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1.Define assignment statements in Python.

2.List the different statements in python.
3.List some of the keywords in python.
4.Define Identifiers in Python
5.What is the comment statement in python?
6.Define variables in python.
7.Explain Input and output statements in python.
8.List the data types in python.
9.What are the operators in Python?
10.Explain the precedence of operators in python.


1. Explain various types of operators used in Python

2. Explain Values & types supported in Python
3. Explain Interpreter & Interactive mode in Python
4. Write a program to Circulate value of N numbers
5. Explain about various statements in python
6. Write a Python program to compute the factorial of a given number using recursion
7. Write a Python program using while loop first N numbers divisible by 5
8. Explain the concept of Linear & Binary Search with Python program
9. Write a Python program to display the first N Fibonacci numbers
10. Explain the concept of Insertion sort & Merge Sort with Python program



1.Define functions in python?

2.What are the function arguments used in python?
3.List the types of functions.
4.What is the anonymous function in Python?
5.Define modules in Python.
6.How modules are incorporated in a python program?
7.List some of the built-in modules in python
8.Write a simple program to add two numbers in python.
9.Write a simple program to convert KMPH to MPH in python.
10.Write a simple program in python to convert decimal number into binary, octal and
hexadecimal number system in python.


1.Explain in detail about Control flow structures.

2.Explain Various String functions used in python.
3.Discuss Function arguments in Python.
4.Explain Various methods of parameter passing used in python.
5.Show how an input and output function is performed in python with an example.
6.Enumerate the ways of dealing with exceptions in python.
7.What are the different function prototypes? Explain it with suitable example.
8.Demonstrate the various expressions in python with suitable examples.
9.Explain the various features of functions in python.
10.Write a program to demonstrate the flow of control after the return statement in python.



1.Define strings and name some methods.

2.List some of the methods in List Operations.
3.Analyze different ways to manipulate strings in python.
4.Justify the effects of slicing operations on a string.
5.List some of the methods in Tuple Operations.
6.List some of the methods in Set Operations.
7.List some of the methods in Dictionary Operations.
8.Discuss various number systems used in Python.
9.What is the purpose of Testing?
10.Write about Recursion in brief.


1.Explain the following:

i. List Slicing &List Mutability
ii. List Accessing Methods &List Comprehension
2.Explain Selection & Insertion sort methods with python program
3.Explain Merge & Quick sort methods with python program
4.Explain Dictionary Operation & Methods
5.Write code snippets in Python to perform various operatons on tuple

6. Describe the following

i. Creating the List
ii. Accessing values in the Lists
iii. Updating the Lists
iv. Deleting the list Elements
7. Write a Python program to multiply two Matrices
8. Write a program to use Max(), Min() and sorted() methods in tuple
9. Explain the properties of Dictionary keys with examples
10. Explain the basic Set Operations with examples




1.Define class.
2.Define object.
3.What is inheritance?
4.List the types of inheritance.
5.Explain polymorphism in brief.
6.What are the advantages of object-oriented programming over procedure oriented
7.What is meant by method overriding?
8.Give the syntax for creating a class.
9.Give the syntax for creating a object.
10.Differentiate method and a function.


1.List the features and explain about different Object Oriented features supported by Python.
2.Explain the concept of method overriding with an example.
3.How to declare a constructor method in python? Explain.
4.Explain the features of Inheritance in python with an example.
5.Differentiate between an error and exception.
6.How to create a user defined exception?
7.How to handle an exception using try except block? Explain with the help of a program.
8.Compare and contrast procedure oriented programming and object-oriented programming.
9.Explain the different types of inheritance with suitable examples for each.
10.Enumerate the different techniques for Designing Classes.




1.Give the behavior of terminal based programs.

2.Give the behavior of GUI-based programs.
3.What are the advantages of GUI programming with Python.
4.List various resources for GUI programming in Python.
5.What are the problems with terminal based programs?
6.List some of the features of tkinter module in python.
7.Give some features of Turtle graphics.
8.What are the resources available for coding simple GUI-based programs?
9.Write about Colors and RBG system in brief.
10.What is meant by Image processing?


1.Compare and contrast the behavior of terminal based programs with the behavior of GUI-
based programs.
2.Write short notes on GUI programming with Python and also discuss about various
resources for GUI programming in Python.
3.Explain various operations of tkinter module.
4.Write a program to demonstrate Two dimensional Shapes.
5.Write a program to demonstrate of displaying text with Label Widgets.
6.Write a program to demonstrate of organizing Widgets with Frames.
7.Write a program to demonstrate of Button Widgets and Info Dialog Boxes.
8.Write a program to demonstrate of getting input with Entry Widgets.
9.Write a program to demonstrate of using Radio Buttons.
10. Write a program to demonstrate of using Check Buttons.

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