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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
About this Student Logbook
This Student Logbook is where you will record evidence of the knowledge and
skills you have developed during your training for this unit. It also serves as a
handy reference guide on what you need to do during your assessment and how Completing your reflective journal
you should go about doing it.
You are expected to complete a reflective journal for each time that you cook as
part of your assessment for this unit. Try to think about the highlights of each
Student details section service when you are writing your reflection. You might also find the following
Fill in the table below: questions useful:
 What skills and techniques did I use?
Student name: Anjali
 What policies and procedures did I follow?
_______________________________________________________________  How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality?
Name of RTO: The Cheesesteak Factory  How did I ensure that my dishes met quality standards?
 What did I learn during the service and how might I apply it in future?

_______________________________________________________________  What might I do different next time?

Trainer/assessor name: Supervisor declaration

Milan Mehta ____________________________________________________ Your workplace supervisor’s feedback forms an important part of the assessment
process and it is essential you have your supervisor complete their section of
If this workbook is found, please contact me to return it using the details below: each of your reflective journals and fill in the supervisor declaration after the
summary section. Keep in mind that, if you are completing your assessment in
your RTO’s training kitchen, your trainer will be your workplace supervisor and
should endorse your journal. Without their endorsement, your Logbook will be
incomplete and it is likely to be returned to you for resubmission.

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Logbook summary  making minor adjustments to equipment (including oiling and adjusting
There are a number of requirements you must fulfil within your assessment
process, so a Logbook Summary has been provided. Make sure you keep this  identify and report on any unsafe or faulty equipment (where applicable)
section up to date – it will help you keep track of any outstanding requirements.
 rectify issues equipment within your level of responsibility (where applicable)
 working safely and hygienically at all times
What do I need to demonstrate?
During your assessment for this unit, you will be required to demonstrate a range  working sustainably by minimising waste and using energy responsibly.
of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These
include: Tips for completing this logbook

 interpreting standard recipes and food preparation lists  Read through your logbook before you get started and make sure that you
understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor
 confirming food production requirements
and/or workplace supervisor.
 calculating ingredient amounts
 Stay up to date! Complete a logbook entry at the end of each service period
 weighing and measuring ingredients accurately and ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete
evidence forms part of your assessment.
 selecting the knives required for the food to be prepared
 Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in,
 selecting routine and specialised equipment and utensils for the food to be
Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble
 ensuring that food preparation equipment safely assembled, clean and
ready for use
 using equipment safely and hygienically
 making precision cuts to prepare food
 using equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions
 cleaning and maintaining equipment according to the manufacturer’s
 measuring and using correct amount of cleaning agents on equipment

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What do I need to demonstrate?
Completing your reflective journal During your 12 service periods, you will be required to demonstrate a range of
You are expected to complete a reflective journal for each of the 12 service the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These
periods you complete for this unit. Try to think about the highlights of each service include overseeing your team to ensure that:
when you are writing your reflection. You might also find the following questions
 food is prepared hygienically and safely
 What skills and techniques did I use?
 the kitchen workflow is adjusted to maximise teamwork and ensure
 What policies and procedures did I follow? efficiency
 How did I oversee my team to ensure efficiency, safety and quality?  the production sequence of food is controlled to enable smooth workflow
 How did I ensure that my team’s dishes met quality standards? and minimise delay

 What did I learn during the service and how might I apply it in future?  a clean and tidy work environment is maintained

 What might I do different next time?  all stages of preparation and cooking are completed in a way which ensures:
o quality of food items
Supervisor declaration o consistency of food items
Your workplace supervisor’s feedback forms an important part of the assessment
o organisational standards are met.
process and it is essential you have your supervisor complete their section of
each of your reflective journals and fill in the supervisor declaration after the  food matches the recipes and descriptions
summary section. Keep in mind that, if you are completing your service periods in
 food items undergo a final check before they are served, stored or
your RTO’s training kitchen, your trainer will be your workplace supervisor and
despatched from the kitchen and adjustments made as necessary
should endorse your journal. Without their endorsement, your Logbook will be
incomplete and it is likely to be returned to you for resubmission.  food is stored safely.

Logbook summary Tips for completing this logbook

There are a number of requirements you must fulfil within the 12 food service  Read through your logbook before you get started and make sure that you
periods, so a Logbook Summary has been provided. Make sure you keep this understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor
section up to date – it will help you keep track of any outstanding requirements. and/or workplace supervisor.

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 Stay up to date! Complete a logbook entry at the end of each service period
and ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete
evidence forms part of your assessment.
 Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in,
Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

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Assessment schedule
Use this summary to keep track of your assessment for this unit.

Service Date of assessment Place Notes

11/4/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
16/4/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
20/4/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
25/ 4/ 22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
10/5/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
18/ 5/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
25/5/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
1/6/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
10/6/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
15/6/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
20/6/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia
28/6/22 4/297 Great Western
Hwy, Lawson NSW
2783, Australia

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Logbook Summary
Use this summary to keep track of the food service periods and associated requirements that you have completed.
Speak to your assessor or workplace supervisor if there is a particular food service style or food production process
that you are having trouble achieving.
Use this summary to keep track of the food service periods and associated requirements that you have completed.
Speak to your assessor or workplace supervisor if there is a particular food service style or food production process
that you are having trouble achieving.

Food service periods

I have overseen at least 12 service periods.

The SIT, Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package tells us that, for the purpose of assessment, Service
periods do not necessarily align with shift periods worked. For example, a ‘service period’ in a hospitality
environment such as a restaurant may be a breakfast service, lunch service or dinner service. This might be
different to a ‘shift’ worked in a restaurant which may incorporate one or more of these service periods.
So, you may work a shift that incorporates a breakfast service and a lunch service and although this is one ‘shift’
worked, it may be used for two service periods. However, the two service periods must be clearly defined and
the start/set-up and finish/close of each service period must be clearly identified.

service Service Service Documents, reflective journal and supervisor
period Date start time finish time endorsement completed
☐ 1 of 12 11/4/22 7.00 Am 14.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 2 of 12 16/4/22 10.00am 16.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 3 of 12 20/4/22 13.00pm 18.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 4 of 12 25/4/22 13.00.00 19.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation

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service Service Service Documents, reflective journal and supervisor
period Date start time finish time endorsement completed
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)

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☐ 5 of 12 10/5/22 10.00am 14.00PM  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation

 Food supplies list

 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 6 of 12 18/ 5/22 9.00am 15.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 7 of 12 25/5/22 13.00pm 18.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 8 of 12 1/6/22 16.00pm 18.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 9 of 12 10/6/22 13.00pm 19.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 10 of 12 15/6/22 6.00pm 8.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 11 of 12 20/6/22 10.00am 16.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation
 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)
☐ 12 of 12 28/6/22 11.00am 16.00pm  Service plan  Kitchen workflow
 Mise en place list  Food preparation

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 Food supplies list
 Reflective journal (endorsed by supervisor)

Food service styles

During the 12 food service periods listed above, I have calculated and ordered food supplies for at least four of the
following food service styles:

Food service period Date Logbook entry number

☐ à la carte 10/4/22 1

☐ set menu 20/4/22 8

☐ bulk cooking operations 1/5/22 3
☐ festivals 10/5/22 2
☐ buffet 18/5/22 2
☐ table d’hôte 10/6/22 6
☐ functions and events 20/6/22 9

Food production categories

During the 12 food service periods listed above, I coordinated cooking operations within commercial time
constraints for food production processes in at least two of the following categories. My assessor observed me on
these occasions and completed an Assessor Observation Checklist.

Food service period Date Logbook entry number

☐ bulk cooking 16/4/22

☐ cook chill for extended life 20/4/22

☐ cook chill for five-day shelf life
☐ cook freeze 25/4/22
☐ fresh cook 25/5/22

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Supervisor Declaration Section
Note for student: Please note, that one of these declarations must be completed by each workplace supervisor. If
you completed all your shifts at the one venue then you would only submit one. If your logbook contains entries
from different kitchens and venues then please have each supervisor you work under complete one at the end of all
your designated shifts. Please provide this page to your workplace supervisor at the completion of your required
This needs to be completed in addition to the supervisor endorsement section of your reflective journals. One copy
has been provided in this logbook but you can make additional copies as needed.

Supervisor name: Position:

Relationship to student (for example, head chef/shift supervisor etc):

During the services described in the student’s reflective journals that I have endorsed, the student:
 worked within the organisation’s policies and procedures  Yes ☐ No
 worked to a professional level in line with the kitchen’s usual roles and responsibilities  Yes ☐ No
 oversaw their team’s production processes to ensure that:  Yes ☐ No
o food was prepared safely and hygienically
o the kitchen workflow was adjusted to maximise teamwork and ensure efficiency
o the production sequence of food was controlled to enable smooth workflow and
minimise delay
o all stages of preparation and cooking were completed in a way which ensured:
 quality of food items
 consistency of food items
 your organisation’s standards were met
 the food matched the recipes and menu descriptions
Please provide any feedback to the student here:

The student has permission to submit the information contained within the reflective ☐Yes ☐ No
journals completed below and any supporting documentation (including organisational
policies and procedures, menus, recipes and work product) for the purposes of

Supervisor signature:

Contact number:

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Templates and reflective journals

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Service 1/12

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Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements

Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
Buffet service
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
Yes, Special dietary requirements are the customer service requirement, Yes, such gluten –free, Coelic
disease, less sugar content for diabetic patient.
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
4 meals
 How will you manage portion control?
By conversion factor
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 30 min
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Ask special dietary requirements, favourite seasonal meal ideas,
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are
Ans : wash your hands, surfaces by using hot and soapy water, wash your hands before and after handle
food or utensils.

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Food production processes

Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained?

Food production processes must include requirements – customer requirements, meal quantities required ,
menu items, portion control, special customer requests.

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period.

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Read the manual guide, use the correct equipment for the job, inspect regularly, Always clean after use.

Risk assessment

Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.
Ans: Conduct visual inspections of any food products, clean all surfaces after handling and preparing food, and
keep the temperature of food in storage at safe recommended levels.

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Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Oil 100

Garlic 50

Onion 50

Cumin seeds 50

Coriander seeds 30

Carrots 100

Cauliflower 100

Flour 200

Green chilli 30

Red chilli 30



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Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ 8.00-9.30 Preparing ingredients Bowl, chopping board knife

☐ 9.30- Cooking Pans, Gas stove , whiskers

☐ 10.30- Cleaning Cleaner, duster

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Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Ans: Review your existing workflow strategy, improve your communication skills, and be explicit when describing
your kitchen duty.

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Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

As per standard
Weighing ingredients which is required in the
recipe card
Peeling and trimming vegetables As per standard
recipe card
Diced and chopped Onion and Garlic As per standard
recipe card
Prepare equipments As per standard
recipe card

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

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Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ 9.00 Discuss with headchef make a plan
entree station, today preparing sauce
☐ 10.00 Prepare every cooking item with Proper
☐ 10.15

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Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Cooking to a customer's specific requests or allergen needs, today there were two allergy orders of butter sauce,
therefore I had a variety of sauces with or without nuts and prepared the order as requested by the customer..

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Reflective Journal Date:11/4/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
1of 12
Service completed at: 11.30 Service start time: 8.00 Service finish time:11.00

Food service style: a la carte ☐buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze ☐fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Butter sauce

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
To produce a place list for food, I will organise the kitchen operation for bulk cooking, identify the necessary quantities, and calculate them in accordance with the recipe
and specification.

Supervisor Endorsement

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Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 2/12

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Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements

Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 Buffet
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 Special dietary requirements
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 How will you manage portion control?
 By conversion factor
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 30 min
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Standard recipe cards
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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Food production processes

Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained? Ans – Today I prepared vegetable for
sandwiches and then store in a cool room, I work with health safety procedures

The nutritional value, quality and structure of food is maintained by making a production list and work flow
schedule, also it is make sure that all the staff produce standard recipe card.

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Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period.

Cleaning and sanitizing process – Pre scrape the utensils and equipment of food debris , wash in warm solution in
approved detergent , rinse in clean water, sanitize iin

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Risk assessment

Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.
Checking the internal temp of pre purchased chicken while receiving.

Checking the packages of vegetables while receiving as they might have dirt and dust, pest.

Checking if the internal temp of pre heated beef is less than 75 degree C.

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Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Chicken 100 400

Cumin 50 200gm

Coriander 30 200gm

Onion 50 200gm

Garlic 20 60gm

Tomato 50 200gm

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Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ 9.00- Weight ingredients Scale
☐ 9.15- Prepare equipment Gas Stove, Bowl , sharp Knife
☐ 9.35- Trim and peel vegetables Peeler , Chopping Board

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Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

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Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

As per SRC
Prepare ingredients
Wash all the equipment before cooking As per SRC
Weigh Dry and wet ingredients As per SRC

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

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Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ Prepare Korma sauce for Special
dietary persons

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Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

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Reflective Journal Date: 16/4/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
2of 12
Service completed at: Service start time:10.00 Service finish time:

Food service style: ☐a la carte ☐buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze ☐fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Korma Sauce

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I keep all the area clean and tidy as I work health and safety procedure handled unexpected problems.
Before closing venue stock checked and restocked for other shift, managed disposal completed general cleaning and provided any suggestion for the improvement
and closed the venue.

Supervisor Endorsement

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Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 3/12

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Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements

Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 Buffet
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 No special dietary requirement

 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 4
 How will you manage portion control?
 By conversion factor
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 30 min
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Standard recipe card
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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Food production processes

Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained? Deal with pressure of work and kitchen
conditions coordinate own safe work across multiple tasks, cooking Special requests or dietary requirements of
customers must relate to cultural needs and restrictions, customer preferences, dietary requirements based on
medical issues

Cooking special requests or dietary requirements of customers.

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Starting my shift with open gates turn on lights, switch on toaster, grilled o stove , check all cover plan with
team, and start preparing for dal makhani

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period.

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Stove , big pot, big ladle, pan, knife, food processor, cool room, fridge.

Risk assessment

Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.
Store leftover food with proper cover and label.

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Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Chicken 500

Cumin seed 100

Coriander 90

Turmeric 100

Salt 180

Oil 500

Flour 500

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Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ 9.00 Weigh ingredients Measuring scale, spoon

☐ 9.10 Trim and peel vegetable Peeler

which require
☐ 9.20 Dicing and chopping Chopping board, Knife

☐ 9.30 Prepare equipment Pan, frying pan, ladles

☐ 11.30 Cleaning and sanitizing

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Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Deal with pressure of work and kitchen conditions coordinate own safe work across multiple tasks, cooking Special
requests or dietary requirements of customers must relate to cultural needs and restrictions, customer preferences,
dietary requirements based on medical issues

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Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Plan with team members check covers
workflow make entree station for garlic
ginger making korma sauce.

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?
Mise en place is used to prepare a task before you start working on it, it most often used culinary term which
mainly use to prepare all required utensils and ingredients you need before start cooking. Mise en place allows
you to plan your work in advance, also allow streamlining your work in workplace.

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Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ Trim, peel vegetables

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Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

Served the koma but this Mughalai dishes typical involves meat or vegetable braised in relative mild velvety
yoghurts sauce with aromatic sauce, suggested to customer that contain nuts, it in some customer are having
nut allergy so make it without nut.

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Reflective Journal Date:20/4/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
3of 12
Service completed at: Service start time: Service finish time:

Food service style: ☐a la carte ☐buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze ☐fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Serving korma in northern Indian style medium spices, and that comes with bones so guest like spicy food, while having it with rice or nan

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
Restocking, make a list of ordering items and report to head chef, preparing for the next service period, leave notes for teammates who continue the shift, waste
disposal, general cleaning duties, report / handover if applicable, clean works station/ kitchen, attend debriefing, provide suggestions for improvement, closing the venue

Supervisor Endorsement

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Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 4/12

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Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 Buffet
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 Special dietary requirements
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 4
 How will you manage portion control?
 By conversion factor
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 30 min
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
Standard recipe card, food preferences
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained? Roasted chicken in tandoor helped to head chef
for processing dinner items. Done preparation of cutting vegetable.

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Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period.

Risk assessment

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Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.
I worked according to health and safety procedure I keep my work area clean and tidy. Reorder the items which are
not available. Order chicken and lamb for next week.

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Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Tomato 200

Potato 500

Onion 400

Lamb 900

Corianders 190

Parsley 200

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Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ Wash the utensils Dishwasher

☐ Air dry the utensils

☐ Collect ingredients Bowl, measuring spoon

☐ Wash the vegetable fruits

☐ Trim the vegetables, meat Knife, bowl, chopping board

as per the recipe

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Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
General cleaning done disposable wastage managed. Suggestion to team work to keep area clean.

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Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Prepare equipment
Wash fruits vegetable
Weigh ingredients’

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?
Briefing with head chef and team member and started preparing for dough for naan bread and rice & boiling

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Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

Handover after naan shift preparing

the steam. Rice(Boiled) making
dough fornaan. and done order list
for non-available items and inform to
head chef and boiled potatoes for
next day.

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Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Done deep cleaning in the kitchen and sanitized washed the utensil clean the exhausted fan helped to head chef
preparing for rice and boiling potatoes

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Reflective Journal Date: 25/4/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
4of 12
Service completed at: Service start time: Service finish time:

Food service style: ☐a la carte ☐buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze ☐fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Fresh veggies were spiced by adding various flavour and taste vegetables, as well as potatoes, for the bitter sweet, tasty, and acceptable service for
each and every visitor

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
Before closing the venue, I make sure all clean been done managed the disposal wastage. Closed the venue give suggestion to kitchenhand how can we keep work
area clean.

Supervisor Endorsement

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Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 5/12

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Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 How will you manage portion control?
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained? Helped head chef in frying section as it was very
busy night I here lots of dietary orders so I made it in a separately

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Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period. Re-ordering non-available items discuss with head chef checking available for
next shift order Beef for next week

Risk assessment
Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks. Restocked for the next shift manage the wastage, general cleaning done including work station
attended debriefing

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Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Tomato 500

Potato 400

Green Chillies 80

Dry chillies 90

Salt 100

Turmeric 90

Cumin seeds 120

Mint 145

Lemon 167

Parslay 176

Thyme 120

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Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ Weigh ingredients Measuring Spoon, Cups

☐ Trim and Peel the Peeler, Chopping board

☐ Dice and Nicely Chopped Chef knife, Gas stove
the Vegetables

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Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Restocked dry spices for next shift, general cleaning done included kitchen area manage general wastage
disposable and handover shift to evening staff.

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Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Weigh ingredients
Prepare equipments

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

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Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ Clean Chicken

☐ Marination of meat

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Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
I helped head chef in cutting onion and also, I washed the salad leaves, I put the chicken out for defreeze from
fridge, when the goat curry is cooked I put in bucket and put in cool, room with label.

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Reflective Journal Date: 10/5/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
5of 12
Service completed at: Service start time: Service finish time:

Food service style: ☐a la carte ☐buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze ☐fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Today I prepared for the chicken for catering and the chicken was with bone, and make it in north Indian style curry and intense and chicken was
soaked, up the flavour better and I served with sprinkle some coriander and all guest liked it

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I checked and restocked for next day I manage wastage completed general cleaning duties checked every cover provided suggestion to improve for venue and closed.

Supervisor Endorsement

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Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 6/12

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Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 Buffet
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 No special dietary requirements
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 4
 How will you manage portion control?
 By conversion factor
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 30 min
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained. Started my shift had briefing with team members
turn on all the stoves, switch on toaster and grill pan. Check all the covers and I started preparing Tadka Sauce

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period. By mise en place check list.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Risk assessment
Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.
General cleaning done, manage disposable wastage checked all covers given suggestion to improve for venue and

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Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Capsicum 400

Green beans 450

Red chilly 90

Green Chilly 80

Garlic 120

Turmeric 90

Salt 90

Funnel seeds 60

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ Wash the utensils

☐ Air dry

☐ Weigh ingredients’

☐ Trim an peel the vegetables

as per the recipe

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
plan? I helped head chef in cutting onion and also, I washed the salad leaves, I put the chicken out for defreeze
from fridge, when the goat curry is cooked I put in bucket and put in cool, room with label

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Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Prepare ingredients’ as per the recipe
Weigh ingredients’
Chop vegetables
Trim seafood

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

I chopped all vegetable and I also boil

potatoes and made tomato puree and I
ordered grocery for next week. I was
blanching the leaves. I also washed the
leaves for salad.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Reflective Journal Date: 18/5/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
6of 12
Service completed at: Service start time: Service finish time:

Food service style: ☐a la carte ☐buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze ☐fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Today I learned how to make Tandoori Lamb Chops:
Season lamb chops with salt, ginger, and garlic and set aside for 20 minutes.
Make a marinade with the remaining ingredients in a bowl.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave the chops to marinate for another 30-60 minutes.

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)

Supervisor Endorsement

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 7/12

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 Alacarte
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 Special dietary request, allergy with nuts
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 2
 How will you manage portion control?
 By conversion factors
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 15min
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
Production capability, available equipment, food cost, availability of food
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are
 Wash your hands, before and after handle the utensils, raw meat, poultry, or eggs.

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Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained? The nutritional value, structure of food, is
maintained by making production list, work flow schedule, it is made sure that each staff follow standard recipe

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period.

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Read the manual, handle machine with care,

Risk assessment
Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks. Restocked for the next shift manages the wastage, general cleaning done including work station attended

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required






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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ Weigh ingredients’ Measuring scale

☐ Trim and Peel Vegetables Knife, Chopping Board

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Before closing the venue, I make sure all clean been done managed the disposal wastage. Closed the venue give
suggestion to kitchen hand how can we keep work area clean.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Prepare utensils
Weigh all required ingredients’
Trim all the vegetables , fruits As per the

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ Deep fry the chicken

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Reflective Journal Date:25/5/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
7of 12
Service completed at: The cheese steak Factory Service start time: 9.00 Service finish time: 2.00pm

Food service style: ☐a la carte buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Hand over the naan shift to the person who is preparing the steam. Rice has been boiled, and the order list for non-available products has been
completed and forwarded to the head chef, as well as trim and peeling carrots for the next shift

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
It was a good day at work, Restocked for the next shift manage the wastage, general cleaning done including work station attended debriefing.

Supervisor Endorsement

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 8/12

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Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 How will you manage portion control?
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained? Meeting with head chef & check the service
station and check covers and then I started preparing for Butter Sauce

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Read the manual instructions, handle machines with care, ensure proper lubrication

Risk assessment
Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.
I checked and restocked for next day I manage wastage completed general cleaning duties checked every cover
provided suggestion to improve for venue and closed.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Food preparation plan will maximise the efficiency, such as mise en place, cleaning procedure and post service
procedure help to produce work on time.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Reflective Journal Date: 1/6/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
8of 12
Service completed at: Service start time: Service finish time:

Food service style: ☐a la carte  buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze ☐fresh cook

Recipe : I learned how to make Pav Bhaji today.

Today I attended a gathering at someone's home, when pav bhaji was served, and all of the guests enjoyed it and gave excellent feedback.
Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I worked according to health and safety procedure to I keep my work area clean, Reorder the items which are not available, order chicken and lamb for next

Supervisor Endorsement

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 9/12

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 How will you manage portion control?
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained?

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period.

Risk assessment
Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required







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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ Mise en place Bowl,

☐ Weigh ingredients Measuring cups, spoons

☐ Wash utensils before

☐ Air dry the utensils

☐ Trim or peel the vegetable if Peeler knife , chopping board

any vegetable require

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ Collect Utensils

☐ Wash and dry equipment

☐ Weigh ingredients

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Reflective Journal Date:10/6/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
9of 12
Service completed at:The Cheese steak Factory Service start time:8.00 Service finish time:4.00pm

Food service style: a la carte ☐buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze fresh cook
Recipes prepared:
Rosted Chicken in Tandoor helped to head chef for processing dinner items, done preparation of cutting vegetables

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)After the service, I check and restock the things for the next shift using FIFO methods, and I change the bins and manage all of the wastage that
comes out after service, and I do some cleaning and washing the dishes, as well as learning how to use the dishwashing machine, and I rinse and mop the floor properly
before closing the venue

Supervisor Endorsement

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 10/12

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 How will you manage portion control?
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained?

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period.

Stay on top of large machinery operator training

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Add and test lubricants

Check for sign of wear

Have a maintenance, repair schedule and keep record of goods.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Risk assessment
Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.
Store leftover food with air tight containers. I checked and restocked for next day I manage wastage completed
general cleaning duties checked every cover provided suggestion to improve for venue and closed.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Onion 190

Garlic 190

Cumin seeds 200

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ Collect utensils

☐ Wash and dry equipments

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
I always make sure that my work is neat and tidy. After each use, I always clean and sanitise the area with the
appropriate cloths and chucks, and I check the sections to see if they need to be topped up. I pulled some products
from the freezers in the cool room and made a list of the items that needed to be ordered for the next service,
which I reported to the head chef

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Collect utensils
Weigh ingredients

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ Roast Chicken

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Today had a special function at someone house and mix pakora is served as snacks with tea, guest loved it
and they have positive review about it.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Reflective Journal Date: 15/6/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
10of 12
Service completed at: The cheese steak Service start time:9.00 Service finish time:11.30

☐table d’hote
Food service style: ☐a la carte ☐buffet ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Mix Pakora

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
Restocked the dry groceries in the box, stack the groceries, come over delivery

Supervisor Endorsement

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 11/12

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 Buffet
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 No special requirement
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 4
 How will you manage portion control?
 Conversion Factor
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 30 min
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Standard recipe Card
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained?

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period.

Risk assessment
Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Cauliflower 900

Oil 500

Cumin 190

Corn flour 200

Salt 100

Green chilli 140

Turmeric 160

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ Weigh ingredients Stove, oil pan, knife, chopping
board, fridge, cool room
☐ Collect utensils

☐ Wash and Dry equipment

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Mince the cauliflower

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ 9.00 Mince the cauliflower

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
This delicious crisp fried appetizer is very popular in sub continent its appearance everywhere in restaurant and
parties, this is a fusion of both Chinese and Indian cuisine

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Reflective Journal Date:20/6/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
11of 12
Service completed at: The cheese steak Factory Service start time: 9.00 Service finish time: 2.00

Food service style: ☐a la buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking ☐function/event ☐festival
carte operation
Food preparation category: ☐bulk ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze  fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Cauliflower balls

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I will plan kitchen f operating for bulk cooking, determine required quantities and calculate them according to recipes and specification, I will prepare all list food
and equipment appropriate to the situation.

Supervisor Endorsement

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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Service 12/12

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 Buffet
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 No special Dietary requirement
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 4
 How will you manage portion control?
 By conversion Factor
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 30 min
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Standards recipe card
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained? Ans : This process refers to process of
conversion of raw materials into finished products.

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period- we follow organizational cleaning procedure to ensure that equipment clean and
sanitized properly

Risk assessment
Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.
Store leftover food correctly , Labelled properly with date and shelf life.

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Onion 500

Garlic 120

Cumin 90

Cardamom 80

Ginger 90

Green Chilly 50

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ Collect utensils Bowl, Mixer, whisker, chopping
board, knife
☐ Pre-heat oven and Grease
☐ Wash and prepare
vegetables, arrange on

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Ans : Workflow saving time and error a workflow management system boost productivity in the commercial

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Marinate chicken
Weigh Ingredients

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

© Sydney City College of Management Pty Ltd RTO: 45203 CRICOS: 03620C Date Revision date Version

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ Mise en place

☐ Cooking

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
I prepared for Punjabi chicken for catering and the chicken was with bone I cleaned chicken and make it north
Indian style curry really intense and chicken was soaked up the flavour better and I sprinkled some green chilly

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Reflective Journal Date: 28/6/22 D
Service completed at: The cheese steak Factory Service start time: 7.00am S

Food service style: ☐a la carte buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking ope
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like
Recipes prepared: Punjabi Chicken

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and
different in future?)
checking items for next week preparation re- ordering non – available items in services with head chef order for vegetables

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signe

Service Planning Template

Determine production requirements

Production requirements
Analyse the recipes that you and your team will be preparing for service and determine the following production
 Which food service style is most appropriate and why?
 Ala carte
 What are the customer requirements for service? Are there any dietary requirements or special requests that
you need to consider?
 No special Dietary requirement

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced?
 4
 How will you manage portion control?
 By conversion Factor
 What is the timeframe for mise en place and service?
 30 min
 What do you need to consider regarding preparation of other items on the menu?
 Standards recipe card
 Describe the organisational standards for the dishes which you will prepare. How will you ensure that they are

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food production processes
Describe the production processes that you and your team will use. How will these processes ensure that the
nutritional value, quality and structure of the food are maintained? Ans : This process refers to process of
conversion of raw materials into finished products.

Describe the process that you will use to ensure that all of the equipment which you and your team need is clean
and ready for the service period- we follow organizational cleaning procedure to ensure that equipment clean and
sanitized properly

Risk assessment
Describe any food safety risks, the critical control points and the strategies that you will reduce to reduce/remove
the risks.
Store leftover food correctly , Labelled properly with date and shelf life.

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File Name: SITHKOP005Student Logbook
April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food Supplies Template

Food supplies: Ingredient list

Calculate the ingredients and quantities that you and your team will require to prepare your dishes. You can use
the following templates or, if your organisation has standard templates, you are free to use those.

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Onion 500

Garlic 120

Cumin 90

Cardamom 80

Ginger 90

Green Chilly 50

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
© Sydney City College of Management Pty Ltd RTO: 45203 CRICOS: 03620C Date Revision date Version

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File Name: SITHKOP005Student Logbook
April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Kitchen Workflow Template

Kitchen Workflow Plan

Develop a workflow schedule for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Equipment Notes/Responsibility

☐ Collect utensils Bowl, Mixer, whisker, chopping
board, knife
☐ Pre-heat oven and Grease
☐ Wash and prepare
vegetables, arrange on

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Workflow planning
Describe how your workflow plan will help you to maximise your efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the
Ans : Workflow saving time and error a workflow management system boost productivity in the commercial

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File Name: SITHKOP005Student Logbook
April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Mise en place List Template

Mise en place list

Activity and description Qty required Responsibility

Marinate chicken
Weigh Ingredients

Describe how your mise en place list will help you to maximise your team’s efficiency. What factors did you take
into consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when
developing the plan?

© Sydney City College of Management Pty Ltd RTO: 45203 CRICOS: 03620C Date Revision date Version

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File Name: SITHKOP005Student Logbook
April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation List Template

Food preparation list

Develop a food preparation list for you and your team. You can use the following template or, if your organisation
has a standard template, you are free to use that.

Time Task Notes/Responsibility

☐ Mise en place

☐ Cooking

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Food preparation planning
Describe how your food preparation plan will help you to maximise efficiency. What factors did you take into
consideration when you developed your plan? Did you liaise with other members of your team when developing the

I prepared Fried Pickles and Yum Yum dipping Sauce , and start with dill pickle, chips drained and

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April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Reflective Journal Date: 28/6/22 Did an RTO assessor observe Service:
this service? ☐ Yes ☐ No
13of 48
Service completed at: The cheese steak Factory Service start time: 7.00am Service finish time: 3.00pm

Food service style: ☐a la carte buffet ☐table d’hote ☐set menu ☐bulk cooking operation ☐function/event ☐festival
Food preparation ☐bulk cooking ☐cook chill for extended life ☐cook chill for five-day shelf like ☐cook freeze fresh cook
Recipes prepared: Punjabi Chicken

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File Name: SITXMGT001 Student Logbook
April 2021 April 2022 1.0
Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
checking items for next week preparation re- ordering non – available items in services with head chef order for vegetables for upcoming week.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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File Name: SITXMGT001 Student Logbook
April 2021 April 2022 1.0

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