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armchair- This armchair is comfortable to sit in.
aunt- My aunt Ann, is my mother's sister.
badminton- Tom and Mary like to play badminton.
bank- There is a bank in front of the station.
baseball- The people are playing baseball.
be a lot of fun- Basketball is a lot of fun.
bear- I can't bear the pain.
between- There is a window between the wardrobe and the bed.
billion- One billion people speak English.
book- She is reading a book.
bottle- The bottle is filled with water.
box- Tom gave Mary a box of chocolates.
bridge- This bridge is three times longer than that bridge
brother- My older brother knows how to drive.
butter- Pass me the butter please.
carpet- I have to buy a new carpet for this room.
carton- There are eggs in the carton.
cereal- I'll have some cereal and orange juice.
clock- I cannot start till six o'clock.
wife- John comes from Florida and his wife from California

content- I am content with my job.

cousin- I have a cousin who is a lawyer.
cupboard- I looked in the cupboard.
Don't mention it- It's a pleasure. Don't mention it.
favourite: My favourite fruit is strawberry.
give sb a ring- I'll give you a ring tomorrow.
Glass- Go get her medicine and a glass of water.
goat- I love goat cheese
grandma- "Where is Grandma?" "She's sleeping on the couch."
grandpa- Let's visit my grandpa this weekend.
grape- I asked for grape juice.
hockey- I'm in a hockey team.
honey- Bees make honey.
How do you do?- I'm Elsa Tobin . How do you do?
husband- She has a husband and two daughters.
in front of- There is a post office in front of my house.
jar- The jar is empty.
kilo- Can I get a kilo of beef steaks please?
liberty- I'd like to see the Statue of Liberty.
map- Here's a big map of Germany.

meat- Americans eat a lot of meat.

million- Tokyo has a population of over ten million
mirror- We cannot see our own faces without a mirror.
monkey- It is easy for a monkey to climb a tree.
mum-My mum gives me £5 a week pocket money.
museum- He asked me the way to the museum
nephew- Tom is Mary's nephew.
next to- Tom sits next to Mary in class.
nice to meet you- it's nice to meet you
niece- To tell the truth, she is my niece.
opposite- My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours.
packet- Emily bought a packet of crisps.
police station- Where is the nearest police station?
post office- There is a post office in front of my house.
poster- I have to design a new poster for the film.
radio- Please turn on the radio.
restaurant- Here's a restaurant I often eat at.
rhino- Rhinos are large animals.
schoolbag- Today I bought a new schoolbag.
seal- Let's go to the zoo to watch them feed the seals.
slice- Would you like a slice of bread?
sofa- Three children sat on the sofa.
stairs- She went down the stairs in a hurry.
statue- We must move this statue very carefully.
strawberry- I like strawberry.
subject- My favourite subject is English.
supermarket- I usually do my shopping at this supermarket.
table tennis- Tom and Mary played table tennis together.
teddy bear- The little girl hugged her teddy bear.
theatre- Where shall we go now? To the theatre or cinema?
thousand- Each person paid one thousand dollars.
tower- The Eiffel Tower is in the same city as the Louvre Museum.
toy shop- I live next door to the toy shop
tunnel- This tunnel is twice as long as that one.
turtle- This is Tom's pet turtle. She's called Mary.
uncle- She is now staying at her uncle's house.
unscramble- Unscramble the words.
volleyball- I am playing volleyball now
wardrobe- She selected a blue dress from the wardrobe.
water-skiing- She likes water-skiing.
Unit 1
(the) bottom bed- I prefer the bottom bed.
(the) top bed- I prefer the top bed.
Air conditioner- It's very hot. Can you open the air conditioner?
bed side table- Can you put it on the bed side table?
bunk beds- Bunk beds are very comfortable.
carry- Don't carry more money than you need.
change- I have to change my cell phone.
chest of drawers- He bought me a big chest of drawers for my clothes.
curtain- Can you open the curtains?
decorate- I decorated my room.
greetings- After greeting the group i sat on my chair.
It looks fantastic!- Great job! It looks fantastic!
mat- I will buy a mat tomorrow
press- Never press this button.
put up- I need some help to put up the curtains.
quite ready- The meal is quite ready.
shelves- He measured all his shelves.
take a break- I'm tired, let's take a break.
through: He has made a fortune through hard work.
turn on- Please turn on the lights.

Repairman- I need a repairman to repair my bike.
cook- My mother is busy cooking dinner.
do the ironing- My mother is doing the ironing.
do the vacuuming- Can you please do the vacuuming?
do the washing up- It's your turn to do the washing up.
dress up- You have to dress up now. You are late.
dust the furniture- Dust the furniture is my sister's responsibility.
Sporty- Someone who is sporty likes playing sports.
get some exercise- Let's get some exercise.
Glamorous- She looked glamorous.
go shopping- I like going shopping.
have a meeting- We are having a meeting now.
I bet- I bet you win.
I’m on a diet- I'm on a diet, I don't eat bread.
make the beds- Make the beds, we have some guests today.
mop the floor- Can you mop the floor, It's very dirty
soft drinks: I prefer soft drinks.
theme party: I will organise a theme party tomorrow.
What about me?: What about me?.
work late: I have to work late today.

prefer- May I ask which you prefer?
get information- Can I get some information about the course?
don’t mind- If you don't mind, I have to go now.
Honest- Bill is honest all the time.
outgoing- Tom is extremely outgoing. Isn't he?
as long as- As long as you are with him, you can't be happy.
popular- Madonna is a very popular singer.
sociable: Tom is quite sociable. Isn't he?
reliable: Tom is a very reliable person.
be fun to be with: It's very fun to be with you.
play sports- Let's play sports.
collect comics- I have a different hobby, I am collecting comics.
surf the Net: Some parents believe that children must learn how to safely surf the internet.
hang out with friends- I will hang out with my friends today.
go to a sleepover- I will to my friend's house.
download music- Let's download some music.
read magazines: Let's read some magazines.
send text messages: I will send a text message to inform you .

a must: This book is a must for students.
adventure: I read a book of adventure stories.
chase: Don't chase after fame.
compete: I never wanted to compete with you.
corridor: You can use the corridor to pass.
create: They voted to create a committee.
enemy: I will beat my enemies.
explore: She explored new things.
float: An astronaut can float in space.
get you going: Get going or you'll be late.
jump off: The parachuter jumped off the cliff.
kidnap: The king's son was kidnapped.
neighbourhood: Our school is in a good neighbourhood.
personality: I like your personality.
save: I saved the stray cat.
spell-making: Spell making is dangerous.
storyline: It was a dramatic storyline for the programme.
take up: If you take up a job offer, you should accept it.
travel across: I will travel across the Europe.
wand: There is no magic wand to make this happen.

Ladder: He used ladder to climb.
maze: Yesterday we went into a huge maze.
door chain: Use the door chain when opening the door.
ceiling: It wasn't necessart to paint the ceiling.
do housework: Do the housework, you have free time.
hobby: I have some different hobbies.
look for: I have to look for my pen.
maestro: This music band has an old maestro.
move: A police asked him to move his car.
watch out: Watch out, it can be dangerous
by my side: I can't live without you by my side. No one can ever take your place.
daily life: Is she happy with her daily life?
hero: My father is my hero.
invention: The washing machine is a wonderful invention.
safely: Drive safely.
smelly: The basement is smelly.
space :In space, no one can hear you scream.
touch: Don't touch my phone.

Unit 2
Bored- I’m so bored! There’s nothing to see or do in this town.
virtual reality- In my new virtual reality game I’m the pilot and I fly planes.
wildlife- Africa has got a lot of wildlife.
silently- These pupils are reading silently because they’re in a library.
patiently- They are waiting patiently to make a phone call.
come close- The giraffe came close to her to take food from her hand.
Carefully- Drive carefullywhenit’ssnowing.
come up to- She came up to me and gave me a present.
fetch- The dog ran to fetch the Frisbee.
lion tamer- James works in a circus as a lion tamer and trains lions.
design- This is the architect who designed our new house.
fashionable- She always dresses nicely and wears fashionable clothes.
computer programmer- A computer programmer designs computer programmes
dog walker- A dog walker takes dogs for a walk.
fashion designer- A fashion designer makes fashionable clothes.
vet- A vet helps sick animals.
photographer- A photographer takes photos.
shop assistant- A shop assistant works in a shop to help the customers.
career- Mr. Simons chose a career in teaching because he loves children.
brave- I want to be a firefighter because I’m brave and I’m not afraid of anything.

zone- Our house is in a zone where cars have to drive slowly.
later on- Susan likes cooking. She wants to be a chef later on in life.
good at- They are very good at tennis and won the match.
make things- They like making things like posters.
interested in- This family is very interested in astronomy. They like discovering new planets and stars.
fond of- My young sister is very fond of her kitten. She loves it very much.
robbery- There was a robbery at the museum and a thief stole some antiques.
inspector- Sherlock Holmes was a famous inspector.
interview- A television reporter interviewed him about the accident.
plant flowers- She likes planting flowers in her garden.
fix- They are trying to fix the bicycle because it is broken.
report- The policeman is writing a report about a car accident.
burglary- We called the police because there was a burglary at our house last night.
creative- I want to be a fashion designer because I’m creative and I like drawing and painting.
friendly- I want to be a shop assistant because I’m friendly and I like serving people.
kind- I want to be a vet because I’m kind and I like taking care of animals.
sociable- I’m sociable and I like meeting new people and making new friends.
reliable- Everyone trusts me, because I’m reliable.
hard-working- I like studying very much, I’m very hard-working.
bored with- I’m bored with watching football matches on TV, because I don’t like it.

means of transport- I think the underground is the best means of transport because it’s fast.
get on- Tony is getting on the school bus to go to school.
get off- They took the bus and got off at Central Station.
get into- She is getting into a taxi to go to work.
get out of- He got out of the taxi and closed the door.
flight attendant- The flight attendant gave us orange juice during the flight.
expensive- Harrods is a very expensive shop in London. You give lots of money to buy something from this
leather- This leather bag is very fashionable. Everyone wants to buy it.
campsite- The children are on holiday at a campsite in the forest.
slow down- Drivers should slow down when it starts raining.
pick up- The school bus picks the students up at 8 o’clock every morning.
ship- It was a huge ship on the sea, and there were lots of people in the crew.
double-decker bus- One way of seeing London’s famous sights is an open-topped double-decker bus.
coach- They travelled from London to York by coach.
van- You can get into a van and travel around the city.
tram- You can get on a tram and go somewhere that you want.
scooter- Scooter is a small vehicle, but you can get on a scooter and travel easily.
bicycle- Getting on a bicycle is a good way of doing exercise.
motorbike- It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a helmet.
underground- Tom slept peacefully as the underground train rattled on its way.
gifted- Tom is only 6 years old but he is a gifted violin player, he is very good at playing violin.
amazing- Mark is amazing! He can speak five languages.
surgeon- I asked the surgeon about my mother’s operation.
have a strong passion for- Brian has a strong passion for painting, he loves painting so much.
medicine- Lily studied medicine at university and now works as a doctor.
perform- The vet is performing surgery on the sick dog.
surgery- He broke his leg and had surgery last month.
cure- This medicine is a cure for a sore throat.
surprisingly- Surprisingly they caught a very big fish in the small lake.
end up- He wanted chocolate but ended up getting an ice cream.
success- The secret of his success is hard work.
have trouble- Sara isn’t very good at Maths and has trouble with her homework.
comb- Her hair is a mess. Why doesn’t she comb it?
overdo: He overdoes it when he’s hungry and eats too much.
compose- Mozart composed music from the age of five.
inspire- The famous doctor inspired his daughters to study medicine.
admire- I admire Brad Pitt because he is a very good actor.
talent- He has a great talent as a painter.
passion- She has a passion for cake. She loves making cake so much.
compliment- Tom said that I was very clever and I meant that as a compliment.


fairies- A lot of children’s stories are about fairies.
cultures- New Year’s Eve is a big celebration in American culture.
explanations- You didn’t give me a good explanation for being late. Why were you late?
according to- According to the news there are no buses today.
tiny creatures- Seahorses are tiny creatures that live in the sea.
whether- You must take some medicine whether you like it or not.
believe- Many people believe that UFOs visit Earth.
poets- Shakespeare was a famous English poet. He wrote lots of poems.
bushes- My grandad has beautiful rose bushes in his garden.
touch- You just touch the screen of your tablet and you can surf the Net.
nature- I prefer the countryside because I love nature.
wings- This bird has large strong wings and can fly very fast.
skip about- When she heard the good news, she started skipping about outside.
myth- Drink water only when you are thirsty; drinking 8 glasses a day is only a myth.
legend- According to legend, ghosts would appear in that forest, so people would not set foot there.
creatures- The dragon is an imaginary creature.
inspire- I love reading books that inspire us to become more than who we are.
pour- Please pour me a little tea.
iced water- Please give me some iced water.
shoplifter- The shoplifter has stolen almost everything in my shop.


indoor- If the weather is cold, it’s better to stay indoor.
flight training centre- You can have flight courses in a flight training centre.
grown up- Children want to act like grown ups.
responsibility- It’s your responsibility to finish the job, you should do it on your own.
decision maker- As a decision maker, I take decisions about everything on my own.
citizen- He is a British citizen and he obeys the laws in Britain.
miniature theme park- We had a really good time at the miniature theme park.
landmark- You can get in touch with me at hotel landmark.
attraction- Paris is a popular tourist attraction. Every year lots of tourists go there.
fire station- Fireman works in fire station.
entertainment park- We had a wonderful time at the entertainment park. It was really enjoyable.
secret message- I just got a secret message from Tom. He told me some secret news in the message.
decode- I need the key to decode this message.
scientist- Scientists haven’t found a cure for cancer yet.
military- He was the military hero of the Civil War.
protect- There are a number of things we can do to protect the environment.
advanced- She teaches English to advanced students.
complicated- In this city, finding a taxi is complicated, you can’t find it easily.
company- He retired from the company at the age of 60.
organisation-The United Nation Security Council is a very important organisation.
impossible- It’s impossible for me to get there before noon, I can’t go there.
enemy- They began with a strong attack against the enemy.
break the code- I can’t break the code, it’s very difficult to solve the code.

Unit 3
fall- John’s fall off his skateboard made his ankle hurt.
thief- A thief took a lot of things from our house.
catch- You can run fast but I will catch you!
doorbell- Our doorbell makes a sound like a bird singing.
ring- The doorbell rang and Lisa opened the door to get her pizza.
cheap- You can buy very cheap clothes at this shop this week, you don’t have to give lots of money.
comfortable- These shoes are very comfortable. You can wear them all day.
cardigan- Her cardigan was unbuttoned. She took it off immediately.
belt- She is wearing a leather belt around her waist.
bracelet- Tom noticed Mary’s bracelet on her desk and wondered why she wasn’t wearing it.
sweater- I’m wearing a sweater because I’m cold.
suit- Try on this new suit to see if it fits well.
tracksuit- I always wear tracksuit when I go jogging.
ribbons- The present is in a box with white ribbons around it.
wrappers- These sweets are in wrappers with pictures of fruit on them.
jewellery- This gold jewellery costs a lot of money.
tie- I always have to wear a tie because of my job.
trousers- I want to buy a few pairs of trousers.
top- I liked this top, it fitted me well.
skirt- The shoes match this white skirt.

cardboard boxes- Their things are in cardboard boxes because they are moving to a new house.
latest- Teenagers always buy the latest mobile phones because they can do new things.
strange- The woman is wearing a very strange hat. It’s like a big ice cream!
trash- The park is dirty because people leave their trash everywhere.
eco-friendly- This is an eco-friendly car because it uses electricity instead of petrol.
care about- They care about the environment and clean up places in their town.
recycled- They will use old paper to make recycled paper for notebooks, cards, etc.
reused- I put my shopping in reused bags and use them many times.
items- There are many items to buy at this street market.
pocket- He spent a lot of money and it wasn’t good for his pocket.
materials- The artist uses materials like old wires and wood to make interesting things.
imagination- She has a lot of imagination and can make beautiful things.
rubbish bin- Please put all your old things in the rubbish bin.
thick- She is wearing a thick sweater because it’s very cold today.
old-fashioned- This telephone is very old-fashioned; people used it 20 years ago.
changing rooms- Jenny is in the changing room trying on a sweater.
fit- I think these clothes fit you and are not too small or too big.
a bit tight- His tie is a bit tight around his neck and it is uncomfortable.
bargain- This dress is a real bargain because it’s only half the price.
stripes- Mary likes to wear clothes with vertical stripes, because she heard they make you look thinner.
spotted- Can you give me a red and spotted white towel, please?
vest- In the winter I wear a coat on top of my vest.

dairy products- Milk and cheese are very popular dairy products.
vegetables- She likes vegetables and eats a salad every day.
desserts- Mum gave us ice cream after lunch for dessert.
lime- You can use lime juice in food instead of lemon juice.
honey- Bees make honey. James likes honey on his bread.
snail- People in France and Italy like eating snails.
slice- Jenny is eating a slice of pizza for lunch.
take calories- She eats a lot of sweets and takes in too many calories.
Produce- This farm produces beautiful flowers like tulips.
pass me- John, pass me the water please.
steak- I like my steak cooked medium well.
chips- Children love eating chips with everything.
tuna- Tom went to a famous café in town and ate a tuna fish sandwich.
spaghetti- I’m pretty good at cooking spaghetti.
Pie- My wife likes eating apple pie a lot.
lettuce- I’d like lettuce and tomatoes in my sandwich, please.
ketchup- She prefers to eat French fries with ketchup.
mustard- I’ll have two hot dogs with mustard and ketchup.
mayonnaise- I am mixing mayonnaise with ketchup while eating a hot dog.
doughnut- He drank a second cup of coffee and ate another doughnut.
wonderful- It’s wonderful to see young people helping the poor.
in need- There are many children in need in poor countries.
raise money- A group of people are raising money for people who are poor.
volunteer- The girls are volunteers and they are cleaning up the beach.
recipe- He has got a recipe book for Chinese food.
ingredient- She has got all the ingredients to make a vegetable soup.
tablespoon- Please take a tablespoon of this medicine for your cold.
handful- The girl has a handful of fruit.
mushroom- Some mushrooms are dangerous to eat and can make you sick.
instructions: The recipe has got instructions about how to make delicious salads.
crack- Crack the eggs and put them in the flour.
freezer bag: My mum puts meat in freezer bags before putting it in the freezer.
shake- The waiter is shaking some orange juice and ice for our drinks.
zip- He zipped his jacket because it was cold.
roll- I made an omelette and then rolled it in half.
dish- My sandwich is on a small, blue dish.
ice lolly sticks- I like ice creams on ice lolly sticks.
sauce- I like pasta with tomato sauce.
sliced- Susan sliced the banana with a knife.
chopped- My mum chopped some onions for the salad.

Fun Time
fashion- Long skirts are out of fashion now.
hunt- Owls hunt at night.
remaining- Let’s quickly finish the remaining work and go out for some drinks.
whistle- I’ve trained my dog to come when I whistle.
pillow- He laid his head on the pillow.
sprinkle- My mum sprinkled some sugar on the cookies.
sweet dreams- Mum said ‘’Good night and have sweet dreams.’’
store- People don’t buy milk from his store.
unique- These flowers have a unique smell. Any other flower hasn’t got a smell like this.

Unit 4
be sick- He ate something bad and thinks he is going to be sick.
paid for-I’ll pay for the pizza because it’s my birthday.
Equipment- The only equipment you need to play tennis is a ball and a racquet.
Drop- I dropped the glass on the floor and it broke.
Instructor- An instructor is giving John flying lessons.
Landed- He landed his helicopter at the airport after a trip to an island.
Celebrate- Susan celebrates her birthday with a party every year.
Starving-The girls are starving because they didn’t eat anything last night.
extreme sport- Bungee jumping is a very popular extreme sport.
play ice hockey- "Is that some sort of uniform?" "Oh right, it's because I play ice hockey."
do gymnastics:- We should do qymnastics every day for good health.
go hang-gliding- Have you ever gone hang-gliding? It’s a really enjoyable and extreme sport.
Play cricket- Binns played cricket for his country in his youth.
go bungee jumping- Going bungee jumping is an extreme sport. It is done from the 80-meter-high bridge.
do judo – You can have fun while you are doing judo. It’s a sport like karate, but it’s a bit different.

found out- I found out that I could easily swim a mile, so it was a success for me.
foundation-UNICEF is a children’s foundation. It always works for children.
Pitch- Unfortunately, the football match was cancelled because of a muddy pitch.
grant a wish- His wish had finally been granted, so he was very happy.
mostly- The disease mostly affects people over fifty.
Strength- She had the strength to take the lead and win the gold medal.
arrange- The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.
Importantly- She has a pleasant personality, but more importantly she is qualified for the job.
Hope -I hope they get the punishment they deserve.
Plan- Have you planned your holiday yet? Where will you go?
Nurse- Please wait! The nurse will take your blood pressure in a minute.
ice skates- They have also manufactured other ice hockey equipment, such as ice skates and hockey sticks.
gloves- Those gloves look nice and they keep your hands warm.
Bat- He showed me how to hold the bat and how to play baseball.
Boots- Don’t walk all over my clean floor in your dirty boots.
Racket- He threw his racket across the tennis court.
Skis- I need to buy a pair of skis, because I want to go skiing in February.
Goggles- While you are swimming, you need to wear goggles to protect your eyes.
hockey stick- The player hit the puck with the hockey stick.
Helmet- Don’t ride a motorcycle without a helmet. It’s dangerous.

Tongue- I burnt my tongue on some soup last night.
Muscle- A work-out in the gym will exercise all muscle groups.
Shave- When my dad shaved his bread off, he looked ten years younger.
plant pot- My grandmother has lots of pot plants in her balcony.
knock over- Who knocked over the chair? When I came , it was on the floor.
Water- You should water the plants regularly if you don’t want them to die.
day off- The change in rules meant they would be unable to take a day off if their children were ill. They had
to come to work.
fall off- The climber fall off the cliff and hurt his leg.
china teacups- There is a small China teacup and an egg on the table.
break his leg- He fell off the bike and broke his leg.
Burn his finger - He burned his finger on the kettle.
Twist her ankle - He tripped on a stone, twisting her ankle while she was coming back from castle.
Bruise his eye - How did Tom get that bruise on his eye? Did he fight with someone?
Hurt her back - Jane hurt her back playing football. She felt the pain very much.
Hit her head  - Ow! Yukiko! That hurts! Quit hitting her head with your fists!

In person - She will be glad if you go to see her in person. She needs special attention.
Flat - Has the flat got a garage or a garden? Is it suitable for a big family to live in?
Shoe department - In the shoe department Mary found a pair of shoes that she was looking for.
Autograph - Tom was signing autographs in front of the theater.
Record shop - He stopped a tall man and asked him the way to the record shop.
Sign - He took out his pen to sign his check.
Take care - It gets cold in the mornings and evenings, so I want to take care how I dress.
Department - He is the manager of the marketing department.
Once upon a time-Once upon a time, there was a pretty little house way out in the country.
Steal-I would rather starve to death than steal, because stealing something is illegal and not ethic.
offer a reward-Nick is by no means satisfied with the offered reward.
take up the challenge- It’s a difficult job, but you can take up the challenge if you are brave.
dig-Tom grabbed one of the shovels and started digging.
Huge-Seen from the sky, the river looked like a huge snake.
Covered-Tom's bed is covered by a Pikachu blanket.
Sticks-Selfie sticks are banned in many museums and galleries.
Straw-Tom sat at the dining room table, drinking chocolate milk through a straw.
Blow-The wind blows my hair. I have to tie my hair up.
Horn-Tom continued to honk the horn.
Axe-I had to get the axes to chop the wood.
Soil-The soil here is fertile. You can grow up lots of fruits and vegetables on it.
Mark-There is a fence marking the boundary between our yard and the neighbor's.
Grave-The boy dug a grave for his dead pet.
Heartbeat-The doctor monitored the patient's heartbeat and blood pressure.
 Giant-I've never seen such a giant watermelon! I don’t know how big it is.
take up-In order to lose weight, it is best to take up some sport.
Against-The workers are against the new plan, they don’t want to do something about it.
Competitor-Hertz and Avis are head to head competitors in the car rental business. Both of them want to be
the best in that business.
Spectator-About eighty thousand spectators packed into the stadium last night.
Referee-The referee blew his whistle to end the match..
martial art- Naginata is one of Japan's traditional martial arts.


Passion-Mary is very passionate about her work. She loves it so much.
Fear-I grew up, but I have not stopped fearing the dark.
Opponent-Japan's most important opponent was China.
Ground-The children made a small hole in the ground for their game of marbles.
Successful-Do you think the campaign was successful in Italy? Was it good or bad? Did it affect all people?
Salt-Don’t add too much salt to your soup, because eating too much salt is bad for your health.
Valuable-The gold coin was much more valuable than was supposed, because it was a heritage from an
important royal family.
no wonder-No wonder he was arrested, because he was guilty.
instead of- I stayed at home all day instead of going to work.
sore throat-Tom's got a sore throat. He has to drink warm liquids.
Skin-Man's skin is very sensitive to temperature changes. It gets irritated immediately.
Softer- Cotton is softer than a wood.
shoe polish-To make my shoes shinier I bought shoe polish.
Vinegar- You can add vinegar to your salad to have a sour taste.
Remove-Remove your hat when you go inside, because you don’t have to wear it inside.
chewing gum-Tom got some chewing gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe.
Spoonful-Tom ate a spoonful of peanut butter. It was a small amount but enough for him.
Whiten-Mix the eggs with the sugar until the mixture whitens. 
Nails-A nail punctured the tire, so we had to change the tire.
breath freshener-People often suck a peppermint as a breath freshener.
get rid of- I will have to get rid of this worn-out carpet. It’s too old and unfashionable.
Polish-Tom’sshoeswereverydirty, so he wantedtopolish his shoeswith a cloth.

Unit 5
It’s stuck- I can’t get my bike out of the mud! It’s stuck.
be proud of- The athletes are proud of themselves because they won medals.
cage- I keep my canary in a gold cage.
lonely-Joanna is feeling lonely because her friends are on holiday.
seal- There was a seal on the shore.
wolf- Tom caught a wolf and tried to tame it.
tiger- he tiger laid in the middle of the cage.
armadillo- The armadillo is found in the American South and in Central America.
blanket-It is cold tonight and I will sleep under a warm blanket.
pillow-My parents have got two pillows on their bed.
weigh-This big pumpkin weighs over 6 kilos.
owner-Jenny is the owner of a beautiful dog.
step on-He stepped on some chewing gum and it stuck to his shoe.
by mistake-Nick pressed ‘delete’ by mistake and lost his work.
gentle- They are gentle with the kitten and don’t want to hurt it.
trainer-James is a trainer and trains dolphins in a water park.
polar bear- The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear.
shark- We could see the fin of a shark as it slowly circled our boat.
tortoise- Did you know there are carnivorous tortoises?
eagle- The eagle is king of birds.

white fur- A polar bear has got white fur.
sharp claws- Cats have sharp claws.
sharp teeth- Puppies mean to be playful, but their sharp teeth can give you a nasty bite.
long tail- The aircraft has a long tail fin
shell- A snail's shell is spiral in form.
wing- Eagles have got huge wings.
fin- It has no tail fin like those of other fish
cheeky - Children who talk back are regarded as cheeky and disrespectful.
chimpanzee- Man's brain is more complicated than that of the chimpanzee—and it is relatively larger.
communicate- We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world.
compare- If you compare the two books side by side, it is clear that the second is better.
feed- If you feed your dog on biscuits, it's not surprising he's so fat.
lonely- She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.
member- The lion is a member of the cat family.
name - Please write your full name and address on the form.
record- We recorded their wedding on video.
seal- Let's go to the zoo to watch them feed the seals.
tail- Rabbits have long ears and short tails.
tiger- Rather than live a hundred years as a rabbit, live one day as a tiger.
blanket- Tom asked for a blanket and a pillow.

square-Trafalgar Square is a large open area in London and is very popular with tourists.
million-I found that 10 times 100,000 is one million.
discover-Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
race-The runner in the blue shorts won the race.
clean up-The group of volunteers cleaned up the park and took away the rubbish.
local-We prefer to go to the local restaurant because it is near our house.
contact-The friends contact each other using their mobile phones.
detail-If you want details about your flight home, I can call the airport.
take part- Thousands of runners take part in the Marathon race every year.
beach- The house is clearly visible from the beach.
island- The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.
volcano- Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.
cliff- He stood on the edge of the cliff.
cave- This cave has a good echo.
waterfall- The magnificent scene of the waterfall is pleasant.
valley- People have lived in this valley since ancient times.
hill- It's easier to run down the hill than go up.

cavern – They explored this cavern and found it to be about 200 metres high.
cave- We could see the mountains from the entrance of the cave.
among-Snowdon is among the highest mountains in the UK.
accidentally- The tourists were very excited when they accidentally saw a polar bear.
spread out- The sheep spread out across the field to eat the grass.
desert- The Sahara Desert is the hottest desert in the world.
take a lift down-She was on the 6th floor and took a lift down to the first floor.
storey-I live on the second floor of a 6-storey block of flats.
frozen-The waterfall is frozen in winter and water becomes ice.
get the chance-The boys got the chance to see a baby harp seal on a trip to Canada.

Unit 6
decide- Jane decided to get a job because she wants to buy a new bike.
underwater city-The diver found an underwater city.
spaceship-NASA has got spaceships that have travelled to the moon.
take around-There is a special bus that takes tourists around the city.
thumb-The surgeon put up his thumb to show us that mum’s operation went well.
lose-Oh no! I lost my mobile phone. I can’t find it anywhere!
aquarium- There are museums and aquariums in our city.
amusement park- You can ride a roller coaster at an amusement park.
art gallery- You can see paintings at an art gallery.
amusement arcade – You can play electronic games at an amusement arcade.
castle-You can see where kings and queens lived at a castle.
Museum-There are historical items at a museum.

treat -They treat the kitten with care because it is very young.
environment-They are cleaning up the environment of rubbish.
take action-We can all take action to help the environment by the recycling.
water filters-This jug has got a water filter which makes the water very clean.
heat-She is heating water to make some tea.
cycle- Many people prefer to cycle to work and not to drive their car.
melt- Hurry up and eat the ice-cream because it is melting.
air pollution-Air pollution is very bad in cities because there are too many cars.
rainforest-The largest rain forest in the world is the Amazon.
disappear-Many forests will disappear if we don’t stop cutting down trees.
turn off- I forgot to turn off the TV before bed.
save- We must save the world.
recycle-This chair is made from recycled materials.
keep clean-White t-shirts are very hard to keep clean.
cut down-We should stop to cut down trees.
protect-To protect nature is very important.
destroy-People shouldn’t destroy natural animals’ habitat.
waste- The river is polluted by waste from houses and factories.
throw away-Don’t throw the newspaper away, it goes in the recycle bin.
pollute-We should respect the environment and not pollute it.

action film-‘Batman’ is my favourite action film.
adult-My parents paid more than us for the cinema tickets because they are adults.
single-She got a single ticket because she is not coming back.
return-He bought a return ticket to London.
ski holiday-I am going ona ski holiday because I like snowboarding.
Disney holiday- I am going to go on a Disney holiday because I like theme parks.
beach holiday-I am going to go on a beach holiday because I like swimming.
cruise-I am going to go on a cruise because I like the sea.
safari holiday-I am going to go on a safari holiday because I like wild animals.
pony trekking holiday-I am going to go on a pony trekking holiday.
camping- I am going to go on a camping because I like nature.

capital-Ankara is the capital of Turkey.
expect-If you go to Egypt you can expect to find many different foods.
public transport-Kate prefers public transport and takes the bus to work every day.
cab-You can take a black cab in London, but they are more expensive than other taxis.
check out-Come and check out my cheeses! They are the best in the world.
real treat-It is a real treat shopping at the famous department store Harrods in London.
give a call-Give me a call when you finish work and I will come and get you.


mermaid- We can see a mermaid in Copenhagen, but she is not real.
beauty- In the fairytale everyone admires Snow White’s beauty.
fascinate- Stories with fairies fascinate children who love to read them.
statue-The Statue of Liberty in New York is one of the famous statues in the world.
living beings- In Greek mythology there was a living being that was half man and half horse.
upper-In Greek mythology there was a living being with an upper body like a man.
lower- In Greek mythology there was a living being with a lower body like ahorse and upper body like a
recorded- There are recorded events on the wall of a building in Rome.
sightings-Some people have reported sightings of UFOs.
mystery-Mermaids have always been creatures of mystery and fantasy.
fantasy-Mermaids have always been creatures of mystery and fantasy.
succeed-When you don’t succeed, try to do it again.
go green-This is our planet. Go green.
respect- We should respect all living beings on Earth.

worth-I think a ride on the London Eye is worth the money it costs.
located-The Anıtkabiris located in Ankara.
figure- A very famous figure is the Oscar Award for films.
hug-She like hugging her teddy bear.
saltmine- There are some sculptures in a salt mine of Wieliczka.
chamber-The castle has many chambers that used to be bedrooms, living room, etc.
sculpture-There is an ice sculpture of a ship in the square.
rock salt-Rock salt comes from underground caves and has got larger crystals than sea salt.
chandelier-The beautiful chandeliers in the castle make the rooms bright.
wax- Madame Tussauds is a wax museum.
celebrity-You can find an amazing collection of celebrities made from wax.
underground-Tom parked his car in an underground parking garage.
tunnel-Our train went through a long tunnel.
wise-The old man is wise and knows many things about life.
set out-Many young people set out to change the world.
landmark-Hagia Sophia is one of Istanbul’s most famous landmarks.
currency-Turkish currency is TL.

Unit 7
Countryside- They go to a beautiful place in the countryside every weekend.
get away-My family and I like to get away from the city and have picnics.
watch out-James! Watch out because the floor is wet.
branch-There is a monkey sitting on the branch of the tree.
berry-He is collecting berries from the plants.
splendid- This meal is splendid! I love it.
delicious-This pizza is delicious and it tastes great.
Tie- She is tying the old newspaper with a string.
Mosquitoes-Mosquitoes are very annoying when they bite you.
a couple of-The friends are going away for a couple of days.
Rope-My daughter loves jumping rope.
compass-The compass points to the north.
rucksack-Hikers carrying their food and water in rucksacks.
barbecue-We barbecue often during the summer.
bite-The hamster bit the child.

adventure-The friends went on an adventure and walked in the mountains.
sink- The Titanic sank on April 15,1912
shelter- My tent is a great shelter from the cold and rain.
tool- The repairman needs a lot of tools to fix things.
survive- Ed Stafford survived for two years in the Amazon
move away- The first two athletes have moved away from the rest of the group.
shore- Penguins live on the shores of Antarctica.
hut- The villagers live in huts.
goat- Farmers keep goats for their milk and meat.
rat- Snakes eat rats and other animals
tame- It’s amazing that he was able to tame a crocodile.
peaceful- This is no one on the beach and it is very peaceful.
fishing rod- I can make a fishing rod to go fishing with.
first-aid kit- We use first-aid kit when we hurt ourselves
signal whistle, In the event of an earthquake, fire, or flood, a signal whistle will let responders know you
need help
camping stove-  We always use a small camping stove during our travel

North Pole- The North Pole is located on top of the world.
president: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk used to be the president of Turkey
paperwork- There is a lot of paperwork to do if you work in an office.
wars- Pilot flew this plane during World War II.
polite- My mum is very polite. She always says “please” and “thank you”
shy- My little sister is very shy. When my friends come round, she hides.
sociable- My best friend, Tom is very sociable. He always meets new people.
patient- My teacher is very patient. She gives us lots of time to think.
rude- My neighbour is very rude. He never talks to me.
lazy- I am a little lazy. I don’t like washing the dishes and helping with chores.
honest-My dad id very honest person. He never tells lies.
generous-Peter is very generous. He always shares everything with us.

share a room: They are sisters and share a room. They sleep in the same room.
upset- Kate is upset because her friends aren’t talking to her.
drive (someone) mad- My sister drives me mad because she is always shouting at me.
spot- Many teenagers have got spots on their face.
suffer from- Jessie is suffering from a cold and isn’t feeling very well.
outdoors-The children love being outdoors even if it is shoeing.
fed up- Jenny is fed up with staying at home all the time. She wants to go out.
earn-John earns some extra money by delivering pizzas in the evenings.
neighbours- Mary and Jane are neighbours and live next door to each other.
put on weight- My aunt has put on weight; about 3 kilos.
afford-My family can’t afford a new car so they’re buying an old one.
argument-Jane had argument with her parents because she came home late.
apologise- we want you to apologise for telling us lies.
parents- I usually ask my parents for advice.
teacher-I love my teacher
best friend- I like playing basketball with my best friend
older brother/sister- My older sister and I share a room.

porridge- The old man ate some rice porridge.
genius- Mozart was a child genius; he's smart but he's no Einstein
heat- Place butter pieces in a saucepan. Cook over low heat until the butter is melted.
graceful- Ice skating can be graceful and beautiful.
serenade- The band will serenade the birthday girl after the waitress brings her cake
Unit 8
celebration- My birthday celebration is on Tuesday.
leaf- Mag found a four leaf clover.
smoke- There is no smoke without fire
mirror- In the mirror we see the face
grow- Children grow up so quickly
a pair of scissors- I want to cut this into two. Can i have a pair of scissors please
leather- He buys and sells leather goods.
glass- I want a glass of water, please
metal- Aluminium is a kind of metal
wood- Wood burns easily.
wool- Australia exports a lot of wool
plastic- It's made of plastic

take place- A second round could take place before the end of the year.
include- What does breakfast include?
snow sculpting- They made a snow sculpting contest.
Northern- When is the best time to see the Northern Lights?
transform into- To transform the simple sentence into a compound sentence
reindeer racing- Reindeer racing is a sport that is unique to the Scandinavian and Russian Arctic countries.
pack- Pack your bags
display- She didn't display any type of emotion
blocks of ice- Eskimoes form igloos out of blocks of ice.
book- A good book is a light to the soul.
double room- I reserved a double room at the Lamb Hotel.
confirmation number - Give the confirmation number you got when you bought the ticket
set off fireworks- They set off fireworks in their back garden.
watch a street parade- I want to watch a street parade.
paint faces- Tomorrow they will paint our faces .
wear traditional costumes- the ethnic groups wear colourful traditional costumes
eat a traditional meal- I will eat a traditional meal in China.
important- This subject is very important. Work hard.
invent- Children always invent their own games.
headache- I feel so bad. I have a headache.
can- We must recycle cans and bottles.
werewolf-Werewolf is a science fiction character.
coat hanger- I need a coat hanger to organise my wardrobe.
credit card- You can withdraw cash using your credit card from any ATM machine.
battery- My mobile’s battery is low!
calculator- I need a calculator. I cannot find it.
X-ray- The X-ray showed a crack in one rib.
drinking straw- I need a drinking straw to drink my lemonade.
aspirin- I have an headache. I need an aspirin.
tin opener- My mother needs a tin opener to open the bottles.
hunter- The hunter shot a beer.
palaeontologist- Palaeontology is a branch of science.
fossil- Fossil fuels are the main causes of global warming.
bone- She gave a bone to the dog.
engineering- The Eiffel Tower is a remarkable feat of engineering.
expedition-He was on an expedition to explore the Antarctic.
achievement- They awarded him a gold medal for his achievement.
discovery-The discovery of Columbus was quite an event in the world.
colourful character- He has a colourful character.
explorer- Early explorers used the stars for navigation.
navy- My father was in the navy.


narrow- A narrow passage led directly through the house into the garden.
course- A good training course will solve many problems.
harbour- Our hotel room overlooked a pretty little fishing harbour.
track-I cross the railroad tracks every morning.
thrill- My cat is thrilled with joy when she gets fish for dinner.
attend- I will be happy to attend your party.
horse-drawn carriage- The King arrived in a horse-drawn carriage.
focus- I think Dave likes to be the focus of attention.
in particular- Why did you choose that day in particular?
tunnel- The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe.
social- Kindness is the sunshine of social life.
atmosphere-These gases pollute the atmosphere of towns and cities.
decompose- The tomato began to decompose after half a day in the sun.
leave behind- Leave behind a clean world for future generations.
harmful- It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
chemical- Tests of the chemical have shown that it has a high level of toxicity.
orange peel- Orange peel skin is a result of excessive sun damage
biodegradable- This carton is made of biodegradable plastic.
Unit 9
spooky- Her costume transformed her into a spooky witch and frightened people.
shocked-She was shocked when she saw how much her phone bill was.
offer sb a lift- My mum offered my friend and me a lift to the sports centre.
haunted-People say that this old house is haunted because you can hear strange noises at night
turn around- James turned around and waved goodbye to us.
run into- The boy run into the sea to swim.
staring-She stared at the computer screen for a long time.
get a shock- Susan got a shock when she saw her mark.
turn on- Dad turned on the lights because it was getting dark.
haunted house- I saw a big old haunted house and went inside.
full moon- There was a full moon and I was walking
nightmare- Last night I had a terrible nightmare.
ghost- Do you really believe in ghosts?
darkness- He escaped under cover of the darkness
footprint- The police found Tom's footprint in Mary's room.

curse- There is a curse on the actors in Superman films and many bad things happened to them.
reach-She was very excited when she reached to top of the mountain.
placed on- The workers placed the boxes on the van.
on board- The tourists on board the ship enjoyed sitting in the sun.
shadow-There was a dark shadow over their friendship because their friend lied to them.
hang over- A bad atmosphere hung over the meeting because
voyage- The titanic sank on its first voyage from England to the USA
run away- The man ran away from the bull which was chasing them.
lottery- Many people buy lottery tickets because they hope to win a lot of money.
crew-The crew of a ship work very hard.
pharaoh-Ramses II was an Egyptian pharaoh.
treasure- Tom found the treasure at the bottom of the lake.
mummy-We saw a mummy at the museum.
archaeologist- My grandfather was an archaeologist.
steal- The women tried to steal a top but she was caught.
lost- The tourist were lost and asked the woman to help them find their way.
car crash- There was a serious car crash but the drivers weren’t hurt.
dial- He is dialing his work his work number to say that he will be late.
get through- Please deal the number 999 to get through to the police.
operator-The operators at the police station answer calls from people who need help.
clearly- Please repeat your name because I can’t hear you clearly.
immediately-They took the injured man immediately to hospital and saved his life.
hold the line- Please hold the line so I can check if the manager is in his office.
hiding- he is hiding the flowers behind his back so his wife can’t see them
firewood- The boy brought firewood inside to light a fire and keep the house warm.
search- They’re specially trained dogs that search places for survivors of earthquakes.
chop up- The women chopped upsome wood for their fireplace.
police- The police are after the man.
police officer- The police officer blew his whistle.
ambulance- An ambulance arrived immediately.
paramedic-Tom doesn't want to be a paramedic.
fire brigade- Tom called the fire brigade when his kitten got stuck up a tree.
fire engine- The people there made way for the fire engine.
firefighter-The firefighter helped the car-accident victim.
coast guard- A coast guard helicopter approached the ship.

backpack- travellers had backpacks with their things in them.
incident-There was an incident yesterday when a man attacked a women to steal her bag.
realise-When John realised his mistake he became very upset.
bench- The man sat on the bench in the park to read his newspaper.
gate- The gates to the park close at 6 o’clock every afternoon.
locked- I locked the door but left the key in the lock.
climb over- The little boy tried to climb over the gate an nearly got hurt.
fortunately- He fell of his bicycle but fortunately he was OK
drive away- You can’t drive away if you don’t have your keys, Sarah!
set the alarm clock- I set the alarm clock at o’clock every morning because I have to be at work at 7.30
set the table- I set the table for dinner and brought everything we needed.
hurry- He hurried to work because he was late.

explorer- James Cook was a British explorer.
Fright- You gave me a fright suddenly coming in here like that.
gorilla- Koko is not an ordinary gorilla.
hairy- He has a hairy chest.
human race- Pollution is threatening the future of the human race.
in the distance- A light was shining in the distance.
Unit 10
unwanted- You can give your unwanted goods to charity.
destroy- All their fights will destroy their family
go away- I want you to go away and come back later.
scare away- The police dog scares away people that come close to this trainer.
at least- It’s raining but at least she’s got an umbrella.
print- This printer can print documents in any colour.
CD/DVD drive- We use the CD/DVD drive to read CDs/DVDs.
keyboard- We use keyboard to type.
mouse- We use the mouse to move around the screen
printer- We use the printer to print documents.
scanner- We use the scanner to make copies of documents or photos
screen- we use the screen to see documents and websites.
speakers- We use the speakers to listen to music.
webcam- We use the webcam to see people live on our computer.
bug- There is a bug in the software.
scare away- Don't make too much noise or you'll scare away the birds.

technical support-Our staff will be available to give you technical support.
log on-Tap in your password before you log on.
spell out- Please spell out your name because I didn’t hear it.
heavy-We both had to carry the boat because it was very heavy.
lift- He lifted his bike to cross the river.
come up- Look what’s come up on the screen! A great picture.
borrow-This is not my car. I borrowed it from my friend.
browse- I use Google to browse the internet.
install- I'd like you to help me install this software.

educational- It is important to have a broad educational background.
informative- This is an interesting and highly informative book.
amusing- She told her children an amusing story.
tough-Life is tough, but I'm tougher.
staff-The office staff worked quickly and efficiently to resolve the problem.
warehouse- The warehouse was completely destroyed by fire.
talent show- Mary won the talent show by her dancing.
comedy programme- It's a comedy programme where impersonate famous people.
soap opera-I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly addicted.
documentary- They showed a documentary on animal communication.
reality show-I like watching reality shows. They are very interesting.
sports programme-I always watch sport programmes on television in the afternoon.
sitcom- Friends is a popular sitcom that first aired in the '90s.
cartoon- Tom watched a cartoon with his children after dinner.
the news- I like watching the news. They’re very informative.

encouraged-My parents encouraged my interest in science.
act- This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes.
receive- All the children will receive a small gift.
opportunity- We have the opportunity to make some changes.
amazed-His skill as a dancer really amazed me.
ordinary- We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her ordinary clothes.
centre around- The discussion centred around reducing waste.
play in- Several top teams have agreed to play in the tournament.
present- He presented the report to his colleagues at the meeting.
presenter- He's the top TV presenter for children's programmes.


unicorn- The unicorn is a mythical creature.
violence- He slammed the door with violence
take away- May I have fish and chips to take away, please.
represent- Let me represent my ideas to you in another way.
peace- A lot of people want peace all over the world.
wisdom- Wisdom is better than gold or silver.
strength- Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.
generosity- He thanked them for the extraordinary generosity they had shown.
kingdom- The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
royal- The streets were flagged to celebrate the royal wedding.
coat of arms- The king's shield emblazoned with his family coat of arms.


action- The lawyer determined his course of action
film industry- She has a very successful career in the film industry.
special effect, Ice age probably the biggest special effects film.
Audience- The audience began clapping and cheering.
refer to- The figures in parentheses refer to page numbers.
on location-The film was shot on location in France.
existence- He does not believe in the existence of ghosts.
extinction:Pandas are on the margin of extinction.
rule- We should obey the traffic rules.
continent- Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not.
over time- I'll have to work overtime every day next week.
break apart- They did not break apart easily.
mammal- Whales are very large mammals that live in the ocean.
hunted- The police have hunted down the escaped prisoner.
vegetarian- Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat-based diet.
human beings- Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat-based diet.
major- The major recommendation is for a change in the law.
disaster- The town was declared a disaster area after the floods.
meteorite- He has a theory that the hole was caused by a meteorite.
caused- Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.

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