CEP323 Midterm

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BIT International College

City of Tagbilaran


Midterm Examinations
CE Laws

Name: John Pol T. Omega BSCE 3

1. Discuss why there is a need to have a specification in every project?
Specifications are essential to the construction process because they provide clear instructions
on project intent, performance and construction. They can reference the quality and standards
which should be applied. Materials and manufacturers’ products can be clearly defined.
Classification within the specification can be used to support handover and asset management.
It eliminates the need for information overload on the drawing or model, making identifying
information easier. A specification can support project costing, not only the materials and
products but also the performance and workmanship. In summary, specifications are important
because they provide clear instructions on project intent, performance and construction. They
help stakeholders give more relevant advice, estimate budget and resources necessary for
successful completion of a project, define materials and manufacturers’ products clearly,
support handover and asset management, eliminate information overload on drawings or
models, make identifying information easier, and support project costing including performance
and workmanship.

2. Discuss each item in the Four Types of “Specifications”

a. Product Specification: This describes a manufacturer’s product and its performance without
consideration for a particular building.
b. Project Specification: This describes an architect’s design and performance requirements for a
particular building.
c. Master Specification: This is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of construction
work and includes all the requirements for materials, equipment, and workmanship.
d. Guide Specification: This is a document that provides guidance on how to write specifications.

3. Discuss how do you write engineering specs?

 Use an engineering requirements document template to save time and energy at the
beginning of a new project.
 Avoid writing operations and implementations. Your engineering requirements
should state a goal, not how the goal will be achieved.
 Evaluate your engineering requirements document (ERD) to ensure that it meets your
 Use the right language in your ERD.
 Don’t be overly specific.
Midterm Examinations
CE Laws

Name: John Pol T. Omega BSCE 3

4. Discuss the things included in the specification.

A specification often refers to a set of documented requirements to be satisfied by a material,
design, product, or service1. A specification might include1:
 Descriptive title, number, identifier, etc. of the specification
 Date of last effective revision and revision designation
 A logo or trademark to indicate the document copyright, ownership and origin
 Table of Contents (TOC), if the document is long
 Person, office, or agency responsible for questions on the specification, updates, and
In general, a good specification should carefully list everything that the client expects when
commissioning the project2. It should include a precise description of what you need, an
explanation of what it should do if needed, the amount you need, what quality it should be
when you need it3. You should think about what is essential, what would be nice to have and
what you will need in 1- or 2-years’ time

5. Discuss the few steps in making a specification.

 Define the problem or challenge that your product will help users solve.
 Understand customer input and what they want in a new product.
 Include technical details such as materials, dimensions, and tolerances.
 Define performance requirements such as speed, accuracy, and reliability.
 Include any regulatory requirements that must be met.
 Set your project budget.


1. Enumerate the elements included in the specification.

 Summary
 Technical requirements
 Engineering specifications
 Other details that are specific to the particular product

2. Enumerate the importance of specification especially in the engineering construction.

Specifications play an important role in construction projects as they provide clear
instructions on project intent, performance and construction. They can reference the quality
and standards which should be applied. Materials and manufacturers’ products can be
specified to ensure that they meet the required standards. Specifications also help ensure
that all parties involved in the project have a clear understanding of what is required. They
can also help avoid disputes between parties by providing a clear basis for decision-making.

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