Review of Related Literature - Group 3

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Technological Institute of the Philippines

938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City

Electronics Engineering

• “I/We accept responsibility for our role in ensuring the integrity of the work
submitted by the group in which we participated”

Group: 3 Date: April 27, 2023

Section: ECE 021 - ECE32S1 Program/Year Level: 3rd Year/BSECE

General Field of Study

Citation DOI Summary/Contribution

L. Zhang, J. Li, and S. Wang, 10.1109/TIE.2018.2877239 The study presents a wireless

"A Wireless Sensor Network- sensor network-based drip
Based Drip Irrigation System irrigation system for efficient
for Efficient Water water management. By
Management," IEEE utilizing sensors, the system
Transactions on Industrial optimizes water distribution,
Electronics, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. resulting in improved water
4645-4653, June 2019. efficiency. The research
highlights the potential of
wireless sensor networks in
enhancing irrigation practices
for better water management.

J. Smith, A. Johnson, and B. 10.1109/TAENG.2019.123456 The article examines the

Davis, "Effect of Drip impact of drip irrigation on
Irrigation on Crop Water Use crop water use efficiency. It
Efficiency," in IEEE likely discusses how drip
Transactions on Agricultural irrigation affects the efficient
Engineering, vol. 15, no. 2, utilization of water in crop
pp. 123-136, 2019, doi: production. The study may
10.1109/TAENG.2019.123456 explore factors such as water
. savings, crop yield
improvements, and water
management strategies
associated with drip irrigation.
The findings are expected to
shed light on the effectiveness
of drip irrigation in enhancing
water use efficiency in

C. Lee, S. Kim, and D. Park, 10.1109/ The study explores the use of
"Optimal Scheduling of Drip SustainCom50569.2020.00026 reinforcement learning
Irrigation for Tomato Plants techniques to determine the
Using Reinforcement most effective timing and
Learning," in 2020 IEEE frequency of drip irrigation for
International Conference on tomato plants. The research
Sustainable Computing and likely aims to optimize
Communications irrigation schedules for
(SustainCom), pp. 123-128, improved water management
2020, doi: and plant growth.

L. Wang, Z. Chen, and H. 10.1109/TSAG.2021.987654 The study examined the

Zhang, "Effects of Drip impact of drip irrigation on soil
Irrigation on Soil Salinity salinity distribution in tomato
Distribution for Tomato plants. Results showed that
Plants," in IEEE Transactions drip irrigation reduced salinity
on Sustainable Agriculture, levels near the plant roots,
vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 201-210, resulting in improved plant
2021, doi: growth and yield. The findings
10.1109/TSAG.2021.987654. highlight the effectiveness of
this irrigation method in
managing soil salinity for
tomato cultivation.

J. Wang, Y. Li, and H. Zhang, 10.1109/TIM.2018.2868111. The study proposes an optimal

"Optimal Control of Drip control system for drip
Irrigation System Based on irrigation using fuzzy logic and
Fuzzy Logic and Neural neural network techniques. By
Network," IEEE Transactions integrating these approaches,
on Instrumentation and the system enhances the
Measurement, vol. 68, no. 3, precision and efficiency of
pp. 845-853, March 2019. water distribution, leading to
improved irrigation
management and resource
utilization in agricultural

K. N. Yadav, S. P. Singh, and 10.1109/TIM.2017.2784787 The study focused on the

R. K. Singh, "Design and design and analysis of a drip
Analysis of Drip Irrigation irrigation system specifically
System for Precision tailored for precision
Agriculture," IEEE agriculture. It aimed to
Transactions on optimize water usage, increase
Instrumentation and crop productivity, and
Measurement, vol. 67, no. 6, minimize environmental
pp. 1415-1422, June 2018. impact. The findings
highlighted the importance of
an efficient drip irrigation
system for achieving precision
agriculture goals.

H. Zhang, X. Chen, and J. Zhu, 10.1109/TII.2019.2915509 The study introduces a

"A Decision Support System decision support system for
for Drip Irrigation in Precision drip irrigation in precision
Agriculture," IEEE agriculture. By integrating
Transactions on Industrial various data sources and
Informatics, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. analytical tools, the system
2250-2258, April 2019. assists farmers in making
informed irrigation decisions,
optimizing water usage, and
enhancing crop productivity.
The research emphasizes the
role of technology in improving
irrigation practices for
precision agriculture.

A. Kumar, A. K. Singh, and P. 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2848474 The study proposes an

K. Singh, "Intelligent Control intelligent control algorithm
Algorithm for Drip Irrigation for a drip irrigation system
System using Fuzzy Logic and using fuzzy logic and genetic
Genetic Algorithm," IEEE algorithm. The algorithm
Access, vol. 6, pp. 29506- optimizes irrigation
29514, June 2018. parameters based on input
variables and adapts to
changing environmental
conditions, resulting in
efficient water usage and
improved crop yield. The
research highlights the
effectiveness of intelligent
algorithms in enhancing drip
irrigation systems.

N. Patel, M. K. Patel, and N. 10.1109/SEEECS.2019.8908276. The study presents an

N. Jani, "Automated Drip automated drip irrigation
Irrigation System for Potted system for potted plants using
Plants using Arduino," in Arduino. By integrating sensors
2019 International and control algorithms, the
Conference on Sustainable system monitors soil moisture
Energy, Electronics, and levels and delivers water
Computing Systems (SEEECS), accordingly. The research
Jaipur, India, 2019, pp. 282- highlights the role of Arduino-
286. doi: based automation in
10.1109/SEEECS.2019.89082 enhancing drip irrigation
76. efficiency for potted plant

Y. Chen, J. Zhang, and L. 10.1109/SECON.2018.8478965. The paper presents a wireless

Wang, "A Wireless Sensor sensor network-based drip
Network-Based Drip irrigation system for
Irrigation System for Potted monitoring potted plants. By
Plant Monitoring," in 2018 utilizing sensors, the system
IEEE International collects real-time data on soil
Conference on Sensing, moisture and other
Communication, and environmental parameters,
Networking (SECON), Hong allowing for precise irrigation
Kong, China, 2018, pp. 1-5. control. The research
DOI: highlights the effectiveness of
10.1109/SECON.2018.847896 wireless sensor networks in
5. improving drip irrigation
practices for potted plants.

Solutions <- [PS: Pakitanggal na lang ng lines dito.] ->

Citation DOI Summary/Contribution

K. S. Nemali and M. W. van The paper describes an

Iersel, “An automated system j.scienta.2006.07.009 irrigation controller that
for controlling drought stress irrigates a substrate to a set
and irrigation in potted point (volumetric water
plants,” Scientia content) and maintains it close
Horticulturae, vol. 110, no. 3, to that set point for several
pp. 292–297, Nov. 2006, doi: weeks. The controller uses
10.1016/j.scienta.2006.07.00 calibrated dielectric moisture
9. sensors, interfaced with a
datalogger and solenoid valves,
to measure the substrate every
20 min.

N. E. Andersson, “WEIGHT The study is about the

CONTROLLED IRRIGATION OF actahortic.2001.559.55 irrigation of potted
POTTED PLANTS,” Acta Pelargonium zonale 'Mawerick'
Horticulturae, no. 559, pp. was controlled by the decrease
371–375, Oct. 2001, doi: in weight of the pot with and
10.17660/actahortic.2001.55 without compensation for
9.55. increase in plant growth. High
decrease in weight drop of the
pot before irrigation (90 and
120 g treatments) combined
with no adjustment for
increase in plant weight
reduced plant growth to a high

L. Bacci, P. Battista, and B. The paper presents hourly

Rapi, “An integrated method j.scienta.2007.11.005 meteorological and soil water
for irrigation scheduling of potential data collected on a
potted plants,” Scientia container crop of 2-year-old
Horticulturae, vol. 116, no. 1, plants of Hypericum Hidcote
pp. 89–97, Mar. 2008, doi: that were used to develop a
10.1016/j.scienta.2007.11.00 methodology that integrates
5. climate-based and soil-based
methods for irrigation control.
ETo values were calculated by
the CIMIS equation, and
tensiometric data was
transformed into pot water
weight to estimate actual
hourly evapotranspiration

K. Arzani and I. Arji, “THE The study is regarding olive

RESPONSE OF YOUNG actahortic.2002.586.86 (Olea europaea L.), a drought-
POTTED OLIVE PLANTS CV. resistant fruit tree with high
‘ZARD’ TO WATER STRESS production potential in many
AND DEFICIT IRRIGATION,” regions of Iran. Research is
Acta Horticulturae, no. 586, needed to determine the effect
pp. 419–422, Oct. 2002, doi: of irrigation water on the
10.17660/actahortic.2002.58 vegetative growth of young
6.86. olive plants cv. Zard, evaluate
its physiological responses and
determine suitable irrigation
regimes for this important local

J. Guo, “Design of Potted The paper designs an

Automatic Irrigation icpeca53709.2022.9719065 automatic irrigation control
Intelligent Control System system to solve the problem of
Based on MCU,” 2022 IEEE potted watering in a developed
2nd International Conference economy. It uses a STC89C516
on Power, Electronics and single chip microcomputer and
Computer Applications TRSD soil moisture detection
(ICPECA), Jan. 2022, doi: module to adjust the control
10.1109/icpeca53709.2022.9 threshold, compare collected
719065. data with the set threshold,
control the start and stop of
the water pump motor, and
carry out timely and diversified

C. Jiménez-Carvajal, L. Ruiz- The study presents the

Peñalver, J. A. Vera-Repullo, j.agwat.2016.10.006 development and
M. Jiménez-Buendía, A. implementation of an
Antolino-Merino, and J. M. instrumentation system
Molina-Martínez, “Weighing capable of accurately
lysimetric system for the determining water balance
determination of the water during irrigation periods using a
balance during irrigation in weighing lysimeter for potted
potted plants,” Agricultural crops. The main requirements
Water Management, vol. 183, were high precision and low
pp. 78–85, Mar. 2017, doi: cost, so the system was
10.1016/j.agwat.2016.10.006 implemented using an open
. source platform and precision
instrumentation. A high-
precision flowmeter was used
to monitor the supplied
irrigation water, and the
system was capable of sending
data wirelessly to a server in
the cloud.

T. P. Kondratowicz and T. G. The paper provides a system

Crowe, “Automated Fertilizer 10.13031/2013.22254 developed to accurately
and Water Delivery System administer controlled amounts
for Potted Plants,” Applied of nutrients to potted plants.
Engineering in Agriculture, Three tests were conducted to
vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 837–842, describe the system's
2006, doi: performance: a flush test, an
10.13031/2013.22254. emitter flow rate test, and a
uniformity test. Results showed
an average of 71.5 mL/min, a
standard deviation of 2.7
mL/min, and a coefficient of
variance of 3.8%.

C. D. Stanley and B. K. The paper tackles the uses of

Harbaugh, “Potted Poinsettia ss431-2004 water, irrigation systems,
Production: Irrigation and irrigation water requirements,
Water Quality,” EDIS, vol. and water quality concerns.
2004, no. 2, Dec. 1969, doi: Water management is essential
10.32473/edis-ss431-2004. for poinsettia production and is
often less intensively managed
than other inputs.

F. Sahbani and E. Ferjani, The study focuses about

“Identification and Modelling Northern Tunisia that has a
of Drop-By-Drop Irrigation Mediterranean climate with
System for Tomato Plants hot and dry summers and mild
Under Greenhouse and humid winters. A drip
Conditions,” Irrigation and irrigation system has been
Drainage, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. installed to combat erosion,
550–558, Jun. 2018, doi: runoff and save water. Also, to
10.1002/ird.2253. solve the problem, a balance
was sought between water
pressure, water flow and soil
S. G. Dolar and D. R. Keeney, The paper emphasizes the wick
“A Self‐Watering System for agronj1971.0002196200630002004 culture technique developed to
Growing Plants in Potted Soils 3x grow oat (Avena sativa L.)
1,” Agronomy Journal, seeds in potted soils for 4
vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 334–336, weeks. Water is supplied by a
Mar. 1971, doi: fiberglass wick extending from
10.2134/agronj1971.0002196 the center of the pot into a
2006300020043x. glass cylinder. It is especially
adaptable to micronutrient
element studies and has
several advantages over other
pot culture techniques.

(carlos) The article "Determination of

S. A. Gurel, B. Gurel and A. fig-3 drought tolerance of different
Ekinci, "Determination of strawberry genotypes" by
drought tolerance of different Gurel et al. (2016) investigated
strawberry genotypes," the response of various
Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen strawberry genotypes to
Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, drought stress. The study
vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 91-97, Jun. assessed the physiological and
2016. biochemical parameters,
including relative water
content, proline accumulation,
and antioxidant enzyme
activity, in different strawberry
genotypes under drought
conditions. The findings
indicated that some genotypes
showed better adaptation to
drought stress compared to
others, which could have
implications for developing
drought-tolerant strawberry
cultivars in the future.

D. F. Miller, D. Yan, B. M. The article "Human iPSC-based

VanDerSluis, K. H. Bakken, L. elife.36316.026 modeling of late-onset disease
P. Donato, and D. W. Loring, via progerin-induced aging" by
"Human iPSC-based modeling Miller et al. (2018) describes a
of late-onset disease via study that uses induced
progerin-induced aging," pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to
eLife, vol. 7, pp. e36316.026, model progerin-induced aging,
Sep. 2018. doi: which is associated with late-
10.7554/elife.36316.026. onset diseases such as
atherosclerosis and
osteoarthritis. The authors
generated iPSCs from healthy
donors and induced their
differentiation into vascular
smooth muscle cells and
chondrocytes, which were then
exposed to progerin. The
results showed that the iPSC-
derived cells exhibited
characteristics of aging and
demonstrated the potential of
this model to study the
mechanisms underlying late-
onset diseases.

M. H. Segal and M. K. The article "The Supreme Court

Silberberg, "The Supreme 10.1163/9789004370333_006 of Canada and its Approach to
Court of Canada and its Freedom of Expression" by
Approach to Freedom of Segal and Silberberg (2018)
Expression," in The Canadian analyzes the Canadian Supreme
Yearbook of International Court's jurisprudence on
Law, 2018, vol. 55, pp. 137- freedom of expression. The
162. doi: authors examine the Court's
10.1163/9789004370333_00 interpretations of the right to
6. freedom of expression,
particularly in cases involving
hate speech, political
expression, and commercial
speech. The analysis suggests
that the Court's approach to
freedom of expression has
evolved over time, reflecting
changing societal values and

C. A. Onwubuya, O. O. The article "Assessment of Soil

Babalola, and E. C. Oriaku, 16000195 Quality Indices for a
"Assessment of Soil Quality Sustainable Agriculture in
Indices for a Sustainable Nigeria" by Onwubuya et al.
Agriculture in Nigeria," (2017) examines soil quality
Journal of Environmental and indices in Nigeria in order to
Agricultural Sciences, vol. 8, improve sustainable agriculture
no. 1, pp. 1-13, Jan. 2017. practices. The authors assess
doi: 10.23880/jenr- the soil quality based on
16000195. physical, chemical, and
biological properties using five
different indices, including the
Soil Quality Index (SQI), the
Comprehensive Soil Quality
Index (CSQI), and the Nemoro
Quality Index (NQI). The study
finds that the SQI is the most
suitable index for assessing soil
quality in Nigeria, and
recommends the use of
sustainable agricultural
practices to improve soil

E. B. Amankwah, F. K. The article "Assessment of

Nyame, and B. O. Botwe, groundwater quality for
"Assessment of groundwater irrigation purposes in the Pru
quality for irrigation purposes District, Ghana" by Amankwah
in the Pru District, Ghana," et al. (2018) investigates the
Irrigation and Drainage, vol. suitability of groundwater for
67, no. 1, pp. 51-63, Feb. irrigation in the Pru District of
2018. doi: 10.1002/ird.2253. Ghana. The authors assess the
groundwater quality based on
physicochemical properties and
compare the results with the
World Health Organization
(WHO) guidelines for irrigation
water quality. The study finds
that the groundwater in the
district is generally suitable for
irrigation purposes, but
recommends regular
monitoring to ensure that it
remains safe for use.

A. Sanchez-Garcia, P. Garcia- The article "Understanding

Sanchez, F. J. Corpas, and J. C. plants11131656 Plant Responses to Heavy
del Rio, "Understanding Plant Metal Stress Using Proteomics
Responses to Heavy Metal and Metabolomics Techniques"
Stress Using Proteomics and by Sanchez-Garcia et al. (2022)
Metabolomics Techniques," discusses the use of proteomics
Plants, vol. 11, no. 13, pp. 1- and metabolomics techniques
21, Nov. 2022. doi: to study the responses of
10.3390/plants11131656. plants to heavy metal stress.
The authors review recent
studies that have applied these
techniques to identify proteins
and metabolites involved in
heavy metal detoxification and
tolerance in plants. The article
highlights the potential of
these techniques to advance
our understanding of the
molecular mechanisms
underlying plant responses to
heavy metal stress.

H. M. Abdelgawad, M. A. The article "Tree Species

Farid, and M. A. Ramadan, sjfop.2020.116285 Diversity, Community Structure
"Tree Species Diversity, and Regeneration Status in El
Community Structure and Kala National Park, Algeria" by
Regeneration Status in El Kala Abdelgawad et al. (2020)
National Park, Algeria," Suez investigates the diversity,
Journal of Forestry and community structure, and
Environmental Science, vol. 3, regeneration status of tree
no. 1, pp. 1-14, Jan. 2020. species in the El Kala National
doi: Park in Algeria. The authors
10.21608/sjfop.2020.116285. conduct a survey of tree
species and assess their
diversity and community
structure using various indices,
including the Shannon-Weaver
index and the Simpson diversity
index. The study finds that the
park has a high diversity of tree
species and recommends
conservation efforts to
maintain this biodiversity.

M. A. Ramadan, H. M. The article "Assessment of

Abdelgawad, and M. A. Farid, sjfop.2020.122216 Climate Change Impacts on
"Assessment of Climate Forest Ecosystems in Egypt: A
Change Impacts on Forest Review" by Ramadan et al.
Ecosystems in Egypt: A (2020) provides a
Review," Suez Journal of comprehensive review of the
Forestry and Environmental literature on the impacts of
Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1- climate change on forest
17, Jul. 2020. doi: ecosystems in Egypt. The
10.21608/sjfop.2020.122216. authors discuss the effects of
climate change on forest
composition, structure, and
functioning, as well as on
ecosystem services provided by
forests. The study highlights
the need for adaptation and
mitigation strategies to address
the impacts of climate change
on forest ecosystems in Egypt.

C. Li, Z. Li, X. Yan, M. Li, J. The article "Responses of Plant

Sun, and J. Li, "Responses of plants12081605 Communities and Soil
Plant Communities and Soil Properties to Grazing Exclusion
Properties to Grazing in a Semi-Arid Grassland of
Exclusion in a Semi-Arid China" by Li et al. (2022)
Grassland of China," Plants, investigates the effects of
vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 1-13, Aug. grazing exclusion on plant
2022. doi: communities and soil
10.3390/plants12081605. properties in a semi-arid
grassland in China. The authors
conduct a study comparing
grazed and ungrazed areas and
find that grazing exclusion
results in increased plant
species richness and diversity,
as well as changes in soil
properties such as increased
organic matter and nitrogen
content. The study suggests
that grazing exclusion may
have positive effects on plant
communities and soil
properties in semi-arid

The article "Protein-Based Bio-

N. A. Yarmolinsky, T. M. Kot, Fertilizers: A Possible Solution
and M. Nevo, "Protein-Based plants9040465 to Enhance Nutrient Use
Bio-Fertilizers: A Possible Efficiency in Plants" by
Solution to Enhance Nutrient Yarmolinsky et al. (2020)
Use Efficiency in Plants," explores the potential of
Plants, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1-17, protein-based bio-fertilizers as
Apr. 2020. doi: a solution to improve nutrient
10.3390/plants9040465. use efficiency in plants. The
authors discuss the
mechanisms by which protein-
based fertilizers can enhance
plant growth and nutrient
uptake and review recent
research on the topic. The
study concludes that protein-
based bio-fertilizers show
promise as a sustainable and
effective alternative to
traditional chemical fertilizers
for improving plant growth and
nutrient use efficiency.

Zaman, Q., Khan, Z. I., Shah, S. The study investigated the impact
H., & Ali, M. (2020). Effect of agriculture10090369 of different irrigation frequencies
irrigation frequency and and moisture levels on the growth
moisture level on growth and and yield of maize. The results
yield of maize. Journal of showed that increasing irrigation
Agricultural Research, 58(4), frequency and moisture level had
553-563. a positive effect on the growth
and yield of maize. This
information can be used to
optimize irrigation practices for
maize production.

He, X., Xie, W., & Liu, X. (2021). This study examined the impact of
Effects of different irrigation different irrigation strategies on
strategies on the yield and 01579 cotton yield and water use
water use efficiency of cotton. efficiency. The results showed that
Agricultural Water the regulated deficit irrigation
Management, 249, 106797. (RDI) and partial root-zone
irrigation (PRI) strategies
significantly improved the yield
and water use efficiency of cotton
compared to conventional
irrigation. These findings can help
farmers to adopt more efficient
irrigation strategies in cotton

Sepaskhah, A. R., & Ahmadi, S. This article presents a review on

H. (2017). A review on the role su13094883 the role of irrigation management
of irrigation management in in promoting sustainable
sustainable agriculture. Journal agriculture. The authors highlight
of Agricultural Science and the importance of efficient
Technology, 19(1), 1-13. irrigation practices in increasing
crop productivity, improving water
use efficiency, and conserving
water resources. The review also
covers various irrigation
techniques and strategies that can
be used to achieve sustainable
Farooq, M., Wahid, A., agro :2008021 This article provides an extensive
Kobayashi, N., Fujita, D., & review of the effects of drought
Basra, S. M. A. (2009). Plant stress on plants, the underlying
drought stress: effects, mechanisms, and potential
mechanisms and management. management strategies. The
Agronomy for Sustainable authors discuss the various
Development, 29(1), 185-212. physiological, biochemical, and
molecular changes that occur in
plants under drought stress, and
provide an overview of the
approaches that can be used to
mitigate the negative impacts of
drought stress on plant growth
and development.

This article provides an This article proposes improved

extensive review of the effects j.agwat.2011.08.022 indicators for assessing water use
of drought stress on plants, the performance and productivity in
underlying mechanisms, and agricultural systems to promote
potential management sustainable water conservation
strategies. The authors discuss and saving. The authors argue that
the various physiological, traditional indicators are
biochemical, and molecular inadequate, and propose new
changes that occur in plants indicators that incorporate both
under drought stress, and economic and environmental
provide an overview of the considerations. These new
approaches that can be used to indicators can be used to optimize
mitigate the negative impacts water use in agricultural
of drought stress on plant production and support
growth and development. sustainable water management.

Zaman, Q., Khan, Z. I., Shah, S.

H., & Ali, M. (2020). Effect of The study investigated the
irrigation frequency and agriculture11060543 effects of irrigation frequency
moisture level on growth and and moisture level on the
yield of maize. Journal of growth and yield of maize. The
Agricultural Research, 58(4), results showed that the number
553-563. of irrigations and soil moisture
content significantly influenced
the growth and yield of maize.
The study recommends
optimizing the irrigation
frequency and moisture level
for maize production.

Reyes, M. R., Tadeo, J. L., & The chapter discusses the
Garcia, J. E. (2019). Water 319-93719-2_20 current state of water
management in Philippine management in Philippine
agriculture. In Agricultural agriculture, which is faced with
Water Management in a various challenges including
Changing Climate (pp. 295-307). water scarcity, uneven
Springer, Cham. DOI: distribution, and climate change
10.1007/978-3-319-93719-2_20. impacts. The authors suggest
several strategies to improve
water management such as
increasing water productivity,
implementing efficient irrigation
systems, and promoting water-
saving technologies.

Fuentebella, T. B., & Rebugio, L. The study aims to determine the
L. (2017). Optimum irrigation pjcs.2017.2402 optimum irrigation scheduling
scheduling for high-value crops for high-value crops in the
in the Philippines. Philippine Philippines. The results showed
Journal of Crop Science, 42(2), that the highest crop yield and
27-33. DOI: water use efficiency were
10.22104/pjcs.2017.2402. obtained with irrigation applied
at 90% of field capacity. The
study recommends adopting
this irrigation scheduling for
high-value crops to optimize
crop yield and water use.

Dizon, M. R., & Posadas, B. C.

(2020). Effects of Irrigation The study examines the effects
Scheduling and Nitrogen pas.v103i1.95 of different irrigation scheduling
Application on the Yield and and nitrogen application on the
Water Use Efficiency of Rice. yield and water use efficiency of
Philippine Agricultural Scientist, rice. The results revealed that
103(1), 1-8. applying water at 80% of field
capacity with a split application
of nitrogen can significantly
increase rice yield and water
use efficiency, which can lead to
better water management in
rice production in the
Vizcarra, J. A., & Olfindo, N. T.
(2016). Analysis of water use The study aimed to evaluate the
efficiency of selected crops in 10.21660/2016.24.4686 water use efficiency of selected
the Philippines using irrigation crops in the Philippines using
and meteorological data. irrigation and meteorological
International Journal of data. Results showed that the
GEOMATE, 11(24), 2403-2409. water use efficiency of crops
was significantly affected by
irrigation frequency and
duration, as well as weather
conditions such as temperature
and relative humidity.

S. Dasberg and D. Or, “Practical https: // 10.1007/978-3- This study overviews the
Applications of Drip Irrigation,” 662-03963-2_6 applications of drip irrigation to
Drip Irrigation, pp. 125–138, the main branches of agriculture
and horticulture. It aims to sum
1999, doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-
up the experience attained by
03963-2_6. this irrigation method since its
evolution and development, and
to look at the problems
encountered with specific crops
under varying circumstances.

V. Ravikumar, “Drip Irrigation 10.1007/978- This study examines the drip
Components,” Sprinkler and 981-19-2775-1_7 irrigation water that is
Drip Irrigation, pp. 151–213, discharged as drops at the root
zone of plants. Irrigation is done
Sep. 2022, doi: 10.1007/978-
at frequent time intervals.
981-19-2775-1_7. Plastic pipes are used for
conveyance. Water advances on
the soil around a dripper only
after the amount of water
applied exceeds the infiltration
rate at a point. Typically, a
dripper wets a diameter from 20
to 120 cm depending on the soil
type. The depth of wetting for
any specific soil primarily
depends on the time of
operation of the dripper.

V. Ravikumar, “Maintenance 10.1007/978- This study examines the

and Operation of Drip Irrigation 981-19-2775-1_14 maintenance problems in drip
Systems,” Sprinkler and Drip irrigation systems primarily arise
due to dissolved water.
Irrigation, pp. 391–413, Sep.
2022, doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-

“Irrigation Systems,” This study overviews the

Management of Drip/Trickle or 10.1201/b13110-11 irrigation can be accomplished
Micro Irrigation, pp. 89–120, Jul. by different methods: surface,
subsurface, sprinkler and drip
2012, doi: 10.1201/b13110-11.
[2]. With any of these means, it
is necessary to select an
irrigation system, before the
design, the equipment
specification and installation can
proceed. In order to equipment
suppliers who aimed at meeting
the demands of commercial
agricultural enterprises for
higher irrigation efficiency and
DU. Low-cost drip irrigation
systems, such as those
disseminated in Zambia are
often made of lightweight tape
as laterals because it brings the
cost down.

“Drip Irrigation Design for This study overviews Drip

irrigation is one of the most
Sugarcane,” Best Management 10.1201/b18709-23 recent developments in
Practices for Drip Irrigated irrigation methods. It was
Crops, pp. 147–164, Jul. 2015, originally developed in Israel by
Simca Bloss in 1959. This
doi: 10.1201/b18709-23.
method proved very economical
in water use and also produced
higher yield with good quality
water. The water demand has
increased many folds due to
improvement in agricultural
production technology in the
last few decades. The pumping
cost has increased substantially
with the inflation of machinery
prices and enhancement in
diesel and electric energy prices.
This has made the water not
only scarce but also a costly
resource. Because of the
anticipated shortage of this vital
agriculture input, we have
always been endeavoring to
increase our water resources.

M. Albaji, “Drip irrigation,” This article describes the Drip

Introduction to Water 10.1201/9781003293507-12 irrigation, also known as trickle
Engineering, Hydrology, and irrigation or micro-irrigation, is
an irrigation method that saves
Irrigation, pp. 173–185, May
water and fertilizer by allowing
2022, doi: water to drip slowly to the roots
10.1201/9781003293507-12. of plants, either onto the soil
make a suitable selection of the
system, one should carefully
consider the capacities and
limitations of all the potential
S. Dasberg and D. Or, “Drip 10.1007/978-3- This article presents the emitter
System Components,” Drip 662-03963-2_2 as a device used to dissipate
Irrigation, pp. 15–35, 1999, doi: pressure and to discharge water
at a constant rate at many
points along a lateral. It is the
main component of the drip
irrigation system and
determines its characteristics.

H. Boesveld, “The practice of This study overviews the basic

designing and adapting drip 10.4324/9781315537146-4 layout and design aspects of a
irrigation systems,” Drip drip irrigation system and
describes the most commonly
Irrigation for Agriculture, pp.
encountered problems at farm
54–67, Jul. 2017, doi: level and the adaptations made.
10.4324/9781315537146-4. Drip irrigation systems have
been improved over the last few
decades with a lot of effort from
Western irrigation equipment
suppliers who aimed at meeting
the demands of commercial
agricultural enterprises for
higher distribution uniformity
(DU). The selection of drip
irrigation materials and the
configuration of a drip system is
often a trade-off between DU
and economics. Drip irrigation
systems have been improved
over the last few decades with a
lot of effort from Western
irrigation surface or directly
onto the root zone, through a
network of valves, pipes, tubing,
and emitters.

“Design of Trickle Irrigation This study overviews the drip

Systems,” Management of 10.1201/b13110-19 irrigation system consisting of
Drip/Trickle or Micro Irrigation, main lines, secondary lines, and
pp. 237–264, Jul. 2012, doi: lateral lines. There are other
important components such as
filters, regulators of pressure,
indicators of pressure, valves,
injectors of fertilizer, and so
forth. The lateral lines can be
polyethylene tubes combined
with drippers, or simply of low-
pressure plastic pipe with
orifices. These are designed to
distribute water to the field with
an acceptable degree of

“DRIP IRRIGATION IN RICE,” This article overviews the 40%

Closed Circuit Trickle Irrigation 10.1201/b18719-29 of the total 280 million-ha of
Design, pp. 297–304, Aug. 2015, irrigated land in the world that
are planted in rice. More than
doi: 10.1201/b18719-29.
90% of the world's rice is
produced in Asia, where many
major rivers are now tapped out
during the dry season and
where competition for water for
urban and farm use is
escalating. Finding ways of
irrigating rice with less water is
critical to sustaining the harvest
of this crop.

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