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i. Application on the prescribed format.

ii. Affidavit of the applicant/father/guardian /Adult children (if any)
declaring that they/he/she are/is permanent resident (s) of the J&K
State as defined in the constitution of Jammu and Kashmir and that
he/she/they has/have neither obtained a PRC from any other area of
the State nor has/have applied earlier for the purpose from
elsewhere and that the contents of affidavit are true and nothing has
been concealed thereof and if the information provided in the
application is proved contrary to what has been stated, the applicant
shall be liable to penal action as per law/rules in force.
iii. Attested photo copy of Ration card.
iv. Birth certificate from School/Municipality/Police station/Medical
Officer /Village Chowkidar.

v. Certified/attested copy of the current voter list. Copy of the voter list
of 1951/1957, if required.

vi. Copy of PRC of father/grandfather/husband (In case of non-

availability an affidavit shall be attached to this effect).

vii. Certified copies of Misal Haqiyat Jamabandi/Shajra Nasab prior to


viii. Form “Alif”/certified copy of the cancellation Register, in case of POK

displaced persons, wherever required.

ix. Current Revenue record viz.Jamabani /Khasra Girdawari and Shajra


Provided that in respect of a person who belongs to nomadic family of

Gujjar and Bakerwal community and does not possess any immovable property
in the State, the application shall be accompanied by the following documents as
envisaged under notification SRO 92 dated 20th March, 2001, issued by the
Revenue Department, under endorsement No. Rev (LB) 70/97 dated 20-03-
2001, namely:-

i) Permanent Resident certificate of father or grandfather;

ii) Copies of voter list from 1957 onwards;

iii) Copies of revenue record by virtue of which he has obtained immovable

property under Government Order No. LB-6, S-432 etc.


Copies of revenue record whereunder immovable property has been

acquired under Agrarian Reforms Act-1976;

iv. Copy of Choola-Bandi; and

v. Copy of Forest Moto of 1944

Provided further that the competent authority after satisfying itself about the
genuineness of the claim, made by a person applying for grant of Permanent
Resident Certificate and on production of atleast three of the aforementioned
documents, may grant the certificate.


i. Application on the prescribed format as provided in the Reservation Rules.

ii. Affidavit in support of the application.

iii. Extract of Khasra Girdawari /Misal-i-Haqiat /Jamabandi, continuously for

not less than last 15yrs.

iv. Extract of Chowkidara /Chullah Bandi, continuously for the last not less
than 15 yrs.

v. Attested copy of Ration Card

vi. Attested copy of Voter list

vii. Copy of PRC .

viii. Income certificate, wherever applicable.

(b) SC/ST
i. Application on the prescribed format as provided in the Reservation Rules.

ii. Affidavit in support of the application.

iii. Attested copy of Ration Card

iv. Certified copy of Voter list

Provided that a person claiming benefit on the grounds that he/she

belongs to Scheduled True Community shall produce an extract of
Jamabandi in respect of members of the tribes, who own land and extract
of electoral rolls or chullhabandi or Ration Card in respect of landless
members of the tribes. The production of identity cards or grazing cards
issued by the Forest Department or Revenue agencies in respect of the
landless members of Gujjar and Bekerwal communities shall be
supplementary evidence for the said purpose.

Provide further that the residents of village Turtuk of Leh district who
claim to be Scheduled Tribes may substantiate their claim by production
of sufficient and satisfactory oral or documentary evidence available with

v. Copy of PRC

vi. Extract of Misal-i- Haqiyat /Jamabandi/ Shajra Nasab .

I. Application within the prescribed time.

II. Affidavit in support of the application.

III. Income Certificate, wherever applicable (to be issued by not below the
rank of Assistant Commissioner Revenue concerned)

IV. Death Certificate

V. Certified /attested copy of the Ration Card

I. Application alongwith requisite fee.

II. Copy of Ration Card

III. Salary Certificate, wherever applicable

IV. Income tax certificate, wherever applicable

V. Revenue extracts like Khasra Girdawari/Jamabandi.


Application (alongwith requisite fee), indicating Khewat / Khata / Khasra No. of
the land in respect of which the Fard Intikhab is required.
Application (alongwith requisite fee) indicating Khasra No. of the land in respect
of which the extract is required.


Application (alongwith requisite fee) indicating Khewat / Khata /Khasra No. of
the land in respect of which the extract is required.

Application (alongwith requisite fee) indicating Khasra No. of the land in respect
of which the extract is required.

Application (alongwith requisite fee) indicating necessary details of the land and
necessary documents required for a attestation of a particular type of mutation,
like sale deed/gift deed/will deed etc.

Application from legal heirs, alongwith requisite fee.

Application (alongwith requisite fee) indicating the Mutation Number.

Application (alongwith requisite fee) indicating Khasra Number of the land, in
respect of which the demarcation is required.
Application (alongwith requisite fee) indicating Khasra Number of the land, in
respect of which the Tatima Shajra is required.
(Issued by the Revenue Department vide Circular No: Rev/Gen/11/2011
dated 07.12.2011 and corrigendum dated 15.12.2011).

Documents required in respect of New Services notified
vide Notification dated 16'~July,2012(SRO 229).

(1) Copy of Voter List
1. Application alongwith requisite fee indicating necessary details regarding the
name of elector and name and number of the Polling Station etc.
(2) Marria~eCertificate under Hindu Marriage Act.
1 .Documentary/oral evidence as prescribed under relevant norms/rules/laws in
-force. -


(1) NOC from DIC (Employment Purpose)
I. Application.
2. An Affidavit (prescribed).
3. Appointment order.
/2) Registration of New Industrial units (ProvisionaVEM part-I).
1 . An Application.
2. Prescribed affidavit.
3. Entrepreneur Memorandum (EM part-I).
4. Project report.
5. Partnership deed/MOA/AOA (if any).
6. License (if any).
13) Registration of New IndustrialUnits.(FormaVEM part-11).
1. Application.
2. Prescribed affidavit.
3. BillsNrslGRs of plant & machinery installed.
4. BillsNrslGRs of Raw material.
5. Power Sanction with fitness certificate kom PDDIaltemative DG Sets.
6. Consent to Operate from J&K State Pollution Control Board.
7. License (if any).
8. Land Documents.
9. Permanent Resident Certificate@ case of private /Own Land duly registered
with Court of Law).
10. Photographs of Unit alongwith Machinery installed.
11. Entrepreneur Memorandum (EM part-11) .
12. Partnership Deed/MOA/AOA(if any).
(1) No Objection Certificate(N0C) for Employment
1 . Affidavit in prescribed format.
(2) Registration of unemployed youth
1 . Filled in application Form (XI).
2. State Subject/domicile certificate.
3 . Proof of date of Birth (Municipality/Local Bodies/Matric Diploma).
4. Qualification Certificate.
5. Work experience certificate.

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