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Transport Economics Assignment

Name – MN Jayathilake
Reg No. – D/BLM/22/0003

Modes Infrastructures Networks Flows

Conveyances used Physical Support of Systems of linked Movement of

for the mobility of transport modes Location (nodes) people, freight, and
passengers and information over
freight their network

• Air • Origins
• Road • Routes
Networks • Intermediary
• Rail Locations
Rail tracks, canals, • Maritime
• Sea highways Networks • Destinations
• Air • Road
• Terminals
• Pipelines Networks
Ports, Air Ports, • Rail
Stations Networks
• Logistical

Air Networks Maritime Networks Road Network Rail Network

Characteristics of Flight Different types of Ships for Different 1. Passenger Transport: Market Area
types of Cargo a. Private Vehicles: Includes cars,
• departure time, travel Time, • Longest Service area for
motorcycles, and other private modes of
expected delay, aircraft type, • General Package Cargo – transportation used for personal travel. inland transport
in-flight service etc. food stuffs, perishables, b. Public Transport: Refers to buses, • Service Passengers and
timber etc. trams, trains, and other modes of transport
Characteristics of carrier freight markets
• Bulk Cargo – liquid tankers, that are publicly available for passenger
• Intermodal integration
• Flight Schedule in market, solid, bulk carrier, gas tanker travel.
favored market segmentation
airport facilities of carrier, • Passenger Ships- Cruise / c. Taxis and Ride-Sharing: Includes
and specification.
liners traditional taxis as well as modern ride-
frequent flyer plan
sharing services like Uber and Lyft.
attractiveness etc. • Vehicle Ships- Roll on Roll off Capacity
Market Characteristics 2. Freight Transport: • A wagon can carry 50 to 100
Different Modes of Operation a. Light Goods Vehicles (LGV): Typically tons of freight.
• Distance, business travel small to medium-sized vans and trucks
• Unit specialization
between two cities, tourism • Linear Operation – fixed used for transporting goods over short
(intermodal, liquids, grains,
appeal etc. routes, fixed time schedule, distances.
b. Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV): Large
minerals, vehicles)
fixed Rate
Characteristics of all rivals trucks designed for long-haul • Economies of Scale (unit
• Tramp Services – Carry trains and double Stacking)
transportation of goods.
• Other flights on carrier, flights freight to any ports based on
c. Articulated Trucks: Consist of a tractor
on other carriers in Market, the need Costs
unit pulling a trailer and are commonly
Competing markets’ products • Charter Services – hiring used for transporting large volumes of • High construction and
etc. ships, voyage charter, time goods.
maintenance costs.
• High Operating Costs; Labor,
3. Commercial Transport:
a. Courier and Delivery Services: locomotives, fuel and
Companies that provide express delivery equipment.
services for parcels and packages. • Transshipment and Train
b. Logistics and Distribution: Firms assembly increase costs.
involved in managing and coordinating the
movement of goods from producers to
c. Waste Management and Collection:
Refers to vehicles and services involved in
collecting and disposing of waste materials.

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