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Second Semester resit Exam

2022/2023 Academic year

Bachelor of Technology
Course code/Title: Credit value 3
SECET202x/Close conduit
Duration: 3hours Date: June 2023 Venue:
Course instructor(s) NDORRH OSWALD EBU
exam Marking Guide
Section A MCQ (10 Marks) Answers
1)A 2) A 3) D 4) D 5) D 6) A 7) B 8) D 9) A 10) B

Section B: Problem solving (60 Marks)

Question 1 (20Marks)
For Pipe A:
Length (LA) = 100 meters
Diameter (DA) = 0.3 meters
Friction factor (fA) = 0.02
Flow rate (Q) = 0.05 m3/s

First, calculate the velocity (VA) in Pipe A:

VA = Q / (π * (DA/2)2)
VA = 0.05 / (π * (0.3/2)2)
VA ≈ 0.707 m/s

calculate the head loss (ΔhA) in Pipe A:

ΔhA = fA * (LA/DA) * (VA2/2g)
ΔhA = 0.02 * (100/0.3) * (0.7072/ (2 * 9.81))
ΔhA ≈ 2.377 meters

For Pipe B:
Length (LB) = 50 meters
Diameter (DB) = 0.4 meters
Friction factor (fB) = 0.03

Calculate the velocity (VB) in Pipe B and the head loss (ΔhB) in Pipe B.
VB= Q / (π * (DB/2)2)
VB = 0.05 / (π * (0.4/2)2)

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VB ≈ 0.797m/s

ΔhB = f_A * (LB/DB) * (VB2/2g)

ΔhB = 0.03 * (50/0.4) * (0.7972 / (2 * 9.81))
ΔhB ≈ 1.754 meters

For Pipe C:
Length (LC) = 80 meters
Diameter (DC) = 0.2 meters
Friction factor (fC) = 0.01

Calculate the velocity (Vc) in Pipe C and the head loss (Δhc) in Pipe C.

VC = Q / (π * (DC/2)2)
VC = 0.05 / (π * (0.2/2)2)
VC ≈ 1.591 m/s

ΔhC = f_C * (L_C/D_C) * (V_C^2/2g)

ΔhC = 0.01 * (80/0.2) * (1.591^2 / (2 * 9.81))
ΔhC ≈ 0.648 meters

ΔHtotal = hA + hB + hC
ΔHtotal = 2.377m + 1.754m + 0.648m
ΔHtotal = 4.779m

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Question 2 (20Marks)

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Question 3 (20Marks)


40L/s 40L/s


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L V2
H L  hf  
D 2g
1000 V2
H L  0.0163 x x 1mark
0.3 2 x 9.81
Q2 Q2
H L  2.77 2  2.77 x 2
A  2
 x 0.3 
4 
H L  554Q 2
H L  K 'Q2 1marks
 K '  554

First trial
Pip Q(L/s) H∟(m) H∟/Q
AB 60 2.0 0.033
BC 40 0.886 0.0222
CD 0 0 0
AD -40 -0.886 0.0222
∑ -2.00 0.0774

Since HL > 0.01 m, then correction has to be applied. 0.5mark

 HL 2
Q     12.92 L / s
2 H L 2 x 0 . 0774 0.5mark
Second trial
Pipe Q(L/s) H∟(m) H∟/Q
AB 47.08 1.23 0.0261
BC 27.08 0.407 0.015 6marks
CD -12.92 -0.092 0.007
AD -52.92 -1.555 0.0294
∑ -0.0107 0.07775

Since HL ≈ 0.01 m, then it is OK. 1mark

Thus, the discharge in each pipe is as follows (to the nearest integer).
Pipe Discharge
AB 47
BC 27 1mark
CD -13
AD -53
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