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Loukas Grafakos∗ , Stephen

arXiv:math/9704211v2 [math.FA] 3 Dec 1999

Montgomery-Smith∗∗ , and Olexei Motrunich∗∗∗

University of Missouri, Columbia and Princeton University

Abstract. The best constant in the usual Lp norm inequality for the
centered Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on R1 is obtained for the
class of all “peak-shaped” functions. A function on the line is called “peak-
shaped” if it is positive and convex except at one point. The techniques
we use include variational methods.
AMS Classification (1991): 42B25

0. Introduction.
(0.1) (M f )(x) = sup |f (t)| dt
δ>0 2δ x−δ

be the centered Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on the line. This

paper grew out from our attempt to find the operator norm of M on
Lp (R1 ).
Since M is a positive operator, we may restrict our attention to positive
functions. Let P be the set of all positive functions f on R1 , which are
convex except at one point (where we also allow f to be discontinuous).
We call such functions “peak-shaped.”
We were able to find the best constant in the inequality

(0.2) kM f kLp ≤ C(p)kf kLp for f in P ∩ Lp .

∗ Researchpartially supported by the University of Missouri Research Board.
∗∗ Researchpartially supported by the National Science Foundation.
∗∗∗ Research partially supported by the University of Missouri-Columbia Research


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for 1 < p < ∞. It turns out that the best such C(p) is the unique number
cp which satisfies the equality

(0.3) M (|x|−1/p ) = cp |x|−1/p .

Note that the function |x|−1/p is locally integrable, so the left-hand side of
(0.3) is well-defined. Strictly speaking, the function |x|−1/p doesn’t belong
to the space P ∩ Lp . It is, however, the pointwise limit of a sequence of
functions in P ∩ Lp and the norm ratio of this sequence converges to cp .
Here is our main result.
Theorem. The smallest possible constant C(p) in the inequality

kM f kLp ≤ C(p)kf kLp for f in P ∩ Lp ,

p−1 p−1
(τ + 1) p + (τ − 1) p
(0.4) cp = sup ,
τ >1 2τ p−1

that is, the constant in (0.3).

One may ask the corresponding question when p = 1. It was commu-
nicated to us by José Barrionuevo [Ba] that the best constant C1 in the
weak type inequality

kf kL1
|{x : (M f )(x) > λ}| ≤ C1

for f in P ∩ L1 is C1 = 1. This result is sharp and is analogous to our

result when p = 1. (In fact, this result is valid for the wider class of positive
functions that are increasing on (−∞, c), and decreasing on (c, ∞) for some
number c.)
It is still a mystery what happens for general functions f . It is con-
jectured in [DGS] that cp is the operator norm of the Hardy-Littlewood
maximal function on Lp (R1 ). Our methods will not work for arbitrary
functions and we will point out during the proof where they break down.
For general functions f ∈ L1 , the conjecture used to be that C1 = 3/2.
However, it has recently been shown by Aldaz [Al] that C1 lies between
3/2 and n 2. This result tends to suggest that the value cp given by our
Theorem is not the best constant for general f ∈ Lp .
The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for many valu-
able comments, and for pointing out errors in the original version of the

1. Some preliminary Lemmas.

Throughout this paper we fix a p with 1 < p < ∞, and a positive
function f in P ∩Lp . Since M commutes with translations, we may assume
that f is convex except at 0. By a density argument, we may also make
the following assumptions:
(1) f is smooth everywhere except at 0;
(2) f has compact support;
(3) f (x) = |x|−1/2p for |x| sufficiently small.
We remark that the third condition may seem unnatural, but it simplifies
some of the technicalities of the proof. Equivalently, this condition may
be replaced by a general assumption that f is “spiky” enough near the
origin but f (0) < ∞.
1 x+t
For every real x 6= 0, define the function ξx (t) = f (u) du if
2t x−t
t > 0, and ξx (0) = f (x). It can be seen that ξx (t) is a C ∞ function of
t > 0 (except at t = |x|, where it is merely continuous) and that it tends
to zero as t → ∞.
Furthermore, we see that
(f (x + t) + f (x − t)) − ξx (t)
ξx′ (t) = .

Convexity shows us that ξx′ (t) ≥ 0 for t ∈ (0, |x|), and the third condition
on f shows us that ξx′ (t) > 0 for t close to |x|. Thus we see that ξx (t) is
non-decreasing for t in some open neighborhood of (0, |x|].
The global maximum of ξx over [0, ∞) is equal to (M f )(x). This
maximum is attained on some set of real numbers Bx = {t : ξx (t) =
supu≥0 ξx (u)}. Set δ(x) = max Bx . Since Bx is a closed set, it contains
δ(x). Note that δ(x) > |x| for x 6= 0. Thus

(1.1) (M f )(x) = f (t) dt.
2δ(x) x−δ(x)

Since δ(x) is a critical point of ξx , it follows that ξx′ (δ(x)) = 0. A simple

calculation and (1.1) give formula (1.2) below.
Now fix x0 6= 0. By the Implicit Function Theorem, the equation
ξx′ (δ) = 0 can be solved for δ as a smooth function of x in the vicinity of
∂ξ ′ (δ)
any point (x0 , δ(x0 )), as long as x 6= 0 at (x0 , δ(x0 )). This condition
is equivalent to f ′ (x0 +δ(x0 )) 6= f ′ (x0 −δ(x0 )), which follows from the fact
that x0 + δ(x0 ) and x0 − δ(x0 ) lie on opposite sides of the origin and that
f has different kind of monotonicity on each side. Therefore δ coincides
with a smooth function in the neighborhood of every point x0 6= 0, which
implies that δ(x) is a smooth function of x 6= 0. As a consequence (M f )(x)
is also smooth for x 6= 0.
We notice that for sufficiently small |x| that δ(x) = (1 + τ2p )|x| for a
fixed value τ2p , and that (M f )(x) = c2p |x|−1/2p . Thus δ(x) is a continuous
function of x.
Lemma 1. For x 6= 0, we have

f (x + δ(x)) + f (x − δ(x))
(1.2) (M f )(x) = ,


f (x + δ(x)) − f (x − δ(x))
(1.3) (M f )′ (x) = .

Proof. (1.2) is proved as indicated above. To prove (1.3), differentiate

the identity (1.1) and use (1.2). This completes the proof of Lemma 1.
Formula (1.3) indicates that the points x + δ(x) and x − δ(x) are the
x-coordinates of some two points of intersection of the graph of f with the
tangent line to the graph of M f at (x, f (x)).
Lemma 2. If x > 0 then δ ′ (x) > 1, and if x < 0 then δ ′ (x) < −1.
Moreover M f is in P with its maximum at 0.
Proof. We begin by showing that M f has no inflection points away
from 0. Differentiating (1.2) and (1.3) we obtain that for x 6= 0, we have

(1 + δ ′ (x)) (1 − δ ′ (x))
(1.4) (M f )′ (x) = f ′ (x + δ(x)) + f ′ (x − δ(x))
2 2
(1 + δ ′ (x)) (1 − δ ′ (x))
(M f )′ (x)δ ′ (x) + δ(x)(M f )′′ (x) = f ′ (x + δ(x)) − f ′ (x − δ(x)) .
2 2
If q 6= 0 were an inflection point, then (M f )′′ (q) = 0, and by (1.4) and
(1.5) it would follow that

f ′ (q + δ(q))(1 + δ ′ (q)) = (1 + δ ′ (q))(M f )′ (q)

f ′ (q − δ(q))(1 − δ ′ (q)) = (1 − δ ′ (q))(M f )′ (q).

Then (M f )′ (q) would be equal to either f ′ (q + δ(q)) or f ′ (q − δ(q)).

By Lemma 1, (M f )′ (q) is the slope of the line segment that joins (q −
δ(q), f (q − δ(q))) to (q + δ(q), f (q + δ(q))). By the convexity conditions
on f , this line would then necessarily lie on the graph of f . By (1.2), this
would imply that (M f )(q) ≤ f (q), a contradiction if condition (3) is im-
posed upon f . Therefore M f has no inflection points away from 0, hence
it is either concave or convex there. Since (M f )(x) looks like x1 near ±∞,
it follows that M f is convex on (−∞, 0) and on (0, +∞).
We now show that if x < 0, then δ ′ (x) < −1. Let x1 < x2 < 0 and let
Li be the tangent line to the graph of M f at xi , i = 1, 2. Li passes through
the point (xi + δ(xi ), f (xi + δ(xi ))). Since M f is convex on (−∞, 0), the
line L1 lies lower than the line L2 to the right of x2 . Since f is decreasing
on (0, ∞), it follows that L2 intersects the graph of f on (0, ∞) at a point
with x-coordinate bigger than the x-coordinate of the intersection of L1
with the graph of f . This implies that x1 +δ(x1 ) > x2 +δ(x2 ) which proves
that x + δ(x) is decreasing on (−∞, a). Therefore δ ′ (x) < −1 on (−∞, 0).
Likewise one can show that δ ′ (x) > 1 on (0, +∞). This completes the
proof of Lemma 2. QED.

2. The variational functional.

It will be convenient to have δ(x) ≤ 0 for x < 0. To achieve this we
define s(x) to be equal to δ(x) for x > 0, to be equal to −δ(x) for x < 0,
and equal to 0 if x = 0. We observe that (1.1), (1.2), and (1.3) remain
valid for s(x). We also observe that s′ (x) > 1 for x 6= 0 and that
(1) lim x + s(x) = +∞,
(2) lim x + s(x) = −∞,
(3) lim x − s(x) = inf(support(f)),
(4) lim x − s(x) = sup(support(f)).
For simplicity, we denote by g = M f the maximal function of f . It turns
out that a suitable convex combination of the integrals of the functions
(g(x) − g ′ (x)s(x))p (s′ (x) − 1) and (g(x) + g ′ (x)s(x))p (s′ (x) + 1) will give
rise to a functional related to kf kpLp . Our goal will be to minimize this
functional by selecting a suitable s(x). To find such a minimizer, we solve
the corresponding Euler-Langrange equations.
By Lemma 1 we have that

(2.1) f (x + s(x)) = g(x) + g ′ (x)s(x),


(2.2) f (x − s(x)) = g(x) − g ′ (x)s(x).

Raise both sides of (2.1) to the power p, multiply them by 1 + s′ (x), and
integrate from −∞ to ∞ to obtain
Z +∞
(g(x) + g ′ (x)s(x))p (s′ (x) + 1) dx
= f (x + s(x))p (s′ (x) + 1) dx
(2.3) = f (x)p dx = kf kpLp

Similarly, raise both sides of (2.2) to the power p, multiply them by s′ (x)−
1, and integrate from −∞ to ∞. We obtain
Z +∞
(g(x) − g ′ (x)s(x))p (s′ (x) − 1) dx
= f (x − s(x))p (s′ (x) − 1) dx
(2.4) = f (−x)p dx = kf kpLp

At this point, we remark that the calculation above will not work for
general functions f , because in that case the function s(x) will have many
discontinuities, and above formulae will have to include terms needed to
account for these discontinuities. These discontinuities are generally rather
unpredictable, and we have not been able to find a way to deal with this
Let 12 < α < 1 be a real number to be selected later to depend on p
only. Let F be the following function of three variables:

(2.5) F (x, y, z) = α(g(x)+g ′(x)y)p (z +1)+(1−α)(g(x)−g ′(x)y)p (z −1).

The domain of F is the set of all (x, y, z) which satisfy
(1) −∞ < x < ∞
g(x) g(x)
(2) − ′ <y< ′
|g (x)| |g (x)|
(3) −∞ < z < ∞
Because of (2.1), (2.2) and the positivity of f , we have that (x, s(x), s′(x))
lies in the domain of definition of F . Combining (2.3) and (2.4) we obtain
Z +∞
(2.6) kf kpLp = F (x, s(x), s′(x)) dx.

Now we define a functional I(φ) that we would like to minimize. The

domain of I will be those functions φ : R → R that are smooth except
possibly at 0, such that F (x, φ(x), φ′ (x)) is integrable on compact subsets
of R \ {0}, and such that the following improper integral converges:
Z +∞
I(φ) = F (x, φ(x), φ′ (x)) dx
Z Z !
b d
= lim + F (x, φ(x), φ′ (x)) dx.
a→−∞ a c

Denote by ∂1 F , ∂2 F , and ∂3 F the partial derivatives of F (x, y, z) with re-

spect to x, y, and z respectively. To minimize I, we consider the associated
Euler-Langrange equations:

(∂3 F )(x, φ(x), φ′ (x)) = (∂2 F )(x, φ(x), φ′ (x)).


We now have the following result.

Lemma 3. The function
1 1
g(x) α p−1 − (1 − α) p−1
(2.8) s0 (x) = −β ′ , where β = β(α) = 1 1 ,
g (x) α p−1 + (1 − α) p−1

is an exact solution of equation (2.7) on R1 \ {0}.

Remark: Note that 0 < β(α) < 1, since α > 12 .
Proof. To prove Lemma 3, rewrite (2.7) as

[α(g(x) + g ′ (x)φ(x))p−1 − (1 − α)p(g(x) − g ′ (x)φ(x))p−1 ]g ′′ (x)φ(x) = 0.

Then substituting for φ = s0 , we obtain the result. QED.

We would like to to be able to directly deduce that I(s) ≥ I(s0 ). Un-
fortunately, general theorems from calculus of variations (see for example
[Br]) are not directly applicable here since F (x, y, z) does not satisfy the
usual convexity conditions needed. As it turns out, the desired inequality
I(s) ≥ I(s0 ) will be a consequence of the key inequality below which is
true because of the very specific structure of the function F (x, y, z).
Lemma 4. For all x 6= 0 we have

F (x, s(x), s′(x)) − F (x, s0 (x), s′0 (x))

≥ (∂2 F )(x, s0 (x), s′0 (x))(s(x) − s0 (x))
(2.9) + (∂3 F )(x, s0 (x), s′0 (x))(s′ (x) − s′0 (x))

Proof. We observe that if h is a convex function on an interval J,

then for all x, y in J we have

(2.10) h(x) − h(y) ≥ h′ (y)(x − y)

irrespectively of the order of x and y. Next observe that for all x and all
z > 1 the function F (x, y, z) is convex in y. This is because when z > 1,
(∂22 F )(x, y, z) > 0 for all x, y.
Let x 6= 0. Then by Lemma 2, s′ (x) = |δ ′ (x)| > 1 and

F (x, s(x), s′(x)) − F (x, s0 (x), s′0 (x))

= [F (x, s(x), s′(x)) − F (x, s0 (x), s′ (x))]
+ [F (x, s0 (x), s′ (x)) − F (x, s0 (x), s′0 (x))]
≥ (∂2 F )(x, s0 (x), s′ (x))(s(x) − s0 (x))
(2.11) + (∂3 F )(x, s0 (x), s′0 (x))(s′ (x) − s′0 (x)),

by convexity of F in the second variable, (2.10), and linearity of F in the

third variable.
Calculation gives
(∂3 ∂2 F )(x, y, z) = pg ′ (x) α(g(x) + g ′(x)y)p−1 − (1 − α)(g(x) − g ′(x)y)p−1 .

Setting y = s0 (x) in (2.12) we obtain that

(∂3 ∂2 F )(x, s0 (x), z) = pg ′ (x) α(1 − β)p−1 − (1 − α)(1 + β)p−1 = 0,


since by the definition of β, it follows that

(1 + β)p−1
α= .
(1 + β)p−1 + (1 − β)p−1

We have now proved that the function (∂2 F )(x, s0 (x), z) is constant in z.
The proof of (2.9) is now complete if we replace s′ (x) by s′0 (x) in the first
summand of (2.11). QED.

3. The core of the proof.

Next we have the following.
Lemma 5. Both s and s0 lie in the domain of the functional I. We have
the equality

(3.1) I(s0 ) = r(α)kgkpLp ,

where r(α) = γ1 (α) + pβ(α)γ2 (α) with γ1 (α) = α(1 − β)p − (1 − α)(1 + β)p
and γ2 (α) = α(1−β(α))p +(1−α)(1+β(α))p . We also have the inequality

(3.2) I(s) = kf kpLp ≥ I(s0 ).

Proof. First, it is clear that s is in the domain of I, by the calculations

at the beginning of the previous section. Let us work with s0 . We see that
if 0 < a < b < ∞, then integrating by parts we get
b b  
d g(x)
p p
F (x, s0 (x), s′0 (x)) dx = γ1 g(x) − γ2 g(x) β ′ dx
a a dx g (x)
Z b
g(a)p+1 g(b)p+1
= r(α) g(x) dx + γ2 β − ′ .
a g ′ (a) g (b)

As a → 0, we have the explicit formula for g(a) = c2p |a|−1/2p which tells
us that g(a) g ′ (a) → 0. When b is very large, we note that f (b + δ(b)) = 0
f has compact support), and hence by (1.2) and (1.3) we have
that gg(b)
′ (b) = δ(b). Furthermore, |b + inf(support(f))| ≤ δ(b) ≤ |b +

sup(support(f))|, and g(b) = O 1b . Thus g(b)


g ′ (b) → 0 as b → +∞. We
obtain a similar result if −∞ < a < b < 0. Since 0 < β < 1, we obtain
that s0 is in the domain of I, and that I(s0 ) = r(α)kgkpLp .
Now let us consider I(s), which we already know is equal to kf kpLp . It
is here that estimate (2.9) plays its crucial role. If 0 < a < b < ∞, then
Z b
F (x, s(x), s′(x)) dx
Z b Z b

= [F (x, s(x), s (x)) − F (x, s0 (x), s′0 (x))] dx + F (x, s0 (x), s′0 (x)) dx
a a
Z b
≥ [(∂2 F )(x, s0 (x), s′0 (x))(s(x) − s0 (x)) + (∂3 F )(x, s0 (x), s′0 (x))(s′ (x) − s′0 (x))] dx
Z b
(3.3) + F (x, s0 (x), s′0 (x)) dx,

where we used Lemma 4 in the inequality above. Next, we integrate by

parts, and (3.3) is now equal to
Z b 
′ d ′

(∂2 F )(x, s0 (x), s0 (x)) − (∂3 F )(x, s0 (x), s0 (x)) (s(x) − s0 (x)) dx
a dx
+ (∂3 F )(b, s0 (b), s′0 (b))(s(b) − s0 (b)) − (∂3 F )(a, s0 (a), s′0(a))(s(a) − s0 (a))
Z b
+ F (x, s0 (x), s′0 (x)) dx.

First note that the first integral evaluates to 0 by Lemma 3. Now, as

a → 0, we may explicitly calculate to see that (∂3 F )(a, s0 (a), s′0 (a))(s(a) −
s0 (a)) → 0. Also, if b is very large, using the fact that f (b+δ(b)) = 0, (1.2),
(1.3), and (2.8), we see that s0 (b) = βs(b), and hence (∂3 F )(b, s0 (b), s′0 (b))(s(b)−
s0 (b)) is a constant multiple of g(b)p s(b). Arguing as above, we see that
(∂3 F )(b, s0 (b), s′0 (b))(s(b) − s0 (b)) tends to 0 as b → ∞. We obtain a sim-
ilar result when −∞ < a < b < 0, hence we conclude that I(s) ≥ I(s0 ).

To finish the proof, we only need the following result.

Lemma 6. There exists 2 < α < 1 such that
r(α) = c−p
p ,

where cp is the constant in (0.4).

Remark: In fact it is true that c−p
p is the absolute minimum of r(α) for
2 < α < 1.
Proof. We have that
1 1
p p 2p (p − 1)α(1 − α)(α p−1 − (1 − α) p−1 )
r(α) = α(1−β) −(1−α)(1+β) +pβγ2 = 1 1 .
(α p−1 + (1 − α) p−1 )p

For t ∈ (1, +∞), define

p−1 p−1
(t + 1) p + (t − 1) p
h(t) = p−1 .
2 p t

We see that h′ (t) is monotonically decreasing on (1, +∞) and attains its
only zero at the unique τ satisfying
p+τ τ +1
(3.4) = .
p−τ τ −1


(p + τ )p−1
(3.5) α0 =
(p + τ )p−1 + (p − τ )p−1

where τ satisfies (3.4). It is clear that 12 < α0 < 1. Then by elementary,

although perhaps not easy manipulations, we have

2 (p − 1) τ (p + τ )p−1 (p − τ )p−1
r(α0 ) =
pp [(p + τ )p−1 + (p − τ )p−1 ]
2p (p − 1) τ
= p−τ p+τ p−1
p ( p+τ + 1)p−1 (( p−τ ) + 1)
2p (p − 1) τ
= 1 1 p−1 p−1
p [(τ − 1)− p + (τ + 1)− p ]p−1 [(τ + 1) p + (τ − 1) p ]
2τ p−1
(3.6) = p−1 p−1 = h(τ )−p = c−p
p ,
(τ − 1) p + (τ + 1) p

where cp is the constant in (0.4). QED.


[Al] J.M. Aldaz, Remarks on the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function, preprint.

[Ba] José Barrionuevo, personal comunication.
[Br] U. Brechtken-Manderscheid, Introduction to the Calculus of Variations, Chap-
man & Hall, 1991, London, UK.
[CG] M. Christ and L. Grafakos, Best constants for two nonconvolution inequali-
ties, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), 1687–1693.
[DGS] R. Dror, S. Ganguli, and R. Strichartz, A search for best constants in the
Hardy-Littlewood maximal theorem, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 2 (1996), 473–486.
[GM] L. Grafakos and S. Montgomery-Smith, Best constants for uncentered max-
imal functions, Bull. London Math. Soc. 29 (1997), 60–64.

Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211,

Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211,

Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
E-mail address:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


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