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I've made $75M+ selling online courses

over the last 10 years. AMA!
by Ryan Deiss

Hey everyone,

My name is Ryan Deiss, and I launched my very first "course business" from my
college dorm room way back in 1999. (Yeah, I'm old.)

Since that first product (which was an ebook on "How to make your baby food")
my partners and I have launched hundreds of products and dozens of
media/publishing startups in niches such as:

Entrepreneurship/Business Growth ( is my latest)

Digital Marketing (best known for
Home and gardening
Outdoor and "survival"
Health and beauty, and...
Finance and investing

I've seen the good times, the bad times, and experienced my fair share of ugliness
(including almost going bankrupt not once by twice).

I'm happy to spend a little time today sharing what I know about launching and
scaling "course businesses" or just online businesses in general.

—Ryan Deiss posted to AMAs on August 11, 2021

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Say something nice to ryandeiss…


Creating courses on various subjects, how did you get comfortable enough to create a
course on a subject you perhaps didn't know well.

Do you research it enough until you feel comfortable? Or do you strive to become a subject
matter expert first, then figure out your USP?

Paolo · 2 years ago · REPLY

I never create a course on something I don't know very well. Part of my problem with
the "course business" is the name. If we call it what it is (Publishing), then the model
becomes much easier to understand.

In publishing, there are authors and there are publishers. With self-publishing the
publisher and the author are the same, but that's a relatively new idea.

All that said, for the vast, vast, vast majority of the courses I have published, someone
else was the expert and they were either paid a royalty (usually 10% on net sales), a flat
fee (usually $500 - $10,000 depending on the scope of the project), or they did it for free
42 Likes Report
to have access to our audience.

Names matter.

You aren't "course creators," you are publishers. If you start thinking like a publisher,
you'll find that a new world of opportunities opens for you.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

I totally agree with you given what you've built

But for those that are the authors, you describe that as self-publishing, right?

Anything different or unique about self-publishing vs publishing that you feel is

relevant here?

bazzaruto · 2 years ago · REPLY

There aren't any big differences, I would just encourage all the authors and
experts out there to think about themselves as publishers FIRST and talent
second. If you see it as two jobs, you'll 1) be more realistic about the actual work
required, and 2) allow yourself to one day pivot into a pure publisher role where
you can create transferable and exit-able value.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Interesting take on 'publisher' vs 'course creator' differentiation. I think this makes

more sense.

I automatically thought you created the course, but I see now how the brand plays a
significant role in this.

Would you suggest then building your brand before 'course creation'?

Paolo · 2 years ago · REPLY

Product first...then brand.

Until you have the ability to create value for a known audience, a brand is just a
logo and style guide.
ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

This is great insight, i'm working on the model for my own publishing business aka
courses but I need some experts for some specific topics on the curriculum and was
struggling to find the best way to pay them or give them proper remuneration for the
work done. is the % model based on net sales over a lifetime or for a defined period
of time?
mfgonz · 2 years ago · REPLY

All publishing contracts should have a start and end date. 2 years is typical, and
after those two years you can either renew the contract under the same terms,
tweak the terms to be more appropriate (for example, require that they update
or redo the course), or cancel the contract completely.

We structure our contracts such that the talent "owns" the content (meaning
they can repurpose it) but we own the name/branding around the course, itself.

In other words, if things don't work out and we don't continue, we can have
someone else redo the course and the course lives on, while they have the
opportunity to still teach the same subject, just under a different name.

It's a super-fair deal, and in 10+ years of doing this, I have yet to have one go
sideways. Even when we have parted, we have parted as friends.
ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

This is a really good question. I am interested in Ryan's answer :)

tejas3732 · 2 years ago · REPLY

1. If you create so many courses on different topics - how do people see you as an expert in
every one of them? Did you think about focus on one topic for example?
2. Why do you use different domains instead of start for example and put
all of them there with monthly payment?
3. How long it takes to make one course?
4. How would you recommend anyone to start? Do you have a checklist for every course?
Share please.

dawidzamkowski · 2 years ago · REPLY

Answers below...
1. I'm not the expert, I'm the publisher. My goal is to build value at the brand level (I.e.
DigitalMarketer) because that is a sellable asset, not at the individual level. In other
words, I don't want to be the jockey and I certainly don't want to be the horse. I want
to be the owner.
2. The world doesn't need anymore "one-stop shops for all your online education
needs," so we niche and verticalize around clearly defined audiences and market
3. Most of our courses start out as live, cohort-based programs, so they're made as
they're delivered. I'm a big fan of building courses live the first time, because
audience feedback is critical. Once the core foundation is built, it's fairly easy to go
back and re-record. Between recording and edits, a 6-module course can be
professionally shot and edited in 4 - 6 weeks.
4. We don't have any formal checklists, but as a general rule we start off promoting a
webinar so we can test the basic hook/concept of the course. If people won't register
for a free webinar, then it's unlikely they'll purchase a course on the same topic. If the
webinar is a success, we will then promote the course (delivered live) to the folks who
signed up for the webinar. If no one buys, then it's back to the drawing board. If some
do, then congrats, you just got paid to produce the course.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

1. But you have to know what are you talking about. So you don't record courses for
marketing, fitness, finances, beauty etc. You've got people for all of these topics,
2. You don't have a processes for that? I thought it requires some process,
automations to keep moving all of this stuff.
3. Do you build small projects as a top level funnels for your courses?
dawidzamkowski · 2 years ago · REPLY

1. That is correct. If we aren't the expert, we find someone who is.

2. I'm sure we do have a process, but I'm not sure what it is. We have project
managers and curriculum development folks, but they are running their own
playbooks for this. I do know that Andrew Barry at
has great stuff on this, so I would follow his lead.
3. Yes. Once the main course is built, it's common for us to splinter off a "chunk"
and offer that as a stand-alone entry point to the main course.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Thanks for the shout-out Ryan!

bazzaruto · 2 years ago · REPLY

1. How do you convince them to record for you? How would you at the
beginning of your journey?
They can easily build their websites and start by their own.

dawidzamkowski · 2 years ago · REPLY

If you already have a brand and an audience, they'll do it for free to get
access to that audience. If you don't, you'll have to pay.

"Back in the day" I paid a guy $500 to create a course (just test and images
because this was pre-YouTube) on how to roll your own sushi. He thought I
was nuts because it only took him a few hours, but I had that course up to
$500 a week in sales within a few weeks.

I couldn't repeat that exact same model because SEO was much easier
and less competitive back in the early 2000s, but the publishing model
remains the same.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Thank you for doing this AMA.

What's your favourite medium to deliver your courses content?

For video courses, did you always "show" your face?

In an industry like "Health and beauty", I think it'd be paramount to be an authority figure,
with people expecting you to show yourself and your face.
Is it how you did it?
Stop me if I'm wrong but I assume that you first delivered quality content (written?) before
doing courses (video)
Is that so?

Last but not least, I could see that both and have been
built with Elementor - Wordpress.
Have you ever considered moving outside of WordPress or are you so satisfied with their
platform that it never crossed your mind?

Thank you :)
ViceCaz · 2 years ago · REPLY

We let audience preference determine the medium, but most of the time it's a
combination of talking-head video and screen-capture recordings. For the big,
conceptual stuff that doesn't change very often, I prefer head-on. For the more tactical
stuff that changes all the time, screen-capture and image/text is better because it's
easier to update.

As for WordPress, it works, so I don't question it. I was an early investor in Teachable
and am very close with the guys at Kajabi, too, and both of those platforms are
amazing. We've just always built in WordPress, because when I started none of the
above existed. :)
ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Thoughts on “validating” courses? e.g. you plan on building multiple courses… what
heuristics do you use to tell if one is gonna be a winner?
coreyhaines · 2 years ago · REPLY

Start with a webinar that has a title/subtitle nearly identical to the course you're
eventually wanting to produce. If no one signs up for the webinar, or if they signup but
don't showup, then it's unlikely they will purchase a course under the same name.

Names and promises sell courses...not the course, itself. Never forget that.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Oooh good question. I look forward Ryan's response.

Janinah · 2 years ago · REPLY

Hey Ryan, how do you find the content creators for your courses? And how do you
"convince" them to join you? Why do they choose to join you and not do something on
their own?

biarosca · 2 years ago · REPLY

We look for people who are already producing the kind of content we're looking to
publish (bloggers, YouTubers, podcasters, public speakers, authors, etc.) and then we
pay them.

I wish it were more complicated than that, but in my experience, cash is still the best

Most subject matter experts have a day rate, so once you know how they value their
time, it's pretty easy to price the cost of producing the course based on the number of
days it will take to create it.

But this is just a general rule.

If the subject matter expert has a bigger brand than you, you might have to pay them
more, or even pay them a royalty on top of an advance. (I talked about how we pay
royalties in another question in this thread.)

Alternatively, as your brand grows, many people will be happy to produce courses for
free just to get access to your audience. I did this for Hubspot a few years back, and
many marketing experts do this at

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

I've got so many questions as you seem to have seen everything regarding courses :)
1. Have you ever done Tiktok ads to sell courses/webinar ? If so, was it profitable ? May I
see any of those ads ?
2. Same question but for Instagram.
3. I've read your answer on SEO saying what people really want, Google can not answer to
it but... have you made google ads in the past ?
4. If you were to start an agency which would only focus in helping people selling more
courses given they're already selling some (no matter what the topic is, could be
gardenning courses) , what would you do ? Change the name of the course and go all-in
with ads ?
5. I have not nought anything from you (sorry huh) but may I ask what your funnel is ? I
have not seen any upsell while trying to buy a playbook. Do you have upsell/cross sell
anywhere in the process ? Maybe post-cart upsell ? Or you're sending a lot of emails once
someone has bought once ?

leo_voyage · 2 years ago · REPLY

1. No, but we plan to test. Our primary channels are Google, FB/IG, and YouTube, which
makes sense given they are still the dominant traffic players. We don't rush to jump
on every new platform. We let our audience dictate where we go, and right now
Tiktock is still a minor play, but I do believe this will change in the next 12 - 18
2. Yes, IG is huge for us...especially ads.
3. Yes, Google is good, but FB, IG, and YouTube are better for us from an ROI-
4. It depends. If conversions are high but traffic is low, I'd go all-in on ads. If conversions
are low, then I would absolutely fix the offer and the copy before I spent a penny on
ads. Anytime you're optimizing anything, work from the end of the customer journey
backwards to the beginning. Focusing on traffic and awareness when conversions
suck is just pouring water into a leaky bucket.
5. There's a good chance you've purchased something from me and just didn't know it.

...but all joking aside (and yes, that was a joke), a typical funnel for us is a free lead
magnet that leads into a lower-ticket offer (usually $20 - $50) that then ascends into a
free trial for a membership or into a higher-ticket program. We also do a lot of followup
marketing to drive people into webinars where higher-end programs are sold, and once
you get above $5k, we've found that it's best to drive leads into a sales team that can
generate sales via a consultative sales call.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Hey Ryan, big fan of what you did with Digital Marketer. I’d be curious to know how does
your typical day looks like 🙂
andreboso · 2 years ago · REPLY

I wish I had a typical day because we're always starting new stuff. What I can tell you is
that while I still produce content at DM, I have been out of the day-to-day of that
business for 4 years.

When I am working on a new project, though, it's usually split 50/50 between product
creation and marketing, and on the marketing front, my focus is almost entirely on
copywriting and offer creation. (I let either our team our outside experts handle traffic
channels because that stuff changes so quickly.)

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Hey Ryan you mentioned you're always starting new stuff. Do you think you have the
'shiny new object' syndrome entrepreneurs tend to have and are often juggling
multiple projects at a time?

And if so, how do you go about managing your focus across projects because it
seems like you've made it work 😅

Myrz · 2 years ago · REPLY

I absolutely suffer from shiny object syndrome. It’s both a blessing and a curse.
The two things that help us stay focused and get things done are:

1. Single-threaded teams. Anytime we try to take on multiple simultaneous

projects as a single team, we fail. So now our rule is one project per team, and
3 - 6 projects per team per quarter.
2. We hold strategic planning meetings quarterly (NOT annual planning
meetings), and I describe that process here:

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Is there anything you learned from Digital Marketer that you consciously decided to do
differently for Scalable? (I'm sure there's a lot, but any core philosophy changes or maybe
big, needle moving tactics?)

DanavirSarria · 2 years ago · REPLY

Yes, great question!

At DM, the model early on was to produce a lot of different courses on every conceivable
subject. This was good because it gave us multiple entry-points into the DM universe,
but it was challenging to maintain. At Scalable, we're going the "less is more" route and
focusing on three primary accelerators that all funnel into a higher-ticket program.

The "lot of littles" model can still be effective, and in consumer markets it's probably
still the best option.

But for Scalable, we were very intentional about doing less but better.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Advice on building a list of serious, higher earning founders/investors/executives?

Most B2B infoproduct businesses attract newbies. But Scalable looks like it successfully
attracts 7-8 figure business owners. I've only seen that from news-based B2B newsletters
like Web Smith's 2PM, which seems closer to what "bigger" people would want.


DanavirSarria · 2 years ago · REPLY

It's all in the messaging. If you fish with crack, you're gonna catch crack-heads. We try to
be intentional about our messaging such that it attracts who we want while
simultaneously repelling those who aren't a fit.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

What do you think is the best way to gather an audience to sell to, today? How would you
do it if you were starting today?

vicpivots · 2 years ago · REPLY

Nobody likes this answer, but you can't think about audience-building until you're clear
on how you're going to monetize. Assuming you have something to sell, and assuming
that "something" is expensive, the best way to build an audience is through paid
advertising to a super-high-quality content piece that leads into a consultative sale. This
works in B2B and B2C (although no one in B2C believes it).

If you go this route, your hyper-responders will subsidize your audience-building

efforts, and eventually, you reach a tipping point where the "normal" people on your
list start monetizing.

Assuming you also have a solid organic strategy (social or SEO depending on the
market), that should start to snowball just as your high-value hyper-responders begin to
fizzle out.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Thank you Ryan! You made me think of the way I'm doing things 😁.
When you say it works with B2C too, do you think the $100 - $150 dollars price range
is expensive enough - monthly recurring revenue?
vicpivots · 2 years ago · REPLY

I prefer a customer value in at least the $1 - $3k range. $100 - $150 is going to be
very difficult to bootstrap unless your traffic is virtually free. Even at $100/mo,
you'll likely have to wait 90 - 120 days to return your acquisition costs, which is
fine for a funded company but nearly impossible for a bootstrapped startup.

A helpful question to ask is, "Of the people who would purchase my $100 offer,
what are the 10% who would pay 10X more, and why would they pay it?"

Answer this question, then start with that offering and downsell the $100 offer.
ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

This comment was deleted a year ago.

DeletedUser · 2 years ago

Hey Ryan,
Cheers for this AMA. Q's below.
Do you use a basic template for creating a course that you apply to a variety of topics or
does each topic needs it own content strategy?

How many people does it take FT to produce a course and whats the typical length of time
it takes to make one?

What are the best distribution channels for first-time course sellers?
rmondo · 2 years ago · REPLY

Answers below...
Q: Do you use a basic template for creating a course that you apply to a variety of topics
or does each topic needs it own content strategy?

A: We don't follow a set template, but the general process goes something like this:

1. Figure out the transformation/desired end result you are going to deliver
2. Figure out the starting point for the average customer
3. Map the steps from the starting point to the end result (these are your modules)

My tendency is to think too big, so one product becomes 2 or 3 (or in the case of the
certifications at

And that's fine. Modules are atomic units of content. They can be bundled and
splintered based on what's going to be best for the customer.

Q: How many people does it take FT to produce a course and whats the typical length of
time it takes to make one?

A: One. We are fortunate to have a team of producers, designers, and learning

specialists, but the first time we do anything it's one person (the subject matter expert)
and Zoom. All our courses are done live at least the first few times because there's no
substitute for 1) real-time feedback and 2) selling something before you have to deliver

Q: What are the best distribution channels for first-time course sellers?

A: Your own media...ideally an email list. If you don't have that, try to leverage someone
else's...even if you have to give them the vast majority of the revenue. (I have produced
and sold courses and given 100% affiliate commissions to build audiences.) If you can't
or won't do either of the above, then your only other option is to invest heavily in the
communities where your market is already hanging out. This is easier in B2B, but it's
not impossible in B2C.

At the end of the day, though, networking and "making friends" is still the best way to
get started. I'm an introvert and it kills me to "work a room," but I did it and I still do it
because I like food and shelter. :)
ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Hi, Ryan
Im alex and I read a lot of digital marketing on growth topics. I work also in the industry.
How do yoi recommend me to start a course with CF app?

Alessss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Please excuse my ignorance, but I’m not sure what you mean by “CF app.”
ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Sorry, Clickfunnels.
Alessss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Hi Ryan,
Thank you for doing this AMA. Here are my questions:

1. Why do you say building an audience is not important? How do you sell to people that do
no recognize your brand? Why would they buy from you?
2. I understand that you use webinars to estimate if some course topic would sell? How do
you get people to sign up for your webinars? Do you just do paid ads? How do you know
who to target?
3. What do you think about interactive courses? I am considering building a course on IT
evergreen topic. I don't have an audience. I have a huge experience on the topic but I
don't have an online presence or strong personal brand. My USP would be that I offer a
unique interactive experience (cloud resources are provisioned for each user in the
background, web terminal to perform exercises, interactive guide, together with
standard video and text). I would market it with slogans like "Learn by doing" and
similar. What do you think?

Agyag · 2 years ago · REPLY

1. I don't think I ever said that building an audience wasn't important, but if that's what
came across, I apologize. Building an audience is absolutely CRITICAL, but I don't
believe it's the first step. Start by offering something of value to your existing network
(even if it's tiny) or a related community. Once you've made a few sales and
understand how to best communicate your value, then you can start building an
audience because you'll 1) know the best words and phrases that get people to take
action and 2) have some capital to invest in audience-building through paid and
organic channels.

As for why people will buy from you if you don't have an audience, while it's always
more difficult to sell to someone who doesn't already know, like, and trust you, if you
solve a big enough problem, consumers will always take a risk on someone they don't
know if no one else is promising to solve that problem.

2. Yes, paid ads and/or endorsements from existing influencers that I have either made
friends with and who are doing me a favor, or who I have offered compensation in the
form of an ad or paid email.
3. Interactive courses are fine, but innovating on the delivery mechanism of a course is
likely not enough to make someone buy. Course creators geek out about new
methods of teaching and delivering content. Real people...the people you are selling
to...are just looking for a solution to a very real and very painful problem. So focus on
finding innovative solutions to painful problems, NOT finding innovative solutions to
problems that are already being solved.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Do you think that for every person's problem to be solved, there is a thirst for knowledge to
be filled?
Do you think learning by consuming is taking action?


IndieHugo · 2 years ago · REPLY

No, I don’t believe that knowledge is the solution to all problems.

While the adage, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and
you feed him for a lifetime…” may be true, it’s also cruel to force a man who is literally
starving to death to learn to fish before he’s allowed to eat.

The Lesson: Sometimes we have to give people what they want (the fish) so we can earn
the right to give them what they need (how to fish).

This is why I believe the best teachers are also doers, and they never stop doing just
because they start teaching.

As for the question, “Is learning by consuming taking action?” I would say that yes,
learning is a form of action. That said, learning without execution is nothing more than
the happy distraction we call “entertainment.”

And there’s nothing wrong with entertainment…you just shouldn’t lie to yourself and
say you’re “taking action” when you have no actual plans to implement the things
you’re learning.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Thanks for the time you take for responding! Sounds interesting!
I ask this second question "Is learning by consuming is taking action" because i feel
at certain times, learning is a dangerous disguised form of procrastination or even
worse: A way of thinking that we move forward when we only create movement.


IndieHugo · 2 years ago · REPLY

I 1000% agree, and was more or less saying the same thing that you were saying.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY - what a great domain! How much did you pay for it?
Secondly, I see that a third of your web traffic to this site derives from search. With this in
mind, what are your 3 best SEO tips?

marcbrom2 · 2 years ago · REPLY

Honestly, we're not the best at search. Our bread and butter is paid.
What I do believe has helped us, though, is 1) a great domain (I paid $10k for back in 2011), 2) lots of age (that site has been posting actively for
almost a year), and 3) leveraging paid to drive awareness to organic content to get it the
initial boost it needs.

We recently brought on a new General Manager to head up DM who specializes in

content marketing, so keep an eye out for improvements in this area. And who knows?
Maybe in a year or so I can come back and do an AMA on SEO. :)

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

What are your thoughts on Gumroad as a platform for creators?

elpramirez · 2 years ago · REPLY

I love it!
We have homegrown solutions because (again) I'm old and solutions like Gumroad
didn't exist when I got started, but I wish sure wish they did.

In the early days, it's all about speed to launch, NOT selecting the best tech stack. There
is no one perfect tech stack, and even the best ones will have to be changed and
swapped out as your business scales. So just pick the one that will get you launched the
fastest, and only evaluate tech stack on the basis of 1) customer experience, and 2) your
ability to monetize.
If moving to a new tech stack doesn't pay for itself in 90 days through increased
conversion, retention, or expansion, then stick with what you have.

Swapping between different tech solutions is the digital business equivalent to

organizing the file cabinet to distract from the fact that you don't have any customers.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

love this point

focus on the transformations that you talk about above first and then worry about
your tech stack for delivering a validated course approach

bazzaruto · 2 years ago · REPLY

You really helped me to crystalize this concept, so thank you for that. :)
ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

Do you create courses based on SEO keyword research then once you have the titles you
create the content? Is it possible to launch a successful one with a influencer social
following to shill/promote it?

th3marine · 2 years ago · REPLY

We leverage almost no SEO research to build our courses. I'm not saying we shouldn't,
we just don't. In my experience, the best courses speak to a super-deep core desire, and
people rarely tell Google what they really want. If you want to create a great course, you
need to scratch an itch that can't be scratched by a Google search.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

How do you find those people with super deep desire? I mean in both how do you
decide on a persona and where do you actually find real people afterwards?

Pyronaur · 2 years ago · REPLY

While it's harder these days, in the past I leveraged events and gatherings to
actually meet people face to face. You'll never discover the real problem or the
DEEPEST core desire in a survey. Those kinds of discoveries only happen when
you 1) are the customer or 2) live and work with them very closely.

Nobody likes this answer, so nobody does it. That's why it's still such a massive
competitive advantage.

ryandeiss · 2 years ago · REPLY

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