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Compose an

Lesson Independent
1 Critique of a
Chosen Selection
English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:
Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
At the end of the lesson, the students are
expected to:
1. Define what critique and critiquing are;
2. Evaluates sample critiques about works of fiction;
3.Compose an independent critique of a selection
4.Show willingness in accomplishing the tasks given.

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
Activity 1


English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
1. How they present or dress themselves
2. How they behave in class
3. Their personality with their friends
4. Their principles and beliefs in life (the
judge will ask this question to their

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
From the answers you got from your
partner, evaluate their responses and write
your overall assessment.

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
A critique is a genre of academic
writing that briefly summarizes and
critically evaluates a work or concept.
This is an in-depth evaluation of a
story, novel, film, or other
reading/viewing materials for the
purpose of giving the public an insight
into the text.
English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:
Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
➢ Creative works – novels,
exhibits, film, images, poetry
➢ Research – monographs,
journal articles, systematic
reviews, theories
➢ Media – news reports, feature

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
Like an essay, a critique uses a
formal, academic writing style and
has a clear structure, that is, an
introduction, body and

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
Writing a critique requires you to
reassemble the elements in such a
way that your intended audience has a
better understanding of the story’s
flaws and highlights.

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
Why do we write critiques?
Writing a critique on a selection helps
us to develop:
➢ A knowledge of the selection’s subject area
or related works.
➢ An understanding of the selection’s purpose,
intended audience, development of problem,
structure of evidence or creative style.
➢ A recognition of the strengths and
weaknesses of the selection.
English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:
Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
How to write a critique
Before you start writing, it is important
to have a thorough understanding of
the selection that will be critiqued.
➢ Study the selection carefully.
➢ Make notes on key parts of the selection.
➢ Develop an understanding of the main topic
or purpose being expressed in the selection.
➢ Consider how the selection relates to a
broader problem or context.
English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:
Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
Critiques contain a careful evaluation
mainly on the following elements of a
narrative: characterization, setting,
conflict, plot, dialogue, theme, and

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
David Farland (2017) and
other critics enumerated
some questions one might
use to judge a story or other

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
• Setting: How well was the
setting developed? Does it
appeal to more than one of the
senses? Does it inform or
connect to other aspects of the
story such as character
development and narrative style.

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
• Characterization: How well-
drawn are the characters in the
story? Do we know enough
about them (life, attitudes, some
type of history, etc.) to make
them interesting and relatable?
Are there unnecessary
English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:
Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
• Conflict and Plot: Is there a
conflict in the story? Is the plot
interesting, original and well-
developed? Are there
unnecessary and confusing

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
• Theme: How well does the story
speak to the readers? Does it
raise questions about life, or
provide profound insights?

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
• Style: How distinctive or unique
is the writing style? Are there
literary devices or techniques
used? Is it purposeful? Does the
style remind you of any other
authors you have read?

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
Activity 2


By Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
1. Every act of kindness is an expression of love.
2. A dark leaden-colored mass is creeping over the sky towards
the sun. In a minute there will be a spurt of May rain and a real
CHARACTERIZATION storm will begin.
PLOT 3. Terenty is a tall old man with a thin, pock-marked face, very
SETTING long legs, and bare feet, dressed in a woman’s tattered jacket,
THEME looking with drowsy eyes.
4. Terenty and Fyokla’s feet are covered with lumps of heavy,
wet clay. It is slippery and difficult to walk, but Terenty strides
DIALOGUE on more and more rapidly. The weak little beggar-girl is
breathless and ready to stop.
5. “It’s terrible how it is thundering,” the boy says again, rubbing
his hand.

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
• Name of the author, title of the work, date the work was
• Purpose of the selection.
• Give a brief summary, including a description, background or
context of the work.
• Explain the context in which the selection was created. This
could include the social or political context, the place of the
work in a creative or academic tradition, or the relationship
between the selection and the creator’s life experience.

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021

• Indicate the elements you want to examine and state the

purpose of your critique.
• Have a concluding sentence that signposts what your
evaluation of the selection will be. For instance, it may
indicate whether it is a positive, negative, or mixed

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
• This section should give a systematic and
detailed assessment of the different elements
of the selection, evaluating how well the
creator was able to achieve the purpose
through these. For example: assess the plot
structure, characterization and setting of a
English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:
Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
➢ A statement indicating the overall evaluation of
the selection’s value, worth and significance (both
positive and negative).
➢ A summary of the key reasons, identified during
the critical evaluation, why this evaluation was
➢ In some circumstances, recommendations for
improvement on the selection may be appropriate.
English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:
Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
Here are some additional reminders that budding
critics need to take note of when writing a critique:
• Avoid introducing your ideas by stating “I think” or “In
my opinion” because this weakens the analysis.
• Always introduce the work. Do not assume that the
readers know what you are writing about and that
you don’t need to mention some details anymore.
• To be able to write a good critique and help readers
understand the story, you yourself should know well
what you are writing about.
English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:
Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
What genre is it? Adventure? Fantasy?
Context Drama?

Introduction What is the author trying to accomplish in the

Author’s Intention story? If the story is meant to be funny or
meant to teach you a lesson but it didn’t pull
off, then it’s failed its intention.

What do you think of the selection read? What

Your Reaction are your thoughts while reading it? (Note your
Evaluation reactions as you read. Whether writing them in
a blank sheet or just around the margin of the
book or paper.)
Ending of the Story Does the ending resolve the plot and bring
Conclusion closure to the crisis of the characters?

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
Group Activity

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
1. What is the genre of the book/movie?
2. What is the goal of the author?
3. What are your thoughts while reading it?
4. Are you satisfied with the ending? If not, how do you
want it to end if you are the author?

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
1. Was the genre of the book/movie found in the critique?
2. Was the goal of the author emphasized in the critique?
3. What are your thoughts while reading/listening to your
classmate’s critique?
4. Are you satisfied with the work of your classmates or
there is something lacking in their work?
5. What can you recommend to make improvements of
your classmate’s work?

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021

Read the sample critique entitled “Lee” and fill in the outline
with the necessary information that can be found in the

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
What genre is it? Adventure? Fantasy?
Context Drama?

Introduction What is the author trying to accomplish in the

Author’s Intention story? If the story is meant to be funny or
meant to teach you a lesson but it didn’t pull
off, then it’s failed its intention.

What do you think of the selection read? What

Your Reaction are your thoughts while reading it? (Note your
Evaluation reactions as you read. Whether writing them in
a blank sheet or just around the margin of the
book or paper.)
Ending of the Story Does the ending resolve the plot and bring
Conclusion closure to the crisis of the characters?

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021

“The Two Brothers” by Leo Tolstoy

English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:

Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021
English – Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 3:
Compose an Independent Critique First Edition, 2021

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