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O Agni, knowing all kinds of knowledge, lead us to wealth in good ways.

(bṛhadāraṇyaka-upaniṣad 5.15.1) (īśa-upaniṣad 18) (ṛgvedaḥ 1.189.1) (yajurvedaḥ

होलिकायां भवेद्भस्मम् ईर्ष्या-द्वेष-अघानि ।

Let jealousy, malice and evil get destroyed in the fire of Holika.

भवज्जीवनं रड्गैः आल्हादमयं भवेदिति कामना

May your life be filled with colors of joy.

होलिकापर्वस्य शुभकामनाः ।
रंगोत्सवस्य शुभाशयाः ।
सर्वेभ्य: होलिका पर्वण्: हार्दिक्य शुभकामना:।

कदर्थितस्याऽपि हि धैर्यवृत्तेर्न शक्यते धैर्यगुणः प्रमार्ष्टुम्।

अधोमुखस्यापि कृ तस्य वह्नेरधः शिखा याति कदाचिदेव॥
kadarthitasyā’pi hi dhairyavṛtterna śakyate dhairyaguṇaḥ pramārṣṭum।
adhomukhasyāpi kṛtasya vahneradhaḥ śikhā yāti kadācideva॥
English translation:
Even when turned upside down, the flames of fire never go down. In the same way,
the fortitude of a courageous person never wipes out even when tormented by a host
of misfortunes.
Hindi translation:
जिस तरह आग का मुह नीचे करने पर भी उसकी लपट कभी नीचे नहीं जाती,
उसी तरह धैर्यवान व्यक्ती का साहस कठिन परिस्थितियों से कभी नही टूटता।
Source – NeetiShatak 97

अरणीन्थने जातु यो विरन्तुं न चेष्टते ।

स एव लभते वह्निमेवं सिद्धेरपि प्रथा ॥
araṇīnthane jātu yo virantuṃ na ceṣṭate ।
sa eva labhate vahnimevaṃ siddherapi prathā ॥

English translation:
The one who does not stop in the midst of the act of rubbing the fire-sticks,
he/she alone obtains fire. The same is the case with success.

Hindi translation:
अरणियों के मन्थन (घर्षण) में जो रुकने की चेष्टा नहीं करता (रुकता नहीं) वही अग्नि को प्राप्त करता है।
सफलता की भी यही स्थिति है।
Source – Buddhi Charita 26.64

According to the Vishnu Purana, Holika told her brother that due to a boon she had
received, she was invulnerable to fire. Arrangements were made to have Prahlada sit
upon the lap of his aunt, atop a burning pyre. However, as Prahlada chanted the
name of Vishnu, he escaped unscathed, while Holika was incinerated.


King Hiranyakashipu was a demon king. He told his people that he was a god so that
they had to worship him only. This king had a son called Prahlada. Prahlada while
being in his mother's womb got to hear Narada's chants. But he too believed that
his father was a god. <br>

One day when Prahlada was walking in the countryside he saw a woman on her knees.
She was praying: ‘Lord Vishnu, who takes away fear. I surrender to you.’<br>

Prahlad was angry. ‘Why do you pray to the Lord Vishnu when you know that your king
is god.’<br>

The woman turned her face to Prahlada and there were tears in her eyes. ‘My kittens
have fallen into the well,’ she said. ‘I am praying they to be saved.’<br>

As she spoke a tiny miaow sounded from the well. To Prahlada’s astonishment he saw
a little paw clinging to its edge. Gently the woman picked up the kitten and put it
down safely on the ground.<br>

Then they heard another miaow, and another. One by one the kittens crawled out of
the well. ‘My prayer has been answered,’ the woman cried joyfully and fell to her

As Prahlad made his way home, he thought about what had happened. 'My father is not
a god after all,' he thought. From this day forth I will worship Lord Vishnu.<br>

His father didn't like his Spiritual inclination and tried to warn Prahlada.
Despite several warnings from his father Hiranyakashipu, Prahlada continued to
worship Vishnu instead. His father then decided topoison Prahlada, but he survived.
He then trampled the boy with elephants, but the boy still lived. Then he put
Prahlada in a room with venomous snakes, and they made a bed for him with their

According to the Puranas, Holika told her brother that due to a boon she had
received, she was invulnerable to fire. Arrangements were made to have Prahlada sit
upon the lap of his aunt, atop a burning pyre. Sinhika prepares to enter the flames
along with Prahlad who does not know that he has planned to burn him alive.
However, as Prahlada chanted the name of Lord Vishnu and practices yoga under Lord
Vishnu’s protection, he escaped unscathed, while Holika was burnt. Prahlada stood
in the midst of the fire, unharmed by the roaring flames.

नारी माता अस्ति नारी कन्या अस्ति नारी भगिनी अस्ति

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