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Cutting clearance calculation

 Er. KD Singh  June 08, 2020  1

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The intentional gap provided between punch and die for proper shearing of
material is known as clearance. It is always expressed in amount of clearance per
side between the cutting edges of punch and die. The amount of cutting clearance
is depends upon the sheet thickness and type of material. Soft or ductile material
should have lesser die clearance because it may flow into the gap and the hard or
thick material required more die clearance for proper shearing process.
The quality of piece part and tool life both depends upon the amount of
clearance. The clearance provided between punch and die may be optimum,
insufficient and excessive which seriously effect the tool life and part quality.

Optimum cutting clearance :- 

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In optimum cutting clearance, shearing of material is done properly without

sacrifice the tool life and part quality.  When die clearance is optimum the cut
bend or shining portion is 1/3rd of the sheet thickness is achieved which is
necessary for proper cutting of material.

Insufficient clearance:-

Insufficient die clearance reduces the burr on the component but seriously effect
the tool life. It blunts or wear/tear the cutting edges of punch and die which
increases the resharpening frequency of blunt punches and die. Thus the
maintenance cost of tool is increased. Insufficient die clearance produces very
small roll over radius and more than one cut bends during the metal shearing
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Excessive cutting clearance :
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In excessive cutting clearance, a large rollover radius & heavy burr is produced
and the length of cut bend is negligible. Here tool life is increased but product
quality is very poor. To remove this excess burr, shaving operation is necessary. 

The reasonable cutting clearance is selected on the basis of quality, dimensional

accuracy of component in order to meet the functional requirement of final
product, Punching force, tool life etc.

Cutting clearance calculation:-

Cutting clearance is calculated either by using the formula or in percentage of

sheet thickness which are based on experimental results.

Cutting clearance calculate by using a formula :-

Cutting clearance  C :-
 C = c x t x √ T max/10      mm /side
    c = constant
    c = 0.01     (for normal work)
    c = 0.005    (for very accurate work)
    t = sheet thickness in mm
    T max = ultimate shear strength in  N/mm^2
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Cutting clearance in percentage of sheet thickness:-

    Cutting clearance in %
 Material                  of sheet thickness               

 M.S                                 2.5 - 5 %

 ALUMINIUM                  1 - 1.5 %
 BRASS                 1.5 - 3 %

Cutting clearance for blanking is also calculated as:

For soft materials:

 Sheet thickness 
     Cutting clearance in %

 ' t '  in mm
        of sheet thickness      

 <1                      2.5 - 4 %
 1 - 3                      5 - 8 %
 3 - 5                       8 - 10 %

For hard materials:

 sheet thickness 
    Cutting clearance in % 

 ' t '  in mm
       of sheet thickness       

 <1                    4 - 5 %
 1 - 3                    6 - 8 %
 3 - 6                    8 - 15 %

Sizes of die and punch in blanking and piercing operation:

In blanking operation the die is a responsible member, so the size of die is equal
to the size of given blank / component and the size of punch is calculated by
subtracting the clearance all around from the size of die.

Size of die = Size of blank

Size of punch = Size of die - cutting clearance all around

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In piercing operation the punch is a responsible member, so the size of punch is

equal to the size of hole and the size of die is calculated by adding the clearance
all around in the size of punch.

Size of punch = Size of hole

Size of die = Size of punch + clearance all around.

Determine the sizes of punch and die for given washer.

Firstly calculate the die clearance:-

 C = c x t x √ T max/10      mm /side
C = 0.01 x 2 x  √ 400/10
C = 0.13  mm/side

Identify the operations:

Piercing operation
blanking operation.
Piercing operation : -
In piercing operation punch is a responsible member.
size of punch = Size of hole
Size of punch = dia. 20 mm 

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Size of die = Size of punch + clearance all around.
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Size of die = 20 + 2 C  = 20 + (2 x 0.13)

                  = dia. 20.26 mm

Blanking operation:
In blanking operation die is a responsible member.
Size of die = Size of blank.
Size of die = dia. 100 mm

Size of punch = Size of die - cutting clearance all around.

Size of punch = 100 - 2 x C
                       = 100 - (2 x 0.13)
                      =  dia. 99.74 mm

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Er. KD Singh
I am a tool designer. I share my knowledge and experience on this platform.


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Unknown November 25, 2021 at 5:38 PM

expiation is very good and its very use full learners thanks

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