commerce, this integration will average the prices of
items of the same SKU. For example, a customer qualifies for a promotion in Commerce that
enables him to purchase 5 hats for the sales price of $5 each, instead of the list price of $6. If
the customer wants to buy 10 hats, in Commerce, 5 of the hats would be sold at $5 and 5 of
the hats would be sold at $6 for a total of $55. Oracle Retail Order Management does not
differentiate between the price lists. Instead, it averages the final price between all of the
hats, therefore all 10 hats are priced at $5.50 each for a total of $55. This may impact return
processes, as in the above example, the return price of a hat would be $5.50 and not $5
or $6.
Payment Types
Payment Types are set up and configured using the Payment Processing setting and the
Payment Types tab, which is described in the Oracle Commerce documentation. For
information on Oracle Retail Order Management payment types, refer to the Oracle Retail
Order Management documentation.

Shipping Methods
Oracle Retail Order Management uses shipping methods that are identified by unique
integers. You can configure multiple shipping methods. For integration, Commerce shipping
methods are mapped to Oracle Retail Order Management numeric shipping methods.
The shipping methods are sent to Oracle Retail Order Management during fulfillment.
Commerce and Oracle Retail Order Management shipping methods should be synchronized.
These mapping ensure that the orders created on Commerce refer to and use similar
shipping method chosen by the customer for shipping.
You can obtain a list of the shipping methods available by calling the following endpoint:
GET /ccadmin/v1/merchant/shippingMethods
This returns a list of available shipping methods. The response also includes information on
each shipping method, and the repository ID of the shipping method. The repository ID

Chapter 13
Setting Up the Integration

identifies the shipping method code to use. The following example displays a partial
response that identifies a ground shipping method:

"enabled": true,
"displaySequence": 0,
"eligibleForProductWithSurcharges": false,
"ranges": [
"amount": 4.75,
"high": 14.99,
"low": 0,
"repositoryId": "groundRange1"

Once you have obtained the repository ID, use it to map the shipping method:

Shipping methods are set up and configured using the Shipping Methods setting,
which is described in the Oracle Commerce documentation. For information for
integrating with external shipping systems, refer to the Oracle Commerce
documentation. For information on Oracle Retail Order Management shipping
methods, refer to the Oracle Retail Order Management documentation.
External Shipping Methods
Commerce supports external shipping methods. However, these shipping methods
may not be available in the list of shipping methods displayed in the administration
interface when configuring your Oracle Retail Order Management integration. To use
the shipping methods for your external system you must add them to the Shipping
Methods mapping table.
Once all of the integration parameters have been configured and saved, the
integration process can occur.

Integrate with Oracle Subscription
Integrating with Oracle Subscription Management allows shoppers on your Oracle Commerce
site to purchase and manage their subscriptions.
Subscriptions are an increasingly popular way that allows your shoppers to buy products and
services online. When you offer shopper subscriptions, you help strengthen customer
relationships and take advantage of a solution that supports complex products and services.

Understand the Subscription Management integration

This integration between Oracle Commerce and Oracle Subscription Management lets
shoppers on a Commerce site purchase and manage subscriptions.
Subscriptions are an increasingly popular way to buy products and services online. Offering
subscriptions can help strengthen customer relationships with merchants and evolve their
strategies by taking advantage of a solution that also supports complex products and
This integration offers the following benefits:
• Self-service for managing the entire life cycle of subscription management.
• Self-service capability for subscription management of complex configurable services
• Subscriptions can be created and modified seamlessly across Commerce, CPQ and
Oracle Subscription Management.
• Allows merchants to offer subscriptions of configurable services to shoppers.

The following software, account, and data prerequisites are required before you can install
and configure the subscription.
• An Oracle Commerce account and access to the Oracle Commerce 20.3.12 or later.
• An Oracle CPQ account and access to Oracle CPQ 20D or later. You must have already
configured the integration between Oracle CPQ and Commerce. See Configure the
integration for more information.
• An Oracle Subscription Management Cloud account and access to Subscription
Management Cloud 20C or later.
• Oracle Financials Account Receivables (AR)
• Oracle Customer Data Management (CDM)
• An Oracle Integration Cloud account and access to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
• Oracle Product Master Data Management
• The Oracle CX Commerce to CPQ Get Assets integration - version 7. (Downloadable as

Chapter 14
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Subscription Management

This integration makes the following functional assumptions:
• Profile and Account are in sync with Oracle Customer Data Management.
• Products are in sync between Oracle Product Hub, Oracle CPQ, and Oracle
Subscription Management Cloud.
• Only configurable products from CPQ are eligible for the integration and all
subscription-based products need to be configured in CPQ with recurring prices.
• Asset Based Ordering must be enabled in CPQ, so that Asset Keys get generated
as part of the configuration. These Keys are used to track the relationship between
configuration details in Commerce items, Subscription products and CPQ Assets.
For Commerce to store Asset Keys at Commerce item level, products in
Commerce Catalog must have their assetable property set to TRUE.

Roadmap items and limitations in this release

This section describes limitations in the current release you should keep in mind
before you begin working with this integration.
• An 0rder with modify action (or any other action) on asset includes price for the
new asset/configuration, instead of the change in price.
• Cancellation charges are not supported by this integration.
• CPQ charge structure is not supported in this integration flow. For this flow to work
in conjunction with the CPQ-Subscription flow, do not use the charge structure in
the CPQ-Subscription flow.
• The Commerce-to-CPQ Quotation flow does not support recurring prices.
• A subscription order can have only one shipping group and one payment group.
• A subscription order can have only one shipping group and one payment group.
When you design the checkout widgets on your storefront, make sure that
shoppers cannot select split shipping or split payments for subscription orders.

Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Subscription

The first step in the subscriptions integration is configuring Oracle Commerce.
This section describes tasks you must perform to configure Commerce for the
integration. You perform these tasks in the Commerce administration interface and
with the Commerce REST APIs.

Register the application and generate a security token

This integration uses the Commerce REST APIs to access Commerce data. You must
register the integration within Commerce and generate a security token in order for the
integration to be granted access to the data.
To generate a security token:
1. Log into the Oracle Commerce administration interface.

Chapter 14
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Subscription Management

2. Click the Settings menu and select Web APIs.

3. Click Registered Applications from the Web APIs panel.
4. Click the Register Application button.
5. Enter a name for the integration application. Create a meaningful name that reflects the
purpose of the application.
6. Click Save. The Application ID and Application Key are automatically generated and the
application is added to the Registered Applications page.
7. Click on the name of the application you created.
8. Click the Click to reveal link to display the application key. You can copy the application
key to use as the security token for the Oracle Commerce Cloud connection.
For more information on managing an application within Oracle Commerce Cloud, see
Register applications in Extending Oracle Commerce.

Configure the Oracle CPQ Configuration integration

Configure and enable the Oracle CPQ Configuration integration as described in Use Oracle
CPQ Cloud Features.
The configuration of Commerce items and corresponding pricing rules must be defined in
Oracle CPQ. External pricing details and recurring charge details for configured items are
retrieved from CPQ during order submission flow.
See Entity mappings for relationships between item properties across different systems in the
integration, including Oracle CPQ.

Configure the Commerce webhooks

You must configure the Order Submit and Order Validation webhooks as follows:
• The Order Submit webhook must point to the OIC Subscription Cloud integration URL.
• The Order Validation webhook must point to the Subscriptions validation SSE URL
Follow these steps to configure the webhooks in the Commerce administration interface:
1. Log into the Commerce administration interface.
2. Click the Settings icon.
3. Click Web APIs and then click the Webhook tab.
4. Click the Order Submit (Production) webhook. Enter the OIC Subscription Cloud
integration URL in the URL box and enter the OIC username and password, under Basic
5. Click the Order Validation (Production) webhook. Enter https://<host>/ccstorex/
custom/v1/validateSubscriptionOrder in the URL box.
6. Click Save.

Create custom properties

This integration requires a number of custom properties that you create with the Commerce
REST APIs. This section lists the custom properties you must create for accounts, profiles,
addresses, orders, and commerce items.

Chapter 14
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Subscription Management

Account custom properties

You must create the following custom property for accounts. For details, see Create
custom properties for accounts in Extending Oracle Commerce.
occ_partyId: The party ID of the account in CDM.

Profile custom properties

You must create the following custom property for profiles. For details, see Manage
Shopper Profiles in Extending Oracle Commerce.
occ_partyId: The party ID of the profile in CDM.

Address custom properties

You must create the following custom property for addresses. For details, see Work
with address types in Extending Oracle Commerce.
This property will be used at order level addresses, such as shipping and billing
addresses. Widgets must be customized to populate these properties on the
storefront. The value needs to be populated from Account’s or Contact’s address
ExternalAddressId property, which holds CDM’s Address Number value.

occ_AddressNumber: The Address Number of the address in CDM.

Orders custom properties

You must create the following custom properties for orders. For details, see Create
custom properties for orders in Extending Oracle Commerce. Widget changes are
required for populating these properties while a shopper checks out the cart or submits
the order.
• occ_accountPartyId: Used to map the primary party ID value of a subscription for
account-based shoppers.
• occ_contactPartyId: For B2C subscriptions, used to map the primary party ID
value of a subscription. For account-based subscriptions, used to map the contact
value of a subscription.
Commerce item custom properties
You must create the following custom properties for commerce items. For details, see
Create custom properties for line items in Extending Oracle Commerce. Widget
changes are required for populating these properties while a shopper adds the item to
the cart.
• occ_assetActionReason: Provides a custom action reason for close, suspend and
resume operations.
• occ_assetActionDate: Provides a custom action date for close, suspend and
resume operations.

Entity mappings
This section shows the relationships between entities across different systems in the
integration. Not all entities are mapped to all systems in the integration.
B2B Account
• CDM: PartyNumber

Chapter 14
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Subscription Management

• CDM: PartyId
Commerce: occ_partyId (custom)
B2B Contact
• CDM: PartyNumber
• CDM: PartyId
Commerce: occ_partyId (custom)
B2C Contact
• CDM: PartyNumber
• CDM: PartyId
Commerce: occ_partyId (custom)
Account/Contact Address
• CDM: AddressNumber
Commerce: externalAddressId
• CDM: AddressId
B2B Order Account
• CDM: PartyId
Commerce: occ_accountPartyId (custom)
CPQ: Customer
SMC: PrimaryPartyId
B2B Order Contact
• CDM: PartyId
Commerce: occ_contactPartyId (custom)
CPQ: _asset_custom_contactPartyId (custom)
SMC: QuoteToContactId
B2B Order Address
• CDM: AddressNumber
Commerce: occ_AddressNumber (custom)
• AR: CustomerAccountId
CPQ: accountNumber_t
SMC: BillToAccountId
• AR: CustomerAccountSite > CustomerAccountSiteUse > SiteUseId
CPQ: billToSiteUseId_t
SMC: BillToSiteId
B2C Order Contact
• CDM: PartyId
Commerce: occ_contactPartyId (custom)
CPQ: customer
SMC: PrimaryPartyId

Chapter 14
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Subscription Management

B2C Order Address

• CDM: AddressNumber
Commerce: occ_AddressNumber (custom)
The following table shows the relationships between products and SKUs across

Product Hub Commerce CPQ Subscription

Management Cloud
ItemId N/A PartnerPartId InventoryItemId
ItemNumber SkuId PartNumber ProductName
ItemDescription DisplayName Description N/A

Configure the server-side extensions

The subscription integration functionality is provided through server-side extensions
that run on the Node.js server associated with your Commerce environment.
Download each extension from the Commerce administration server, then configure
the extension and upload it to your Node.js server. The server-side extensions
implement custom REST endpoints, which have the prefix /ccstorex/custom for the
Commerce storefront and /ccagentx/custom for Oracle Commerce Agent.

For the Agent extensions, shopperProfileId should be included in the X-

CCAgentContext header. For account-based shoppers, the X-CCOrganization header
should also be present.
This section describes the server-side extensions that are included with the
integration. For details about server-side extensions and how to develop them for use
with Commerce, see Develop server-side extensions in Extending Oracle Commerce.
• Provides endpoints that fetch subscriptions and
subscription products for the Commerce storefront. Also provides an endpoint that
validates the order for both the storefront and the Agent console.
• Provides endpoints that fetch subscriptions and
subscription products for the Agent.
• Provides endpoints that use Oracle CPQ to
view and perform asset-based ordering actions on subscription assets. This
extension is for the Commerce storefront.
• Provides endpoints that use Oracle CPQ to
view and perform asset-based ordering actions on subscription assets. This
extension is for the Agent.
Each ZIP file includes files that describe classes and endpoints and include
information about how to install and extend the extensions.
Create environment variables
This section describes how to set environment variables required by the server-side
extensions. The integration requires the following environment variables:
• OIC_USERNAME: Specifies the basic authentication username of OIC.
• OIC_PASSWORD: Specifies the basic authentication password of OIC.

Chapter 14
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Subscription Management

• CPQ_USERNAME: Specifies the basic authentication username for requests that go directly
to Oracle CPQ.
• CPQ_PASSWORD: Specifies the basic authentication password for requests that go directly to
Oracle CPQ.
• OSS_USERNAME: Specifies the basic authentication username for requests that go directly
to Oracle Subscription Management.
• OSS_PASSWORD: Specifies the basic authentication password for requests that go directly to
Oracle Subscription Management.
The following example issues a POST request to the doCreateExtensionVariable endpoint
that sets the OSS_USERNAME:

/ccadmin/v1/extensionEnvironmentVariables POST
"name": "OSS_USERNAME",
"value": "conmgr"

Work with the SSE endpoints

This section describes the storefront and Agent endpoints included in the server-side
extensions. All the endpoints are authenticated URLs and all requests must be sent via
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/subscriptions?q={query param}
/ccagentx/custom/v1/subscriptions?q={query param}
Issue a GET request to return the details about a particular shopper’s subscriptions.
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionNumber}
Issue a GET request to return the details of a subscription.
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionNumber}/products?q={query param}
/ccagentx/custom/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionNumber}/products?q={query param}
Issue a GET request to return the line items of a subscription.
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionNumber}/products/
Issue a GET request to return the details of a subscription order line item.
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/validateSubscriptionOrder
Issue a POST request to validate a subscription order. This endpoint can be used for
both storefront and Agent orders.
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/assets
Issue a GET request to get all assets for a particular shopper.
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{assetId}
Issue a GET request to get an asset based on asset ID.

Chapter 14
Configure Oracle Commerce with Oracle Subscription Management

• /ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{assetId}/modify
Issue a POST request to modify an asset(with CPQ punch-in).
• /ccstorex/custom/v2/assets/{assetId}/modify
Issue a POST request to modify an asset (with CPQ configurator API).
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{assetId}/renew
Issue a POST request to renew an asset.
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{assetId}/resume
Issue a POST request to resume an asset.
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{assetId}/upgrade
Issue a POST request to upgrade an asset. (with CPQ punchin).
• /ccstorex/custom/v2/assets/{assetId}/upgrade
Issue a POST request to upgrade an asset. (with CPQ configurator API).
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{assetId}/terminate
Issue a POST request to terminate an asset.
• /ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{assetId}/suspend
Issue a POST request to suspend an asset.
Create SSE routes to validate billing addresses
Oracle Subscription Management expects an account level address for a business
account subscription. If an address which is linked to a contact is passed, Subscription
Management rejects it with an appropriate error.
You should design your storefront in a way that allows contacts to select only account
addresses when placing subscription orders. In the case where a contact is allowed to
enter a contact-level address instead, it is a good idea to validate the billing address
before the order is submitted.
If a contact enters their billing address instead of the account’s billing address when
creating a subscription order, the integration fails and the following error is logged: The
value of the attribute Billing Account is invalid. (OKC-195787).

Since the billing details can be updated even after order validation, this validation can’t
be handled as part of the order validation logic and hence this validation is not
available by default. You can avoid this error by adding validation code to the payment
webhook (genericCardPayment webhook for credit card payments and
genericPayment wehook for invoice payments) and creating a new SSE route (/v1/
validateSubscriptionOrderBillingAddress) to perform the validation. Point the
webhook to the newly created route.

Chapter 14
Install and Configure the Integration in OIC

For details about account and contact addresses, see Manage an Account-based Storefront
in Using Oracle Commerce.

Configure payments
In this release of the integration, Commerce shoppers can pay for subscription orders with
either a credit card or an invoice. For credit cards, create a custom CyberSource integration
using the Generic Payment webhook. A payment gateway configured with the Generic
Payment webhook handles stored credit cards and tokens, which , which are required for this
integration. See Create a Generic Payment Gateway Integration in Extending Oracle
Commerce for more information.
Credit card payments
For credit card payments to work properly, Commerce must send a multi- use token to Oracle
Subscription Management.
Commerce does not store the complete credit card data. Instead, when a shopper stores a
credit card, the payment processor associated with the payment gateway sends back a token
that represents the card number. The token is used for each transaction associated with a
subscription payment.
When the shopper submits a subscription order, Commerce, through the gateway, authorizes
a one-time payment against the card. When you implement this integration, you should
populate the muilti use token for the credit card used to pay for the order in statusProps.

After the initial one-time charge, further subscription and billing is not authorized by
Commerce. Instead, Commerce will send the multi-use token to Oracle Subscription
Management, which, in turn, sends the token to the Oracle Accounts Receivable module.
As part of the payment integration, you need to return back a reusable credit card token to
the generic payment webhook response in the property token under statusProps under
authorizationStatus. This value will be sent to Oracle Subscription Management for the
periodic billing.

"paymentGroups": [
"authorizationStatus": [
"amount": 50,
"statusProps": {
"token": "12345678"

Install and Configure the Integration in OIC

This section describes how to install the integration package in Oracle Integration Cloud
You must download and import the integration packages and then configure settings in OIC.

Chapter 14
Install and Configure the Integration in OIC

Download and import the integration

The integration package includes two integrations:
• Oracle_CXCommerce_SubscriptionCloud_Integration is the main integration. It
contains all the subscription flows, such as create, modify, terminate, suspend,
resume, and renew.
• Oracle Financials Bill To Account is the integration flow that is called from the
main Subscription flow.
To download the integration package, find the
Oracle_CXCommerce_SubscriptionCloud_Integration.par on the Oracle Cloud
Marketplace and download it to your local system.
To import the OIC Integration Package:
1. Log on to OIC as an admin user.
2. Click the Packages icon.
3. Click the Import button.
4. Click Browse to open a navigation pane.
5. Select the integration package archive (PAR) file you want to import.
6. Click Import.
The package is added to the Packages list.

Configure the connections

After you install the Oracle_CXCommerce_SubscriptionCloud_Integration.par
package, you must configure the connections used by the integration.
1. Log in to OIC as an admin user.
2. Select Integration->Connections.
3. Select Oracle Commerce. The Connection Properties dialog appears.
• Enter the URL to connect to Oracle Commerce as the value of the Connection
Base URL property (https://<hostname>/ccadmin/v1).
• Enter the security token value, which you can find in the Oracle Commerce
administration settings and click OK. The security token is the application key
in the Oracle Commerce administration interface, under Registered
Applications Settings. Contact your Oracle Commerce administrator to get this
application key.
4. Select Sample Sales Cloud. This is connection to Oracle Subscription Cloud.
• Enter the Subscription Cloud Services Catalog WSDL URL, Interface Catalog
URL, and the Security (Username Password Token). For example:
OSC Services Catalog WSDL URL:
Interface Catalog URL:
5. Select Oracle Engagement Cloud. This is connection to Oracle Customer Data

Chapter 14
Install and Configure the Integration in OIC

Enter the OSC Services Catalog WSDL URL, Interface Catalog URL, and Security
(Username Password Token). For example:
OSC Services Catalog WSDL URL:
Interface Catalog URL:
6. Select Oracle REST Trigger Employee Service. This is the trigger connection for the child
integration Oracle Financials Bill To Account Integration. No configuration is necessary;
just test and save the trigger.
7. Select CDM_AR. This is connection to Oracle Financials Accounts Receivable.
Enter the WSDL URL and Security (Username Password Token). For example: https://

Assign values to constants in OIC integration flows

The following table describes the default constants values in the integration flows. You must
change these default values so they match your system values.

Constant Value
subscriptionProfile zOSS_SP_ServiceStartFixed_Advance_Month
InternalApproval NOTREQUIRED
GenerateBillingSchedule Y
GenerateBillingScheduleForfullperiod Y
ExternalKey Recurring fee, Activation fee
ExternalParentKey Mapped to catalogRefId in order payload
PriceSystem CPQ
name Activate , resume, suspend and close
RelationShipTypeCode RENEW, AMEND

The constants are configured in mappers of different action nodes, such as

createSubscriptions_OSS, SuspendProduct, and ResumeProduct. Follow these steps if you
need to update any of the default values in the mapper:
1. Log into Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC).
2. Go to the integration Oracle CX Commerce To Subscription Integration.
3. Edit the mapper of the action node for which you want to update the constant. Enter the
new value in respective mapping.
4. Save and close.

Configure lookups
You must update the following lookup tables to map the following relationships:
• Site Merchant Details – Provides a mapping relationship between Site id, Definition
Organization ID, Business Unit ID and Legal entity ID.

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets

• Payment Methods – Provides a mapping relationship between the payment

method terms in Commerce and Oracle Subscription Management Cloud.
• Reason_CreditMethod_Lookup – Provides a mapping relationship between the
action code of items and their default reason for some asset-based-order actions
and their corresponding credit methods.
• Duration_OCC_OSS – Provides the mapping relationship between the duration
terms in Commerce and their corresponding time code units in Oracle Subscription
Management Cloud.

Activate the integration flows

After you configure the Oracle Subscription Management Cloud and Oracle
Commerce connections, you must activate the integrations that were created when the
integration package was imported to Oracle Integration Cloud. To do this, follow these
1. Log in to Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) as an admin user.
2. Click Integrations.
3. Select each of the following integrations and click its Activate button.
Oracle CX Commerce To Subscription Integration
Oracle Financials Bill To Account Integration
OIC displays a message to indicate that the integration flow was successfully

Customize Storefront Widgets

You must customize two widgets and add them to your storefront layouts so that
shoppers can view and work with subscriptions assigned to their accounts.
This chapter describes how to customize the following widgets:
• The customized Assets widget lets shoppers view all their subscriptions and each
subscription’s line items. This widget uses the Subscriptions-app SSE module to
fetch the details from Oracle Subscription Cloud.
• The customized Asset Details widget lets a shopper modify, renew, cancel, or
change a subscription. This widget uses the Subscription-assets-store SSE
module to perform some of the predefined asset actions, such as renew, modify,
terminate, suspend, or resume.
This chapter describes the changes you need to make to the Assets and Asset Details
widgets so they can display subscriptions. For information about how to access the
code for default widgets so you can edit it, see Customize layout components in Using
Oracle Commerce.
Note: The SSEs must be installed and configured before you can customize the
widgets and use them on the storefront.

Customize the Assets widget

The Assets widget lets shoppers view a list of services associated with their account.
You can customize this widget so that it displays a list of subscriptions for the logged in
user.. This widget uses the Subscriptions-app server-side extension module to fetch

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets

the details from Oracle Subscription Cloud. The Assets widget appears on the Assets layout.
The following illustration shows a shopper’s subscriptions, displayed in the widget.

When the shopper clicks the Show Products button, the Subscription Asset Details widget
displays in the Asset Details layout.
Customize the Assets widget code
By default, the Assets widget shows the root level assets on the assets page and clicking on
the Details link redirects the shopper to the asset details. For this integration, you will
customize the widget to show the subscriptions on the page first, then give the shopper the
option to view subscription products. By checking details of a particular subscription product,
the shopper will be directed to the root asset details associated with the product.
To make these changes to the Assets widget, update the widget’s .js file.

First, add/update the following constants:

var GET_ALL_SUBSCRIPTIONS = "getAllSubscription";

var GET_ALL_SUBSCRIPTION_PRODUCTS = "getAllSubscriptionProducts";

Next, add the following observables:

currentSubscriptionNumber: ko.observable(), productPageSize:

ko.observableArray([]), productsPageSize:
ko.observable(ccConstants,DEFAULT_SEARCH_RECORDS_PER_PAGE || 12),
ko.observable(0) productshasMore: ko.observable(false),
ko.observable(0), showProductsFlag: ko.observable(false),

Next, update the beforeAppear function:

beforeAppear: function (page) {

var widget = this;

if ( !this.user().loggedIn() ) {
navigation.doLogin(navigation.getPath(), this.links().home.route);

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets

Finally, add/update the following methods inside the onload function:

onLoad: function (widget) {

// Add the Services SSE endpoints to the ccRestClient endpoint
// Update the settings below if the Services SSE has been

ccRestClient.endpointRegistry[ENDPOINT_VIEW_ACCOUNT_ASSET] = {
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": true,
"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "GET",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,
"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/assets",
"useOptimisticLock": false

ccRestClient.endpointRegistry.getAllSubscription = {
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": false,
"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "GET",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,
"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/oss/subscription/getAll",
"useOptimisticLock": false

ccRestClient.endpointRegistry.getAllSubscriptionProducts = {
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": false,
"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "GET",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets

"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/oss/subscription/products",
"useOptimisticLock": false

// Use the widget's asetsPerPage config
// option value if it has been set
if ( widget.assetsPerPage && !isNaN(widget.assetsPerPage()) ) {

// Computeds for paging control

widget.totalPages = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var returnValue = Math.ceil( widget.totalResults() /
widget.pageSize() );
return returnValue;

widget.currentPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var returnValue = Math.ceil( ( widget.offset() +
widget.pageSize() ) / widget.pageSize() );
return returnValue;

widget.previousPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var calculatedPreviousPage = widget.currentPage() - 1;
var returnValue = ( ( calculatedPreviousPage < 1 ) ? 1 :
calculatedPreviousPage );
return returnValue;

widget.nextPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var calculatedNextPage = widget.currentPage() + 1;
var returnValue = ( ( calculatedNextPage > widget.totalPages ) ?
widget.totalPages : calculatedNextPage );
return returnValue;

widget.onFirstPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
return ( widget.currentPage() === 1 );

widget.onLastPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var returnValue = false;

if ( widget.totalPages() > 1 ) {
if ( widget.currentPage() === widget.totalPages() ) {
returnValue = true;
else if ( !widget.onFirstPage() && !widget.hasMore() ) {
returnValue = true;

return returnValue;

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets


widget.pageLinks = ko.pureComputed(function() {
// This would be a good place to do something more
// sensible with the individual page links that
// are displayed when there are a large number of
// results e.g. could display just the 5 pages either
// side of the current page. For now display every
// individual page.
var links = [];

for (var i = 1; i <= widget.totalPages(); i++) {

pageNumber : i,
active : i === widget.currentPage()

return links;

widget.shouldShowGoToLastPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
return ( widget.totalPages() > 1 );

widget.isPagingRequired = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var returnValue = false;

if ( widget.totalPages() > 1 ) {
returnValue = true;
else if ( widget.hasMore() ) {
returnValue = true;
else if ( !widget.onFirstPage() ) {
returnValue = true;

return returnValue;

// The goToPage function handles click events from the

// template's paging links. It takes a single input
// parameter - pageNumber - which indicates the page
// of assets to load. If the REST call is successful
// the assets observable is updated with the returned
// data and the three paging observables (offset, hasMore
// and totalResults) are updated with the respective
// values returned from the REST call.
widget.goToPage = function (pageNumber) {

function success (data) {

var productQuery = '';
var productIdsSet = new Set();

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets

// if totalPages is not returned (i.e. is null)
// then set to -1; in this scenario only simple
// paging will be available (i.e. go to first page,
// go to previous page and go to next page) and
// the hasMore value will be used to control
widget.totalResults(data.totalResults || -1);

// }

function error (data) {

if (data.status == ccConstants.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR) {


} else {


if ( widget.user().loggedIn() ) {
var calculatedOffset = ( pageNumber - 1 ) * widget.pageSize();

var queryString = 'Status=ORA_ACTIVE';
var payload = {
limit: 10,
q: queryString,


widget.handleQuickViewClick = function(pIsModal) {
var popup;
if(pIsModal === true && this.productDetails) {
popup = $("#cc-upgrade-asset-display");

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets


//Function Specific to subscription products table
widget.productTotalPages = ko.pureComputed(function(){
var returnValue = Math.ceil(widget.productsTotalResults()/
return returnValue;

widget.productCurrentPage = ko.pureComputed(function(){
var returnValue = Math.ceil((widget.productsOffset()
return returnValue;

widget.previousProductPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var calculatedPreviousPage = widget.productCurrentPage()-1;
var returnValue = ( ( calculatedPreviousPage < 1 ) ? 1 :
calculatedPreviousPage );
return returnValue;

widget.nextProductPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var calculatedNextPage = widget.productCurrentPage() + 1;
var returnValue = ( ( calculatedNextPage >
widget.productTotalPages ) ? widget.productTotalPages :
calculatedNextPage );
return returnValue;

widget.onProductFirstPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
return ( widget.productCurrentPage() === 1 );

widget.onProductLastPage = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var returnValue = false;

if ( widget.productTotalPages() > 1 ) {
if ( widget.productCurrentPage() ===
widget.productTotalPages() ) {
returnValue = true;
else if ( !widget.onProductFirstPage() && !
widget.productshasMore() ) {
returnValue = true;

return returnValue;

widget.shouldShowGoToProductsLastPage =

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets

ko.pureComputed(function() {
return ( widget.productTotalPages() > 1 );

widget.isProductPagingRequired = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var returnValue = false;

if ( widget.productTotalPages() > 1 ) {
returnValue = true;
else if ( widget.productshasMore() ) {
returnValue = true;
else if ( !widget.onFirstPage() ) {
returnValue = true;

return returnValue;

widget.productPageLinks = ko.pureComputed(function() {
var links = [];

for (var i = 1; i <= widget.productTotalPages(); i++) {

pageNumber : i,
active : i === widget.productCurrentPage()

return links;

widget.goToProductPage = function(pageNumber) {
function showProductSuccess(data) {
widget.productsTotalResults(data.totalResults || -1);

function showProductFailure(err) {
if (data.status == ccConstants.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR) {


} else {


Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets

if (widget.user().loggedIn()){
var calculatedOffset = ( pageNumber - 1 ) *
//let queryString = `SubscriptionNumber=$
setKey is NULL`;
//var queryString = "SubscriptionNumber=" +
var queryString = "SubscriptionNumber=" +
var payload = {
limit: 25,
q: queryString,

widget.onShowProductsClicked = function(p1, p2) {


widget.backToSubscriptionTable = function(p1, p2) {


widget.redirectToAssetDetailsPage = function(p1, p2) {

//let assetKeys = p1.ExternalAssetKey;
var assetKeys = null;
if(p1.ExternalRootAssetKey) {
assetKeys= p1.ExternalRootAssetKey;
} else {
assetKeys = p1.ExternalAssetKey;
var payload = {
// q: queryString,
limit: 10,

// Call WAPI.

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets


widget.getAssetDetailsSuccess = function(data) {
/* if(data && data.items) {
$.extend(item, {
} */
navigation.goTo(widget.links().assetDetails.route + "/" +

widget.getAssetDetailsError = function(data) {
if (data.status == ccConstants.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR ||
data.status == ccConstants.BAD_REQUEST) {
else {

Customize the Asset Details widget

The Asset Details widget lets an account-based contact perform asset-based ordering
actions on asset. This customized widget uses the Subscription-assets-store server-side
extension module to perform some of the predefined asset actions. This widget appears on
the Asset Details layout.
• The widget’s display.template file includes predefined action buttons that let shoppers
perform subscription upgrades, renewals, modifications, cancellations, and suspends/
resumes. You can enable or disable these options, based on the asset status or rules you
have defined in Oracle CPQ. The widget uses the subscription-service-assets-details
SSE to perform these actions.
• Once a shopper clicks one of the action buttons, the asset is added to their cart with the
required action code or a configurator window opens with asset details.
• The actions are performed based on the asset’s ID, which the SSE endpoints fetch from
CPQ. The following illustration shows the details of a subscription, displayed in the

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets

The following illustration shows the details of a subscription, displayed in the widget.

Customize the Asset Details widget

To customize the Asset Details widget, you must update the endpoint references. All
the REST API paths must be changed from /ccstorex/custom/v1/services* to /

A total of seven endpoints must be updated. In the widget’s asset_details.js file.

replace the call to ccRestClient.registerInitCallback() in the onLoad() function
with the following:

onLoad: function (widget) {

// Add the Subscription-assets-store SSE endpoints to the

ccRestClient endpoint registry.
// Update the settings below if the SSE has been customized.


ccRestClient.endpointRegistry[ENDPOINT_VIEW_ACCOUNT_ASSET] = {
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": true,
"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "GET",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,
"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{}",
"useOptimisticLock": false

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets


ccRestClient.endpointRegistry[ENDPOINT_RENEW_ACCOUNT_ASSET] = {
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": true,
"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "POST",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,
"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{}/renew",
"useOptimisticLock": false

ccRestClient.endpointRegistry[ENDPOINT_MODIFY_ACCOUNT_ASSET] = {
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": true,
"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "POST",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,
"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{}/modify",
"useOptimisticLock": false

ccRestClient.endpointRegistry[ENDPOINT_TERMINATE_ACCOUNT_ASSET] = {
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": true,
"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "POST",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,
"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{}/terminate",
"useOptimisticLock": false

ccRestClient.endpointRegistry[ENDPOINT_SUSPEND_ACCOUNT_ASSET] = {
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": true,

Chapter 14
Customize Storefront Widgets

"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "POST",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,
"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{}/suspend",
"useOptimisticLock": false

ccRestClient.endpointRegistry[ENDPOINT_RESUME_ACCOUNT_ASSET] =
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": true,
"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "POST",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,
"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{}/resume",
"useOptimisticLock": false

= {
"authRequired": true,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"hasDoc": false,
"hasPathParams": true,
"httpsRequired": false,
"localeHint": "assetLanguageOptional",
"method": "POST",
"requestType": "application/json",
"responseType": "application/json",
"singular": false,
"url": "/ccstorex/custom/v1/assets/{}/upgrade",
"useOptimisticLock": false


Customize text in the widgets

In addition to updating the widget’s code, you can optionally modify its display text so
that shoppers understand that the widgets specifically show details about
subscriptions. For example, you could change the word services to subscriptions
wherever it appears in widget text. To learn how to modify the text a widget displays,
see Modify a component’s code in Using Oracle Commerce.

Chapter 14
Integration Flows

Integration Flows
This integration includes six process flows.
This integration includes the following process flows:
• Create/View Subscription
• Modify Subscription
• Renew Subscription
• Terminate Subscription
• Suspend Subscription
• Resume Subscription
To learn more about the product abbreviations used in these flows, see Understand the
Subscription Management Integration.

Create / View Subscription

The integration creates subscriptions of complex configurable services with recurring prices
and flexible durations as defined in CPQ.
1. CDM: Get AddressId using AddressNumbers (shipping and billing addresses) for Account
2. CDM: If Account addresses are not found, get AddressId using AddressNumbers
(shipping and billing addresses) for Contact
3. CDM: If Contact addresses are not found, create the addresses
4. AR: Check if a site exists for the addresses
5. AR: If not, then create a site
6. Subscription: Create draft subscription
7. Subscription: Add contact for account-based subscription
8. Subscription: Activate subscription

Modify Subscription
The integration modifies configurations, changes quantities, upgrades or downgrades the
service as defined in the CPQ configuration.
1. CDM: Get AddressId using AddressNumbers (shipping and billing addresses) for Account
2. CDM: If Account addresses are not found, get AddressId using AddressNumbers
(shipping and billing addresses) for Contact
3. CDM: If Contact addresses are not found, create the addresses
4. AR: Check if a site exists for the addresses
5. AR: If not, then create a site
6. Subscription: Get subscription lines details for each line in a loop
7. Subscription: Add/Update/Delete subscription lines for each line in a loop
8. Subscription: Activate subscription

Chapter 14
Integration Flows

Suspend Subscription
The integration suspends, but does not terminate, an active subscription.
1. CDM: Get AddressId using AddressNumbers (shipping and billing addresses) for
2. CDM: If Account addresses are not found, get AddressId using AddressNumbers
(shipping and billing addresses) for Contact
3. CDM: If Contact addresses are not found, create the addresses
4. AR: Check if a site exists for the addresses
5. AR: If not, then create a site
6. Subscription: Get subscription lines details for each line in a loop
7. Subscription: Update subscription lines for each line in a loop

Resume Subscripiton
The integration resumes a suspended subscription.
1. CDM: Get AddressId using AddressNumbers (shipping and billing addresses) for
2. CDM: If Account addresses are not found, get AddressId using AddressNumbers
(shipping and billing addresses) for Contact
3. CDM: If Contact addresses are not found, create the addresses
4. AR: Check if a site exists for the addresses
5. AR: If not, then create a site
6. Subscription: Get subscription lines details for each line in a loop
7. Subscription: Update subscription lines (Resume SubscriptionProducts) for each
line in a loop
8. Subscription: Get updated subscription lines details for each line in a loop
9. Subscription: Update subscription lines (with asset key) for each line in a loop
10. Subscription: Activate subscription

Terminate Subscription
The integration deletes a subscription.
1. CDM: Get AddressId using AddressNumber for Account
2. CDM: If Account addresses are not found, get AddressId using AddressNumber
for Contact
3. CDM: If Contact addresses are not found, create address
4. AR: Check if a site exists for the address
5. AR: If not, then create site
6. Subscription: Get subscription lines details for each line in a loop
7. Subscription: Update subscription lines (Close) for each line in a loop

Chapter 14
Integration Flows

Renew Subscription
The integration renews subscriptions at the end of period of their original subscription date.
Note that a shopper cannot renew a subscription unless a renewal draft subscription has
been created in Oracle Subscription Management via the ESS job. The Subscription
Management GET subscription product endpoint returns renew as a valid action if a draft
subscription is present for the current subscription.
1. CDM: Get AddressId using AddressNumber for Account
2. CDM: If Account addresses are not found, get AddressId using AddressNumber for
3. CDM: If Contact addresses are not found, create address
4. AR: Check if a site exists for the address
5. AR: If not, then create site
6. Subscription: Get draft renew subscription
7. Subscription: Get original subscription lines
8. Subscription: Create new subscription
9. Subscription: Add contact for account-based subscription
10. Subscription: Activate subscription

11. Subscription: Update original subscription lines to do-not-renew

12. Subscription: Delete draft subscription lines for each line in a loop

Integrate with Oracle Unity
You can integrate Oracle Commerce with Oracle Unity. Oracle Unity allows you to combine
customer data from various sources to create a single view of each customer within your
Commerce instance.
Once you have integrated Oracle Unity with Commerce, you can personalize and customize
your shopper's experience on your web site by using Commerce Audience rules. You can
propagate data from Unity's unified customer and account models to attributes of Commerce
profile and account objects. Once you have the attributes, you can configure Audience rules
to present your shopper with personalized content.
For detailed information on working with Oracle Unity, refer to
cloud/saas/cx-unity/cx-unity-user/index.htm. For detailed information on developer-based
tasks, refer to For
detailed information on working with Commerce Audiences, refer to the Define Audiences

Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

Before you can integrate Commercewith Oracle Unity, you need to configure both Oracle
Unity and Oracle Commerce.
To obtain detailed information on the tasks described here, refer to the Oracle Unity
documentation at

Integration Overview
Unity imports data from multiple systems into raw import tables. This raw data is moved into
source data tables within the data warehouse, meaning that records from multiple sources
are combined into a single source data table. Then a pipeline imports data from multiple
sources into a master data table according to the rules that you have configured. By default,
Unity uses the email field as the cluster key, although you can define any field, or set of field,
as the key. Each cluster is linked to a single master record in a master entity and fields
included in that master record are merged from the clustered source records. You can use
the Customer 360 API to directly query source and the master tables.
You can then use the Commerce Admin API to map Commerce profile properties to the
attributes of the Unity entities such as MasterCustomer and MasterAccount.

Note that there are two ways that your Commerce profile and account data are shared with
Unity. When you initially set up your configuration, you should manually export all of the
profile and account data form Commerce and import it into Unity. Once the integration is
enabled and configured, an automated process will periodically export all Commerce profiles
and accounts that have been updated and upload the export file to OOS.

Configure Unity components

The following describes how to configure Unity components so that they work with Oracle
Commerce. These instructions describe exporting profiles and accounts from your
Commerce instance and uploading those files to the Oracle Object Store (OOS). They also

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

describe configuring a Unity data source to connect to the OOS, and then configuring
a Unity ingest job to read files from the OOS. You will also need to incorporate
Commerce Customer and Account records into the Unity mastering process and then
run an ingestion pipeline.

Configure synchronization
Before you configure Unity components, it is recommended that you export your
Profiles and Accounts to CSV files and upload the files to the Oracle Object Store.
This allows you to configure an Ingest Job using your data. To do this use the
Commerce Admin API and the exportProcess endpoint.

For detailed information on exporting data endpoints, refer to Export data endpoints.
When dynamically synchronizing profile and account data from Commerce to Unity,
the OOS works as a data transfer repository. The integrator configures an OOS bucket
that is accessible to both Commerce and Unity. It is recommended that you use a
dedicated OOS bucket to transfer data between Commerce and Unity. Only a single
bucket is required, and you can use the same bucket between manual bulk uploads, or
for automated incremental uploads that the integration feature performs.
You should also create or identify a user that has permissions to manage objects in the
Next, you must upload the exported profile and account CSV files to the Oracle Object
Storage (OOS). It is recommended that you use the same file name prefixes as used
in the automatic incremental profile and account export, which are occs-profiles and
occs-accounts. This allows you to use the same Unity data source and Ingest Job
definition for both batch and any incremental imports.
Note: Because Unity does not provide a mechanism for removing files after ingestion,
it is recommended that you implement an appropriate Object Lifecycle Management
policy to eventually archive and/or delete these files. You must grant service
permissions to the Object Storage Service so that OOS may archive and delete
objects. For information on Object Lifecycle Management, refer to the Using Object
Lifecycle Management section in the Unity documentation.
Commerce uploads incremental export files to the OOS through a pre-authenticated
request (PAR) URL, which is configured by the integrator. For information on creating
this URL, refer to Using pre-authenticated requests. You must configure the PAR to be
write-only, with access to the appropriate bucket. OOS requires that you set an
expiration date on the PAR. Note that when the PAR expires, the synchronization of
Profiles and Accounts from Commerce to Unity will not work until you configure a new

Configure the Unity Ingestion Pipeline

When you configure a Unity Ingestion Pipeline, you are configuring how to import and
manage the data in Unity, as well as selecting the source of the data that Unity uses.
You are also configuring the way that data is provided to Unity and master rules that
create clustering, augmentation, and promotions rules. Optionally, you can configure a
Data Warehouse mapping.
For detailed information on configuring the Unity Ingestion Pipeline, refer to the Unity

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

Create Master Entities

Master Entities are data objects within the data model that store unified records. Commerce
uses the default Master settings, which include the MasterCustomer and MasterAccount
entities. However, if you would like to create a customized Master Entity, refer to Creating
Master Entities in the Unity documentation. Configuring a Master Entity matches data across
multiple sources and ensures that there is no duplication. Using the email field as the cluster
key, records match when the first and last name match. Each cluster is linked to a single
master record in a Master Entity, for example MasterCustomer. Fields included in the master
record are merged from the clustered source records. Note that not all source fields are
mapped into the master record
After you have created a Master Entity, you must publish your configuration changes using
the Unity administration interface. For detailed information on publishing refer to Publishing
changes in the Unity documentation.
Once you have published your changes, check your results to see if your account and
customer tables require changes to the ingest configuration. After Unity has ingested data
from multiple systems, it moves this data into source data tables within the data warehouse
using the Unity Data Warehouse Job. The Data Warehouse Job copies ingested data from
staging to the data warehouse and then runs data validation. Once the data has been
verified, the data is inserted into the data model and, at this point, you can run the Identity
Resource Job
The Identity Resolution Job calculates data density values that belong to Master Entities such
as MasterCustomer. Data density represents the percentage of records that have values for
an attribute. The Identity Resolution Job calculates data density values the first time it runs
and then processes the data for the Master Entity. Once the density has initially been
calculated, the job will calculate and refresh data density values for nine more times. Once it
reaches the tenth job, the data values are calculated and refreshed every seven days. For
information on data density and the refer to the Data Density section of the Unity

Configure a Data Source View

Commerce queries account and profile data using the Customer 360 API. The Customer 360
API cannot access the tables in the data warehouse directly, but instead uses a Data Source
Views (DSV). The DSV joins together one or more source or master tables, and then selects
the subset of fields that can be searched and returned from queries. Queries are run against
a single Data Source View, which are generated by the Customer 360 job, and are run one at
a time. Rules and subrules define how the DSV relate to each other. For detailed information
on working with Customer 360 jobs, refer to the Customer 360 Concepts section of the Unity
The definitions include the following:
• IDGraphRules - Contains a reference to a DSV object, and any defined subrules. Your
searches specify which ID Graph Rule to search, as you can create multiple ID Graph
Rules to return different data. For example, you might want to search different data
records, such as customer or account data.
• Subrules - Each subrule attaches more data to the IDGraph table for each record, and
references its own DSV object, whose outputAttributes object represents the additional
data available on the selected record. For example, use a subrule if you want to collect
additional attributes. You can create multiple subrules and attach them to one ID Graph
Rule so that you can initiate searches that return specific attributes. Note that each

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

subrule must reference its own DSV, which allows you to search for fields related
to the subrule and return related fields.
• Data Source View (DSV) - The DSV specifies the attributes that are populated in
the IDGraph table, as well as the attributes you can use when performing a search
query and what is returned in the search results. DSVs must be referenced by the
ID Graph Rule and each subrule within the ID Graph Rule.

For additional information on creating ID Graph Rules, subrules and DSVs, refer to this
tutorial in the Unity documentation.
When you create the main DSV:
• The main DSV is the DSV that is associated with the primary IDGraphRule object.
• There are two outputAttributes with the DSV:
– Inside operands objects, also known as inner outputAttributes objects -
These are the column names that you specify after the SELECT keywords in an
SQL query. You can select as many attributes as needed from the table, which
is specified in the objectName object.
– Inside MCPSQuery objects, also known as outer outputAttributes objects - To
use attributes with this object, the attribute must be referenced before the
inner outputAttributes object. The outer outputAttributes object in the
IDGraphRule object specifies the attributes that you can search across and the
attributes that are returned in the search results.
The following example shows how you would extract five attributes from the Customer
table. This includes ID, SourceCustomerID, SourceID, Email and AccountID. These
attributes are pulled from the inner outputAttributes object and then exposes those
in the outer outputAttributes object. This allows you to search them and return
search results.
Issue a POST command to {{Tenant URL}}/{{api-metadata_v1}}/{{MCPS Tenant

This is the example for the Profile DSV:

"tenantId": 100052,
"name": "OCC_Profile_DSV",
"versionTS": 1611872531438,
"active": true,
"dataSourceViewID": "OCC_Profile_DSV",
"sourceTableQuery": {
"MCPSQuery": {
"tenantId": 0,
"operation": {
"ctype": ".SetOperation",
"tenantId": 0,
"operands": [{
"ctype": ".ObjectSet",
"tenantId": 0,
"name": "c1",
"objectName": "Customer",
"outputAttributes": [{
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "SourceCustomerID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "SourceID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "Email"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "AccountID"
"distinct": false
"operator": "INTERSECTION",
"distinct": false,
"outputAttributes": [{
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "SourceCustomerID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "SourceID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "Email"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "AccountID"

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"joinConditions": []
"type": "DW"

The following example is for the Account DSV:

"tenantId": 100052,
"name": "OCC_Account_DSV",
"versionTS": 1628229524814,
"active": true,
"lastModifiedBy": "fc524ec322dd4bdca13c06e6261cc725",
"createdBy": "fc524ec322dd4bdca13c06e6261cc725",
"createdTS": 1628229524814,
"dataSourceViewID": "OCC_Account_DSV",
"sourceTableQuery": {
"MCPSQuery": {
"tenantId": 0,
"operation": {
"ctype": ".SetOperation",
"tenantId": 0,
"operands": [
"ctype": ".ObjectSet",
"tenantId": 0,
"name": "a1",
"objectName": "Account",
"outputAttributes": [
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "a1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "a1",
"attributeName": "SourceAccountID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "a1",
"attributeName": "SourceID"
"distinct": false
"operator": "INTERSECTION",
"distinct": false,

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"outputAttributes": [
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "a1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "a1",
"attributeName": "SourceAccountID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "a1",
"attributeName": "SourceID"
"joinConditions": []
"type": "DW"

Create the subrule DSV

The subrule DSV contains properties similar to the main DSV.
• The subrule DSV attaches additional data to the IDGraphRule object.
• There are two outputAttributes with the subrule DSV
– Inside operands objects, also known as inner outputAttributes objects - These are
the column names that you specify after the SELECT keywords in an SQL query. You
can select as many attributes as needed from the table, which is specified in the
objectName object.
– Inside MCPSQuery objects, also known as outer outputAttributes objects - To use
attributes with this object, the attribute must be referenced before the inner
outputAttributes object. The outer outputAttributes object in the IDGraphRule
object specifies the attributes that you can search across and the attributes that are
returned in the search results.
The following example of a subrule DSV shows how collect the data from two tables, the
Customer (c1) and the MasterCustomer (m1) and then join them on the attribute ID.

Issue a POST command to {{Tenant URL}}/{{api-metadata_v1}}/{{MCPS Tenant Key}}/

metadata/datasourceviews. The ID of the DSV is OCC_Profile_Subrule_DSV.

The following is an example of the Profile subrule DSV:

"tenantId": 100052,
"name": "OCC_Profile_Subrule_DSV",
"versionTS": 1620369103427,

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"active": true,
"lastModifiedBy": "fc524ec322dd4bdca13c06e6261cc725",
"createdBy": "fc524ec322dd4bdca13c06e6261cc725",
"createdTS": 1620369103427,
"dataSourceViewID": "OCC_Profile_Subrule_DSV",
"sourceTableQuery": {
"MCPSQuery": {
"tenantId": 0,
"operation": {
"ctype": ".SetOperation",
"tenantId": 0,
"operands": [{
"ctype": ".ObjectSet",
"tenantId": 0,
"name": "c1",
"objectName": "Customer",
"outputAttributes": [{
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "SourceCustomerID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "SourceID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "AccountID"
"distinct": false
"ctype": ".ObjectSet",
"tenantId": 0,
"name": "m1",
"objectName": "MasterCustomer",
"outputAttributes": [{
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Email"

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "FirstName"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "LastName"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Age"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Gender"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "AOV"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "City"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Country"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "JobTitle"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "months_since_last_purchase"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "days_since_last_purchase"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "first_purchase_date"

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "okToEmail"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "okToText"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Phone"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "State"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "top_brand"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "top_product"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "top_product_category"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "total_order_count"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "total_purchase_count"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "total_return_count"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "total_spent_amt"

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "ZipCode"
"distinct": false
"operator": "INTERSECTION",
"distinct": false,
"outputAttributes": [{
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "SourceCustomerID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "SourceID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "AccountID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "FirstName"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "LastName"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Email"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Age"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Gender"

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "AOV"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "City"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Country"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "JobTitle"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "months_since_last_purchase"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "days_since_last_purchase"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "first_purchase_date"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "okToEmail"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "okToText"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Phone"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "State"

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "top_brand"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "top_product"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "top_product_category"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "total_order_count"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "total_purchase_count"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "total_return_count"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "total_spent_amt"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "ZipCode"
"joinConditions": [{
"left": {
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "c1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"right": {
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"type": "DW"

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce


The following is an example of an Account subrule DSV. Note that the account subrule
DSV POST request does not contain a reference to the Account object because you are
not referencing any attributes from that object. If you need to reference an attribute
from an object in Unity, you would need to specify the object from which you would be
referencing. As in the case of the Profile subrule DSV, you referenced the attributes
from the Customer object as c1 and the MasterCustomer objects as m1.

"tenantId": 100052,
"name": "OCC_Account_Subrule_DSV",
"versionTS": 1628229554895,
"active": true,
"lastModifiedBy": "fc524ec322dd4bdca13c06e6261cc725",
"createdBy": "fc524ec322dd4bdca13c06e6261cc725",
"createdTS": 1628229554895,
"dataSourceViewID": "OCC_Account_Subrule_DSV",
"sourceTableQuery": {
"MCPSQuery": {
"tenantId": 0,
"operation": {
"ctype": ".SetOperation",
"tenantId": 0,
"operands": [
"ctype": ".ObjectSet",
"tenantId": 0,
"name": "m1",
"objectName": "MasterAccount",
"outputAttributes": [
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "AddressLine1"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "AddressLine2"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "City"

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Country"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Name"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "State"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Type"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "ZipCode"
"distinct": false
"operator": "INTERSECTION",
"distinct": false,
"outputAttributes": [
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "ID"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "AddressLine1"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "AddressLine2"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "City"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"attributeName": "Country"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Name"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "State"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "Type"
"atype": ".ReferenceAttribute",
"tableName": "m1",
"attributeName": "ZipCode"
"joinConditions": []
"type": "DW"

Create the IDGraphRule object

The IDGraphRule object is a lean JSON object that contains references to the DSV
objects you created earlier. The subrules object may contain none or many
IDGraphRules objects that act as subrules for that specific IDGraphRule.

Issue a POST command with an empty body to {{Tenant URL}}/{{api-

metadata_v1}}/{{MCPS Tenant Key}}/metadata/idgraphrules. The ID of the
IDGraphRuleObject is occ7.

The following is an example of the Profile IDGraphRule:

"tenantId": 100052,
"name": "occ7",
"versionTS": 1611942055656,
"active": true,
"ruleId": "occ7",
"inputDsvId": "OCC_Profile_DSV",
"mainIdentifier": {
"atype": ".DSVAttribute",
"dsvId": "OCC_Profile_DSV",
"attributeName": "ID"
"dedupeTargetId": "customer_mastercustomer",

Chapter 15
Configure Oracle Unity for Oracle Commerce

"subRules": [{
"tenantId": 100052,
"name": "OCC Profile Subrule",
"versionTS": 1611790281085,
"active": true,
"ruleId": "occ7",
"subRuleId": "OCC_Profile_Subrule",
"masterEntity": true,
"inputDsvId": "OCC_Profile_Subrule_DSV",
"identifier": {
"atype": ".DSVAttribute",
"dsvId": "OCC_Profile_Subrule_DSV",
"attributeName": "ID"
"maxRecords": 100

The following is an example of the Account IDGraphRule:

"tenantId": 100052,
"name": "occ9",
"versionTS": 1628299175767,
"active": true,
"lastModifiedBy": "fc524ec322dd4bdca13c06e6261cc725",
"createdBy": "fc524ec322dd4bdca13c06e6261cc725",
"createdTS": 1628299175767,
"ruleId": "occ9",
"inputDsvId": "OCC_Account_DSV",
"mainIdentifier": {
"atype": ".DSVAttribute",
"dsvId": "OCC_Account_DSV",
"attributeName": "ID"
"dedupeTargetId": "account_masteraccount",
"subRules": [
"tenantId": 100052,
"name": "OCC Account Subrule",
"versionTS": 1628229619713,
"active": true,
"createdTS": 1628229619713,
"ruleId": "occ9",
"subRuleId": "OCC_Account_Subrule",
"masterEntity": true,
"inputDsvId": "OCC_Account_Subrule_DSV",
"identifier": {
"atype": ".DSVAttribute",
"dsvId": "OCC_Account_Subrule_DSV",
"attributeName": "ID"
"maxRecords": 100

Chapter 15
Configure Commerce for Oracle Unity


Run a Publish Job

Note that all metadata, including the Ingest Job, the Master Entities, the DSV and the
360 rule definitions, must go through the publishing process and changes must be
promoted before taking effect.
Once you have created all of the objects, you publish them by running a Publish Job.
To do this issue a POST command with an empty body to {{Tenant URL}}/api-
admin/v1/{{MCPS Tenant Key}}/admin/tenant/publish. This initiates a Publish Job
that you can track using the Jobs page. This job usually takes up to ten minutes to
For information on Publishing Jobs, refer to Data Publishing section in the Unity

Run a Customer 360 Job

Once the Publish Job has completed, you must run a Customer 360 Job. This job
ensures that you get the search results that you expected. To do this, issue POST
command with an empty body to {{Tenant URL}}/api-admin/v1/{{MCPS Tenant
Key}}/admin/job/IDGRAPH/IdGraph/start. Once the Customer 360 Job has
completed, you can search customer data.
For information on working with Customer 360 Jobs, refer to the Customer 360 Jobs
Unity documentation.

Configure Commerce for Oracle Unity

Once you have set up your Oracle Unity configuration, you need to configure Oracle
Commerce to work with Unity.
To complete the configuration, you must configure the integration settings in the Oracle
Integrations page. You must also configure the property mapping for profile and
account enrichment. To use Commerce with Unity:
• Enable Unity Integration from the Oracle Integrations Page.
• Define profile and account enrichment.
• Optionally define new custom properties on Account and Profile types to be
populated with Unity data.
• Define property mappings using the /enrichmentMaps endpoint.
• Define audiences using enriched profile properties.

Enable Unity Integration from the Oracle Integrations Page

Perform the following steps to set up a Unity integration in Commerce
1. Use the administration interface to select Settings and then Oracle Integrations.
2. Use the drop down menu to select Unity Configuration.
3. Click the checkbox to enable the Unity integration.
Define profile and account enrichment

Chapter 15
Configure Commerce for Oracle Unity

Once you have enabled the Unity integration, you are presented with the Unity
Configuration page, which requires you to:
• Enter the Server URL
• Enter the Channel ID
• Enter the Channel Token
• Add Unity Users.
You must set the Unity Profile Attributes by selecting the attributes of the data objects
available for the Profile, such as Account, Address and Customer. The following attributes are
for Account:
• Account Name - The name of the account.
• DUNS# - The Dunn & Bradstreet 9 digit business identifier.
• Employee Total - The number of employees within the company.
• NAICS Code - The North American Industry Classification System 6 digit code for the
business type.
• SIC Code - The Standard Industrial Classification 4 digit code for the company industry.
• Year Established - The year the company was established.
• Account Type - The type of the account.
• Account Status - The status of the account.
• Annual Revenue - The annual revenue of the company.
• Line of Business - The line of business.
The following attributes are for Address:
• Account ID
• Address Line 1
• Address Line 2
• City
• State
• AV is Valid - A flag that indicates if the address is valid or invalid
• Commerce Address Type - The type of address, for example, Shipping or Billing.
• Latitude
• Longitude
Set the Unity Behavioral Attributes, which include:
• Customer ID
• Severity - The severity level of the incident, including Critical, Major and Minor
• Sentiment
• Coupon Code
Set the Unity Transactional Attributes, which include:
• Customer ID
• Order Date

Chapter 15
Configure Commerce for Oracle Unity

• Quantity
• Discount
• Subtotal
• Tax Total
Set the Unity Product Attributes:
• Product ID
• Product Name
Set any other attributes necessary for your environment.
Once you have selected the attributes, save the page. Commerce creates the profile
extension table with the selected attributes.

Obtain the Unity client credentials

Use the Identity Cloud Service administration console for the Unity instance. Then
navigate to your Oracle Unity Data Platform application instance by accessing Oracle
Cloud Services and selecting CXUNITYSI-commerceoudp). You can obtain a client ID/
Secret using the Configuration tab. Test your configuration using the Provisioning
tab. Refer to How to Access Oracle Identity Cloud Service for detailed information on
working with Identity Cloud Services.
Before you can configure an integration, you need to collect the Oracle Unity API
configuration settings. You will need the following information:

Property Description
Token URL This is the URL to the Identity Cloud Service Oauth2 Token API.
Use the following format:
Username The name of the Unity API user with access to the Unity API. You
must have the Instance Admin role access.
Password The Unity API user's password.
Client ID The client ID of the Unity application.
Client Secret The client secret for the Unity application.
Tenant URL The URL of your Unity instance.
IDCS App Scope The IDCS scope for the Unity application in the form https://
Tenant Key The MCPS tenant access key. If you do not know this key, contact
your Unity administrator.

You must also configure the Oracle Object Store (OOS), which contains the Object
Store Pre-Authenticated Request (PAR) URL, which is the URL used by Commerce to
upload incremental export files. For information on creating this URL, refer to Using
pre-authenticated requests.

Map your properties

To synchronize Profile and Account properties from Unity into Commerce, you need to
define the mappings that specify which Unity Account or Customer attributes map to

Chapter 15
Configure Commerce for Oracle Unity

which Commerce Organization or Profile properties. To do this, you must use the Commerce
Unity attributes must be mapped onto existing Profile and Organization properties. You may
want to create custom properties to receive these mappings. Before defining the property
mappings, the Organization and Profile types should be extended using the itemTypes and
shopperTypes endpoints.

The following is an example of an itemTypes endpoint:

PUT /ccadmin/1/itemTypes/organization

"specifications": [
"label": "Account Notes",
"id": "internal_notes",
"default": null,
"required": false,
"localizable": false,
"internalOnly": false,
"textSearchable": false,
"searchable": false,
"multiSelect": false,
"type": "richText",
"uiEditorType": "richText"

The following is an example of a shopperTypes endpoint:

PUT /ccadmin/v1/shopperTypes/users

"properties": {
"social_media_rating": {
"label": "Social Media Rating",
"type": "shortText",
"uiEditorType": "shortText",
"internalOnly": false,
"default": null,
"required": false,
"audienceVisibility": "all"
"top_brand": {
"label": "Favorite Brand",
"type": "shortText",
"uiEditorType": "shortText",
"internalOnly": false,
"default": null,
"required": false,
"audienceVisibility": "all"

Chapter 15
Configure Commerce Audiences with Unity Data


Define properties using the /enrichmentMaps endpoint

Once you have extended the properties, you must define property mappings using
the /enrichmentMaps endpoint. For example:

PUT /ccadmin/v1/enrichmentMaps

"IDGraphRuleName": "occ1",
"subRuleName": "OCC_Profile_Subrule",
"configMap": [
"sourceName": "Social_Score",
"sourceType": "string",
"targetName": "social_media_rating"
"sourceName": "top_brand",
"sourceType": "string",
"targetName": "top_brand"
"source": "customer",
"target": "profile"

Configure Commerce Audiences with Unity Data

You can include shopper data in Commerce that you obtain from your Oracle Unity
instance, allowing you to personalize your shopper's visit using Audiences.
Oracle Unity consolidates data from various systems. Unity's data model contains both
extended profile and account attributes, as well as intelligent and behavioral attributes.
You can define Commerce Audiences to provide a personalized shopper experience
based on these enriched profile and account attributes. For detailed information on
working with Commerce Audiences, refer to the Define Audiences section.
Define your Audience Rules using the Audience Rule Definition page in the
Commerce administration interface.
The Audience rule builder will show all available profile or account properties, including
those that are mapped from Unity. Because you can add new attributes over time, it is
important that you refresh these attributes regularly.




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