Lesson I: Fundamentals of Security and Concepts

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1. Security in General
2. Physical Security
3. Restricted Area
4. Perimeter Security
5. Protective Lighting
6. Protective Alarm
7. Protective Lock and Key Control
8. Control of Personnel in the Physical Facility

The students must be able to:
1. to determine the history of security;
2. define what is security, its type and its component; and
3. recognize the significance of security and its concept;

The need for security of lives
and properties is as old as the history of
man. Man’s existence is characterized by
constant exposure to danger: those
hazards caused by nature; and those by
human being to secure themselves are also
as old as the history of policing.
It is innate to human being to
seek security protection from dangers from
them to survive and continue existing free
from anything that may cause damages to
their properties or may result to injury or death. In the ancient world, human learn to unite
themselves into clans, then into tribes and later into bigger communities. As they
organized themselves, their primary reason is security of their life, their livelihoods, and
security of their existence. Initially human were only worried of natural causes of danger
such as earthquake, typhoon, attack of wild animals and later, other tribes became their
enemies as other tribes and other groups of people compete for survival.
Most historical accounts identified the assigning of all able-bodied males of
tribes in guarding their crops and their territory against animals attack as the earliest form
of security designed by the ancient tribesmen, Later, these able-bodied men took the
cudgel in warding off other tribesmen who attack them. They used variety of means to
themselves such as, weapons out of wood, stones, and then later those made of metal;
traps or devices designed to catch and animal and kill it into spring shut; and using barrier
like wooden fences, natural barrier and cliffs and rivers.

In the Philippines, haciendero or owners of large track of lands often hire farms
workers who often double as protectors the property against cattle rustler and robbers.
With the entry of mining industries, the American companies started hiring armed security
personnel. And the 1950’s hired security personnel were already widespread after the
restoration of the country after World War II. There was no strict regulation during that
period. Security workers then were permit to those wanting to be employed as security
guards. Security and detective agencies also began to proper and no strict regulation,
many security guards were convicted of violence crimes. The establishment of the
Philippine association of detective and protective agency operators (PADPAO) in 1958
with the aim of freely self-governing, self-regulating and self-policing pave way for
endorsement to congress a bill to regulate the organization and operation of private
detective, watchmen, security guards and agencies. Thus, on June 13,1969. R.A.
5487or the private security agency law was born. This even started the
professionalization works in the Philippines.



Security is a state or condition of being secured; there is freedom from fear, harm,
danger, loss, destruction or damages. Basically, it was the action of man against man
that led to many unsecured and unsafe conditions. Reasons could be economic, revenge,
or just plain greed and avarice. Whatever the motives, the civilized man needs adequate

Since security in general is very hard to comprehend, it can be divided into three
major areas:

1. Physical Security - this concern with the physical measures adopted to prevent
unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, material and document and to
safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, loss and theft.

2. Personnel Security- this is as important as physical security. Personnel security

starts even before the hiring of an employee and remains to be maintained for as
long as the person is employed. Its purpose is to ensure that a firm hires those
best suited to assist the firm in achieving its goals and objectives and once hired

assist in providing necessary security to the work force while carrying out their

3. Document and Information Security- this involves the protection of documents
and classified papers from loss, access by unauthorized persons, damage, theft
and compromise through disclosure. Classified documents need special handling.
Lack of indoctrination and orientation among the personal handling them can result
in the leakage, loss, theft and unauthorized disclosure of the documents.

Physical security, personnel security,

and document security cannot exist
independently- they are mutually supporting.
They are in many respects overlapping.
Physical security is correlated to the other two
parts, interwoven and one is essential to the


Protective Security can be defined as those measures taken by an installation or

unit to protect itself against sabotage, espionage or subversion and at the same time
provide freedom of action in order to provide the installation of the unit with the necessary
flexibility to accomplish its mission.

The aspects of protective security can be seen with the application of the following:

1. Industrial Security – a type of security applied to business groups engaged in

industries like manufacturing, assembling, research and development, processing,
warehousing and even agriculture. It may also mean the business of providing
2. Hotel Security - a type of security applied to hotels where its properties are
protected from pilferage, loss, damage and the function in the hotel restaurants
are not disturbed and troubled by outsiders or the guest themselves. This type of
security employs house detectives, uniforms guard and supervisor and insures that
hotel guests and their personal effects are safeguarded.
3. Bank security - this type of security is concern with bank operations. Its main
objective is the protection of bank cash and assets, its personnel and clientele.
Security personnel are trained to safeguard bank and assets while in storage, in
transit and during transactions.
4. VIP Security - a type of security applied for the protection of top-ranking officials
of the government or private entity, visiting persons of illustrious standing and
foreign dignitaries.
5. School Security - a type of security that is concern with the protection of students,
faculty members, and school properties. Security personnel are trained to protect
the school property from theft, vandals, handling campus riots and detecting the
use of intoxicated drugs and alcohol by the students.
6. Supermarket or Mall Security - a type of security which is concern with the
protection of the stores, warehouses, storage, its immediate premises and
properties as well as the supermarket personnel and customers. Security
personnel are trained to detect “shoplifter”, robbery, and bomb detection and
customer relation.
7. Other types – this includes all other security matters not covered in the above


Physical security measures are being used to define, protect, and monitor property
rights and assets. These measures consist of barriers and devices that would detect,
impede, and prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, material and document
and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage and theft.
Physical security may be also defined as the safeguarding by physical means, such as
guard, fire protection measures, of plans, policies, programs, personnel, property, utilities,
information, facilities and installation against compromise, trespass, sabotage, pilferage,
embezzlement, fraud, or other dishonest criminal act.

What is a Barrier?

A barrier can be defined as any structure or physical device capable of restricting,

deterring, delaying, illegal access to an installation.

Generally, a barrier is used for the following purposes:

1. Define the physical limits of an area.

2. Create a physical and psychological deterrent to unauthorized entry.
3. Prevent penetration therein or delay intrusion, thus, facilitating apprehension of
4. Assist in more efficient and economical employment of guards
5. Facilitate and improve the control and vehicular traffic.

Types of Barriers

1. Natural barriers - it includes bodies of waters, mountains, marshes, ravines,

deserts or other terrain that are difficult to traverse.

2. Structural barriers - these are

features constructed by man
regardless of their original intent that
tends to delay the intruder.
Examples are walls, doors, windows,
locks, fences, safe, cabinets or
containers etc.

3. Human barriers - persons being used in providing a guarding system or by the
nature of their employment and location, fulfill security functions. Examples are
guards, office personnel, shop workers, etc.

4. Animal barriers -
animals are used in partially providing a guarding system. Dogs are usually trained
and utilized to serve as guard dogs. German shepherds are best suited for security
functions. Goose and turkeys could also be included.

5. Energy barriers - it is the employment of mechanical, electrical, electronic energy

imposes a deterrent to entry by the
potential intruder or to provide
warning to guard personnel. These
are protective lighting, alarm
system and any electronic devices
used as barriers.

Three Line of Physical Defense

1. First line of defense- perimeter fences/ barriers

2. Second line of defense- doors, floors, windows, walls, roofs and grills and other
entries to the buildings
3. Third line of defense- storage system like steel cabinets, safes, vaults and interior

Principles of Physical Security

1. The type of access necessary will depend upon a number of variable factors and
therefore may be achieved in a number of ways.
2. There is no impenetrable barrier.
3. Defense-in depth is barriers after barriers.
4. Delay is provided against surreptitious and non-surreptitious entry.
5. Each installation is different.


A restricted area is any area in which personnel or vehicles are controlled for
reasons of security. Restricted area is established to provide security for installation or
facilities and to promote efficiency of security operations and economy in the use of
security personnel.

Types of Restricted Areas

Two types of restricted areas may be established to permit different degrees of

security within the same installation or facility, and to provide efficient bases for the
application of different degrees of access, circulation and protection. These restricted
areas are termed Exclusion areas and Limited areas. Exclusion Area- an exclusion area
is a restricted area which contains a security interest to TOP SECRET importance, and
which requires the highest degree of protection. Limited Area Control- a limited area is
a restricted area in which a lesser degree of control is required than in an exclusion area
but which the security interest would be compromised by uncontrolled movement.

Limited Area Control includes the following:

a. Interior Area Control - Interior area control is generally affected in two ways.
The first method is the system which is initiated and terminated at the outer
limits of the area to determine the movements of a visitor within the area. A
second somewhat less means of accomplishing the same thing is time travel.
This system provides for checking the actual time used by the visitor against
known time requirements for what the visitor is to accomplish.

b. Visitor Identification and Movements Control - Processing and control of

movements of visitor shall be included in the PASS SYSTEM. The control of
movements of visitor will depend on the installation. A visitor register shall be

maintained to include the name of the visitor, date of visit, purpose of visit,
which may be filed for the future reference.

c. Key Control- A system of controlling keys shall be advised and regulations

covering the disposal, storage or withdrawals, shall be issued and imposed.

d. Fire Prevention- fire is so potentially destructive without human assistance,

with assistance it can be caused to devastate those things you are attempting
to secure and, professionally accomplished, often in a way that does not leave
recognizable evidence of sabotage.


It is the protection of the installation’s inner and the immediate vicinity. The main
purpose of perimeter barrier is to deny or impede access or exit of unauthorized person.
Basically, it is the first line of defense of an installation. This is maybe in the form of fences,
building walls or even bodies of water.

The function and location of the facility itself usually determine the perimeter of the
installation. If the facility is located in a city whereby the facility is located in a city whereby
the building or enterprise occupies all the area where it is located, the perimeter may be
the walls of the building itself. Most of the Industrial companies, however, are required to
have a wide space for warehousing, manufacturing etc.

Types of Perimeter Barrier

Perimeter barriers includes fences, walls, bodies of water

Types of Fences

Solid Fence -constructed in such a way that visual access through the fence is
denied. Its advantage is that it denies the opportunity for the intruder to become familiar
with the personnel, activities and the time scheduled of the movements of the guards in
the installation. On the other hand, it prevents the guards from observing the area around
the installation and it creates shadow that may be used by the intruder for cover and

Full-View Fence - it is constructed in such a way that visual access is permitted

through the fence. Its advantages are that it allows the roving patrols and stationary guard
to keep the surrounding area of the installation under observation. On the other hand, it
allows the intruder to become familiar with the movements and time schedule of the guard
patrols thereby allowing him to pick the time that is advantageous on his part.

Types of Full-View Fence

1. Chain Link Fence

▪ It must be constructed of 7 feet material excluding top guard.

▪ It must be of 9 gauges or heavier.

▪ The mesh openings are not to be larger than 2 inches per side.
▪ It should be twisted and barbed selvage at top and bottom.
▪ It must be securely fastened to rigid metal or reinforced concrete.
▪ It must reach within 2 inches of hard ground or paving.

▪ On soft ground, it must reach below surface deep enough to compensate for
shifting soil or sand.

2. Barbed Wire Fence

▪ Standard barbed wire is twisted, double-strand, 12-gauge wire with 4 point
barbs spaces in an equal distance apart.
▪ Barbed wire fencing should not be less than 7 feet high excluding top guard.
▪ Barbed wire fencing must be firmly affixed to posts not more than 6 feet apart.

As a standard, the distance between strands must not exceed 6 inches at least
one wire will be interlaced vertically and midway between posts.

3. Concertina Wire Fence

▪ Standard concertina barbed wire
is commercially manufactured wire
coil of high strength steel barbed
wire clipped together at intervals to form a cylinder.

▪ Opened concertina wire is 50 feet long and 3 feet in diameter.

Perimeter Barrier Opening

▪ Gates and Doors - when not in use and controlled by guards, gates and doors
in the perimeter should be locked and frequently inspected by guards. Locks
should be changed from time to time and should be covered under protective
locks and key control.
▪ Side-Walk-Elevators - these provide access to areas within the perimeter
barrier and should be locked and guarded.
▪ Utilities Opening - sewers, air intakes, exhaust tunnels and other utility
openings which penetrate the barrier and which have cross sectional areas of
96 square inches or more
should be protected by bars, grills, water filled traps or other structural means
providing equivalent protection to that portion of the perimeter barriers.
▪ Clear Zones - an obstructed area or a “clear zone” should be maintained on
both sides of the perimeter barrier. A clear zone of 20 feet or more is desirable
between the barriers
and exterior structures and natural covers that may provide concealment for
assistance to a person seeking unauthorized entry.

Additional Protective Measures

▪ Top Guard - additional overhang of barbed wire placed on vertical perimeter

fences upward and outward with a 45 degree angle with 3 to 4 strands of barbed
wires spaced 6 inches apart. This increases the protective height and prevents
easy access.

▪ Guard Control stations - this is normally provided at main perimeter entrances to

secure areas located out-of-doors, and manned by guards on full-time basis.
Sentry station should be near a perimeter for surveillance at the entrance.

▪ Tower Guard - this is a house-like structure above the perimeter barriers. The
higher the tower, the more visibility it provides. It gives a psychological unswerving
effect to violators. By and large guard towers, whether permanent or temporary,
must have a corresponding support force in the event of need. Towers as well as
guard control stations should have telephones, intercoms, and if possible two-way
radios connected to security headquarters or office to call for reserves in the event
of need.

▪ Barrier Maintenance - fencing barriers and protective walls should always be

regularly inspected by security. Any sign or attempts to break in should be reported
for investigation. Destruction of fence or sections thereof should be repaired
immediately and guard vigilance should be increased.
▪ Protection in Depth - in large open areas or ground where fencing or walling is
impractical and expensive, warning signs should be conspicuously placed. The
depth itself is protection reduction of access roads, and sufficient notices to warn
intruders should be done. Use of animals, as guards and intrusion device, can also
be good as barriers.
▪ Signs and Notices - “Control signs” should be erected where necessary in the
management of unauthorized ingress to preclude accidental entry. Signs should
be plainly visible and legible from any approach and in an understood language or


The idea that lighting can provide improved protection for people and
facilities is as old as civilization. Protective lighting is the single most cost-effective
deterrent to crime because it creates a psychological deterrent to the intruders.

Types of Protective Lighting

1. Continuous lighting - the most

familiar type of outdoor security lighting.
This is designed to provide two specific
results: glare projection or controlled
lighting. It consists of a series of fixed
luminaries at range to flood a given area
continuously during the hours of

a. Glare projection type- it is being used in prisons and correctional institutions

to illuminate walls and outside barriers.

b. Controlled lighting- it is generally employed where, due to surrounding

property owners, nearby highways or other limitations, it is necessary for
the light to be more precisely focused.
2. Standby lighting - it is designed for reserve or standby use or to supplement
continuous systems. A standby system can be most useful to selectively light a
particular area in an occasional basis.
3. Movable or Portable lighting - this system is manually operated and is usually
made up of movable search or floodlights that can be located in selected or special
locations which will require lighting only for short period of time.
4. Emergency lighting - this system is used in times of power failure or other
emergencies when other systems are inoperative.

General Types of Lighting Sources

Listed below are the general lighting sources that are mostly used in providing
indoor or outdoor lighting.

1. Incandescent lamp - it is the least expensive in terms of energy consumed and

has the advantage of providing instant illumination when the switch is on.
2. Mercury Vapor- Lamp - it is considered more efficient that the incandescent and
used widespread in exterior lighting. This emits a purplish-white color, caused by
an electric current passing through a tube of conducting and luminous gas.
3. Metal Halide - it has similar physical appearance to mercury vapor but provides a
light source of higher luminous efficiency and better color rendition.
4. Fluorescent - this provides good color rendition, high lamp efficiency as well as
long life. However, it cannot project light over long distance and thus are not
desirable as flood type lights.
5. High-Pressure Sodium Vapor - this has gained acceptance for exterior lighting
of parking areas, roadways, buildings and commercial interior installations.
Constructed on the same principle as mercury vapor lamps, and they emit a golden
white to light pink color and this provide high lumen efficiency and relatively good
color rendition.

Types of Lighting Equipment

Three types of lighting equipment are generally used or associated with security
lighting. These are:

1. Floodlights- these can be used to accommodate most outdoor security lighting

needs, including the illumination of boundaries, fences and buildings and for the
emphasis of vital areas or particular buildings.

2. Street lights - this lighting equipment received the most widespread notoriety for
its value in reducing crime.
3. Search lights - these are highly focused incandescent lamps and are designed to
pinpoint potential trouble spots.
4. Fresnel lights - these are wide beam units, primary used to extend the illumination
in long, horizontal strips to protect the approaches to the perimeter barrier. Fresnel
projects a narrow, horizontal beam that is approximately 180 degrees in the
horizontal and from 15 to 30 degrees in the vertical plane.


Protective alarm is one of the important barriers in security. It assists the security
in detecting, impeding or deterring potential security threat in the installation. Basically,
its function is to alert the security personnel for any attempt of intrusion into a protected
area, building or compound. Once an intruder tampers the circuitry, the beam or radiated
waves of the alarm system, it will activate an alarm signal.

On the other hand, the use of communication equipment in the installation helps
security in upgrading its operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Three Basic Parts of Alarm System

1. Sensor or Trigger Device - emits the aural or visual signals or both.

2. Transmission Line - a circuit which transmit the message to the signaling
3. Enunciator/ Annunciator - is the signaling system that activates the alarm.

Types of Protective Alarm System

1. Central Station System - a type of alarm where the control station is located
outside the plant or installation. When the alarm is sounded or actuated by
subscriber, the central station notifies the police and other public safety agencies.
2. Proprietary system - centralized monitor of the proprietary alarm system is
located in the industrial firm itself with a duty operator. In case of alarm, the duty
operator calls whatever is the primary need; fire- fighters, police, an ambulance or
a bomb disposal unit.
3. Local Alarm – This system consists of ringing up a visual or audible alarm near
the object to be protected. When an intruder tries to pry a window, the alarm there
at goes off.
4. Auxiliary Alarm - company-owned alarm systems with a unit in the nearest police
station so that in case of need, direct call is possible. The company maintains the
equipment and lines both for the company and those in the police, fire and other

emergency agencies by special arrangement. Radio, landlines, or cell phones can
avail of the auxiliary system.

Kinds of Alarms

1. Audio Detection Device - it will detect any sound caused by attempted force
entry. A supersonic microphone speaker sensor is installed in walls, ceilings and
floors of the protected area.
2. Vibration Detection Device - it will detect any vibration caused by attempted force
entry. A vibration sensitive sensor is attached to walls, ceilings or floors of the
protected area.
3. Metallic Foil or Wire - it will detect any action that moves the foil or wire. An
electrically charge strips of tinfoil or wire is used in the doors, windows or glass
surfaces of the protected area.
4. Laser Beam Alarm - a laser emitter floods a wall or fencing with a beam so that
when this beam is disturbed by a physical object, an alarm is activated.
5. Photoelectric or Electric Eye Device - an invisible/visible beam is emitted and
when this is disturbed or when an intruder breaks contact with the beam, it will
activate the alarm.


Lock is one of the most

widely used physical security
devices in the asset protection
program of an installation. It
complements other physical
safeguards of the installation
against any possible surreptitious
entry. However, the owner of the
installation or his security officer
needs to understand the
weaknesses and strength of each
type of lock including the door, window or walls to be used to achieve maximum benefit
from its application. This is because highly skilled burglars more often concentrate on the
lock and its surrounding mechanism in order to make a forcible entry. It is for this obvious
reason that locks are considered as delaying devices which cannot really stop a
determine intruder from destroying the lock just to launch an attack. Hence, knowledge
of the basic principles of locking systems will enable the installation owner or the security
officer to evaluate any lock and determine its quality and effectiveness in a particular

What is a Lock?

A lock is defined as a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device

designed to prevent entry into a building, room, container or hiding place.

Types of Locks

1. Key-Operated Mechanical Lock - it uses some sort of arrangement of internal
physical barriers (wards tumblers) which prevent the lock from operating unless
they are properly aligned. The key is the device used to align these internal barriers
so that the lock may be operated.

Three (3) Types of Key-Operated Lock

a. Disc or wafer tumbler mechanism

b. Pin tumbler mechanism
c. Lever tumbler mechanism

2. Padlock - a portable and detachable lock having a sliding hasp which passes
through a staple ring and is then made fasten or secured.
3. Combination Lock - instead of using the key to align the tumblers, the
combination mechanism uses numbers, letters or other symbols as reference point
which enables an operator to align them manually.
4. Code-Operated Lock - a type of lock that can be opened by pressing a series of
numbered button in the proper sequence.
5. Electrical Lock - a type of lock that can be opened and closed remotely by
electrical means.
6. Card-Operated Lock - a type of lock operated by a coded card.

Types of Keys

1. Change Key - a specific key, which operates the lock and has a particular
combination of cuts which match the arrangement of the tumblers in the lock.
2. Sub-Master Key - a key that will open all the lock within a particular area or
grouping in a given facility.
3. Master Key - a special key capable of opening a series of lock.
4. Grand Master Key - a key that will open everything in a system involving two or
more master key groups.

Key Control

Once an effective key control has been installed, positive control of all keys must
be gained and maintained. This can be accomplished only if it is established in
conjunction with the installation of new locking devices. The following methods can be
used to maintain effective key control;

1. Key Cabinet- a well-constructed cabinet will have to be procured. The cabinet will
have to be of sufficient size to hold the original key to every lock in the system. It
should be secured at all times.
2. Key Record- some administrative means must be set up to record code numbers
and indicates to whom keys to specific locks have been issued.
3. Inventories- periodic inventories will have to be made of all duplicate and original
keys in the hands of the employees whom they have been issued.
4. Audits- in addition to periodic inventory, an unannounced audit should be made
of all key control records and procedures by a member of management.

5. Daily Report- a daily report should be made to the person responsible for key
control from the personnel department indicating all persons who have left or will
be leaving the company. In the event that a key has been issued, steps should be
initiated to ensure that the key is recovered.


The final line of defense at any facility is in the high security storage where papers,
records, plans or cashable instrument, precious metals or other especially valuable
assets are protected. These security containers will be of a size and quantity, which the
nature of the business dictates.
In protecting [property, it is essential to recognize that protective containers are
designed to secure against burglary or fire. Each type of equipment has a specialized
function and it will depend on the owner of the facility which type ha is going to use.

Three (3) Types of Security Cabinet

1. Safe - a metallic container used for the safekeeping of documents or small items
in an office or installation. Safe can be classified as either robbery or burglary
resistance depending upon the use and need.
a. Its weight must be at least 750 lbs. And should be anchored to a
building structure.
b. Its body should at least one inch thick steel.

2. Vault - heavily constructed fire and burglar resistance container usually a part of
the building structure used to keep and protect cash, documents and negotiable
instruments. Vaults are bigger than safe but smaller than a file room.
a. The vault door should be made of steel at least 6 inches in thickness.
b. The vault walls, ceiling, floor reinforce concrete at least 12 inches in
c. The vault must be resistive up to 6 hours.

3. File Room - a cubicle in a building constructed a little lighter than a vault but of
bigger size to accommodate limited people to work on the records inside.
a. The file room should at most be 12 feet high.
b. It must have a watertight door and at least fire proof for one hour.


In every installation, the use of protective barriers, security lighting, communication

and electronic hardware provides physical safeguards but these are insufficient to
maximize the effort of the guard force. A control point must be established for positive
personnel identification and
check system. This is to ensure that only those persons who have the right and authority
will be given the necessary access to the area.
The most practical and generally accepted system of personnel identification is the
use of identification cards badges or passes. Generally speaking, this system designates
when and where and how identification cards should be displayed, and to whom. This
helps security personnel eliminate the risk of allowing the access of unauthorized
personnel within the establishments.

Types of Personnel Identification

1. Personal recognition
2. Artificial recognition- identification cards, passes, passwords, etc.

Use of Pass System

1. Single Pass System - the badge or pass coded for authorization to enter specific
areas is issued to an employee who keeps it in his possession until his
authorization is terminates.
2. Pass Exchange System - an exchange takes place at the entrance of each
controlled area. Upon leaving the personnel surrenders his badge or passes and
retrieve back his basic identification.

3. Multiple Pass System - this provides an extra measure of security by requiring

that an exchange take place at the entrance of each restricted area.

Visitors Movement Control

Security should establish proper methods of establishing the authority for

admission of visitors as well as the limitation thereat. This security measure would depend
on the sensibility of the installation, but could include the following:

1. Visitor’s Logbook – All visitors to any facility should be required to identify

themselves and should be given a visitor’s ID by the security. Visitor’s logbook
should be filled up with the named of visitors, nature and duration of visit.
2. Photograph - taking of photographs should also be considered. Extreme caution
must be exercised in areas where classified information is displayed to preclude
unauthorized taking of pictures of the installation. If a visitor has camera and it is
prohibited to take picture, said camera should be left in the care of security with
corresponding receipt.
3. Escort - If possible visitors should be escorted by the security to monitor their
activity within the establishment and guide them where to go.
4. Visitor Entrances - separate access for visitors and employees of the
establishment should be provided.
5. Time- Traveled - If there is a long delay or time lapse between the departure and
arrival, the visitors may be required to show cause for the delay.

Package Movement Control

Every facility must establish a system for the control of package entering or leaving
the premises. However, desirable it might seem it is simply unrealistic to suppose that a
blanket rule forbidding packages either in or out would be workable. Such a rule would
be damaging to the employee morale and, in many cases, would actually work against
the efficient operation in the facility. Therefore, since the transporting of packages through
the portals is a fact of life, they must be dealt with in order to prevent theft and
misappropriation of company properties. Thus;

a. No packages shall be authorized to be brought inside the industrial installation,

offices and work area without proper authority. This basic precept help reduce if
not eliminate pilferage, industrial espionage or sabotage.
b. Outgoing packages carried by personnel should be closely inspected and those in
vehicles should also be checked as many pilfered items are hidden in the surface
of the vehicles leaving the compound.
c. Any personnel/visitor entering the installation with a package should deposit the
same to the security and in return receives a numbered tag, which he/she will use
in claiming his/her package upon departing.

Control of Vehicle in the Installation
Vehicular traffic within the boundaries of any facility must be carefully controlled
for safety as well as to control the transporting of pilfered goods from the premises. Thus:

1. Privately owned vehicle of personnel/visitor should be registered and are subject

to the identification and admittance procedure.
2. Vehicles should be subjected for search at the entrance and exit of the installation.
3. All visitors with vehicle should provide the security as to the complete details of
their duration of stay, person to be visited, and other information.
4. All vehicles of visitors should be given a sign/sticker to be placed on the windshield.
5. Traffic warning signs should be installed in all entrances in order to guide the
visitors in their destination as well to provide them with the necessary safety
precautions while they are inside the installation.
6. Security personnel must constantly supervise parking areas and make frequent
spots searches of vehicles found there.

Building Access Control

At any physical barrier, a security system must possess the ability to distinguish
among authorized persons, unauthorized visitors, and other unauthorized persons. This
is to assist the security personnel protects sensitive are and information within the
installation. Appropriate warning signs should be posted at the building perimeter. Special
restricted entry facilities to public access should be provided. This will be dependent on
the degree of security needed for the
protection of property, activity and other processes within the building. A clear-cut policy
on the access control should be disseminated to all personnel of the installation.


1. Personnel Security
2. The guard force and guard system
3. Security guards professional conduct and ethics
4. Selection of guard

The students must be able to:
1. expound the salient provisions of RA 5487;
2. define the purpose of work;
3. apply work values/ ethics;
4. deal with ethical problems;
5. maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace; and
6. identify the duties and responsibilities of guards



Personnel Security includes all the security measures designed to prevent

unsuitable individuals or persons of doubtful loyalty to the government, from gaining
access to classified matter or to any security facility, and to prevent appointment, or
retention as employees of such individuals,

The Security “Chain”: Personnel Security is the “weakest link” in the security
“chain”. This weakness can best be minimized or eliminated by making limit personnel
security conscious through good training program. Security depends upon the action of
the individuals. The superior must instruct his subordinates so that they will know exactly
what security measures to take in every instance, a safe will not lock itself. An individual
must be properly instructed and must do the locking.

Control of Personnel

Access to “restricted Areas” can be partially controlled by fences, gates and

other physical means, but the individual working in the area is the key to the bringing out
of classified matter to unauthorized personnel. Written information does not have the
power of speech. Only the individual has knowledge of this written information can pass
it to an authorized personnel if he unguardedly talks about information.

What is Personnel Security Investigation?

It is an inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion and loyalty of individual in

order to determine a person’s suitability to be given security clearance.

Types of Personnel Security Investigation (PSI)

National Agency Check (NAC). – This is an investigation of an individual made

upon the basis of written information supplied by him in response to official inquiry, and
by reference to appropriate national agencies. It is simply a check of the files and record
of national agencies. The national agencies checked under this type of investigation are
the following:
▪ National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA)
▪ National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
▪ ISAAFP or J2 Division, GHQ AFP
▪ CIDG PNP Camp Crame., etc.

Local Agency Check (LAC) – This type of investigation consists of the first type
plus written inquiries sent to appropriate local government agencies, former employees,
references and

schools listed by the person under investigation. The local agencies normally check
besides the past employment, schools and references are the following:
▪ Place of the locality where the individual is a resident.
▪ Mayor, Police, Fiscal, Judge of the locality where the individual is a resident.

Background Investigation (BI) -this is more comprehensive investigation than

the NAC or the NAC and LAC. A through and complete investigation of all or some of the
circumstances or aspects of a person’s life is conducted.

This type of personnel Security Investigation may either be a complete (CBI) or a

Partial Background Investigation (PBI).

1. Complete Background Investigation – consists of the investigation of the

background of a person, particularly all the circumstances of his personal life.

2. Partial Background Investigation – consists of the investigation of the

background of an individual but limited only to some of the circumstances of his
personal life which are deemed pertinent to the investigation. Normally, the request
for the investigation will indicate the specific personal circumstances to be covered.
This type of BI is also used to further develop questionable information contained
in another investigation report.

Factors considered in Background Investigation.

1. Loyalty – faithful allegiance to the country, government and its duly constituted
2. Integrity- uprightness in character, soundness of moral principles, freedom from
moral delinquencies, ore more simply stated-honesty.

3. Discretion- the ability of tendency to act or decide with prudence; the habit of wise
judgment or simply stated- good judgment
4. Moral- distinctive identifying qualities which serve as an index to the essential or
intrinsic nature of a person; his outward manifestation, personal traits or moral
5. Character- the sum of the traits that serve as an index of the essential intrinsic
nature of a person. It is the aggregate of distinctive mental and moral qualities that
have been impressed by nature, education and habit upon the individual.
6. Reputation- opinion or estimation in which one is generally held. It is what one
reported to be, whereas character is what a person is.

Motives that cause people to be disloyal

1. Revenge- a real or fancied wrong can create a hatred which will stop at nothing to
obtain revenge of the offender. Hatred wraps the sense of moral values until the
hater will go to
any lengths, even betrayal of his country, to avenge himself on the person or class
of people hated.
2. Material Gain- some people are so avid for material gain that they will stop at
nothing to achieve this end.
3. Personal Prestige- this motivation applies to those whose main desire is for
power-power over others-to prove to the world what leaders they are. However,
their desire for power makes them especially vulnerable to subversion.
4. Friendship –through close attachment to another person, many people, otherwise
of high integrity, will do things inimical to their country’s interest.
5. Ideological Beliefs- If a person holds inimical to their country, they are of course
vulnerable to approach by subversive groups of agents.


The security guard force is the key element in the overall security system of a plant
or installation. Its basic mission is to protect all the property within the limits of the facility
boundaries and protect employees and other persons on the installation.

Security Guard Defined

Sometimes called private security guard or watchman shall include any person
who offers or renders personal service to watch or secure either a residence or business
establishment or both for hire or compensation, and with a license to exercise profession.

Security Guard Force

It is a group of force selected men, trained or grouped into functional unit for the
purpose of protecting operational processes from those disruption which would impeded
efficiency or halt operation at a particular plant, facility, installation or special activity

Types of Security Guard Forces

1. Private Security Agency - any person, association, partnership, firm or private

corporation, who contracts, recruits, trains, furnishes or post any security guard, to
do its functions or solicit individuals, business firms, or private, public or
government-owned or controlled

corporations to engage his/its service or those of his/its security guards, for hire
commission or compensation.

2. Company Security Force - A security force maintained and operated any private
company/ corporation for its own security requirements only.
3. Government Security Unit - a security unit maintained and operated by any
government entity other than military and/a police, which is established and
maintained for the purpose of securing the office or compound and/or extension
such government entity.

Typical Structure of a Security Organization

The security force of any installation must be organized in accordance with the
principles of responsibility and authority. Each personnel must be assigned to a position
that corresponds to his experience, skills, training and knowledge. This is to carry out
different functions efficiently and effectively and thus insures smooth flow of the

The security positions may be classified into the following:

1. Office of the General Manager/Security Director

a. The office of the General Manager/Security Director is vested the authority
and responsibility of running the security force by authority of the President
of the Company/Corporation.
b. The General Manager/Security Director is directly responsible to the
President of the Company/Corporation in the operations and administration
of the security force.
c. He is the principal adviser to the president on matters involving security
operations, administration of the security force.

d. He is the overall head of both various staff departments and field units
where he may delegate corresponding authority commensurate to their
assigned responsibility.
e. He implements policies promulgated by the policy making body and
executed by the President.
f. He directs controls and supervises all offices and field units of the force in
their respective assigned tasks.
g. He performs other functions as directed by the President of the

2. Office of the Executive secretary of the General Manager

a. He is the principal administrative assistant to the General Manager/Security
b. He prepares communications initiated by the General Manager/Security
c. He maintains records of scheduled conferences, appointments and other
engagements and advises the GM/SD of such activities.

d. He records and checks outgoing communications signed by the GM/SD as

to its completeness (attachments to be considered) as well as to ensure the
timely dispatch to the addressee through the administrative section.
e. To perform other duties as directed by the General Manager/Security

3. Office of the Assistant General Manager/Security Executive Director

a. The Security Executive Director is the Assistant Manager of the Security
Force and takes the Operational and Administrative Management of the
security force in the absence of the GM/SD.
b. He is directly responsible to the GM/SD.
c. He performs other duties as directed by GM/SD.

4. Office of the Human Resources and Administrative Manager/Staff Director for
Personnel and Administration
a. The principal staff assistant to the General Manager/Security Director for
planning and supervising matters or activities pertaining to personnel
management and miscellaneous administrative functions such as:
b. Personnel Strengths
c. Replacement
d. Discipline, Law and Order
e. Morale and Personnel Services
f. Personnel Procedures
g. Interior Management
h. Personnel Adviser

5. Office of the Operations Manager/Staff Director for Operations

a. This office is the principal staff on operations, training, intelligence and

6. Office of the Finance

a. This office is principally concerned with budgeting, finance, reports control
and program review and analysis. Exercises supervision over the
management engineering activities of the company and the accounting
office. Renders advice, assistance and guidance to GM/SD on financial
management. Specific duties and functions of the Finance Office are:
b. Accounting
c. Credit and collection
d. Bookkeeping
e. Billing
f. Payroll and disbursing

7. Office of the Logistic Manager

This office is in charge with the following:
a. Coordinates plan and supervises the implementation of directive and
guidance determines divisional responsibility and evaluates in logistical
planning and related planning programs.
b. Develops, administers, and coordinates research and development on
logistical matters.
c. Collects and computes statistical data on logistical matters.
d. Recommends logistics budget policy including budget planning.
e. Prepares estimates and/or requirements to ensure that logistical plans
support for corporate plans.
f. Performs necessary program and fiscal administration.
g. Supervise all matters pertaining to supply.
h. Determine the organization, allocation of service personnel.
i. Plans for maintenance and repair of supplies and equipment.

8. Office of the Inspectorate and Special Projects (Special Staff)

a. This office assists the General Manager in inquiring into, and reports upon
matters pertaining to the performance of the different staff, units, towards
the attainment of corporate objectives. It also inquires on the state of
discipline, efficiency and economy of the company.
b. The Inspectorate Staff conducts inspections, investigations and submits
reports to the General Manager. In the performance of its duties and
functions, the General Manger is provided relevant information pertaining
to meritorious conduct and performance of a unit or individual.

c. This office is also tasked to conduct overt and covert inspections and
investigations and other related services.

9. Office of the Communications Officer

a. The Communications Officer who is a licensed radio operator is the principal
adviser of the General Manager on communication on matters pertaining to
radio communication.

10. The Detachment Commander/Officer-in-Charge

a. A Detachment Commander shall command and responsible for a certain
detachment, with fifteen (15) or more security personnel under him. He is
directly responsible to the Security Manager of the installation.
b. He prepares and executes the security plan of his detachment in relation to
the security requirements of the establishment being guarded.
c. He is responsible for the enforcement and implementation of rules and
regulations/ policies.
d. He receives instructions from the Security Manager and implements the
same as required.
e. He has full operational and administrative control of all his units to include
his assistant and shift-in-charge/supervisor.
f. He conducts inspection of his units and institutes corrective measures on
the spot on those problems he may detect or brought to his attention. If not
possible, he brings the problem to the Security Manager of the

11. Assistant Detachment Commander

a. Detachment with more than twenty (20) security personnel assigned may
be provided with an Assistant Detachment Commander who will be the
principal assistant of the Detachment Commander.
b. In the absence of the Detachment Commander, he performs the duties of
the Detachment Commander.

12. Shift-in-Charge
a. The Shift-in-Charge shall be responsible to the Detachment Commander as
far as his shift is concerned.
b. He forms his men at least 30 minutes before posting time seeing that all are
in proper uniform and presentable.
c. He disseminates instructions coming from his Detachment
Commander/OIC or those relayed to him by his counter-part, the outgoing
d. He inspects the posts as often as he can to ensure that his men are on the
alert and performing their duties effectively.
e. He performs other duties as may be directed by the Detachment
Commander or by the ADC.

13. Security Guard on Duty/Post

a. The Security Guard (SG) on Duty/Post must always carry his license to
practice his profession, Xerox copy of the firearm’s license assigned to him,
and his duty detail order, authorizing him to carry his issued firearm within
his area of jurisdiction.
b. If the Security Guard is manning a fixed post especially entrance or exit
points, he must maintain a guard’s logbook and enters in the same logbook
all events/passages of VIP’s vehicles and inspections or visits of Security
Manager/Director of the Client/Firm.
c. Guards must observe and apply religiously the provisions of the Code of
Ethics, Code of Conduct, and the General Orders of the Security Guard
when at post.

d. He may perform special task as may be directed by his shift supervisor, DC
and or ADC like control of visitors, inspections of bags of persons coming
in and going out of the establishment, vehicle cargoes, or prevents the
intrusion of unauthorized person in a particular area, etc.


Security Guard’s Creed:

As a Security Guard, my fundamental duty is to protect lives and properties and

maintained order within the vicinity or place of duty, protect the interest of my
employer and our clients and the security and stability of our government and
country without compromise and prejudice, honest in my action, words and
thought, and do my best to uphold the principle: MAKADIOS, MAKABAYAN AT

Ethical Standard: As security guard/detective, his fundamental duty is to serve

the interest or mission of his agency in compliance with the contract entered into with the
clients or customers of the agency he is to serve thus,

1. He shall be honest in thoughts and deeds both in his official actuation, obeying the
laws of the land and the regulations prescribed by his agency and those establish
by the company he is supposed to serve.
2. He shall not reveal any confidential matter committed to him as a security guard
and such other matters imposed upon him by law.
3. He shall act all times with decorum and shall not permit personal feelings,
prejudices and undue friendship to influence his actuation in the performance of
his official functions.
4. He shall not compromise with criminal and other lawless elements to the prejudice
of the customers or clients and shall assist government relentless drive against
lawlessness and other forms of criminality.
5. He shall carry out his assigned duties as required by law to the best of his ability
and shall safeguard life and property of the establishment he is assigned to.
6. He shall wear his uniform, badge, patches and insignia properly as a symbol of
public trust and confidence as an honest and trustworthy security guard, watchman
and private detective.
7. He shall keep his allegiance first to the government he is assigned to serve with
loyalty and utmost dedication.
8. He shall diligently and progressively familiarize himself with the rules and
regulations lay down by his agency and those of the customers or clients.
9. He shall at all times be courteous, respectful and salute his superior officers,
government officials and officials of the establishment where he is assigned and
the company he is supposed to serve.
10. He shall report for duty always in proper uniform and neat in his appearance
11. He shall learn at heart and strictly observe the laws and regulations governing the
use of firearm.

Code of Conduct: The watchman should abide by the following code of conduct:

1. He shall carry with him at all times during his tour of duty his license identification
card and duty detail order with an authority to carry firearms.
2. He shall not use his license and privileges to the prejudice of the public, the client
or customer and his agency.

3. He shall not engage in any unnecessary conversation with anybody except in the
discharge of his work and shall at all times keep himself alert during his tour of
4. He shall not read newspapers, magazines, books, etc., while actually performing
his duties.
5. He shall not drink any intoxicating liquor immediately before and during his tour of
6. He shall know the location of the alarm box near his post and sound the alarm in
case of fire or disorder.
7. He shall know how to operate any fire extinguishers at his post.
8. He shall know the location of the telephone and/or telephone number of the police
precincts as well as the telephone number of the fire stations in the locality.
9. He shall immediately notify the police in case of any sign of disorder, strike, riot or
any serious violations of the law.
10. He or his group or guards shall not participate or integrate any disorder, strike, riot
or any serious violations of the law.
11. He shall assist the police in the preservation and maintenance of peace and order
and in the protection of life, property/having in mind that the nature of his
responsibilities is similar to that of the latter.
12. He shall familiarize himself with the Private Security Agency Law (RA5487) as
amended, and the PNP SAGSD implementing rules and regulations.
13. When issued a pass he should not lend his pass to anybody.
14. He shall always in proper uniform and shall always carry with him his basic
requirements, and equipment such as writing notebook, ball pen, nightstick (baton)
and/or radio. He shall endeavor at all times to merit and be worthy of the trust and
confidence of the agency he represents and the client he serves.

The 11 General Orders (GOs)

1. To take charge of this post and all companies property in view and protect/preserve
the same with utmost diligence.
2. To walk during tour of duty in military manner, keeping always in the alert and
observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
3. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
4. To repeat all calls from post more distant from the guardhouse where I am station.
5. To quit my post only when properly relieved.
6. To receive, obey and pass out to the relieving guard all order from company
officers or officials, supervisors post in charge or shift leaders.
7. To talk to no one except in the line of duty

8. To sound or call the alarm in case of fire or disorder

9. To call the superior officer in any case not covered by instructions.
10. To salute all company officials, superiors in the agency, ranking public officials and
commission officer of the AFP and officers of the PNP.
11. To be especially watchful at night and during the time of challenging to challenge
all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass or loiter without proper


Republic Act Number 5487 and its implementing rules and regulations prescribed
the minimum requirements for guards to be able to secure a license to exercise profession
as a security guard, private detective, security officer and security consultant.

General Requisites in the Security Profession

1. Filipino Citizen
2. Physically and mentally fit
3. Good moral character
4. Must not possess any disqualification

General Disqualification

1. Dishonourably discharge from the service in the PNP/AFP or any private

government entities.
2. Physically or mentally unfit
3. Conviction of a crime
4. Addicted to drugs or alcohol dummy of a foreigner
5. Elective or appointive government official
Basic Qualifications of an Agency Operator/Manager

In addition to the general qualifications, an operator should be:

a. At least 25 years of age
b. Commissioned officer, inactive or retired from AFP or PNP or a graduate of
Industrial Security Management with adequate training and experience in
the security business.

Basic Qualification of a Security Consultant

In addition to the general qualifications, a consultant should be:

a. Holder of Master Degree in Criminology, MPA, MNSA, Industrial
Management or LL.B.
b. Must have at least ten (10) years’ experience in the operation and
management of security business.

Basic Qualifications of a Security Officer:

In addition to the general qualifications, a security officer, should be:

a. At least graduated from Security Officers Training Course
b. A retired personnel in the PNP/AFP
c. Must not possess any of the disqualification.

Basic Qualifications of a Private Detective

In addition to the general qualification, a detective should possess any of the

a. BS Criminology Graduate
b. LL.B. holder
c. Graduate of a Criminal Investigation Course
d. Advance ROTC graduate

Basic Qualification of a Security Guard

In addition to the general qualifications, a security guard should-

a. Be at least high school graduate
b. Be at least 18 years of age but not more than 50 years old
c. Undergone pre-licensing training course
d. Passed a neuropsychiatry examination.
e. Be locally cleared with PNP or NBI

Desirable Qualities of Security Guards

1. Alertness- A good guard must be alert in spotting violators. This can be attained
by being watchful, dedicated and diligence.
2. Judgment- sound and good judgment is more than the use of common sense. It
is the arriving at wise and timely decision.
3. Confidence- it is the state of being sure; a state of the mind free from doubt or
misgivings. This attribute includes faith in oneself and in his abilities, which is
attained by job knowledge. Thorough and proper training plus good supervision
instils confidence.
4. Physical Fitness- security work is strenuous and demanding. Physical
conditioning is essential if he is to be a dependable guard.
5. Tactfulness- ability of the guard to deal with others successfully without offending.
In short, he can be firm but pleasant.
6. Self-Control- ability to take hold of oneself regardless of a provoking situation.
With self-control, the guard will do his work without being angry and the situation
will be on hand.

7. Interest, Loyalty, Responsible and Trustworthy, is also important attributes of

a reliable guard.

Licenses in the Security Profession

1. License to Operate- before a Private Security Agency (PSA) can operate; it has
to secure a License to Operate (LTO) categorized as either temporary or regular.
A temporary license is issued by the PNP thru Civil Security Croup Directorate
after the applicant /licensee should have complied with all the requirements while
it has less than two hundred guards. A regular license to operate is issued to the
PSA once it is qualified of having two hundred (200) or more license security guard
in its employ duly posted. Regular license is renewable every two (2) years.
2. Security Guard License- before a security guard can practice his profession; he
shall possess valid security license. The use of expired license is not allowed. In
case of doubt, licenses may be verified at the PNP SAGSD whether valid or fake.
3. Firearm’s License- all firearms of the security agency should be covered with
firearms license issued by the PNP through its Firearms Explosive Division under
the Civil Security Group, renewable every two years. No duplication of two or more
firearms with the same make and serial number shall be covered by one license.

Firearms and Weapons Authorized for Used of the Security Guard While on Duty

1. Handguns/Low-powered (cal. 22 and cal.38) not exceeding one FA for every two
guards employed.
2. Shotguns (not bigger than 12 gauge)
3. High-powered- when the agency is operating in areas where there is upsurge of
lawlessness and criminality as determined by the Chief PNP.

Guard’s Uniforms, Equipment and Paraphernalia

1. Set of Uniforms for Security Personnel

a. Headgear- Pershing cap for men and 2 ply cap for women
b. Service Bush Jacket- intended for Directorial and Staff officers
c. Service shirt
d. Service trouser
e. Service belt
f. Footwear

2. Color of Uniforms
a. Private Security Agency- navy blue (upper and lower)

b. Company Security Forces- light blue/light gray for upper and navy blue for
c. Government Security Forces- white for upper and navy blue for lower

3. Ornaments and Patches

a. National badge
b. Cap device
c. Regulation buckle
d. Collar device
e. Name cloth
f. Agency/unit name cloth

4. Equipment and Paraphernalia

a. Leather pistol belt with regulation buckle
b. Holster, black leather for pistol
c. Night stick with horizontal handle
d. Whistle with lanyard
e. Handheld radio
f. Pocket notebook and ball pens


1. Basis of Document and Information Security
2. Document Security System
3. Protection of Sensitive Information
The students must be able to:
1. explain the classification of documents;
2. evaluate the importance of document and information security; and
3. differentiate the types of classified documents and the extent of
protection extended.


The leakage of document and information cost government, business and industry
alike, billions of pesos. A rival company or an enemy agent might use an illegally obtain
document and information for their own advantage. For this reason, a comprehensive and
information security program is very essential to the installation in order to focus freely on
the attainment of its goals and objectives.

Basis of Document and Information Security

Security of documents and information is based on the premise that the

government has the right and duty to protect official papers from unwarranted and
indiscriminate disclosure. In answer to this problem, Malacanang, Manila dated August
14, 1964 entitled “Promulgating rules governing security of classified matters in
Government Officers” was promulgated in order to safeguard our secrets as secrets.

There are various laws likewise effecting security of official papers of the
government, namely, appropriate articles of the Revised Penal Code as amended and
commonwealth Act 616 as amended. Any violations of the provisions of Memorandum
Circular No. 78 shall be dealt administrative proceedings without prejudice to offense
under provisions soft the cited penal statutes. The unauthorized publication of any
classified information shall be deemed a violation of Memorandum Circular No. 78 by the
parties responsible thereof.

Standard Rules

The authority and responsibility for the preparation and classification of classified
matter rest exclusively with the originating office.

Classified matter should be classified according to their content and not to the file
in which they are held or of another document to which they refer, except radiograms or
telegrams referring to previously classified radiograms or telegram.

Classification should be made as soon as possible by placing the appropriate

marks of the matter to be classified.

Each individual whose duties allow access to classified matter, or each individual
who possesses knowledge of classified matter while it is in his possession and shall
insure that dissemination of such classified matter is on the “need-to-know” basis and to
property cleared persons only.


Documents Security is that aspect of security which involves the application of

security measures for the proper protection and safeguarding of classified information.

Classification Categories - Official matter which requires protection in the interest of

national security shall be limited to four categories of classification which in descending
order of importance shall carry one of the following designations:



In Document and Information Security, a matter includes everything, regardless of

its physical character, or in which information is recorded or embodied. Documents,
equipment, projects, books, reports, articles, notes, letters, drawings, sketches, plans,
photographs, recordings, machinery, models, apparatus, devices, and all other products
or substances fall within the general term “matter”. Information, which is transmitted orally,
is considered “matter” for purposes of security.

Security Clearance is the certification by a responsible authority that the person

described is cleared for access to classified matter the appropriate level. Need-to-know
is the principle whereby access to classified matter may only be given to those persons
to whom it is necessary for the fulfilment of their duties. Persons are not entitled to have
access to classified matter solely by virtue of their status or office. It is a requirement that
the dissemination of classified matters be limited strictly to persons whose official duty
requires knowledge or possession thereof.

Certificated of Destruction is the certification by a witnessing officer that the

classified matters describe therein has been disposed of in his presence, approved
destruction methods.

Classified refers to assign information by one of the four classification categories.
Security Clearance refers to the administrative determination that an individual is eligible
for access to classified matter. Compromise means loss of security, which results from
an authorized persons obtaining knowledge of classified matter. Compartmentation is the
grant of access to classified matter only to properly cleaved persons in the performance
of their official duties.

Declassify is the removal of security classification from classified matter.

Reclassify / Re grading is the act of changing the assigned classification of matter. Up-
grading is the act of assigning to a matter of higher classification to a classified document.

What are Top Secret Matters?

These are information and material (matter), the unauthorized disclosure of which
would cause exceptionally grave damage to the nation, politically, economically or from
a security aspect. This category is reserved for the nation’s closest secrets and is to be
used with great reserve.

Classification Authority

The original classification authority for assignment of TOP SECRET classification

rests exclusively with the head of the department. This power may however, be delegated
to authorized offices in instances when the necessity for such arises. Derivative
classification authority for TOP SECRET classification (authority for) may be granted
those officers who are required to give comments or responses to a communication that
necessitates TOP-SECRETS response.

Examples of Top Secret Documents

✓ Very important political documents regarding negotiation for major

✓ Major governmental projects such as proposal to adjust the nation’s
✓ Military – Police defense class/plans
✓ Capabilities of major successes of Intel services.
✓ Compilations of data individually classified as secret or lower but which
collectively should be in a higher grade.
✓ Strategies plan documenting overall conduct of war.
✓ Intel documents revealing major Intel production effort permitting an
evaluation by recipients of the success and capabilities of Intel agencies.
✓ Major government project like drastic proposals.

What are Secret Matters?

These Information and material (matter), the unauthorized disclosure of which

would endanger national security, cause serious injury to the interest or prestige of the
nation or of any governmental activity or would be of great advantage to a foreign nation.

A secret grading is justified if:

1. It materially influences a major aspect of military tactics;

2. It involves a novel principle applicable to existing important projects;
3. It is sufficiently revolutionary to result in a major advance in existing techniques
or in the performance of existing secret weapons;
4. It is liable to compromise some other projects so already graded.

Classification Authority – Same as TOP SECRET matter.

Examples of Secret Documents

✓ Those that jeopardize or endanger Intel relations of a nation.

✓ Those that compromise defence plans, scientific or technological development.
✓ Those that reveal important intelligence operations.
✓ War plans or complete plans for future war operations not included in top secret.
✓ Documents showing disposition of forces.
✓ New designs of aircraft projections, tanks, radar and other devices.
✓ Troop movement to operational areas.
✓ Hotel plans and estimates order of battle info.

What are Confidential Matters?

These are information and material (matter) the unauthorized disclosure of which,
while not endangering the national security, would be prejudicial to the interest or prestige
of the nation or any governmental activity, or would cause administrative embarrassment
or unwarranted injury to an individual or would be of advantage to a foreign nation.

Confidential grading is justified if:

a. It is more than a routine modification or logical improvement of existing
materials and is sufficiently advanced to result in substantial improvement in
the performance of existing CONFIDENTIAL weapons.
b. It is sufficiently important potentially to make it desirable to postpone knowledge
of its value reaching a foreign nation.
c. It is liable to compromise some other project already so graded.

Classification Authority – Any officer is authorized to assign confidential classification

to any matter in the performance of his duties.

Examples of Confidential Documents

✓ Plans of government projects such as roads, bridges, building, etc.

✓ Routine service reports like operations and exercise of foreign power.
✓ Routine intelligence reports.
✓ Certain Personnel records, Staff matters.

What are Restricted Matters?

These are information and material (matter), which require special protection other
than that determined to be TOP SECRET, SECRET, or CONFIDENTIAL.

Authority to classify shall be the same as for CONFIDENTIAL matter. Reproduction

is authorized. Transmission shall be through the normal dissemination system.

Control of Classified Matters

Custody and accounting of classified matter – Heads of departments handling

classified matter shall issue orders designating their respective custodians of classified
matter. Custodian shall:

a. Store all classified matter.
b. Maintain a registry of classified matter showing all classified matter received
and to whom transmitted.
c. Maintain current roster of persons authorized access to classified matter for
each classification in the office.
d. Insure physical security for classified matter.
e. Conduct an inventory of all TOP SECRET matter as specified in paragraph 7
(Memo Cir Nr 78/196).
f. Upon his relief, account for all TOP SECRET and SECRET matter by inventory
and transmit the same to his successor.

Unauthorized keeping of private records – All government personnel are

prohibited from keeping private records, diaries, or papers containing statement of facts
or opinions, either official or personal, concerning matters which are related to or which
affects national interest or security. Also prohibited are the collecting of souvenirs or
obtaining for personal use whatsoever any matter classified in the interest of national

Dissemination – Dissemination of classified matter shall be restricted to properly

cleared persons whose official duties required knowledge or possession thereof.
Responsibility for the determination of “need-to-know” rests upon both each individual,
who has possession, knowledge or command control of the information involve, and the

Disclosures to other departments of classified information originating from

another department

Classified matter originating from another department shall not be disseminated to

other departments without the consent of the originating department.

Release of Classified Matter outside a Department

General Policy. – No person in the government shall convey orally, visually or by

written communication any classified matter outside his own department unless such
disclosures has been processed and cleared by the department head or his authorized

Release of classified matter to Congress

Government personnel, when giving oral testimony before Congressional

Committee involving classified matter, shall advice the committee of the classification
thereof. Government personnel called upon to testify shall obtain necessary and prior
instruction from his department head concerning disclosure.

When Congressional members visit government offices, department heads are

authorized to release classified matter which is deemed and adequate response to an
inquiry provided that it is required in the performance of official functions.

Disclosure to Foreign Government or Nationals

1. Its use shall be solely for the purpose for which the classified matter is requested.
2. It shall be treated or handled in accordance with the classified categories of the
originating office.
3. Handling shall be made by security-cleared personnel.

4. Reproduction and dissemination shall not be made without the consent of the
department head.

Disclosure of classified matter for publication

Classified matter shall be released for public consumption only upon the consent
of the department head or his authorized representative. However, in instances where
there is a demand or need for releasing classified information, extreme caution must be
exercised to analyze in detail contents of the classified matter before release. Normally
all information are released through Public Information Officers. Public Information
Officers should be assisted in the analysis of classified information by the Security Officer.

Purpose of Protecting Classified Materials

1. Deter and impede potential spy

2. Assist in security investigations by keeping accurate records of the moments of
classified materials.
3. Enforce the use of “Need to Know” principle

Categories of Document for Security Purposes

1. Category A
a. Information which contains reportable time sensitive, order of battle and
significant information.
b. It should be given priority because it is critical information.

c. It must be forwarded without delay.

d. It is critical to friendly operations.
e. It requires immediate action.

2. Category B
a. Anything that contains communications, cryptographic documents, or
systems that should be classified as secret and requires special handling.
b. Higher authorities should declassify it.

3. Category C
a. Other information, which contains something that could be an intelligence
b. Contains exploitable information regardless of its contents.
c. Unscreened materials/documents should be categorized as Category C.

4. Category D
a. No value, yet lower level will classify documents as category D.
b. No decision must be made at the lower echelon that document has no
value. It is the responsibility of the higher Headquarters.

Three (3) Security Concepts

1. Personnel are the weakest link in the security chain.

2. Training is important to make security personnel conscious and realize the value
of document.
3. Training is necessary for the practice of “Need to Know” principle.

Rules for Classification of Documents

1. Documents shall be classified according to their content.

2. The overall classification of a file or of a group of physically connected therein.
Pages, paragraphs, sections or components thereof may bear different
classifications. Documents separated from file or group shall be handled in
accordance with their individual classification.
3. Transmittal of documents or endorsements which do not contain classified
information or which contain information classified lower than that of the preceding
element or enclosure shall include a notation for automatic downgrading.
4. Correspondence, Indexes, receipts, reports of possession transfer or destruction,
catalogues, or accession list shall not be classified if any reference to classified
matter does not disclosed classified information.
5. Classified matter obtained from other department shall retain the same original


Proprietary information is information that in some special way relates to the status
or activities of the possessor and over which the possessor asserts ownership. In the
business community, proprietary information relates to the structure, products or business
methods of the organization. It is usually protected in some way against causal or general

All proprietary information is confidential, but not all confidential information is

proprietary. For example, confidential personnel data in employee files is not considered
as proprietary although the company treats it as confidential.

Types of Proprietary Information

1. Trade Secrets- this consist of any formula, pattern, device or compilation of

information which is used in one’s business and which gives him an opportunity to
gain an advantage over competitors who do not know or us e it. It may be a formula
for a chemical compound a process of manufacturing, treating or preserving
materials, a pattern for machine or device, or a list of customers. It differs from
other secret information as to single or ephemeral events. A trade secret is a
process or device for continuous use in the protection of the business.

2. Patents- this is a grant made by the government to an inventor, conveying or

securing to him the exclusive right to make, use, or sell his invention for term of

Primary Distinctions Between Patents and Trade Secrets

1. Requirements for obtaining a patent are specific. To qualify for a patent the
invention must be more than novel and useful. It must represent a positive
contribution beyond the skill of the average person.
2. A much lower of novelty is required of a trade secret.
3. A trade secret remains secret as long as it continues to meet trade secret tests
while the exclusive right to patent protection expires after 17 years.

Proprietary Information Protection Program

Realizing that the most serious threat to trade secrets is the employee, a measure
of protection is often realized through the use of employee agreements which restrict the
employee’s ability to disclose information without specific authorization to the company.
The following countermeasures may be adopted:

1. Policy and procedure statements regarding all sensitive information.
2. Pre and post-employment screening and review.
3. Non-disclosure agreements from employees, vendors, contractors and visitors.
4. Non-competitive agreements with selected employees.
5. Awareness programs
6. Physical security measures
7. Informed monitoring of routine activities.


1. Risk Analysis
2. Risk management alternative and strategies
3. Security hazard
The students must be able to:
1. to distinguish the different types of security hazard;
2. analyze the importance of barriers;
3. assess the extent of risk to security
4. examine the level of security needed in different establishments;


What is a Risk?
It is the
potential damage or
loss of an asset. The
level of risk is a
combination of two factors: The value placed on that asset by its owner and the
consequence, impact adverse effect of the loss or damage to that asset and; the likelihood
that a specific vulnerability will be exploited by a particular threat.

What is Risk Management?

It is a process of selecting and implementing security countermeasures to achieve
an acceptable level of risk at an acceptable cost.

What is Risk Analysis?

It is the analysis of risk include examinations of the vulnerability, probability and
criticality of potential threats and include natural and man-made risk

What is an Adversary?
An individual, group, organization, or government that conducts activities or has
the intention and capability to conduct activities detrimental to the individual, private or
government entity.

What is Asset?

Any information, facility, material, information, or activity which has a positive value
to its owner whether it is an individual, private or government entity.

What are Countermeasures?

An action taken or a physical entity used to reduce or eliminate one or more
vulnerabilities. The cost of possible countermeasures may be monetary, but may also
include non-monetary cost such as reduced operational efficiency, adverse publicity
unfavorable working conditions, and political consequences.

What is Probability?
It is the chance or likelihood that a loss will take place. Indicated by a mathematical
statement concerning the possibility of an event occurring

What is Criticality?
It is the impact of a loss as measured in financial terms. How important it is in terms
of the survival or existence of the organization.


1. Risk Avoidance- eliminating or removing the risk totally from the business,
government, or industrial environment for which the risk manager has

2. Risk Reduction- decreasing the risk by minimizing the probability of the potential
loss. The reduction of criminal opportunity is often accomplished by situational
crime [prevention strategies to discourage, deter, or deny criminal incidents.

3. Risk Spreading- spreading the risk through compartmentation or decentralization

to limit the impact (criticality) of the potential loss.

4. Risk Transfer- moving the financial impact of the potential loss-over to an

insurance company.

5. Risk Self-assumption- planned assumption and acceptance of the potential risk

by making a deliberate managerial decision of doing nothing about the threat, or
setting aside resources for use in case of a specific loss incident.


Any act or condition which may result in the compromise of information, loss of life,
loss or destruction of property or disruption of the objective of the installation.

Types of Hazards

1. Natural Hazard- these are hazards which arise from natural phenomena. The
following are types of natural hazards or disasters:
a. Floods caused by typhoons
b. Earthquakes
c. Fire (not caused by human action)
d. Storms (typhoons, cyclones, tornado and hurricane)
e. Lighting storms
f. Extreme temperature and humidity

2. Human-Man made
Hazards- These are hazards
which are the result of a state of mind, attitude, weaknesses or character traits of
one or more persons. They can be acts of commission or omission, both overt and
covert, which can disrupt operation of a plant or installation. The following are types
of human or man-made hazards:
a. Carelessness- accidents and dissatisfaction
b. Disloyalty-subversion and sabotage
c. Espionage, pilferage and theft
d. Vandalism, etc


Sabotage as security hazard – As earlier

defined, sabotage is deliberate destruction
or deliberate damaging or destroying or destroying property or equipment.

1. Description of saboteur:

a. He is the most dangerous for whom security will have to deal with while planning and
implementing security measure and techniques.

b. He is and ordinary looking as the guy next door but in his mind, he has the training in
the deception, knowledgeable in incendiaries, explosives, chemistry, bacteriology,
mechanics and psychology.

c. He can work alone, in group, or simultaneously in the several places.

2. As initial security measure, saboteur target are any of the following;
a. Arm Forces installation
b. Natural Resources- mine, forest farm and farm product
c. Industries like the buildings, power sources, machineries, fuel etc.
d. Warehouses depots, communication, public utilities, etc.

3. Countermeasure against Sabotage

a. Used and efficient, alert and train guard force.
b. Used of physical security aid like barriers, personnel and vehicular control,
intrusion devices. Communication systems, and electric aids.
c. Proper screening of personnel
d. Identification and movement control
e. Searches on incoming vehicle
f. Safeguarding of classified information
g. designation of restricted areas
h. Investigation of breaches of security
i. Security education and indoctrination
j. Good housekeeping method
k. Effective and compatible emergency planning
l. Regular audit
m. Continuing background check


Espionage as Security Hazard- As earlier stated, espionage is a hazard because it may

cause unauthorized disclosures of company information, processes and procedures.

1. Description of espionage agent

a. He is a very dangerous adversary and this skills in deception and his cunning should
never be under estimated.

b. He is usually person of extensive training and will be highly effective in gaining the
confidence of people and extracting information of value to be relayed to his employer or

c. Even how well trained and espionage agent he might be, he is a human like the
saboteur and he can be defeated in his own game if proper methods and techniques, are
under taken.

2. Some methods Employment by Espionage Agent

a. Stealing or information from employees
b. Stealing information from records or other sources.
c. Using various methods of reproducing documents products, equipment or
d. Using “ front’ as commercial concern, travel agencies association, business
groups and
other organization to obtain confidential information or data.
e. Using various form of treats to obtain information.

f. Using blackmail technique using intimate and details concerning and individual
g. Picking or securing information in social and other gatherings.
h. Penetration and operational tactics.

3. Countermeasure against industrial Espionage

a. Careful and pre-employment measures designed to control threats of industrial


b. Continuing personnel check on employees and particularly personnel on sensitive

positions even already employed.

c. Prevention of unauthorized entry to the plant or industrial installation.

d. Restricting of movement of personnel in the premises of the plant.

e. Controlled disposal of waste papers including carbon in classified work.

f. Only properly cleared personnel should handle classified document.


Subversive Hazard Activity as a Security Hazard- This is clearly a security hazard

because it disrupt s normal operation within a certain organization or institution.

1. Threats of subversive Activity

a. It can be local or national in nature in their mission I to undermine the authority weaken
the organization, and eventually take over. This can be business or any activity.
b. This can be the form of rumor mongering propaganda, undermining morale, and
injecting defeatist attitudes and other emotion approaches.

b. It is an activity not easy to detect.

2. Counter measures to subversive activity

a. The spreading of rumors, written materials, slogans, or any other devices to confuse
the network population and discredit the government should be immediately reported.

b. Labor and other company unions can be infiltrated so that strikes and ‘slowdowns” can
be called disrupt the normal operation of a plant or installation.

c. Security force should be alerted for person trying to recruit others organizing movement
for peace anti- colonials, anti- trade imperialism.

d. Employees or outside personnel seeking memberships in’ paper organization’ should

report this activity to security.

e. Other methods of subversion like united fronts, mob action, terrorism, and sabotage
well be done to gain subversive end.


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