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The 16th intra mock trial Moot Court competition was organised by Advocate's Legion, the
Moot Court society of Vivekananda School of Law and Legal Studies (VSLLS) of the
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies on May 15, 2023 (Day 1) at 3:00 pm in room
no. 706. The Organising Committee, which included Miss Manya, Miss Aarushi, Miss
Vedika, and Miss Laqshya, managed the mock preliminary round . Nine volunteers from the
report committee and twenty two from the court room committee were in the room. Miss
Priyanka presided as the judge for the day, assisted by Miss Srijaa, a student member. The
volunteer from the Photography committee present in the room was Mr. Mayank Pandey. The
court Master and the court marshall for the mock trial session were Miss Kashish and Miss
Athulya respectively.

Ms. Aarushi, addressed various committees and did a wholesome job of giving instructions to
the Court Master and Court Marshall committees with respect to their functions. She began
with asking the committees to ensure that all the participants have their cameras on at all
times and unmute themselves only when requested to do so. She also added that the
participants must rename themselves before entering the court room with the purpose of
keeping their identities anonymous. There must be absolute decorum maintained while a
participant is speaking by the committees. The time allotted to each team is 15 minutes and 1
minute is kept for rebuttal or sub– rebuttals. The time limit for each speaker is 8 minutes.
Each speaker is to be asked the time for which they would want to speak as well as the who
would be taking the rebuttals. She even directed the members of all the committees to stop
the proceeding by unmuting the mic in case any of the participant disconnects from the
meeting and further request the Technical committee to look into the matter.

The Committee members were further directed to greet and respect the decisions of Judge of
the Court Room at all times. They were also asked to tackle issues of the participants like if a
team requests to submit a pending commpendium, the member must answer by stating,
“Apoligies dear participant, the Compendium was supposed to be submitted before hand as
communicated via mail for the Preliminary round.” The announcement made by the
committee members must be clear, comprehensible and unambiguous during the proceedings.
While submitting the form to the Judge, Time taken is the total time taken by the speaker to
present his argument and is also inclusive of the observation made by the Judge on the

The session concluded at 3:45 with Miss. Aarushi and Miss Srijaa requesting the Report
Committeee participants to disperse and informing about the timings of the mock trial

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