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Government Office Hours

SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of each head of department or agency to require all
officers and employees under him to strictly observe the prescribed office hours. When
the head of office, in the exercise of his discretion allows government officials and
employees to leave the office during the office hours and not for official business, but to
attend socials/events/functions and/or wakes/interments, the same shall be reflected in
their time cards and charged to their leave credits.

SECTION 2. Each head of department or agency shall require a daily record of

attendance of all the officers and employees under him including those serving in the field
or on the water, to be kept on the proper form and, whenever possible, registered on the
bundy clock.

Service "in the field" shall refer to service rendered outside the office proper and service
"on the water" shall refer to service rendered on board a vessel which is the usual place
of work.

SECTION 3. Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs of agencies who are appointed by the President,
officers who rank higher than these chiefs and assistant chiefs in the three branches of
the government, and other presidential appointees need not punch in the bundy clock,
but attendance and all absences of such officers must be recorded.

SECTION 4. Falsification or irregularities in the keeping of time records will render the
guilty officer or employee administratively liable without prejudice to criminal prosecution
as the circumstances warrant.

SECTION 5. Officers and employees of all departments and agencies except those
covered by special laws shall render not less than eight hours of work a day for five days
a week or a total of forty hours a week, exclusive of time for lunch. As a general rule, such
hours shall be from eight o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock noon and from one
o'clock to five o'clock in the afternoon on all days except Saturdays, Sundays and

SECTION 6. Flexible working hours may be allowed subject to the discretion of the head
of department or agency. In no case shall the weekly working hours be reduced in the
event the department or agency adopts the flexi-time schedule in reporting for work.

SECTION 7. In the exigency of the service, or when necessary by the nature of the work
of a particular agency and upon representations with the Commission by the department
heads concerned, requests for the rescheduling or shifting of work schedule of a particular
agency for a number of working days less than the required five days may be allowed
provided that government officials and employees render a total of forty hours a week
and provided further that the public is assured of core working hours of eight in the
morning to five in the afternoon continuously for the duration of the entire workweek.
SECTION 8. Officers and employees who have incurred tardiness and undertime,
regardless of the number of minutes per day, ten (10) times a month for at least two (2)
consecutive months during the year or for at least two (2) months in a semester shall be
subject to disciplinary action. (Amendment of Section 8, Rule XVII of the Omnibus Rules
Implementing Book V of E.O. No. 292, CSC Memorandum Circular No. 34-98, [August
11, 1998])

SECTION 9. Off-setting of tardiness or absences by working for an equivalent number of

minutes or hours by which an officer or employee has been tardy or absent, beyond the
regular or approved working hours of the employees concerned, shall not be allowed.

SECTION 10. When the interest of public service so requires, the daily hours of work for
officers and employees may be extended by the head of the agency concerned, which
extension shall be fixed in accordance with the nature of the work. Provided, That work
in excess of eight (8) hours must be properly compensated.

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