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Siemens S7-1200/S7-1500 &

Siemens TIA portal software

SIMATIC S7 Overview
Positioning of the Modular S7 Controllers
S7-1200 : Modular Controller
S7-1200 : Installation & Mounting Positions
S7-1500 : Modular Controller
S7-1500 : Installation & Mounting Positions
S7-1500 Front Connector
S7-1500 : CPU Display
S7-1500 : Distributed I/O System

S7-300 I/O Module S7-1500 I/O Module

What is a TIA ?

Totally Integrated Automation Portal

Release 1979 Release 1995 Release 2010

TIA portal Version

V11 SP1 V11 SP2

V12 SP1 V12 SP2

V13 SP1 V13 SP2

V14 SP1 V14 SP2

Release 2019

Release 2021
What is New

The complete package for Siemens engineering

Step 7 Wincc & Winflex SIMOCODE&SIRIUS

Startdrive SIMOTION Energy

Step 7 VS TIA
TIA : Portal View and Project View
TIA : Portal View and Project View
TIA : Portal View
TIA : Project View
TIA : Project Tree
TIA : Inspector Window
TIA : Save Project
TIA : Archiving/Retrieving a Project
TIA : Help Function
TIA : Device & Networks
TIA : Device View ( Hardware Configuration)
TIA : Hardware Catalog
TIA : Online Function & Hardware Configuration

Assigning an IP Address for the PG

TIA : Online Function & Hardware Configuration
TIA : Online Function & Hardware Configuration
TIA : Troubleshooting
TIA : Troubleshooting
TIA : Troubleshooting
TIA : Troubleshooting
TIA : Troubleshooting
TIA : Troubleshooting
TIA : Troubleshooting
TIA : Troubleshooting
TIA : Troubleshooting
TIA : Troubleshooting
Exercise of TIA
Exercise 1
Determining the CPU Firmware Version
Assigning IP Address
Exercise 1
Determining the CPU Firmware Version
Assigning IP Address
Exercise 2
Connecting The PG
Setting the IP Address of PG
Exercise 3
Creating New Project
Exercise 4
Adding a New Device
Exercise 5
Reading –Out the Actual Configuration
Exercise 6
Parameterizing the System Clock Memory Byte
Exercise 7
Addresses Of Digital Input
Exercise 8
Addresses Of Digital Output
Exercise 9
Compiling the Device Configuration
and Download it into CPU

Exercise 9
Compiling the Device Configuration
and Download it into CPU


1 2
Exercise 9
Compiling the Device Configuration
and Download it into CPU

PLC Tags: Details View of PLC Tags
PLC Tags: Finding/Replacing/ Sorting PLC Tags
PLC Tags: Error Indicator in the PLC Tag Table
PLC Tags: Renaming/Rewiring PLC Tags
PLC Tags: HMI Access to PLC Tags
Exercise 1:Creating a Conveyor Tag Table
From Hardware

Step1: Creating Table Name “Conveyor”

Step2: Creating Input Tags “Start_PB”, “Stop_PB”, “Emergency_PB”, “Run”
Step3: Creating Output Tags “CommandStart_Forward”, “CommandStart_Reverse”
Step4: Compiling and Download
Binary Operation

Normally Open input

Normally Closed input

Exercise 1: Creating NO,NC Contract

click and drag a Normally Open contact over to the left of the first ladder

1. Click and drag a NO contract

from Left to work area
Exercise 1: Creating NO,NC Contract

2. Assigning Output From Hardware

1. Assigning Input From Hardware

3. Download
Exercise 1: Creating NO,NC Contract
Exercise 1: Creating NO,NC Contract

1. Change to NC Contract 2. Download

Exercise 1: Creating NO,NC Contract
Exercise 2: Assignment AND,OR Logic
Exercise 3: Assignment Set, Reset, NOT
Exercise 4: Assignment Flip Flops
Exercise 5: Assignment Edge Evaluation (P, N)
Data Type : Integer (INT)
Data Type : Double Integer (DINT)
Data Type : Real ( Floating –Point Number)
Data Type : Elementary Data Type
Data Type : Timer, Date and Time-of-day
Data Type : Display Formats
Exercise 1: Counter
Exercise 1: Counter
Exercise 1: Counter

1. Enter Counter Name

1. Enter Counter Name
2. Click OK 4. If Select Manual
3. Enter Counter Value Must Key in Number
Of Block
4. Download
2. Click OK

5. Download

3. Enter Counter Value Set point

Exercise 1: Counter

1. Counter Activating

2.Counter Activated
Exercise 2: Timer
Exercise 2: Timer

1. Enter Timer Name

4. If Select Manual
Must Key in Number
Of Block

2. Click OK

5. Download

3. Enter Time Value Set point In

t#xxx S format
Exercise 2: Timer

1. Timer Activating

2.Timer Activated
Exercise 2: Timer

Timer type Changing

Double Click at Time symbolic near timer name

Exercise 3: Comparator

Compare Value from Counter Exercise

Exercise 4: Basic Mathematical

Using ADD Function instead Counter

Data Block: Global variables
Data Block: Default, Start and
Monitoring Values
Data Block: Optimized Block Access
Data Block: Editing, Saving,
Monitoring a Data Block
Data Block: HMI Access
Exercise 1: Creating Global Data Block

1. Add New Data Block

1. Add new block

2. Select Data Block
3. Enter block Name
4. Click OK
3. Enter Block Name

4. If Select Manual
Must Key in Number
Of Block

2. Select Data Block Icon

5. Click OK
Exercise 1: Creating Global Data Block

Data element assignments

** No addressing
** No Retentive
Exercise 1: Optimized Data Block


Function: Management of the Local Data
Function: Temporary Variables
Function: Declaration of Formal Parameters
Function: Editing a Parameter-assignable Block
Function: Calling a Parameter-assignable Block
Function: Function VS Function Block



Function Block = Function + Data Block

Exercise 1: Creating New Function

1. Add New Data Block

1. Add new block

2. Select Function
3. Enter block Name
4. Click OK

3. Enter Block Name

4. If Select Manual
Must Key in Number
Of Function
2. Select Function Icon

5. Click OK
Exercise 2: Declaration of Parameters

Exercise 3: Programming the
Parameter-assignable Function
Exercise 4: Calling and Parameterizing
of Function

1. Open OB1

3. Download
Exercise 5: Function simulation
Exercise 1: Creating New Function Block

1. Add New Data Block

1. Add new block
2. Select Function Block 3. Enter Block Name
3. Enter block Name
4. Click OK

4. If Select Manual
Must Key in Number
Of Function
2. Select Function Block

5. Click OK
Exercise 2: Declaration of Parameters

Exercise 3: Programming the
Parameter-assignable Function Block
Exercise 4: Programming the
Parameter-assignable Function Block

1. Open OB1
4. If Select Manual
Must Key in Number
3. Enter Block Name Of Data Block

5. Click OK

6. Download
Exercise 5: Function Block simulation

Design Program for Control motor starter Start-Delta

Design Motor State
Design Program for Count motor Run Hour 0 = Stop
Design Setting Time for Switch Start to Delta 1 = Run Start
2 = Run Delta
3 = Fault
Panels Overview
Panels Overview



Panels Overview

SIMATIC HMI Comfort Panels


Panels Overview

SIMATIC Industry Panel PCs

Panels Advantage
Adding a HMI Device
WINCC Configuration Area
Button and Input / Output Fields
Graphic Designer: Toolboxes

1. Basic Objects : Shape,

Text, Picture

2. Elements: Numerical
Set point and Display,
Button, Graph, Symbols

3. Controls : Trend View,

Alarm View, Recipe,VDO
Graphic Designer :Shape

1. Properties
Graphic Designer :Shape

1. Animation

1.1 Appearance :
Define the Color

1.2 Visible : Define

Graphic Designer :Appearance

1. Appearance

1.1 Tag in Operation

1.2 Method of Tag


1.3 Condition of
Graphic Designer :Visibility

1. Visibility

1.1 Tag in Operation

1.3 Condition of

1.2 Method of Tag

Graphic Designer: Toolboxes

1. Basic Objects : Shape,

Text, Picture

2. Elements: Numerical
Set point and Display,
Button, Graph, Symbols

3. Controls : Trend View,

Alarm View, Recipe, VDO
Graphic Designer: Numerical

1. Properties

1.1 Tag in Operation

1.3 Format of

1.2 Type of
1.4 Format pattern
of Numerical
Graphic Designer: Button

1. Properties

1.1 Mode of Button

1.2 Label Of Button

Graphic Designer: Button

1.2 Action Of Button

1. Even Of Button

1.3 Condition of
Buttons Action
Graphic Designer: Toolboxes

1. Basic Objects : Shape,

Text, Picture

2. Elements: Numerical
Set point and Display,
Button, Graph, Symbols

3. Controls : Trend View,

Alarm View, Recipe, VDO
Graphic Designer: Trend

1. Trend Properties

2. Trend Table
Graphic Designer: Alarm

1. Alarm Properties

2. Alarm Setting
TIA: Menu Bar

1. Runtime Setting

2. Screen

3. Popup Screen

4. HMI Tags Table

5. Connection configuration

6. Alarm Message

7. Text and Graphic Display

Configuration the IP Address of a Touch panel
Networking a Touch Panel
Configuring a HMI Connection
Setting the IP Address on the Touch Panel
Downloading the HMI Project
into the Touch Panel
Exercise 1 : Adding a HMI Device

Name Of HMI Project

5. Click OK
Exercise 2 : Networking Of Touch Panel
Select Network
Exercise 3 : Configuring the HMI Connection
Exercise 4 : Graphic Designer
Exercise 4 : Graphic Designer

Design Motor State

0 = Stop ; Gray Color
1 = Run Start ; Yellow Color
2 = Run Delta ; Green Color
3 = Fault = Red Color
Exercise 4 : Graphic Designer

When Button Active will Show Green Color

Exercise 4 : Graphic Designer

1. Properties

1.1 Tag in Operation

1.3 Format of

1.2 Type of
Numerical 1.4 Format pattern
of Numerical
Exercise 5 : Compiling and Save the HMI Project
Exercise 6 : Setting the IP Address
on the TP Panel
Exercise 7 : Downloading the HMI Project
into the Touch Panel
Exercise 8 : Adjust the Step 7 Program


Exercise 8 : HMI Simulation
Thank you for your attention

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