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1. Use the Golden Ratio to divide a line segment L with length 25 meters into two segments L1 and
L2. What is the length L1?

If a line segment is split into two lengths, the ratio of the full length of the segment to the longer length
equals the number of the longer length to the lower length. Following that, the segment was divided
into the golden ratio.

Formula & solution:

= The length of L1 is equal to 15.45 meters.

If a line segment is split into two lengths, the ratio of the full length of the segment to the longer length
equals the number of the longer length to the lower length. Following that, the segment was divided
into the golden ratio.

Formula & solution:

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where; L1 = AC AB = AC

AB = 25 meters AC CB

<---------- 25 ----------->

A <--L1-->C B

25/L1 = L1/25-L1

25(25-L1) = L1

= -(25) + square root of "(25)2 - 4(1)(-625)"/2(1)

= -(25) + square root of "3125"/2

= -(25)/2 + 25 square root of "5"/2 (means the length is always positive)

= -25/2 + 25/2 (square root of "5")

= 15.4508972

L1 = 15.45 meters

= The length of L1 is equal to 15.45 meters.

2. Construct a golden spiral that involves a golden rectangle with length 4 inches.

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Make a square ABCD with a 4in side length. Take the perpendicular bisector of AB, which will
yield a point M as AB's midpoint. Connect M' and C. Make a curve and extend AB, using M'C as the
radius and M' as the center. These two will meet at E. At E, the continuation of DC and the perpendicular
to BE will meet.

With E as the center and EB as the radius, a curve is formed that will meet EF at G. Cut BC at H
perpendicular to EF at G. F as middle and FG as radius, curve intersect CF at I. perpendicular to CF at I cut
GH at J. C and center and CI as radius, curving intersect CH at K. perpendicular to CF at I cut GH at J. C as
center and CI as radius, curve meet CH at K. Cut IJ at L perpendicular to CH at K. With H as the center and
HK as the radius, the curve intersects JH at M. Cut KL at N perpendicular to JH at M. J as the center and
MJ as the radius, curve cut LJ at O. perpendicular to LJ at O cut MN at P, and so on.

For the Golden Spiral:

Set C as the center and CD as the radius of the golden spiral, then bend D to B. Curve B to G has H as the
center and HB as the radius. Curve G to I has J as the center and JG as the radius. Curve I to K has L as the
center and LI as the radius. Curve K to M has N as the center and NK as the radius. Curve M to O has P as
the center and PM as the radius. And so forth.

3. (Other doc)

4. Use the Golden Ratio to divide a line segment L with length 25 meters into two segments
L1 and L2. What is the length L2?

(In relation to problem number 1 where: L1 = 15.45 meters)

Formula & solution:

where; L1 = AC AB = AC

AB = 25 meters AC CB

<---------- 25 ----------->

A <--L1-->C B

25/L1 = L1/25-L1

25(25-L1) = L1

= -(25) + square root of "(25)2 - 4(1)(-625)"/2(1)

= -(25) + square root of "3125"/2

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= -(25)/2 + 25 square root of "5"/2 (means the length is always positive)

= -25/2 + 25/2 (square root of "5")

= 15.4508972

L1 = 15.45 meters

For L2:

L2 = 25 – L1

= 25 m – 15.45 m

L2= 9.55 m

; The total length of L2 is 9.55 meters.

5. How Math is applied in Music (other doc)

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