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Per Unit System

Students should be able to
• Identify the symbols and draw the one-line
• Construct the impedance diagram and find
the per unit values.
• Solve the per unit problems of a single-phase
and three-phase circuit.
• Identify the advantages of per unit system.
One-line Diagram / Single line representation

• In a balanced 3-phase system, the phase and line voltages and

currents have the same magnitude but are displaced by 120o

• Therefore, only one phase needs to be considered and the

system may be treated as a single-phase system using phase

• The total power and reactive power consumption are then 3

times the single-phase values
One-line diagram - symbols
current transformer

voltage transformer

generator capacitor Symbols used in

one line diagram
bus circuit breaker (from ANSI and
transmission line circuit breaker

delta connection fuse

wye connection surge arrestor

static load disconnect



1 bus coding 2
circuit breaker

line coding

L2 bus
3 L6
transmission line load

L4 L5

4 5


tie line connection

with neighboring

One-line diagram - symbols

◼ The main component of a one-line (or single line) diagram are:
Buses, Branches, Loads, Machines, 2 winding Transformers,
Switched Shunts, Reactor and Capacitor Banks.
◼ Buses are represented as a dot, circle or a thick line.
◼ Branches are represented as a thin line.
◼ Loads are represented as a triangle with the ID number located
inside the triangle.
◼ Machines are represented as a circle with the ID number
located inside the circle.
One-line diagram - symbols
◼ Two winding transformer are represented as two separate
windings with gap separating them. The arrow pointing in at the
connection reflects the primary side of the transformer.
◼ Reactor bank are represented as an inductor at the end of a line.

◼ Capacitor bank are represented as a capacitor at the end of a line.

◼ Diagram below is a simple three bus one line diagram
◼ Circle at the top – Generator
◼ Heavily lines –Buses (typically located as substation of generating station).
Heavy copper or aluminum structures used for carrying large amounts of
current and distributing it to different loads.
◼ The thin lines connecting the buses are the power lines. (either transmission
or distribution lines)
◼ Arrow -loads
Typical medium sized city transmission and sub-transmission system.
Per Unit System
◼ An interconnected power system typically consists of many different
voltage levels (sizes and nominal values) given a system containing
several transformers and/or rotating machines.

A simple power system

actual value
per unit value =
base value

• The per unit values, however, are phasors.

Why use per unit system?

• give a better relative sense of the variable under consideration allowing apparatus
of widely varying sizes and ratings to be compared with each other in terms of
losses, voltage drops, etc
• to avoid problems of transforming impedances across different voltage levels in
complex networks involving a large number of voltage steps
• Avoid confusion due to transformers - The transformer equivalent circuit can be
simplified. This results in a large saving in component representation and reduces
computational burden.
• Voltages, currents and impedances expressed in per unit do not change when
referred from primary to secondary.
Per Unit System
Conversion of Per Unit Values

Sactual I actual Vactual Z actual

S pu = I pu = Vpu = Z pu =
Sbase Ibase Vbase Zbase

Voltage, current, kilovoltamperes and impedance are

quantities often expressed in per unit value

Z SSbase
Z act 2
ZZpupu == == 2base
act Zact = Zbase Z pu = Z pu
base VV base
Per Unit System

Base voltage
▪ is usually the nominal line-to-line voltage in a three-
phase system

Vbase =VLL

Vrms =
Per Unit System
Base power

▪ when employing the p.u system, it is common to work

with a base VA, usually given by the MVA rating of
▪ the base VA must be the same throughout the network
being studies

Base power , kW1 = base kVA1

Base power , MW1 = base MVA1
Per Unit System

Base current

▪ must be defined in terms of already defined base

values for voltage and power

▪ ba se current , I base =
base VA
3 xbasevoltage
Per Unit System
Base Impedance
▪ one of the main reasons of using p.u method is transformer
impedances are identical on both sides of transformer when
expressed in terms of p.u values

SB = 3VB I B VB = 3I B Z B

IB =
, ZB =
VB / 3
(VB )


(Vbase )2 Z Z actual
Zbase = pu % =  100%
base VA Z base
Per Unit System
• Base value can be selected on a per phase basis
PB ,1 = QB ,1 = S B ,1 or on a three phase basis.
S B ,1
IB = • Have the same per unit values for line to line and
line to neutral quantities.
Z B = RB = X B = =
IB S B ,1 VLL V
VLLpu = VLNpu  = LN
VLN Z LN I LN   VB, LL = 3VB, LN
V pu = Z pu I pu  =
VB, LL S3 S1
3 = (VB, LL ) S3pu = S1pu  =
  Z B = B, LN = S B ,3 S B ,1
IB S B,3 S B,3
3VB , LL   S B ,3 = 3S B,1

V (V ) (V )
Z B = B, LN = B, LN = B, LL
2 2
S pu = V pu I pu 
S B ,3 VB, LL I B
IB S B,1 S B,3
S B ,3
  IB =
3VB , LL
RB = X B = ZB
Example 1
• A generator has an impedance of 2.65 Ω.
What is its impedance in per-unit, given base
for 3 phase sytem: 500MVA and 22kV?
(Vbase )2 (22 kV )2
Zbase = = = 0.968 For 3 phase
base VA 500 MVA

(12.7 kV )2
= = 0.968
166.67 MVA Per phase
Example 2
An electrical lamp is rated 120 volts, 500 watts.
Compute the per-unit and percent impedance of
the lamp. Give the p.u. equivalent circuit.

(1) Compute lamp resistance

V 2 (120)2
R= = = 28.8
P 500
z = R + jX
 Z = 28.80
Solution 2
(2) Select base quantities

Sb = 500VA
Vb = 120V
(3) Compute base impedance
Vb2 (120) 2
Zb = = = 28.8
Sb 500

(4) The per-unit impedance is:

Z 28.80
Z p.u. = = = 10 p.u.
Zb 28.8
Solution 2
(5) Percent impedance:
Z % = 100%

(6) Per-unit equivalent circuit:

VS = 10 p.u. Z = 10 p.u.

Example 3
• Assume Y-connected system. Given base kVA for 3 phase
systems is 30 000kVA and voltage base line to line 120kV.
Given actual line to line voltage is 108kV. Find: S B,1 ,V pu ,VB,LN ,VLN
• Given S B ,3 = 30,000kVA VB, LL = 120kV VLL = 108kV
S B,3 30,000
 S B,1 = = = 10,000kVA
3 3
Vactual VLL 108kV
V pu = = = = 0.9
VB VB , LL 120kV

108kV VLN 62.3kV

VLN = = 62.3kV VB , LN = = = 69.2kV
3 V pu 0.9
• The one-line diagram of a three phase power system is as
shown in Figure below. Impedances are marked in per unit on
a 100 MVA, 400 kV base. The load at bus 2 is
S2 =15.93MW+j33.4 Mvar and at bus 3 is S3=77 MW +j14Mvar.
It is required to hold the voltage at bus 3 at 4000o kV.
Working in per unit, determine the voltage at buses 2 and 1.
SB=100 MVA VB=400 kV base


S2pu S actual
S pu =
S3pu SB
Impedance and Reactance Diagrams

• The impedance (Z = R + jX) diagram is converted

from one-line diagram showing the equivalent
circuit of each component of the system.

• It is needed in order to calculate the performance of

a system under load conditions (Load flow studies)
or upon the occurrence of a short circuit (fault
analysis studies).
Impedance and Reactance Diagrams

1 T1 T2 3

2 Load B

Load A

One-Line Diagram of an Electric Power System

E1 E2 E3

Generators Load Transformer Transmission Transformer Load Gen.

1 and 2 A T1 Line T2 B 3

Impedance Diagram Corresponding to the One-Line Diagram above

Impedance and Reactance Diagrams

Reactance (jX) diagram is further simplified from

impedance diagram by omitting
all static loads,
all resistances,
the magnetizing current of each transformer, and
the capacitance of the transmission line.

E1 E2 E3

Generators Transformer Transmission Transformer Gen.

1 and 2 T1 Line T2 3

Reactance Diagram Corresponding to the One-Line Diagram of Example

Change of Base
• To study a system, all per unit quantities must be expressed in a consistent
– Same base power for the whole system
– Same base voltage for all the components in a voltage level
• Need to know how to convert from one base to another.

Transformer Voltage Base

Change of Base

◼ Having calculated the p.u impedance on one VA base,

this can be converted to any other VA base using:

Z p.u (calculated on new base) new VA base

Z p.u (calculated on old base) old VA base

▪ This relationship shows that Z p.u is proportional to the

base VA
Change of Base
Z old
pu be the per unit impedance on the power base S old

& voltage base VBold , and if Z  is actual value, then

Z  S Bold 
Z old
= old =   • Z
( )
ZB  V old 2 
 B 
Z pu be the new per unit impedance on the new power base Snew

& new voltage base VBnew

Z  S Bnew 
Z new
= new =   • Z
( )
ZB  V new 
 B 
Change of Base
From 1 and 2  (V old )2 
old  
Z  = Z pu

 SB old
 
Then, the relationship between the old and the new per
unit value is obtained as
S new
 V old

Z new
pu =Z old



 B  B 
If the voltage base are the same,
 S new

Z new
pu = Z pu
 Bold 
 SB 
Example 4
The reactance of a generator designated X” is given as 0.25 per unit
based on the generator’s nameplate rating of 18 kV, 500 MVA. The
base for calculations is 20kV, 100 MVA. Find X” on the new base.
 V old

Z new
pu =Z old
 B
B  VB 

Z old
pu = 0.25 VBold = 18 kV B = 500 MVA

VBnew = 20 kV Snew
B = 100 MVA

 100  18 
Z new
pu = X" = 0.25   = 0.0405 per unit
 500  20 
How to solve problems containing
multiple transformer?


Must use:
a) line-to-neutral kV with MVA per phase
b) line-to-line kV with three phase MVA
Procedure for Per Unit Analysis
1. Pick SBase for the system.
2. Pick VBase according to line-to-line voltage.
3. Calculate Z Base for different zones.
4. Express all quantities in p.u.
5. Draw impedance diagram and solve for p.u.
6. Convert back to actual quantities if needed.
How to Choose Base Values ?
• Divide circuit into zones by transformers.
• Specify two base values out of I B ,VB , ZB , SB ; for
example, and SBase VBase
• Specify voltage base in each zone

V1 :V2 V2 :V3 V3 :V4


Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

VBase1 VBase2 VBase3 VBase4
S B ,1 S B ,3
I Base1 = @
VBase1 , LN 3VBase1 , LL
VBase1 , LN
Z Base1 =
I Base1
Example 5
• Given a one line diagram,
Vg = 13.2kV
Ig Zline = 10 + j100
~ Z load = 300

5 MVA 10 MVA
13.2 Δ – 132 Y kV 138 Y - 69 Δ kV
X1 = 0.1p.u. X 2 = 0.08p.u.

Choosing a base apparent power of 10MVA and a base line

voltage L1 of 69 kV ; find I I I g V Pload
t -line load load
Step 1, 2, and 3: Base Values
Vg = 13.2kV
Ig Zline = 10 + j100
~ Z load = 300

5 MVA 10 MVA
13.2 Δ – 132 Y kV 138 Y - 69 Δ kV
X1 = 0.1p.u. X 2 = 0.08p.u.

S B,new = 10MVA VB,new = 69kV

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
VB1 = 13.8kV VB2 = 138kV VB3 = 69kV
2 2 2

Z B1 =
(13.8k ) 2
= 19.04 Z B2 =
(138k ) 2
= 1904 Z B3 =
(69k )
= 476
SB 10M SB 10M SB 10M
SB31 10M SB32 10M S B33 10M
I B1 = = = 418.4 I B2 = = = 41.84 I B3 = = = 83.67
3 VB1 3 13.8k 3 VB2 3 138k 3 VB3 3  69k
Step 4: All in Per Unit Quantities
Vg = 13.2kV T1 T2
Ig Zline = 10 + j100
~ Z load = 300

5 MVA 10 MVA
13.2 Δ – 132 Y kV 138 Y - 69 Δ kV
X1 = 0.1p.u. X 2 = 0.08p.u.

 Calculate Vg in per unit
Calculate the new reactance for X1 and X2 in per unit
Calculate the impedance in per unit
 Draw the impedance diagram
Step 4: All in Per Unit Quantities
X 2, pu = 0.08p.u.

+ S B ,new  VB ,old 
Z new = Z old
  Z load 300
S B ,old V  Z load,p.u. = = = 0.63
 B ,new  Z B3 476
 10MVA  13.2k 
X 1,p.u. = 0.1   = 0.183
 5 MVA  13.8k 

Vg 13.2kV
Vg,p.u. = = = 0.960
VB1 13.8kV Z line 10 + j100
Z line,p.u. = = = 5.25 10−3 (1 + j10)
Z B2 1904
Step 5: One Phase Diagram & Solve

X 1,p.u. = j 0.183 Zline,p.u. = 5.2510−3 (1 + j10) X 2, pu = j 0.08

+ Vg,p.u. = 0.960
- Z load,p.u. = 0.63

Vg,p.u. 0.960
I load,p.u. = = = 1.35 − 26.4
Z total,p.u. 0.70926.4
Vload,p.u. = I load,p.u.Z load,p.u. = 0.8505 − 26.4
Sload,p.u. = Vload,p.u.I load,
p.u. = 1.148

I g,p.u. = I t -line,p.u. = I load,p.u. = 1.35 − 26.4

Step 6: Convert back to actual quantities

Vg = 13.2kV
Ig Zline = 10 + j100
~ Z load = 300

5 MVA 10 MVA Vload,p.u. = 0.8505 − 26.4

13.2 Δ – 132 Y kV 138 Y - 69 Δ kV
X1 = 0.1p.u. X 2 = 0.08p.u. Sload,p.u. = 1.148

I g,p.u. = I t -line,p.u. = I load,p.u. = 1.35 − 26.4

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3

I g = I g,p.u.I B1 I t -line = I t -line,p.u.I B2 I load = I load,p.u.I B3

Vload = Vload,p.u.VB3
Sload = Sload,p.u.SB

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