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A Quantitative Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of Abada College Department
Abada College
Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements in Research Project

Mattew G. Fabila

Joycelyn V. Ituralde

Justin S. Legaspi

Jay P. Ricaro

Shelamae V. Rodas

Elyne L. Zoleta

November 2022



This chapter presents the problem and its background, the research

locale, the theoretical and conceptual frameworks, the statement of the problem

and hypothesis, the significance of the study and the definition of terms.


Police patrols play an important role in public safety. According to an

article entitled ”Police Operations: Theory and Practice” (2022) patrolling is

known as the backbone of police operations. The patrolling officers are some of

the most visible law enforcement agents. The time spent by police officers

answering calls for service is also considered patrol work. Officers on patrol

answer calls, take reports, calm down disturbance, and so on.

Most of the workers in a normal police department are occupied with the

combination of these two sets of tasks, patrolling and handling calls. Thus, patrol

is the primary function of policing.

Police patrol refers to what officers perform, whether it is spying, walking

the beat, or conducting in-depth criminal investigation. Police patrol operations

also encompass a variety of tasks. Initially, the police will identify crime hotspots

and offer a physical police presence at such locations. Police on foot as well as

officers in automobiles monitoring the area are part of this presence. However,

police patrol can also involve other sorts of activities, such as the use of a 9-1-1

system, as in the in by investigation are studied over a hundred nations’ police

share information with one another. (Tacad, et al., 2016)

Early on, patrolling was completed on foot. Walking the beat was a

common police operation. Patrolling evolved over the years- from walking the

beat, to patrolling as automobiles, motorcycles and other modes of transportation

became more readily available. Today, the phrase patrol is connected with the

police. New police officers are often assigned to patrol duty and are commonly

referred to as patrol officers. The patrol division is the largest in most police

departments. Everyone patrols in a tiny police agency. Patrol policemen are often

deployed when we ask for police help, whether for an emergency, to report a

crime, to quiet a disturbance, or to seek some form of routine service. (McMillan

Encyclopedia: The Environment, 2019)

As Marfrancisco developed, a lot of business establishments were

constructed, making the barangay a busy area. Along with a rise in population,

there is also an increase in the likelihood of crime being committed.

The researchers decided to conduct this study to gain knowledge about

the patrolling techniques and strategies that could incorporate urban structure

area just like Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro, evaluate

the patrolling performance of the Police Officers, and to determine how it affects

the level of security of the residents, whether they completely feel safe when

there is a police presence or when police are patrolling in their area or not.

Research Locale

Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro composes of eight sitio

namely Matuod-tuod, Independent, Commissioner, Bliss, Teacher’s Village,

Abada, Santo Niño, and New Centro. It is located near the Poblacion of

Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro. It is classified as Urban Barangay and its area is

273.69 hectares. The researchers chose Marfrancisco as the research locale

because aside from the fact that is a busy area, it is where people gathered to

eat, to shop and do their businesses most of the time and has a high possibility

for the occurrence of crime. It is where patrolling often conducted by the

Pinamalayan police.

Figure 1.1 Research Map of Barangay Marfrancisco

Theoretical Framework

The following theories were presented to give relevant information to the

current study.

Thomas F. Adams identified the theory of Police Omnipresence as one

of the most traditional but most powerful methods of crime prevention in his book

“Police Filed Operations.” According to the Theory of Police Omnipresence,

high visibility discourages criminals. Normally, criminals think twice before

executing their plans if there is obvious presence of police officers. Thus, patrol

activity should be carried in a manner attracts maximum attention to police

officers or police vehicles. This theory applies the principle of overt operation or

high police visibility. It requires physically uniformed personnel to patrol their

beat, especially during break hours to implant into the minds of the people,

including the would-be criminals that the police are present in the vicinity. Thus,

this strategy is effective in eliminating the desire to commit crimes (Adams,


In connection to the present study, if there is a regular police presence or

if the police regularly conduct patrolling in a specific or random area the more the

would-be criminals will be deterred from committing a crime and the more the

residents would feel safe and secured. Implementing this theory will eliminate

intent/motive, opportunity, and instrumentality as necessary in the commission of

a crime.

However, Low Profile Theory stated that low police visibility increases

the opportunity to apprehend the criminals. The deceptive absence of the police

officer will give criminals the impression that they would not be apprehended if

they commit crimes.

In this theory, the officers should operate in a manner that it would be

difficult for either criminals or the public to determine that the police are around.

The objective is to attract as little attention as possible while on the process of

patrolling. In this theory, the principle of covert operation is integrated like those

police operation that was done by the non-uniformed police personnel gathering

intelligence. As a result, the citizens remain safe and the police may work in low

visibility without drawing attention to themselves.

Koper Curve Theory is a theory named after Christopher S. Koper

(1995), emanating from the Minneapolis Hot Spots Policing experiment and

tested in Sacramento, suggests that random 10-15 minutes patrols at least every

two hours in hot spots optimize deterrence. This theory states that crime is less

likely to occur in certain hot spots if there is a noticeable public presence.

Therefore, police officers should first identify the crime hot spots or the area

where crime are more likely to; improve police visibility and conduct regular

patrolling on those crime hotspots.

Cohen and Felson (1979) introduces Routine Activity Theory and its

role in the study of crime rates and their changes. The theory states that a crime

occurs when the following three elements come together in any given space and

time; (an accessible target, the absence of capable guardians that could

intervene and the presence of a motivated offender).

As cited by Wilkstrom (2018) on his article entitled “Routine Activity Theory”,

the term "routine activities" refers to standardized social activity patterns in a

culture (i.e., spatial and temporal patterns in family, work, and leisure activities).

An important concept is that the structure of everyday activities in a society

affects the types of situations that arise, and changes in routine activities in a

society affect the situations that people face.

This perspective was used in this present study specifically when it comes

to the community orderliness and safety risk management of the residents. As

the theory stated that victimizations occur if there is a suitable target, a motivated

offender and absence of capable guardian, because one's protection is not solely

the duty of the police officers and the barangay authorities, but also the individual

himself, a suitable target who disobeys barangay policies with regard to their

safety is more likely to become a victim than those who voluntarily comply with

the policies.

Modeling theory proposed by Albert Bandura in 1997, emphasizes the

significance of observation and imitation that occurs from a person's perspective

through the characters portrayed in media, live or through symbolism and how it

changes their behavior, knowledge, attitudes, and values. If the role model has a

well-respected reputation and their work is highly valuable, imitation is more likely

to occur. The mimicked conduct is gradually reinforced, and as the individual

comes to identify with the role model, they begin to imitate the behavior

themselves. Bandura believes that most human behavior is learned

observationally through modeling: from observing others, one forms an idea of

how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information

serves as a guide for action. Therefore, in this study, the likelihood that the

community will be in order increases if the police on patrol themselves uphold the

laws they are enforcing, act as an example to the citizens, and uphold peace and

order themselves.

Moreover, Role theory of Biddle and Thomas in 1966, states that roles

require and shape behavior associated with the role, including dress, knowledge

and values needed to perform the role status. According to Biddle, role theory

concerns one of the most important features of social life, characteristic behavior

patterns or roles. Expectations held by both the person and other people serve

as a guidance for human behavior. The expectations line up with the roles that

people play or embody in their day-to-day lives. In connection to the current

study, police officers are required by law to wear their uniforms with pride and

honor, adhere to certain norms of conduct in the performance of their duties as

they have given such an important role in the society. As the police are in

charged with the responsibility of promoting peace and order and public safety,

the community also have its role to live up with.

Game theory is the science of strategy. It attempts to determine

mathematically and logically the actions that “players” should take to secure the

best outcomes for themselves in a wide array of “games.” Game theory was

developed by Princeton mathematician John Von Neumann in 1950. The

essence of a game is the interdependence of player strategies. There are two

distinct types of strategic interdependence: sequential and simultaneous. In the

former the players move in sequence, each aware of the others’ previous

actions. In the latter the players act at the same time, each ignorant of the others’

actions. We determine each player’s best strategy by looking ahead to every

possible outcome (Dixit and Nalebuff, n.d). This theory was applied to this study

since the police organization think of a techniques and strategies to successfully

apprehend criminals and deter possible offenders. They use distinct ways of

patrolling, to ensure public safety.

Another approach is System theory of Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1940),

which emphasizes involvement and interdependence. The focus is on the

interactions and on the relationships between parts in order to understand an

entity's organization, functioning and outcomes. A system is made up of

groupings of pieces that perform a variety of tasks and interact or depend on one

another often to form a whole. Ludwig stressed that the constant evolution of real

systems is facilitated by their openness to, and interaction with, their contexts, as

well as their capacity to emerge with qualitatively new qualities. The theory was

applied in the study to determine how effective police officers on patrol were on

providing protection to the community, by looking at how involved the residents

were together with the police officers conducting the patrol.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework as the visual presentation of an expected

relationship between variables, that were simply the characteristics or properties

wanted to be studied.

Status of Patrolling Techniques and

Strategies used by Pinamalayan police Level of Security of the residents at
in terms of:
Brgy. Marfrancisco Pinamalayan
a. Police Visibility; Oriental Mindoro in terms of:

b. Proper wearing of uniforms; a. Safety risk management; and

b. Community Orderliness
c. Real-time patrolling

Figure 1.2 Hypothesized relationship between variables

Figure 1.2 shows the conceptual framework of this study. It contains the

independent and dependent variables. The framework indicates the independent

variable of the study which is the status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies

used by Pinamalayan Police in terms of police visibility, proper wearing of

uniforms and real-time patrolling. Reflected on the second box is the dependent

variable of the study which is the level of security of resident of Brgy.

Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro in terms of safety risk management

and community orderliness. Furthermore, the one tailed arrow indicates the

hypothesized relationship between the variables.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the status of Patrolling

Techniques and Strategies used by Pinamalayan Police and Its Impact to the

Level of Security of the residents of Brgy. Mrfrancisco, Pinamalayan Oriental


Specially, the study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the status of patrolling techniques and strategies used by

Pinamalayan police in terms of:

a. Police visibility;

b. Proper wearing of uniforms; and

c. Real-time patrolling?

2. What is the level of security of residents of Brgy. Marfransico,

Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro in terms of:

a. Safety risk management; and

b. Community Orderliness?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the status of patrolling

techniques and strategies and the level of security of residents of Brgy.

Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro?

Statement of the Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the patrolling techniques and

strategies used by Pinamalayan police and the level of security of the residents

of Pinamalayan.

Significance of the Study

Since the study focused on the impact of patrolling techniques and

strategies used by Pinamalayan police to the level of security of the residents,

the results of this study would be of utmost significance to the following

individuals or group of individuals.

The Police Officers. The result on this study would serve as their basis on

understanding how their patrolling techniques and strategies affects the residents

and how effective they are on securing the community. They would also be able

to identify the strength and weakness of their patrolling techniques and strategies

and assess how the residents perceived their patrolling.

The Residents of the Barangay. The result of the study would make the

residents not only of barangay Marfrancisco, but also the residents of other

barangays, realize the importance of police patrol to the society and to have a

greater understanding of the effort done to create a safer environment in which to

live, work, and conduct business as well as an understanding of the problems

faced by police officers on patrol.

The Criminology Students. This study would help to awaken their interest and

to inoculate the significance of developing appropriate skills and knowledge

specifically in patrolling, to guide them in their future careers as a law enforcer.

The Barangay Officials. The result of the study would serve as their basis in

assessing the level of trust developed between the people of the community to

the policies and ordinances of their Barangay and to help them to be aware of

the benefits of patrolling in securing their community and maintaining


The Researchers. Also benefiting from the result of the study were the

researchers themselves. The study would allow the researchers to visualize and

observe the effectivity of patrolling techniques and strategies in uplifting the

security of the residents. The study would enlighten the researchers as

maintaining security is one of the responsibilities of the future police officers


The Future researchers. This study might serve as reference for the future

researchers as the idea’s information and findings in this study would be used in

establishing future research.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study only focused on the patrolling techniques and strategies used

by Pinamalayan police and its Impact to the level of security of the residents of

Brgy. Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro. This study was conducted

on July-December 2022. The respondents of this study were randomly selected

residents both male and female on legal age, one representative per household,

in Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro, from June to

December 2022.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding of the study the terms bellow, were

defined operationally.

Community Orderliness- It refers to the condition where the residents

uphold the barangay policies and the manner in which they work together with

the police to enforce the law.

Level of Security- It means the degree of risk assessed by the residents

when their area was often patrolled by the police officers. The feeling of being

secured from threatening situations because of police presence.

Real-time patrolling- It refers not only to the time schedule of the conduct

of patrol, whether it is fixed or a random patrol but also to those activities that the

police officers are doing during their shift.

Patrol- This is a term used to describe a situation in which police are

present at regular intervals to keep an area under observation, like what the

Pinamalayan police were doing in Baranggay Marfrancisco, especially while they

are walking or driving around their area of responsibility.

Patrolling Techniques and Strategies- It refers to the techniques and

strategies used by the Pinamanlayan police officers in patrolling to ensure public

safety. This includes proper wearing of uniforms, random (foot/beat, post and

automobile) patrol and regular or real-time patrolling.

Proper wearing of uniforms- It pertains to the way the police personnel

carried themselves and appeared to the general public.

Safety risk management- This refers to the condition wherein the

residents assess how safe they are and analyze and control possible risk of

doing something that is against the law and can lead for them to be arrested by

the police.



This chapter presents concepts and finding both foreign and local related

to the discussion of the present study on the Patrolling techniques and strategies

used by Pinamalayan police and Its Impact to the security level of the residents

of Brgy. Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro.

Foreign Literature

Police patrolling is a difficult process. Police officers are required to balance

a variety of interrelated duties while on patrol. The police must both conduct

patrol proactively to apprehend offenders before they commit crimes and

reactively to deal with emergencies. To effectively manage limited police

resources and reduce emergency response times, patrol techniques must be

effective (Dewinter et. al 2020). In addition, the public's trust in urban security is

increased through police patrol, which is an efficient technique for preventing

crime. Designing routes, allocating resources, and planning jurisdictions all

present intriguing decision-making challenges. Due to various operational and

resource limitations, a lot of cities around the world have adopted a structured

and intelligent technique of police patrol (Sukanya, et. al., 2021).

Moreover, the Ten Principles of Community Policing are described in

Kappeler and Gaines’ (2012) publication. A philosophy and organizational

technique known as “community policing” broadens the traditional police duty of

combating crime to include building relationships with the public and promoting

cooperation and involvement. The most recent advancements in the field are

also covered, such as how the current climate of suspicion brought on by terrorist

threats affects the trust that is so important for community policing and how the

newest technologies can be used to improve police interactions with the public. It

also examines the division of authority and highlights the significance of

collaborations between the various law enforcement agencies, governmental

organizations, and for-profit social service organizations.

More recently, the National Research Council’s Committee on Proactive

Policing concluded according to the available research evidence, suggests that

hot spots policing strategies generate statistically significant crime reduction

effects (Weisburd and Majmundar, 2018). Crime rates are lower in areas that the

police routinely patrolled than in areas that they only patrolled occasionally.

Moreover, Nagin, et. al., (2015) argued that increasing police visibility in

crime hot spots will have a significant marginal deterrent effect by making

potential offenders feel more at risk of being apprehended and preventing them

from taking advantage of the concentrated opportunities for crime that exist in

these small spaces. Wooditch (2021) suggests that patrol officers could make

better use of unallocated time if they were to engage in hot spots policing rather

than random patrol.

Paired with knowledge that police officers have a considerable amount of

unallocated patrol time, it may be a relatively untapped resource with substantial

crime prevention potential. Police patrols, both on foot and in vehicles, have long

been employed to deter crime. This crime prevention strategy has been

subjected to scientific examinations for at least 40 years, with varying degrees of

success. (Andersen and Malleson, 2014).

By keeping offenders guessing as to when an officer would drive by next,

the goal is to give offender’s a sensation of omnipresence and to maximize

deterrence. Additionally, it is anticipated that crime will be reduced when officers

are passing through (or sitting in) a specific area. Because crime is

disproportionately concentrated inside beats rather than being distributed at

random (e.g., see Weisburd, Groff, and Yang, 2012), random preventive patrol

has generally not been thought to be a very effective crime control tool (Telep

and Weisburd, 2012).

Additionally, beat policing, which has its roots in traditional policing from

the late 19th century, makes use of the close relationship with the community

members within the assigned beat to strengthen police effectiveness and

encourage cooperative efforts to make a safer community. Typically, beat officers

patrol on foot or by bicycle, fostering greater interaction between the two parties

(Miller 2013).

Meanwhile, as cited by Alias and Bahron (2019) on their article ‘Review on

Police Uniform Perception’, similar studies undertaken by Balkin and Houlden

(1983) deduced that the uniforms of police officers conveyed impressions of

reliability, competence, and intelligence this is in cohorts with other past studies

that have found that police uniforms can influence perception among the police

or the public at large.

Nitsch, et. al (2018) discussed the relationship between Law Enforcement

Agencies (LEAs) and the communities they serve by offering a collection of ICT

tools to enhance collaboration, cooperation, and information exchange, to the

security and safety of citizens by strengthening the connection between the

police and the communities they serve.

According to Siegel as cited by De Asis (2019), it is important to

acknowledge the distinctive individual qualities that law enforcement agencies do

have. Departmental size, budget, geography, and aim, to name a few, are just a

few factors that affect these unique characteristics. It is necessary to make

sensible decisions when setting criminal prevention policies and when creating

plans to successfully implement the chosen policies.

Synthesis of Foreign Literature

The goals of patrol include crime prevention and deterrence,

apprehension of offenders, creating a sense of community security and

satisfaction, and traffic control. To effectively manage limited police resources

and reduce emergency response times, patrol techniques must be effective.

(Dewinter, et. al, 2020 and Wooditch, 2021) Police patrols are an effective

method for preventing crime and raising public confidence in urban security. By

making potential offenders feel more at risk of being apprehended, increasing

police visibility in crime hotspots will significantly prevent crime (Sukanya et al.,

2021; Weisburd and Majmundar, 2018; Nagin et al., 2015). However, recognizing

the unique specific characteristics that law enforcement organizations do

possess is crucial. These distinctive qualities are influenced by a number of

variables, including departmental size, funding, region, and goal. (De Asis, 2019).

Local Literature

There are several methods to characterize and evaluate how well the

police perform in today's society. The PNP is charged with the responsibility of

promoting peace and order and public safety. As guardians in the continuing

search for ensuring peace and order, it shall utilize different kinds of measure, for

fast and effective communication and information dissemination. The PNP is

faced with an important task and that is motivating people to become highly

professional, dynamic and motivated and all of them most be inspired to live in

service, honor and justice (PNP Transformation Plan, 2015).

As cited by Saguid, et. al. (2022) police visibility through ongoing

patrolling fosters a sense of security in the neighborhood. According to the

Directorate for Operations' "Managing Patrol Operations Manual," issued in June

2015, patrol officers can communicate with their superiors about issues they

encounter in the neighborhood and citizens' concerns about maintaining peace

and order by conducting frequent patrols. The same reasoning dictates that

patrolling must be the foundation of police officers' careers. The fundamental

abilities of communication, interpersonal interaction, dispute resolution, and

problem solving are taught to officers in this setting.

Furthermore, according to Abat (2013), the police station in Davao City is

expanding police visibility in neighborhoods in order to lower crime rates. For

advocacy programs and to increase visibility, the majority of police officers are

outside. Additionally, avoid allowing them to travel in a mobile as they spend

much of their time on foot patrol to observe community safety and build

relationships with the community to deter crime. To ensure that residents are

safe, police officers also visit each home in the many villages and subdivisions

within the scope of their duties.

As a result, according to Rien (2014), Cebu City is enhancing police

visibility in public spaces where it has been implemented by the police as part of

their strategy to reduce street crimes. This is done through a program called the

Metro Cebu Comprehensive Deployment System (MCCDS), which will increase

the number of police officers on the beat, on foot, and in mobile covert


The Philippine National Police (PNP) Director General Nicanor A.

Bartolome issued an order requiring all officers working in offices to perform at

least four hours of security patrols in their respective jurisdictions. Bartolome said

that the police will now be conducting patrol before they go to the office and

before they go home. Starting at 8:00 a.m., the target time will be. Until 10:00

a.m. each day beginning at 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon. The

PNP’s goal, according to Bartolome, is to use that time for street patrols and

other issues that require the most attention from the police. While serving as the

director of the National Capital Region Police Office, Bartolome implemented it in

Metro Manila (NCRPO). (Boncocan, 2012)

After it was determined to be successful, Bartolome declared he wanted to

adopt it nationwide because, in addition to police officers working in offices, some

of them would also be obliged to undertake beat patrol in other units.

In order to significantly minimize, if not completely eliminate, the chance of

committing a specific crime, the PNP uses police presence as a major crime

deterrent. The physical deployment of police officers, patrol cars, and other

police equipment is what is meant by “police presence,” and it can increase

visibility and finally provide the much-needed, comforting police attendance and

response in select key locations. By utilizing this variety of patrol tactics, one can

project a genuine and widespread image of police omnipresence and a constant

police presence (PNP Managing Patrol Operations, 2015).

The Police Community Relations Manual (2012) states that the

community’s partnership will be a key priority. Managers of police departments

must be aware of the connections between their operations and those of other

public services like housing, welfare, and employment organizations. Future

police will see themselves as a small part of a larger effort to not only reduce

crime but also enhance communal life in general. (Takad, et. al., 2016)

Synthesis of Local Literature

By performing frequent patrols, patrol officers can communicate with their

supervisors about problems they run into in the community and the worries of the

citizens about upholding peace and order. Police officers must maintain good

partnership with the community as stated in Police Community Relations Manual

(2012). Police visibility through ongoing patrolling affects the level of security of

the residents. The focus on police visibility just like, in Rińen (2014), statement

that Cebu City is further strengthening police visibility in public areas where

implemented by the police as part of their strategy to lower street crimes. PNP

Managing Patrol Operations (2015) states that PNP employs police presence as

a key crime deterrent to drastically reduce, if not entirely eliminate, the likelihood

of committing a certain crime. What is meant by “police presence” is the physical

deployment of police officers, patrol cars, and other police tools. This can

improve visibility and finally deliver the much-desired, reassuring police

attendance and response in a few key locations.

Foreign Study

Zhang and Brown (2013) on their study about “Police Patrol Districting

Method and Simulation Evaluation using agent-based model and GIS” states that

responding to situations, preventing crimes, and deterring criminal activity are all

vital aspects of police patrols’ public service. People who require protection may

feel more secure, and it may deter those who might commit crimes in the

absence of a patrol. The essential element and duty of police departments is

patrolling. Crime reduction, criminal apprehending, law enforcement, upholding

public order, providing public services, and traffic enforcement are among the

aims and objectives of police patrol. There is a natural interest in patrol tactics

and operations that offer safety at the lowest possible cost, nevertheless, given

the restricted police resources.

Furthermore, they also discussed on their study the three major types of

patrol strategies for patrol officers: active patrol, random patrol, and directed

patrol. In active patrol, patrol officers should use every opportunity to discover,

detect, observe, and interdict the unusual event. Random patrol means patrol

routes should be random and varied so that the patrol behaviors will not be

predicted by potential criminals. In directed patrol, patrol officers pay more efforts

to hotspots of crime so they can respond quickly and reduce the crimes in

hotspots. In practice, patrol officers may choose one strategy or combine them to

accommodate the specific conditions in their area.

In addition, studies stated that the police uniform is perceived to be among

the most important tools or equipment used by the police, which means that the

uniform acts as a symbolic attribute that demonstrates the membership of the

officer within the police department (Simpson, 2018). Uniforms play significant

roles within a given organization in specific levels such as strategic level (Heide

and Gronhaug 2009; Daniel, 1996), and operational level (Martınez ́ -Tomé,

Vera, & Murcia, 2000). Similarly, a study conducted by Rebecca Walther (2018)

on police public perception identified the appearance of a police officer, in this

case, their uniform can elicit or influence the perception of a police officer.

Additionally, studies by Hannover and Kuehnen (2002) suggest that clothing can

alter the self-perception and mood of an individual. Consequently, the police

uniform influences attitudes and behaviors of the wearers as well as the citizens

with whom they interact. (Bell, 2002).

Another study by Krunoslav, et. al. (2019) revealed that police

visibility and residents’ emotive and cognitive perceptions of safety are related in

a complex way. On the one hand, some characteristics of police visibility

positively influence people’s perceptions of safety; However, some aspects are

associated in ways that go against what is expected. According to the data,

visibility of police foot patrols and interventions had the greatest impact on

individuals’ perceptions of safety, but visibility of police automobile patrols has

the opposite effect. In other words, improving the sense of safety requires all

police actions geared at boosting foot patrols and dealing with high-risk

populations. Police presence and perceptions of police visibility may both be

independently correlated with public confidence in the police, according to

analysis of the Crime Survey of England and Wales. (Sindall and Sturgis, 2013).

Likewise, the study of Borovec, (2013) revealed the two-dimensional

structure of the construct “perception of safety”, which consists of affective (fear

of crime) and cognitive components (perception of victimization risk, level of

crime and incivilities). Furthermore, findings suggest a complex relationship

between the Community Policing and the affective and cognitive citizens’

perception of safety.

Proving that the Community Policing is statistically significantly associated

with citizens’ sense of safety, including its affective and cognitive component is of

extreme importance, what is important for the prevention of crime. However, this

study contributes significantly to our understanding of the public’s perception of

safety, crime fear, and police perception. It has several policy ramifications as a

result, some of which are crucial for the evaluation of existing and future planned

policies of the work and actions of the police.

In addition, communities with a high level of collective efficacy—where

people know and trust one another and are willing to step in to fix problems in the

neighborhood—have fewer crimes recorded. Few empirical studies have looked

at this issue, despite the fact that policing is regarded to be one of the precursors

to collective efficacy.

Yesberg, et. al. (2021) on their study, the findings showed levels of

police visibility predicted trust in police. Trust in police fairness, in turn, predicted

collective efficacy. There was a small indirect relationship between police

visibility and collective efficacy, through trust in police fairness. In other words,

police presence in neighbourhoods was associated with more positive views

about officer behaviour, which in turn was associated with collective efficacy.

Another study revealed that, property crime decreased by 31% in

hotspots that had marked police cars patrolling them, contrary to hotspots where

everything continued as usual (Ratcliffe, 2020). In general, hotspot policing can

be beneficial at reducing crime, according to a systematic review by Braga,et. al.

(2019). In fact, 62 out of the 78 studies that were examined found that crime

decreased in the areas where police were present and active compared to other

areas that were not patrolled.

Synthesis of Foreign Study

Hotspot policing can be beneficial at reducing crime. (Braga et al,

2019) Active patrol, random patrol, and directed patrol are the three main types

of patrol tactics used by patrol officers. Patrol police should take advantage of

every chance while on active patrol to find, spot, observe, and stop the

unexpected event. In order to prevent potential offenders from predicting the

patrol behaviors, random patrol routes should be used. (Zhang and Brown,

2013). Foot patrol had much more impact to the level of security or that the

residents feel more secured when the police used foot patrol than the automobile

patrol. (Krunoslay, et. al., 2019 and Ratcliffe, et. al.,2020)

In general, police visibility and residents’ emotive and cognitive perceptions

of safety are related in a complex way. There was a small indirect relationship

between police visibility and collective efficacy, through trust in police fairness.

(Borovec, 2013; Yesberg, et. al., 2021)

Local Study

In the study of Mari et al. (2011), it was investigated that in a survey

conducted among their respondents, the implementation of Police Patrol Unit is

effective in addressing the peace and security in the community.

Vicente (2020), on his study entitled “Community Crime Prevention: The

Case of Barangay in the Northern Philippines”, he suggested holding frequent

meetings to discuss unreported incidents in order to improve cooperation

between the PNP, barangay authorities, and community members. The

management and leadership of the purok leaders should also encourage

barangay volunteers to actively participate. It would also be helpful to ask for

assistance from the barangay’s partner agencies and organizations in the

provision of equipment and crime prevention paraphernalia like a baton,

flashlight, whistle, reflectorized vest, raincoats, and boots along with the

installation of street lights at key locations.

As cited by Evaristo, et. al. (2016), the study of Tais et al. (2012) on the

status of Police Patrol Unit stated that Police Visibility Operation is very important

on the prevention of crime and suppression of criminals.

Tacad, et. al. (2016) set forth the following recommendations for more

effective strategy in crime prevention through the conduct of patrolling: (1) police

visibility must also observe timely and to maintained the peace and order, (2) the

physical fitness must also maintain to each member so when it comes to

operations it will be easy to them to respond, (3) maintain the good image in the

community when you are in uniform or not wear the uniform so that authority will

still remain, and (4) the community must also give their full support in different

programs of the police officers set for them.

Moreover, Vicente and Vicente (2020) recommend that the personnel of

the Mobile Patrol Unit (MPU) with administrative duties be required to conduct

field duties especially during 7 am to 9 am and 4 pm to 6 pm which are

considered peak hours; create a committee within MPU to handle assessment of

all patrol activities, and collate feedback for report; to regularly conduct review

and evaluation of the Patrol Plan.

Patalinghug (2017), his study revealed that the crime prevention

strategies in four (4) municipalities of Zamboanga Del Sur were “much effective”

to include Integrated Patrol System, Barangay Peace Keeping Operations, Anti-

Criminality Operations, Integrated Area Community Public Safety Services,

Bantay Turista and School Safety Project in connection to the responses of 158

participants. There is a significant relationship between crime prevention

strategies employed and index crime rate.

Synthesis of Local Study

Having frequent discussions on unreported incidences to enhance

collaboration between the PNP, barangay officials, and community members will

be a great help to reduce and prevent crimes (Vicente 2020).

When it comes to operations, each member of the police force must be

physically fit and visible in order for them to respond quickly. Mobile Patrol Unit

must conduct patrolling specially during peak hours. They must also maintain a

positive reputation in the community whether they are wearing a uniform or not in

order for their authority to remain intact. Police officers must in all times while

conducting a patrol, must see to it that they are on their proper uniforms. Finally,

the community must support the police officers’ various programs in full. The

residents must obey with barangay policies and ordinances and be aware of their

responsibilities as a member of the community (Tacad, et. al., 2016; Vicente and

Vicente 2020).



This chapter tackled about the specification used by the researcher in

terms of their research. Specifically, this chapter presented the researcher

design, respondents of the study, sampling techniques, research instrument,

data gathering procedure and statistical instrument of data.

Research Design

The research study utilized quantitative research, a method that concerned

with systematic investigation of social phenomena by collection of quantifiable

data and performing statistical and numerical data (Watson, 2015). This design

helped the researchers to collect and interpret data because it provides objective

measurement and calculation of data gathered through survey questionnaire. In

addition, quantitative research is a methodology that focuses on collecting

numerical data and using it to explain a phenomenon or generalize it across

groups of individuals. Introduction, literature and theory, methodology, results,

and discussions make up the format of the final written report (Jan 2022).

Moreover, the researchers used the descriptive correlation method in

which the researcher is primarily interested in describing relationships among

variables, without seeking to establish a causal connection (Copeland 2022). The

study utilized the method to determine the relationship between the status of

patrolling techniques and strategies used by Pinamalayan Police and its impact

to the level of security of the residents of Barangay Marfrancisco, Pnamalayan,

Oriental Mindoro.

Respondents of the Study

The participants in the study were the 306 residents were randomly

chosen from a total of 1,297 in Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental


The respondents of the study were randomly selected from the residents

of Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro, from there 1 representative on

legal age per household. Quota sampling was done until the number of samples

from households of Barangay Marfrancisco, was achieved. Through the chosen

sampling techniques, a sample size of 306 was derived.

The following table summarizes the data acquired from 306 respondents.

Table 3.1 Profile of the Respondents

Variable Category Frequency Percentage

Sex Male 165 54%

Female 141 46%

Civil Status Single 151 49%

Married 146 48%

Widowed 9 3%

Location Abada 42 14%

Teacher’s Village 24 8%

Bliss/Commissioner 55 18%

Independent 45 15%

Matuod-tuod 44 14%

New Centro 51 17%

Santo Niño 45 15%

Age rage 20-25years old 102 33%

26-30 years old 63 20%

31-35 years old 49 16%

36-40 years old 16 5%

40- 45 years old

81 26%
and above

Sampling Technique
The study used Slovin’s Formula ( n= ) to get the sample size
1+ Ne

needed which would be an ideal number that would result to reliable result.

Marginal error (e) used was 0.05 or 5%. As a result, 306 respondents were the

sample size.

Since the households in Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro

came from different sitios, stratifies random sampling, also known as proportional

random sampling were used. The following numbers of household were

considered: Abada, 180, Bliss/Commissioner, 235, Independent,192, Matuod-

tuod,185, New Centro, 215, Santo Niño Subdivision,190 and Teachers

Village,100. Then, the researcher proceeded with getting the ration of each

stratum with respect to the total population. Below is a table summarizing the


Table 3.2 Distribution of Respondents

Sitios Population Percentage Strata

Abada 180 13% 42

Bliss/Commissioner 235 18% 55

Independent 192 14% 45

Matuod-tuod 185 14% 44

New Centro 215 16% 51

Sto. Niño Subd. 190 14% 45

Teacher’s Village 100 7% 24

N= 1,297 Total: 306

The table above shows how the sampling was done. Using the Slovin’s

formula, a number of 306 as the sample was derived. The researcher applied the

stratified proportional random sampling since the households came from varied

sitios. As shown in the table, 180 household owners coming from Sitio Abada

was 13% of the population, 235 households coming from Bliss/Commissioner

was 18%, 129 Sitio Independent was 14%, 185 households coming from Sitio

Matuod-tuod was 14%, 215 household coming from Sitio New Centro was 16%,

190 households coming from Sto. Niño Subdivision was 14% and 100

households coming from Teacher’s Village was 7% of the population. Then, each

percentage was applied to each stratum of the sample size which was 306. As a

conclusion, a sub- sample of 42 were randomly selected from Sitio Abada, 55

were coming from Bliss/Commissioner, 45 were coming from Sitio Independent,

44 were coming from Sitio Matuod-tuod, 51 were coming from New Centro, 45

were coming from Santo Niño Subdivision and 24 were coming from Teacher’s

Village respectively.

Quota sampling method was used to arrive with the list of households to

complete the number in each stratum.

Research Instrument

The researchers used self-made questionnaires in obtaining the data

needed for the study. According to McLeod (2018), a questionnaire is a research

tool composed of a number of questions used to collect data from respondents.

The questionnaires were composed of statements which served as

indicators for the variables. The researchers provided questions to assess the

status of patrolling techniques and strategies used by Pinamalayan police in

terms of police visibility, proper wearing of uniforms and real-time patrolling so as

with the level of security as perceived by the respondents.

Validity of Instrument

To achieve the validity of instrument, the researchers asked advice from

three grammarians and Master of Education graduates. This ensured that the

construction of questions and indicators were reviewed technically by specialist

so that the result of the questionnaire as an instrument would be valid and would

measure what it was supposed to be measured.

Reliability of the Instrument

In order to test the reliability of the validated questionnaire, ten (10)

residents in Marfrancisco who were not among the respondents in the study

were subjected to Cronbach’s Alpha method. The responses of the respondents

were statistically treated using Cronbach alpha to determine the reliability

coefficients. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was low when the first

administration to the ten (10) randomly chosen respondents was completed. So

that, researchers undergo another series of validation and revision of

questionnaire and then proceed to the second administration to finally get a

positive result.

The table below was used to determine the magnitude of the correlation of

those indicators and its verbal interpretation.

Table 3.3 Coefficient of the Correlation and Interpretation that measures the

reliability of the instrument.

Cronbach’s Alpha Description

0.9≤ᵅ Excellent
0.8≤ᵅ<0.9 Good
0.7≤ᵅ<0.8 Acceptable
0.6≤ᵅ<0.7 Questionable
0.5≤ᵅ<0.6 Poor
ᵅ<0.5 Unacceptable

Table 3.4 Reliability of the Research Instrument using Cronbach’s Alpha

Variables Coefficient Correlation Description

I. Status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies used by Pinamalayan

Police visibility 0.90 Excellent

Proper wearing of uniform 0.74 Acceptable

Real-time patrolling 0.95 Excellent

II. Level of security

Safety risk management 0.81 Good

Community’s orderliness 0.81 Good

Table 3.4 shows the second result of administration by also using the

Cronbach’s Alpha to know the coefficient correlation of each variable.

As a result, police visibility got a 0.90 coefficient correlation and have an

excellent remark. Second is proper wearing of uniforms which got a 0.74

coefficient correlation and remarked as acceptable. Lastly, real time patrolling

has a coefficient correlation of 0.95 and remarked as excellent too.

Moreover, when it comes to dependent variable, safety risk management

achieved a 0.81 coefficient correlation and remarked as good, and then the

community orderliness that got the same remarked and has a coefficient

correlation of 0.81 also.

With these results, the researchers concluded that the questionnaire was

reliable to be administered to the sample respondents.

Scaling and Quantification

A 5-point Likert scale was used to quantify the respondents’ perceptions

composed of numerical scale, statistical limits and verbal description as shown


Table 3.4 Numerical Scale, Statistical Limits and Verbal Description for

measurement of the Status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies used

by Pinamalyan Police.

Numerical Scale Statistical Limits Verbal Description

5 4.20-5.00 Always
4 3.40-4.19 Often
3 2.60-3.39 Sometimes
2 1.80-2.59 Rarely
1 1.00-1.79 Never
Table 3.5 Numerical Scale, Statistical Limits and Verbal Description for

measurement of the Level of Security

Numerical Scale Statistical Limits Verbal Description

5 4.51-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.51-4-50 Agree
3 2.51-3.50 Neutral
2 1.51-2.50 Disagree
1 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

First, a prepared letter of request duly signed by the research adviser was

forwarded to the office of the Barangay Captain of Marfrancisco, for the approval

in sampling out the respondents and the distribution of the questionnaires.

In addition, the questionnaires were distributed and administered to the

respondents through paper and pencils. The directions in answering the

instrument were thoroughly explained to solicit credible responses. When the

administrator was done, all scores were manually tabulated. Spreadsheet was

employed in processing all the data. After that, analysis and interpretation of the

variables and their indicators were done.

Statistical Tools Used

Data gathered were described and analyzed using Descriptive and

Inferential Statistical Tools.

1. Product Moment Correlation (Pearson's -r). This was used to test the

correlation of the status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies used by

Pinamalayan police and the Level of Security of the residents of Barangay

Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro.

2. Cronbach's Alpha. This was used to measure the reliability and

internal consistency of the questionnaire.

3. Slovin’s Formula. This was used to calculate the appropriate sample

size from the population.

4. Arithmetic mean. This was used for the mean analysis of the

indicators and determining which indicator defines the sub variable.

5. T-test. This was used test the significance of the R- values.

The formula is shown below.

1. Products Moment Correlation (Pearson’s-r)


R= Pearson’s r

n= number of cases

x= values under the first variable

y= values under the second variable

∑x= sum of all x values

∑y= sum of all y values

(∑Y)2= squares of the sum of all the x’s

∑x2= sum of all the squares of the y’s

∑y2= sum of all the y’s

∑xy= sum of all the products of x and y

n∑XY= the number of cases multiplied by the sum of the products of x’s and


2. Cronbach’s Alpha

⊽+ ( N −1 ) c̄


N= numbers of Items

c̄ = average covariance between item-pairs

⊽= average variance

3. Slovin’s Formula

(n= )
1+ Ne


n= number of samples

N= total population

e= marginal error

4. Arithmetic mean.



X = sample mean

∑ x = sum of terms
n = number of terms



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data collected

from the respondents. Each group of data was analyzed and interpreted with

corresponding tables for clear presentation of the results base on the problems

raised in the study.

I. Perception of the target population on the Status of Patrolling

Techniques and Strategies used by Pinamalayan Police

Table 4.1. Mean Perception of the residents of Barangay Marfrancisco on

the Status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies Used by Pinamalayan

Police in terms of Police Visibility.


1. Police officers can easily be seen in the 4.42 Always 2nd
2. Police officers conduct foot/beat patrol 3.73 Often 5th
within the area.
3. Police officers conduct automobile patrol 4.26 Always 3rd
within the area.
4. Police officers are on their police post. 4.53 Always 1st

5. There are enough police presence in the 3.84 Often 4th

Overall Mean 4.16 Often

Table 4.1 shows the result of patrolling techniques and strategies used by

Pinamalayan police in terms of police visibility. The statements are ranked based

on the weighted mean value which depicts the frequency of the respondents to

the given statements. The perception of the respondents is listed according to its

mean and is as follows: 1) Police officers are on their police post (M=4.53); 2)

Police officers can easily be seen in the barangay. (M=4.42); 3) Police officers

conduct automobile patrol within the area. (M=4.26); 4) There are enough police

presence in the Barangay (M=3.84); 5) Police officers conduct foot/beat patrol

within the area. (M=3.73). The over-all mean is 4.16 interpreted as often.

According to the theory of Police Omnipresence, high visibility

discourages criminals. Enhanced, low or moderate police visibility affects the

security perception of the general public. The physical deployment of police

officers, patrol cars, and other police equipment is what is meant by “police

presence,” and it can increase visibility and finally provide the much-needed,

comforting police attendance and response in select key locations. By utilizing

this variety of patrol tactics, one can project a genuine and widespread image of

police omnipresence and a constant police presence (PNP Managing Patrol

Operations, 2015).

Table 4.2. Mean Perception of the residents of Barangay Marfrancisco, on

the Status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies Used by Pinamalayan

Police in terms of Proper Wearing of Uniforms.


1. Police officers maintain their professional, neat 4.69 Always 1st
and clean appearance.
2. Police officers can easily be recognized in 4.67 Always
public places wearing their prescribed 2nd
3. Police officers appear honorable whenever 4.57 Always 4th
they are patrolling.
4. Police officers are equipped with guns and 4.65 Always 3rd
truncheon when they are conducting a
5. Police officers on their uniforms appear 4.2 Often 5th
friendly and approachable.

Overall Mean 4.56 Always

Table 4.2 shows the result of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies used

by Pinamalayan police in terms of proper wearing of uniforms. Among the five (5)

statements four (4) are interpreted as always and one (1) interpreted as often.

The statements are ranked based on the weighted mean value which depicts the

frequency of the respondents to the given statements. The perception of the

respondents is listed according to its mean is as follows: 1) Police officers

maintain their professional, neat and clean appearance.(M=4.69) ; 2) Police

officers can easily be recognized in public places wearing their prescribed

uniforms (M=4.67) ; 3) Police officers are equipped with guns and truncheon

when they are conducting a patrol. (M=4.65); 4) Police officers appear honorable

whenever they are patrolling. (M=4.57); 5) Police officers on their uniforms

appear friendly and approachable. (M=4.2). Having the overall mean of 4.56,

considering the value, it was interpreted as always.

As supported by the Role theory of Biddle and Thomas in 1966, stating

that roles require and shape behavior associated with the role, including dress,

knowledge and values needed to perform the role status. Police officers are

required by law to wear uniforms and adhere to certain norms of conduct while

doing their duties. In order to fulfill their function, they must learn the laws and

processes. Police officers are less likely to perform successfully if they do not

value and take pride in their job. In addition, studies stating that the police

uniform is perceived to be among the most important tools or equipment used by

the police, which means that the uniform acts as a symbolic attribute that

demonstrates the membership of the officer within the police department

(Simpson, 2018).

Uniforms play significant roles within a given organization in specific levels such

as strategic level (Heide and Gronhaug 2009; Daniel, 1996), and operational

level (Martınez ́ -Tomé, Vera, & Murcia, 2000). Similarly, a study conducted by

Rebecca Walther (2018) on police public perception identified the appearance of

a police officer, in this case, their uniform can elicit or influence the perception of

a police officer.

Table 4.3. Mean Perception of the residents of Barangay Marfrancisco on

the Status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies Used by Pinamalayan in

terms of Realtime Patrolling.


1. Police officers consistently conduct 3.99 Often 5th
foot/beat patrol within their (AOR) fixed
2. Police officers on beat patrol organize traffic 4.06 Often 4th
flows and assist pedestrians during their
3. Police officers conduct random patrolling. 4.56 Always 1st
4. Police officers consistently conduct 4.25 Always 3rd
automobile patrol within their (AOR) fixed
spot and schedule.
5. Police officers conduct patrolling in places 4.28 Always 2nd
where crimes are usually committed.
Overall Mean 4.23 Always

The table above shows the data regarding the result of the status of

Patrolling Techniques and Strategies Used by Pinamalayan Police in terms of

real time patrolling. Among the five (5) statements three (3) are interpreted as

always and two (2) interpreted as often. The statements are ranked based on the

weighted mean value which depicts the frequency of the respondents to the

given statements. The perception of the respondents is listed according to its

mean is as follows: 1) Police officers conduct random patrolling. (M=4.56); 2)

Police officers conduct patrolling in places where crimes are usually committed.

(M=4.28); 3) Police officers consistently conduct automobile patrol within their

(AOR) fixed spot and schedule. (M=4.25); 4) Police officers on beat patrol

organize traffic flows and assist pedestrians during their shift. (M=4.06); 5) Police

officers consistently conduct foot/beat patrol within their (AOR) fixed schedule.

(M= 3.99). The over-all mean is 4.23 which was interpreted as always.

As a result of the gathered data, the overall mean of 4.23 of Real time

patrolling has a positive remark as one of the techniques in patrolling, proving

that the police officers are actively patrolling in the community.

The random patrol which got the first rank, applies the Game theory,

which is considered as the science of strategy. A game with simultaneous moves

involves a logical circle. Although the players act at the same time, in ignorance

of the others’ current actions, each must be aware that there are other players

who are similarly aware, and so on. The police patrol routes are random and

varied so that the patrol behaviors will not be predicted by potential criminals.

II. Mean Perception of the Respondents on the Level of security of the
residents of the Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Table 4.4. Mean Perception of the Respondents on the Level of security of

the residents of the Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

in terms of Safety Risk Management.


1. I feel safer walking alone at night whenever 4.75 Strongly Agree 1st
there are police patrolling our area.
2. I make sure to stay inside my house when the 4.5 Agree 4th
curfew starts.
3. I feel more secured and protected from harm 4.65 Strongly Agree 2nd
in public places when there are police
officers in the vicinity.
4. I am aware of the location of the police 4.44 Agree 3rd
outpost where I can go to report any incident
right away.
5. I feel that my house is much more protected 3.83 Agree 5th
from burglars and thieves whenever the
police are patrolling day and night.
Overall Mean 4.43 Strongly Agree

The table presented above provides the on the level of security of the

residents of Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro in terms of safety risk

management. Among the five (5) statements three (3) are interpreted as agree

and two (2) interpreted as strongly agree. The statements are ranked based on

the weighted mean value which depicts the frequency of the respondents to the

given statements. The perception of the respondents is listed according to its

mean is as follows: 1) I feel safer walking alone at night whenever there are

police patrolling our area. (M=4.75); 2) I feel more secured and protected from

harm in public places when there are police officers in the vicinity. (M=4.65); 3) I
am aware of the location of the police outpost where I can go to report any

incident right away. (M=4.44); 4) I make sure to stay inside my house when the

curfew starts. (M=4.5); 5) I feel that my house is much more protected from

burglars and thieves whenever the police are patrolling day and night. (M= 3.83).

The over-all mean is 4.43 interpreted as strongly agree.

In line with the concept of Routine Activity theory, that the structure of

everyday activities in a society affects the types of situations that arise, and

changes in routine activities in a society affect the situations that people face.

Additionally, Barry Loveday on his article about ‘Improving the Status of Police

Patrol’ stated that the public continues to attach great value to police patrol. It

provides, they argued, a sense of security while also symbolizing lawful authority

at a time when there is an increasing concern about the erosion. Police visibility

through constant patrolling creates an atmosphere of safety and security in the

community. Through patrolling, patrol officers are able to discuss with their

superiors the problems they come across in the community and the peace and

order concerns of the residents (Cejde n.d).

Table 4.5. Mean Perception of the Respondents on the Level of security of

the residents of the Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

in terms of Community Ordeliness.


1. If an incident/crime happened, I will make 4.42 Agree 4.5th
sure to take the initiative to report law
violators to the police.
2. I make sure to stay inside my house when 4.44 Agree 3rd
the curfew starts.
3. As much as possible, I make sure to resolve 4.42 Agree 4.5th
conflict without using violence because
there are enough uniformed police on our
4. I comply and participate with the program 4.67 Strongly Agree 2nd
and policies of the police and barangay to
ensure safety within the community.
5. I believe that regular police patrols in our 4.71 Strongly Agree 1st
neighborhood contribute to reduce crime
rates in the barangay.
Overall Mean 4.53 Strongly Agree

The table above shows the data regarding the result of the status of

Patrolling Techniques and Strategies Used by Pinamalayan Police in terms of

community orderliness. Among the five (5) statements three (2) are interpreted

as strongly agree and two (3) interpreted as agree. The statements are ranked

based on the weighted mean value which depicts the frequency of the

respondents to the given statements. The perception of the respondents is listed

according to its mean is as follows: 1) I believe that regular police patrols in our

neighborhood contribute to reduce crime rates in the barangay. (M=4.71); 2) I

comply and participate with the program and policies of the police and barangay

to ensure safety within the community. (M=4.67); 3) I make sure to stay inside my

house when the curfew starts. (M=4.44); 4.5) Item numbers 1 and 3 that has a

mean of 4.42, shows that many of the residents agreed to make sure to take the

initiative to report law violators to the police and as much as possible will resolve

conflict without the use of violence given that there are enough police in the

barangay. Considering the over-all mean of 4.53, it was then interpreted as

strongly agree.

The regular police patrol increases the interaction of the police officers to

the community. As stated in Ludwig von Bertalanffy's System theory, which

emphasizes involvement and interdependence and the focus is on the

interactions and on the relationships between parts in order to understand an

entity's organization, functioning and outcomes, the community orderliness has

proven to be improved by the regular police patrol. In addition, Abat (2013) stated

that in Davao City, the police station is increasing police visibility in communities

to reduce the numbers of crimes. Most of the policemen are outside for advocacy

programs and to maximize visibility. And mostly they are on foot patrol to observe

more the community safety, this way they could easily establish connection with

the community against criminal acts.

Table 4.6. Summary Table of Independent Variables

Variables Mean Description
A. Independent Variables
1. Police Visibility 4.16 Very Often

2. Proper Wearing of Uniforms 4.56 Always

3. Real time Patrolling 4.23 Always

Table 4.6 presents the summary table of the impact of the patrolling

techniques and strategies used by Pinamalayan in terms of police visibility,

proper wearing of uniforms, and real time patrolling. The result showed that the

second independent variable, proper wearing of uniform, got the highest rank

among the three variables with weighted mean of 4.56 meaning that the police

officers are always wearing their uniforms properly; real time patrolling had a

mean score of 4.23 with an always remark; and police visibility has a mean of

4.16, getting the third spot showing that the police are very often visible. The

following result, clearly emphasized the excellent status and usage of patrolling

techniques and strategies and active involvement of Pinamalayan police to

ensure safety and protection of the residents.

Variables Mean Description

B. Dependent Variables
1. Safety Risk Management 4.43 Strongly Agree
2. Community Orderliness 4.53 Strongly Agree
Table 4.7. Summary Table of Dependent Variables

Table 4.7 presents the summary table of the dependent sub-variables,

safety risk management and community orderliness. The result shows that

community orderliness has a mean score of 4.53 with a strongly agree as its

description rank first, while on the other hand, safety risk management got an

average mean of 4.43 and with the same description. The result of the findings

indicates how essential or important both variable indicators on the level of

security of the residents.

Table 4.8. The relationship between the Status of Patrolling Techniques and

Strategies Used by Pinamalayan Police and the Level of Security of the

Residents of Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro.

Variables Computed R-value Degree of Correlation

Police Visibility

Safety Risk Management Low

0.39 Positive

Community Orderliness Negligible


Proper Wearing of Uniforms

Safety Risk Management Low

0.47 Positive

Community Orderliness Low

0.42 Positive

Real time Patrolling

Safety Risk Management Moderate

0.53 Positive

Community Orderliness Low

0.37 Positive

Critical R-value: ± 1.9678

Degree of Freedom: 304

Level of significance: 0.05

Table 4.8 presents the result of the correlational analysis between the

Status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies Used by Pinamalayan Police and

the Level of Security of the Residents of Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan,

Oriental Mindoro.

As shown in the table, there is a substantial association between the

status of patrolling techniques and strategies used by Pinamalayan police and

the level of security of the residents of barangay Marfrancisco in terms of the

police visibility and safety risk management of the residents, having the

(computed R-value=0.39); police visibility and community orderliness with

(computed R-value=0.22); proper wearing of uniforms and safety risk

management (computed R-value=0.47); proper wearing of uniforms and

community orderliness (computed R-value=0.42); real time patrolling and safety

risk management (computed R-value=0.53); real time patrolling and community

orderliness (computed R-value=0.37), given that all the computed R-value fall

into the rejection area and having the critical R-value of ± 1.9678, with a 304

degree of freedom at 0.05 level of significance, as a result, the null hypothesis

was rejected.

Table 4.9. Summary Table of R, 𝐑𝟐 and F-Values; Regression Result of the

Status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies used by Pinamalayan Police

vs. Level of Security of the residents.

Status of Patrolling Techniques

and Strategies Used by
Pinamalayan Police F-Value R 𝐑𝟐 Interpretation

Safety Risk Management 53.33 0.59 0.35

Community Orderliness 27.66 0.46 0.22 SIGNIFICANT

Critical F-value: 2.63

Degree of Freedom: (3, 302)

Level of significance: 0.05

Table 4.9 shows the regression result of the variables on the Status of

Patrolling Techniques and Strategies used by Pinamalayan Police vs. Level of

Security of the residents. To reject the null hypothesis, the computed F-Value

must be greater than the critical value, which is 2.63. Since the computed F value

of the first indicator (safety risk management) is 53.33, and the computed F-value

of the second indicator (community orderliness), 27.66, the null hypothesis was

ruled out.

From the R or multiple R in regression analysis, 0.59 and 0.46 were the

result given by the findings, and for the column of the R2, 0.35 or 35% of the

variability of the first indicator (safety risk management) can be explained by the

entire set of independent sub-variables (police visibility, proper wearing of

uniforms, and real time patrolling while 0.22 or 22% of the variability of second

given dependent sub-variable (community orderliness) can also be explained by

the entire set of independent variables (police visibility, proper wearing of

uniforms, and real time patrolling.

In conclusion, there is significant relationship between the status of

patrolling techniques and strategies used by Pinamalayan police and the level of

security of the residents.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the conclusion drawn,

and the recommendations offered of the study presented which is the Patrolling

Techniques and Strategies Used by Pinamalayan Police and Its Impact to the

Level of Security of the residents of Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental


Summary of Findings

The salient findings of the study were as follows:

1. What is the status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies Used by

Pinamalayan Police in terms of:

a. Police Visibility

The residents in Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, perceived that

there were enough police visibility in the baranggay which was interpreted as

very often with a mean of 4.16. It is clear that the respondents were satisfied and

proved the excellence of police visibility as one of the patrolling techniques and

strategies used by Pinamalayan Police.

b. Proper Wearing of Uniforms

The residents in Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan perceived that

Police officers on patrol are on their prescribed uniforms wearing it properly and

maintaining their professional appearance which was interpreted as always with

a mean of 4.56.

c. Real time Patrolling

The residents in Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan perceived that the

Police officers of Pinamalayan were actively patrolling the barangay which was

interpreted as always with a mean of 4.23.

2. What is the level of security of the residents of Barangay Marfrancisco,

Pinamalayan in terms of:

a. Safety Risk Management

The residents in Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan strongly agree as

they assessed the level of security in terms of Safety Risk Management with a

mean of 4.43.

b. Community Orderliness

The residents in Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan strongly agree as

they assessed the level of security in terms of Community Orderliness with a

mean of 4.53.


Based on the results and discussions on the previous chapters, the

researchers concludes that:

1. The Pinamalayan police officers on patrol proved to have used an

effective and excellent patrolling techniques and strategies. The police

visibility, proper wearing of uniforms and real time patrolling had proven

its excellency as a patrolling techniques and strategies.

2. The level of security of the residents of Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan was

affected by Patrolling Techniques and Strategies. The results also show

how essential or relevant the safety risk management and community

orderliness are to the residents' level of security.

3. There is a significant relationship between the Status of Patrolling

Techniques and Strategies Used by Pinamalayan Police and the Level of

Security of the Residents of Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan,

Oriental Mindoro in the School Year 2022-2023.


The following recommendations based on the findings and conclusions of the

study are presented below:

1. Future researchers might also take into consideration studying other

variables or indicators that affect the level of security of the residents the

performance of police officer.

2. The study might also be considered as a reference in a comparison

research about any other patrolling techniques and strategies that focuses

on the security and safety perception of the residents.

To the police officers, as big part of those who will benefit from this study,

the researchers recommend:

1. When it comes to operations, each member might also take into

consideration improving visibility and be physically fit in order for them to

respond quickly.

2. Police officers might also consider maintaining a positive reputation in the

community, specially when they are wearing their prescribe uniforms

conducting a patrol or not, to maintain their authority and peace and order

in the community.

3. They should always observe ‘tamang bihis’ and the organization should

keep promoting efficient and effective police patrol operations to boost

their effectiveness in ensuring the communitys’ protection.

To the community, as also a part of those who will benefit from this study,

the researchers recommend:

1. The community might also take into consideration, being always open to

completely support, comply with, and engage in the programs and

activities of the police officers.

2. Residents should be aware of their responsibilities as community

members and adhere by the barangay's rules and regulations.


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“Patrolling Techniques and Strategies Used by Pinamalayan Police: Its
Impact to the Level of Security of the Residents of Barangay
Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro”


Name (optional): Date:

I. Profile of the Respondents

Directions: Blacken/check the box that corresponds to the needed residents’

data/information. (✔️)

(Itiman o lagyan ng tsek ang mga kahon base sa mga hinihinging

impormasyon.) (✔️)

A. Sex

 Male

 Female

B. Civil Status

 Single D. Location

 Married  Abada
 Widowed/widower  Teacher’s Village

C. Age Range  Bliss/Commissioner

 Independent
 20-25 years old
 Matuod-tuod
 26-30 years old

 31-35 years old  New Centro

 Santo Niño
 36-40 years old

 40- 45 years old and


II. Status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies Used by
Pinamalayan Police

Direction: The following statements are intended to assess the

condition/status of Patrolling Techniques and Strategies used by
Pinamalayan Police. The respondents are hereby asked to place a
check mark in the appropriate space to indicate the frequency using the
scale provided: (✔️)

Scale Verbal Interpretation

5 Always (Palagi)
4 Often (Madalas)
3 Sometimes (Minsan)
2 Rarely (Bihira)
1 Never (Hindi kailanman)

1. Police Visibility 5 4 3 2 1

1.1 Police officers can easily be seen in the barangay.

(Ang mga pulis ay madaling makita sa barangay.)

1.2 Police officers conduct foot/beat patrol within the area.

(Nagpapatrolya ang mga pulis sa pamamagitan ng

1.3 Police officers conduct automobile patrol

within the area.
(Nagpapatrolya sa paligid ang mga pulis sakay ng police

1.4 Police officers are on their police post.

(Ang mga pulis ay nasa police post.)

1.5 There are enough police presence in the Barangay.

(May sapat na presensya ng mga pulis sa

2. Proper wearing of uniforms 5 4 3 2 1

2.1 Police officers maintain their professional,
neat and clean appearance.
(Napapanatili ng mga pulis ang pagiging propesyunal,
malinis at maayos.)

2.2 Police officers can easily be recognize in public

places wearing their prescribed uniforms.
(Madaling makilala ang mga unipormadong pulis sa mga
pampublikong lugar.)

2.3 Police officers appear honorable whenever

they are patrolling.
(Kagalang-galang tingnan ang mga pulis satuwing sila
ay nagpapatrolya.)

2.4 Police officers are equipped with guns and

truncheon when they are conducting a patrol.
(May dalang baril at baston ang mga pulis habang

2.5 Police officers on their uniforms, appear friendly and

(Ang mga unipormadong pulis ay palakaibigan at madaling

3. Real-time patrolling 5 4 3 2 1
3.1 Police officers consistently conduct foot/beat
patrol within their (AOR) fixed spot in their assigned
(Nagpapatrolya ang mga pulis sa pa mamagitan ng
paglalakad sa parehong lugar at iskedyul.)
3.2 Police officers on beat patrol organize traffic flows and
assist pedestrians during their shift.
(Sa tuwing nagpapatrolya ang mga pulis ay ino-organisa nila
ang takbo ng trapiko at tumutulong sa mga taong
3.3 Police officers conduct random patrolling.
(Walang tiyak na oras at lugar ang paraan ng pagpapatrolya
ng mga pulis.)

3.4 Police officers consistently conduct automobile

patrol within their (AOR) fixed spot and schedule.
(Nagpapatrolya ang mga pulis sakay ng police
mobile sa parehong lugar at iskedyul.)

3.5 Police patrol officers conduct patrolling in places where
crimes are usually committed.

(Ang mga pulis ay nagpapatrolya sa mga lugar na madalas

maganap ang mga krimen.)

III. Level of Security

Directions: The following statements are intended to assess the Level of

Security of the residents of Barangay Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental
Mindoro. The respondents are hereby asked to place a check mark in the
appropriate space to indicate their level of satisfaction using the scale
provided: (✔️)

Scale Verbal Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

1.Safety Risk Management 5 4 3 2 1

1.1 I feel safer walking alone at night whenever there
are police patrolling in our area.
(Nararamdaman ko na ako ay ligtas habang naglalakad
sa gabi lalo kapag may mga pulis na nagpapatrolya sa
aming lugar.)
1.2 I make sure to stay inside my house when the
curfew starts.
(Sinisigurado ko na mananatili na ako sa loob ng
bahay kapag nagsimula na ang curfew.)

1.3 I feel more secured and protected from harm in

public places when there are police officers in
the vicinity.
(Mas panatag ako na ako’y protektado mula sa
kapahamakan sa mga pampublikong lugar kapag may
pulis sa paligid.)
1.4 I am aware of the location of the police outpost
where I can go to report any incident right away.
(Alam ko kung saan naroon ang mga police outpost na
pwede kong pag-sumbungan kapag may mga

nagaganap na insidente.)
1.5 I feel that my house is much more protected
from burglars and thieves whenever the police are
patrolling day and night.
(Nararamdaman ko na ligtas ang aking bahay mula sa
mga magnanakaw at akyat-bahay kapag may pulis na
nagpapatrol sa araw man o gabi.)
2. Community’s Orderliness 5 4 3 2 1
2.1 If an incident/crime happened, I will make sure to
take the initiative to report law violators to the police.
(Kapag may mangyari mang insidente o krimen,
sinisigurado ko na magkukusa akong mag-ulat sa
mga pulis kapag may nakikita akong lumalabag sa

2.2 I am aware of police activities which are of public

concern and the risks and penalty of committing
crimes like illegal drugs, rape etc. because of the
fliers and pamphlets issued by the police on
(Alam ko ang mga aktibidad ng pulisya na may
kinalaman sa publiko at ang mga panganib at
kaparusahan ng paggawa ng mga krimen tulad
ng iligal na droga, panggagahasa atbp. dahil sa
mga fliers at pamphlets na inisyu ng mga pulis
na nagpapatrol.)
2.3 As much as possible, I make sure to resolve
conflict without using violence because there are
enough uniformed police on our barangay.
(Sinisigurado ko na hangga,t maaari ay huwag
gumamit ng dahas sa pagresolba ng mga
argumento at hindi pagkakaintindihan dahil na
rin sa presensya ng mga pulis sa aming
2.4 I comply and participate with the program and
policies of the police and barangay to ensure safety
within the community.
(Sumusunod at nakikilahok ako sa programa at polisiya
ng pulisya at ng barangay para matiyak ang kaligtasan
sa aming komunidad.

2.5 I believe that regular police patrols in our

neighborhood contribute to reduce crime rates in
the barangay.
(Naniniwala ako na ang regular na pagpapatrol ng

mga pulis ay nakakatulong sa pagpapababa ng bilang
ng krimen sa aming barangay.)





Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.5884754
R Square 0.3463032 35% of the variability of y can be explained by the entire set of independent variables
Adjusted R Square
0.3398096 2.6345021 Critical value
Standard Error
Observations 306
Level of Significance 0.05
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 674.06908 224.68969 53.329305 1.09E-27
Residual 302 1272.4015 4.21325
Total 305 1946.4706

CoefficientsStandard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%
Intercept 7.2321723 1.2311046 5.8745393 1.119E-08 4.8095429 9.6548018 4.8095429 9.6548018
X Variable 1 0.0324213 0.0526455 0.6158414 0.5384631 -0.071177 0.1360197 -0.071177 0.1360197
X Variable 2 0.2881957 0.0556484 5.1788725 4.085E-07 0.1786881 0.3977034 0.1786881 0.3977034
X Variable 3 0.3641507 0.0546701 6.6608758 1.287E-10 0.2565682 0.4717333 0.2565682 0.4717333
Figure 1


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.4642508
R Square 0.2155288 22% of the variability of y can be explained by the entire set of independent variables
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error 2.06062 2.6345021 Critical Value
Observations 306
Level of Significance 0.05
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 352.3149 117.4383 27.657565 7.871E-16
Residual 302 1282.3387 4.2461546
Total 305 1634.6536

CoefficientsStandard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%
Intercept 12.042378 1.2359026 9.743792 1.099E-19 9.6103066 14.474449 9.6103066 14.474449
X Variable 1 -0.078035 0.0528507 -1.476512 0.1408484 -0.182037 0.0259675 -0.182037 0.0259675
X Variable 2 0.3051809 0.0558652 5.4628054 9.808E-08 0.1952465 0.4151153 0.1952465 0.4151153
X Variable 3 0.2507562 0.0548832 4.56891 7.153E-06 0.1427544 0.3587581 0.1427544 0.3587581
Figure 2




-1.97 +1.97

The diagram above shows the test result of the statistical significance of R. The
shaded part represents the acceptance region while the unshaded region represents
the rejection area. Since all the R values fall in the unshaded region, the researchers
conclude that the null hypothesis was rejected.

There is a substantial association between the status of patrolling techniques

and strategies used by Pinamalayan police and the level of security of the residents of
barangay Marfrancisco in terms of the police visibility and safety risk management of
the residents, having the (computed R-value=0.39); police visibility and community
orderliness with (computed R-value=0.22); proper wearing of uniforms and safety risk
management (computed R-value=0.47); proper wearing of uniforms and community
orderliness (computed R-value=0.42); real time patrolling and safety risk management
(computed R-value=0.53); real time patrolling and community orderliness (computed R-
value=0.37), given that all the computed R-value fall into the rejection area and having
the critical R-value of ± 1.9678, with a 304 degree of freedom at 0.05 level of
significance, as a result, the null hypothesis was rejected.


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