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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Penilaian Akhir Tahun Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 7 Juni 2023

Guru MaPel : Christin Pramita, MPd
S M P M U H A M M A D I Y A H 1
Kelas : VII (Tujuh)

Tahun Pelajaran 2022-2023

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) A, B, C, or D! 4. Where is the living room?
A. On the first floor
Sita : Look at the giraffes. They have curly B. On the basement
eyelashes C. On the ground floor
Dini : Yes, they do. Their eyelashes are adorable. D. On the second floor
Sita : And look at the zebras. They have black and 5. Why does he like to be in the attic?
white stripes on their bodies. A. Because it is very spacious and there is a big sofa
Andri : Guys, do you know that each zebra has there where he sometimes take a nap.
different pattern? B. Because there are two swings and he sometimes play
1. What do they say about the animals? C. Because there is a lovely garden
A. Sita says that giraffes have curly eyelashes D. because it is very spacious and his parents keep
B. Andri says that each zebra has the same pattern washing machine there.
C. Sita says that giraffes have black and white stripes Text for no 6-8
D. Dini says that zebras have curly eyelashes
My Cute “White”
2. “Their eyelashes are adorable.” What is the synonym of Hello everybody! My name is Dian. I live in a
the underlined word? smallvillage. I have a pet. His name is White. It is a rabbit.
A. Ugly His fur is white and has black spots. It has long ears and a
B. Awful short tail. He also has big eyes. My rabbit likes to eat
C. Beautiful carrot and other vegetables. I bring White to a veterinarian
D. Bad when he does not look well. I love White very much.
The text is for no 3-5
6. How do White’s eyes look like?
A. Cute
Hello! My name is Andri and this is my house. My B. Small
house is a quite big. It has got two floors; a ground C. Long
floor and a first floor. It has also got an attic and a D. Big
basement. On the ground floor there is the hall, the 7. When does the writer take White to the veterinarian?
kitchen, a pantry, the living room, a big dining room A. When she wants to do checkup.
and a toilet. On the first floor there are three B. When her mother asks her to
bedrooms, one bathroom and a big corridor. My C. When she has some money.
D. When White is not healthy.
bedroom is between my parents’ bedroom and the
bathroom. My sister’s bedroom is in front of mine. 8. What does White eat?
A. Rice and fish
I love my bedroom, but I also like the attic. In the
B. Carrot and other vegetables
attic I keep some of my books and my old toys. I C. Fruits and vegetables
like to spend my time there because it is very D. Meat
spacious and there is a big sofa there where I The text is for no 9-11
sometimes take a nap.
I have a little sister. Her name is Salsa. She is
In the basement is where we keep the washing only a year old. She is cute. Salsa like a boy
machine, the drying machine and old stuff. At the because her hair is very short. She can walk,
back of the house there is also the garage, where my but she can’t speak. She likes walking around
parents park the family car, and a lovely garden, the house.
with many green spaces, flowers. Two swings and a Salsa likes to play ball. Mother gave her a ball
small swimming pool. I love my house. It’s very yesterday. The ball is soft. Salsa likes to kick
the ball. I love my sister very much. She has
comfortable and cozy.
9. The writer describes that salsa is …
3. How many floors are there? A. Smart
A. There are two floors B. Cute
B. There is one floor C. Friendly
C. There are two ground floors D. Bad tempered
D. There are three floors 10. How is salsa’s hair?
A. Short
B. Thick
C. Long
D. Black

“kecelakaan besarlah bagi orang-orang yang curang.”

11. The writer likes ... very much 17. Mr. Harry is going on a picnic. He wants to take his
A. Walking around the house children to Puncak, they will stay there during the
B. Salsa’s smile weekend. They need a traveling bag to put their clothes
C. To play the ball in.
D. Speaking What do they need?
12. She has …. cheeks

A. Narrow
B. Chubby 18. Tina : My father has bought ... . I can keep foods and
C. Straight drinks cold.
D. Red Tony : Wow you must be very happy.
13. Edwin : Do you know who is he?
Janet : Yes, he is my idol. He is good at …. A. a stove
B. a rice cooker
C. a refrigerator
D. an air conditioning
19. We use this thing to cook our meals. It is a . . . . .
A. Basin
B. Stove
C. Knife
A. Motor racing D. Rack
B. Car racing
C. Badminton championship 20. Dina : I got this thing from my uncle. I forget what
D. Football championship it’s called, umm, it’s round and it’s long and
14. What do you save in this thing? it’s used for looking at the starts.
Rino : Do you mean a . . . . . . .?
A. It can save the dress Dini : Yes! That’s it!
B. It can save data A. Microscope
C. It can save water B. Telescope
D. It can’t save anything C. Scissor
D. Glasses
21. She is an old woman. She is short and plump. She has got
short, curly, gray hair. She is wearing a necklace.
A. C.
15. Rani : Where should I put these clean plates, mom?
Mom : Put them in the cupboard in the …
A. Living room
B. Bathroom
C. Dining room
D. Garage
16. Edo : What things can we find in the living room?
Amir : There are .............................................
A. A pan, an oven and a stove
B. A television, a sofa and a stove
C. A bed, a pillow and a lamp
D. A television, a sofa and a pair of curtains

“kecelakaan besarlah bagi orang-orang yang curang.”

The text is for no 22-23

Mrs. Andrian : What can I help you with today ?

Dina : I need to check out this book.
Mrs. Andrian : I’m going to need your member card ?
Dina : I don’t have a member card.
Mrs. Andrian : Why don’t you apply for one right
Dina : Sure. That would be great.
Mrs. Andrian : Please fill out this application.
Dina : Okay, here you go.
Mrs. Andrian : Here’s your card.

22. Where did the conversation probably take place?

A. In the classroom
26. My father is a . . . . . . he always advise people about legal
B. In the laboratory
problems and defend them in court.
C. In the canteen
A. Engineer.
D. In the library
B. Carpenter
23. Mother : Where is your father? C. Lecturer
Diana : He is in the . . . . . He is going to repair my D. Lawyer
bicycle. 27. Azka : What does your father do?
A. Garden Jeny : He is a ....
B. Living room Azka : Where does he work?
C. Dining room Jeny : At Golden furniture
D. Garage
The text is for no 24-25 A. fisherman
B. mechanic
My name is Sita. I live in Sindang, Indramayu. Let C. carpenter
me tell you about my daily activities. Every school D. firefighter
day, I get up very early in the morning. Sometimes 28. Anisah : What is your mother?
my younger sister, Aulia, wakes me up. She is a Janet : She is ... . She works in a television
diligent girl. We share a room, but we sleep on
different beds. I always go to school early in the
morning. My school is about three kilometers from
my house. After school, I join an extracurricular
activity with my best friend. Her name is Nabila. I
often visit Nabila’s house. I usually go there in the
afternoon. Her hobby is playing guitar. We usually
play it in the afternoon from three to four

24. The text mainly discusses about . . . . .

A. Sita’s daily activities
B. Nabila’s daily activities
C. School’s activities
D. Aulia’s daily activities
25. The following statements are true, EXCEPT . . . .
A. Sita has two sisters.
B. Sita always go to school early in the morning A. A cameraman
C. Aulia is a diligent girl. B. A journalist
D. Sita often visit Nabila’s house. C. A reporter
D. A lawyer

“kecelakaan besarlah bagi orang-orang yang curang.”

29. Do you know the profession of this man?
B. D.

B. D.

35. I swim in the sea. I have got sharp teeth. I’m a wild ani-
mal. Which animal am I?
A. He is a fashion designer A. C.
B. He is a fashion reviewer
C. He is a fashion blogger
D. He is a fashion stylist
30. She _____ her cat everyday
A. To feed
B. Feed
C. Feeds
D. Feeding B. D.
31. Male moslems .... to the nearest mosque to have Jumuah
A. Go
B. Goes
C. Went
D. Going
32. Handiko ..... at five o’clock every morning. 36. The crocodile .... soft skin
A. Does not have
B. Do not have
C. Has
D. Have
37. A rabbit .... long ears and a short tail. It also has cute red
big eyes
A. Has
A. Wakes up B. Have
B. Wake up C. Had
C. Is waking up D. Is having
D. Are waking up
33. What is the correct statement from this picture? Home
By Michael Buble

Another summer day

Is come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I want to go home
Maybe surrounded by
A. Santi plays badminton on Fridays. A million people
B. Santi and Wenti play badminton on Fridays I still feel all alone
C. Santi and Wenti plays badminton on Fridays I just want to go home
D. Santi play badminton on Fridays Oh I miss you, you know
34. I live on land. I have got sharp teeth. I’m a wild animal. I Another aero plane
eat meat. People call me “The King of Jungle”. Which ani- Another sunny place
mal am I? I’m lucky I know
But I want to go home
A. C. Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I want to come home

“kecelakaan besarlah bagi orang-orang yang curang.”

38. What is the title of the song?
A. Paris and Rome
B. Home
C. Summer day
D. Michael Buble
39. Who is sing a song?
A. Michael Buble
B. Justin Bieber
C. Bruno Mars
D. Adelle
40. What does the song tell us about?
A. The writer want to go to Paris and Rome
B. The writer want to go home
C. Aero plane
D. Summer day

41. Fill in the gaps. Use the words in the box !
a. My uncle loves to tell jokes to make us laugh. He
is . . . . . . . .
b. She never talks to a stranger. She is very . . . . . . . . . . .
c. I like doing sports and physical activities. I’m very . . .
d. Don’t just think of yourself, that’s so . . . . . . . .


42. What is the object?

a. It is for writing letters on the white board. It is . . . .
b. They are for cutting things. It is . . . . .
c. It is for sharpening your pencil. It is . . . .
d. It is for sweeping the floor. It is . . .

43. Fill in the blanks with has or have.

a. They . . . . . flufy fur.
b. She. . . . . a big dog.
c. Does Bobby . . . a fish?
d. Rabbits . . . . .long ears.

“kecelakaan besarlah bagi orang-orang yang curang.”

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