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1. The basic requirements of transmitting antennas are:

a) High efficiency
b) Low side lobes
c) Large signal to noise ratio
d) Lone of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The basic requirements of a transmitting antenna are high gain and efficiency while
requirements of receiving antennas are low side lobes and large signal to noise to ratio.

2. is a device that converts electrons to photons or vice-versa.

a) Antenna
b) Electron gun
c) Photon amplifier
d) Microwave tube
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Answer: a
Explanation: Antenna is a device that converts electrons into photons or vice versa. A
transmitting antenna converts electrons into photons while a receiving antenna converts photons
into electrons.
3. The basic equation of radiation that is applied to any antenna irrespective of the type of
the antenna is:
a) iL= Qv
b) iQ = Lv
c) i/L=Q/v
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Basic equation of radiation is given by iL=Qv. i is the time change in current, l is
the length of the current element, q is the charge v is the acceleration of the charge.

4. The number of patterns radiation pattern required to specify the characteristic are :
a) Three
b) Four
c) Two
d) Five
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Answer: a
Explanation: The three patterns required are, θ component of the electric field as the function of
the angles as θ and φ, the φ component of the electric field as the function of the angles θ and φ,
the phase of these fields as a functions of the angle φ and θ .

5. The beam width of the antenna pattern measured at half power points is called:
a) Half power beam width
b) Full null beam width
c) Beam width
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The beam width of an antenna measure at half of the maximum power received by
an antenna or the 3 dB beam width of the antenna is termed as half null beam width.

6. An antenna has a field pattern of E (θ) = cos2 θ, θ varies between 0 and 900. Half power
beam width of the antenna is:
a) 330
b) 660
c) 12000
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Half power beam width of the antenna is obtained by equating the field pattern of
the antenna to 0.707 (half power point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of beam width. Solving
the given problem in the same flow, half power beam width of the antenna is 660.

7. An antenna has a field pattern E (θ) =cos θ. cos 2θ. The first null beam width of the antenna
is: a) 450
b) 900
c) 1800
d) 1200
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Answer: b
Explanation: Half power beam width of the antenna is obtained by equating the field pattern of
the antenna to 0.707 (half power point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of beam width. Twice
the half power beam width gives the first null beam width. With the same steps applied, the half
power beam width of the antenna is 450. First null beam width is 900.

8. The solid area through which all the power radiated by the antenna is:
a) Beam area
b) Effective area
c) Aperture area
d) Beam efficiency
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Answer: a
Explanation: The beam area is the solid angle through which all of the power radiated by the
antenna would stream if P (θ, φ) maintained its maximum value over beam area and zero
elsewhere. This value is approximately equal to the angles subtended by the half power points of
the main lobe in the two principal planes.

9. Power radiated from an antenna per unit solid angle is called radiation intensity.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Power radiated from an antenna per unit solid angle is called radiation intensity.
Unit of radiation intensity is watts per steridian or per square degree.

10. As the beam area of an antenna decreases, the directivity of the antenna:
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains unchanged
d) Depends on the type of the
antenna View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Beam area of an antenna and the directivity of the antenna are inversely
proportional. As the beam area is reduced, the directivity increases, meaning smaller the
radiating area of the transmitting antenna, more directed is the emitted energy.

11. If an antenna radiates over half a sphere, directivity of the antenna is:
a) Two
b) Four
c) Three
d) One
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since the antenna radiates over half the sphere, beam area of the antenna is 2π,
directivity of the antenna is given by 4π/ beam area. Substituting for beam area, the directivity
of the antenna is two.

12. The half power beam width of an antenna in both θ and φ are 400 each. Then the gain
of the antenna is:
a) 23
b) 25
c) 14
d) 27
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Answer: b
Explanation: Approximate gain of an antenna is given by the expression 40000/ (HPBW) 2.
Substituting the given values in the above expression, the gain of the antenna is 25. In dB scale
the gain of the antenna is 14 dB.

13. The number N of radio transmitters or point sources of radiation distributed uniformly
over the sky which an antenna can resolve is given by:
a) 4π/ ΩA
b) 2π/ ΩA
c) π/ ΩA
d) None of the
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Answer: a
Explanation: Resolution may be defined as equal to half the beam width between first nulls. In
the above expression the resolution N is given as 4π/ ΩA.. Here ΩA is the beam area.

14. Ideally, the number of point sources an antenna can resolve is numerically equal to:
a) Gain of the antenna
b) Directivity
c) Beam efficiency
d) Beam area
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Answer: b
Explanation: The number of point source an antenna can resolve is given by 4π/ ΩA Directivity
of an antenna is mathematically given by the relation 4π/ ΩA . Numerically resolution and
directivity are equal.

15. Effective aperture is a parameter of the antenna that gives the physical aperture of the
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Effective aperture defines the amount of the total aperture of the antenna that is
utilized for radiation of energy. Higher the effective aperture of an antenna, more is the
aperture efficiency.

16. Effective aperture in terms of beam area and operating wavelength is given by the relation:
a) λ2/ ΩA
b) ΩA / λ2
c) λ2× ΩA
d) No such relationship
exists View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Effective aperture is given as λ2/ ΩA. Here ΩA is the beam area. If the beam area is
specified in terms of the operating wavelength λ, then effective are of the antenna can be made
operating wavelength independent.

17. of an antenna is defined as the ratio of the induced voltage to the incident
electric field.
a) Effective height
b) Gain
c) Directivity
d) Loss
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Answer: a
Explanation: At the receiving end, effective height of an antenna is defined as the ratio of the
induced voltage to the incident electric field. Otherwise, if the effective length of the receiving
antenna is known and if the induced voltage is measured, then the field strength can be


18. The directivity of an antenna in terms of the aperture efficiency and operating
wavelength is given by:
a) 4πAe/λ2
b) 2πAe/λ2
c) πAe/λ2
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The directivity of an antenna in terms of aperture efficiency is given by 4πAe/λ2.
Here Ae is the aperture efficiency. λ is the operating frequency. With an increase in the effective
aperture area of an antenna, directivity of the antenna can be increased making the radiated beam

19. A radio link has 15 W transmitter connected to an antenna of 2.5 m2 effective aperture at 5
GHz. The receiving antenna has an effective aperture of 0.5 m2 and is located at a 15 Km line of
sight distance from transmitting antenna. Assuming lossless, matched antennas, the power
delivered to the receiver is:
a) 20 µW
b) 15 µm
c) 23 µm
d) 25 µm
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Answer: c
Explanation: The power delivered to the receiving antenna is Pt (A1 A2/ r2λ2). Substituting the
given values in the above equation, the power at the receiver is 23 µm.

20. The members of the antenna family which are made of wires of certain value in
terms of operating wavelength are called:
a) Loop antennas
b) Wire antennas
c) Dipole antenna
d) Slot antennas
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Answer: c
Explanation: Wires of half wavelength are termed as dipoles. Their radiation resistance is about
73 Ω. If only half of this length is used, then it is called quarter-wave monopole with a radiation
resistance of 36.5 Ω.

1. The antenna in which location of the feed determines the direction of the lobe are:
a) Wire antenna
b) Loop antenna
c) Helical antenna
d) Horn antenna
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a wire antenna, the location of the feed determines the direction of the lobe and
the orientation of the wire determines the polarization. These wires can be thick or thin.
Thickness of the wire determines the radiation resistance of the antenna

2. Based on the size of the loops, loop antennas are classified as small and large loops. This is
the only classification of loop antenna.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Loop antennas are classified based on various antenna parameters. To name a few,
small and large loops, circular and square loops, loops having single or multi turns, loops with
turns wound using a single wire or multiple wires.

3. Antenna that does not belong to the horn antenna family among the following are:
a) Pyramidal horn
b) Conical horn
c) bi-conical horn
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: d
Explanation: All of the above mentioned antennas belong to the horn antenna family. Horn
antennas may be made of pointed or rounded waveguides. The waveguides may contain disc at
an end or some dielectric.

4. Patch antennas are the antennas of small size and are made of:
a) Strip line
b) Microstrip lines
c) Coaxial cables
d) Rectangular waveguide
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Answer: b
Explanation: Patch antennas are microstrip antennas that can be of any shape. Patch antennas can
be aperture-coupled fed or proximity fed. For obtaining circular polarization, a patch may also
be doubly fed.

5. Reflector antennas are widely used to modify radiation patterns of radiating elements.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Reflector antennas are used to modify radiation patterns of radiating elements.
Reflector antennas are classified into two categories. They are passive reflectors and active
reflectors. Based on the type of the radiating element and the modification in the radiation
pattern required, accordingly either active or passive reflectors are chosen.

6. The pattern of the reflector in a reflector antenna is called:

a) Primary pattern
b) Secondary pattern
c) Reflector pattern
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: In a reflector antenna, the feed pattern is called primary pattern and the pattern of
the reflector is called secondary pattern. These antennas are widely employed in RADARs and
other types of point to point communication links.

7. antennas have gain less than reflector antennas but have more lenient
tolerance on surfaces.
a) Helical antennas
b) Lens antennas
c) Array antennas
d) Slot antennas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lens antennas are complex in nature but are able to scale wider angles. In
comparison to reflectors, their gain is 1 or 2 dB less, but these have more lenient tolerance on
surfaces. These have less rearward reflection, relatively low loss and can be easily shaped to the
desired contours.

8. Lens antennas are classified into two types. One being fast antenna, the other one is:
a) Slow antenna
b) Delay antenna
c) Dynamic antenna
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: In delay lenses, the electrical path length is increased or the wave is retarded by the
lens medium. Dielectric lenses and H-plane metal lenses fall in this category.

9.The antennas which offer high operational bandwidth and the antenna parameters are
maintained over a wide range of antennas are called:
a) Wide band antennas
b) Array antennas
c) Parabolic antennas
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: In this class of antennas, constancy of impedance and radiation characteristics is
maintained over a wide range of frequencies. To be wide band or frequency independent,
antennas should expand or contract in proportion to the wavelength.

10.High directivity required in RADAR communication is satisfied using this type of antennas:
a) Wide band antennas
b) Antenna arrays
c) Slot antennas
d) Patch antennas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Higher directivity is the requirement in point to point communication. This can be
achieved by increasing the size of the antennas in terms of electrical length. When much high
directivity is required, antenna arrays are used.

11.The terminal impedance of a dipole antenna is 710 Ω. The terminal impedance of the slot
antenna given the intrinsic impedance of air is 377 Ω is:
a) 100 Ω
b) 50 Ω
c) 25 Ω
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: The terminal impedance ZS of the slot is given by the relation Z02/ 4Zd) Zₒ is the
intrinsic impedance of the medium and ZD is the terminal impedance of the dipole. Substituting
the given values in the above equation, the terminal impedance of sot is 50 Ω.

12.If the length of aperture in a pyramidal horn antenna is 10cm and δ for the design is 0.25.
Then, the flaring angle of the pyramidal horn is:
a) 30⁰
b) 25.4⁰
c) 45⁰
d) 60⁰
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Answer: b
Explanation: The flaring angle of pyramidal horn is given by 2cos-1(L/L+δ). Substituting the
values of L and δ, flaring angle is 25.4⁰.
13.If the directivity of a square corner receiving antenna is 20 and operating at a wavelength of
0.25m, the effective aperture of a square corner antenna is:
a) 0.4 m2
b) 0.2 m2
c) 0.1 m2
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Given the directivity of the antenna, effective aperture of the antenna is given by
Dλ2/4π. substituting the given values of the variables; the effective aperture of the antenna is 0.4

14.An antenna source that radiates energy uniformly in all the directions is called:
a) Isotropic source
b) Anisotropic source
c) Point source
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Isotropic source radiates energy in all the direction uniformly. For such a source,
the radial component Sr of the pointing vector is independent of θ and φ. The three dimensional
power pattern of n isotropic source is a sphere.
15.Antennas that radiate energy only in a specified are called anisotropic antennas.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: All physically realizable, simplest antennas also have directional properties. That is,
they radiate energy in one direction than in any other direction. Such sources are called
anisotropic point sources.

16.The expression for pointing vector of an isotropic point source at a distance „r‟ from
the source is given by:
a) P/ 4πR2
b) P/4π
c) P/ 4πR
d) P×4πR2
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Answer: a
Explanation: The pointing field vector for an isotropic source is given by the expression P/
4πR2.P is the total power radiated y the source. As the distance of the point from the
source increases, the magnitude of pointing vector decreases.

17.A source has a cosine radiation-intensity pattern given by U=UM cos (θ). The directivity
of this source is:
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
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Answer: b
Explanation: To find the directivity of the given source, the power radiated by the given source is
found out by the method of integration. Taking the ratio of the power radiated by the given
source to the power radiated by an isotropic source gives the directivity. Following the above
steps, the directivity of the given source is 4.

18.A source has a cosine power pattern that is bidirectional. Given that the directivity of a
unidirectional source with cosine power pattern has a directivity of 4, then the directivity of
the unidirectional source is:
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 8
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given the directivity of unidirectional power pattern, the directivity of bidirectional
power pattern is half of it. Hence the directivity of the source is 2.

19.A source has a radiation intensity pattern given by U=UM sin θ. The directivity of
the source with this power pattern is:
a) 1
b) 1.27
c) 2.4
d) 3.4
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Answer: b
Explanation: To find the directivity of the given source, the power radiated by the given source
is found out by the method of integration. Taking the ratio of the power radiated by the given
source to the power radiated by an isotropic source gives the directivity. Following the above
steps, the directivity of the given source is 1.27.

20.A source has a sine squared radiation intensity power pattern. The directivity of the
given source is:
a) 1.5
b) 3
c) 2.5
d) 3.5
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Answer: a
Explanation: To find the directivity of the given source, the power radiated by the given source
is found out by the method of integration. Taking the ratio of the power radiated by the given
source to the power radiated by an isotropic source gives the directivity. Following the above
steps, the directivity of the given source is 1.5.

1. A source with a unidirectional cosine squared radiation intensity pattern is given by UMcos2
(θ). The directivity of the given source is:
a) 6
b) 8
c) 2
d) 7
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Answer: a
Explanation: To find the directivity of the given source, the power radiated by the given source
is found out by the method of integration. Taking the ratio of the power radiated by the given
source to the power radiated by anisotropic source gives the directivity. Following the above
steps, the directivity of the given source is 6.

2.Considering distance as a parameter, two types of field zones can be defined around an
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Considering distance as a parameter, two types of field zones can be defined around
an antenna) .The field near the antenna is called near field or Fresnel region and the other region
is the far field that is also called as Fraunhofer region.

10. If the field strength at receiving antenna is 1 µV/m, and the effective aperture area is 0.4 m2
and the intrinsic impedance of the medium is 377 Ω, then the power received by the antenna
a) 1.06 pW
b) 1.06 fW
c) 2 µW
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: The received power by the antenna is given by E2Ae/Zₒ. Substituting the known
values in the above equation, the power received is 1.06×10-15 watts.

Avionics Questions and Answers – Types

of Antenna – 1
This set of Avionics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of
Antenna – 1”.

1. A dipole antenna is also called as?

a) Marconi antenna
b) Yagi antenna
c) Bidirectional antenna
d) Hertz antenna
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Answer: d
Explanation: One of the most widely used antenna types is the half-wave dipole antenna. This
antenna is also formally known as the Hertz antenna after Heinrich Hertz, who first demonstrated
the existence of electromagnetic waves.

2. The impedance at the center of the antenna is known as?

a) Characteristic impedance
b) Radiation resistance
c) Transmission impedance
d) Recovery resistance
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Answer: b
Explanation: The transmission line is connected at the center. The dipole has an impedance of 73
V at its center, which is the radiation resistance. At the resonant frequency, the antenna appears
to be a pure resistance of 73 V.

3. What happens when the radiation resistance of the antenna matches the
characteristic impedance of the transmission line?
a) No transmission occurs
b) No reception occurs
c) SWR is maximum
d) SWR is
minimum View

Answer: d
Explanation: When the radiation resistance of the antenna matches the characteristic impedance
of the transmission line, the SWR is minimum and maximum power reaches the antenna. This
allows maximum power to be transmitted.
4. The type of dipole antenna that has a higher band width is called as?
a) Conical antenna
b) Yagi antenna
c) Helical antenna
d) Marconi antenna
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Answer: a
Explanation: A common way to increase bandwidth in the antenna is to use a version of the
dipole antenna known as the conical antenna. The overall length of the antenna is 0.73λ or
0.73(984)/f = 718.32/f. This is longer than the traditional one-half wavelength of a dipole
antenna, but the physical shape changes the necessary dimensions for resonance.

5. The radiation pattern of a half-wave dipole has the shape of a

a) Doughnut
b) Sphere
c) Hemisphere
d) Circular
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Answer: a
Explanation: The radiation pattern of any antenna is the shape of the electromagnetic energy
radiated from or received by that antenna. Typically that radiation is concentrated in a pattern
that has a recognizable geometric shape. The radiation pattern of a half-wave dipole has the
shape of a doughnut.

6. What is the beam width for a half wave dipole

antenna? a) 90°
b) 180°
c) 50°
d) 250°
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Answer: a
Explanation: The beam width is measured between the points on the radiation curve that are 3 dB
down from the maximum amplitude of the curve. The maximum amplitude of the pattern occurs
at 0° and 180°. The 3-dB down points are 70.7 percent of the maximum. The angle formed with
two lines extending from the center of the curve to these 3-dB points is the beam width. The
beam width is 90°. The smaller the beam width angle, the more directional the antenna.

7. What does the beam width of an antenna tell us?

a) Signal strength
b) Signal power
c) Directivity
d) Degradation
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Answer: c
Explanation: The measure of an antenna‟ s directivity is beam width, the angle of the radiation
pattern over which a transmitter‟ s energy is directed or received. Beam width is measured on an
antenna‟ s radiation pattern.

8. What is the power radiated by the antenna with gain called as?
a) Critical power
b) Transverse power
c) Effective radiated power
d) Transmitted power
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Answer: c
Explanation: The power radiated by an antenna with directivity and therefore gain is called the
effective radiated power (ERP). The ERP is calculated by multiplying the transmitter power fed
to the antenna Pt by the power gain Ap of the antenna.

9. What is the radiation pattern of an isotropic radiator?

a) Doughnut
b) Sphere
c) Hemisphere
d) Circular
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Answer: b
Explanation: An isotropic radiator is a theoretical point source of electromagnetic energy. The E
and H fields radiate out in all directions from the point source, and at any given distance from the
point source, the fields form a sphere.

10. What is the impedance of the folded dipole antenna?

a) 50Ω
b) 100Ω
c) 300Ω
d) 20Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: A popular variation of the half-wave dipole is the folded dipole. Like the standard
dipole, it is one-half wavelength long. However, it consists of two parallel conductors connected
at the ends with one side open at the center for connection to the transmission line. The
impedance of this popular antenna is 300 V, making it an excellent match for the widely
available 300-V twin lead.

11. Which of the following antennas produce a vertical radiation pattern?

a) Dipole antenna
b) Yagi antenna
c) Marconi antenna
d) Hertz antenna
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Answer: c
Explanation: The same effect as dipole antenna can be achieved with a one-quarter wavelength
antenna or Marconi antenna. A vertical dipole with the doughnut-shaped radiation pattern, in
which one-half of the pattern is below the surface of the earth. This is called a vertical radiation

Avionics Questions and Answers – Types

of Antenna – 2
This set of Avionics MCQs focuses on “Types of Antenna – 2”.

1. What is the use of loading coil?

a) Correcting resonance to a desired frequency
b) Increasing the antenna gain
c) Sideband suppression
d) Increasing the range of the
antenna View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: When a vertical antenna is made less than one-quarter wavelength, the practical
effect is a decreased inductance. The antenna no longer resonates at the desired operating
frequency, but at a higher frequency. To compensate for this, a series inductor, called a loading
coil, is connected in series with the antenna coil. The loading coil brings the antenna back into
resonance at the desired frequency.

2. Why is top hat added to antennas?

a) To increase capacitance
b) Increasing the antenna gain
c) Sideband suppression
d) Increasing the range of the
antenna View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: A top hat is a structure that increases the capacitance to surrounding items, bringing
the antenna back into resonance. Obviously, such an arrangement is too top-heavy and
inconvenient for portable and mobile antennas. However, it is sometimes used in larger fixed
antennas at lower frequencies.

3. In a parasitic array antenna, the conductors that are not connected to the transmission line
is called as?
a) Driven element
b) Parasitic elements
c) Extra elements
d) Array elements
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Answer: b
Explanation: A parasitic array consists of a basic antenna connected to a transmission line plus
one or more additional conductors that are not connected to the transmission line. These extra
conductors are referred to as parasitic elements, and the antenna itself is referred to as the driven

4. In a parasitic array the elements are shorted if they are connected to a conducting beam.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The boom does not have to be an insulator. Because there is a voltage null at the
center of a one-half wavelength conductor at the resonant frequency, there is no potential
difference between the elements and so they can all be connected to a conducting boom with no
undesirable effect. In other words, the elements are not “shorted together.”

5. Parasitic element that is typically about 5 percent longer than the half-wave dipole-driven
element is called _
a) Array element
b) Director element
c) Reflector element
d) Driven element
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Answer: c
Explanation: The reflector, a parasitic element that is typically about 5 percent longer than the
half-wave dipole-driven element, is spaced from the driven element by a distance of 0.15λ to
0.25λ. When the signal radiated from the dipole reaches the reflector, it induces a voltage into the
reflector and the reflector produces some radiation of its own creating a highly focused beam in
the direction of the driven element.

6. Why is the boom of the yagi antenna connected to a metal mast and electrical ground?
a) Better signal directivity
b) Increased bandwidth
c) Lightning protection
d) To avoid short
circuiting View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: The centers of the parasitic elements are neutral electrically; these elements can be
connected directly to the boom. For the best lightning protection, the boom can then be
connected to a metal mast and electrical ground.

7. Which of the following is not one of the types of driven array antenna?
a) Rectilinear antenna
b) Broadside antenna
c) End fire antenna
d) log periodic
antenna View Answer
Explanation: Each element in a driven array antenna receives RF energy from the transmission
line, and different arrangements of the elements produce different degrees of directivity and gain.
The three basic types of driven arrays are the collinear, the broadside, and the end-i re. A fourth
type is the wide-bandwidth log-periodic antenna.

8. What is the length of the shortest element in the yagi antenna?

a) One quarter the wavelength of the highest frequency
b) One quarter the wavelength of the lowest frequency
c) One half the wavelength of the highest frequency
d) One half the wavelength of the lowest
frequency View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: The lengths of the driven elements vary from long to short and are related
logarithmically. The longest element has a length of one-half wavelength at the lowest frequency
to be covered, and the shortest element is one-half wavelength at the higher frequency. The
spacing is also variable.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Antenna Gain and Efficiency
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses
on “Antenna Gain and Efficiency”.

1. A is a device that converts a guided electromagnetic wave on a transmission line

into a plane wave propagating in free space.
a) Transmitting antenna
b) Receiving antenna
c) Radar
d) Mixer
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Answer: a
Explanation: A transmitting antenna is a device that converts a guided electromagnetic wave on
a transmission line into a plane wave propagating in free space. It appears as an electrical circuit
on one side, provides an interface with a propagating plane wave.

2. Antennas are bidirectional devices.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Antennas can be used both as transmitters and receivers. As transmitters they
radiate energy to free space and as receivers they receive signal from free space. Hence, they are
called bidirectional devices as they are used at both transmitting end and receiving end.

3. Dipole antennas are an example for:

a) Wire antennas
b) Aperture antennas
c) Array antennas
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Dipoles, monopoles, oops, Yagi-Uda arrays are all examples for wire antennas.
These antennas have low gains, and are mostly used at lower frequencies.

4. antennas consist of a regular arrangement of antenna elements with a feed network

a) Aperture antennas
b) Array antennas
c) Printed antennas
d) Wire antennas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Array antennas consist of a regular arrangement of antenna elements with a
feed network. Pattern characteristics such as beam pointing angle and side lobe levels can be
controlled by adjusting the amplitude and phase excitation of array elements.

5. A parabolic reflector used for reception with the direct broadcast system is 18 inches
in diameter and operates at 12.4 GHz. The far-field distance for this antenna is:
a) 18 m
b) 13 m
c) 16.4 m
d) 17.3 m
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Answer: d
Explanation: Far field distance for a reflector antenna is given by 2D2/λ. D is the diameter and λ
is the operating signal wavelength. Substituting in the above expression, far field distance is 17.3

6. of an antenna is a plot of the magnitude of the far field strength versus position
around the antenna.
a) Radiation pattern
b) Directivity
c) Beam width
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Radiation pattern of an antenna is a plot of the magnitude of the far field strength
versus position around the antenna. This plot gives the detail regarding the region where most of
the energy of antenna is radiated, side lobes and beam width of an antenna.
7. Antennas having a constant pattern in the azimuthal plane are called
a) High gain antenna
b) Omni directional antenna
c) Unidirectional antenna
d) Low gain
antenna View

Answer: b
Explanation: Omni directional antennas radiate EM waves in all direction. If the radiation
pattern for this type of antenna is plotted, the pattern is a constant signifying that the radiated
power is constant measured at any point around the antenna.

8. Beamwidth and directivity are both measures of the focusing ability of an antenna.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Beamwidth and directivity are both measures of the focusing ability of an
antenna. An antenna with a narrow main beam will have high directivity, while a pattern with
low beam will have low directivity.

9. If the beam width of an antenna in two orthogonal planes are 300 and 600. Then the directivity
of the antenna is:
a) 24
b) 18
c) 36
d) 12
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given the beam width of the antenna in 2 planes, the directivity is given by
32400/θ*∅, where θ,∅ are the beam widths in the two orthogonal planes. Substituting in the
equation, directivity of the antenna is 18.

10. If the power input to an antenna is 100 mW and if the radiated power is measured to be
90 mW, then the efficiency of the antenna is:
a) 75 %
b) 80 %
c) 90 %
d) Insufficient data
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Answer: c
Explanation: Antenna efficiency is defined as the ratio of radiated power to the input power to
the antenna. Substituting the given data in the efficiency equation, the efficiency of the antenna
is 90%.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Antenna Gain and Efficiency
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses
on “Antenna Gain and Efficiency”.

1. A is a device that converts a guided electromagnetic wave on a transmission

line into a plane wave propagating in free space.
a) Transmitting antenna
b) Receiving antenna
c) Radar
d) Mixer
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Answer: a
Explanation: A transmitting antenna is a device that converts a guided electromagnetic wave on
a transmission line into a plane wave propagating in free space. It appears as an electrical circuit
on one side, provides an interface with a propagating plane wave.

2. Antennas are bidirectional devices.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Antennas can be used both as transmitters and receivers. As transmitters they
radiate energy to free space and as receivers they receive signal from free space. Hence, they
are called bidirectional devices as they are used at both transmitting end and receiving end.

3. Dipole antennas are an example for:

a) Wire antennas
b) Aperture antennas
c) Array antennas
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Dipoles, monopoles, oops, Yagi-Uda arrays are all examples for wire antennas.
These antennas have low gains, and are mostly used at lower frequencies.

4. antennas consist of a regular arrangement of antenna elements with a feed network

a) Aperture antennas
b) Array antennas
c) Printed antennas
d) Wire antennas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Array antennas consist of a regular arrangement of antenna elements with a
feed network. Pattern characteristics such as beam pointing angle and side lobe levels can be
controlled by adjusting the amplitude and phase excitation of array elements.

5. A parabolic reflector used for reception with the direct broadcast system is 18 inches
in diameter and operates at 12.4 GHz. The far-field distance for this antenna is:
a) 18 m
b) 13 m
c) 16.4 m
d) 17.3 m
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Answer: d
Explanation: Far field distance for a reflector antenna is given by 2D2/λ. D is the diameter and λ
is the operating signal wavelength. Substituting in the above expression, far field distance is 17.3

6. of an antenna is a plot of the magnitude of the far field strength versus position
around the antenna.
a) Radiation pattern
b) Directivity
c) Beam width
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Radiation pattern of an antenna is a plot of the magnitude of the far field strength
versus position around the antenna. This plot gives the detail regarding the region where most of
the energy of antenna is radiated, side lobes and beam width of an antenna.

7. Antennas having a constant pattern in the azimuthal plane are called

a) High gain antenna
b) Omni directional antenna
c) Unidirectional antenna
d) Low gain
antenna View

Answer: b
Explanation: Omni directional antennas radiate EM waves in all direction. If the radiation
pattern for this type of antenna is plotted, the pattern is a constant signifying that the radiated
power is constant measured at any point around the antenna.

8. Beamwidth and directivity are both measures of the focusing ability of an antenna.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Beamwidth and directivity are both measures of the focusing ability of an
antenna. An antenna with a narrow main beam will have high directivity, while a pattern with
low beam will have low directivity.

9. If the beam width of an antenna in two orthogonal planes are 300 and 600. Then the directivity
of the antenna is:
a) 24
b) 18
c) 36
d) 12
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given the beam width of the antenna in 2 planes, the directivity is given by
32400/θ*∅, where θ,∅ are the beam widths in the two orthogonal planes. Substituting in the
equation, directivity of the antenna is 18.
10. If the power input to an antenna is 100 mW and if the radiated power is measured to be
90 mW, then the efficiency of the antenna is:
a) 75 %
b) 80 %
c) 90 %
d) Insufficient data
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Answer: c
Explanation: Antenna efficiency is defined as the ratio of radiated power to the input power to
the antenna. Substituting the given data in the efficiency equation, the efficiency of the antenna
is 90%.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Wireless Communication
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Wireless Communication”.

1. Most of the wireless systems today operate at a frequency of about:

a) 800 MHz
b) 100 MHz
c) 80 MHz
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: With all advancement in wireless communication today, the need of the hour is
higher data rates of transmission and reception. These higher data rates can be achieved only at
microwave frequency range and in giga hertz frequency range.
2. Point to point communication systems use low gain antennas for communication.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: In point to point communication a single transmitter communicates with a single
receiver. Such systems use high gain antennas to maximize received power and minimize
interference with other radios.

3. In this method of wireless communication, communication happens only in one direction:

a) Simplex
b) Duplex
c) Half duplex
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: In simplex systems, communication happens only in one direction that is from the
transmitter to the receiver. Examples for this type of communication include radio, television and
paging systems.

4. The power density radiated by an isotropic antenna is given by the relation:

a) Pt/4πR2
b) Pt/4R2
c) Pt/R2
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: An isotropic antenna radiates energy equally in all the directions. Hence, the power
density radiated at a distance R is given by the relation Pt/4πR2.
5. The power received by a receiving antenna given that Pt is the transmitted power is:
a) GrGtλ2pt/ (4πR)2
b) Gtλ2pt/ (4πR)2
c) Grλ2pt/ (4πR)2
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The power received by a receiving antenna given that Pt is the transmitted power is
GrGtλ2pt/ (4πR)2. Here Gr is the gain of the receiving antenna; Gt is the gain of the transmitting
antenna. R is the distance between the transmitting and receiving antenna.

6. If the distance between a transmitting station and receiving station is 1 Km and if the
antennas are operating at a wavelength of 5 cm, then the path loss is:
a) 108 dB
b) 12 dB
c) 45 dB
d) 48 dB
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Answer: a
Explanation: Path loss is given by the expression 20 log (4πR/λ) in db. Substituting the given
values in the above expression, the path loss is 108 dB.

7. The amount of power by which the received power must be greater than the threshold
level required to maintain a minimum quality of service is called
a) Line loss
b) Link budget
c) Link margin
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Link margin is the amount of power by which the received power must be greater
than the threshold level required to maintain a minimum quality of service. Link margin signifies
the minimum amount of power required to sustain communication maintaining a minimum
quality of service.

8. Link margin that is used to account for fading effects is called fade margin.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Link margin that is used to account for fading effects is called fade margin.
Satellite links operating at frequencies of above 10 GHz require a fading margin of about 20dB
or more to account for attenuation during heavy rain.

9. One of the most important requirements of a radio receiver is high gain.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Radio receivers must have very high gain of about 100 dB in order to detect
the very low power level of the received signal to a level near its original baseband value.

10. A radio receiver operating at microwave frequencies must have very high selectivity.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Today, most of the applications use wireless communication at microwave
frequency. Hence space is a sea of EM waves. In order to receive only the desired signal in
the desired range of frequencies, the radio receiver must have high sensitivity.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Noise Characteristics of Receivers
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Noise Characteristics of Receivers”.

1. The noise power will determine the maximum detectable signal level for a receiver.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The noise power will determine the minimum detectable signal level of the receiver
for a given transmitter power, maximum range of a communication link. There is a limit on the
maximum noise that can be associated with a signal in spite of which the signal can be recovered
from the noise.

2. Equivalent noise temperature of a transmission line connecting the antenna to the receiver is:
a) TP (LP-1)
b) TP (LP + 1)
c) TP/ (LP-1)
d) TP / (LP +
1) View

Answer: a
Explanation: The transmission line connecting the antenna to the receiver has a loss of LT and is
at a physical temperature TP. its noise equivalent temperature is given by TP (LP-1).
3. In a receiver, if the noise figure of the mixer stage in the receiver is 7 dB, then the
equivalent noise temperature is given that the receiver is operating at 290 K:
a) 1163 K
b) 1789 K
c) 1000 K
d) 1234 K
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Answer: a
Explanation: Equivalent noise temperature for a given noise figure is given by To (FM-1). FM is
the noise figure in dB. Substituting the given values for noise figure and temperature, noise
equivalent temperature is 1163 K.

4. If a transmission line connecting the antennas to the receiver has a loss of 1.5 dB, given the
physical temperature is 270C, noise equivalent temperature is:
a) 123 K
b) 145 K
c) 345 K
d) 234 K
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Answer: a
Explanation: The noise equivalent temperature of the transmission line is given by TP(LP-1).
Converting the value from dB scale and substituting, noise equivalent temperature is 123 K.

5. Given that the antenna efficiency is 0.9, equivalent brightness temperature is 200 K;
physical temperature is 300 K, noise temperature of an antenna is:
a) 220 K
b) 210 K
c) 240 K
d) None of the
mentioned View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: Noise temperature of an antenna is given by rad Tb + (1- rad) TP. Tb is the
equivalent brightness temperature and TP is the physical temperature. Substituting the given
values, noise temperature of the antenna is 210 K.

6. If a receiver is operating at a bandwidth of 1 MHz and has antenna noise temperature of 210
K, then the input noise power is:
a) -90 dBm
b) -115 dBm
c) -56 dBm
d) -120 dBm
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Answer: b
Explanation: Input noise power is given the expression kBTa) Here k is the Boltzmann‟ s
constant, B is the operational bandwidth of the antenna and TA is the antenna noise temperature.
Substituting in the above expression, input noise power is -115 dBm.

7. Antenna noise temperature of a system is 210 K, noise temperature of transmission line is 123
K, loss of a transmission line connecting the antenna to receiver is 1.41 and noise temperature of
the receiver cascade is 304 K. then the total system noise temperature is:
a) 840 K
b) 762 K
c) 678 K
d) 1236 K
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Answer: b
Explanation: The total system noise temperature is given by the expression TA+TTL+LTTREc)
TA is the antenna noise temperature, TTL is the transmission line noise temperature, TREC is
the noise temperature of receiver cascade. Substituting the given values, total system noise
temperature is 762 K.
8. If the received power at antenna terminals is -80dBm, and if the input noise power is -115
dBm, then the input SNR is:
a) 45 dB
b) -195 dB
c) -35 dB
d) 35 dB
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Answer: d
Explanation: Input SNR of a system is (Si-Ni) in dB. Substituting the given signal power
and noise power in dB, input SNR of the system is 35 dB.

9. A receiver system is operating at a bandwidth of 1 MHz and has a total system

noise temperature of 762 K. then the output noise power is:
a) -110 dBm
b) -234 dBm
c) -145 dBm
d) -124 dBm
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Answer: a
Explanation: Output noise power of a receiver system is kBTsys. B is the operating bandwidth
and Tsys is the total system noise temperature. Substituting the given values in the given
equation, output noise power is -110 dBm.

10. If the received power at the antenna terminals is Si=-80 dBm and the output noise power is
- 110 dBm then the output signal to noise ratio is given by:
a) 30 dB
b) -30 dB
c) 35 dB
d) -35 dB
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Answer: a
Explanation: Output signal to noise ratio in dB is given by (So-No). Substituting the given values
in the above equation, the output SNR is 30 dB.

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