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Course Code and Title:

Student Name: KRINAKSHI Student ID:

Unit Code &Title: SITXHRM010 Recruit, select and induct staff

Assessment Task Number: 2 Week Due:

Extension approved: Yes No Trainer’s Name:

• All assessments must be typewritten in Arial or Times Roman font as per

College guidelines.
• The completed assessments must reach to trainer on or before due date.
Extensions require prior approval from your trainer.
• It is student’s responsibility to retain a copy of any assignment submitted as
the College is not responsible for lost or misplaced assignments.
• It is student’s responsibility to check with relevant trainer/assessor about the
assessment feedback and concerns regarding the grading/assessment outcome before the
end of relevant teaching period.
• Please refer to the College website for further details on assessment,
marking and appeals processes.

I declare that the work submitted is my own and I have acknowledged any materials taken
from websites, textbooks and other sources using correct referencing style. Academic
misconduct e.g. plagiarism or collusion will be dealt with seriously as per Academic
Integrity policy and procedures.

Student Signature: Date:

Satisfactory Not satisfactory To be reassessed


Signature (Trainer/Assessor): Date:

Unit Code and Name: SITXHRM010 Recruit, select and induct staff
Assessment item: 2 True/False, Case-scenario questions
Due date: Week 4 (Extension requires prior approval
from your assessor)
Trainer/Assessor: TBC

Context and Purpose of the assessment:

This assessment will assess your skills and knowledge in the area of identifying strategic
change needs in relation to ‘SITXHRM010 Recruit, select and induct staff’ unit of
competence. The following table maps the assessment activity against elements and
performance criteria of the Unit:
Performance Criteria

3. Select staff.

3.1. Use selection criteria as the basis for selection, ensuring merit-based selection and adherence
to equal employment opportunity principles and law.
3.2. Participate in selection processes.
3.3. Evaluate applicants for customer service attitude and experience to ensure a fit to the position.
3.4. Select people according to their attitude, aptitude and fit to the existing organisational culture.
3.5. Communicate selection recommendations to appropriate colleagues.
3.6. Make employment offers according to organisational procedures.
3.7. Advise new employees about employment details according to organisational policies.
3.8. Create and maintain accurate, clear and complete records of the selection process.

4. Plan and organise induction programs.

4.1. Plan content and format of induction programs to reflect organisational objectives and policies.
4.2. Include all appropriate information in induction programs according to organisational policy.
4.3. Liaise with operational colleagues to ensure induction programs are implemented in a manner
that minimises operational disruption.

• The student must have access to a Computer, Printer and Microsoft

Office Suite Applications (2003 or 2007) for doing the assessment for this unit.

• If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask
for clarification from your assessor.

• If the assessment is not satisfactory, the trainer will allow one more
attempt to the assessment item.
• The responses to assessment questions should be in your own words
and examples from workplace should be used wherever possible.

This assignment has 2 parts. Part A is true false questions and part B is scenario-based
questions. You must complete both parts.

Part-A True/False questions: Highlight true of false

1. You must ensure that all logistical needs are pre-arranged.

A. True
B. False

2. You need to make the required arrangements only for some candidates participating in
the selection process.
A. True
B. False

3. You must make special arrangements if a candidate has disclosed a disability during the
pre-screening process.
A. True
B. False

4. On identifying an evident special need or disability of a candidate which is not disclosed

to you, do not ask the candidate if they require adjustments.
A. True
B. False

5. Making a reasonable adjustment can reduce the risk of indirect discrimination.

A. True
B. False

6. For learners with special needs, adjustments provide comfort and prevent lost
A. True
B. False

7. If it is impossible to make an adjustment at the time, do not reschedule the assessment.

A. True
B. False

8. The selection process normally involves a face to face interview supported by referee
reports, skills assessments, written tests and presentations.
A. True
B. False

9. Selection criteria refer to set of requirements for the job.

A. True
B. False
10. Part of HRM’s policy is to provide finance to all departments.
A. True
B. False

Part-B Case-scenario questions: Answer the following questions in each case

Scenario 1
At Dodgy Bros Real Estate Company there is a continual high turnover of staff. Most staff
leaves before their probationary period (12 weeks) ends. Dodgy Bros’ existing guidelines
for the recruitment, selection and induction processes were written in 2000. As one of the
line managers, the executive team has asked that you analyze and rewrite the guidelines
so that they comply with relevant federal and state legislation. You have been asked to
analyze the company, identify the problems then suggest a plan for managing more
effective recruitment, selection and induction processes.
• What processes do you need to implement?

Workplace training on the policy is provided, and it is a component of the

onboarding procedures for new employees. During training, employees
should learn about their rights and obligations as well as how to spot and
handle workplace discrimination. Additionally, managers and supervisors
need to be educated about workplace prejudice and how to prevent and
handle these problems.The company should also have a procedure in place
for handling complaints and grievances at work. You should take into account
the size, organisation, and resources available in your organisation while
creating a complaints system. You can think about establishing a procedure
for handling complaints that includes both formal and informal channels.
• How do you facilitate training in any of these procedures for staff?

1-Discrimination policies discourage offenders.

2-Proactive education helps prevent discrimination.
3-To investigate complaints as they happen.
• How do you monitor and evaluate the processes?

It's crucial to make sure that every employee is aware of potential workplace
discrimination issues, is familiar with your policies and processes, and knows how to
report an allegation. Supervisors and managers should receive specialised training
because they are your first line of defence against workplace discrimination.Any employee
who believes they have experienced discrimination or unfavourable treatment should bring
the matter up with Human Resources, their immediate manager, supervisor, or director,
and they should feel secure and safe doing so.

• How could you ensure that the recruitment process will be free from
any form of discrimination?

Obtain information regarding each applicant's ability to execute the job in light of
their education and experience, and review it. Make a short list of candidates based
on the position's needs. Do not let stereotypes, myths, or your own biases affect
your choice.

• Suppose, Dodgy Bros has already outsourced their HR services. List

the type of specialists they may need to take advice from and the type of services
they might provide.

1. Legal advisor – legal advice on discrimination

2. HR agencies – HR advice
3. Management consultants – Training and Coaching
4. Recruitment agency – Assistance with selection process

Scenario 2
• Blackburn Holdings is an IT organization of 50 workers. As manager
you are required to organize training and ongoing support for all employees about
current privacy legislation related to the IT industry.

• United Healthcare is a health care provider with over 1,500 workers on

four different sites. It has introduced a new detailed email policy for all workers. As
manager, it is your responsibility to introduce and implement this policy.
Read the two scenarios above, answer the following -
• What are the training objectives?

To guarantee that the company's policies are upheld both internally and externally,
privacy awareness training aims to educate the broad staff on the laws governing
data privacy. For privacy awareness training to be effective, staff members must be
informed about the differences between data security and privacy.
• What training methods would you suggest?

1-Case studies

• What methods/tools would you use to monitor and evaluate the


Post-training quizzes, one-to-one discussions, employee surveys, participant case

studies, and official certification exams are some ways to measure training

• Why do you need to introduce induction program to new employees?

New hires receive crucial information during induction about their new jobs. The
induction process enables new hires to feel supported while adjusting by welcoming
them to the company and assisting them in settling into their new role.

**************End of the Assessment 2 **************

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