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1  Making measurements


for Cambridge IGCSE™


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Dear Cambridge Teacher,

We’ve created new resources ready for the updated Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics (0972)
syllabus for examination from 2023. This pack contains sample content from each of the
components in the new series.
It contains the following:
• A guide explaining how to use the series

• The table of contents from each component
• A guide explaining how to use each component
• First chapter from the coursebook
• Content from the teacher’s resource, including a sample of the preliminary content, the
first chapter of teaching notes and practical support notes and sample data supporting
the first chapter of the practical workbook
• First chapter from the workbook
• First chapter from the practical workbook
We have introduced lots of exciting new features to our series following extensive research
with teachers like yourself. Read about them in the ‘How to use this series’ pages and see
them in action in the sample.
Visit our website to view the full series or speak to your local sales representative. You can
find their contact details here:

Priyanka Comar and Gemma Coleman

Commissioning Editors
Cambridge University Press

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


How to use this series

We offer a comprehensive, flexible array of resources for the Cambridge IGCSE™
Physics syllabus (0625). We provide targeted support and practice for the specific
challenges we've heard that students face: learning science with English as a second
language; learners who find the mathematical content within science difficult; and
developing practical skills.

Physics The coursebook provides coverage of the full Cambridge
for Cambridge IGCSE™

IGCSE Physics syllabus (0625). Each chapter explains


David Sang, Mike Follows & Sheila Tarpey facts and concepts, and uses relevant real-world examples

of scientific principles to bring the subject to life. Together

with a focus on practical work and plenty of active learning
opportunities, the coursebook prepares learners for all
aspects of their scientific study. Questions and exam-style
questions in every chapter help learners to consolidate
their understanding and provide practice opportunities
Third edition Digital Access
to apply their learning.
The teacher’s resource contains detailed guidance for all topics of the syllabus,
including common misconceptions identifying areas where learners might need

extra support, as well as an engaging bank of lesson ideas for each syllabus topic.
Differentiation is emphasised with advice for
identification of different learner needs and
suggestions of appropriate interventions to
support and stretch learners. The teacher’s
resource also contains support for preparing
and carrying out all the investigations in the
practical workbook, including a set of sample
for Cambridge IGCSE™
results for when practicals aren’t possible.
The teacher’s resource also contains scaffolded
worksheets and unit tests for each chapter.
Answers for all components are accessible to
teachers for free on the Cambridge Go platform.

Digital Teacher’s Resource

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Cambridge IGCSE™ 1  Making

How to measurements
use this series

The skills-focused workbook has been carefully constructed to help

Physics learners develop the skills that they need as they progress through
for Cambridge IGCSE™ their Cambridge IGCSE Physics course, providing further practice

of all the topics in the coursebook. A three-tier, scaffolded approach

David Sang & Darrell Hamilton

to skills development enables students to gradually progress through

‘focus’, ‘practice’ and ‘challenge’ exercises, ensuring that every learner
is supported. The workbook enables independent learning and is
ideal for use in class or as homework.

Third edition Digital Access

Cambridge IGCSE™
The Cambridge IGCSE Practical Workbook provides
learners learners with additional opportunities for hands-on Physics
practical work, giving them full guidance and support that
will help them to develop their investigative skills. These
skills include planning investigations, selecting and handling
apparatus, creating hypotheses, recording and displaying
results, and analysing and evaluating data.

PL Physics

Third edition
for Cambridge IGCSE™

Digital Access
Gillian Nightingale
Cambridge IGCSE™

IN 2022
Physics Mathematics is an integral part of scientific study, and one that
for Cambridge IGCSE™
learners often find a barrier to progression in science. The Maths



Jane Thompson & Jaykishan Sharma

Skills for Cambridge IGCSE Physics write-in workbook has been
written in collaboration with the Association of Science Education,
with each chapter focusing on several maths skills that students
need to succeed in their Physics course.

Third edition Digital Access

Cambridge IGCSE™

IN 2022
Our research shows that English language skills are the single
biggest barrier to students accessing international science. Physics
This write-in workbook contains exercises set within the for Cambridge IGCSE™

context of IGCSE Physics topics to consolidate understanding ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS WORKBOOK

David Sang, Timothy Chadwick, Darrell Hamilton,

and embed practice in aspects of language central to the Deepak Choudhary & Fiona Mauchline

subject Activities range from practising using comparative

adjectives in the context of measuring density, to writing a
set of instructions using the imperative for an experiment
investigating frequency and pitch.
Third edition Digital Access

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements


for Cambridge IGCSE™


David Sang, Mike Follows & Sheila Tarpey


Third edition Digital Access

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Introductionvi 6 Energy changes and transfers
How to use this series viii 6.1 Energy stores 104
6.2 Energy transfers 107
How to use this book x 6.3 Conservation of energy 110
6.4 Energy calculations 114

1 Making measurements
1.1 Measuring length and volume 03
7 Energy resources
1.2 Density05
7.1 The energy we use 125
1.3 Measuring time 09
7.2 Energy from the Sun 133
2 Describing motion

Understanding speed
Distance–time graphs

Understanding acceleration
Calculating speed and acceleration

3 Forces and motion

We have lift-off
Mass, weight and gravity
8 Work and power
Doing work
Calculating work done
Calculating power

9 The kinetic model of matter

9.1 States of matter


3.3 Falling and turning 49 9.2 The kinetic model of matter 156
3.4 Force, mass and acceleration 52 9.3 Gases and the kinetic model 160
3.5 Momentum54 9.4 Temperature and the Celsius scale 162
3.6 More about scalars and vectors 59 9.5 The gas laws 164
4 4 Turning effects
10 Thermal properties of matter

4.1 The moment of a force 68

10.1 Thermal expansion 172
4.2 Calculating moments 69
10.2 Specific heat capacity 175
4.3 Stability and centre of gravity 74
10.3 Changing state 179
5 Forces and matter
5.1 Forces acting on solids 86 11 Thermal energy transfers
5.2 Stretching springs 87 11.1 Conduction191
5.3 Hooke’s law 88 11.2 Convection196
5.4 Pressure93 11.3 Radiation200
5.5 Calculating pressure 94 11.4 Consequences of thermal
energy transfer 204

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


12 Sound 19 Electrical circuits

12.1 Making sounds 217 19.1 Circuit components 351
12.2 How does sound travel? 218 19.2 Combinations of resistors 355
12.3 The speed of sound 220 19.3 Electrical safety 368
12.4 12.4 Seeing and hearing sounds 222
20 Electromagnetic forces
13 Light 20.1 The magnetic effect of a current 382
13.1 Reflection of light 232 20.2 Force on a current-carrying
13.2 Refraction of light 237
20.3 Electric motors 388

13.3 Total internal reflection 242
20.4 Beams of charged particles and
13.4 Lenses247
magnetic fields 391
13.5 Dispersion of light 254
21 Electromagnetic induction
14 Properties of waves 21.1 Generating electricity 400

Describing waves

Electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic hazards
Speed, frequency and wavelength
Explaining wave phenomena

15 The electromagnetic spectrum

Communicating using electromagnetic


Power lines and transformers
How transformers work

22 The nuclear atom

Atomic structure
Protons, neutrons and electrons

23 Radioactivity
23.1 Radioactivity all around us


23.2 Radioactive decay 437
16 Magnetism 23.3 Activity and half-life 442
16.1 Permanent magnets 296 23.4 Using radioisotopes 448
16.2 Magnetic fields 298
24 Earth and the Solar System
17 Static electricity 24.1 Earth, Sun and Moon 459

17.1 Charging and discharging 312 24.2 The Solar System 462
17.2 Explaining static electricity 314
25 Stars and the Universe
17.3 Electric fields 316
25.1 The Sun 472
18 Electrical quantities 25.2 Stars and galaxies 475
25.3 The Universe 480
18.1 Current in electric circuits 325
18.2 Voltage in electric circuits 329 Glossary491
18.3 Electrical resistance 332
18.4 More about electrical resistance 337
18.5 Electrical energy, work and power 339 Acknowledgements

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


How to use this book

Throughout this book, you will notice lots of different features that will help your learning. These are explained below.

These set the scene for each chapter, help with navigation through the coursebook and indicate the
important concepts in each topic. These begin with 'In this chapter you will:'.

This contains questions and activities on subject knowledge you will need before starting this chapter.


This feature presents real-world examples
and applications of the content in a chapter,
encouraging you to look further into topics that
may be beyond the syllabus. There are discussion
questions at the end which look at some of the
benefits and problems of these applications.
Appearing throughout the text, questions give you a
chance to check that you have understood the topic you
have just read about. You can find the answers to these
questions in the digital version of the Coursebook.

Activities give you an opportunity to check
your understanding throughout the text in a more
EXPERIMENTAL SKILLS active way, for example by creating presentations,
posters or role plays. When activities have
This feature focuses on developing your practical
answers, you can find these in the digital version
skills. They include lists of equipment required and
of the Coursebook.
any safety issues, step-by-step instructions so you
can carry out the experiment, and questions to
help you think about what you have learned.

Command words that appear in the syllabus
KEY WORDS and might be used in exams are highlighted
in the exam-style questions when they are first
Key vocabulary is highlighted in the text when it
introduced. In the margin, you will find the
is first introduced, and definitions are given in
Cambridge International definition. You will also
boxes near the vocabulary. You will also find
find these definitions in the Glossary at the back
definitions of these words in the Glossary at the
of the book with some further explanation on the
back of this book.
meaning of these words.

Supplement content: Where content is intended for

students who are studying the Supplement content of KEY EQUATIONS
the syllabus as well as the Core, this is indicated in the Important equations which you will need to learn
following way. and remember are given in these boxes.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

How to use this book


Wherever you need to know how to use a formula At the end of some activities and experimental
to carry out a calculation, there are worked example skills boxes, you will find opportunities to help
boxes to show you how to do this. you assess your own work, or that of your
classmates, and consider how you can improve

the way you learn.
These activities ask you to think about the
approach that you take to your work, and how

you might improve this in the future.

There is a summary of key points at the end of each chapter.

Projects allow you to apply your learning from the whole chapter to group activities such as making posters or
presentations, or performing in debates. They may give you the opportunity to extend your learning beyond
the syllabus if you want to.


Questions at the end of each chapter provide more demanding exam-style questions, some of which may
require use of knowledge from previous chapters. Answers to these questions can be found in the digital version
of the Coursebook.

The summary checklists are followed by ‘I can’ statements which match the Learning intentions at the beginning
of the chapter. You might find it helpful to rate how confident you are for each of these statements when you are
revising. You should revisit any topics that you rated ‘Needs more work’ or ‘Almost there’.

See Needs Almost Ready to

I can
Topic... more work there move on

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Chapter 1


measurements PL


• learn how to take measurements of length, volume and time
• perform experiments to determine the density of an object
• predict whether an object will float

predict whether one liquid will float on another.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

In pairs, either take the measurements or write down how you would do the following:
• measure the length, width and thickness of this book and work out its volume
• measure the thickness of a sheet of paper that makes up this book
• measure the length of journey (for example, on a map) that is not straight.
Now discuss how you would work out the density of:
• a regular-shaped solid
• an irregular-shaped solid

• a liquid.


People tend to dismiss people who lived in the
past as less intelligent than we are. After all, people
used parts of their bodies for measuring distances.
A cubit was the length of the forearm from the
tip of the middle finger to the elbow. However,
the Ancient Egyptians knew this varied between
people. Therefore, in around 3000 BCE, they
invented the royal cubit (Figure 1.1), marked out on
a piece of granite and used this as a standard to
produce cubit rods of equal length.
Figure 1.2: Eratosthenes used shadows and geometry to
work out the circumference of the Earth.

Discussion questions
Figure 1.1: Cubit rod. 1 You cannot always depend on your eyes to
judge lengths. Look at Figure 1.3 and decide

The Ancient Egyptians were experts at using very which line is longer? Check by using a ruler.
simple tools like the cubit rod. This enabled them
to build their pyramids accurately. Eratosthenes, a
brilliant scientist who lived in Egypt in the 300 BCE,
showed the same care and attention to detail.
This allowed him to work out that the Earth has a
Figure 1.3: Which line is longer?
circumference of 40 000 km (Figure 1.2).
In contrast, there are many recent examples where 2 Eratosthenes may have hired a man to pace
incorrect measurements have led to problems. the distance between Alexandria and Syene
Although the Hubble Space Telescope had the most (present-day Aswan) to calculate the Earth’s
precisely shaped mirror ever made, the original circumference. Some people take longer steps
images it produced were not as clear as expected. than others, this is called stride length. Discuss
Tiny mistakes in measuring meant that it had the the possible ways that anyone with any stride
wrong shape and it took a lot of effort to correct length could have measured the distance
for it. between these towns accurately.

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


The point here is to recognise that it is always important

1.1 Measuring length to think critically about the measurements you make,
however straightforward they may seem. You have to
and volume consider the method you use, as well as the instrument
(in this case, the ruler).
In physics, we make measurements of many different
lengths, for example, the length of a piece of wire, the
height of liquid in a tube, the distance moved by an
object, the diameter of a planet or the radius of its orbit.
In the laboratory, lengths are often measured using a rule 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(such as a metre ruler).
Figure 1.4: Simple measurements still require careful
Measuring lengths with a ruler is a familiar task. But when

technique, for example, finding the length of a wire.
you use a ruler, it is worth thinking about the task and
just how reliable your measurements may be. Consider
measuring the length of a piece of wire (Figure 1.4).
• The wire must be straight, and laid closely alongside
the ruler. (This may be tricky with a bent piece of standard: is an absolute or primary reference or

• Look at the ends of the wire. Are they cut neatly,
or are they ragged? Is it difficult to judge where the
wire begins and ends?
• Look at the markings on the ruler. They are
probably 1 mm apart, but they may be quite wide.
Line one end of the wire up against the zero of the
scale. Because of the width of the mark, this may be
awkward to judge.
• Look at the other end of the wire and read the scale.
precise: when several readings are close together
when measuring the same value
calibrated: should agree closely with a standard
or agrees when correction applied

More measurement techniques

If you have to measure a small length, such as the
Again, this may be tricky to judge. thickness of a wire, it may be better to measure several
Now you have a measurement, with an idea of how precise thicknesses and then calculate the average. You can use
it is. You can probably determine the length of the wire to the same approach when measuring something very thin,
within a millimetre. But there is something else to think such as a sheet of paper. Take a stack of 500 sheets and
about – the ruler itself. How sure can you be that it is measure its thickness with a ruler (Figure 1.5). Then
correctly calibrated? Are the marks at the ends of a metre divide by 500 to find the thickness of one sheet.
ruler separated by exactly one metre? Any error in this will

lead to an inaccuracy (probably small) in your result.

500 sheets

Figure 1.5: Making multiple measurements.

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

For some measurements of length, such as curved lines,

it can help to lay a thread along the line. Mark the thread
Measuring volume by
at either end of the line and then lay it along a ruler
to find the length. This technique can also be used for
measuring the circumference of a cylindrical object such Most objects do not have a regular shape, so we cannot
as a wooden rod or a measuring cylinder. find their volumes simply by measuring the lengths
of their sides. Here is how to find the volume of an
irregularly shaped object. This technique is known as
Measuring volumes measuring volume by displacement.
There are two approaches to measuring volumes, • Select a measuring cylinder that is about three or
depending on whether or not the shape is regular. four times larger than the object. Partially fill it with
water (Figure 1.7), enough to cover the object. Note

For a regularly shaped object, such as a rectangular the volume of the water.
block, measure the lengths of the three different sides
and multiply them together. For objects of other regular • Immerse the object in the water. The level of water
shapes, such as spheres or cylinders, you may have to in the cylinder will increase, because the object
make one or two measurements and then look up the pushes the water out of the way and the only way it
formula for the volume. can move is upwards. The increase in its volume is

For liquids, measuring cylinders can be used as shown
in Figure 1.6. (Recall that these are designed so that
you look at the scale horizontally, not at an oblique
angle, and read the level of the bottom of the meniscus.)
The meniscus is the curved upper surface of a liquid,
caused by surface tension. It can curve up or down but
the surface of water in a measuring cylinder curves
downwards. Think carefully about the choice of cylinder.
A 1 dm3 cylinder is unlikely to be suitable for measuring
a small volume such as 5 cm3. You will get a more
equal to the volume of the object.

Units of length and volume

In physics, we generally use SI units (this is short for
Le Système International d’Unités or The International
System of Units). The SI unit of length is the metre (m).
Table 1.1 shows some alternative units of length,
together with some units of volume. Note that the litre
and millilitre are not official SI units of volume, and so
accurate answer using a 10 cm3 cylinder. are not used in this book. One litre (1 l) is the same as
1 dm3, and one millilitre (1 ml) is the same as 1 cm3.

meniscus: curved upper surface of a liquid
volume: the space occupied by an object

displace: moving something to another place so

water is moved out of the way (upwards) when an
object is lowered into it
immerse: to cover something in a fluid (usually
water) so that the object is submerged

Figure 1.6: A student measuring the volume of a liquid.

Her eyes are level with the scale so that she can accurately
measure where the meniscus meets the scale.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


2 A stack of paper contains 500 sheets of paper.

cm3 cm3 The stack has dimensions of 0.297 m × 21.0 cm ×
100 100
50.0 mm.
volume a What is the thickness of one sheet of paper?
of object b What is the volume of the stack of paper
in cm3?
object to be volume
of water
1.2 Density

Our eyes can deceive us. When we look at an object,

we can judge its volume. However, we can only guess its

Figure 1.7: Measuring volume by displacement
mass. We may guess incorrectly, because we misjudge
the density. You may offer to carry someone’s bag, only
Quantity Units to discover that it contains heavy books. A large box of
Length metre (m) chocolates may have a mass of only 200 g.
1 decimetre (dm) = 0.1 m The mass of an object is the quantity (amount) of matter

Volume cubic metre (m ) 3

1 centimetre (cm) = 0.01 m
1 millimetre (mm) = 0.001 m
1 micrometre (µm) = 0.000 001 m
1 kilometre (km) = 1000 m

1 cubic centimetre (cm3) = 0.000 001 m3

1 cubic decimetre (dm3) = 0.001 m3

Table 1.1: Some units of length and volume in the SI system.

it is made of. Mass is measured in kilograms. But density
is a property of a material. It tells us how concentrated
its mass is. You will learn more about the meaning of
mass and how it differs from weight in Chapter 3.)
In everyday speech, we might say that lead is heavier than
wood. We mean that, given equal volumes of lead and
wood, the lead is heavier. In scientific terms, the density
of lead is greater than the density of wood. So we define
density as shown, in words and as an equation.
mass: the quantity of matter an object has when it
Questions is at rest relative to the observer
1 The volume of a piece of wood which floats in water density: the ratio of mass to volume for a
can be measured as shown in Figure 1.8. substance
a Write a paragraph to describe the procedure.

weight: the force of gravity acting on an object

b State the volume of the wood. because of its mass

cm3 cm3
80 80 Density is the mass per unit volume for a substance.
70 70
50 50 mass
40 40 density = ​ _______
30 30
water M  ​​
= ​​  ___
20 20
10 10
0 0 The symbol for density is , the Greek letter rho.
steel block wood The SI unit of density is kg/m3 (kilograms per cubic
Figure 1.8: Measuring the volume of an object that floats. metre). You may come across other units, as shown
in Table 1.2.

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

Unit of mass Unit of volume Unit of density Density of water

kilogram, kg cubic metre, m 3
kilograms per cubic metre 1000 kg/m3
kilogram, kg cubic decimetre, dm3 kilograms per cubic decimetre 1.0 kg/dm3
gram, g cubic centimetre, cm3 grams per cubic centimetre 1.0 g/cm3

Table 1.2: Units of density.

Many materials have a range of densities. Some types

Values of density of wood, for example, are less dense than water and will
Some values of density are shown in Table 1.3. Gases float. Other types of wood (such as mahogany) are more

have much lower densities than solids or liquids. dense and will sink. The density depends on the nature
of the wood (its composition).
An object that is less dense than water will float. Ice is
less dense than water which explains why icebergs float Gold is denser than silver. Pure gold is a soft metal, so
in the sea, rather than sinking to the bottom. Only about jewellers add silver to make it harder. The amount of
one tenth of an iceberg is above the water surface. If any silver added can be judged by measuring the density.

carbon dioxide
part of an object is above the water surface, then it is less
dense than water.

Density / kg/m3
It is useful to remember that the density of water is
1000 kg/m3, 1 kg/dm3 or 1.0 g/cm3.

Calculating density
To calculate the density of a material, we need to know
the mass and volume of a sample of the material.


A sample of ethanol has a volume of 240 cm3.
alcohol (ethanol) 790 Its mass is found to be 190.0 g. What is the density of
mercury 13 600
ice 920 Step 1: Write down what you know and what you
want to know.
wood 400–1200
mass m = 190.0 g

polyethene 910–970 volume V = 240 cm3

glass 2500–4200 density = ?
steel 7500–8100 Step 2: Write down the equation for density,
lead 11 340 substitute values and calculate .
silver 10 500 ​ m ​ 
= __
gold 19 300 190 g
= ​​ ________
Table 1.3: Densities of some substances. For gases, these are 240 ​cm​​  3​
given at a temperature of 0 °C and a pressure of 1.0 × 105 Pa. = 0.79 g/cm3

Density of ethanol = 0.79 g/cm3

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Measuring density 5 The Earth has a mass of 6 × 1024 kg and a radius

of about 6400 km. What is the density of the Earth?
The easiest way to determine the density of a substance The volume of a sphere is given by the equation
is to find the mass and volume of a sample of the V =  ​  _43  ​  π​r​​  3​, where r is the radius.
substance. 6 40 drawing pins (thumb tacks) like those shown
For a solid with a regular shape, find its volume by in Figure 1.10 have a mass of 17.55 g. What is the
measurement (see Section 1.1). Find its mass using a volume (in mm3) of one pin when they are made of
balance. Then calculate the density. metal with a density of 8.7 g/cm3?


3 A brick is shown in Figure 1.9. It has a mass of
2.8 kg.

PL 7
Figure 1.10: A pair of drawing pins (thumb tacks).

A young girl from the Kayan people in northern

Thailand wears a neck ring made of brass (Figure
1.11). It looks as if there are 21 individual rings but
the ring is actually one continuous length of brass
fashioned (bent) into a coil. The height of the brass
coil is 12 cm and its average circumference is 40 cm.
Neck rings are usually only removed to be replaced
102.5 mm

with a bigger one as the girl grows. However, we can

estimate the mass of this neck ring without removing
it by following these steps.


Figure 1.9: A brick labelled with its dimensions.

a Give the dimensions of a brick in metres.

b Calculate the volume of the brick.
c Calculate the density of the brick.
4 A box full of 35 matches has a mass of 6.77 g.
The box itself has a mass of 3.37 g.
a What is the mass of one match in grams?
b What is the volume (in cm3) of each match.
A match has dimensions of 42 mm × 2.3 mm ×
2.3 mm?
c What is the density of the matches? Figure 1.11: A Kayan girl from the Kayang people
d How do you know if these matches will float? wearing a neck ring.

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

a What looks like 21 individual rings around When liquids mix, it is usually because one liquid dissolves
the girl’s neck is actually 21 turns of a coil of in the other. For example, orange squash is a concentrated
brass. Each turn has a circumference of 40 cm. syrup that is diluted by dissolving it in water.
Calculate (in cm) the total length of brass used
to make the girl’s neck ring.
b The coil has a height of 12 cm and the coil has
21 turns. Calculate the radius of the brass in cm.
c If the brass coil is unwound from the girl’s neck
and straightened out, it would be a long, thin,
cylinder. Calculate the volume of this cylinder
in cm3. The volume of a cylinder is given by the

equation V = π​r​​  2​  h, where
r = radius and h = height.
d Calculate the mass of brass used to make
the neck ring and express your answer in kg.
The density of brass = 8.73 g/cm3.

Finding the density of a liquid

Figure 1.12 shows one way to find the density of a
liquid. Place a measuring cylinder on a balance. Set the
balance to zero. Now pour liquid into the cylinder. Read
the volume from the scale on the cylinder. The balance
shows the mass.

100 100
Figure 1.13: Liquid density towers.

Apart from making colourful liquid density towers,

do variations in the density of liquids have practical
consequence? In Chapter 11, you will learn about
convection currents in fluids (liquids and gases), which
are driven by differences in density. These convection
currents include the thermohaline circulation in the
oceans. Colder and saltier water sinks, displacing
(pushing up) warmer and less salty water.

Finding the density of a regularly-shaped solid

In pairs, create a worksheet on the computer for
finding the density of a regularly-shaped solid

object (e.g. rectangular block) using a ruler and a

mass balance. Your worksheet should include:
Figure 1.12: Measuring the mass of a liquid
• a method for measuring the mass and working
When liquids with different densities are poured into out the volume
the same container, they will arrange themselves so that • the equation for calculating density
the liquid with the lowest density will be at the top and • a table for students to record their data.
the ones with the highest density will be at the bottom.
This is because the denser liquids displace the less dense You could include an optional task to work out the
liquids. This is easier to see when each liquid is given a density of a liquid.
different colour. In Figure 1.13, the green liquid is less After your allotted time, another pair is going to
dense than the red liquid and so on. test a copy of your worksheet (perhaps by doing
When a distinct layer forms in a mixed solution, the the experiment). They are going to add any steps
liquids are said to be immiscible, which means they do that are missing or make suggestions to make your
not mix. This is why oil floats on water. However, not all worksheet clearer. When you get your worksheet
liquids stay separated so you would be disappointed if returned, edit and save a new version of it.
you tried this at home with squash and water, for example.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.



Finding the density of an irregularly-shaped solid Write down one thing that you did really well in
Before you start, make a copy of your previous this activity.
worksheet and save it to a new name. Some of Write down one thing that you will try to do much
what you included in the previous worksheet can better next time. How will you do this?
be kept and some will need to be edited.
In pairs, create a worksheet for finding the density
of an irregularly-shaped solid object using a ruler, a
mass balance, a measuring cylinder, some thread,
a pair of scissors and a eureka can (if you have
1.3 Measuring time

access to one). Your method explaining how to The athletics coach in Figure 1.14 is using his stopwatch
measure the mass and how to calculate the density to time a sprinter. For a sprinter, a fraction of a
should be the same. However, you should: second (perhaps just 0.01 s) can make all the difference
• explain how to measure volume by displacement between winning and coming second or third. It is
• say something about choosing a suitable sized different in a marathon, where the race lasts for more than
two hours and the runners are timed to the nearest second.
measuring cylinder
• change your previous table

You should include an optional task to work out
the density of an irregularly-shaped solid object
that is less dense than water. Finding its mass
and calculating the density is straightforward. The
challenging part is explaining how to work out the
volume of an object that floats.

Design a flowchart or decision-tree (optional)

Design a flowchart or decision-tree for use by
anyone who wants to work out the density of
any liquid or any solid object. Ensure that your
flowchart includes enough information so that
someone could take the measurements. Ask your
partner or someone else who has completed the Figure 1.14: An athletics coach uses a stopwatch to time a
first two parts to check and correct your flowchart. hurdler, who can then learn whether she has improved.


How dense can you be?

In groups of three, write a method showing how you could work out your own density, or that of a friend or of
a younger sibling. Alternatively, plan out your strategy and be prepared to share it with the class. There are at
least two methods: a dry method and a wet method. Discuss one or both of them.
You will need to include:
• a method that is detailed enough for someone to follow (this should include advice about how a
measurement should be taken)
• any calculations
• possible sources of uncertainty in the measurements
• what you expect your answer to be
If you actually carried out the experiment, comment on how close your measurement was to what you expected.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

In the laboratory, you might need to record the

temperature of a container of water every minute, or KEY WORDS
find the time for which an electric current is flowing. For analogue: display has hands (or a needle) and
measurements like these, stopclocks and stopwatches can often not very precise
be used. You may come across two types of timing device.
An analogue clock (Figure 1.15) is like a traditional clock digital: display shows numbers and is often
whose hands move round the clock’s face. You find the precise
time by looking at where the hands are pointing on the
scale. It can measure times intervals to no better than the When studying motion, you may need to measure the
nearest second. time taken for a rapidly moving object to move between
two points. In this case, you might use a device called a

light gate connected to an electronic timer. This is similar
to the way in which runners are timed in major athletics
events. An electronic timer starts when the marshal’s gun
is fired, and stops as the runner crosses the finishing line.
You will learn more about how to use electronic timing

Figure 1.15: An analogue clock

A digital clock (Figure 1.16) or stopwatch is one that
gives a direct reading of the time in numerals. For
instruments in Chapter 2.

Measuring short intervals

of time
Figure 1.17 shows a typical lab pendulum. A mass, called
a plumb bob, hangs on the end of a string. The string
is clamped tightly at the top between two wooden jaws.
If you pull the bob gently to one side and release it, the
pendulum will swing from side to side.
example, a digital clock might show a time of 9.58 s. A The time for one oscillation of a pendulum (when it
digital clock records time to a precision of at least one swings from left to right and back again) is called its
hundredth of a second. You would never see an analogue period. A single period is usually too short a time to
watch recording times in the Olympic Games. measure accurately. However, because a pendulum swings
at a steady rate, you can use a stopwatch to measure the
time for a large number of swings (perhaps 20 or 50),
and calculate the average time per swing. Any inaccuracy

in the time at which the stopwatch is started and stopped

will be much less significant if you measure the total time
for a large number of swings.

plumb bob: a mass (usually lead) hanging from a
string to define a vertical line
oscillation: a repetitive motion or vibration
period: the time for one complete oscillation,
Figure 1.16: A digital clock started when the gun fired and when an object returns to its original position
stopped 9.58 s later, when Usain Bolt crossed the finishing
line to win the 100 m at the 2009 World Championships in
world record time.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


9 A student was investigating how the period of a

pendulum varied with the length of the string and
obtained the results in Table 1.4.

Length of Time for 20 Time for 1

String / m swings / s swing / s
0.00  0.0
0.20 18.1
0.40 25.1
0.60 28.3

0.80 39.4
1.00 40.5
1.20 44.4
1.40 47.9

Figure 1.17: A simple pendulum.

High-speed video can record sporting events at a
frame rate of 60 frames per second (frame/s).
Table 1.4.

Why did the student record the time for 20
Make a copy Table 1.4 and, for each length of
the pendulum, calculate the time for one swing
and record the value in the third column of the
Plot a graph of the period of the pendulum
against its length (that is, plot the length of the
a What is the time interval between one frame pendulum on the x-axis).
and the next? d Use the graph to work out the length of the
b If we can see 24 frame/s as continuous motion, pendulum when the period is 2 seconds. This is
by what factor can the action recorded at the length of pendulum used in a grandfather
60 frame/s be slowed down and still look clock.


Using a pendulum as a clock

In 1656 the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens invented a clock
based on a swinging pendulum. Clocks like these were the
most precise in the world until the 1930s. One oscillation of a
pendulum is defined as the time it takes for a plumb bob at the
bottom of the string to return to its original position (Figure 1.18).
You need to develop a worksheet so that students can plot a
graph of how the period of oscillation of a pendulum varies with
the length of the string. They then need to use the graph to find Figure 1.18: One oscillation is when the
the length the pendulum needs to be to give a period of one plumb bob swings one way and then the
second (useful for a clock). Your worksheet needs to: other and returns back to its original position.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

• define what an oscillation means (so that a student knows when to start and stop the stopwatch)
• explain why we take the time for 10 or 20 oscillations when we only need the time for one oscillation
• provide a labelled diagram of the assembled apparatus (not just a list of equipment) so that students
know how to put the equipment together
• a method (step-by-step instructions).
Swap copies of your worksheet with a classmate. Write down suggestions for any improvements on the
worksheet you receive before returning it to its owner. Note down any improvements if you have a class



time by 20.
Length can be measured using a ruler.
The period of one oscillation can be measured by measuring the time for 20 oscillations and then dividing the

The volume of a regularly shaped object can be found by measuring the length of the three sides and
multiplying the measurements together.
The volume of a liquid can be measured using a measuring cylinder, where the bottom of the meniscus appears
on the scale when looked at horizontally.
All objects that sink in water displace their own volume of water.
The volume of an irregularly shaped object can be found from the change in the height of liquid in a measuring
Density is the ratio of mass to volume for a substance = ​ __ ​ 
The density of water is 1000 kg/m3 or 1.0 g/cm3.

Anything less dense than water will float in water and anything denser than water will sink in water.
Ice floats because it is less dense than water.
One liquid will float on top of another liquid if it is less dense.
Time can be measured using a clock or watch.
An analogue clock has hands and can only measure time to the nearest second.
A digital clock displays numbers and records time to a precision of at least one hundredth of a second.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


After studying this chapter, think about how confident you are with the different topics. This will help you to see
any gaps in your knowledge and help you to learn more effectively.

See Needs Almost Confident

I can
Topic... more work there to move on
Measure length, volume and time. 1.1, 1.3
Calculate the volume of a regularly shaped object
from measurements using a ruler.

Determine the volume of irregularly shaped object. 1.1
Measure the size of tiny objects (for example,
thickness of a sheet of paper, the volume of a 1.1
drawing pin).
Calculate density.

Predict whether an object will float or sink in water
based on its density.
Describe an experiment to find the density of a liquid.
Predict whether a liquid will float on top of another
liquid if their densities are known and they cannot mix.
Describe an experiment to find the density of a
regularly shaped object.




Describe an experiment to find the density of an
irregularly shaped object.
Describe the differences between analogue and
digital watches or clocks.

In groups of three or four, produce a podcast (no more • You could describe how to work out the density
than 5 minutes long) on one of the following options. of an object that can float.

Option 1: Can we build on what we have learned 1 RSS Titanic

about density? It was claimed that the RSS Titanic was unsinkable.
However the ship sank in 1912 on its first voyage.
This is opportunity to revise what you have learned You must explain why a ship can float despite being
about density and then consolidate that knowledge made of material that is denser than water.
and understanding.
• You should explain why a ship sinks, in terms of
• You must explain how density is calculated, changes in density.
including the equation.
• Do some research to find out about bulkheads
• You should describe how to measure the mass in ships: what are they and what they for? Why
and volume of both regular and irregular did the RSS Titanic sink despite being fitted
shaped objects. with bulkheads?

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

2 Submarines and scuba divers Alexandria cast shadows. He used this to work out
You could describe one phenomenon that depends that the Earth is round. Eratosthenes may have
on changes or differences in density. You could think hired a man to measure out the distance between
of your own or select one of these: Alexandria and Syene.
• Explain how a submarine or scuba diver moves • You could start with a short biography of
up and down in the water column (or perhaps Eratosthenes.
explain how a Cartesian diver demonstration • You should explain why the observation with the
works). shadows shows that the Earth is a sphere. You
• Explain how differences in fluid density can might want to include a diagram like Figure 1.2.
lead to convection (something you will meet in • You should try and show how the man hired

Chapter 17). You might want to go on to discuss by Eratosthenes could have worked out his
how this relates to ocean currents or wind. stride-length (the distance of each step) and
kept count of his strides (steps). Think about his
Option 2: What was the solution to the longitude possible journey: did he follow a straight line;
problem? were there any hills in the way? Could this have
A clock based on a pendulum is impractical on the introduced errors in measuring the distance

enough and you change time zone. PL

moving deck of a (sailing) ship but knowing the time
is important for navigation as this provides your
longitude on a spinning Earth. Lines of longitude
are the vertical lines on a map. When you move east
or west you are changing your longitude; move far

• You must start with a short description of the

longitude problem.
• You could describe the various suggested
solutions to the longitude problem.
• You could describe the final solution to the
between Alexandria and Syene?
• Finally, you could show how Eratosthenes did
the calculation.

Option 5: How did Archimedes really work out

that the goldsmith had replaced some of the
gold in Hiero’s crown with silver?
Archimedes was probably the most brilliant scientist
of his era. He is supposed to have solved the
problem of how to work out the density of the crown
while having a bath. Legend has it that he then ran
into the streets shouting ‘eureka’ (I’ve solved it).
longitude problem. For this, you would need
to look up John Harrison and his marine • You could start with a short biography of
chronometer. Archimedes.
• You could then describe the usual explanation
Option 3: How did the Ancient Egyptians build of how he worked out that some gold had
their pyramids so accurately? been stolen. Silver is less dense than gold so
The pyramids are an incredible feat of engineering, the same mass of silver has a bigger volume

even by today’s standards. Using very basic tools, and will displace a bigger volume of water.
their pyramids are perfectly symmetrical. However, it would be difficult to measure the
difference in volume, especially since bubbles
• You could start by introducing the dimensions
of air could cling to the submerged crown and
of the Giza pyramid and the number of blocks
there could be other sources of error.
required to build it.
• You could explain how the Egyptians managed • You could describe a better method, which
to get the sides of their pyramids lined up with uses a mass balance. You would need to
true north (without a compass) and how they explain why, when the masses are equal, the
got the base of them absolutely level (flat) balance tips towards the denser mass when
without a (spirit) level. lowered into water.

Option 4: How did Eratosthenes work out the • Gold needs some silver impurity or it would
circumference of the Earth? be too soft and would be easy to bend out
of shape. Perhaps the goldsmith was falsely
Eratosthenes was a brilliant scientist. He was told accused? Perhaps this idea could form part of a
that, at the same time every year (12 noon on 21 piece of creative writing (some prose or a play)
June), vertical columns in Syene (present day Aswan) but be sure to include the physics.
cast no shadows while columns where he lived in

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


• For your project, write down some thoughts about what you feel went
well and areas where you could improve.
• Give yourself a score out of 10 for how much you know and understand
the physics you included. If you scored 10, write down how you have
produced a more ambitious Project. If less than 100%, do you need to
thoroughly review the material or are you making careless errors? Write
down what concrete steps you need to take to improve for next time.
• Give yourself a score out of 10 for the quality of your presentation. Write
down what you thought was good about the other presentations or any

effective presentation ideas that you might use next time you present?


Use this table to answer questions 1 and 2.

Metal Density / g/cm3


1 Three metal cubes have the same volume but are made of different metals.
Each one is lowered into a beaker of water. Use the data in the table to
decide which one will cause the biggest rise in water level. [1]
A gold
B silver
C lead
D all will cause the same rise in water level

2 Three metal cubes have the same mass but are made of different metals. Each

one is lowered into a beaker of water. Use the data in the table to decide which
one will cause the biggest rise in water level. [1]
A gold
B silver
C lead
D all will cause the same rise in water level

3 Astronauts land on another planet and measure the density of its atmosphere
on the planet surface. They measure the mass of a 500 cm3 conical flask plus
stopper as 457.23 g. After removing the air, the mass is 456.43 g. (1 m3 =
1000 litres). What is the best estimate of the density of the air? [1]
A 0.000 001 6 kg/m 3

B 0.0016 kg/m3
C 0.16 kg/m3
D 1.6 kg/m3

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

2 Submarines and scuba divers Alexandria cast shadows. He used this to work out
You could describe one phenomenon that depends that the Earth is round. Eratosthenes may have
on changes or differences in density. You could think hired a man to measure out the distance between
of your own or select one of these: Alexandria and Syene.
• Explain how a submarine or scuba diver moves • You could start with a short biography of
up and down in the water column (or perhaps Eratosthenes.
explain how a Cartesian diver demonstration • You should explain why the observation with the
works). shadows shows that the Earth is a sphere. You
• Explain how differences in fluid density can might want to include a diagram like Figure 1.2.
lead to convection (something you will meet in • You should try and show how the man hired

Chapter 17). You might want to go on to discuss by Eratosthenes could have worked out his
how this relates to ocean currents or wind. stride-length (the distance of each step) and
kept count of his strides (steps). Think about his
Option 2: What was the solution to the longitude possible journey: did he follow a straight line;
problem? were there any hills in the way? Could this have
A clock based on a pendulum is impractical on the introduced errors in measuring the distance

enough and you change time zone. PL

moving deck of a (sailing) ship but knowing the time
is important for navigation as this provides your
longitude on a spinning Earth. Lines of longitude
are the vertical lines on a map. When you move east
or west you are changing your longitude; move far

• You must start with a short description of the

longitude problem.
• You could describe the various suggested
solutions to the longitude problem.
• You could describe the final solution to the
between Alexandria and Syene?
• Finally, you could show how Eratosthenes did
the calculation.

Option 5: How did Archimedes really work out

that the goldsmith had replaced some of the
gold in Hiero’s crown with silver?
Archimedes was probably the most brilliant scientist
of his era. He is supposed to have solved the
problem of how to work out the density of the crown
while having a bath. Legend has it that he then ran
into the streets shouting ‘eureka’ (I’ve solved it).
longitude problem. For this, you would need
to look up John Harrison and his marine • You could start with a short biography of
chronometer. Archimedes.
• You could then describe the usual explanation
Option 3: How did the Ancient Egyptians build of how he worked out that some gold had
their pyramids so accurately? been stolen. Silver is less dense than gold so
The pyramids are an incredible feat of engineering, the same mass of silver has a bigger volume

even by today’s standards. Using very basic tools, and will displace a bigger volume of water.
their pyramids are perfectly symmetrical. However, it would be difficult to measure the
difference in volume, especially since bubbles
• You could start by introducing the dimensions
of air could cling to the submerged crown and
of the Giza pyramid and the number of blocks
there could be other sources of error.
required to build it.
• You could explain how the Egyptians managed • You could describe a better method, which
to get the sides of their pyramids lined up with uses a mass balance. You would need to
true north (without a compass) and how they explain why, when the masses are equal, the
got the base of them absolutely level (flat) balance tips towards the denser mass when
without a (spirit) level. lowered into water.

Option 4: How did Eratosthenes work out the • Gold needs some silver impurity or it would
circumference of the Earth? be too soft and would be easy to bend out
of shape. Perhaps the goldsmith was falsely
Eratosthenes was a brilliant scientist. He was told accused? Perhaps this idea could form part of a
that, at the same time every year (12 noon on 21 piece of creative writing (some prose or a play)
June), vertical columns in Syene (present day Aswan) but be sure to include the physics.
cast no shadows while columns where he lived in

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


• For your project, write down some thoughts about what you feel went
well and areas where you could improve.
• Give yourself a score out of 10 for how much you know and understand
the physics you included. If you scored 10, write down how you have
produced a more ambitious Project. If less than 100%, do you need to
thoroughly review the material or are you making careless errors? Write
down what concrete steps you need to take to improve for next time.
• Give yourself a score out of 10 for the quality of your presentation. Write
down what you thought was good about the other presentations or any

effective presentation ideas that you might use next time you present?


Use this table to answer questions 1 and 2.

Metal Density / g/cm3


1 Three metal cubes have the same volume but are made of different metals.
Each one is lowered into a beaker of water. Use the data in the table to
decide which one will cause the biggest rise in water level. [1]
A gold
B silver
C lead
D all will cause the same rise in water level

2 Three metal cubes have the same mass but are made of different metals. Each

one is lowered into a beaker of water. Use the data in the table to decide which
one will cause the biggest rise in water level. [1]
A gold
B silver
C lead
D all will cause the same rise in water level

3 Astronauts land on another planet and measure the density of its atmosphere
on the planet surface. They measure the mass of a 500 cm3 conical flask plus
stopper as 457.23 g. After removing the air, the mass is 456.43 g. (1 m3 =
1000 litres). What is the best estimate of the density of the air? [1]
A 0.000 001 6 kg/m 3

B 0.0016 kg/m3
C 0.16 kg/m3
D 1.6 kg/m3

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements


4 The graph shows the mass and volume of several different objects.

1 2

Mass 3 4


Which two objects have the same density? [1]

A 2 and 3
B 1 and 4
2 and 4
3 and 4

5 A student measures the circumference of a circular copper pipe. 
He wraps a length of string four times around the pipe and marks it with
ink, as shown in the photograph.

a The student unwraps the string and holds it against a ruler with a centimetre

The photograph shows the first two ink marks on the string.


i Use the photograph to estimate the circumference of the pipe. [1] Calculate: work out
ii The student finds that the total length of string for 4 turns is 354 mm. from given facts,
Calculate the average (mean) circumference of the pipe using this value. [1] figures or information

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.



6 Suggest how you would work out the thickness of a single sheet of paper if the
only measuring device available is a ruler and its smallest division is 1 mm.  [1]

7 What is the mass of a microscope slide that has dimensions 75 mm × 26 mm
× 1 mm and has a density of 2.24 g/cm3?  [2]

8 Four different liquids are poured into a 10 cm tall cylinder. Each liquid has a
different density and each has a different colour.
a Calculate the missing values in the table. [4]

Volume / Density /
Liquid Mass / g
cm3 g/cm3

clear ethanol i 20.00 0.79

red glycerin 20.00 ii 1.26
olive oil

thick the layer would be.

PL 25.90

Colour of layer

b Copy the diagram below. Using the data from the table, write down the
colour of the liquid you would expect to find in each layer and how

Thickness of layer / cm
Explain: set out
purposes or
reasons / make
the relationships
between things
evident / provide
why and / or how and
support with relevant
Suggest: apply
knowledge and
to situations
where there are
a range of valid
responses in order
9 Metals are denser than water. Explain why a metal ship can float. [1] to make proposals /

put forward
10 Suggest how you could work out the density of a drawing pin.  [3] considerations

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.
1  Making measurements


for Cambridge IGCSE™

Digital Teacher’s Resource

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Introduction 00
About the authors 00
How to use this series 00
How to use this Teacher’s Resource 00

How to use this Teacher’s Resource as CPD 00
About the syllabus 00
About the examination 00
Lesson plan template
Syllabus correlation grid

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 1: Making Measurements
Chapter 2: Describing Motion
Chapter 3: Forces and Motion
Chapter 4: Turning effects of force
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: Energy changes and transfers

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Energy resources 00
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Work and Power 00
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Kinetic model of matter 00
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Thermal properties of matter 00
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Thermal transfer 00

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Sound 00

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Light 00
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Properties of waves 00
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The electromagnetic spectrum 00
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: magnetism 00
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Static electricity 00
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Electrical quantities 00
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Electrical circuits 00
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Electromagnetic forces 00


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Electromagnetic induction 00

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The nuclear atom 00
Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Radioactivity 00
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Earth and the solar system 00

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Stars and the universe 00

Tests 00
Differentiated Worksheets 00
Practical Workbook guidance 00
Sample data

PL 00


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Welcome to the third edition of our very popular Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics series.
This new series has been designed around extensive research interviews and lesson observations with teachers
and students around the world following the course. As a result of this research, some changes have been made
to the new series, with the aim of solving and supporting your biggest classroom challenges and developing your
students’ passion and excitement for understanding how the universe behaves.

As well as targeted support in the Coursebook, we have produced updated workbooks for each area of
challenge we heard from teachers. There is the Workbook, with exercises for each topic to provide more
practice opportunities for students to consolidate their learning and develop their knowledge application skills.
The Practical Workbook includes practical activities to develop students’ investigative skills, with extensive
support notes and exemplar data provided in this Teacher’s Resource. The Maths Skills Workbook helps develop
student’s maths skills in a scientific context and finally, we’re introducing our English Skills for IGCSE™ Physics
Workbook after hearing that language was one of the biggest barriers for students in their science classes.

This book has been developed by science authors and English Language specialists, with exercises specially
crafted to improve students’ linguistic skills in the context of the IGCSE™ Physics syllabus.
As we develop new resources, we ensure that we are keeping up-to-date with best practice in pedagogies.
For this new series we have added new features to the Coursebook, such as engaging projects to develop
students’ collaborative skills and ‘getting started’ questions and activities to unlock students’ prior learning and
help you to evaluate students’ learning starting points. We have developed our differentiated support in this
new series, with three-tier exercises in the Workbook progressing from ‘Focus’, to ‘Practice’, to ‘Challenge’ and
differentiated worksheets for each of the syllabus topics in this Teacher’s Resource, supporting all your learners’
different needs. You can read more about this in the ‘Approaches to Teaching and Learning’ section of this
Teacher’s Resource.
Finally, we have updated this Teacher’s Resource to make it as useful and relevant as possible to your day-
to-day teaching needs. From teaching activity, assessment and homework ideas, to how to tackle common
misconceptions in each topic, to a new feature developing your own teaching skills, we hope that this handy
resource will inspire you, support you and save you much-needed time.
We hope that you enjoy using this series and that it helps you to continue to inspire and excite your students
about this vital and ever-changing subject. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions for us,
as your views are essential for us to keep producing resources that meet your classroom needs.

Gemma Coleman

Commissioning Editor for IGCSE™ Physics, Cambridge University Press


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


About the authors

Sheila Tarpey
Sheila Tarpey graduated from Keele University in 1983 with a BSc (Hons.) in Physics
and Maths. She has taught Physics and general science for 33 years up to A Level in
both the UK and Jordan. She has written for the Longmans Science at Work series and

the Cambridge Lower Secondary Science books. She has also been an examiner for over
20 years

Mike Follows
Mike Follows started his career writing software for the Met Office between sorties on
‘Snoopy, their research aircraft. He gained his PhD partly for developing a prototype

dark matter detector based on superfluid helium-3. He began teaching in the late 90s
when he also spent a decade as an Associate Lecturer with the Open University and
worked as an examiner and reviser for various awarding bodies. He is now into his
second decade of teaching at King Edward’s School, Birmingham.

David Sang
David Sang worked as a research physicist until he was 30 and then taught physics in
schools and colleges for 15 years. Since then he has contributed to over 100 textbooks
and has written many other teaching resources for schools.
Michael Smyth
Michael Smyth is an experienced Cambridge University Press author, having written the
Physics section of the Checkpoint Science series. He has been an Education Consultant
for the last 20 years, working with Cambridge Assessment, Pearson Edexcel, Oxford
University Press and Cambridge University Press. He was previously a trainer and item
writer for Cambridge International.

Darrell Hamilton

Darrell Hamilton began teaching in 1993 and has been Head of Physics and Head of
Science at Kent Grammar schools. He is a GCSE, IGCSE and A Level examiner
across AQA, Edexcel and Cambridge and works with the Institute of Physics as a
provider of professional development to science teachers and technicians across the
Southern England.

Gillian Nightingale
Gillian Nightingale completed an honours degree in Medical Biochemistry at The
University of Sheffield in 2005. She began working in surgical sales for Covidien
Healthcare before moving into education. During her time as a teacher in the UK,
she has worked for Pearson as an examinations associate and had the opportunity to
produce resources for Kognity, Pearson and Cambridge International publishing groups.
She currently teaches at an international school in Hong Kong.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


How to use this

Teacher’s Resource
This Teacher’s Resource contains both general guidance and teaching notes that help you to deliver the content
in our Cambridge resources.

There are teaching notes for each unit of the Coursebook. Each set of teaching notes contains the following
features to help you deliver the chapter.
At the start of each chapter there is a teaching plan (Figure 1). This summarises the topics covered in the chapter,
including the number of learning hours recommended for each topic, an outline of the learning content, and the
Cambridge resources from this series that can be used to deliver the topic.


Approximate Learning content
number of
learning hours

Each chapter also includes information on any background knowledge that students should have before studying
this chapter, advice on helpful language support, and a teaching skills focus that will help you develop your skills
across a number of key pedagogical areas.
At the beginning of the teaching notes for the individual sections there is an outline of the learning objectives
(Figure 2) for that section, as well as any common misconceptions that students may have about the topic and how
you can overcome these.


Syllabus learning objectives Learning intentions Success criteria


For each section, there is a selection of starter ideas, main activities and plenary ideas. You can pick out
individual ideas and mix and match them depending on the needs of your class. The activities include
suggestions for how they can be differentiated or used for assessment.
Homework ideas give suggestions for tasks, along with advice for how to assess students’ work.
The Teacher’s Resource also includes practical work guidance to support you in teaching the exercises in the
Practical Workbook, and any sample data that accompanies the Practical Workbook chapter.
At the end of the teaching notes for each chapter are a selection of useful links to digital resources, information
on cross-curricular links with other subjects, and project guidance to support you in teaching the end-of-chapter
project in the Coursebook.
You will find answers for all components accessible to teachers for free on the ‘supporting resources’ area of the
Cambridge Go platform.
This Teacher’s Resource also includes a differentiation worksheet pack for each chapter, a diagnostic test,
a mid-point test, three end-of-course practice tests, and end-of-chapter tests.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


How to use this

Teacher’s Resource
as CPD

We regularly hear from teachers that the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) they feel they get the
most out of is face-to-face training. However, we also hear that not all teachers have the time or budget to get
out of the classroom, so here’s some handy suggestions and information about how to use this teacher’s resource
for your own professional development. After all, we are all lifelong learners!

Teaching Skills Focus

We have created a new ‘Teaching skills focus’ feature that appears once every chapter, covering a different
teaching skill with suggestions of how you can implement it in the teaching of the topic. From differentiation,
to assessment for learning, to metacognition, this feature aims to support you with trying out a new technique or
approach in your classroom and reflecting upon your own practices.
Try it out once per teaching topic, or when you have time, and develop your skills in a supported and
contextualised way.

Approaches to teaching and learning

Our teacher resources now contain guidance on the key pedagogies underpinning our course content and how
we understand and define them. You can find detailed information for you to read in your own time about active
learning, assessment for learning, metacognition, differentiation, language awareness and skills for life taken
from our ‘Approaches to Teaching and Learning’ series.
Why not try reading each support document alongside the relevant Teaching Skills Focus for an extra bit of
bedtime reading? If you want more guidance, take a look at our ‘Approaches to Learning and Teaching: Science’

book – a toolkit for international teachers.

Teaching activity ideas

This teacher’s resource contains over 500 starter, main and plenary activity ideas for you to choose from and find
the ones that work best in your classroom. Use them to support your creativity, breathe new life into a topic and
build upon them with your own ideas.
Even if you can’t get out and network with other science teachers, we want you to feel like part of the
Cambridge community of teachers. In this new resource, we have included teaching activities submitted from
science teachers across the world. We’ve also had some our teaching ideas tested and reviewed in classrooms and
you can find some of your colleagues’ comments alongside our activities. We hope this helps you feel like you are
able to learn from other teachers’ eureka moments and hear interesting ideas from educators across the globe.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


About the syllabus

The Cambridge International IGCSE™ Phsyics syllabus has been updated for teaching from September 2020.
It has been designed to provide a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the scientific study of the key
concepts in Physics. The syllabus is divided into six topic areas, all of which are compulsory. They are:
1 Motion, forces and energy
2 Thermal physics

3 Waves
4 Electricity and magnetism
5 Nuclear physics
6 Space physics
Syllabus learning outcomes are divided into core and supplement. All students must cover the core learning

supplement level.

outcomes and those students needing more challenge should, in addition, cover those learning outcomes at

Syllabus content is designed to help students to develop the understanding of these key concept areas as well as
being able to recall content. Practical work is very much embedded in the learning outcomes. Students are given
the opportunity to plan, carry out and record results from experiments and then present and interpret the results
from these. There is also an emphasis on mathematical skills, such as recalling and using equations,
use of standard form, SI units and general manipulation of numerical data.
The syllabus is clearly worded throughout so that teachers are clear about what is to be covered and, in some
cases, what is not to be covered.

About the examination

Candidates for the IGCSE™ qualification will take three papers that are numbered according to whether they
have followed the core or the supplement learning outcomes. Those who followed core will take papers 1 and 3.
Those who followed supplement will take papers 2 and 4. All candidates will also take either paper 5 or paper
6. The assessment objectives being tested in papers 1, 2, 3 and 4 are AO1 (knowledge and understanding) and

AO2 (handling and applying information). Papers 1 and 2 contain 40 multiple choice questions and the papers
are each worth 40 marks. Papers 3 and 4 contain a varying number of structured questions and these papers are
each worth 80 marks. Papers 5 and 6 assess AO3 (experimental skills and investigation). Paper 5 is a practical
examination, carried out under examination conditions in a school physics lab. Paper 6 is an alternative to
practical, where candidates answer questions that assess practical skills but are not required to actually carry out
practical work during the examination. There is no core or supplement option for each of these papers and they
are each worth 40 marks.
All question papers are taken at the end of the course. There is no choice of questions on any of the papers:
they must all be answered.
The final question in Paper 2 will be a banded response question. A scenario will be described that requires a
computer program to solve, and you will need to write an algorithm to solve this problem. This question is not
marked by point, the mark scheme is banded and will list what is expected for each stage.
There is no choice of questions on any of the papers: they must all be answered.


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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


1 Making
Teaching plan

Sub-chapter Approximate Learning content Resources
number of
1.1 1.5 hours Describe the use of rules and measuring Coursebook: Section 1.1
Measuring cylinders to find a length or a volume. Measuring length and
length and

1.2 Density 3.5–4 hours

PLDetermine an average value for a small
distance and for a short interval of time by
measuring multiples (including the period of
a pendulum).

and use the equation

ρ = __
Describe how to determine the density of
a liquid, of a regularly shaped solid and of
an irregularly shaped solid which sinks in a
Workbook: Chapter 1,
Measurements and units,
Exercise 1.1
Practical Workbook
Define density as mass per unit volume; recall Coursebook: Section 1.2
Workbook: Chapter 1,
Practical applications,
Exercise 1.2
Practical Workbook
liquid (volume by displacement), including
appropriate calculations.
Determine whether an object floats based on
density data.
Determine whether one liquid will float on
another liquid based on density data given
that the liquids do not mix.

1.3 3 hours Describe how to measure a variety of time Coursebook: Section 1.3
Measuring intervals using clocks and digital timers. Measuring time
time Determine an average value for a small Workbook: Chapter 1,
distance and for a short interval of time by Practical applications,
measuring multiples (including the period of Exercise 1.3
a pendulum). Practical Workbook


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.



• Learners have seen or used most of the • Learners have met ideas about density
equipment in this chapter, but some learners at Lower Secondary level but only in the
will need to be supported in order to use the context of how density affects whether an
equipment correctly. object floats and sinks, which will be covered
• Learners will have drawn results tables and again in this chapter.
graphs at Primary and Lower Secondary • Learners should have found an average of
level, but all learners will benefit from a clear a set of readings before, however some
reminder of how to do this properly, e.g. learners will need to be reminded how to
units in headings, axis labels, etc. do this. The idea of using multiple readings

• Learners have used an equation to calculate (e.g. many pieces of paper to work out the
the volume of a cube or cuboid before, thickness of one piece of paper) to obtain
either in mathematics or in science, but many an average value for a small distance will be
will need to be reminded of the equation. new to most learners.


Area of focus: Cross-curricular links
Specific focus: Working with equations. Learners
often lack confidence or find it difficult to transfer
their mathematical skills when learning science.
Benefits of working with equations: They
will benefit from recapping how to use and
manipulate equations in physics, such as
the equation to calculate density. Practice of
working with equations: Give learners equations
with values to substitute and calculate the
answer (no rearranging necessary).
There is also another approach, the equation
triangle (Figure 1.1), that could be used with less
confident learners.


Figure 1.1: The equations triangle.

Ask learners to rearrange other equations which
Before starting, it would be helpful to discuss follow this pattern, such as V = IR, F = ma,
with the mathematics department their distance = speed × time, and do on.
preferred approach to rearranging equations, Challenge for learners, can they think of other
particularly for the less confident learners. There situations modelled by similar equations?
are generally two alternative approaches for
equations such as F = ma or ρ = m/v.
rectangle area = length × width
Taking ρ = m/v
total cost = cost per item × number of items

Approach 1: to make m the subject, multiply

If learners are finding this difficult, it can be
both sides by v to ‘undo’ the division by v:
helpful to consider three related calculations
ρ×v=m such as:
to make v the subject, do the above first and 20 = 5 × 4
then divide both sides by ρ to ‘undo’ the 5 = 20/4
multiplication by ρ:
4 = 20/5
v = m/ρ
At the end of the lesson, reflect on which
Approach 2: If two values are known, to find the approaches worked well for different learners.
third, substitute the known values first and solve What did they find difficult?
the equation. For example: Reflection: How can learners of different abilities
if we have ρ = 9 g/cm3 and v = 15 cm3 be supported in future lessons which involve
9 = m/15 equation work? Would you teach this differently
next time? How beneficial is it to work with
multiply by 15 to give m = 135 g another department in your school?


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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.



For definitions of key words, please see the • Precision depends on the extent of random
Coursebook glossary. errors – it does not indicate how close results
Learners often find it difficult to explain the are to the true value.
difference between accuracy and precision. Use the new scientific words in lessons as much
Be very careful not to mix these words up when as possible. Ask learners to use the terms
using them: correctly in sentences, or provide learners with
• Accuracy tells you how close your a sentence that uses a term incorrectly. Learners
measurements of the variable are to the true identify the mistake and explain why the
value of the variable. Precise measurements sentence is incorrect.

are ones in which there is very little spread
about the mean value.

1.1: Measuring length and volume


length or a volume.
Syllabus learning objectives

Describe the use of rules and

measuring cylinders to find a

Determine an average value for

a small distance and for a short
interval of time by measuring
multiples (including the period
Learning intentions

• Learn how to make

measurements of length,
volume and time.
Success criteria

Students can use measuring

equipment correctly and
record measurements of
length and volume with
appropriate units.
of a pendulum).

Common misconceptions
Misconception How to identify How to overcome
Learners may read rules etc from See Main teaching idea 1: Ask learners to take two

an angle (parallax error). Provide diagrams with an eye measurements on a ruler, one
drawn at an angle instead of at with parallax error and one
90o when reading a ruler, and without. This should enable
ask learners why this will not learners to realise that the two
give an accurate reading. readings are different and why
Make sure that learners it is important to read the ruler
are bending down to read measurement at 90o.
measuring cylinders at 90o
and not lifting the measuring
cylinder up.
Learners may read the liquid See Main teaching idea 2: Use questioning to help
level from the top of the Check for learners who are learners realise that it should
meniscus. measuring the liquid level from be measured from where the
the top instead of from the meniscus is flat, i.e. the bottom.
bottom of the meniscus.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Starter ideas
1 Taking measurements of length (10 min)
Resources: Coursebook.
Description and purpose: The purpose of this task is to assess learners’ prior knowledge of how to take
measurements of length accurately and to elicit misconceptions. Organise learners into pairs and ask them
to discuss, or carry out, the first three bullet points in the ‘Getting started’ section of the Coursebook. Move
around the learners, listening for misconceptions to address later in the class discussion. Give learners 3 or
4 min of discussion time and then ask them to share their ideas with other learners. Encourage discussion
between learners by asking other learners if they agree with the previous comments made.
What to do next: Share any misconceptions that you have heard and ask learners to explain why they are

Consolidate ideas using more examples for the less confident learners.

2 Units of measurements (10–15 min)

Resources: PowerPoint slide or worksheet.
Description and purpose: The purpose of this task is to elicit learners’ knowledge of the different units of
length and volume. In pairs, learners think about different distances (e.g. the length of a book, the volume

of a liquid, the speed of a car) and suggest which units they would use to measure them.
Learners might suggest non-SI units, e.g. miles, litres and millilitres so explain why these are not used in this
What to do next: Consolidate ideas for less confident learners by providing a worksheet or PowerPoint slide
where learners match units for length and units for volume.
Learners can also be stretched by asking them to suggest which units different distances would be measured
in; for example, length of your arm (in cm), height of a building (in m), distance between two villages (in
km), and so on.

Main teaching ideas

1 Measuring length (20 min)
Learning intention: To be able to measure the length of a piece of wire or string accurately.
Resources: String, wire, electrical leads, 30 cm rulers, Coursebook.
Description and purpose: Learners think that this is a very straightforward task at first. However, to measure
the length of a piece of string accurately is more difficult than it looks.
In pairs, provide learners with different lengths of string, wire, electrical leads, etc. Learners estimate
the length of each item before measuring it. Each learner then individually measures the length of each
item. Record the results for each item in a table with column headings: predicted length / cm, measured
length / cm.

Learners make notes of any difficulties they found in taking the measurements, e.g. the string did not lie
straight so their measurement was not exactly the same as their partners.
Safety: Wires may have sharp ends so should be handled carefully. Do not allow learners to put any
electrical wires near to sockets.
Differentiation ideas:
Support – some learners may need help to lay the string or wire straight and close enough to the ruler.
Challenge – provide learners with a piece of wire that is more difficult to lie straight, or a piece of wire
that is longer than 30 cm and ask learners to measure it.
Assessment ideas: As a class, discuss any difficulties the learners may have had when measuring the items.
How close are their predictions to the actual length? Do their measurements agree with their partner’s
measurements? Why not? How accurate do they think their measurements are? How can a piece of string be
used to measure the length of a curved line?


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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


2 Measuring the volume of a liquid (30 min)

Learning intention: To be able to measure the volume of a liquid using a measuring cylinder.
Resources: Different size measuring cylinders with pre-prepared amounts of water in them.
For the assessment section: Pictures of measuring cylinders and beakers showing different volumes of
liquids, including some with a curved meniscus and some with an eye correctly or incorrectly placed to
demonstrate parallax error.
Description and purpose: The purpose of this task is to assess and improve learners’ ability to read a scale
accurately, avoiding parallax error. This skill will be needed to determine the density of an irregularly
shaped object later on in the chapter.
Practical guidance: Learners determine the volumes of pre-prepared measuring cylinders and beakers of
liquids. This could be done with pictures of measuring cylinders if the equipment is not available.

Safety: Mop up any spills of water.
Differentiation ideas:
Support – less confident learners could start by taking measurements from measuring cylinders with
straightforward scales.
Challenge – provide more confident learners with a very small amount of water in, e.g. a jug with a

pouring spout, and different size measuring cylinders. Learners choose the most appropriate measuring
cylinder and explain why they have chosen it.
Assessment ideas: Provide learners with pictures of measuring cylinders containing liquids with the
volumes stated (some correct, some incorrect). Individually, learners determine which volumes have been
measured correctly. Learners can then work in pairs to discuss their answers.
Learners share their ideas with the whole class. When less able learners are chosen to share their ideas, ask
them about the more straightforward measurements, in order to build their confidence when speaking in
front of the class.
Ask learners why they agree, or don’t agree, with the previous comments made.

3 Measuring the volume of a regularly shaped solid (30 min)

Learning intention: To be able to measure the volume of a regularly shaped object, e.g. a cuboid.
Resources: Coursebook, different objects in the shape of a cube or cuboid placed around the classroom, or
pictures of objects on a worksheet or on the board (the measurements of the lengths of each side will need
to be provided if it is on the board).
Description and purpose: Learners need to be able to calculate the volume of a regularly shaped object using
the equation for a cube or cuboid.
Show learners a picture of a cube with the length of a side indicated (2 cm) and a cuboid, with all lengths
indicated (2 cm × 3 cm × 2 cm). Alongside this, show that you have (incorrectly) calculated the volume of the

cube to be 6 cm3 and (incorrectly) calculated the volume of the cuboid to be 7 cm3.
Learners discuss in pairs whether they agree or not with your calculations.
Discuss learners’ ideas with the class. They should conclude that each volume has been incorrectly calculated
and suggest the correct equation for calculating the volume of a cube or cuboid, such as volume = length ×
height × depth.
Practical guidance: Learners measure the sides of various cubes and cuboids, record these measurements
and calculate their volumes. This could be done on a worksheet or with real objects. Emphasise the need for
learners to show ALL of their calculations and not just their final answer.
Answers: The volume of the cube was incorrectly calculated as 6 cm3 instead of 8 cm3 by multiplying the
length of the side by 3 instead of cubing it.
The volume of the cuboid was incorrectly calculated as 7 cm3 instead of 12 cm3 by adding the three lengths
together instead of multiplying them.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Differentiation ideas:
Support – provide examples with more scaffolding for less confident learners, e.g. a question with the
answer set out clearly, step by step. This is followed by a question with the answer set out as before, but
with some gaps for learners to fill in the measurements and then calculate the volume.
Challenge – more confident learners could be asked to calculate the length of a cube when provided with
the volume. They could also calculate the length of a missing side of a cuboid when provided with the
volume and the two other lengths.
Assessment ideas: Learners peer or self-assess their answers. As learners have written down their
measurements and calculations, they will be able to spot where they have made an error if their final answer
is incorrect.

Ask learners to reflect on their learning then write a comment on what they did well, e.g. I wrote down all of
the calculations clearly, and what errors they made, e.g. I only multiplied two of the sides instead of all three
sides, etc.

Plenary ideas
1 Measuring volume (10 min)

Resources: PowerPoint slide or worksheet including the following equipment and objects: cube, cuboid,
small stone, glass of water, ruler, metre ruler, measuring cylinder.
Description and purpose: Learners match the items with the correct equipment needed to measure their
volume. They also give a brief description of how to work out the volume of each item.
Assessment idea: Discuss the correct answers for learners to self-mark.

2 Matching quantities of length and volume (10 min)

Resources: Coursebook, PowerPoint slide or worksheet with two columns of units. One column will
have units with prefixes and the full name; for example, 1 dm (1 decimetre) and the other column has the
measurements in metres.
Description and purpose: Learners match up the unit with a prefix to the correct measurement in metres.
Assessment idea: Provide learners with the correct answers to self-mark. They need to make a note of any
incorrect answers so that they can refer back to it in future lessons if necessary.

Homework ideas
1 Workbook Exercise 1.1
This homework provides consolidation questions on measuring the thickness of a very thin object using the
method where several thicknesses are measured and then an average calculated.

2 Prefixes and standard form

Ask learners to find out the what the following unit prefixes are in standard form. Learners came across
most of these prefixes in Plenary 2. They will need to be able to use these prefixes during the course.
M mega, 106
k kilo, 103
c centi, 10–2
m milli, 10–3


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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


1.2: Density

Syllabus learning objectives Learning intentions Success criteria

Define density as mass per • Perform experiments to Students can find the
unit volume; recall and use the determine the density of an densities of regular and
equation object. irregular solids.
m • Predict whether an object
ρ = __
v Students can use density

will float. values to predict whether a
Describe how to determine solid will float on a liquid.
the density of a liquid, of a
regularly shaped solid and
of an irregularly shaped solid
which sinks in a liquid (volume
by displacement), including

appropriate calculations.
Determine whether an object
floats based on density data.

Determine whether one liquid

will float on another liquid
based on density data given
that the liquids do not mix.

Common misconceptions
• Predict whether one liquid
will float on another.
Students can predict
whether one liquid will float
on another given that the
two liquids are immiscible
and given their densities.
Misconception How to identify How to overcome
Density is how heavy an object See Starter idea 1: Many Use questioning to help learners
is. learners will think that iron is realise that density is how much
more dense than paper but for mass there is in a certain volume,
the wrong reason. and does not only depend on
how heavy an object is.
If you cut a piece of wood in See Main teaching idea 1: Look By doing this activity, learners

half, the density of each piece is at learner’s predictions for the should understand that the
half of the original piece densities of different size pieces density of a material/substance is
If you take a ball of plasticine of (the same type of) wood and fixed and not dependent on the
and add more plasticine to it, plasticine to see if they think size of the object.
the ball will get larger and the the density increases as the size
density will increase increases.

Starter ideas
1 What is the lesson about? (10 min)
Resources: Coursebook, image of a density column (you can find something suitable using an internet
search; the image should show various liquid such as oil, water, dish soap, and syrup).
Description and purpose: The purpose of this task is to assess learners’ prior knowledge of density and to
elicit misconceptions.


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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


On the board, show learners the image of a density column. Ask them to explain why the different liquids
settle into layers. Move around the learners, listening for misconceptions that could be addressed later in the
class discussion.
Give learners 3 or 4 min to discuss in pairs and then ask them to share their ideas with the whole class.
Encourage discussion between learners by asking other learners to explain why they agree or do not agree
with the previous comments made.
Introduce the term density to the learners if no one has already suggested it. What does density mean?
Which is heavier, paper or iron? Which is more dense? How do you know? Some learners may have the
misconception that a heavier object is always more dense.

2 Particle diagrams (10–15 min)

Resources: unlabelled diagrams of the particles in a solid, liquid and gas.

Description and purpose: The purpose of this task is to elicit learners’ knowledge of what density means in
terms of the particles of the substance.
Show learners unlabelled diagrams of the particles in a solid, liquid and gas. Learners suggest which
diagram represents the solid, liquid and gas. How do they know?
What to do next: Use the diagrams to consolidate ideas about the meaning of the term density, i.e. the more
dense a substance is, the more particles and therefore mass in a given volume. Then link this definition to the
equation for density:
ρ =___

Main teaching ideas

Use the worked example in the Coursebook.

1 Calculating the density of an irregularly shaped object (1–1.5 hours including

peer review)
Learning intention: To be able to measure the volume of an irregularly shaped object and use this to
calculate the density of the object.
Resources: Coursebook, irregularly shaped objects that will sink and also fit in a measuring cylinder or a
displacement can, (top-pan) balance, paper towels (to dry objects before measuring the mass), beakers,
Description and purpose: The purpose of this practical is to be able to use a measuring cylinder and/or a
displacement can to measure the volume of an irregularly shaped object and use this to calculate its density.
Show learners a regularly shaped object and ask them to explain how they would find its density. Learners
should mention finding the mass, using a (top-pan) balance, the volume, e.g. length × width × height for a
cuboid, and then calculate the density using density = mass / volume.
Then show learners some irregularly shaped object, e.g. a stone small enough to fit into a measuring

cylinder, and ask them why they could not work out the density in the same way.
In pairs, learners suggest ways of working out the volume of an irregularly shaped object. Discuss a few of
their suggestions and then show them a measuring cylinder and a displacement can. Ask learners to improve
their ideas by using the two pieces of equipment.
Demonstrate how to find the volume of the small stone using two techniques:
1 Immerse the object in the measuring cylinder and determine the increase in the water level which is
equal to the volume of the object.
2 Immerse the object in the displacement can, collect the water that overflows (in a beaker if necessary)
and measure its volume in a measuring cylinder.
Practical guidance: Provide learners with measuring cylinders, displacement cans, beakers, a (top-pan)
balance and a range of irregularly shaped objects (that will sink in water), including different size pieces of
the same type of wood and plasticine in order for learners to see that it is the density of a material and not
the density of an object that is being measured.
Learners measure the mass of a (dry) object and then use one, or both, of the techniques to find its volume.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Introduce the equation for density based on how it is defined, i.e. mass per unit volume. Learners calculate
the density of each object and record their results in a suitable table. Before measuring the density of each
object, ask learners to predict the density.
Safety: Wipe up any spills of water straight away so that floor does not become slippery.
Differentiation ideas:
Support – provide the less confident learners with a pre-drawn results table. Some assistance may be
required with measuring the volumes and calculating the density of objects.
Challenge – more confident learners should be able to draw their own results table. They can also be
challenged to explain how to find the density of an object that floats (e.g. to find the volume, use a
pencil to push the object so that is just under the surface of the water but without putting any of the

pencil in the water.)
Assessment ideas: Discuss learners’ results with the whole class. Learners to suggest why their results may
not be exactly the same as each others. What errors will there be?

2 Floating and sinking (1 hour)

Learning intention: To predict whether an object will float or sink based on its density.

Resources: Different solid objects of known density (in g/cm3), bowls/containers to put water in which is
deep enough for the objects to float/sink.
Description and purpose: The purpose of this task is for learners to analyse data from their experiment and
to draw a conclusion relating the density of an object to whether it floats or sinks.
Show learners different small objects, some that will float and some that will sink. Ask learners if they can
predict, just by looking, which will float and which will sink. Tell learners that you are not going to tell them
if they are correct or not as they will find this out later. This is a useful technique which helps less confident
learners express their opinions and ideas in front of a class without the pressure of being told that their
answer is wrong. Misconceptions can be referred to later without mentioning learners by name.
Invite learners to pick up an object and say whether they have now changed their mind and, if so, why?
Do other learners agree and why? Again, do not tell learners at this stage if their answers are correct or
Provide learners with a pre-drawn table with a list of the objects and their densities, and space for their
prediction and a float/sink column. Learners complete their predictions before attempting the practical
After the practical work, write the value for the density of water, 1 g/cm3, on the board. Ask learners if they
know what value this represents. What pattern can they identify from their results about which objects float
and which sink? Learners should be able to identify that:
• objects with a density greater than water will sink
• objects with a density less than water float to the top

Practical guidance: Learners fill their bowls with enough water for objects to be able to float or completely
Learners then complete the practical and fill in their table of results for as many objects as they can.
Safety: Wipe up any spills of water straight away so that floor does not become slippery.
Differentiation ideas:
Support – all learners should be able to do the experiment but some learners will need support to link
their results to their knowledge of density. To consolidate less confident learners’ knowledge, they could
be provided with the density of more objects and asked whether they float or sink.
Challenge – can learners think of any objects that will float even though the material is more dense than
water? Can they explain how this can happen? An example you could provide: Why does a boat made of
steel float but a lump of steel will not? (Overall density of the boat includes the air inside the boat and is
therefore less than the density of the water.)


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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Assessment ideas: Learners write a conclusion to their practical activity, using the words: objects, float,
sink, density. Learners volunteer to share their ideas with the class and other learners can give feedback on
how to improve their conclusions if necessary.
More confident learners can also share their answers to the challenge activity and questions.

3 Calculating density (30 min)

Learning intention: To be able to calculate the density of different substances using the equation for density.
Resources: Coursebook, (laminated) cards around the room.
Description and purpose: Make a selection of cards with measurements based on the density of the materials
in Table 1.2 in the Coursebook. These could include:

• cuboids with dimensions and mass
• measuring cylinders with volumes and mass of the liquid given
• measuring cylinders with volumes shown before and after a small object is placed in it.
• Learners calculate the density of the material on each card. Encourage learners to show each step of
their calculations and then identify which material it is from Table 1.2.
Differentiation ideas:

Support – provide some cards with more scaffolding for less confident learners, e.g. the equation
provided and a question with part of the answer set out with gaps to fill in.
Challenge – more confident learners could be given cards with different information so that they have to
calculate the mass, volume or length of an object.
Assessment ideas: Learners peer or self-assess their answers. As learners have written down their
measurements and calculations, they will be able to spot where they have made an error if their final answer
is incorrect.
Learners reflect on their learning and write a comment about what they did well (e.g. I wrote down all of the
calculations clearly) and what errors they made (e.g. I used the density equation incorrectly). Exercise 1.2 in
the Workbook provides questions on calculating density.
Plenary ideas
1 True or False (10 min)
Resources: PowerPoint slide or worksheet with density facts. Some density facts should be true and some
should be false. For example: density is how heavy an object is, provide data for the volume, mass and
density of a material (which may be calculated correctly or incorrectly).
Description and purpose: Learners say if the facts are true or false.
Assessment ideas: Discuss correct answers for learners to self-mark. If the facts are false, ask learners to

explain why and suggest a correct fact.

2 Density card sort (10 min)

Resources: cut up each sheet into boxes for
each pair of learners.
Description and purpose: Learners match up the boxes. There should be three boxes in each group.

Homework ideas
1 Coursebook ideas
Learners write up their method for working out the density of an irregularly shaped object. Encourage
learners to use numbers/bullet points for each instruction and to keep the instructions concise. Less
confident learners could concentrate on one technique but more confident learners could describe both
techniques. As a plenary activity, learners can then peer-assess each other’s work.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


2 Workbook questions
Learners who are finding the density equation difficult to use can complete Workbook Exercise 1.2 Density
data to consolidate ideas. This can then be self- or peer-marked in the lesson.
More confident learners could research the story of Archimedes and the Golden Crown, e.g.
Learners could make a poster or PowerPoint presentation and explain the story to the rest of the learners.


Title: The relative shape of things lesson, the teacher will divide the students into

groups of two. The students will be instructed to
Timing: 30 min
first estimate the masses of each object. They will
Learning intention: By the end of the activity then be instructed to use the balance to record
the students should be able to use a variety of the masses and record these readings in a table.
measuring tools, understand how density affects The students will then be asked to determine the
displacement, as well as make estimates as to the approximate density of each object, using the
quantitative characteristics of items. appropriate measuring tools available. During

Resources: Coursebook pp. 3–9.

balls, hockey balls, marbles), as well as a couple

of rectangular objects (plastic building blocks,
short rulers, etc.), a large beaker with water,
callipers, measuring tapes, rulers, an electronic
balance, as well as some paper, pens and
this time the teacher can walk around and assist
students with the layout of their tables, how to
A couple of spherical objects (such as ping-pong use/read off the equipment, as well as answer
any questions relating to units and recommended
methods. By the end of the activity the
students should be able to work out volume by
displacement and measurement.
The teacher will then call them back to their seats
and ask them to compare the relative densities
Description: The teacher will have explained in a based on the object’s size and/or shape. The
preceding lesson how various measuring tools are students can reflect on whether the results were
used, as well as how density is calculated. In this what they expected or estimated.
Reflection opportunity: Students will be able to try to improve their measuring techniques or table
set-ups at home during homework activities on this topic.

An activity that both encourages and relates in that it makes students realise how Physics is in all the things
they use, and that all the complicated mathematics and applications they hear about start with the basics.

1.3: Measuring time



Syllabus learning objectives Learning intentions Success criteria

Describe how to measure a • Learn how to make Students can use analogue
variety of time intervals using measurements of length, and digital stop clocks and
clocks and digital timers. volume and time. stop watches correctly.
Determine an average value for Students can measure short
a small distance and for a short time intervals by timing
interval of time by measuring several events and then
multiples (including the period dividing the time by the
of a pendulum). number of events.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Common misconceptions
Misconception How to identify How to overcome
Learners may mix up the hour See Starter idea 2 Use questioning to elicit any
and minute hand when reading misconceptions.
an analogue clock.

Learners may think that there are See Main teaching idea 1 Use questioning to elicit any
100 seconds in a minute, 100 misconceptions, e.g. there are
minutes in an hour. 100 seconds in a minute, to

change seconds into minutes you
multiply by 60.

Starter ideas
1 Analogue or digital? (10 min)

Resources: Coursebook, Section 1.4.
Description and purpose: The purpose of this task is for learners to understand the differences between
analogue and digital clocks and the advantages of using a digital clock.
Show learners a picture of a runner, an analogue clock and a digital clock. Learners explain which clock
would be better to use when timing the runner in a 100 m race.
Give learners about 3 or 4 min to think about ideas individually and then ask them to share their ideas with
other learners. Encourage discussion between learners by asking other learners to explain if they agree or
not with the previous comments made.

2 Reading analogue clocks (10 min)

Resources: PowerPoint slide or worksheet.
Description and purpose: The purpose of this task is to elicit learners’ knowledge of reading the time on
analogue clocks correctly.
Show learners different times on analogue clocks, including some with a second hand. Learners write down
the times shown on the clocks.
What to do next: Consolidate ideas for less confident learners by providing a worksheet or PowerPoint slide
where they determine the times shown on an analogue clock.
Learners can also be stretched by asking them to calculate the difference in the times shown on two
analogue clocks, e.g.

Main teaching ideas

1 Converting units of time (30 min)
Learning intention: To be able to convert between seconds, minutes and hours.
Resources: worksheet, e.g.
Description and purpose: Show learners conversions between seconds, minutes and hours, some which are
correct and some which are incorrect. Learners work in pairs to explain why some of the conversions are
correct and others are not. Use questioning to elicit any misconceptions, e.g. there are 100 seconds in a minute,
to change seconds into minutes you multiply by 60. Explain to learners how to convert between the units.
Differentiation ideas:
Support – some learners may need extra practice at converting between units. Provide a worksheet with
scaffolding so that learners can work step-by-step through different examples.
Challenge – provide learners with compound units to convert, e.g. km/h into m/s.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


2 The simple pendulum (1–1.5 hours including peer review of homework)

Learning intention: To be able to set up equipment and take multiple measurements in order to calculate a
mean value for the period of a pendulum.
Resources: Support documents from the Practical Workbook and equipment listed for Practical
investigation 1.2: The simple pendulum.
Description and purpose: The purpose of this task is build learners’ confidence in setting up equipment and
record the period of the oscillations accurately.
Show learners the equipment listed in the Practical Workbook. Learners name the equipment. Demonstrate
to learners how to set up the equipment in order to measure the period of a pendulum. Discuss any
problems which may occur when taking measurements (e.g. the time for one oscillation is very small), how
to make it a fair test (keep the mass of the bob the same and use the same piece of string), and suggest how

these problems can be overcome (e.g. measure the time for ten oscillations and divide by 10).
Practical guidance: Learners set up and do the experiment from the Practical Workbook to determine if
there is a relationship between the length of a pendulum and its time period. Move around the groups to
check that learners have set up and are working through the experiment correctly. Ask questions to check
understanding, e.g. why is the time for ten oscillations being measured? (To reduce the effect of human error/
reaction time.) How many different lengths will they use and why? (At least four lengths spread out to get a
range of readings.) Why are readings repeated? (To calculate a mean in order to improve precision of results.)

Differentiation ideas: PL
Learners should record their results in the table in the Practical Workbook.
Learners should have an understanding of significant figures and remind them that the results in their table
should be recorded to the same number of significant figures, i.e. 2 significant figures.
Safety: Clamp the stands securely to the desk and so that they cannot fall over. Secure the bobs tightly to the
string. Secure the string tightly to the boss. Do not pull the pendulum back too far in case the stand falls over.

Support – all learners should be able to do the experiment, but some may need more support than others,
e.g. to know what time to measure, to change the length of the pendulum, to calculate the mean. The
homework task will be to plot a graph of their results so less confident learners may need help to draw the
axes and scales. Alternatively, less confident learners could be provided with axes and scales already drawn.
Challenge – challenge more confident learners with the Extension work in the Coursebook as the
homework task. Learners plot a graph of length, l, against the square of the time period, T2, and use the
gradient to find the acceleration due to gravity, g.
Assessment idea: Peer-assess the graphs set for homework based as a Plenary Activity (2).

3 Testing your body clock (30 min)

Learning intention: To be able to use your pulse to measure an interval of time.
Resources: Workbook Exercise 1.3.

Description and purpose: Learners measure their pulse rate and discuss how good it would be at measuring
an interval of time.
Practical guidance Learners find the mean time for one pulse firstly from counting 10 pulses and then 50
pulses. Learners then investigate the effect of exercise on their pulse rate and comment on whether they
agree with Galileo that a pendulum is a better time-measuring instrument than your pulse.
Differentiation ideas:
Support – some learners may find it difficult to detect a pulse on their wrist so they could try to find a
pulse on their neck instead. Less confident learners might need to be reminded how to calculate a mean
from a set of results.
Challenge – more confident learners could extend their learning by comparing how long it takes their
pulse rate to return to normal after different types of exercise.
Assessment ideas: Learners share their results with other learners and discuss any difficulties they
encountered. Learners could also comment on the suitability of their pulse rate as a time-measuring


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Plenary ideas
1 Matching units (10 mins)
Resources: Slide or worksheet with different units of time, length, volume, mass
Description and purpose: To consolidate learners’ knowledge of typical units. Provide learners with a variety
of units of time, length, volume and mass. Learners draw a table and put the units in the correct columns.
More able learners could also be given questions which require them to convert units, e.g. 1 cm = 0.01 m.
Assessment idea: Provide learners with the correct answers for them to self-mark.

2 Peer assessment of pendulum graphs (15 mins)

Peer-assess graphs set for homework based on a set of criteria which may include:

• axes drawn and labelled including units
• suitable scales on each axis (no awkward scales such as 3s or 7s)
• points plotted correctly using crosses
• line of best fit
• trend described / value of ‘g’ calculated using the gradient of the graph.

Homework ideas
1 Plotting a graph
Learners can also reflect on each other’s graphs, by indicating what they did well and what they need to do
to improve next time.

The homework task will be for learners to plot a graph of their results from Main Activity 2. Remind
learners of the main points to remember when plotting graphs and give the set of criteria you will use when
marking their graph. Less confident learners may need help drawing the axes and scales or be provided with
axes and scales already drawn.
More confident learners could be challenged by doing the Extension work in the Coursebook as the
homework task. They plot a graph of length, l, against the square of the time period, T 2, and use the
gradient to find the acceleration due to gravity, g.
2 Significant figures
Maths skills resources book: Maths focus 3: Determining significant figures.
Learners must use 2 (or more) significant figures in their answers to numerical questions and in practical
measurements. Learners can work through Maths skill 2: Practice questions 8, 9 and 10.
Provide learners with the correct answers so they can self-mark their answers and discuss any errors they
have made.

Links to digital resources

2017%20(v2)%20QP%20-%20Paper%205%20CIE%20Physics%20IGCSE.pdf (past paper question on
pendulums. Question 1)
• (experiment to investigate how the length of a pendulum
affects its time period)
• (Archimedes’ principle)
• (density – why does oil float on water?)
• (density – floating and sinking.
You will need to create an account – free of charge)
• (density –
interactive animation where learners can predict of objects float or sink)


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


• substituting into equation for density
• rearranging equation for density
• converting units.

Project guidance

Learners will work in groups to produce a podcast on one of the project topics from the Coursebook.
Each group should decide which option they are most interested in – the podcast will only be engaging if the
learners are enthusiastic about the content.
Depending on the nature of the class, divide the class into groups of three or four, e.g. groups with learners of
similar abilities or mixed abilities. Allocate roles to each member of the group, e.g. time-keeper, team-leader,
although this should be rotated so that learners can experience different roles.

One learner should be the facilitator who manages the whole project, coordinating the team members and
ensuring that the various tasks are undertaken. The facilitator will also lead discussions with the group to
consider the basic structure of the podcast and agree other roles and their allocations with the team.
One or two members of the team should have responsibility for researching and coming up with the basic
content, this could be in note form ready to be passed to the script writer.
The script writer takes the rough notes from the researchers to write the text which will be read. The script writer
will also work with the facilitator and other members of the team to decide whether various parts of the podcast
will be read by different learners.
The learner or learners who will actually make the podcasts can also have the role of proof reading and checking
the structure as it is compiled.
Part of the facilitator’s job will be to make the most of each individual team member’s strengths. For example,
the researchers might be those learners with the best scientific knowledge and understanding.
Prepare a list of suitable references, including books and web-links, for each topic that the groups can refer to.
Provide more structure for less confident learners/groups in the form of specific questions, ‘hint sheets’ (with
more information on) that could be made available to them at the front of the classroom or a template to fill in.
Encourage learners to start by making a list of what they need to do, e.g. questions that they need to answer and
how they will go about doing this.
Assessing individual learners is likely to be difficult but this does not detract from what can be an excellent
learning activity.

Assessment will be subjective and should focus on giving constructive feedback that may include responding to:
• depth of research
• relevance of research
• understanding the physics involved
• quality of presentation
• ability to work in a team and individually.
As the podcast will be produced by the whole group, some differentiation will take place from the roles that
learners undertake. Also, the very nature of this project will enable some differentiation by outcome, generally
reflected in the depth of the research and how well that is put together to create an informative and engaging


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Practical Workbook
Chapter 1: Making Measurements
Practical investigation 1.1 Estimating measurements
Planning the investigation
In this investigation, students will:
● use and describe the use of rules and measuring cylinders to find a length or a volume
● use and describe the use of clocks and devices, both analogue and digital, for measuring an interval of time.
This practical can be taught in conjunction with the theory.
Duration: 15–20 minutes

Setting up for the investigation

Student grouping: 2–4 students per group, depending on class size.
Each group will need: metre rule, stopwatch, Vernier calipers, thermometer, top-pan balance, newton scale,
micrometer screw gauge, 30 cm rule
Review how to use Vernier calipers at the beginning of the practical.
Students may require additional support using Vernier calipers.

Safety considerations
● Keep the classroom door closed when students are measuring its width to prevent fingers being trapped in
the hinges.
● Complete a dynamic safety assessment to ensure no risk to students.

Key discussion points for this investigation

● Precision: Why use Vernier calipers, rather than a ruler, to measure the diameter of a wire? Why might it
be important for an electrician to be more precise with the thickness of cable measurements than an lift
engineer, for example?
● Accuracy: Why are accurate measurements important? How might an inaccurate measurement affect the
outcome of a 100 m race, the value of a diamond, the weight of a gold bar?
● How can students improve accuracy? When measuring with a ruler, students should ensure that the ruler is
parallel to the object they are measuring, and that their eyes are level with the measurement they are taking,
to reduce the effect of a parallax error. When timing events with a short time span, they should record the
time for ten events and divide by ten, to find the average time for one.
● Methods of measurement: Students should consider alternatives. How many ways could they find the volume
of a cube? Which method is more accurate? Why might they choose displacement over length measurement
and calculation?

1 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics – Matthew Broderick © Cambridge University Press 2021

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Common errors when conducting this investigation

Set each group a different task, to help avoid congestion around the classroom. They will need to observe the
progress of each group to ensure there is no clustering at the more popular tasks.

Supporting your students

Discuss how to use Vernier calipers. Reading the scale might be an issue for some students. Set up Vernier
calipers and invite students to read the scale, to ensure that they understand how to do it. If a student is really
struggling, provide digital calipers for them to use as an interim measure.

Challenging your students

In the field of medicine, accurate measurement by doctors helps to ensure that patients are diagnosed correctly
and treated effectively. Investigate ways in which doctors use technology to make accurate measurements and
how inaccurate measurements can affect patient care. Prepare a two-minute presentation for the class.

Practical investigation 1.2 The simple pendulum

Planning the investigation
In this investigation students will:
● obtain an average value for a small distance and for a short interval of time (including the period of a
pendulum) by measuring multiples.
This can be taught after theory.
Duration: 20 minutes

Setting up for the investigation

Each group will need: pendulum bob, string, 2 small rectangular pieces of wood or corkboard, clamp stand,
clamp, boss, stopwatch, ruler. During the experiment, students should fix the string of the pendulum between
the jaws of the clamp.
Use a secondary C-clamp to fix the clamp stand to the bench for safety to prevent toppling.
This investigation considers the relationship between the length of a pendulum and its time period of oscillation.
Students are asked to vary the length of the pendulum string and record the time period of oscillation each time.
Students will be expected to measure the time taken for ten swings. They will repeat this three times for each
length and take an average. Dividing this average by ten will give the time taken for one oscillation.

Safety considerations
● Show students the correct way to swing the pendulum. Demonstrate pulling the pendulum so the string
makes a small angle from the vertical and releasing gently, to prevent students releasing the pendulum
aggressively. If you have a particularly lively class, suggest goggles should be worn for the practical
● Fix the clamp stand to the desk or bench with the C-shaped clamp, to prevent it toppling and causing injury.

Key discussion points for this investigation

● How to measure the time period of one oscillation when the practical equipment is set up: Discuss why multiple
measurements will reduce error in reading.
● How accuracy in measurements can be improved: For example, by counting as the bob passes a fixed point or
fiducial marker, or passes through its lowest point.
● The variable that affects the time period: Graphical representation of these relationships (time period and
length) can be presented to the students to discuss the idea of direct proportion when considering ___ or
what a curve represents if T 2 is plotted against l.

2 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics – Matthew Broderick © Cambridge University Press 2021

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Common errors when conducting the investigation

The pendulum should be released through small amplitudes. If it is released through a large amplitude the swing
will not be periodic and will give incorrect readings, which will affect the results. Discuss this with students
before starting the investigation.
Students might struggle to remain focused when recording the number of oscillations. Students might count
the beginning of the oscillation as ‘one’, when they need to wait for a complete oscillation, with the pendulum
returning to its initial position, before counting. This might cause their results to be smaller than the actual time

Supporting your students

Some students might struggle to understand why counting more oscillations reduces error in the final
measurements. Use analogies to help the students understand that the error due to human reaction time
will remain constant. However, if they count more oscillations, that percentage error will represent a smaller
proportion of time than when just recording one oscillation.

Challenging your students

Ask students to investigate the effect of changing the mass of the bob rather than the length of the string.
Ask them to consider the potential variables they will need to keep the same.

Practical investigation 1.3 Calculating the density of liquids

Planning the investigation
In this investigation students will:
● recall and use the equation ρ = __
● describe an experiment to determine the density of a liquid and of a regular 3d solid and make the necessary
● predict whether an object will float, based on density data.
This practical can be conducted in conjunction with teaching the theory.
Duration: 45–60 minutes including graphical analysis

Setting up for the investigation

Grouping: 2–4 depending on class size
Each group will need: 100 ml measuring cylinder, oil, salt-water solution, water, balance 250 ml measuring
cylinders can be used, in place of the 100 ml ones.
Any oil that is readily available such as baby oil, cooking oil, rapeseed oil may be used.
Any salt-water solution will have a different density to water, heavily salted water could be used containing food
colouring to distinguish it from unsalted water, allow 100 ml per pair.
Equipment should be set out around the classroom, evenly distributed so it is easily accessible and prevents
crowding. Dispense the oil and salt-water solution into labelled beakers to prevent students needing to queue for
the bottle.
In this investigation the students are asked to record the mass of a fluid for increasing volumes. They will do this
for oil, water and a salt-water solution. Students will then be expected to plot their results as a graph of mass
against volume. The gradients of the graphs represent the densities of the fluids. From this, students will be
asked to determine which solution will float on top of which.

3 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics – Matthew Broderick © Cambridge University Press 2021

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Safety considerations
● Students should wear goggles to ensure no oil or salt-water solution gets into eyes. Rinse immediately if this
● Clear any spillages immediately to prevent slipping.
● Ask your students if any of them have allergies to rapeseed oil and warn them how important it is that the
oil doesn’t touch their mouths.

Suggested discussion points for this investigation

● Taking readings from the bottom of meniscus: Explain what the meniscus is.
● Graph skills: Discuss choosing a scale, drawing the line of best fit, calculating gradient.
● Discussion: If students had the same volume of each of the fluids, how could they determine the densities?
Why is it important to measure equal volumes?
● Discussion: How might temperature affect density? Why would an increase in temperature cause a decrease
in density? How is this related to convection?

Common errors when conducting the investigation

Advise students to measure the mass of the water first, then the salt-water solution, then the oil. This is
primarily because the water is the easiest to remove from the cylinder, so there will be no residue to affect the
mass measurement.
The balance should be tared (zeroised) at the beginning of the experiment to take account of the mass of the
measuring cylinder. It should be done again when students start with the next fluid. Students often forget to tare,
or continually zero throughout the experiment, which will give them incorrect results.
Students should plot all three graphs on the one grid and should label each line of best fit as they go along so
they are clear which line is which.

Supporting your students

Students may struggle with drawing lines of best fit and calculating gradients. Discuss how to calculate a
gradient at the beginning of the session and leave a worked example on the board throughout, as a point of
One-to-one help might be required when discussing lines of best fit. It is beneficial to have worksheets with
sample plots for students to practise drawing lines of best fit, as an aid.

Challenging your students

Give students some additional items, such as a small piece of crayon, a piece of dried pasta, a paperclip and
a small piece of wood. Students should layer the fluids they have used, based on their densities, and place the
objects in the mix. The objects should settle in different layers. Students should explain, in terms of density, why
this has happened and what this implies about the density of the items in comparison to the fluids in which they
are suspended.

4 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics – Matthew Broderick © Cambridge University Press 2021

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Model data
Chapter 1: Making measurements
Practical investigation 1.1 Estimating measurements

0.0 0.1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

scale reading = 1.27

Figure 3.1: Diffusion in sweets.

Practical investigation 1.2 The simple pendulum

Length of Time taken for 10 oscillations / s Time taken for 1

pendulum / cm 1 2 3 Average oscillation / s

10 6.52 6.40 6.49

20 9.39 9.31 9.38
30 11.21 11.11 11.90
40 13.44 13.20 13.19
50 14.01 14.40 13.99

Table 1.2

Practical investigation 1.3 Calculating the density of liquids


Mass / g Volume / cm3

49.86 50.0
58.22 60.0
69.46 70.0
79.21 80.0
89.90 90.0

1 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics – Matthew Broderick © Cambridge University Press 2021

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Salt-water solution

Mass / g Volume / cm3

51.60 50.0
62.21 60.0
72.11 70.0
82.40 80.0
92.69 90.0


Mass / g Volume / cm3

46.21 50.0
55.92 60.0
65.36 70.0
74.99 80.0
83.68 90.0

2 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics – Matthew Broderick © Cambridge University Press 2021

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements


for Cambridge IGCSE™


David Sang & Darrell Hamilton


Third edition Digital Access

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


How to use this series iii 7 Energy resources
How to use this book  iv The energy we use 00
Energy from the sun 00
Introduction  v
8 Work and power

1 Making measurements Doing work 00
Measurements and units 1 Calculating work done 00
Practical applications 00 Power00
Scalars and vectors00

2 Describing motion

Understanding speed
Distance–time graphs
Understanding acceleration
Calculating speed and acceleration

3 Forces and motion

We have lift-off

9 The kinetic model of matter

States of matter
The kinematic model of matter
Gases and the kinetic theory

10 Thermal properties of matter

Temperature, temperature scales
and thermal expansion
Specific heat capacity, latent heat
Mass, weight and gravity 00 and changes of state000
Falling 00
Force, mass and acceleration 00 11 Thermal energy transfers
The idea of momentum 00 Conduction 000
4 Turning effects Radiation 000

The moment of a force 00 Some consequences of thermal

Calculating moments 00 energy transfer 000
Stability and the centre of gravity 00
12 Sound
5 Forces and matter Making sounds and the speed of sound 000
Stretching springs 00 Seeing sounds 000
Pressure 00
13 Light
6 Energy stores and transfers Reflecting light 000
Energy stores 00 Refraction of light 000
Energy transfers and efficiency 00 Total internal reflection 000
Energy conservation and energy calculations 00 Lenses 000

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14 Properties of waves 20 Electromagnetic forces

Describing waves 000 The magnetic effect of a current 000
Speed, frequency and wavelength 000 How electric motors are constructed 000
Explaining wave phenomena 000 Force on a current-carrying conductor 000

15 The electromagnetic spectrum 21 Electromagnetic induction

Dispersion of light 000 Generating electricity 000
The electromagnetic spectrum 000 Power lines and transformers 000
How transformers work 000
16 Magnetism

Permanent magnets and electromagnets 000 22 The nuclear atom
Magnetic fields000 Atomic structure 000
Protons, neutrons and electrons 000
17 Static electricity
23 Radioactivity

Charging and discharging
Explaining static electricity

Current in electric circuits

Electrical resistance
Electric fields and electric charge

18 Electrical quantities

More about electrical resistance

Electricity and energy000

Radioactivity all around
The microscopic picture
Radioactive decay
Using radioisotopes

24 Earth and the Solar System

The Earth
The Solar System

Stars and the universe 000
19 Electrical circuits
Glossary 000
Circuit components 000
Combinations of resistors 000
Electronic circuits 000
Electrical safety 000

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


How to use this book

Throughout this book, you will notice lots of different features that will help your learning.
These are explained below.

These set the scene for each exercise, beginning with 'In this exercise you will', and
indicate the important concepts.

Definitions for useful vocabulary are given at the start of each section. You will also find

definitions for these words in the Glossary at the back of this book.

Important equations which you will need to learn and remember are given in these boxes.

Supplement content:
Where content is intended for students who are studying the Supplement content of the syllabus as
well as the Core, this is indicated in the following way.
The information in these boxes will help you complete the exercises, and give you support in
areas that you might find difficult.

These help you to practise skills that are important for studying IGCSE™ Physics.
Questions within exercises fall into one of three types:
• Focus questions will help build your basic skills.
• Practice questions provide more opportunities for practice, pushing your skills further.
• Challenge questions will stretch and challenge you even further.

At the end of some exercises, you will find opportunities to help you assess your own work,
or that of your classmates, and consider how you can improve the way you learn.

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements
Chapter 1

Making measurements
Measurement and units
Exercise 1.1

recall and use the SI units used in physics.

1 a


State the SI units (name and symbol) of the following quantities:
State the name in words and the symbol for the following:
one thousand metres
one-thousandth of a metre
c How many?
State the number of centimetres there are in a metre …………………………………

State the number of litres there are in a cubic metre …………………………………

2 a State how many cm2 there are in 1 m2
b State how many m2 there are in 1 km2

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3 A cube has sides 3.50 m long. Calculate
a the surface area of the cube in cm2





b the volume of the cube in mm3






Practical applications
density: the ratio of mass to volume for a substance

density = _______
​​    ​​  

p = ​​ __ v ​​ 

Exercise 1.2
• practise converting between units
• practise applying the density formula
• apply your understanding of how density affects the behaviour of materials.

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1  Making measurements

Don’t assume that you know the answer. Always work it out. For example, 1 m3 in mm3 is
1000 × 1000 × 1000 mm3, since there are 1000 mm in 1 m.

1 a Complete the fourth column in Table 1.1 by converting each density in kg/m3 to the
equivalent value in g/cm3. The first two have been done for you
Some data about the density of various solids and liquids are shown in Table 1.1.

Material State / type Density / kg/m3 Density / g/cm3

water liquid / non-metal 1 000 1.000

ethanol liquid / non-metal 800 0.800

olive oil





liquid / non-metal

liquid / metal

solid / non-metal

solid / non-metal

solid / non-metal

solid / non-metal

13 500


3 500


2 700
iron solid / metal 7 900

tungsten solid / metal 19 300

aluminium solid / metal 2 700

gold solid / metal 19 300


Table 1.1 Densities of various solids and liquids

Two units are used for the densities, kg/m3 and g/cm3.
b Use the data to explain why ice floats on water

2 A cook mixes equal volumes of water and olive oil in a jar. Predict whether one liquid will float
on another liquid based on the data given. Assume that the liquids do not mix


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3 A student wrote: ‘These data show that metals are denser than non-metals.’ Do you agree?
Explain your answer





4 Calculate the mass of a block of gold that measures 20 cm × 15 cm × 10 cm.
State your answer in kg





A metalworker finds a block of silvery metal, weighs it and measures its volume.
Here are their results:
mass of block = 0.270 kg
volume of block = 14.0 cm3
Calculate the density of the block

Suggest what metal this might be ………………………………………………………………

6 Describe how you could find the density of the metal object in Figure 1.1.
• the equipment you would use
• how you would use it
• what you would do with the data you collect.

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1  Making measurements

Figure 1.1:














Exercise 1.3
find out how good your pulse would be as a means of measuring time intervals.

Galileo used the regular pulse of his heart as a means of measuring intervals of time, until he
noticed that a swinging pendulum was more reliable.
In this exercise, you need to be able to measure the pulse in your wrist. Place two fingers of one hand
gently on the inside of the opposite wrist (see Figure 1.2). Press gently at different points until you
find the pulse. Alternatively, press two fingers gently under your jawbone on either side of your neck.

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Figure 1.2: Taking a pulse.

You will also need a clock or watch that will allow you to measure intervals of time in seconds.

1 a Start by timing 10 pulses. (Remember to start counting from zero: 0, 1, 2, 3, …, 9, 10.)

b Comment on your results


Repeat this several times and record your results in the table.

How much do your results vary?


Give a possible reason for this: is it difficult to time the pulses or is your heart rate

c Calculate the average time for one pulse using your results




2 Time how long it takes for 50 pulses. Record your results in the table

3 Calculate the average time for one pulse


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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

4 Investigate how your pulse changes if you take some gentle exercise, for example, by walking
briskly, or by walking up and down stairs.
Write up your investigation in the lined space. Use the following as a guide.
• Briefly describe your gentle exercise.
• State the measurements of pulse rate that you have made.
• Comment on whether you agree with Galileo that a pendulum is a better time-measuring
instrument than your pulse.









Compare your answers to those of your peers. Do you agree with their points?
Are you able to justify yours?

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements


for Cambridge IGCSE™


Gillian Nightingale

Third edition Digital Access

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


How to use this series iii 6 Energy changes
How to use this book  iv Practical investigation 6.1:
 Gravitational potential energy and transfers 60
Introduction  v Practical investigation 6.2:  Kinetic energy 64
Practical investigation 6.3:

  Energy and the pendulum 67
Practical skills 7 Energy resources
Quick skills Practical investigation 7.1:  Solar panels 74
Practical investigation 7.2:  Solar buggies 77
1 Making measurements Practical investigation 7.3:

Practical investigation 1.1:
  Estimating measurements
Practical investigation 1.2:
  The simple pendulum
Practical investigation 1.3:
 Calculating the density of liquids

2 Describing motion
Practical investigation 2.1:  Average speed
Practical investigation 2.2:


  Efficiency of a tennis ball

8 Work and power

Practical investigation 8.1:  Work done
Practical investigation 8.2:
  Calculating mechanical power

9 The kinetic model

Practical investigation 9.1:
  Changes of state of matter



 Speed–time graphs using ticker tape 20

3 Forces and motion 10 Thermal properties

Practical investigation 3.1: Practical investigation 10.1:
 Estimating the acceleration of free fall 26   Thermal expansion of solids of matter 104
Practical investigation 3.2: Practical investigation 10.2:
 Investigating the relationship between  Measuring the specific heat capacity
force, mass and acceleration 30

of aluminium 107
Practical investigation 3.3: Practical investigation 10.3:
  Momentum in explosions 32   Surface area and evaporation 111
4 Turning effects of forces
11 Thermal energy transfers
Practical investigation 4.1:
  The weighing machine 39 Practical investigation 11.1:
Practical investigation 4.2:   Conductors of heat energy 116
  Finding the centre of gravity 43 Practical investigation 11.2:
  Investigating emissions 120
Practical investigation 4.3:  Tower stability 45
Practical investigation 11.3:
5 Forces and matter   Heat transfer by convection 123
Practical investigation 11.4:
Practical investigation 5.1:   Heat transfer by radiation 125
  Determining the spring constant 51
Practical investigation 5.2:
  Calculating pressure 55

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12 Sound 19 Electric circuits

Practical investigation 12.1: Practical investigation 19.1:
  Measuring the speed of sound 132   Light-dependent resistors 205
Practical investigation 12.2: Practical investigation 19.2:  Thermistors 209
 Sound through different substances 135 Practical investigation 19.3:
 Investigating resistors in series and
13 Light in parallel 214
Practical investigation 19.4:
Practical investigation 13.1:   Investigating fuses 218
 Forming a virtual image in a plane mirror 139
Practical investigation 13.2:
 Finding the refractive index of glass 142
20 Electromagnetic force

Practical investigation 13.3: Practical investigation 20.1:
 Estimating the magnification of a   Making a relay circuit 223
magnifying glass 146 Practical investigation 20.2:
Practical investigation 13.4:   The motor effect 226
  Dispersion of white light 148
21 Electromagnetic induction
14 Properties of waves

Practical investigation 14.1:
  Waves on a spring
Practical investigation 14.2:
 Investigating the properties of waves

15 Spectra
Practical investigation 15.1:
  Investigating infrared waves



Practical investigation 21.1:
 Electromagnetic induction in a coil
Practical investigation 21.2:
  Investigating transformers

22 The nuclear atom

Practical investigation 22.1:
  The structure of the atom
Practical investigation 22.2:
 The alpha scattering experiment



16 Magnetism
23 Radioactivity
Practical investigation 16.1:
  A magnetic circus 169 Practical investigation 23.1:
Practical investigation 16.2:   Radioactive decay model 246
  Exploring magnetic fields 173
Practical investigation 16.3: 24 Earth and the solar system

  Investigating electromagnets 176

Practical investigation 24.1:
  Phases of the moon 252
17 Static electricity Practical Investigation 24.2:
Practical investigation 17.1:  Determining the acceleration of free fall 256
  Investigating static electricity 183
Practical investigation 17.2: 25 Stars and the universe 00
 Production and detection of
electrostatic charges 187 Glossary  263
18 Electrical quantities
Practical investigation 18.1:
  Investigating current 190
Practical investigation 18.2:
  Determining the resistance 193
Practical investigation 18.3:
 Investigating current in components 197

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


How to use this book

Throughout this book, you will notice lots of different features that will help your learning.
These are explained below.

These set the scene for each exercise and indicate the important concepts.

Key vocabulary and definitions are given at the start of each chapter. You will also find
definitions of these words in the Glossary at the back of this book.


These set out the learning intentions for each investigation.
The investigations include information on equipment, safety considerations and
method. They also include questions to test your understanding on recording data,
handling data, analysis and evaluation.
Remember that there is a Safety section at the start of this book – you should refer to this
often, as it contains general advice that is applicable to many of the investigations.
The information in these boxes will help you complete the questions, and give you support
in areas that you might find difficult.

Supplement content:
Where content is intended for students who are studying the Supplement content of the syllabus as
well as the Core, this is indicated with a mark in the margin, as on the left here.

Questions at the end of each chapter provide more demanding exam-style
questions, some of which may require use of knowledge from previous
chapters. Answers to these questions can be found in the digital version of the
Practical Workbook.

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Quick skills section

Quick skills section

Assessment objective 3 (AO3) ‘Experimental skills and investigations’ of the Cambridge International Examinations
syllabus is about your ability to work as a scientist. Each aspect of the AO3 has been broken down for you below with
a reference to the chapters in this title that cover it. This will enable you to identify where you have practiced each skill
and also allow you to revise each one before the exam.

Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
A03: Experimental
skills and

1.1 demonstrate
knowledge of how to
safely use techniques
1.2 demonstrate
knowledge of how
to use apparatus
and materials
1.3 demonstrate
knowledge of how
to follow a sequence
of instructions where
2. plan experiments
and investigations
3.1 make and record
3.2 make and record
3.3 make and
record estimates
4.1 interpret

observations and data

4.2 evaluate
observations and data
5.1 evaluate methods
5.2 suggest possible
to methods
own table
a graph
Planning safety of an

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Chapter 1

Making measurements
• allow you to measure length, volume and time using a variety of instruments, as a scientist would do in
a lab
• allow you to use techniques to measure short periods of time, or distance and appreciate the methods
used to ensure these measurements are accurate. Accurate timing is important in sports such as

Formula 1®.

Practical investigation 1.1:

Estimating measurements

circumference: the distance around the outside of a circle
diameter:the length of a line that goes from one side of a circle to the other and passes
through the centre of the circle
estimate:use information available to decide on a value that is appropriate
• take accurate measurements of mass, time and distance using
appropriate equipment
• calculate average values.


• metre rule  • stopwatch  • steel ball bearing  • top-pan balance  • newton scale
• vernier calipers  • 30 cm rule (for analysis section)

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1  Making measurements

• Steel ball bearings can be a slip hazard. Ensure they are stored safely before and after
the activity.
• Before you start recording the time for star jumps, check that the surrounding area is clear
of objects.
• Make sure the person performing star jumps is wearing footwear suitable for this task.

Getting started

Familiarise yourself with the names of the equipment and what they measure from the skills section
at the start of this book. Fill in the table provided to show which piece of equipment you will use for
each type of measurement.

Measurement Equipment





diameter of a small round object

Use this table to help you during your investigation.
1 Look at everything you are going to measure. Estimate each value and record your estimates in
the table that has been provided.
2 Take measurements of:

• the height of the person sitting next to you (in cm)

• how long it takes a student to perform ten star jumps
• the length, width and thickness of a glass block (measured with vernier calipers)
• the diameter of a piece of wire
• the mass of a bag of sugar
• the diameter of a steel ball bearing (using vernier calipers).
Take each measurement three times.

Vernier calipers have two types of scale: the main scale at the top and the vernier scale at the
bottom. To find the most accurate measurement, find the line on the vernier scale that lines
up with the main scale.

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Recording data
1 Record your measurements in the table. Remember to include the appropriate units.

Measured value
Estimated Average
Measurement type
value measurement
1 2 3

Make sure you record all measurements to the same number of significant figures or
decimal places.

Handling data
2 Review your table. Are all of the measurements to the same number of decimal places or
significant figures? Correct any that are not.
3 Calculate the average value for each measurement. Write the average values in the table.

4 Compare your estimated and measured values. Comment on the values. Make reference to the
data in your table to support your comments.



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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

5 Calculate the volume of the glass block, based on the measurements you have taken.



6 Were the measuring instruments that you chose suitable in each case? Explain your answer and
suggest what other instruments you could have used.


7 List three of the instruments you used and give the precision of these instruments.


The precision of an instrument is the smallest scale division on the instrument.



Practical investigation 1.2:
The simple pendulum

mean: the mathematical term for the average of a range of numbers
meniscus: the lowest point of the top of a fluid
oscillation: the movement of an object from its start point to its furthest point and back
again to the start
time period: the time taken for one complete oscillation

12 + 15 + 16
average: the average of 12, 15 and 16 is 14.3: ___________
​​   ​​  = 14  .  3

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• use multiple measurements to calculate the average value for the time period
of a pendulum
• determine if there is a relationship between the length of a pendulum and its
time period.


• pendulum bob  • string  • two small rectangular pieces of wood or cork board

• clamp stand  • clamp  • boss  • stopwatch  • ruler  • C clamp


Clamp the stand to the bench to ensure it is stable and cannot fall over and cause injury.

Getting started
Take a pendulum. Hold it between your fingers and look at how the pendulum moves.
Think about the things that you will need to consider in order to time the swing of pendulum
accurately. Write them down here:

Now, working with a partner, think of ways in which you could adapt your method to make your
measurements more accurate here:



1 Tie the string to the pendulum bob to make a pendulum.
2 Hang the pendulum from the clamp stand and wait for it to come to rest (stop moving).
3 Use the ruler to measure the length of the pendulum from where the pendulum is held to the
centre of its bob (its centre of mass).
4 Keeping the string straight, move the pendulum bob to one side and release it, allowing it to
swing at a steady pace. Use the stopwatch to time ten complete oscillations.
5 Repeat twice more and take an average of the results.
6 Repeat for four different lengths of pendulum.

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1  Making measurements

Recording data
1 Record your measurements in the table.

Length of Time taken for ten oscillations / s Time period

pendulum (time taken for
/ cm 1 2 3 Average (mean) one oscillation) / s

Handling data

Calculate the time period for each pendulum length. Write the values in the table.

Sketch a graph of pendulum length against time period.

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1 State and explain whether the length of the pendulum has an effect on the time period of
an oscillation. Use your results to support your answer.





2 Suggest another variable that might affect the time period of an oscillation.



How did you find recording the oscillations of your pendulum? With your partner, discuss
one way in which you could have improved this investigation to make it easier to record
the oscillations.
Practical investigation 1.3:
Calculating the density of liquids

• determine the densities of three common liquids by taking measurements of volume

and mass.


• 100 ml measuring cylinder  • oil  • saltwater solution  • water  • balance

• Some of the fluids in this investigation can cause mild irritation to the eyes. Use safety goggles
at all times.
• Clear any spills immediately to prevent slipping.

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1  Making measurements

Getting started
With your partner, discuss why knowing the density of a fluid is important. Jot some ideas down in
the space provided.

Think about convection and the weather.





When you measure the volume of a liquid, it is important to ensure that the reading is taken correctly.
The reading should always be taken at eye level, and using the meniscus of the fluid. Look at the
example in Figure 1.1 and then try to read off the volume of the remaining two measuring cylinders.



10 30 60 10

0 20 50 0

………… ………… ………… …………

Figure 1.1: Taking a reading from a measuring cylinder.

1 Place the measuring cylinder on the balance. Set the balance to zero.
2 Add 50 ml of water to the measuring cylinder. Record the volume and mass of the water in the
table below.
3 Repeat for 60 ml, 70 ml, 80 ml, 90 ml and 100 ml. Record the volume and mass of the water in
the table below.
4 Empty and dry the measuring cylinder. Repeat steps 1–3 for the saltwater solution and the oil.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Recording data
1 Record your measurements in the tables.

Water Saltwater solution Oil

Volume / cm3 Mass / g Volume / cm3 Mass / g Volume / cm3 Mass / g

Handling data
Use your results to plot a graph of volume against mass for each of the liquids you have
measured. Plot all three graphs on the grid provided.

When you draw the graph, label each axis and include the appropriate unit. For this
graph, plot the volume along the horizontal axis and the mass up the vertical axis.
Remember to choose an appropriate scale for each axis.

Mass / g

Volume / cm3

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

3 Draw a line of best fit for each of the liquids you have tested. Label them clearly.
4 The gradient of the line of best fit in each graph is equal to the density of the fluid. By looking
at your graph, predict which liquid has the highest density. In the space below, explain how you
can make this assumption by sight alone.



5 Calculate the gradient of each of the lines of best fit. Do your values support your answer to
question 4 ?

Water ………………………………………………………………………………………………...


Oil …………………………………………………………………………………….…….………..


Saltwater solution ……………………………………………………………………………………

6 Fluids that are less dense, float on top of more dense substances. In the measuring beaker
shown, draw in the order in which the fluids would settle, labelling each one clearly.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


1 Your teacher will give you the actual values of density for the fluids you have tested.
How do your results compare? Suggest two reasons why your results may be different.





2 An oil spill occurs out at sea. A student suggests that a clean-up operation would be impossible
because the two substances would mix. Do you think the student is correct? Comment on the
student’s statement, relating it to the experiment you have conducted here.





Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements

In this investigation you had to calculate the gradient of your line of best fit. Discuss with two other groups
the values they calculated. How different were they compared to yours? If you were a scientist trying to
evaluate the density of a particular fluid, how would you accommodate the differing results?


1 A student has been asked to determine the material from which a key is made. Determine: establish

an answer using the
information available

in the laboratory.

Type of metal
The student has been given a table which lists the densities of a variety of
common metals based on measurements taken from 1 cm3 metal blocks found

Density / g/cm3
The student fills a measuring cylinder with water and carefully adds the key,
using another measuring cylinder to collect the water that is displaced. The
displaced water collected in the measuring cylinder is displayed in the figure.


Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.



a i Show clearly on the diagram the line of sight you would use to
obtain an accurate reading [2] COMMAND WORDS
ii State the volume of the key [1] Calculate: work out
from given facts,
……………………………………………………………………………….. figures or information
b i The student then takes the key, dries it and uses a balance to measure State: express in
its mass. The mass of the key is 65.01 g. Calculate the density of the clear terms
material from which the key is made, using the formula for density [3]


ii Using the table of densities, determine the metal from which the key

you expect to float?
Explain your answer
is most likely to be made



c The density of water is 1 g/cm3. Which of the metals in the table would


Explain: set out
purposes or
reasons / make
the relationships
…………………………………………………………………………………… between things
evident / provide
[Total: 10]
why and/or how and
2 A student has been asked to measure the average speed of a child’s toy race support with relevant
car as it goes around a circular track. evidence

a i The student uses the equation for average speed to determine that Suggest: apply
they need to measure the distance of the track and the time taken knowledge and
for the car to go around the track. understanding
to situations
Suggest appropriate equipment for taking these measurements in the
where there are
table provided [2]
a range of valid
responses in order
Quantity Measuring device Resolution to make proposals
/ put forward
distance considerations

time taken

ii State an appropriate resolution for each of these instruments in the

final column of the table [2]

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1  Making measurements


b i The diagram shows a scale drawing of the circular race track. Use the
diagram to calculate the distance travelled by the car in one lap [2]

Scale = 1 cm : 5 cm


ii The readings for the time taken by the student are given in the table.

Time taken (s) 0.48 0.49 0.5

Suggest one way she could improve the tabulation of her data

iii Calculate the average time taken for one lap [1]



iv Calculate the average speed for the car around the race track.
Include the relevant units in your answer [2]



c The student notices that the time taken for the car to go around the
track is very short. She is worried that the measurements are not accurate
enough. Suggest one way in which she could improve the accuracy [2]


[Total: 12]

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.

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