CBSE Test Paper 01 Chapter 2 Polynomials

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Test Paper 01
Chapter 2 Polynomials

1. The zeroes of a polynomial are (1)

a. one positive and one negative
b. both positive
c. both negative
d. both equal
2. If ‘ ’ and ‘ ’ are the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial and
, then the value of ‘b’ is (1)
a. -6
b. -5
c. 5
d. 6

3. Degree of the polynomial 2x4+3x3-5x2+9x+1 is (1)

a. 3
b. 1
c. 2
d. 4

4. If and are zeros of x2 + 5x + 8, then the value of is (1)

a. -8
b. 8
c. 5
d. -5
5. Which of the following expressions is not a polynomial? (1)

6. Find the zeroes of the polynomial x2 - 8x + 4 . (1)

7. If the product of the zeros of the polynomial (ax2 - 6x - 6) is 4. Find the value of a. (1)

8. If x3 + x2 - ax + b is divisible by (x2 - x), write the values of a and b. (1)

9. Find the zeros of the following quadratic polynomial and verify the relationship

between the zeros and the coefficients: 3x2 - x - 4. (1)

10. Find all the zeroes of f(x) = x2 - 2x. (1)

11. If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial 4x2 - 2x + ( k - 4) and find the value

of k. (2)

12. If one zero of the polynomial (a2 + 9)x2 + 13x + 6a is the reciprocal of the other, find
the value of a. (2)
13. Find a cubic polynomial whose zeros are 3, and -1. (2)
14. If and are zeroes of the polynomial such that
, then find the value of c. (3)

15. If the polynomial x4 – 6x3 + 16x2 – 25x + 10 is divided by another polynomial x2 – 2x +

k, the remainder comes out to be x + a, find k and a. (3)
16. Find the zeroes of the given quadratic polynomials and verify the relationship

between the zeroes and the coefficients. x2 - 2x - 8 (3)

17. A polynomial g(x) of degree zero is added to polynomial , so
that it becomes exactly divisible by . Find g(x). (3)
18. A village of the North-East India is suffering from flood. A group of students decide to
help them with food items, clothes etc, So the student collects some amount of rupees,
which is represented by
i. If the number of students is represented by , find the values of a and b.
ii. What values have been depicted by the group of students? (4)

19. If are the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = 6x2 + 5x - k satisfying the relation,
, then find the value of k. (4)

20. If are the zeroes of polynomial p(x) = 3x2 + 2x + 1, find the polynomial whose
zeroes are . (4)
CBSE Test Paper 01
Chapter 2 Polynomials


1. a. one positive and one negative

= =0

2. d. 6

Explanation: Here = ……….(i)

And it is given that ……….(ii)
On solving eq. (i) and eq. (ii), we get

( is cancelled)

Put the value of in eq. (i)

3. d. 4
Explanation: The highest power of the variable is 4. So, the degree of the
polynomial is 4.

4. d. -5
= -5

5. a.
Explanation: is not a polynomial because each term of a
polynomial should be a product of a constant and one or more variable raised
to a positive, zero or integral power. Here does not satisfy the condition of
being a polynomial.

6. We have to find the zeroes of the polynomial x2 - 8x + 4 .

p(x) = x2 - 8x + 4

= x2 - 6x - 2x + 4 = 0
= = 0
Zeroes =

7. According to the question,we have to find the value of a such that the product of the

zeros of the polynomial (ax2 - 6x - 6) is 4.

Let and be the zeros of the polynomial (ax2 - 6x - 6)

Then, =
But, = 4 (given).

Hence, a =

8. Since f(x) = x3 + x2 - ax + b is divisible by (x2 - x), we have

x2 - x = 0
x(x - 1) = 0
x = 0 or x = 1
f(0) = 0

x3 + x2 - ax + b = 0

03 + 02 - a(0) + b = 0
b = 0
f(1) = 0

x3 + x2 - ax + b = 0

13 + 12 - a(1) + 0 = 0
1 + 1 - a = 0
2 - a = 0
a = 2
Hence , the value of a and b in given polynomial are a = 2 and b = 0.

9. We have,f(x) = 3x2 - x - 4

= 3x2 - 4x + 3x - 4
= x(3x - 4) + 1(3x - 4)
= (3x - 4) )(x + 1)
f(x) = 0
(3x - 4)(x +1) = 0
3x - 4 = 0 or x + 1 = 0
or x = -1
So, the zeros of f(x) are

Now sum of zeros .

And product of zeros

10. f(x) = x2 - 2x
= x (x -2)
f(x) = 0 x = 0 or x = 2
Hence, zeroes are 0 and 2.

11. Here p(x) = 4x2 − 2x +k − 4

Here a=4,b=-2,c=k-4
Given α and β are zeros of the given polynomial

also αβ= =
So =1
k - 4 = 4
k = 4 + 4 = 8

12. Let and be the zeros of (a2 + 9)x2 + 13x + 6a.

Then, we have

⇒ 1 =

⇒ a2 + 9 = 6a

⇒ a2 - 6a + 9 = 0

⇒ a2 - 3a - 3a + 9 = 0
⇒ a(a - 3) - 3(a - 3) = 0
⇒ (a - 3) (a - 3) = 0

⇒ (a - 3)2 = 0
⇒ a - 3 = 0
⇒ a = 3
So, the value of a in given polynomial is 3.
13. Let = 3, = and = -1. Then,

= -2

The polynomial with zeros α,β and is:

Thus, 2x3- 5x2- 4x + 3 is the desired polynomial.

14. Given, and are the zeroes of polynomial
which can be written as

So, sum of zeroes, sum of coefficients = ]

and product of zeroes product of cofficients= ,]


15. On dividing x4 - 6x3 - 16x2 - 25x + 10 by x2 - 2x + k

Remainder = (2k - 9)x - (8 - k)k + 10
But the remainder is given as x+a.
On comparing their coefficients,
2k - 9 = 1
k = 10
k = 5 and,
-(8 - k)k + 10 = a
a = -(8 - 5)5 + 10 = -15 + 10 = -5
Hence, k = 5 and a = -5

16. Let p(x) = x2 - 2x - 8

By the method of splitting the middle term,

For zeroes of p(x),

p(x) = 0

So, the zeroes of p(x) are 4 and -2.

We observe that, Sum of its zeroes
= 4 + (-2) = 2
Product of its zeroes

Hence, relation between zeroes and coefficients is verified.

17. According to the question, g(x) of degree degree zero is added to the polynomial

such that it becomes completely divisible by .

Let g(x)=k, then + k will be exactly divisible by .
We know dividend = quotient x divisor + remainder
On dividing by , we get quotient and
remainder = k+7
The degree of g(x) is zero then g(x) = 0

g(x) = -7
18. i. First we divide by as follows:

Since is divisible by , therefore remainder

= 0
Equating the corresponding terms, We have
i.e. and
ii. Common good, Social responsibility

19. According to the question, are zeroes of p(x) = 6x2 - 5x + k

So, Sum of zeroes = .......(i)

(Given) ..........(ii)
Adding equations (i) and (ii) , we get

On putting the value of in equation (ii), we get

Hence, k = 1

20. Since are the zeroes of polynomial 3x2 + 2x + 1.

Now, for the new polynomial,
Sum of zeroes =

Sum of zeroes =

Product of zeroes =

Hence, Required polynomial = x2 - (Sum of zeroes)x + Product of zeroes

= x2 - 2x + 3

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