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International Journal of English Language,

Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL)

ISSN: 2583-3812 Journal Home Page:
Vol-2, Issue-3, May-Jun 2023 Journal CrossRef DOI: 10.22161/ijeel

Education as a Tool for Women Empowerment in

Zaynab Alkali and Abubakar Gimba’s Selected Novels
Ngalari Mbutakto and John Tikikus

Department of English, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, Nigeria.

Article Detail: Abstract
Received: 03 Apr 2023; The dominance of patriarchy as a cultural mainstay of the
Received in revised form: 22 Apr 2023; people and Islam as a religious philosophy and practice in
northern Nigeria did not prioritise the education of the girl
Accepted: 03 May 2023;
child until recently. The result of these is the diminished
Available online: 31 May 2023 contribution of the woman to the welfare of northern
©2023 The Author(s). Published by Nigerian. This paper examines the plight of northern
International Journal of English Language, Nigerian woman and how education as a tool brings social
Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL). This is development, empowers the woman to be an agent of
an open access article under the CC BY license change. The feminist critical approach to literature and
( Marxist literary theory are used as a tool for the textual
assessment of Zaynab Alkali’s The Descendants and
Abubakar Gimba’s Sacred Apples in this paper. Besides,
many females do not have access to education in their
community; this lack of access to educate the woman is the
Keywords— Education, Empowerment, result of cultural, religious and economic factors.
Northern Nigeria, Patriarchy, Islam, Furthermore, the paper reveals the importance of
Woman. education to the woman, since no society progresses by the
efforts of a segment of its population. The paper concludes
that the emancipator power of education is a tool for social
liberation, self-actualisation and development for the
individual in particular and the society in general. It is the
most important tool in addressing women problem in
Nigeria, especially in the northern part.

1. Introduction African male writers

The world over, education is the cornerstone discussed themes of male
of sustainable development; it is also a human right. interest and portrayed the
Education was not a priority for the woman in Africa women as timid, subdued
due to cultural and religious beliefs, but is groomed and unthinking. Various
for domesticity. African creative writing has been studies indicate that literary
dominated by men since the early 1950s; fictions field in most societies is male
depict female characters in only minor roles. The dominated.
female character acts within the framework of The portrayal of women by male writers is
traditional roles of wife and mother, and object of challenged by the emergence of female writers in
man’s battering. As in the society, the texts deny girls Nigeria like Flora Nwapa with Efuru in 1966.
education because of cultural views that women stay Nwapa’s Efuru opened the gates for other female
at home to learn home keeping and to minimise authors, who focus on the predicament of women as
strain on the family’s resources. The first generation portrayed by male writers. These female writers write

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 1
Mbutakto and Tikikus, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(3)
May-Jun 2023

about issues that concern women. These writers Whitsitt’s Islamic-Hausa Feminism and Kano
include Buchi Emecheta, Adaora Ulasi, Zulu Sofola, Market Literature: Qur’anic Reinterpretation in The
Ifeoma Okoye, Zaynab Alkali, Tess Onwueme, Helen Novels of Balaraba Yakubu. These works however
Oubiageli, Razinat T. Mohammed, Chimamanda did not delve into the ways in which the woman can
Ngozi Adichie, Sefi Atta among others; these have be liberated, but merely stating the current
become part of the Nigerian literary circle. The calamitous scenario she finds herself in. This paper
northern part of Nigeria has few female writers. attempts to bridge the gap by identifying how the
Zaynab Alkali’s The Stillborn (1984) was a milestone authors of the selected texts empower and liberate
in northern Nigerian women’s writing in English. She the protagonist in their fictive endeavours. The paper
portrayed women as crusaders that bring change and critically examines how Zaynab Alkali and Abubakar
development. Razinat T. Mohammed is another Gimba view Western education and its relationship to
female voice to emerge from Nigeria’s north. She individual and societal development. It assesses the
published A Love Like a Woman’s and Other Stories plight of women in cultural, economic and religious
in 2005. These female writers have a society deeply societies, to see how they individually deal with early
rooted in Islamic culture and education. There are marriage, teenage pregnancy, arranged marriages,
however male writers who hold positive attitude polygamy, divorce and other forms of female
towards the woman in their works. These male subjugation. The paper also determines the
writers “cast African women in a good and noble importance of Western education and its role in the
image” (Nnolim 118). One of such writers to emerge life of the woman in Northern Nigeria.
from the Northern Nigeria is Abubakar Gimba.
Zaynab Alkali and Abubakar Gimba share the 2. Theoretical Framework
same religious background, this is evident in their
The feminist literary criticism and the
works The Descendants (2005) and Sacred Apples
Marxist approach are adopted as tools for
(1994) respectively. Both show the resilience of the
interpreting the selected texts in this paper. Both
woman, who against all odds is able to make life out
approaches are offshoots of the sociological theory.
of her disadvantaged position. They are assertive,
The choice of these theories is predicated on the fact
strong willed, tenacious, intelligent, and are able to
that literary works are better understood from the
use education to drive the process of development.
perception of the society that creates them.
This paper examines the importance of education to
the woman as a potent tool for her emancipation and The justification for the adoption of the Marxist
empowerment in the two texts. The northern approach is that Marxism places works in context,
Nigerian woman contends with enormous challenges thereby removing abstraction and making the work
that range from early/child marriage, which results in realistic. Marxist approach seeks to analyse the
the prevalence of Vesico-Viginal Fistula (VVF) and contradictions issuing from power and money within
street hawking among other forms of neglects. literature and is concerned with what the text hides.
The Marxist approach interprets literary work as both
The predominantly Hausa and Fulani
a reflection and a product of economic conflict
Muslim women in northern Nigeria are victims of
between the social classes. The theory explores ways
cultural and religious dictates. Many of these
in which the text reveals ideological oppression of a
practices stem from the belief that women must be
dominant economic class over subordinate classes. It
controlled into the role of wives and mothers. This
examines literature in its cultural and economic
situation leads to unfair treatment of women, faced
contexts in which it is written or received. It often
with early/arranged marriages, teenage pregnancy,
examines the artist’s society to better comprehend
physical and psychological violence, polygamy,
the writer’s creativity. Sometimes, it may examine the
divorce and are denied the chance to receive
representation of such societal elements within
education. These girls allow traditional system to be
literature itself. The choice of this approach is
used against them and to limit their possibilities
premised on the sociological issues that both Alkali
within the society.
and Gimba portray. The society and the fictional
Critical works abound that identify the problem characters interpret each other. The novel therefore is
of the woman in northern Nigeria, her plight and the a product of the society.
things she goes through on a daily basis, works like
The feminist principle to interpret literature seeks to
Elsbeth Robson’s The ‘Kitchen’ as Women’s Space in
describe and analyse the ways in which literature
Rural Hausaland, Northern Nigeria, and Novian
reinforces the narratives of male domination. In the

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 2
Mbutakto and Tikikus, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(3)
May-Jun 2023

most general and simple terms, feminist literary Reading Nurrudin Farah’s works from a
criticism is concerned with the politics of women’s feminine point of view reveals that, he identifies with
authorship and the representation of women’s the sufferings of women. He depicts the woman as
condition within literatures, this includes the being culturally defined. In From a Crooked Rib
depiction of fictional female characters. The theory (1970), Ebla is aware that there is no friendship
seeks to develop and uncover a female tradition of between a husband and wife and knows from her
writing, to interpret symbolism of women’s writing so experience that girls are materials, to be bought and
that it will not be lost or ignored by patriarchal point sold. Farah indicates that patriarchy and its rigidity
of view. Feminist literary criticism projects that are connected with the stiff gender roles in Somali
women in literature are historically presented as society. Farah is praised as one of the few male
objects seen from a male perspective. The feminist writers who are willing to criticise the patriarchal
perspective becomes indispensable in analysing the system. Critics find traces of both traditionalism and
works of the authors under investigation not only modernism in Farah’s works and agree that he is one
because the central thematic concerns fore-grounded of African’s leading feminist’s writers. Sembene
in the text bother on women’s issues, but also that the Ousmane’s God’s Bits of Wood is another literary
protagonists are women. work where the woman takes her rightful place
Women in male literary works are often because she is empowered. One sees three women
portrayed as docile, unassertive and lukewarm. The emerge as leaders; Maimouna, Ramatoulaye, and
boys attend schools and eventually become workers, Penda.
while girls are married off to stay at home, help on These male writers empathise with women in
the farm and do house chores. Critical decisions in their novels. The evolution of the traditional African
the home are taken by the “man of the house”. Very society into a complex modern one has seen the role
often, the boy is prioritised above the girl; this is of the African woman change dramatically. Her role
because of the parochial belief that the male carries as a wife, mother, sister, and worker places her on an
the name of the family. If the girl is placed on the entirely new platform. The depiction of the woman in
same pedestal with the boy, the family and the society literary recreation is, therefore, a reflection of what
will benefit. An educated woman brings more to the and who she is in the society.
family and society than an uneducated one. African women writers are challenging
Chukukere asserts that: patriarchy. In Nigeria, women’s writing has opened
The ideal female created by male up new opportunities and awareness for women.
writers in fiction often acts within Women’s contributory roles in the development of
the framework of her traditional nations have been demonstrated by female writers
roles as wife and mother. So strong like Flora Nwapa, who was the first published female
are social values that the respect and writer in Nigeria. She opened a new chapter for
love which a woman earns is relative African literature, by making women the central
to the degree of her adaptation of characters in her novels. In Efuru, Idu and One is
these roles (7) Enough, the female protagonists have troubled
The work traces how African male writers reinforce marriages because of infertility. The protagonists in
this particular stereotype for the African woman. Efuru and Idu are glued to tradition and are
Early male writers depict the woman in different illiterates. Amaka in One is Enough is an educated
roles, however none is desirable. Achebe’s Things school teacher who walks away from her marriage
Fall Apart (1958) describes the woman in very because her husband cannot take her infertility, while
ambiguous terms, portrayed as a character of he marries another woman to bear him children, she
convenience. She can be at the top, the bottom or moves on with her life, illustrating where a woman is
anywhere in between. According to Achebe “a child educated, she always have a choice. Charles Nnolin
belongs to his father, his father’s people and his rightly observes:
father’s land, wives do the bidding of their husbands, As the pioneer female African
and yet we say “Nneka” (Mother is supreme) (Achebe writer…Flora Nwapa…definitely saw it
94). The woman is at the same time supreme, as well as her duty to redeem and correct the
as subordinate and subservient. This kind of disparaged and debased image of
ambiguity about the woman is easing away gradually African women as depicted by sexist
as we will later see.

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 3
Mbutakto and Tikikus, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(3)
May-Jun 2023

male writers like Achebe and Ekwensi goes through when her husband dies, and the
(Nnolin118). insensitivity of African culture towards the plight of
In doing this, Nwapa presents to her readers the the woman. The book shows how the educated
better view of African womanhood. woman can be able to overcome obstacles and
maintain a sound mind and healthy body.
In Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions
(1985), one finds a classic disempowerment of the Post-colonial African novels, unlike the works of
female. Tambu wishes to attend the local school but is pioneers, show a positive portrayal of women.
not allowed to do so. Tambu and her sisters are Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a contemporary
supposed to work on the homestead with their Nigerian writer portrays female characters in new
mother. The girls are to learn how to be good light. Purple Hibiscus (2003), juxtaposes the
homemakers and care givers. It is a role that defines positions of the woman; the victim and the new
her and at the same time places her at home without (educated) woman. Beatrice in the novel personifies
the possibility of education and economic the stereotyped African women, subdued and
independence. To Tambu, education signifies victimized, without a voice. Adichie then introduces
emancipation from poverty and the restrictions of Ifeoma and Amaka as Beatrice’s and Kambili’s
traditional female role. Tambu knows that her chance opposites. Where Beatrice is silent and suppressed,
to escape poverty and support her family is Ifeoma stands out as a modern woman; strong,
education. The death of Tambu’s brother, Nhamo, independent and outspoken. Ifeoma is highly
leads to a dramatic change in her life. She becomes educated and lectures at the University of Nsukka
the eldest in the family and her uncle Babamukuru and supporting her three children without the help of
decides that she receives education at the mission a man. She is a role model for her daughter Amaka
school and secures the family’s future. and her niece Kambili.

Ama Ata Aidoo, another African female In Half of a Yellow Sun (2006), Adichie
writer, explores women’s lives in the Ghanaian continues this positive portrayal of women where one
society. Her novel, Changes (1991), explores the lives meets Olanna and Kainene. These women are well
of women in marriage, career, and the society. Aidoo educated. Adichie uses them to puncture the archaic
creates believable female characters who reflect preference of boys over girls. Adichie assigns women
current gender issues faced by women. Esi, one of the significant roles, making them successful, well-
female characters attains fulfillment beyond domestic educated and intelligent. She elevates the Nigerian
role of mother and wife, with college degree and a girl to be at par with the boy in the modern Nigeria
career in the Department of Urban Stylistics. She is society.
portrayed as a modern career woman, educated and In Americanah (2013), Adichie goes global
financially independent. Christine N. Ohala observes with her characterisation of the African woman. It is
that: a celebration of a new brand of women, who are not
African women’s writing has only educated but independent and intelligent. Her
opened up a whole new main character Ifemelu and other female characters
world of opportunities and like Uju are portrayed as goal setters and goal getters.
awareness for women and Adichie is bold to say that education and sexual
the society at large. More freedom go together. She tacitly implies in this
than ever before, women scatological work that, the truly liberated and
have become more conscious independent woman is the one that determine her
of the value of a good sexuality.
education and of the need to Generally, writings from northern Nigeria are
resist all forms of starved of critical attention. Aderemi Raji-Oyelade
subjugation, denial and states that:
marginalization (3). In the context of modern Nigerian
Mariama Ba’s So Long a letter (1981) literary tradition, women’s writing
narrates the tale of Aissatou and Ramatoulaye who from the North is subject to double
survive the break up and abandonment of their invisibility and double repression. It
husbands, because they are educated and can be said without contradiction
professionals. This missive between two friends that the ‘absence’ of women in the
exposes the effects of polygamy, the trouble a woman nations conventional history is

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 4
Mbutakto and Tikikus, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(3)
May-Jun 2023

equalled by the lack of interests in children, her husband and her parents, but most of
works produced by writers whether all to her country” (Alkali 20).
male or female, from the North. Alkali clearly suggests that the Muslim woman should
There is no gain saying the fact that if be encouraged to attain University education. Alu
creative writing in Northern Nigeria, observes that:
derived from and greatly influenced
Alkali’s fiction fits into the
by Arabic literary tradition, is
mainstream feminists writers; her
considered to be in a state of
fiction occupies a special position in
insignificance, and if women’s
the nation’s literature being a
literature in the country is generally
pioneer feminist voice from the
under represented, works produced
North… The education of the woman
by women from the North are overtly
is necessary because of the strictures
and unceremoniously ignored and
of the culture in her
repressed by the conventional critical
(community)…she deploys education
practice of earlier African male
as a multi-dimensional emancipating
scholars. In the traditional history of
liberator to outlaw all inhibitive
our literature, the inclusion of efforts
cultures and traditions in the North
by pioneer writers from
and the nation at large (Alu 14).
Northern Nigeria, both male and
female, has been negligible (4). In Gimba’s Witnesses to Tears (1986),
Hussaina Lahab is a trained nurse. She graduates
Despite the above assertion, literary artists
from Albert Memorial Nursing School, where she
to come from northern Nigerian include: Labo Yari,
develops and shows traits of patience, compassion
Abubakar Gimba, Zaynab Alkali, Bilkisu Ahmed
and highly principled. The issues of women rights
Funtuwa, Hauwa Ali, Razinat T. Muhammed, Ahmed
and the presentation of their plights as modern
Maiwada, Helon Habila, E.E. Sule, Abubakar Adam
women, who work, take care of the homes and
Ibrahim and many more.
children are developed in Witnesses to Tears.
Zaynab Alkali’s The Stillborn is set in
In Footprints (1998), there is a gender
northern Nigeria. Li, the main character symbolises
consciousness by Gimba. The reader is introduced to
the need for change in women’s life in the region,
a middle class family that lives modestly. Gimba
where education is lagging behind compared to other
however, draws the attention of the reader to the
parts of the country. Li is adventurous and daring,
growth of Farah. Farah’s birth turns to be God’s
almost from birth. She represents the spirit of the
blessing to the family. She is educated and makes her
new African woman, who refuses to be pinned down
father proud by taking teaching as a career. Gimba is
and suppressed. She educates herself, pursued
concerned with female political empowerment, the
independence and achieves her dream and assumes
right to rule and be ruled, and the various roles of
the leadership of the family after the death of her
institutions such as the family. Jameelah and Farah
father, a position that makes her “the man of the
in Footprints are portraits of the educated and
house”. Alkali not only creates a character that
empowered northern Nigerian woman.
survives in spite of the obstacles, but describes the
means by which women can be changed; education, Sacred Apples remarkably has a female
which gives economic independence. Armed with protagonist who Gimba uses to discuss contemporary
these, Li regenerates herself and is wise, determined realities of the woman in Nigeria, especially the
and undefeated. modern, working, and often single mother and a
Muslim. Sacred Apples is a northern Nigerian story.
In Cobwebs and Other Stories, Alkali shows
Gimba used his religious knowledge to portray the
that education is the first step a woman should take
educated contemporary Muslim woman in changing
to be empowered. Mama, the heroine returns to
times that have affected the societal definition of
school after she had married and had children. Her
gender roles. Zahrah is Gimba’s archetype of the ideal
father and her husband will not allow her go to
woman: educated, enlightened and hardworking.
school. It is her aunt Hildi, who persuades them to
Abubakar Gimba has been labeled a feminist because
allow her to go, stating that: “For not only are we
of such presentations.
educating our fathers, but our mothers also. An
educated woman is a great investment to her

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 5
Mbutakto and Tikikus, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(3)
May-Jun 2023

All the reviewed works indicate a general and only education can offer them
agreement that the woman is grossly marginalised in these options (Alkali 14 – 15).
a society she helps to build. The writers also agree Without education, girls are denied the opportunity
that the generality of women are disadvantaged when to develop their potentials. However, when they are
it comes to the acquisition of education. Stereotypes educated, they are as useful as any man. Alkali uses
in skill acquisition persist in the society. Though Magira Milli as the authorial voice, to canvass for the
recent works indicate a shift in how the woman is education of women. She enumerates the benefit girls
portrayed. This work observes that a lacuna exists, receive through education; self-worth and economic
especially as it affects the northern part of Nigeria. freedom. She particularly wishes that Seytu does not
The review shows a general consensus that education only read and learn but becomes a doctor. This will
is key to empowerment. However, this work pays not only elevate the status of Seytu, but will put her
specific attention to the problem as it affects northern on equal footing to compete with other doctors; male
Nigeria, where Islam has a stronghold. The timing of or female. She ties education to greatness. To be
this paper to coincide with the threat that western empowered means to move from a state of
education is receiving from Islamic extremists makes powerlessness to a position of power. Education
it all the more important. empowers the woman with knowledge, skills and self-
3. Education and the Empowerment of confidence necessary to fully participate in the all
the Woman in The Descendants and processes of the community.
Sacred Apples Magira Milli, the matriarch of the Ramta
Islam plays crucial role in shaping the life of family is aware of the importance of giving the
Muslims. Education is all encompassing; it has granddaughters unfettered access to education in
philosophical, moral and vocational relevance. order to develop. The lack of education for the girl or
Largely due to lack of sufficient knowledge of Islam, woman denies her knowledge/skills needed to be able
many parents think that formal learning is not meant to advance in life, like Peni, who leaves school to
for girls. Islam advocates women’s right, especially marry the village butcher, Madu Chima. She
rights to inheritance. All Muslims are to acquire regretted later, after two divorces and five children.
knowledge; there is no distinction between genders in Magira Milli believes that education is the cure for
act of worship or reward. Allah says, “So their Lord ignorance and superstition. “She knew education is
accepted of them, never will I allow the work of any of the master key to opportunities for a better life.
you to be lost, be you male or female, you are one of Education opens doors and gives an individual option
another” (Quran 3:195). The girl needs to develop in life. She may have missed those options, but she
intellectually in order to broaden her horizon and wanted those options for her grandchildren…” (Alkali
make her a better Muslim. Education for the girl 13) Years later, Seytu the granddaughter of Magira
alleviates poverty, a recurrent decimal in northern Milli graduates as the best student in pediatrics from
Nigeria. She will not be dependent on either her a medical school. Alkali believes the woman needs
family or husband. education to be accepted and respected.
Alkali’s work is symbolically set in Borno In Sacred Apples, Gimba adopts the use of
State, the northern part of Nigeria to first receive Quaranic illustrations to base his evidence on the
Islam. In The Descendants, we see Magira Milli make dictates of Islam regarding marriage and education
a case for education, that: when he argues for the primacy of education in Islam,
She realized belatedly that her late he quotes that
husband … and herself, had made a The first word revealed in our book
mistake ... He had not allowed his of guidance is ‘read’ and not ‘marry’.
sons to go to school and so, they had Marriage is therefore secondary to
perished in that land of ignorance education… the exaltation to ‘read’ is
and superstitions, a land of poverty for mankind to seek for knowledge.
and disease. Only Aji, who… pursue… Not just religious knowledge but all
education, had escaped. She was types of knowledge. Boundless
ready to make amends by seeing that knowledge… (55)
her grandchildren did not walk the Gimba is firmly against illiteracy and
same path of their fathers… They ignorance. It shows in the novel, he utilises events
unlike her sons, would have options, and characters to portray this. He depicts Zahrah, the

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 6
Mbutakto and Tikikus, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(3)
May-Jun 2023

protagonist as a knowledgeable, wise, caring wife and depict women’s emancipation through education,
mother. She is bold and steadfast, who adheres to her particularly western education.
principles and beliefs. She stands as Gimba’s modern The female characters are employed by the
Muslim woman. Zahrah is presented as the 21st two authors to bring about the emergence of the new
century northern Nigerian Muslim woman who faces northern Nigerian woman. She is portrayed as being
many challenges in order to be self-reliant and in control of her situation and destiny. They
actualise her dreams. After the divorce with Yazid, maximise opportunities previously denied for self-
she finds something to do, and fends for herself and fulfillment. Zaynab Alkali portrays women as vibrant
the children. She confides in Miriam, “I must find a crusaders, who re-jig social developments. Gimba
job… not another hubby” (Gimba 75). Zahrah pursues treaded the same preoccupation by contrasting his
her dreams and did something with her life. This is protagonist, Zahrah, and Mr. Midioka, her foil
Gimba’s portrayal of an educated woman. Another character, a symbolic persona representing being
female portrayal in Sacred Apples is Miriam Rashad, average. Seytu in The Descendants and Zahrah in
a successful modern woman, educated, a working Sacred Apples, as the main voice of the woman are
house wife. Gimba portrays her as the custodian of endowed with strength, they are hardworking and are
human values and the conscience of the society. conscious of their world through education. Through
If the woman is left ignorant and backward, them, one sees the woman assuming a new role and
the society will reflect this, but if she is educated and doing so effectively. They present female characters
advanced, so will her society become. Zahrah says that are self-aware, a consciousness that comes with a
“She would make sure that her daughter got a good search for true identity, an identity that is
education… she would want her to become a independent of that of the man, marriage or family.
professional woman, with a career (Gimba 271). Alkali’s Seytu and Gimba’s Zahrah share many
When the girl-child is empowered through education, similarities, both characters experience marriage
she will improve, supervise and correct societal twice; suffer miscarriages in their second marriage
foibles. The empowerment will help the woman to and in both cases the marriages do not end in the
participate in every aspect of state without prejudice. metaphorical “happily ever after: The defining
Through Zahrah, Gimba eruditely shows his belief in moments in their lives is when they stand on equal
what the society can achieve by allowing the girl-child footing with their male counterparts.
access education. This becomes her access to Education for the woman is presented as a
personal power and actualises personal dreams. He tool for liberation from “choicelessness” a tool for
goes further to elucidate through the characters of personal freedom from ignorance and superstitious
Zahrah and Miriam that a woman with education is a primitivism. The professional woman in the novels,
plus to her husband, the family, the society and like Alkali’s Seytu and Gimba’s Zahrah and Miriam
especially to herself. An educated woman will never used professional achievements to pursue feminist,
be stranded or be without options. community and nationalist goals. It depicts the
Zaynab Alkali and Abubakar Gimba’s texts versatility of the woman. Gimba and Alkali have
attempt to re-focus attention rather than continue to shown that marriage, children and self-development
mourn women’s subjection in society, to actually are not mutually exclusive. It is important to observe
depicting them as striving actively, to overcome such the emergence of a new generation of enlightened
subjection and oppression. It is evident that both women in both works.
writers utilise social realism in their works;
sociological reflections of the change in gender roles
4. Conclusion
in the society is echoed throughout the books. The
Descendants and Sacred Apples are directly Zaynab Alkali and Abubakar Gimba are
influenced and impacted by Islam, the dominant dominant literary voices from Northern Nigeria,
religion in the texts. The texts clarify thorny issues these writers reflect the challenges that women face.
affecting the woman; it would appear the region Alkali and Gimba present strong, assertive, and
suffers more feminist problems than other regions of educated female characters, who make choices that
Nigeria, these issues include the cultural and affect their lives. They show the woman overcoming
religious acceptance of polygamy, early marriage, religious, cultural and economic obstacles that
girl-child education and purdah. Alkali and Gimba militate against her and subsequently playing
significant role in the development of the society. The
two texts studied emphasise and highlight the ability

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 7
Mbutakto and Tikikus, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(3)
May-Jun 2023

women possess to face challenges thrown at them. women. These female characters show total disregard
The authors show how in overcoming such for the patriarchal and religious systems and attain
challenges, the woman makes the society a better positive achievements. The study also presented a
place. viable means to reverse the ugly trend of the North
These fictions chronicle the tremendous and perpetually being regarded as educationally
steady metamorphosis of the woman in the society, a “disadvantaged” region. It shows that educating the
corresponding reality of what she is in the woman is educating the nation, as women strive to
contemporary northern community. The contribution educate themselves, they thereafter ensure that those
of the woman in the society is identified and brought under their influence also acquire education and
to the fore. She brings change. Her natural capacities contribute to the society.
like: the maternal instincts, the nurturing traits that
make her selfless, her capacity for resilience in the References
face of opposition, her keen perception of needs,
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Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 8
Mbutakto and Tikikus, International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL), 2023, 2(3)
May-Jun 2023

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Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 9

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