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Head Office

jT*|—v, Government Business UCO BANK
Cell HONOURS YOUR Circular No.
. .. .

10, BTM Soronl, S^'^FIoor TRUST CHO/GB/19/2021-22

Kolkcto-700001 Dated: 05.03.2022

Circular to All Branches / Offices in Indian Union

1^^/Sub: Operational Guidelines for enrolment and servicing of APY subscribers to

be followed by service provider i.e. Point of Presence (POP-APY).

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority vide their Circular no.
PFRDA/2021/31/SUP-POP/5 dated 23/12/2021 issued operational guidelines for
carrying out operation activities by point of presence. These guidelines shall be
effective from April 2022 and to be odtiered by all Branches/Offices.

Bank to provide the services to APY Customers as per Service

Gist of Standards enumerated In operational guidelines Issued by
Circular PFRDA and modified the same from time to time.
The Operational System (OS) is put In place for collection of APY
contribution, monitoring and uploading the APY subscription as
per time line set by PFRDA.
A single designated collection account Is opened for collection
of APY subscription centrally.
Bank / branches to follow the grievances redressal mechanism
put In place by PFRDA and monitor the grievances in CGMS
Service level standard Is prescribed for each services within set
Turn Around Time. Any delay in providing services, bank to pay
compensation to the APY subscribers as prescribed In the
service standard guidelines.

Our bank is registered as POP-SPs under regulation 3(1) (v) of Pension Fund
Regulatory and Development Authority [Point of Presence) Regulations, 2018.

The revised* guidelines with regard to Service Standards, Standard operating

procedure and servicing of APY subscribers to be adhered by bank are
enumerated below:

A. Service Standards
Branches (PoP-APY) to follow the 'Service Standards' as prescribed for providing
services related to registration of subscribers undertaking. Know Your Customer
(KYC) verification process, debiting contributions from savings bank account of

HtiR fr "OT irHt, 700001,

Head OfFlce, Government Business Cell, 10 BTM SaranI, Kolkata 700001,
'1?Rn'hnnc/033-4455-8427,[-.-mai] - ho.novlbg'

*ioiHri <(>I we>lil-«l*> 3>r

subscribers and receiving subsequent requests from subscribers and transmission of
the some to the designated intermediaries, wherever applicable. In accordance
with PFRDA (POP) Regulations, 2018 and amendments thereof, bank may engage
the services of other service providers or banking correspondents, for facilitating
the distribution of pension schemes as facilitators and to ensure the following while
associating with any facilitators:

(i) The terms and conditions of operations between bank and facititator(s) shall
be mutually agreed upon and shall be in accordance with Pension Fund
Regulatory and Development Authority (Points of Presence) Regulations,
2018 and subsequent amendments thereof.

(ii) Bonk to ensure flow of information from facilitators to bank in such a way
that all Turn Around Times (TATs) as prescribed under service level standards
are adhered to, without any delay or deviation.

(iii) Bank to ensure that the facilitators contact or communicate only with it on
all matters and any direct communications with PFRDA shall not be

(Iv) Bank to compile and submit the prescribed MIS reports to PFRDA on behalf
of all its associated facilitators. Facilitators shall not directly submit any MIS
report / information to PFRDA.

(v) Bank to place necessary checks and balances in its system in order to
ensure non-opening of multiple APY accounts for the same subscriber.

(vi) Bank to display Atal Pension Yojana (APY)- Subscriber Information Brochure
on its website and/or at branches, as the case may be.

(vii) Bank to make available all APY related forms, as prescribed by PFRDA from
time to time, on its website and/or at branches, as the case may be.

(viil) Bank to adhere to the regulations, circulars, guidelines, directions, advisories

or any other instructions issued by PFRDA from time to time. Further, bonk to
adhere to any notification Issued by Government of India on APY, Including
GDI notification dated 16th October 2015, and notification doted 11 th May
2017, and same shall be disseminated by PFRDA.

1. Subscribers Registration:

(i) Branches/BCs to promptly address the queries of potential subscribers

regarding APY.
(ii) The Branches / BCs to collect dully filled in Subscriber Registration Form (SRF)
and simultaneously carry out customer due diligence procedures In
adherence to Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 through effective
use of Know Your Customer Verification Processes and also in compliance of
guidelines/ circulars/ directions/ notifications issued by the PFRDA / GOI from
time to time.


otira- ^ it VIT 700001,

Head Office, Government Business Cell, 10 BTM Sarani. Kolkata 700001,
dlt5rPh(m«y033-4455-8427,E-mail -
Branches / BCs to affix the receipt date and time on the SRF.
|iv) Branclnes/BCs to enter the subscribers' details into the APY module available
under CBS through APY REG Menu/ micro ATM by BCs.
(v) In case of any discrepancy found during the collection or verification of SRF
or activation of PRAN allotted to the subscriber or during customer due
diligence. Branches / BCs to;

> Co-ordinate with the applicant to rectify the discrepancies found by

promptly calling information from the applicant or getting the new
form filled, if required.
In case of rejection, reasons to be provided to applicant in writing.
(vi) Branches/ BCs to provide acknowledgement slip / receipt along with receipt
date and stamp/signature to the subscriber.
(vii) Branches/ BCs to ensure the timely communication of PRAN to subscribers in
written and confidential manner.

B. Contribution Management Procedure;

a) APY Contribution Collection process (will be made available centrally for the

(i) Opening of Collection Account: Collection account is opened In the name &
style UCO Bank - APY Subscription Fee Payable - NPS Trust" account no-
01901030080074 tor collection of APY subscription.

(ii) This account is a non withdrawal account, only having an option to transfer
the funds to NPS Trust account. In exceptional cases such as wrong entries,
unidentified entries or amount not pertaining to Subscriber's contribution, it
may be credited to any other account, with prior approval of Govt. Business
Department. Authority for such permission would be Chief Manager and
above. The account will be subject to audit by PFRDA or its authorised

b) Collection and processing of initial contribution:

(i) Branches/BCs to deduct the contributions from the Savings Bank accounts of
subscribers enrolled under Atal Pension Yojana in accordance with process
mentioned above.
(ii) Bank/Branches to put Standing Instruction based on the frequency opted by
subscribers and initiate the first deduction from the savings bank account of
the subscriber.
(iii) Branches/BCs to provide subsequent services such as up-gradation and
down-gradation of pension amount, shifting of POP-APY, change in personal
details of subscribers, processing of death claims, voluntary exit requests or
any other requests introduced by the Authority.
(iv) Branches/BCs should ensure Issuance of acknowledgement slip / receipt
with unique number (preferably electronic receipt) to the subscribers at the
time of registration. Bank to ensure to intimate the subscribers about the
subsequent contributions through SMS, e-mails or ar>y other electronic mode.


TOW TO 700001.
Head Office, Government Business Ceil. 10 BTM SaranI, Kolkata 700001,
<^WPh«tic/033-4455-8427,F;-maii - ho.aovlb(
c) Collection and processing of subsequent contributions (activity will be
carried out centrally by the bank)

(i) Bank shall run the debit cycle once for all APY subscribers within first ten
calendar days of the month / quarter / half year, as the case may be.
(ii) Post completion of first debit cycle, Bank shall continue to raise demand on
all working days till the collection of contribution from the savings bank
account of all such subscribers.
(iii) Periodic contribution as per the frequency opted by subscribers shall be
debited on FIFO basis i.e.- due instalment shall be recovered first along with
the fixed amount of overdue charges as applicable from time to time.
(iv) Overdue charges shall become payable by the subscriber, if the contribution
could not be collected from the savings Bank account of the subscriber in
the first month, notwithstanding the fact that the chosen frequency of
remittdnce is quarterly or half yearly.

d) Upload of SCF and remittance of Initial and subsequent contributlons(activity

will be carried out centrally by ttie bank)

(i) Bank shall prepare and upload SCF into CRA system.
(ii) The transaction id thus generated shall be entered by the Bank in the
NEFT/RTGS window while remitting the contributions to Trustee Bank.
(iii) Turn Around Time for uploading contribution is maximum T+2, where T is the
date of deduction of subscriber's contribution from savings bank account

e) Pooling of confribution In single designated collection account (activity will

be carried out centrally by the bank)

(i) Bank to ensure that no funds remain un-reconciled in the collection

account. It should also be ensured that the details of all contributions
received in collection account are uploaded into CRA system and ensure
remittance of the funds to the Trustee Bank, as per the timelines prescribed
herein under in relevant points.

(ii) Bank to maintain branch-wise, complete audit trail of all transactions

processed under APY including receipt of APY registration form, PRAN
generation/activation, issuance of acknowledgement receipt, deduction
of contribution, SCF upload, fund remittance to the Trustee Bonk, receipt of
Government Co-contribution by it, if any, credit of Government Co-
contribution into the respective savings bank account of the subscribers,
refund of un-utilized Government Co-contribution to the PFRDA, receipt of
forms at the nodal office, receipt and processing of other subsequent
requests, receipt of exit forms at branch and/or nodal office etc. along with
date of such transactions.

Head Office, Government Business Cell,10BTM Sarani, Kolkata 700001, '^ a a a

«fi|RPhooe/033-4455-8427,l--mail - ho.aovtba'

TRiinwT 3»r ^ ftsRW

C. Handling of system/technical issues
(i) Bank may request for waiver of compensation for delay in activities as
due to system/technical issues, for consideration of the PFRDA.
(ii) Bank to submit such request duly signed and stamped by the
Compliance Officer, after duly taking their internal approval, along with
the supporting documents such as the screen shot of an error in the
event of any unsuccessful attempt for transactions etc., through its
registered e-mail id.

(iii) Bank shall submit the request of waiver of overdue interest (GDI) for
exceptional circumstances in accordance to Circular no PFRDA/4/62
dated 5th April 2018 and Circular no PFRDA/03/05/l/0074//2017-PnD-
APY-Part(5) dated 30th July 2021, and the instructions issued by the
Authority from time to time.
D. Risk mitigating measures:

(i) Bank to monitor the functioning and processing of the collection

account on daily basis.

(ii) Bank/ Branches to ensure necessary vigil and due diligence of the
registration of subscribers and the entire fund collection process.
(iii) The compliance officer of the bank to regularly review internally, the
compliance of the Act, rules and regulations, notifications, circulars,
guidelines, directions, advisories etc. issued by the PFRDA/GOl from time
to time, on at least quarterly basis or more frequently, if required, and
record of the same shall be maintained. Any deviations in this regard
shall be unconditionally reported to PFRDA.
E. Reports and Disclosures (Action by Compliance Officer):

(i) Bank to submit the scanned / digitally signed copy of the following
reports to PFRDA at [email protected] from the e-mail id of the
Compliance Officer:

> Annual Compliance Report as on 31st March of the said FY, to be

submitted to Supervision Department - POPs, PFRDA by 30th April, every
year, as per Annexure 1 including details of APY collection account
maintained by POP-APY as per Annexure 1.1.
>■ Cyber Security Certificate as per circular no. PFRDA/2020/13/SUP-POP/2
dated April 21, 2020.

(ii) The details of APY related activities undertaken by facilitators/any other

channel approved by PFRDA or Government of India shall also be
included by the bank in the report mentioned above.
(iii) Bank shall submit the details/reports as may be specified by PFRDA from
time to time.


■rom tfr ft 700001.

Head Office, Government Business Cell, 10 BTM Sarani, Kolkata 700001,
'?rRn'hone/033-4455-8427,l>mail ho.aovtb^

tMWim ?>T 3>r fiWRT


F. Redressal of Grievances;

(i) Bonk to internally maintain a Grievance Redressal Mechanism as per

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Redressal of
Subscriber Grievance) Regulations, 2015 for redressing the complaints
with respect to the services rendered to APY subscribers.
The name, e-mail id/s and telephone number/s of the designated
Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) of the bank to be mode public
through display on website and/or at branches, as the case may be.
The GRO shall ensure that the grievances of subscribers are redressed
effectively and expeditiously.

(ii) Bank to monitor grievances lodged in CGMS portal on daily basis and it
shall ensure that those grievances are resolved on immediate basis.

(iii) Bonk shall be responsible for receiving grievances from the subscribers
and other intermediaries, uploading of grievances into CGMS portal of
CRA, if they are not received through CGMS, and verification and
redressal of grievances expeditiously.
(iv) Bank to ensure that on effective mechanism to receive and redress
complaints from the subscribers is in place and the grievances are
examined and redressed in a prompt and fair manner.
(v) Bank/branches shall lodge its grievance or complaint, if any, against
any intermediary such as CRA or Trustee Bank, in CGMS portal.

G. Exit processing:

(i) All the exit cases shall be processed by Branches as per guidelines
issued by PFRDA/GOl from time to time.
(ii) Bank/branches to check the status of the bank account of the
subscriber linked to the APY account before processing the exit cases
and shall not process the exit without ensuring that active savings bank
account is available for crediting the closure proceeds.

(iii) Bank/branches to sensitize subscribers to not close the savings bank

account till the credit of exit proceeds of APY.

(iv) Bank to ensure proper credit of the final withdrawal proceeds in savingi
bank account of the subscriber, to his satisfaction.

(v) Processing of exit requests:

a. Voluntary exit:

> Bank/ Branches to provide acknowledgement slip/receipt with unique

number along with receipt dote and stamp signature to the subscriber.

TOR 9iltraR^,10 tfr ft TW *)o!*lrll 700001,

Head Office, Government Business Cell, 10 BTM Sarani, Kolkata 700001,
'^5rPhone/033-4455-8427,K-mail [email protected]
7i5Hfm 9rr 9>t
> Bank to check the status of the bank account of fhe subscriber linked fo
the APY account before processing the exit cases and shall not process
the exit without ensuring that active savings Bank account is available
for crediting the closure proceeds.
> Bank / Branches to upload and process the exit requests as per the SOP
{Standard Operating Procedure) provided by CRAs at their portal.

b. Exit due to death:

> Bonk/Branches to provide acknowledgement slip/receipt with unique

number along with receipt date and stamp/signature.

> Bank/Branches to upload and process the exit requests as per the SOP
(Standard Operating Procedure) provided by CRAs at their portal.

H. Other Functions:

o) Appointment of Compliance Officer:

(i) "Bank has appointed officer from Government Business Cell, Head
Office as Compliance Officer', who shall be responsible tor monitoring
compliance under APY, including provisions of the Act, rules,
regulations, notifications, circulars, guidelines, directions, advisories etc.
issued by PFRDA/GOI.

(ii) Any change in Compliance Officer in the bank will be communicated

to PFRDA within 15 (fifteen) calendar days of the same.
(iii) The latest details available with PFRDA in respect to the Compliance
Officer of the Bank shall be considered for serving any notice(s) or
taking any regulatory actions, in case of any breach of any regulations
or operational guidelines as envisaged under the extant Regulations.

b) ^IT Infrastructure and cyber security availability:

(i) Bank is having adequate IT infrastructure at all its branches, registered
for carrying out activities under APY, prescribed under the PFRDA Act,
2013, Rules, Notifications, guidelines etc.
(ii) Bank is providing regular and uninterrupted internet connectivity for
web-based interaction.

(iii) Bank is having demonstrated capability to electronically transmit the

information related to APY subscriber contribution through Subscriber
Contribution Files (SCFs) as per the prescribed timelines.
(iv) Bank is having adequate systems with Operating System (OS), web
browsers at all its branches and back office software tor receiving
transactions requests and uploading in the CRA system and issuances
of acknowledgement with unique ID against receipt of subsequent
'contribution and all other activities and monitoring status of each

TOR 4iT0ril{^<7.10 tfr St JRoft, ♦'IH+Ictl 700001,

Head Office, Government Business Cell, 10 BTM Sarani, KolKata 700001. ^ -I _
<f<Iin>hune/033-4455-8427,l-;-mai) [email protected] ^ j ' 1^^' ^
TisnnwT w yunr-Sr ^tr
transaction and generating regular MIS reports for internal control

(v) Bank to ensure timely completion of the APY module development as

per the dlrection/s from the PFRDA from time to time Bank to provide
quality service delivery to the APY subscribers.
(vi) Bank to ensure compliance of cyber security policy and submit the
reports as prescribed by PFRDA from time to time.

Turn Around Time for delivery of Services and Compensation payable by Bank in
case of delay;

1. Subscriber Maximum T+2. Where T is the For each delayed

registration. receipt of Subscriber transaction at Bank Branches
Registration Form (SRF) at / BCs / Facilitators, Bank to
Bank Branches / BCs / pay: @ 8% p.a. of the initial
Facilitators including contribution amount
correction of discrepancies. rounded off to next integer
2. Collection and Maximum T+1, Where T is the value, for the period of delay
processing of activation date of PRAN by {This amount should be
credited to the subscriber's
initial CRA.
3 Collection and Bonk to run the debit cycle Bank to shall pay the
processing of as per time line specified in overdue interest (ODI) as per
subsequent operational guidelines i.e. ODI rates determined by the
contributions. within first ten calendar days GOI/Authority from time to
initially and thereafter on all time, in case the subsequent
working days till the contributions file Is uploaded
collection of contribution post the stipulated time in
from the savings bank CRA system.
account ot all such
4. Upload of SCF Maximum T+2, where T is the For each delayed
and remittance of date of deduction of transaction at Bank /
initial and subscriber's contribution Branches of Bank, Bank shall
subsequent from savings bank account pay: @8% p.a. of the
contributions. contribution amount
rounded off to next integer
value, for the period of
delay. (This amount should
be credited to the
subscriber's PRAN)
5. Subscribers' Maximum T+5 where T is the For each delayed
service request(s). date of receipt of service transaction at PoP-APY/
request at the branches/ Branches of PoP-APY, PoP-
nodal office, provided that APY shall pay: @Rs. 5/- per
all the necessary documents day subject to maximum Rs.
have been furnished/ 100. (This amount should be

TOW tfr it 700001,

Head Office, Government Business Cell, 10 BTM Sarani, Kolkata 700001,
C>BIPIioor/033-4455-842/l -mail - Ho.QOvtb' 8 I P/i c-
TnriTTWT ffiT vmT-ihF 3»r ft^tnr
provided in totality credited to ttie subscriber's

6.Grievances As per ttie FRDA (Redressol As per ttie PFRDA (Redressol

received from of subscriber grievance) of subscriber grievance)
APY Regulations, 2015 and if, any Regulations, 2015 and if, any
subscribers/ amendments tt^ereto. amendments ttiereto.
7. Processing of Maximum T+7, wtiere T is ttie I. For eacti delayed
exit requests, receipt of sucti forms along transaction at Bank /
i. Voluntary witti supporting Documents, Brandies of Bank, including
exit. if any as prescribed ttierein. delay due to Wring/in
il. Exit due Maximum T+12, wtiere T is correct processing, bank
to deatli. ttie receipt of sucti forms stiall pay; @ 8% p.a of ttie exit
along witti all supporting proceeds amount rounded
documents as prescribed off to next integer value, for
ttierein. ttie period of delay. (Tliis
amount stiould be credited
to ttie subscriber's saving
bank account).
II. In case ttie loss to
subscriber is more ttian ttie
compensation applicable,
ttien bank shall make good
the loss and credit the same
to the subscriber's savings
bank account.

The above operational guidelines are to be followed/complied by the

zones/branches scrupulously and ensure timely and quality services to the APY
subscribers as per standard prescribed by PFRDA in their circular. We are also
enclosing th'e Circular issued by PFRDA for the ready reference and guidance to
the field functionaries.

r.xr?T?^/ S.S.Chahande)
3*T »T?TO^ti^/Deputy General Manager
t^/Gov\. Business Cell uc

End: As stated above.


otiiH TRtai7*T,10 il 700CX)1,

Head Office, Government Business Cell, 10 BTM Sarani, Kolkata 700001,
tIil5TPhone/033-4i5S-8'127.1 .mail - h,o novtb'P' 91 1' a
पें शन ननधि विननयामक एिं विकास प्राधिकरण

CIR No.: PFRDA/2021/31/SUP-POP/5 23 December 2021

All Points of Presence (PoPs-APY)

Dear Sir / Madam,

Subject: Guidelines for Operational Activities - to be followed by Point of Presence
In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 52 of Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority Act, 2013 read with Chapter VII of Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority (Points of Presence) Regulations, 2018 and amendments thereof,
(hereinafter referred as “PoP Regulations”) following guidelines are being issued for
compliance by all Points of Presence registered under Regulation 3 (1) (v) of PoP Regulations
(hereinafter referred to as ‘PoP-APY’). Each PoP-APY shall adhere to the guidelines in all its
operational activities with respect to APY. These guidelines shall be effective from 1st April
The detailed guidelines covering following points are enclosed along with this circular.
A. Service Standards
B. Standard Operating Procedures.
C. Contribution Management Procedure
D. Reports and Disclosures.
E. Redressal of grievances.
F. Exit processing
G. Other Functions

All entities are advised to update their system and streamline the processes to follow the
operational guidelines issued by the Authority.
Yours faithfully,

(Sumeet Kaur Kapoor)
Chief General Manager
[email protected]
In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 52 of Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority Act, 2013 read with Chapter VII of Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority (Points of Presence) Regulations, 2018 and amendments thereof,
(hereinafter referred as “PoP Regulations”) following guidelines are being issued for
compliance by all Points of Presence registered under Regulation 3 (1) (v) of PoP Regulations
(hereinafter referred to as ‘PoP-APY’). Each PoP-APY shall adhere to the following guidelines
stricto senso in all its operational activities with respect to APY. The guidelines may be
modified by PFRDA from time to time depending upon the service requirements. These
guidelines shall be effective from 1st April 2022.
A. Service Standards

[1] PoP-APY shall follow the ‘Service Standards’ as prescribed under Schedule I of these
guidelines for providing services related to registration of subscribers, undertaking Know
Your Customer (KYC) verification process, debiting contributions from savings bank
accounts of subscribers and receiving subsequent requests from subscribers and
transmission of the same to the designated intermediaries, wherever applicable.
[2] PoP-APY shall deduct the contributions from the Savings Bank accounts of subscribers
enrolled under Atal Pension Yojana (hereinafter referred to as ‘APY’) in accordance with
Schedule I.
[3] PoP-APY shall provide subsequent services such as upgradation and down-gradation of
pension amount, shifting of PoP-APY, change in personal details of subscribers, processing
of death claims, voluntary exit requests or any other requests introduced by the Authority,
in accordance with Schedule I.
[4] PoP-APY shall be liable to compensate the affected subscribers in the event of any delay
or violation on part of the PoP-APY in performing the Service Standards, as prescribed
under Schedule I on receipt of claim from the subscribers. Besides the delay in TATs as
specified in Schedule I, in case of any loss suffered by a subscriber due to any other
operational lapse by PoP-APY like wrong inputting of DOB and pension amount etc, PoP-
APY shall unconditionally make good the loss, on claim filed by the subscriber.
[5] PoP-APY shall resolve the grievances of the subscribers in accordance with Pension
Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Redressal of Subscriber Grievance)
Regulations, 2015 and any amendments thereof.
[6] In accordance with PFRDA (PoP) Regulations, 2018 and amendments thereof, PoP-APY
may engage the services of other service providers or banking correspondents, for
facilitating the distribution of pension schemes as facilitators and shall ensure the following
while associating with any facilitators:

Page | 1
(i). The terms and conditions of operations between PoP-APY and facilitator(s) shall be
mutually agreed upon and shall be in accordance with Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority (Points of Presence) Regulations, 2018 and subsequent
amendments thereof.
(ii). PoP-APY shall ensure flow of information from facilitators to PoP-APY in such a
way that all Turn Around Times (TATs) as prescribed under service level standards in
Schedule I are adhered to, without any delay or deviation.
(iii). PoP-APY shall ensure that the facilitators contact or communicate only with it on
all matters and any direct communications with PFRDA shall not be entertained.
(iv). PoP-APY shall compile and submit the prescribed MIS reports to PFRDA on behalf
of all its associated facilitators. Facilitators shall not directly submit any MIS report /
information to PFRDA.
[7] PoP-APY shall have the necessary checks and balances in its system in order to ensure
non-opening of multiple APY accounts for the same subscriber.
[8] PoP-APY shall display Atal Pension Yojana (APY) – Subscriber Information
Brochure on its website and/or at branches, as the case may be.
[9] PoP-APY shall make available all APY related forms, as prescribed by PFRDA from
time to time, on its website and/or at branches, as the case may be.
[10] PoP-APY shall adhere to the regulations, circulars, guidelines, directions, advisories or
any other instructions issued by PFRDA from time to time. Further, PoP-APY shall adhere
to any notification issued by Government of India on APY, including GOI notification dated
16th October 2015, and notification dated 11th May 2017, and same shall be disseminated by
B. Standard Operating Procedures

PoP-APY shall adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) prescribed by the Central
Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) and / or PFRDA for operational activities with respect to APY.
C. Contribution Management Procedure

PoP-APY shall comply with the following procedures and parameters to ensure transparency,
uniformity and risk minimization:
[1] APY contribution collection process
(i). PoP-APY shall ensure that credible collection infrastructure is available for
its underlying subscribers.
(ii). PoP-APY shall open or have a collection account in the name of “Name of the PoP
or its abbreviation –Collection Account – Name of pension scheme or its abbreviation –
National Pension System Trust or its abbreviation” and such an account shall be a non-
withdrawable account, only with an option to transfer the funds to NPS Trust account. In
exceptional cases such as wrong entries, unidentified entries or amount not pertaining to

Page | 2
subscriber contribution, it may be credited to any other account as may be specified by
the Authority through guidelines/circulars. PoP-APY is required to record reasons for
such transfers in writing. The authority to transfer the amount from collection account
shall reside with the PoP, which shall be subject to audit by PFRDA or through its
authorized representative.
(iii). PoP-APY may have a collection account with itself if it is a banking entity or with
any bank, if it is a non-banking entity.
(iv). PoP-APY shall ensure issuance of acknowledgement slip / receipt with unique
number (preferably electronic receipt) to the subscribers at the time of registration. PoP-
APY shall ensure to intimate the subscribers about the subsequent contributions through
SMS, e-mails or any other electronic mode.
(v). PoP-APY shall run the debit cycle as detailed in Schedule I of these guidelines in
order to ensure deduction of subscriber’s contribution from the savings bank account of
the subscriber under APY.
(vi). In case of subsequent contributions, PoP-APY shall run the debit cycle once for all
APY subscribers within first ten calendar days of the month / quarter / half year, as the
case may be. Post completion of first debit cycle, PoP-APY shall continue to raise
demand on all working days till the collection of contribution from the saving bank
account of all such subscribers. Periodic contribution as per the frequency opted by
subscribers shall be debited on FIFO basis i.e. - due instalment shall be recovered first
along with the fixed amount of overdue charges as applicable from time to time. Overdue
charges shall become payable by the subscriber, if the contribution could not be collected
from the saving Bank account of the subscriber in the first month, notwithstanding the
fact that the chosen frequency of remittance is quarterly or half yearly.
[2] Pooling of contribution in the single designated collection account
(i). PoP-APY shall ensure that no funds remain un-reconciled in the collection account.
It shall also ensure that the details of all contributions received in collection account are
uploaded into CRA system and ensure remittance of the funds to the Trustee Bank, as
per the timelines prescribed under Schedule I.
(ii). PoP-APY shall maintain branch-wise, complete audit trail of all transactions
processed under APY including receipt of APY registration form, PRAN
generation/activation, issuance of acknowledgement receipt, deduction of contribution,
SCF upload, fund remittance to the Trustee Bank, receipt of Government Co-contribution
by it, if any, credit of Government Co-contribution into the respective savings bank
account of the subscribers, refund of un-utilized Government Co-contribution to the
PFRDA, receipt of forms at the nodal office, receipt and processing of other subsequent
requests, receipt of exit forms at branch and/or nodal office etc. along with date of such

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[3] Handling of system/technical issues
(i) PoP-APY may request for waiver of compensation for delay in activities as prescribed
in Schedule I due to system/technical issues, for consideration of the PFRDA.
(ii) PoP-APY shall submit such request duly signed and stamped by the Compliance
Officer, after duly taking their internal approval, along with the supporting documents
such as the screen shot of an error in the event of any unsuccessful attempt for
transactions etc., through its registered e-mail id.
(iii) PoP-APY shall submit the request of waiver of overdue interest (ODI) for
exceptional circumstances in accordance to Circular no PFRDA/4/62 dated 5th April 2018
and Circular no PFRDA/03/05/1/0074//2017-PnD-APY-Part(5) dated 30th July 2021, and
the instructions issued by the Authority from time to time.
[4] Risk Mitigation Measures
(i). PoP-APY shall monitor the functioning and processing of the collection account on
daily basis.
(ii). PoP-APY shall ensure necessary vigil and due diligence of the registration of
subscribers and the entire fund collection process.
(iii). The compliance officer of the PoP-APY shall regularly review internally the
compliance of the Act, rules and regulations, notifications, circulars, guidelines,
directions, advisories etc. issued by the PFRDA/GoI from time to time, on at least
quarterly basis or more frequently, if required, and record of the same shall be
maintained. Any deviations in this regard shall be unconditionally reported to PFRDA.
D. Reports and Disclosures

[1] The PoP-APY shall submit the scanned / digitally signed copy of the following reports
to PFRDA at [email protected] from the e-mail id of the Compliance Officer:
(i) Annual Compliance Report as on 31st March of the said FY, shall be submitted to
Supervision department – PoPs, PFRDA by 30th April, every year, as per Annexure 1
including details of APY collection account maintained by PoP-APY as per Annexure
(ii) Cyber Security Certificate as per circular no. PFRDA/2020/13/SUP-POP/2
dated April 21, 2020.
[2] The details of APY related activities undertaken by facilitators/any other channel
approved by PFRDA or Government of India shall also be included by the PoP-APY in the
report mentioned above.
[3] PoP-APY shall submit the details/reports as may be specified by PFRDA from time to

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E. Redressal of grievances

[1] PoP-APY shall internally maintain a Grievance Redressal Mechanism as per Pension
Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Redressal of Subscriber Grievance)
Regulations, 2015 for redressing the complaints with respect to the services rendered to
APY subscribers. The name, e-mail id/s and telephone number/s of the designated
Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) of the ‘PoP-APY’ shall be made public through display
on website and/or at branches, as the case may be. The GRO shall ensure that the grievances
of subscribers are redressed effectively and expeditiously.
[2] POP-APY shall monitor grievances lodged in CGMS portal on daily basis and it shall
ensure that those grievances are resolved on immediate basis.
[3] PoP-APY shall be responsible for receiving grievances from the subscribers and other
intermediaries, uploading of grievances into CGMS portal of CRA, if they are not received
through CGMS, and verification and redressal of grievances expeditiously.
[4] The PoP-APY shall ensure that an effective mechanism to receive and redress
complaints from the subscribers, is in place and the grievances are examined and redressed
in a prompt and fair manner.
[5] PoP-APY shall lodge its grievance or complaint, if any, against any intermediary such
as CRA or Trustee Bank, in CGMS portal.
F. Exit processing

[1] All the exit cases shall be processed as per guidelines issued by PFRDA/GoI from time
to time.
[2] PoP-APY shall check the status of the bank account of the subscriber linked to the APY
account before processing the exit cases and shall not process the exit without ensuring that
active savings bank account is available for crediting the closure proceeds.
[3] PoP-APY shall sensitize subscribers to not close the savings bank account till the credit
of exit proceeds of APY.
[4] PoP-APY shall ensure proper credit of the final withdrawal proceeds in savings bank
account of the subscriber, to his satisfaction.
G. Other Functions

[1] Appointment of Compliance Officer

(i). Each PoP-APY shall appoint a ‘Compliance Officer’ who shall be responsible for
monitoring compliance under APY, including provisions of the Act, rules, regulations,
notifications, circulars, guidelines, directions, advisories etc. issued by PFRDA/GoI.
(ii). PoP-APY shall ensure that any change in Compliance Officer is communicated to
PFRDA within 15 (fifteen) calendar days of the same. Further, frequent change of
compliance officer may be avoided to ensure the continued monitoring and compliances.

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(iv). The latest details available with PFRDA in respect to the Compliance Officer of the
PoP-APY shall be considered for serving any notice(s) or taking any regulatory actions,
in case of any breach of any regulations or operational guidelines as envisaged under the
extant Regulations.
[2] IT and cyber security requirements:
PoP-APY shall have adequate IT infrastructure at all its branches, registered for carrying
out activities under APY, prescribed under the PFRDA Act, 2013, Rules, Notifications,
guidelines etc.
(i). For access to CRA system the concerned PoP-APY shall:
(a) Have regular and uninterrupted internet connectivity for web-based interaction;
(b) Have demonstrated capability to electronically transmit the information related to
APY subscriber contribution through Subscriber Contribution Files (SCFs) as per the
prescribed timelines;
(c) Have adequate systems with Operating System (OS), web browsers at all its
branches and back office software for:
(I) Receiving transactions requests and uploading in the CRA system;
(II) Issuance of acknowledgement with unique ID against receipt of subsequent
contribution and all other activities; and
(III) Monitoring status of each transaction and generating regular MIS reports for
internal control purposes.
(ii). It shall be the responsibility of the PoP-APY to utilize and act on the basis of views
and reports made available online/offline by CRA for providing quality service delivery
to the APY subscribers.
(iii). PoP-APY shall ensure timely completion of the APY module development as per
the direction/s from the PFRDA from time to time.
(iv). PoP-APY shall ensure compliance of cyber security policy and submit the reports
as prescribed by PFRDA from time to time.
Other details and relevant documents are available at

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SCHEDULE I: Service Standards for PoP-APY

Types of Service Requirements Turn Around Time Compensation payable

Activities in case of delay by
1. Registration of subscriber under APY

a. Subscriber i. PoP-APY / Branches of PoP- Maximum T+2, For each delayed

registration APY / BCs/ Facilitators shall Where T is the receipt transaction at PoP-APY /
promptly address the queries of of Subscriber Branches of PoP-APY /
potential subscribers regarding Registration Form BCs / Facilitators, PoP-
APY. (SRF) at PoP-APY / APY shall pay: @ 8%
Branches of PoP-APY p.a. of the initial
ii. The PoP-APY / Branches of / BCs / Facilitators contribution amount
PoP-APY / BCs/Facilitators including correction rounded off to next
shall collect dully filled in of discrepancies. integer value, for the
Subscriber Registration Form period of delay (This
(SRF) and simultaneously amount should be
carry out customer due credited to the
diligence procedures in subscriber’s PRAN)
adherence to Prevention of
Money Laundering Act, 2002
through effective use of Know
Your Customer Verification
Processes and also in
compliance of guidelines/
circulars/ directions/
notifications issued by the
PFRDA / GOI from time to

iii. PoP-APY / Branches of

PoP-APY / BCs / Facilitators
shall affix the receipt date and
time on the SRF.

iv. Enter the subscribers’

details into the APY module
available under CBS.

v. In case of any discrepancy

found during the collection or
verification of SRF or
activation of PRAN allotted to

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Types of Service Requirements Turn Around Time Compensation payable
Activities in case of delay by
the subscriber or during
customer due diligence, PoP-
APY/ Branches of PoP-APY /
BCs/Facilitators shall:
a. Coordinate with the
applicant to rectify the
discrepancies found by
promptly calling information
from the applicant or getting
the new form filled, if
b. In case of rejection, reasons
to be provided to applicant in

vi. PoP-APY / Branches of

PoP-APY / BCs / Facilitators
shall provide
acknowledgement slip /
receipt along with receipt date
and stamp/signature to the

vii. PoP-APY shall ensure the

timely communication of
PRAN to subscribers in
written and confidential

2. Contribution Processing

a. Collection and PoP-APY shall put Standing Maximum T+1, For each delayed
processing of Instruction based on the Where T is the transaction at PoP-APY /
initial frequency opted by subscribers activation date of Branches of PoP-APY,
contributions and initiate the first deduction PRAN by CRA PoP-APY shall pay:
from the savings bank account @8% p.a. of the
of the subscriber. contribution amount
rounded off to next
integer value, for the
period of delay. (This
amount should be

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Types of Service Requirements Turn Around Time Compensation payable
Activities in case of delay by
credited to the
subscriber’s PRAN)

b. Collection and i. PoP-APY shall run the debit i. PoP-APY shall run PoP-APY shall pay the
processing of cycle once for all APY the debit cycle once overdue interest (ODI)
subsequent subscribers within first ten for all APY as per ODI rates
contributions calendar days of the month / subscribers within determined by the
quarter / half year, as the case first ten calendar days GOI/Authority from
may be. of the month / quarter time to time, in case the
/ half year, as the case subsequent contributions
ii. Post completion of first debit may be. file is uploaded post the
cycle, PoP-APY shall continue stipulated time in CRA
to raise demand on all working ii. Post completion of system.
days till the collection of first debit cycle, PoP-
contribution from the savings APY shall continue to
bank account of all such raise demand on all
subscribers. working days till the
collection of
iii. Periodic contribution as per contribution from the
the frequency opted by savings bank account
subscribers shall be debited on of all such
FIFO basis i.e.- due instalment subscribers.
shall be recovered first along
with the fixed amount of
overdue charges as applicable
from time to time.

c. Upload of SCF i. PoP-APY shall prepare Maximum T+2, For each delayed
and remittance of and upload SCF into CRA where T is the date of transaction at PoP-APY /
initial and system. deduction of Branches of PoP-APY,
subsequent subscriber’s PoP-APY shall pay:
contributions ii. The transaction id thus contribution from @8% p.a. of the
generated shall be entered by savings bank account. contribution amount
the PoP-APY in the rounded off to next
NEFT/RTGS window while integer value, for the
remitting the contributions to period of delay. (This
Trustee Bank amount should be
credited to the
subscriber’s PRAN)

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Types of Service Requirements Turn Around Time Compensation payable
Activities in case of delay by
3. Processing of Service request(s)

a. Subscribers’ i. PoP-APY / Branches of Maximum T+5, For each delayed

service request(s) PoP-APY shall provide where T is the date of transaction at PoP-APY/
acknowledgement slip / receipt receipt of service Branches of PoP-APY,
with unique number along with request at the PoP-APY shall pay:
receipt date and branches/nodal office, @Rs. 5/- per day subject
stamp/signature to the provided that all the to maximum Rs. 100.
subscriber. necessary documents (This amount should be
have been furnished/ credited to the
ii. PoP-APY / Branches of provided in totality. subscriber’s PRAN)
POP-APY shall upload and
process the service request(s)
as per the SOP (Standard
Operating Procedure) provided
by CRAs at their portal.

4. Grievance Management and Exit processing

a. Grievances i. POP –APY / Branches of As per the PFRDA As per the PFRDA
received from PoP-APY should check CGMS (Redressal of (Redressal of
APY subscribers/ portal on daily basis. subscriber grievance) subscriber grievance)
prospects Regulations, 2015 and Regulations, 2015 and
ii. PoP-APY / Branches of PoP- if, any amendments if, any amendments
APY shall receive and upload thereto. thereto.
grievances, if received directly
or through other intermediary,
into CGMS at CRA portal on
the same day.

iii. PoP-APY / Branches of

PoP-APY shall resolve the
grievances received in CGMS
in accordance with therelevant
regulations but efforts may be
made to resolve the same at the

b. Processing of i. Voluntary exit Maximum T+7, i. For each delayed

exit requests where T is the receipt transaction at PoP-APY /
a. PoP-APY / Branches of PoP- of such forms along Branches of PoP-APY,
APY shall provide with supporting including delay due to

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Types of Service Requirements Turn Around Time Compensation payable
Activities in case of delay by
acknowledgement slip /receipt documents, if any as wrong/in-correct
with unique number along with prescribed therein. processing, PoP-APY
receipt date and stamp / shall pay: @ 8% p.a. of
signature to the subscriber. the exit proceeds amount
rounded off to next
b. PoP-APY shall check the integer value, for the
status of the bank account of period of delay. (This
the subscriber linked to the amount should be
APY account before processing credited to the
the exit cases and shall not subscriber’s savings
process the exit without bank account)
ensuring that active savings
Bank account is available for ii. In case the loss to
crediting the closure proceeds. subscriber is more
than the compensation
c. PoP-APY / Branches of PoP- applicable, then PoP-
APY shall upload and process APY shall make good
the exit requests as per the the loss and credit the
SOP (Standard Operating same to the subscriber’s
Procedure) provided by CRAs savings bank account.
at their portal.
ii. Exit due to death Maximum T+12,
where T is the receipt
a. POP-APY / Branches of of such forms along
POP-APY shall provide with all supporting
acknowledgement slip /receipt documents as
with unique number along with prescribed therein.
receipt date and stamp /

b. POP-APY / Branches of
POP-APY shall upload and
process the exit requests as per
the SOP (Standard Operating
Procedure) provided by CRAs
at their portal.

Note: The working days are to be considered for calculation of T and the prescribed TATs
indicate the maximum timeframe prescribed for particular activities. However, PoP-APY shall
ensure carrying out the activities in fastest possible time.

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Annexure 1
Annual Compliance Report for FY_________________
[To be submitted by PoP-APY to PFRDA at [email protected] by 30th April, every
year, through registered email id of Compliance Officer, Digitally signed/scanned]

Sr. Complied Exceptions

No. Particulars With along with
(Yes/No) reasons to be
provided* / any
other remarks
1 Whether PoP-APY is holding a valid certificate of registration
from PFRDA?
2 Whether PoP-APY has ensured that all APY subscribers are in
the age group of 18-40 years at the time of joining the APY
3 Whether PoP-APY has charged any amount from the
subscribers for processing any of the requests under APY?
4 Whether PoP-APY/ PoP – APY branches/ BCs/ Facilitators/
any other channel approved by the PFRDA, after collection of
the APY Subscriber Registration Form, provides
acknowledgement slip / receipt along with receipt date and
stamp/signature to the subscriber and record of all such
acknowledgement receipts are being maintained by PoP-APY?
5 Whether PoP-APY has ensured timely communication of
PRAN to subscribers in written and confidential manner?
6 Whether PoP-APY is adopting the procedure for KYC as
required under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
(17 of 2003) as amended up to date or any other law, through
effective use of Know Your Customer verification processes,
laid down by PFRDA for all subscribers?
7 Whether the collection and verification of APY Subscriber
Registration Form is being done by the PoP-APY as per the
TATs prescribed under Schedule I of the guidelines?
Whether APY Subscriber Registration Form is stored and
maintained by the PoP-APY / PoP-APY branches?
9 Whether PoP-APY enters the APY subscriber registration
details and other subsequent service requests in the APY
module as per the TATs prescribed under Schedule I of the
10 Where PoP-APY has paid the compensation claimed by the
subscriber for non-completion of activities within TATs as
prescribed in Schedule I of the guidelines?

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Sr. Complied Exceptions
No. Particulars With along with
(Yes/No) reasons to be
provided* / any
other remarks
11 Whether the PoP-APY debits the initial contribution after the
PRAN is activated within maximum T+1, where T is the
activation date of PRAN by CRA?
12 Whether the PoP-APY ensures to run the debit cycle as
prescribed in Schedule I in order to deduct the subsequent APY
contributions from the saving accounts of the APY subscribers
having different frequency of payment?
13 Whether the SCF upload and fund remittance by the PoP-APY
are as per the prescribed TATs under Schedule I of the
14 Whether the grievances received directly by the PoP-APY /
PoP-APY branches in respect of APY are being captured and
maintained in their records and subsequently the same are
lodged in the CGMS?
15 Whether all grievances in CGMS at CRA portal are being
resolved within the time frame provided in the PFRDA
(Redressal of Subscriber Grievance) Regulations, 2015?
16 Whether the service requests are being processed as per
prescribed TATs under Schedule I of the guidelines?
17 Whether all exit requests received at the PoP-APY/ PoP-APY
branches are being processed as per prescribed time lines
mentioned under Schedule I of the guidelines?
18 Whether the subscriber/claimants are being contacted by the
PoP-APY for additional documents demanded by CRA for
settlement of claims?
19 Whether the agreements executed by the PoP-APY with the
facilitator/Banking Correspondent/any other service provider
approved by the PFRDA (if any), are in conformity and
accordance with the PFRDA (PoPs) Regulations, 2018 and
amendments thereof?
20 Whether the activities of the facilitator/Banking
Correspondent/any other service provider approved by the
PFRDA (if any) are being monitored by the PoP-APY regularly
as per the prescribed TATs?
21 Whether the PoP-APY, upon receipt of Government Co-
contribution under APY, has transferred / credited such amount
into the respective savings bank account of the subscriber and
returned the un-utilized amount to PFRDA for period FY 2015-
16 to 2020-21?

Page | 13
Sr. Complied Exceptions
No. Particulars With along with
(Yes/No) reasons to be
provided* / any
other remarks
22 Whether the PoP-APY has submitted all Utilization Certificates
to PFRDA for period FY 2015-16 to 2020-21?
23 Whether the PoP-APY is adhering to the provisions of the
PFRDA Act, rules and regulations, notifications, circulars,
guidelines, directions, advisories etc. issued by / the PFRDA /
GoI from time to time for specified activities?
24 Whether the PoP-APY has outsourced any activity beyond such
as permitted under the extant regulations, circulars, guidelines,
directions, advisories issued by the PFRDA from time to time?
25 Whether PoP-APY has ensured the compliance of cyber
security measures and submitted the reports as prescribed by the
PFRDA from time to time?
*Separate Annexure may be provided.
I, hereby, certify that all the activities as mentioned above are compliant with provisions of
the PFRDA Act, rules and regulations, notifications, circulars, guidelines, directions,
advisories etc. issued by the PFRDA / GoI from time to time. Exceptions, if any, have been
reported above with remarks in the table.

Name of Compliance Officer:

Correspondence Address:
Mobile No. / Landline No.:

Email id:


Place: Signature of compliance officer along

with Office seal.

Note 1: Each page of report needs to be signed by compliance officer.

Note 2: Attach separate sheet for each section separately, if required.

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Annexure -1.1

Details of APY collection account maintained by PoP-APY as on 31st March

Section 1 – Details of closing balance as on 31st March, _________

S. Name of collection
Bank account number Name of the Bank Closing Balance
No. account

Section 2 – Details/bifurcation of closing balance as on 31st March, _________

Date of remittance
Name of the subscriber / PRAN /
S. Date of receipt to the Trustee Bank,
SCF Transaction details Amount
No. of clear funds if done after 31st
(whichever available)
March, _____

Attach separate sheet, if required.

Signature of the Auditor: Signature of the Compliance officer

Stamp of the Audit firm: alongwith office seal:
Name of the Auditor: Name of the Compliance officer:
Membership no. /CP.No.:
Date: Date:
Place: Place:

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