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Valence bond theory predicts that carbon will use

How many s-sp2 bonds are in the following molecule?

The most stable position of bulky groups such as ( tert-butyl group) in the cyclohexane chair
conformation is at
For the following compound, is the indicated bond up or down?

What is the expected bond angle for the C-C-O bonds in the molecule below?

Consider the reaction below. What is the ROLE/FUNCTION of the indicated molecule in the reaction?

ANS: Electrophile
Identify if the reaction Involved oxidation, reduction or neither:

ANS: reduction

How are the molecules below related?

ANS: Constitutional Isomers

Consider the structure below. Does it meets HUCKEL’s RULE?

Which reaction is predicted as FASTER?

identify If the given structure Is an E or Z system:


Consider the structure given below. identify the configuration of the Indicated atom
The most stable conformation of two methyl groups attached to adjacent carbon in a Newman
protection is the one containing the dihedral angle .

Identify the general type of organic reaction involved

is the indicated compound acting an acid or a base in the following reaction?

The least reactive compound in a SN1 reaction (Ph= Phenyl)

Identify the relationship between the following two structures.

ANS: Diastereomers

The indicated lone pair in the following compound is localized or delocalized:

What Is the IUPAC name of this structure?

ANS: 3,5-Dimethylbenzoic acid

What product(s) will be the MAJOR in the given reaction?

ANS: A and D

Consider the structure below. Does it meets HUCKEL's RULE?

Consider the substituents in the given cyclohexane with the corresponding chair conformation. What
POSITION and DIRECTION the CH 3 group is oriented
ANS: 1, equatorial

What product(s) will be the MINOR in the given reaction?

ANS: C and E

Identify if the structure below is CHIRAL or ACHIRAL?

ANS: Chiral

In Fischer projection, the ___ line(s) indicate(s) that the two bonds are oriented towards the observer

ANS: Horizontal
What EAS reaction is involved in this reaction?

ANS: Friedel-Crafts Acylation

Which of the following is a correct resonance structure of A?

ANS: 4

Give the IUPAC name of this compound:

ANS: 1-Bromo-4-phenylheptane
What REGIOSELECTIVITY of addition reaction is Involved in this reaction:

ANS: Markovnikov's addition

The reaction below will produce a product that follows

ANS: Anti-Markovnikov

In what position the next substituent will be directed in the following reaction:

Give the IUPAC name of this compound:

ANS: 8-Chloro-3-ethyl-2,6,8-trimethyl-5-[2-methylprop-1-yl]-4-[prop-2-yl]undecane

Consider the following reaction. What is the ROLE/FUNCTION of the Indicated molecule in the reaction?

ANS: Nucleophile

Provide the product for the following reaction?

HI is stonger acid than HF due to which concept in ARIO?

ANS: HI is stronger acid than HF due to increasing stability. Even though Fluorine is more electronegative
than Iodine, this does not suggest that Fluorine is a much stronger acid. Iodine is bigger compared to
Fluorine making it more stable as a larger atom.

In ammonium, nitrogen has a valence of 4, and zero nonbonding electrons. What is the correct formal
charge of nitrogen with 4 covalent bonds?

ANS: +1

Consider the reaction below to answer the following questions. When dichlorocarbene is generated in
the presence of an alkene, a dichlorocyclopropane is formed. What is the ROLE/FUNCTION of the
indicated molecule in the reaction?

ANS: nucleophile
The reaction of isobutene with HBr in ether gives one of the two products below as the major product.
Which product would be the major product?

ANS: Product B

Consider the structure given below. Identify the configuration of the indicated atom 1

ANS: R configuration

Which of the following molecules, with any formal charges omitted, would be expected to have a dipole

ANS: II, III, and IV

Consider the reaction below. The rate law expression is:

ANS: k[A][B]
In what position the next substituent will be directed in the following reaction:


Which of the following is the correct structure for a compound with the IUPAC name (S)-3-

Identify the SEQUENCE of PATTERNS of mechanisms involved in the following reaction


1. Proton Transfer
2. Nucleophilic Attack

Consider the substituents in the given cyclohexane with the corresponding chair conformation. What
POSITION and DIRECTION the -OH group is oriented

ANS: 1, equatorial

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