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KPMG Numerical Aptitude

Test 1
Solution Booklet


This Numerical reasoning test comprises 20 questions, and you will have 20
minutes in which to correctly answer as many as you can.

The test comprises of several sections which include:

1. Fractions And Decimals, Averages
2. Percents, Ratios And Proportions
3. Word Problems, Triangles, Circles
4. Probability, Geometry and Data Interpretation e.t.c

You will have to work quickly and accurately to perform well in this test. If you
don't know the answer to a question, leave it and come back to it if you have time.

You may click Back and Next during the test to review or skip questions.

You can submit your test at any time. If the time limit is up before you click
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selected. It is recommended to keep working until the time limit is up.

Try to find a time and place where you will not be interrupted during the test.
When you are ready, begin the test.

1. As a fund-raiser, the Key Club was selling two types of candy: lollipop at 40
cents each and chocolate bars at 75 cents each. On Monday, the member sold 150
candies and raised 74 dollars. How many lollipops did they sell?
(A) 75 (B) 90 (C) 96 (D) 110 (E) 120


Let x = number of chocolate bars sold; then 150 – x = number of lollipops sold.
You must use the same units, so you can write 75 cents as 0.75 dollar or 74 dollars
as 7400 cents. Avoid the decimals: x chocolates sold for 40(150 – x) cents.
Therefore: 7400 = 75x + 40(150 – x) = 75x + 6000 – 40x = 6000 + 35x 1400 =
35x x = 40, and 150 – 40 = 110. (D).

2. On a certain project the only grades awarded were 75 and 100. If 85 students
completed the project and the average of their grades was 85, how many earned
(A) 34 (B) 40 (C) 45 (D) 51 (E) 60


Let x = number of student earning 100; then 85 – x = number of students earning

75. Then: 85 = = = 7225 = 25x – 6375 850
= 25x – 6375 850 = 25x x = 34. (A).

3. Aaron has 3 times as money as Josh. If Aaron gives Josh $50, Josh will then
have 3 times as money as Aaron. How much money do the two of them have
(A) $75 (B) $100 (C) $125 (D) $150 (E) $200


Josh Aaron
At the beginning x 3x
After the gift x + 50 3x – 50

After the gift, Josh will have 3 times as much money as Aaron: x + 5 = 3(3x – 50)
x + 50 = 9x – 150 8x = 200 x = 25. Therefore, Josh has $25 and Aaron has
$75 for a total of $100. (B).

4. Two printing presses working together can complete a job in 2.5 hours.
Working alone, press A can do the job in 10 hours. How many hours will press B
take to do the job by itself?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 7


Let x = number of hours press B would take working alone.

Press A Alone Press B Alone Together

Part of job that can be
Completed in 1 hour
Part of the job can be 1
Completed in 2.5 hours

. Write the equation: + =1

. Multiply each term by 10x: 2.5x + 25 = 10x

.Subtract 2.4x from each other: 25 = 7.5x
. Divide each side by 7.5: x = 3 hours. The answer is A.

5. Henry drove 100 mile to visit a friend. If he had driven 8 mile per hour faster
than he did, he would have arrived in of the time he actually toke. How many
minute did the trip take?
(A) 100 (B) 120 (C) 125 (D) 144 (E) 150


Let t = time, in hours, and r = rate, in miles per hour, that Henry drove. Then: t =
and = . Multiply the second equation by :
= t= , so Cross multiply: 500r + 4000 = 600r 100r =

4000 r = 40.
Henry drove at 40 miles per hour, and the trip took 100 ÷ 40 = 2.5 hours = 150
minutes. (Had he driven at 48 miles per hour, the trip would have taken 125
minutes.). The answer is E.

6. Since 1950, when martin graduated from high school, he has gained 2 pounds
every year. In 1980 he was 40% heavier than in 1950. What percent of his 1995
weight was his 1980 weight?
(A) 80 (B) 85 (C) 87.5 (D) 90 (E) 95

Let x = Martin’s weight in 1950. By 1980, he had gained60 pounds (2 pounds per
year for 30 years) and was 40% heavier:
60 = 0.40x x = 60 ÷ 0.4 = 150.

In 1980, he weighed 210 pounds, 15 years later, in 1995, he weighed 240:

= = 87.5%. The answer is C.

7. Karen played a game several times. She received $5 every time she won and
had to pay $2 every time she lost. If the ratio of the number of times she won to
the number of times she lost was 3:2, and if she won a total of $66, how many
times did she play the game?
(A) 30 (B) 35 (C) 40 (D) 45 (E) 48


Karen won 3x times and lost 2x times, and thus played a total of 5x games. Since
she got $5 every time she won, she received $5(3x) = $15x. Also, since she paid
$2 for each loss, she paid out $2(2x) = $4x. Therefore, her net winning were $15x
– 4x = $11x, which you are told was $66. Then, 11x = 66 x = 6, and so 5x = 30.
The answer is 30.

8. Each of the 10 players on the basketball team shot 100 free throws, and the
average number of baskets made was 75. When the highest and lowest scores
were eliminated the average number of baskets for the remaining 8 players was
79. What is the smallest number of baskets anyone could have made?

(A) 22 (B) 20 (C) 18 (D) 16 (E) 14


Since the average of all 10 players was 75, the total number of baskets made was
10 × 75 = 750. Also, since 8 of the player had an average of 79, they made a total
of 8 × 79 = 632 points. The other 2 players, therefore, made 750- 632 = 118
baskets. The most baskets that the player with the highest number could have

made was 100, so the player with the lowest number had to have made at least 18.
The answer is 18.

9. In an office there was a small cash box. One day Ann took half of the money
plus $1 more. Then Dan took half of the money plus $1 more. Stan then took the
remaining $11. How many dollars were originally in the box?

(A) $50 (B) $45 (C) $42 (D) $40 (E) $38


You can avoid some massy algebra by working backwards. Put back the $11 Stan
took; then put back the extra $1 that Dan took. There is now $12, which means
that, when Dan took his half, he took $12. Put that back. Now there is $24 in the
box. Put back the extra $1 that Ann took. The box now has $25, so before Ann
took her half, there was $50. The answer is ($50).

Assume that there were originally x dollars in the box. Ann took: + 1, leaving - 1. Dan then

took of that plus $1 more; he took: -1 +1= - +1= + . Then Stan took $11.

Since together they took all x dollars: x = +1+ + + 11 = + 12 . Therefore, =

x = 50. The answer is ($50).

10. In the figure below, lines k and l are parallel. What is the value of y – x?

(A) 40 (B) 45 (C) 50 (D) 55 (E) 57


Since lines l and k are parallel, the angle marked y in the given diagram and the
sum of the angles marked x and 45 are equal:
Y = x + 45 y – x = 45.the answer is (45).

11. What is the value of PS in the triangle below?

(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) 13 (E) 12


Use the Pythagorean Theorem twice, unless you recognize the common right
triangle in the figure. Since PR = 20 and QR = 16, PQR is a 3x-4x-5x right
triangle with x = 4. Then PQ = 12, and PQS is a right angle triangle whose legs
are 5 and 12. The hypotenuse, PS, therefore is 13. The answer is (D).

12. What is the area of Triangle BED in the figure below were ABCD is a

(A) 12 (B) 24 (C) 36 (D) 48 (E) 60


You can calculate the area of the rectangle and subtract the area of the two white
right triangles, but don’t. The shaded area is a triangle whose base is 4 and whose
height is 12. The area is (4)(12) = 24. The answer is (B).

13. What is the perimeter of Triangle ABC

(A) 48 (B) 48 + 12 (C) 48 + 12 (D) 72 (E) It cannot be determined
from the information given


Triangle ADB is a right angle triangle whose hypotenuse is 15 and one whose leg
is 9, so this is a 3x-4x-5x triangle with x = 3, and AD = 12. Now ADC is a 30-
60-90 triangle, whose shorter leg is 12. Hypotenuse AC is 24, and leg CD is 12 ,
so the perimeter is 24 + 15 + 9 + 12 = 48 + 12 . The answer is C.

14. If the difference between the measures of the two smaller angles of a
right triangle is 200, what is the measure, in degrees, of the smallest angle?

(A) 30 (B) 35 (C) 40 (D) 45 (E) 50




. Draw a diagram and label it. Write the equations, letting x = larger angle
and Y = smaller angle: x + y = 90
+ x – y = 20
. Add the equations: 2x = 110
Then x = 55, and y = 90 – 55 = 35. The answer is (35).

15. What is the perimeter of Triangle ABC?

(A) 80 (B) 85 (C) 95 (D) 100 (E) 105


By the Pythagorean theorem, 82 + 152 = (CE)2 (CE)2 = 64 + 225 = 289 CE =

17. Then the perimeter of CDE = 8 + 15 + 7 = 40. Triangles ABC and CDE are
similar (each has a 90 angle, and the vertical angle at C are congruent). The ratio

of similitude is = 2.5, so the perimeter of ABC is 2.5 × 40 = 100. The

answer is (100).

16. What is the area of Triangle ABC?

(A) 350 (B) 360 (C) 370 (D) 375 (E) 390


The area of Triangle CDE = (8)(15) = 60. Since the ratio of similitude for the
two triangles (as calculated in solution C15) is 2.5, the area of Triangle ABC is
(2.5)2 times the area of CDE: (2.5)2 × 60 = 6.25 × 60 = 375. The answer is

17. If the measures of the angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 1:2:3, and if
the perimeter of the triangle is 30 + 10 , what is the length of the
smallest side?

(A) 20 (B) 18 (C) 15 (D) 12 (E) 10


If the measures of the angles are in the ratio of 1:2:3, then, x + 2x 3x = 180 6x
= 180 x =30. The triangle is a 30-60-90 right triangle, and the sides are a, 2a,
and a . The perimeter therefore is 3a + a = a(3 + ), so a(3 + ) = 30 +
10 = 10(3 + ) a = 10. The answer is (10).

18. If the length of a rectangle is 4 times its width, and if its area is 144,
what is its perimeter?

(A) 6 (B) 24 (C) 30 (D) 60 (E) 96


Draw a diagram and label it.


x x

Since the area is 144, then: 144 = 4x2 x2 = 36 x = 6. The width is 6, the
length is 24, the perimeter is 60. The answer is (D).

19. In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram. What is the value of y – z?

(A) 50 (B) 55 (C) 60 (D) 65 (E) 70


The sum of the degree measures of two consecutive angles of a parallelogram is

180, so 180 = (3x – 5) + (2x – 15) = 5x – 20 5x = 200 x =40. Since opposite

angles of a parallelogram are equal, y = 3x – 5 = 115 and z = 2x – 15 = 65. Then y

– z = 50. The answer is (50).

20. In the figure below, what is the sum of the degree measures of all of the
marked angles?

(A) 600 (B) 620 (C) 700 (D) 720 (E) 750


Each of the 10 marked angles is an exterior angle of the pentagon. If you take one
angle at each vertex, the sum of the degree measures of those five angles is 360;
the sum of the degree measures of the other five also is 360: 360 + 360 = 720.
The answer is (720).

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