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A Match the words to their definitions.
1 being similar in appearance: a individual
2 the state of being male or female: b gender
3 a person who is not part of a group: c look
4 used to describe the appearance of something: d look-alike
5 someone who looks very similar to someone else: e likeness

B Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words female, male, individual, and characteristic.
Then circle the form being used, A (adjective) or N (noun).
1 The teacher did her best to treat all her students as . A/N
2 Some women feel more comfortable seeing a doctor. A/N
3 The manager dealt with each problem on an basis. A/N
4 Does he have any distinguishing ? A/N
5 At 86, Uncle Reuben was Joey’s oldest relative. A/N
6 There are five giraffes at the zoo. Two males and three . A/N
7 One of the New York City subway system is that it’s often crowded. A/N

C Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 He had a square build / characteristic with wide shoulders and a thick neck.
2 Helen and her sister Patricia share a family match / likeness.
3 Joshua bears a striking similarity / look-alike to his father.
4 In some places, a individual / characteristic of traditional breakfasts is that they include eggs and toast.
5 Amy’s bright red hair was her most noticeable look / feature.
6 Regardless of gender / build, most young children enjoy playing with toys like blocks, dolls, and toy cars.
7 The brown shoes match / look-alike the blue pants.

D Complete the conversation with words and phrases from exercise C. In some cases, there may be
more than one correct answer.
A Tell me, have you ever met someone who is your 1 ?
B No, I haven’t ever met anyone who looks exactly like me. But there is a 2
between me and my brother. How about you?
A Hmm, not really. I share some 3 with my parents. We act alike, but we don’t
really look alike.
B What do you think is your most prominent 4 ?
A As if you had to ask! My big nose, obviously!

Evolve Level 5 Teacher’s Edition PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2020 T-239

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