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Project Management (IPE 415)

Md Muzahid Khan, M.Sc.

Email: [email protected]
Conflict in Project Management 2
Conflict in Project Management 3
Conflict in Project Management 4

 Conflict in project management is inevitable’ (Ohlendorf, 2001:1) ; this is a fact which we

have to admit and face.

 Conflict may take many types, depending on the characters of the teammates. It

will affect the project if it exceeds a certain level.

 The Project Management Institute, Inc., (2008:239) advises that ‘Conflict should be

addressed early and usually in private, using a direct, collaborative approach’.

[A conflict is a situation when the interests, needs, goals or values of the project stakeholders interfere with one
another. The cause of conflict in team projects can be related to differences in values, attitudes, needs, expectations,
perceptions, resources, and personalities.]
Conflict in Project Management 5

 Holahan and Mooney (2004:1) believe that conflict can be constructive when it ‘enables

teams to generate higher quality decisions’ [where both parties agree to reach a mutual

agreement about their conflicts.], and may become destructive when team members

engage in debates that are ‘emotional and personal in nature’

 If the management is not aware to the importance of the conflict and its reasons, the

constructive conflict may change to be a destructive one ‘to manage conflict, teams

must learn how to promote constructive conflict without triggering destructive conflict’

(Holahan & Mooney, 2004:4)

Conflict in Project Management 6

It is very important as a project manager, team leader, or even a team member to

know how to communicate with others and to be able to resolve your conflicts.

Sometimes, difficult decisions have to be made, including leaving your current work

in case there was no way to resolve the conflicts which may lead to biased

personal behaviors out of the professional and official attitude.

Conflict Resolution Modes 7
Conflict Resolution Modes 8

Confronting (or Collaborating): where both parties meet and discuss their disagreement
and tend more to resolve their conflict. The attitude of this mode is a win-win situation
where both parties agree to reach a mutual agreement about their conflicts. [The party
who works and finds a solution that satisfies the concerns of all people involved. They are not
only assertive but also take into considerations everyone’s viewpoint. This style is a very good
way to handle and manage conflicts.]

Compromising: where both parties agree to reach a certain degree of satisfaction. It is

close to the confronting mode, or it could be a result of it. Also, this mode guides to a
win-win situation. [one party gives up more than the competitor but less than the
accommodator This style is useful where all the opponents are on a standstill and the deadline
is looming.]
Conflict Resolution Modes 9

Smoothing (or Accommodating): this approach is used to reduce the effect of

conflict, emphasizing area of agreement, and de-emphasizing areas of
disagreement. Usually through this mode both parties confirm what they have
agreed and try to resolve all issues which they have not yet, where both confirm
that there is an area to agree. [The person who neglects his own concerns in order to
satisfy the concerns of others. The accommodator is not necessarily assertive but is highly
cooperative. This style is useful if the success of the project is more important than
fighting with the ego of the other person.]

Forcing (Competing, Being Assertive): in this mode, one party shall impose his
solution on the other party. Normally, it happens when there is no agreement, and
one party has the power over the other one. This mode guides to win-lose situation
where one of the parties reaches to dis- satisfaction. [This style is very useful when
there is an emergency, and a decision is needed to be made fast. But there is a risk of
creating resentment if this style is misused.]
Conflict Resolution Modes 10

Avoiding (or Withdrawing): this mode is used normally as a temporary solution

when it is required to gain some time. Sometimes, delaying an argument or
decision may lead to a win without argument. [This style is typified by delegating
controversial decisions, accepting default decisions and not wanting to hurt anyone’s
feelings. It could be a good strategy if victory is impossible, or the conflict is trivial.
However, if the stakes are high this approach is weak and ineffective.]



Win-win → PMI Conflict

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