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Std. X
Practice Questions – Multiple Choice
Chapter: Water Resources

Choose the correct option for the questions below

Question 1:

Watershed Management refers to _________.

a) percolation of water.
b) conservation of water.
c) prevention of surface and ground water resources.
d) none of the above.

Question 2:

The primary source of water is ________.

a) rain.
b) rivers.
c) ground water.
d) glaciers.

Question 3:

What is Irrigation?
a) Watering of trees in the forests.
b) Watering of agricultural fields.
c) Watering of plants in wastelands.
d) All the above.

Question 4:

What percentage of net sown area in the country still depends on rainfall?
a) 50%
b) 55%
c) 70%
d) 75%

Question 5:

Well irrigation is confined mainly to _______.

a) the coastal plains.
b) the southern plains.
c) the northern plains.
d) the eastern plains.
Question 6:

Where is well irrigation practised?

a) The region where plenty of rivers are available.
b) The region where plenty of ground water is available.
c) The region with low rainfall.
d) The region where plenty of rain occurs.

Question 7:

The traditional wells dry up due to _______.

a) over-withdrawal of ground water.
b) high temperature.
c) lack of rainfall.
d) none of the above.

Question 8:

Tube well is an independent source of irrigation as _______.

a) it depends on perennial rivers.
b) it depends on electricity.
c) it is drilled up to the permanent water table.
d) it can irrigate large fields.

Question 9:

Punjab and Haryana are called the granary of the country because of _______.
a) huge production of food crops.
b) greenery all around.
c) many perennial rivers and canals
d) large fertile land.

Question 10:

Tank irrigation is done in the Peninsular India because ______.

a) the rivers are non-perennial.
b) it is a rocky terrain.
c) wells and canals cannot be dug.
d) all the above.

Question 11:

Bhakra Canal is found in _______.

a) Maharashtra.
b) Punjab.
c) Rajasthan.
d) Bihar.
Question 12:

Drip irrigation is the most efficient method of irrigation because ________.

a) it irrigates fruits and vegetables.
b) it is most beneficial for farmers.
c) evaporation is drastically reduced.
d) it uses river water efficiently.

Question 13:

Sprinkler irrigation is quite expensive because _______.

a) it requires complex machinery
b) it is helpful for a large area
c) it is used for crops which require more water.
d) none of the above.

Question 14:

Many farmers in India still use wells for irrigation as ________.

a) it is cheap to dig wells.
b) it is easy to dig wells
c) oxen can also be used to lift water.
d) all the above

Question 15:

Irrigation is the only means to supplement rainwater to raise crops because _______.
a) rain is uneven and uncertain.
b) farmers are poor
c) all crops require lots of water.
d) the soil is infertile.

Question 16:

Inundation canals have limited use because _______.

a) they get supply of water only when the rivers are in flood.
b) they dry up.
c) they do not have dams.
d) all the above.

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