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*This assessment review was compiled by our students and is intended to be used as a guide in assisting clinicians.

encourage you to review the evaluations and assessments for yourself to guarantee the most accurate and updated

I. General Information

Title of the test: Lowenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (LOTCA)

Author: Malka Itzkovich , Betty Elazar, Sara Averbuch, Nommi Katz, Levy Rahmani

Publisher: Maddak LLC

Time required to administer: About 20-30 minutes depending on time client takes to complete each sub-test and how
familiar the administrator is with testing materials.

Cost of the Test: $267.58 from

II. Description of Test

Type/Purpose of Test: Designed to assist clinician in developing cognitive intervention by evaluating the client’s basic
cognitive abilities. This assessment is useful in establishing a baseline for treatments, planning treatment goals, and
documenting changes during treatment. Six areas evaluated in this test include: orientation, visual perception, spatial
perception, motor praxis, visuomotor organization, and thinking operations.

Population: Originally, this assessment was designed for individuals with brain injury including those with TBI, CVA, and
brain tumors. This assessment has also been used with other populations where cognition may be impacted including spinal
cord injury, degenerative and psychiatric diseases, and “under-achieving students”.

Focus of measurement:
___ Organic systems _X__ Abilities ___ Participation/life habits ___ Environmental Factors

III. Practical Administration

Ease of Administration: Once the testing procedure is understood, administering this test is relatively simple.
Administration is easiest when evaluator is familiar with kit contents and has all materials set in the correct order

Clarity of Directions: Test directions are presented clearly in manual including script for evaluator. However, at times
these prompts are within a short explanatory paragraph. Highlighting verbal cues beforehand would be helpful until
examiner becomes more familiar with the assessment.

Scoring Procedures: Points are awarded for completion of different tasks in each subtest. Higher points indicate higher
performance. Scoring requirements for each subtest is listed in manual following administration directions. Familiarity with
test will make scoring each section time efficient during test administration.

Examiner Qualification & Training This test was designed by occupational therapists, and it is inferred by the title of the
assessment that it is designed to be administered by an occupational therapist. However, specific qualifications to
administer this test are not specified by the authors.
IV. Technical Considerations

Standardization: ____ Norms ____ Criterion Referenced __X__ Other ________________

Reliability: inter-rater reliability: .82-.97

Validity: all sub-tests except identification of objects varied at a .0001 level of significance.

Manual: ____ Excellent ___X_ Adequate ____ Poor

What is (are) the setting/s that you would anticipate using this assessment?
This assessment may be used with individuals with TBI, CVA, and other conditions that may affect the individual’s cognitive

Summary of strengths and weaknesses:

Kit does not hold materials securely, requiring tester to locate and rearrange testing materials before every
Research cited to support testing procedures are over 20 years old
Does not assess memory
Scoring is not self-explanatory for some tests
Some errors are not accounted for in the scoring of some tests

Takes into account different methods of testing to account for different types of aphasia
Covers many different areas of cognition in one assessment.
Activities are relatively interesting and engaging
Test is fairly short. Activities are varied enough to maintain client attention
Straight forward score sheet

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