Pagkamasayahin NG Mga Pilipino

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Upon completion of this module, the students will be able to:

• Define happiness and the impact of happiness in people

• Learn about the statistics about Happiest Countries in the World 2021
• Enumerate the characteristics of Filipino
• Identify what really makes Filipinos happy.



This lesson is concerned about “Pagkamasayahin ng mga Pilipino”. In relation

to the topic, these subtopics were discussed; impact of happiness, characteristics of
Filipino, Happiest Countries in the World 2021, what really makes Filipinos happy.

Filipinos are a happy and fun-loving people to be around. That is why, even in
other countries, Filipinos stand up, despite the difficulties of living in a foreign land.
Even when they are lonely and alone in other countries, they continue to smile.
Filipinos are the most cheerful and enjoyable people to be around in other countries.
Foreigners want Filipinos to be with them because of their ability to comfort and delight
them. Filipinos differ in terms of the type of character they possess. A happy person
is a Filipino. They always have a smile on their face, no matter where they are or who
they are with. They make it clear that they are easy to get along with and that they are
witty individuals with a good sense of humor. They always appear to be content with
their lives, even under the most trying of circumstances.

What Is Happiness?

Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction,

contentment, and fulfillment. While happiness has many different definitions, it is often
described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.

Impact of Happiness

1. Positive emotions increase satisfaction with life.

2. Happiness helps people build stronger coping skills and emotional resources.

3. Positive emotions are linked to better health and longevity.

4. Positive feelings increase resilience.

5. People who report having a positive state of well-being are more likely to engage in
healthy behaviors such as eating fruits and vegetables and engaging in regular
physical exercise.

6. Being happy may make help you get sick less often. Happier mental states are
linked to increased immunity.

Happiest Countries in the World 2021

Since 2002, the World Happiness Report has used statistical analysis to determine
the world's happiest countries. To determine the world's happiest country, researchers
monitor performance in six categories of each country.

• Gross domestic product per capita

o Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita measures a country's

economic output per person and is calculated by dividing the GDP of a
country by its population.

• Social support

o Social support means having friends and other people, including family,
to turn to in times of need or crisis to give you a broader focus and
positive self-image. Social support enhances quality of life and provides
a buffer against adverse life events.

• Healthy life expectancy

o Healthy life expectancy is the average life in good health - that is to say
without irreversible limitation of activity in daily life or incapacities - of a
fictitious generation subject to the conditions of mortality and morbidity
prevailing that year. It characterizes mortality and morbidity regardless
of the age structure.

• Freedom to make your own life choices

o Freedom is the condition or right of being able or allowed to do,

say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited.

• Generosity of the general population

o The disposition and practice of freely giving of one's financial resources,

time, and talents. For example, charitable financial giving, volunteering,
and the dedication of one's.

• Perceptions of internal and external corruption levels

o The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is an index which ranks

countries "by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, as
determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys." The CPI
generally defines corruption as an "abuse of entrusted power for private
Characteristics of Filipino

1. Being positive and happy in life

• Filipinos are positive and cheerful. They can still smile despite their hardships.
They do not surrender and continue to rise. They did not give up and attempted
to defend their family, just as they did after Yolanda crushed them. They don't
think about the difficulties any longer, but they keep getting up even if they fall.
When there is a festival, we have a good time and remember it. Even when
there is a difficulty, they always see the positive side.

2. Helpful

• Helping others is a Filipino work that is inherent in their ancestors. They

frequently prioritize others over themselves. Filipinos are naturally charitable to
others, particularly the unfortunate and those in need. There, you can gauge
how helpful Filipinos are during natural disasters and floods. People who help
are usually those who have enough to live on in the Philippines. Those who can
live and eat right are the ones who respond quickly to some people's

3. Creative

• Filipinos are famed for their creativity since their thoughts are not limited to a
single notion, and they are constantly thinking of new and better ways to do
things. The well-known Filipino artists, who have won numerous accolades for
their inventiveness and broader perspective of Filipinos, are proof of this.

4. Being loving to their family

• Filipinos are recognized for their affection, as they are willing to go to great
lengths to provide for their families. Parents who want to work overseas just for
their children are an example of this. Parents are willing to be separated from
their children in order to provide a better future for their children.

5. Religious

• Filipinos are religious because they never forget to thank God for the good
things that happen to them, and they never forget to pray and beg God for aid
when they are sad. For example, if you believe in Christianity, you'll see that
every Sunday, Filipinos gather in their churches to pray and worship the Lord.

6. Respectful

• Filipinos are known for being polite particularly towards the elderly. We can
demonstrate this by shaking hands or kissing the elder's hand, as well as saying
"po" and "opo," which demonstrates that Filipinos are a polite people who
respect one other's ideas rather than changing them.

7. Being loving to their country

• Filipinos are recognized for their patriotism, as seen by their singing of the
national anthem and reciting the "patriotic pledge," both of which are
expressions of unconditional love for our country. There are other Filipino
heroes who have given their life simply to achieve their country's independence.

3 Fs of Filipino why they are always happy

• Faith

• Family

• Friends

What really makes Filipinos happy?

1. Family is still the number one source of happiness for Filipinos. It is the
foundation of everything we do. It remains tight or even extended as a result of
deliberate efforts to keep it intact, despite the negative issues associated with the act.

2. Food remains very important to Filipinos. It's deeply ingrained in the Filipino
psyche: having food on the table is synonymous with survival. Food, too, provides us
with comfort and happiness. Even if it isn't a fiesta every day, we find happiness in the
contentment that simple, comfort food provides. As a result, it is critical for most Filipino
households to ensure that their family eats at least three times per day. And having a
meal five times a day is the pinnacle of happiness.
3. Our facility for friendship develops by being available for people in our orbit
to truly get to know us. We are aware of and anticipate our friends' needs, from the
most basic simple things like some shared time to being present in times of terrible
grief and loss.

4. Filipinos also attribute our general sense of happiness to our faith. The
difficulties they face can be overcome by faith, with the belief that God is watching
over us and that a higher power is driving us safely and successfully to our destination.

5. Filipinos are generally joyful. They know how to have a good time. Happiness,
true and genuine happiness, is at the heart of a well-lived life. The pursuit of happiness
does not end with a large bank account and high-earning investments, a thriving
career, or entrepreneurial success. Careers are a small part of a larger picture. Some
of the happiest people we've met don't care about their jobs or careers at all. And
material happiness has the ability to either destroy or amplify happiness.

6. Encouragement. All you need is an eye for achievement, the effort, and the
willingness to comment on it in a habitual, indiscriminate, but truthful manner. Today,
encourage someone. Genuine encouragement can be found almost anywhere and is
always met with gratitude and joy. Occasionally, sheepishly. Occasionally, with
embarrassment. However, insincerity is rare. "Consider how you may spur others to
stir up love and good works," the Epistle to the Hebrews says.

7. Energy is the secret to nearly everything that needs to be done. To many

Filipinos, it is a means to an end, and it can be given in incredible quantities. We
energise others when we have energy. It only takes proximity, which is a good
reminder to stay close to the spirited. "Do whatever your hand finds to do with your
might," the Book of Ecclesiastes says.

8. Empathy is not sympathy, but a relationship between individuals who have

similar experiences of suffering. Filipinos can sympathize with almost anyone, but
we can truly empathize with those who are going through what we have gone through.
Our empathy is the result of our life experiences. It's a physical action, not a mental
state. Empathy is a very good habit to cultivate, and once established, it will not fade
away. "To him who is afflicted, kindness should be shown by his friend," the Book of
Job says.
9. Good humor. Accepting the fact that, whatever the circumstances, this, too, shall
pass is the essence of good humor. "Good cheer" is similar to "charitable giving," and
genuine Filipino good cheer can be very quiet, but it is always noticed. "I know that
nothing is better for them than to rejoice," says the Book of Ecclesiastes.

10. Friendship is one of our treasured gifts in life. There are friends who appear to
back you up in everything you do. They have a smooth tongue and speak in a way
that is meant to flatter you. However, many of these friends are just passing through,
there to have a good time. A true friend will be there for you in times of emotional,
professional, and financial difficulty.



Assume that the students have learned the lesson about “Pagkamasayahin ng
mga Pilipino”. Reporters will ask the student to write their experience on the following
information in a piece of paper.

Direction: Draw the object that reminds you of an event in your life that made you
feel happy. Under your drawing, write your explanation why you feel happy that time.


Enumerate the following:

1-2. Give at least two (2) Impact of Happiness.

3-4. Give at least two (2) categories to determine the world happiest country.

5-6. Give at least two (2) Characteristics of Filipino.

7-9. Enumerate the Fs of Filipino why they are always happy.

10. Give at least one (1) reason what really makes Filipino happy.

1-2. - Positive emotions increase satisfaction with life.

- Happiness helps people build stronger coping skills and emotional


- Positive emotions are linked to better health and longevity.

- Positive feelings increase resilience.

- People who report having a positive state of well-being are more likely
to engage in healthy behaviors such as eating fruits and vegetables and
engaging in regular physical exercise.

- Being happy may make help you get sick less often. Happier mental
states are linked to increased immunity.

3-4. - Gross domestic product per capita

- Social support

- Healthy life expectancy

- Freedom to make your own life choices

- Generosity of the general population

- Perceptions of internal and external corruption levels

5-6. - Being positive and happy in life

- Helpful
- Creative

- Being loving to their family

- Religious
- Respectful
- Being loving to their country
7-9. - Faith
- Family
- Friends

10. - Family is still the number one source of happiness for Filipinos.
- Food remains very important to Filipinos.
- Our facility for friendship develops by being available for people in our
orbit to truly get to know us.
- Filipinos also attribute our general sense of happiness to our faith.
- Filipinos are generally joyful.
- Encouragement.
- Energy is the secret to nearly everything that needs to be done.
- Empathy is not sympathy, but a relationship between individuals who
have similar experiences of suffering.
- Good humor.
- Friendship is one of our treasured gifts in life.


Filipinos are, overall, a cheerful people. Whatever the circumstance, they can
smile. Their upbeat attitude and positive outlook enable them to bounce back from the
worst of situations, including natural disasters, wars, and, most notably, this pandemic.
The majority of Filipinos place a higher importance on relationships than on material
possessions. A family is one of the most important factors in their lives, as it provides
them with strength and allows them to remain happy even when they lack the material
possessions they desire. They believe that having a family brings happiness and
contentment to them. Being able to eat three times a day is happiness. It's being able
to meet the demands and desires of yourself and your family. It's a matter of job
security. It's having a sense of safety and security both inside and outside your home.
But they are the fundamentals. Excellence and an environment where excellence is
acknowledged, praised, supported, and then rewarded are also part of happiness.
Happiness is the ability to find meaning and make a difference in this life. Getting what
we deserve is happiness. Being happy can benefit your thoughts, soul, and body. It
truly gives you a positive outlook on life and can help you live longer without being
surrounded by negativity in your environment and community. You can be like them if
you are surrounded by people who are happy and have a smile on their face.


• YouTube. (2020, November 5). “Bagyo ka Lang, PILIPINO kami!”.

YouTube. Retrieved January 3, 2022, from
• K. Cherry. (2020, October 26). What is Happiness?. Retrieved January 3,
2022, from
• World Population Review. (n.d.). Happiest Countries in the World 2022.
Retrieved January 3, 2022, from
• Anonymouos. (2015, March 15). Mga Katangian ng mga Pilipino. Retrieved
January 3, 2022, from
• ABS CBN News. (2018, March 16). Mga Pilipino, may tatlong ‘F’ kaya
lagging masayahin: sociologist. Retrieved January 3, 2022, from
• YouTube. (2020, January 10). Why are Filipinos always so happy even
during hard times? | Uplifting | Philippines | Happiness. YouTube.
Retrieved January 3, 2022, from

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