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1294 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No.

How is the Effect of Health Services on Toddler Diarrhea?:

Ecological Analysis in Indonesia

Yuli Puspita Devi1, Milla Herdayati2, Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah3, Mahdiyyah Husna Nihar4,
Imas Elva Khoiriyah4, Az-Zahra Helmi Putri Rahayu4
Master Student, 2Researcher, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia, 3Doctoral
Student, 4Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

Background: About 4 billion cases of toddler diarrhea occur worldwide each year. As many as 70% of
toddler deaths in the world were caused by diarrheal infections. This study was intended to analyze the
relationship of health services factors on the prevalence of diarrhea of infants in Indonesia.

Methods: Ecological analysis was conducted using secondary data from the Ministry of Health of
the Republic of Indonesia report in 2018. All provinces were taken as samples. Apart from prevalence
of children under five with diarrhea, 4 other variables analyzed as independent variables were, the
availability of health workers, the coverage of diarrhea services and the coverage of oralit services to
the patients, the coverage of zinc services to the patients, and the poverty factors in each provinces.
Data were analyzed using cross-tabulation and spearman test.

Results: The results show from 34 provinces, the highest prevalence of toddlers is in the Papua
Province. The results showed that the higher the percentage of poor people in the province, the
higher the prevalence of diarrhea in toddlers (r=0.363). While the low availability of health resources,
coverage of oralit use, and coverage of zinc use in patients were mostly occurring in provinces that had
a high prevalence of toddler diarrhea. This means that there was an inverse relationship between the
availability of health resources (r=-0.430), the coverage of oralit use (r=-0.149) and the coverage of
zinc use in patients (r=-0.013) with the prevalence of diarrhea in toddlers.

Conclusion: It was concluded that according to bivariate analysis on the prevalence of diarrhea of
toddlers showed that increasing availability of health resources in the provinces can help to reduce the
prevalence of toddlers by assuming other variables remain.

Keywords: ecological analysis, secondary data, diarrhea, toddlers, good health, well-being

Background developing countries such as Indonesia. This is due to

its high morbidity and mortality. Diarrhea in children
Diarrheal disease is one of the most common
can cause fatal things if not balanced with good fluid
diseases affecting children around the world including
and nutritional inputs or sudden diarrhea occurs and
does not get proper treatment by caregivers, otherwise
Corresponding Author: diarrhea actually also includes mild illnesses if the
Yuli Puspita Devi sufferer gets adequate care. Diarrhea is defecation
Email: [email protected] with a more fluid feces consistency with a frequency
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1 1295

of >3 times a day, except in neonates (infants< 1 diarrhea in health facilities5.

month) who get breast milk usually defecate with a
Control of diarrhea disease itself has long been
frequency more often (5-6 times a day) with good
attempted by the Indonesian government to suppress
consistency is considered normal1.
the incidence of diarrhea. Efforts made by the
An estimated 4 billion cases diarrhea occur each government such as the provision of clean water and
year in toddlers worldwide. Every year 1.5 million total community-based sanitation programs with the
toddlers die from diarrhea. Diarrhea leads to faster aim of improving the quality of life of the community
deaths in children than adults due to dehydration and and lowering deaths caused by diarrheal disease.
malnutrition. Based on data released by WHO almost However diarrheal disease is still the highest cause
1 trillion and 2.5 billion deaths from diarrhea in the of death in toddlers after Acute Respiratory Tract
first 2 years of life. Diarrhea also causes 70% of the Infection6.
deaths of the toddlers in the world. A record proved,
Five Steps To Resolve Diarrhea Program
1.8 billion die each year from diarrhea, many of which
recommends that all diarrhea sufferers should get
have complications such as malnutrition, growth
oralit then the target of using oralit is 100% of all cases
retardation and immune abnormalities2. Although
of diarrhea that get services in puskesmas and cadres.
mortality from diarrhea can be lowered by rehydration/
In 2018 nationally the use of oralit of all ages is still
fluid therapy programs, the pain rate remains high.
below the target 0f 90.48%. The achievement is still
The death rate due to diarrhea was 3.8 per 1000 per
lacking because the service providers in puskesmas
year, the overall incidence median in children under
and cadres have not provided oralit in accordance
5 years of age was 3.2 episodes of children per year3.
with the standard of governance that is as much as 6
The prevalence rate of diarrhea in Indonesia is packs/ diarrhea sufferers.
still fluctuating. The period of diarrhea prevalence
Zinc is a micronutrient that serves to reduce the
in Indonesia is currently 6.8% higher than in 2013
length and severity of diarrhea, reduce the frequency
(3.5%) but smaller than the Basic Health Research
of defecation, reduce the volume of stool and decrease
(Riskesdas) 2007 which is 9.0%. This high decrease in
the recurrence of diarrhea incidence in the next three
prevalence period is possible due to unequal sampling
months. The use of zinc for 10 days in a row when
times between 2018, 2013, and 20071. On the other
the toddler diarrhea is diarrhea therapy toddlers. In
hand, through the SGDs program the government
2018, the coverage of zinc administration in diarrhea
can improve and improve the quality of the health
toddlers was 93.23%5.
in toddlers, as contained in the target SDGs program
until 2030, in the third goal is to target the reduction Indonesia is a country of low health. This is
of deaths in the number of newborns to 12 per 1000 due to health care factors, one of which is the lack
live baby births and the death of toddlers 25 per 1000 pf availability of health worker7. The placement of
live toddler births4. health workers in the village is expected to increase the
coverage of health services and reduce the incidence
The target coverage of services for toddlers who
of diarrhea8. The previous study have shown that
come to health facilities of 20% of the estimated
families with high poverty rates are more at risk of
number of diarrhea sufferers (Incidence of Diarrhea
having children with diarrhea than families with
toddlers multiplied by the number of toddlers in one
low poverty rates9. Therefore, this study is intended
work area within one year). In 2018 the number of
to identify the association of diarrhea prevalence in
diarrhea sufferers of toddlers served in health facilities
infants in Indonesia with poverty factors, availability
as much as 1,637,708 or 40.90% of the estimated
of health workers, and the use of zinc and oralit.
1296 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1

Materials and Methods Indonesia were analyzed, as many as 34 provinces.

Study Design Data Analysis

This study used an ecological analysis approach. Data were analyzed to be univariate and bivariate.
Ecological studies focus on comparisons between Univariate analysis were obtained to identify variable
groups, not individuals. The data analyzed is statistical description. While other variables will be
aggregated data in certain groups or levels, which categorized into 2 strata with statistically the same
in this study is the provincial level. Variables in cut of points (by the mean of each variable). Bivariate
ecological analysis can be aggregate measures, analysis were obtained by using cross-tabulation
environmental measures, or global measures10,11. to identify the number of distributions between two
variables dan spearman test to identify the value of
Data Source
the relationship and the direction of the relationship
This study was carried out by utilizing secondary between the two variables. Because the data processed
data from reports of the 2018 Indonesia Basic was a total sample of the entire province, it was not
Health Survey and the 2018 Data and Information necessary to see the level of significance. All analysis
of Indonesia Health Profile. The two reports were processes utilized software SPSS 21.
officially issued by the Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia. The variable prevalence of
diarrhea in children under five were obtained from the Table 1 shows a fairly wide disparity in the
2018 Indonesia Basic Health Survey5. Whereas, the prevalence of toddlers diarrhea in Indonesia 2018.
other variables were obtained from the 2018 Data and It was recorded that Papua Province had the highest
Information of Indonesia Health Profile1. The unit of prevalence of toddlers diarrhea at 15.80%. While the
analysis in this study is the province. All provinces in lowest prevalence of toddlers diarrhea was in Riau
Islands Province at 6.00%.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics variables of prevalence of toddler diarrhea and other related variables in
Prevalence Coverage of Coverage of
of Toddler Poor Availability of
of Toddler Patients Receiving Patients Receiving
Diarrhea Population Health Workers
Diarrhea Zinc ORS
N 34 34 34 34 34 34

Mean 11.37 37.93 89.78 88.89 10.61 72.25

Median 10.85 37.37 95.53 93.48 8.90 51.70

Mode 9.70 9.77 100.00 100.00 3.55 16.30

2.57 14.01 18.45 18.33 5.70 61.06
Variance 6.59 196.26 340.49 336.03 32.523 3728.49

Range 9.80 66.11 100.00 100.00 23.88 321.34

Minimum 6.00 9.77 .00 .00 3.55 16.30

Maximum 15.80 75.88 100.00 100.00 27.43 337.64

Source: The 2018 Indonesia Basic Health Survey and The 2018 Indonesia Health Profile
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1 1297

Table 2. Prevalence of toddler diarrhea according to the coverage of toddler diarrhea services

Prevalence of toddler diarrhea Total

Coverage of Toddler
Low High
Diarrhea Services

n % n % n %

Low 12 66.7 6 33.3 18 100.0

High 7 43.8 9 56.3 16 100.0

Source: The 2018 Indonesia Basic Health Survey and The 2018 Indonesia Health Profile

Figure 1. Scatter Plot of Coverage of Toddler Diarrhea Services and Prevalence of Toddler Diarrhea in
Province of Indonesia 2018.

Based on Table 2, it can be seen that the prevalence results show that the higher the health care coverage
of diarrhea is high, many occur in provinces with high and prevalence, the higher the prevalence of diarrhea
diarrhea service coverage, which is 56.3% compared of toddlers with r = 0.208 (Figure 1).
to provinces with low service coverage. Scatter plot
1298 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1

Table 3. Prevalence of toddler diarrhea according to the coverage of patients receiving zinc

Prevalence of toddler diarrhea Total

Coverage of Patients
Low High
Receiving Zinc

n % n % n %

Low 7 58 5 42 12 100

High 12 55 10 46 22 100

Source: The 2018 Indonesia Basic Health Survey and The 2018 Indonesia Health Profile

Figure 2. Scatter Plot of Coverage of patients receiving zinc and Prevalence of Toddler Diarrhea in Province
of Indonesia 2018.

Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the prevalence with low zinc coverage. Figure 2 also shows that the
of diarrhea is high, many occur in provinces with high lower the coverage of sufferers getting zinc the higher
zinc coverage, which is 46% compared to provinces the prevalence of diarrhea in toddlers (r = -0.013).
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1 1299

Table 4. Prevalence of toddler diarrhea according to the coverage of patients receiving ORS

Prevalence of toddler diarrhea

Coverage of Patients
Low High
Receiving ORS

n % n % n %

Low 5 41.7 7 58.3 12 100.0

High 14 63.6 8 36.4 22 100.0

Source: The 2018 Indonesia Basic Health Survey and The 2018 Indonesia Health Profile
Figure 3. Scatter Plot Coverage of Patients Receiving ORS and Prevalence of Toddler Diarrhea in Province
of Indonesia 2018.

Based on Table 4, it can be seen that the prevalence higher the prevalence of diarrhea of toddlers (r =
of diarrhea is high, many occur in provinces with -0.149) (Figure 3).
low coverage of oralit, which is 58.3% compared to
Based on Table 5, it can be seen that the prevalence
provinces with low coverage of oralit (36.4%). Based
of diarrhea is high, many occur in provinces with a high
on the results of the scatter plot it can be known that
percentage of poor people, which is 50% compared
the lower the coverage of patients getting oralit the
to provinces with low service coverage. Based on the
1300 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1

results of the scatter plot it can be known that the higher the percentage of poor people in the province the higher
the prevalence of diarrhea of toddlers with r = 0.363 (Figure 4).

Table 5. Prevalence of toddler diarrhea according to the poor population

Prevalence of toddler diarrhea Total

Poor Population Low High

n % n % n %

Low 11 61.1 7 38.9 18 100

High 8 50.0 8 50.0 16 100

Source: The 2018 Indonesia Basic Health Survey and The 2018 Indonesia Health Profile

Figure 4. Scatter Plot Poor population and Prevalence of Toddler Diarrhea in Province of Indonesia 2018.
Table 6. Prevalence of toddler diarrhea according to the availability of health workers

Prevalence of toddler diarrhea Total

Availability of Health Workers Low High

n % n % n %

Low 9 43 12 57.1 21 100

High 10 77 3 23.1 13 100

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1 1301

Source: The 2018 Indonesia Basic Health Survey and The 2018 Indonesia Health Profile

Based on Table 6, it can be seen that the prevalence of diarrhea is high, many occur in provinces with a low
number of workers per 100,000 inhabitants, which is 57.1%. Based on the results of the scatter plot it can be
known that the lower the availability of health workers in the province the higher the prevalence of diarrhea of
toddlers with r = -0.430 (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Scatter Plot Availability of Health Workers and Prevalence of Toddler Diarrhea in Province of
Indonesia 2018.

Discussion prevalence of diarrhea gradually decreases13. Based

on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHSs) at 2001-
The prevalence of diarrhea in toddlers in Indonesia
2011 in 51 low- and middle-income countries, it is
increased from 2013 to 2018 by 6.7% to around 11%.
known that the overall prevalence of diarrhea reaches
This figure increases compared to the prevalence in
14.3%. The prevalence of diarrhea varies widely
2013 which is around 6.7%. However, the prevalence
between countries ranging from 4.5% in the Maldives
rate of diarrhea in Indonesia is still relatively low
to 26.2% in Bolivia14.
when compared to Ethiopia which reached 21.5%12.
In addition, research conducted by Gupta (2015) The average coverage of toddler diarrhea services
showed that the prevalence of diarrhea in India in Indonesia in 2018 is 38%. This figure is very low
reached 22.36%. There were 57.69% cases of diarrhea compared to the coverage of toddler diarrhea services
in children in the 7-12 month age group, followed by in Wolaitta and Soddo (Ethiopia) which is 95% and
25.71% in the 13-24 months age group. With age, the 86%15. However, the coverage of diarrhea health
1302 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1

services in Indonesia still meets the target of coverage compared to provinces that have coverage of patients
of diarrhea services in Indonesia, which is more than getting high oralit. Prawati research, et al (2019)
20%. Results showed the higher the coverage of also showed that there is a link between taking oralit
diarrhea services of toddlers the higher the prevalence respondents and the incidence of diarrhea in the last
of diarrhea of toddlers. This happens because the 3 months20. In addition, research by Puji and Yuniar
more coverage of diarrhea services toddlers can detect (2017) showed that there is an effect of oralit 200
the more diarrhea that toddlers experience. Not that on the consistency of feces and decreased frequency
the province needs to lower coverage to lower the of defecation in infants with acute diarrhea of mild-
prevalence of diarrhea in toddlers. moderate dehydration21.

Receiving zinc during diarrhea is proven to The results of the analysis showed that the higher
reduce the length and severity of diarrhea, reduce the the percentage of poor people, the higher the prevalence
frequency of defecation, reduce the volume of stool, of diarrhea in the province. Previous research at
and decrease the recurrence of diarrhea incidence in the Puskesmas Babakansari Bandung mentioned that
next 3 months16. Similarly, research by Restuti (2019) there is a significant relationship between parental
which showed a significant relationship between zinc income and the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers22.
intake level and the incidence of diarrhea, namely zinc The low family income makes individuals choose to
intake level with less category can be at risk of 3,095 use public latrines because of the lack of land to make
times diarrhea compared to subjects with sufficient latrines and the lack of funds to build family latrines
zinc intake level17. that can affect individuals and family members23.
Poverty is a factor in parents reducing capacity to
The results of frequency distribution showed a
support good health care for children, less likely to
high prevalence of diarrhea in infants in provinces with
have good hygiene and poor education24.
high zinc coverage. But the correlation value showed
an inverse relationship between zinc administration This study shows that the lower the availability
coverage and the prevalence of infant diarrhea. This of health workers, the higher the prevalence of
contradiction means that there was no meaningful diarrhea in a province. Previous studies have also
relationship between zinc administration in toddlers stated that the more the number of medical personnel
suffering from diarrhea and the prevalence of diarrhea and paramedics, the more qualified the available
of toddlers, the correlation value also shows a very personnel25. In line with research in West Sumatra,
small number (r = -0.013). Another study conducted Indonesia shows where the better the support provided
by Arnisam, et al (2013) showed similar results by posyandu will be lower morbidity of children to
that there was no link between Zinc intake and the diarrheal infections26. However, in contrast to the
incidence of diarrhea in toddlers18. research conducted in the West Alas Subdistrict,
Indonesia which stated that there was no meaningful
Oralit is a drug in the form of salt powder to
relationship between the role of health workers and
be liquefied as a substitute for minerals and fluids
the incidence of diarrhea of toddlers27. Health workers
that come out due to vomiting or crackling. Oralit
have an important role in the health service to improve
is administered as an intervention against impaired
the level of public health.
balance of sodium and potassium concentrations due
to dehydration19. Based on the results of the analysis, The study has limited recommendations for macro
showed that in the prevalence of diarrhea of toddlers policy because the analysis used aggregate data at the
are high, many occur in provinces that have coverage provincial level. Therefore, further research is still
of sufferers get low oralit but not much different needed to find out the factors that affect the incidence
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2022, Vol. 16, No. 1 1303

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