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Startupreneur Business Digital (SABDA)

Vol. 1 No. 2, October 2022


Social Media Analysis as a Marketing Strategy in

Online Marketing Business
Untung Rahardja
Master of Engineering, Universtiy of Raharja, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Article Info ABSTRACT

Information technology in the last few years has experienced fairly rapid development. During this period, a a platform that
/sabda.v1i2.120 allows people around the world to connect with each other
Article history: called social media. Today, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are
social media that is experiencing the fastest development. The
Notification Author three social media has begun to be widely used to promote a
02 September 2022 product and be used as a one of the marketing strategies by
Final Revised several business people. The purpose of this journal is to: to
explore the use of social media especially Facebook, Twitter and
20 September 2022 Instagram in online business marketing strategy. Research is
Published expected to be input for business people who want to use social
01 Oktober 2022 media as one of the media promotion of services and products.
This study aims to find out how the use of social media as a
Keywords: business strategy by some business people online based.
Sosial Media
Fourth keyword
Fifth keyword This is an open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license.

Corresponding Author:

Master of Engineering, Universtiy of Raharja, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

Internet is a tool to connect various types of individuals and groups from all over
the world.In the presence of internet geo-restrictions automatically eliminated, so that give
rise to a new spirit in communicating [1]. Internet too play a role in expanding original
marketing reach covers only regional or national can be wider to all over the world [2].
There are many products generated from the internet for support global marketing to the
whole world, one of them is the discovery of social media. Social media is a place gathering
of various kinds of individuals and groups and do activities communication [3]. Since its
appearance, social media has grown rapidly One example is development of Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram [4]. Facebook launched by Mark Zuckerberg and at the end of 2012
has have more than one member billion, even in a day there are at least 3.2 billion comment
and like on Facebook [5]. While Twitter since appeared in more of 400 million members.
As for users Instagram is estimated to reach 400 million users worldwide since its
appearance. Based on the data above, social media can be targeted as a share strategic
market to market product of a business [6]. Actors businesses are starting to realize and
implementing a marketing strategy with use social media to increase the number of

Journal homepage: 176

Startupreneur Business Digital (SABDA) P-ISSN: 2962-0279
Vol. 1 No. 2 October 2022 E-ISSN: 2962-0260

product sales or services offered [7]. The formulation of the problem in this research is how
the role of social media in particular Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as a marketing
strategy in business online?‟.Self research purposes is to find out to what extent the role
of social media as a strategy marketing in online business [8]. Literature Review There are
several references research used in this research, including research entitled
“Transactions” Buying and Selling Through Social Media”. This journal discusses about
the potential of social media as a means buy and sell [9]. The results of this study is the
most Facebook and Twitter often used in buying and selling transactions . The second
study refers to “Social Media Application Analysis As an Online Business Strategy” (Aditya
Wahana, 2014). This Research includes direct application Facebook and Twitter against
some online business people and preparation of business strategy with applying social
media as wrong a marketing tool [10]. The next literature is research entitled “Study of
Online Social Media Marketing Tool -Will This Today's Emerging Internet Marketing Tool
be an Effective Internet Marketing Tool of Tomorrow?”. This research explain the
importance of an actor business to study marketing online-based to a way to increase profit
after using online marketing media.

There are several references research used in this research, including research
entitled “Transactions” Buying and Selling Through Social Media”. This journal discusses
about the potential of social media as a means buy and sell [11]. The results of this study
is the most Facebook and Twitter often used in buying and selling transactions. The second
study refers to “Social Media Application Analysis As an Online Business Strategy”. This
Research includes direct application Facebook and Twitter against some online business
people and preparation of business strategy with applying social media as wrong a
marketing tool [12]. The next literature is research entitled “Study of Online Social Media
Marketing Tool -Will This Today's Emerging Internet Marketing Tool be an Effective Internet
Marketing Tool of Tomorrow?”. This research explain the importance of an actor business
to study marketing online-based to a way to increase profit after using online marketing
media. The theoretical basis used in this study include:
A. Marketing
According to Philip Kotler, marketing is a social and managerial process carried out
by individuals or a group for get her wish with create a product and exchange it for a
certain value with other parties [13]. Concepts The core of marketing includes needs,
desire, demand, production, utility, value and satisfaction; exchanges, transactions and
relationships market, marketing and market. Need is a state feeling a lack of satisfaction
certain basis. Desire is strong will for satisfaction specific to deeper needs [14]. While the
demand is desire for a specific product supported by ability and willingness to buy it [15].
B. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a the act or practice of introduce something through digital
distribution channel get the attention of the consumers in a relevant way. Digital Marketing
is how to marketing for a brand or products using media digital. Which includes digital
media These include: television, radio, internet, mobile phone, social media and various
digital media other media, where techniques internet marketing is included in digital
category marketing.
C. Social Media
Social media is a Internet-based application group who builds on the foundation
Web 2.0 ideology and technology which allows the creation and user-generated content
exchange Facebook.
D. Facebook
Is a service social network launched in February 2004, owned and operated by Facebook.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg together his roommate and fellow Harvard
University student, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris
Hughes [16].
E. Twitter
Twitter is a website that owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers social
network in the form of microblog so it's possible users to send and read the message called
tweets. The chirp is written text up to 140 characters displayed on the page user
profile.Twitter can be seen externally, but the sender can limit sending messages to their
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Startupreneur Business Digital (SABDA) P-ISSN: 2962-0279
Vol. 1 No. 2 October 2022 E-ISSN: 2962-0260
friends list only [17]. Users can view tweets another writer known as the name of the
F. Instagram
Instagram is an app to share photos and videos allows users to take photos or videos,
apply digital filters and share it to various other social networking services, including
Instagram's own. The Instagram application is application by Kevin Systrom and Mike
Krieger under company Burbn, Inc. But on April 9th 2012, Instagram officially acquired
by Facebook

This research is a type of descriptive research with qualitative approach. Study
descriptive is research that carried out to determine the value of independent variable,
either one variable or more (independent) without make comparisons or compare between
variables one with others [18]. The method of data collection that used is literature study
by studying various sources of data from books, research, internet, website, social media,
and others. The data collected, among others, regarding digital marketing, Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, online business and data other supporters. The research analysis used
in this study is a SWOT analysis. Analysis SWOT consists of four components The main
ones are Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Analysis SWOT is the identity
of the various factors systematically to formulate service strategy. SWOT analysis This is
based on logic that can be maximize opportunities however can simultaneously minimize
deficiencies shortcomings and threats [19].


This research analyzes application of social media Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
on business on line.
A. Facebook
Using Facebook as a product marketing tools done by register your business, how just
by registering a profile business as when registering new membership on Facebook.
Facebook account owners can also take advantage of the featurepage on Facebook to create
a page business product catalog you. This feature can be used for free for users Facebook.

Figure 1. How to Create a Page on Facebook

Select Create Ad‟ to create new page, then it will appear page to create page you. The
page contains initial information about the page according to what you want for. Fill in the
name of the page you want you made in the column beside the caption “Choose a Facebook
destination or enter a URL". If you are having trouble guide for creating pages, select "How
To Create Your Ad" which is on the right page [20]. Next, fill in the data about your business
and post photos of business products you and provide information with detailed and clear.
Facebook users can also take advantage of paid features in facebook ads.This feature

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Startupreneur Business Digital (SABDA) P-ISSN: 2962-0279
Vol. 1 No. 2 October 2022 E-ISSN: 2962-0260

allows Facebook users to install ads on Facebook with specifications specific target
consumers at a cost cheap ones, starting from Rp. 10,000,- /day.

Figure 2. Report View Facebook Ads

Users who use features Paid Facebook Ads will receive regular reports regarding
the advertisements posted and can be used as material evaluation for advertisers to find
out how effective the ads are.

To find out to what extent strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats on

Facebook, then SWOT analysis was carried out as following :

Figure 3. SWOT analysis on Facebook

B. Instagram
Is social media that is popular in Indonesia among young people.In addition to upload
photos and videos, Instagram is starting to get a lot ogled online business for market its
services and products. Instagram has special features for advertising in the form of
Instagram Ads Sponsored.Features it involves Facebook in manufacturing steps,
remember Instagram has acquired by Facebook.

Figure 7. Display Settings Instagram Ads Instagram generates reports Instagram Ads
statistics like following : Figure 8. Display Statistics Instagram Ads To find out to what

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Vol. 1 No. 2 October 2022 E-ISSN: 2962-0260
extent strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats on Twitter, then SWOT analysis
was carried out as following :

Conclusions that can be drawn from the research above includes. Social media
plays an important role in digital marketing on today's online business, especially in the
marketing of products and services. As for the current social media in the middle of being
highlighted by consumers and business is Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Third the
social media issued a platform and special features to support digital marketing activities,
via Facebook Ads,Twitter Ads and Instagram Ads Sponsored. Users can explore and take
advantage of the facilities it is to promote its products and services, either through free and
paid promotions. With more and more consumers who are familiar with services and their
products through social media, services and products more in demand and make a
business growing. To do promotion through social media can save business budget for
promotional purposes and can diverted to reproduce production amount. Several
strategies that can be applied in promotion and marketing through social media is as
follows. Endorsement By providing samples services/products to the public figure then
asks for testimonials to attract buying interest consumer and Free shipping.

We would like to thank special thanks to University of Raharja, especially to
Alphabet Incubator for helping to complete this research so well


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Vol. 1 No. 2 October 2022 E-ISSN: 2962-0260

Untung Rahardja Prof. Dr. Ir. Untung Rahardja., MTI., MM.,

SMIEEE or often called UR, is a Senior Member of the IEEE Bachelor degree
from the University of California Berkeley in America. UR already has a
lecturer certification with the functional position of Professor of class IVA. In
Tridarma Research, UR actively writes scientific papers that are published in
the arena of national and international repute.
He can be contacted at email: [email protected]

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