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14 February 2023

Test 4- Chemistry of Arenes 35 Marks

1 (a) By reference to the formation of σ and π bonds, describe and explain the shape of a benzene

molecule, C6H6. [4]

(b) Benzene reacts with D to give cumene and non-organic product E.

(i) State the type of reaction mechanism that occurs in the reaction above. [1]

(ii) Name the reactant D and the non-organic product E.

E [2]

(b) Cumene undergoes substitution reactions with chlorine to give several different isomeric

products with the formula C9H11Cl. The substitution can occur in the aromatic ring or in the

side-chain of cumene.

(i) Describe the conditions that are used to ensure substitution takes place only in the

aromatic ring. [1]

(ii) Draw the structures of the two major isomeric products of the reaction, formula C 9H11Cl,

when substitution takes place in the aromatic ring. [2]

(iii) Describe the conditions that are used to ensure substitution takes place only in the

side-chain. [1]

(iv) Draw the structures of two isomeric products of the reaction, formula C 9H11Cl, when

substitution takes place in the side-chain. [2]

(c) Complete the following table to show the structures of the organic products formed when

cumene reacts with each reagent.

(d) 2,3-dimethylnitrobenzene can be prepared from 1,2-dimethylbenzene.

(i) State the reagents and conditons for the reaction above. [2]

(ii) Write an equation to show the electrophile for the reaction is generated. [1]

(ii) Draw the mechanism of the reaction between this electrophile and 1,2-dimethylbenzene. Include
all relevant curly arrows and charges. [4]

(iii) When concentrated sulfuric acid is added to water, dissociation takes place in two stages.

(i) Write the expression for the acid dissociation constant Ka 2. [1]

(ii) H2SO4 is considered a strong acid whereas HSO 4– is considered a weak acid.

Suggest how the magnitude of the acid dissociation constant for stage 1 compares to Ka2. [1]

(e) Benzoic acid, C6H5CO2H, is a weak acid. A solution of 0.0250 mol dm –3 benzoic acid has a pH of
2.90. Calculate the Ka of benzoic acid. [2]
(e) The drug mefenamic acid can be made using 2,3-dimethylphenylamine in an excess of
2-chlorobenzoic acid.

(i) Deduce the molecular formula of mefenamic acid. [1]

(ii) Name the functional groups, apart from the benzene ring, in mefenamic acid. [1]

(iii) Calculate the maximum mass of mefenamic acid that could be formed from 5.00 g of

2,3-dimethylphenylamine in this reaction. Give your answer to three significant figures. [3]

(f) Benzene can be converted into cyclohexane.

(i) For this reaction name the type of reaction and identify the reagent and conditions needed. [2]

(ii) State the bond angles in benzene and cyclohexane.

Explain your answers. [2]

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