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Termination of Power of Attorney


Number : [*]

-On this day, [*], dated [*]

-At [*]
-Appear before me, [*] Sarjana Hukum, Notary domiciled in [*], in the
presence of witnesses known to me, Notary, and whose names will be
mentioned at the end of this deed : -----------------------------------------------
1. -Mister [*], born in [*], on [*], private person, Indonesian Citizen,
residing in [*], at [*], holder of Identity Card (Kartu Tanda
Penduduk) of Jakarta Province Number [*]; -----------------------------
-(hereinafter referred to as the “Authorizer”). -------------------------
2. -Mister [*], born in [*], holder of Passport of [*] Number [*]----------
-temporarily being in Jakarta; -----------------------------------------------
-according to his statement in this matter acting as President
Director of limited liability company PT [*] , a company duly
established and existing under the laws of the Republic of
Indonesia and having its legal domicile in [*]----------------------------
-(hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney-in Fact”). -------------------------
-(the Authorizer and the Attorney-in Fact hereinafter referred to as the
“Parties”). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-The appearers are known to me, Notary, based on their identity cards
-The appearers each acting in their above mentioned capacities hereby
firstly declare as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------
-that the Authorizer, mister [*], is the shareholder of [*] shares
(hereinafter referred to as the “Shares”) in a limited liability company
PT [*], a company duly established and existing under the laws of the
Republic of Indonesia and having its legal domicile in [*], which Articles
of Association already amended many times, and the latest amendment
contained in Deed Number [*], dated [*], executed before [*] Sarjana
Hukum, Notary in [*], and approved by Minister of Laws and Human
Rights by virtue of his Decision Letter Number [*] , dated [*]
(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”); -----------------------------------
-that with regard to the Shares, the Authorizer grants a power of
attorney to the Attorney-in Fact to act as his true and lawful attorney-in-
fact with full power and authority for him and in his name and for his
account and benefit, in relation to the Shares pursuant to a Power of
Attorney dated [*], duly stamped, the original of said Power of Attorney
is shown to me, Notary, whereas a photo copy of it is attached to this
minutes of my notarial deed (hereinafter referred to as the “Power of
Attorney”); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-that there are terms and conditions stipulated in the Power of Attorney,
among other things that the Power of Attorney shall lapse and shall no
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longer be of any force and effect upon the Attorney-in Fact as his
attorney advising the Authorizer in writing that the Attorney-in Fact no
longer wishes to act as attorney for the Authorizer and thereby
disclaiming the authority contained therein.--- --------------------------------
-Based on the above mentioned explanation, the Parties agree to
terminate the Power of Attorney based on the following terms and
conditions : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- Article 1 ---------------------------------------------
The Parties agree that as of the signing of this Termination of Power of
Attorney, the Attorney-in Fact no longer becomes the attorney of the
Authorizer and therefore the Parties agree to terminate the Power of
Attorney with immediate effect on the signing of this Termination of
Power of Attorney.
---------------------------------- Article 2 ---------------------------------------------
The Parties agree that the Authorizer has right and is authorized to
grant a new power of attorney regarding the Shares to the incumbent
President Director and Director(s) of PT [*], either jointly or severally
as his attorney-in-fact. ---------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- Article 3 ---------------------------------------------
The Attorney-in Fact agrees that the Authorizer has right to sign and
submit all applications, reports, requests for approval or regulatory
consent that may be required by any governmental authority or
regulatory agency in the Republic of Indonesia, with regard to any
actions required in relation to the termination of Power of Attorney. ----
---------------------------------- Article 4 ---------------------------------------------
The Parties agree that this Termination of Power of Attorney is
executed on the understanding that the Authorizer has to grant a new
power attorney regarding the Shares to the incumbent President
Director and Director(s) of PT [*], either jointly or severally as
stipulated in Article 2 above within [*]. ------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- Ariticle 5 --------------------------------------------
The Attorney-in Fact agrees that the Authorizer is authorized to appear
before a notary, a governmental or any other competent authority to
execute all such documents and consents as are necessary for carrying
out the provisions of this Termination Power of Attorney. ------------------
------------------------- IN WITNESS WHEREOF -----------------------------------
-This Deed has been drawn up and executed in Jakarta as minutes, on
the day, date and time mentioned in the preamble of this Deed, in the
presence of :
1. -Mrs.
2. -Mr.
-both being employees of the Notary office, as witnesses. -------------------
-After this Deed having been duly read out by me, Notary, to the
appearers and the witnesses, it was signed immediately by the
appearers, the witnesses and me, Notary. ---------------------------------------
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